コード例 #1
ファイル: Dispatcher.php プロジェクト: sowerphp/sowerphp
  * Método que despacha la página solicitada
  * @author Esteban De La Fuente Rubio, DeLaF (esteban[at]delaf.cl)
  * @version 2014-03-21
 public static function dispatch()
     $request = new Network_Request();
     $response = new Network_Response();
     // Verificar si el recurso solicitado es un archivo físico dentro del
     // directorio webroot
     if (self::_asset($request->request, $response)) {
         // retorna el método Dispatcher::dispatch, con lo cual termina el
         // procesado de la página
     // Parsear parámetros del request
     $request->params = Routing_Router::parse($request->request);
     // Si se solicita un módulo tratar de cargar y verificar que quede activo
     if (!empty($request->params['module'])) {
         if (!Module::loaded($request->params['module'])) {
             throw new Exception_Module_Missing(array('module' => $request->params['module']));
     // Obtener controlador
     $controller = self::_getController($request, $response);
     // Verificar que lo obtenido sea una instancia de la clase Controller
     if (!$controller instanceof Controller) {
         throw new Exception_Controller_Missing(array('class' => 'Controller_' . Utility_Inflector::camelize($request->params['controller'])));
     // Invocar a la acción del controlador
     return self::_invoke($controller, $request, $response);
コード例 #2
ファイル: notealbumimage.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
 public static function _init()
     if (\Module::loaded('timeline')) {
         // album_image 追加時に note の sort_datetime を更新
         static::$_observers['MyOrm\\Observer_UpdateRelationalTables'] = array('events' => array('after_insert'), 'relations' => array('model_to' => '\\Note\\Model_Note', 'conditions' => array('id' => array('note_id' => 'property')), 'update_properties' => array('sort_datetime' => array('created_at' => 'property'))));
コード例 #3
ファイル: conf.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
function is_enabled($module_name)
    if (!Module::loaded($module_name)) {
        return false;
    if (!conf($module_name . '.isEnabled')) {
        return false;
    return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: notelike.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
 public static function _init()
     if (\Module::loaded('timeline')) {
         static::$_observers['MyOrm\\Observer_InsertMemberFollowTimeline'] = array('events' => array('after_insert'), 'timeline_relations' => array('foreign_table' => array('note' => 'value'), 'foreign_id' => array('note_id' => 'property')), 'property_from_member_id' => 'member_id');
     if (is_enabled('notice')) {
         static::$_observers['MyOrm\\Observer_InsertNotice'] = array('events' => array('after_insert'), 'update_properties' => array('foreign_table' => array('note' => 'value'), 'foreign_id' => array('note_id' => 'property'), 'type_key' => array('like' => 'value'), 'member_id_from' => array('member_id' => 'property'), 'member_id_to' => array('related' => array('note' => 'member_id'))));
         $type = \Notice\Site_Util::get_notice_type('like');
         static::$_observers['MyOrm\\Observer_DeleteNotice'] = array('events' => array('before_delete'), 'conditions' => array('foreign_table' => array('note' => 'value'), 'foreign_id' => array('note_id' => 'property'), 'type' => array($type => 'value')));
コード例 #5
ファイル: config.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
 public static function merge_module_configs($config, $config_name)
     $modules = Module::loaded();
     foreach ($modules as $module => $path) {
         Config::load($module . '::' . $config_name, $module . '_' . $config_name);
         if (!($module_config = Config::get($module . '_' . $config_name))) {
         $config = Arr::merge_assoc($config, $module_config);
     return $config;
コード例 #6
ファイル: album.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
 public function update_public_flag_with_relations($public_flag, $is_update_album_images = false)
     // album_image の public_flag の更新
     if ($is_update_album_images) {
         Model_AlbumImage::update_public_flag4album_id($this->id, $public_flag);
     // timeline の public_flag の更新
     if (\Module::loaded('timeline')) {
         \Timeline\Model_Timeline::update_public_flag4foreign_table_and_foreign_id($public_flag, 'album', $this->id, \Config::get('timeline.types.album'));
     $this->public_flag = $public_flag;
コード例 #7
ファイル: test.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
 public static function force_save_album($member_id, $values, Model_Album $album = null)
     // album save
     if (!$album) {
         $album = Model_Album::forge();
     $album->name = $values['name'];
     $album->body = $values['body'];
     $album->public_flag = $values['public_flag'];
     $album->member_id = $member_id;
     if (\Module::loaded('timeline')) {
         \Timeline\Site_Model::save_timeline($member_id, $values['public_flag'], 'album', $album->id, $album->updated_at);
     return $album;
コード例 #8
ファイル: sales.php プロジェクト: ClixLtd/pccupload
 public function action_index()
     //$testModel = Model_Sales_Disposition::test();
     	    if (\Reports\Query::forge(\Reports\Query::LOAD, 3)->isComplete())
     // Load the required data module
     if (!\Module::loaded('data') && \Module::exists('data')) {
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("Data Module not found!");
     $impData = \Data\Import::forge(\Data\Import::COPY, 1);
     $this->template->title = 'Example Page';
     $this->template->content = "hello";
コード例 #9
ファイル: setupmodule.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
  * Usage (from command line):
  * php oil r setupmodule
  * @return string
 public static function run($target_module = null)
     $is_execued = false;
     try {
         $modules = $target_module ? (array) $target_module : \Module::loaded();
         if (!$modules) {
         foreach ($modules as $module => $module_dir_path) {
             if ($messages = self::setup_assets($module, $module_dir_path)) {
                 foreach ($messages as $message) {
                     echo $message . PHP_EOL;
                 $is_execued = true;
     } catch (\FuelException $e) {
         return \Util_Task::output_message(sprintf('Setup modules error: %s', $e->getMessage()), false);
     return $is_execued ? \Util_Task::output_result_message(true, 'setup modules') : '';
コード例 #10
ファイル: util.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
 public static function get_active_modules()
     $active_modules = array();
     $modules = Module::loaded();
     foreach ($modules as $module => $module_path) {
         if (!conf($module . '.isEnabled')) {
         $active_modules[$module] = $module_path;
     return $active_modules;
コード例 #11
ファイル: setupdb.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
 private static function exexute_install_db($database = null)
     $setup_sql_file = sprintf('%sdata/sql/setup/setup%s.sql', FBD_BASEPATH, self::$charset == 'utf8mb4' ? '_utf8mb4' : '');
     if (!\DBUtil::shell_exec_sql4file($setup_sql_file, $database)) {
         return false;
     if (!($modules = \Module::loaded())) {
         return true;
     foreach ($modules as $module => $path) {
         $setup_sql_file = $path . 'data/sql/setup/setup.sql';
         if (!file_exists($setup_sql_file)) {
         if (!\DBUtil::shell_exec_sql4file($setup_sql_file, $database)) {
             return false;
     return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: detail.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
<div class="article_body">
echo convert_body($note->body, array('is_truncate' => false));

if (Module::loaded('album')) {
    echo render('album::image/_parts/list', array('list' => $images, 'is_simple_view' => true));

if ($note->is_published) {
<div class="comment_info">
    // comment_count_and_link
    echo render('_parts/comment/count_and_link_display', array('id' => $note->id, 'count' => $all_comment_count, 'link_hide_absolute' => true));

    // like_count_and_link
    if (conf('like.isEnabled') && Auth::check()) {
        $data_like_link = array('id' => $note->id, 'post_uri' => \Site_Util::get_api_uri_update_like('note', $note->id), 'get_member_uri' => \Site_Util::get_api_uri_get_liked_members('note', $note->id), 'count_attr' => array('class' => 'unset_like_count'), 'count' => $note->like_count, 'is_liked' => $is_liked_self);
        echo render('_parts/like/count_and_link_execute', $data_like_link);

    // Facebook feed
コード例 #13
ファイル: list.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
        echo render('_parts/member_contents_box', array('member' => $note->member, 'model' => 'note', 'id' => $id, 'size' => 'M', 'public_flag' => $note->public_flag, 'date' => array('datetime' => $note->published_at ? $note->published_at : $note->updated_at)));
        $dropdown_btn_group_attr = array('id' => 'btn_dropdown_' . $id, 'class' => array('dropdown', 'boxBtn'));
        $dropdown_btn_attr = array('class' => 'js-dropdown_content_menu', 'data-uri' => sprintf('note/api/menu/%d.html', $id), 'data-member_id' => $note->member_id, 'data-menu' => '#menu_' . $note->id, 'data-loaded' => 0);
        $menus = array(array('icon_term' => 'site.show_detail', 'href' => 'note/' . $id));
        echo btn_dropdown('noterm.dropdown', $menus, false, 'xs', null, true, $dropdown_btn_group_attr, $dropdown_btn_attr, false);
			</div><!-- list_subtitle -->
		</div><!-- header -->
		<div class="body">
        echo convert_body($note->body, array('truncate_line' => conf('view_params_default.list.truncate_lines.body'), 'read_more_uri' => 'note/' . $id));
        if (Module::loaded('album') && ($images = \Note\Model_NoteAlbumImage::get_album_image4note_id($id, 4, array('id' => 'desc')))) {
            echo render('_parts/thumbnails', array('images' => array('list' => $images, 'additional_table' => 'note', 'size' => 'N_M', 'column_count' => 4), 'is_modal_link' => conf('site.common.thumbnailModalLink.isEnabled', 'page')));

        if ($note->is_published) {
            // note_comment
            list($comments, $comment_next_id, $all_comment_count) = \Note\Model_NoteComment::get_list(array('note_id' => $id), conf('view_params_default.list.comment.limit'), true, false, 0, 0, null, false, true);

<div class="comment_info">
            // comment_count_and_link
            $link_comment_attr = array('id' => 'link_show_comment_form_' . $id, 'class' => 'js-display_parts link_show_comment_' . $id, 'data-target_id' => 'commentPostBox_' . $id, 'data-hide_selector' => '.link_show_comment_' . $id, 'data-focus_selector' => '#textarea_comment_' . $id);
            echo render('_parts/comment/count_and_link_display', array('id' => $id, 'count' => $all_comment_count, 'link_attr' => $link_comment_attr));
コード例 #14
ファイル: albumimage.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
 public static function save_with_relations($album_id, \Model_Member $member = null, $public_flag = null, $file_path = null, $timeline_type_key = 'album_image', $optional_values = array())
     if (!\Util_Array::array_in_array(array_keys($optional_values), array('name', 'shot_at', 'shot_at_time', 'public_flag'))) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter optional_values is invalid.');
     if (is_null($public_flag)) {
         $public_flag = isset($optional_values['public_flag']) ? $optional_values['public_flag'] : conf('public_flag.default');
     $album = null;
     if (empty($member)) {
         $album = Model_Album::find($album_id, array('related' => 'member'));
         $member = $album->member;
     $options = \Site_Upload::get_uploader_options($member->id, 'ai', $album_id);
     $uploadhandler = new \Site_Uploader($options);
     $file = $uploadhandler->save($file_path);
     if (!empty($file->error)) {
         throw new \FuelException($file->error);
     $self = new self();
     $self->album_id = $album_id;
     $self->file_name = $file->name;
     $self->public_flag = $public_flag;
     $self->shot_at = self::get_shot_at_for_insert($file->shot_at, isset($optional_values['shot_at_time']) ? $optional_values['shot_at_time'] : null, isset($optional_values['shot_at']) ? $optional_values['shot_at'] : null);
     // カバー写真の更新
     if ($timeline_type_key == 'album_image_profile') {
         if (!$album) {
             $album = Model_Album::find($album_id);
         $album->cover_album_image_id = $self->id;
     // timeline 投稿
     if (\Module::loaded('timeline')) {
         switch ($timeline_type_key) {
             case 'album_image_profile':
                 $timeline_foreign_id = $self->id;
                 $timeline_child_foreign_ids = array();
             case 'album':
             case 'album_image':
                 $timeline_foreign_id = $self->album->id;
                 $timeline_child_foreign_ids = array($self->id);
         \Timeline\Site_Model::save_timeline($member->id, $public_flag, $timeline_type_key, $timeline_foreign_id, $self->updated_at, null, null, $timeline_child_foreign_ids);
     return array($self, $file);
コード例 #15
            <a href="<?php 
echo Uri::Create('user');
       <li <?php 
echo Uri::Current() == Uri::Create('user/urls') ? 'class="active"' : '';
            <a href="<?php 
echo Uri::Create('user/urls');
">My URLs</a>
if (Module::loaded('image') === true) {
        <li <?php 
    echo Uri::Current() == Uri::Create('user/images') ? 'class="active"' : '';
            <a href="<?php 
    echo Uri::Create('user/images');
">My Images</a>
if (Auth::member(5)) {
コード例 #16
ファイル: album.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
  * Album upload
  * @access  public
  * @params  integer
  * @return  Response
 public function action_upload($id = null)
     $id = (int) $id;
     $album = Model_Album::check_authority($id, $this->u->id, 'member');
     if (Site_Util::check_album_disabled_to_update($album->foreign_table, true)) {
         throw new \HttpForbiddenException();
     $files = array();
     if (\Input::method() == 'POST') {
         $file_tmps = array();
         $moved_files = array();
         try {
             //if (!$val->run()) throw new \FuelException($val->show_errors());
             $file_tmps = \Site_FileTmp::get_file_tmps_uploaded($this->u->id, true);
             \Site_FileTmp::check_uploaded_under_accepted_filesize($file_tmps, $this->u->filesize_total, \Site_Upload::get_accepted_filesize());
             list($moved_files, $album_image_ids) = \Site_FileTmp::save_images($file_tmps, $album->id, 'album_id', 'album_image', $album->public_flag);
             if (\Module::loaded('timeline')) {
                 \Timeline\Site_Model::save_timeline($this->u->id, $album->public_flag, 'album_image', $album->id, null, null, null, $album_image_ids);
             // thumbnail 作成 & tmp_file thumbnail 削除
             $message = sprintf('%sをアップロードしました。', term('album_image'));
             \Session::set_flash('message', $message);
             $redirect_uri = 'album/detail/' . $album->id;
             if (FBD_FACEBOOK_APP_ID && conf('service.facebook.shareDialog.album.isEnabled') && conf('service.facebook.shareDialog.album.autoPopupAfterUploaded')) {
                 $redirect_uri .= '?created=1';
         } catch (\FuelException $e) {
             if (\DB::in_transaction()) {
             if ($moved_files) {
             $files = \Site_FileTmp::get_file_objects($file_tmps, $this->u->id);
             \Session::set_flash('error', $e->getMessage());
     $this->template->post_header = \View::forge('filetmp/_parts/upload_header');
     $this->template->post_footer = \View::forge('_parts/form/upload_footer');
     $this->set_title_and_breadcrumbs(term('album_image', 'form.upload'), array('/album/' . $id => $album->name), $album->member, 'album');
     $this->template->content = \View::forge('_parts/form/upload', array('id' => $id, 'album' => $album, 'files' => $files));
コード例 #17
ファイル: albumimage.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
 private static function force_save_album($member_id, $values, Model_Album $album = null)
     // album save
     if (!$album) {
         $album = Model_Album::forge();
     $album->name = $values['name'];
     $album->body = $values['body'];
     $album->public_flag = $values['public_flag'];
     $album->member_id = $member_id;
     if (\Module::loaded('timeline')) {
         \Timeline\Site_Model::save_timeline($member_id, $values['public_flag'], 'album_image', $album->id, $album->updated_at);
     //list($album, $moved_files, $is_changed) = Model_Album::save_with_relations($values, $member_id, $album);
     //// album_image save
     //$member = \Model_Member::check_authority($member_id);
     //list($album_image, $file) = Model_AlbumImage::save_with_relations($album->id, $member, $values['public_flag'], $upload_file_path, 'album');
     return $album;
コード例 #18
ファイル: note.php プロジェクト: uzura8/flockbird
 public function delete_with_relations()
     // album_image の削除
     if (\Module::loaded('album') && ($album_images = Model_NoteAlbumImage::get_album_image4note_id($this->id))) {
         $album_image_ids = array();
         foreach ($album_images as $album_image) {
             $album_image_ids[] = $album_image->id;
     // timeline 投稿の削除
     if (\Module::loaded('timeline')) {
         \Timeline\Model_Timeline::delete4foreign_table_and_foreign_ids('note', $this->id);
     // note の削除
コード例 #19
ファイル: finder.php プロジェクト: SainsburysTests/sainsburys
  * Locates a given file in the search paths.
  * @param   string  $dir       Directory to look in
  * @param   string  $file      File to find
  * @param   string  $ext       File extension
  * @param   bool    $multiple  Whether to find multiple files
  * @param   bool    $cache     Whether to cache this path or not
  * @return  mixed  Path, or paths, or false
 public function locate($dir, $file, $ext = '.php', $multiple = false, $cache = true)
     $found = $multiple ? array() : false;
     // absolute path requested?
     if ($file[0] === '/' or substr($file, 1, 2) === ':\\') {
         // if the base file does not exist, stick the extension to the back of it
         if (!is_file($file)) {
             $file .= $ext;
         if (!is_file($file)) {
             // at this point, found would be either empty array or false
             return $found;
         return $multiple ? array($file) : $file;
     // determine the cache prefix
     if ($multiple) {
         // make sure cache is not used if the loaded package and module list is changed
         $cachekey = '';
         class_exists('Module', false) and $cachekey .= implode('|', \Module::loaded());
         $cachekey .= '|';
         class_exists('Package', false) and $cachekey .= implode('|', \Package::loaded());
         $cache_id = md5($cachekey) . '.';
     } else {
         $cache_id = 'S.';
     $paths = array();
     // If a filename contains a :: then it is trying to be found in a namespace.
     // This is sometimes used to load a view from a non-loaded module.
     if ($pos = strripos($file, '::')) {
         // get the namespace path
         if ($path = \Autoloader::namespace_path('\\' . ucfirst(substr($file, 0, $pos)))) {
             $cache_id .= substr($file, 0, $pos);
             // and strip the classes directory as we need the module root
             $paths = array(substr($path, 0, -8));
             // strip the namespace from the filename
             $file = substr($file, $pos + 2);
     } else {
         $paths = $this->paths;
         // get extra information of the active request
         if (class_exists('Request', false) and $request = \Request::active()) {
             $request->module and $cache_id .= $request->module;
             $paths = array_merge($request->get_paths(), $paths);
     // Merge in the flash paths then reset the flash paths
     $paths = array_merge($this->flash_paths, $paths);
     $file = $this->prep_path($dir) . $file . $ext;
     $cache_id .= $file;
     if ($cache and $cached_path = $this->from_cache($cache_id)) {
         return $cached_path;
     foreach ($paths as $dir) {
         $file_path = $dir . $file;
         if (is_file($file_path)) {
             if (!$multiple) {
                 $found = $file_path;
             $found[] = $file_path;
     if (!empty($found) and $cache) {
         $this->add_to_cache($cache_id, $found);
     return $found;