コード例 #1
function remove_hipo_jobs()
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM sq_hipo_job';
    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
    $result = MatrixDAL::execPdoQuery($query);
    if ($result) {
        echo "Removed unfinished HIPO jobs.\n";
コード例 #2
* Returns TRUE if all the comma seperate URLs are valid site URLs
* @param string $value
* @return boolean
function _valid_site_url(&$value)
    $urls = explode(',', $value);
    if (empty($urls)) {
        return FALSE;
    $root_urls = explode("\n", SQ_CONF_SYSTEM_ROOT_URLS);
    $sql = 'SELECT url, http, https FROM sq_ast_url WHERE ';
    $bind_vars = array();
    $protocol = array();
    $valid_urls = array();
    foreach ($urls as $index => $full_url) {
        $url_parts = explode('://', $full_url);
        if (count($url_parts) != 2) {
        if (in_array($url_parts[1], $root_urls) && ($url_parts[0] == 'http' || $url_parts[0] == 'https')) {
            $valid_urls[] = $full_url;
        } else {
            $protocol_field = $url_parts[0] == 'http' ? 'http' : 'https';
            $sql .= ' (url = :url' . $index . ' AND ' . $protocol_field . ' = \'1\') OR';
            $bind_vars['url' . $index] = $url_parts[1];
            $protocol[$url_parts[1]] = $protocol_field;
    $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 2);
    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
    foreach ($bind_vars as $var_name => $var_value) {
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, $var_name, $var_value);
    $result = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query);
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        if ($row['http']) {
            $valid_urls[] = 'http://' . $row['url'];
        //end if
        if ($row['https']) {
            $valid_urls[] = 'https://' . $row['url'];
        //end if
    //end forach protocols
    $invalid_sites = array_diff($urls, $valid_urls);
    if ($invalid_sites) {
        echo "ERROR: Following urls does not belongs to any site:\n" . implode("\n", $invalid_sites) . "\n";
        return FALSE;
    if (empty($valid_urls)) {
        return FALSE;
    // Sort urls by length i.e. longer url on top
    uasort($valid_urls, function ($a, $b) {
        return strlen($a) < strlen($b);
    $value = $valid_urls;
    return TRUE;
コード例 #3
* Gets the children of the root nodes in the correct order from highest in the tree first to the
* lowest. Taken from HIPO_Job_Update_Lookups->prepare().
* @return array
* @access public
function getTreeSortedChildren($assetids)
    $db = MatrixDAL::getDb();
    $todo_normal = array();
    $todo_shadows = array();
    foreach ($assetids as $assetid) {
        // check if we are updating lookups for a shadow asset, or a bridge
        $id_parts = explode(':', $assetid);
        if (isset($id_parts[1])) {
            $todo_shadows = array_merge($todo_shadows, array_keys($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getChildren($assetid)));
        } else {
            $asset = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($assetid);
            if ($asset instanceof Bridge) {
                if (!method_exists($asset, 'getChildren')) {
                    trigger_localised_error('SYS0204', translate('Shadow asset handler "%s" can not get children'), E_USER_WARNING, $asset->name);
                } else {
                    $todo_shadows = array_merge($todo_shadows, array_keys($asset->getChildren($assetid)));
            $where = 'l.minorid = :assetid';
            $where = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->constructRollbackWhereClause($where, 't');
            $where = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->constructRollbackWhereClause($where, 'l');
            $sql = 'SELECT t.treeid
					FROM ' . SQ_TABLE_RUNNING_PREFIX . 'ast_lnk_tree t INNER JOIN ' . SQ_TABLE_RUNNING_PREFIX . 'ast_lnk l ON t.linkid = l.linkid
					' . $where;
            $sql = db_extras_modify_limit_clause($sql, MatrixDAL::getDbType(), 1);
            try {
                $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
                MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'assetid', $assetid);
                $treeid = MatrixDAL::executePdoOne($query);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                throw new Exception('Unable to get treeid for minorid: ' . $assetid . ' due to database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
            $sql = 'SELECT l.minorid, MAX(LENGTH(t.treeid)) as length
					FROM ' . SQ_TABLE_RUNNING_PREFIX . 'ast_lnk_tree t
							 INNER JOIN ' . SQ_TABLE_RUNNING_PREFIX . 'ast_lnk l ON t.linkid = l.linkid
            $where = 't.treeid LIKE :treeid
					  GROUP BY l.minorid ORDER BY length';
            $where = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->constructRollbackWhereClause($where, 't');
            $where = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->constructRollbackWhereClause($where, 'l');
            try {
                $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql . $where);
                MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'treeid', $treeid . '%');
                $new_assets = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                throw new Exception('Unable to get minorids for treeid: ' . $treeid[0]['treeid'] . ' due to database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
            $todo_normal = array_merge($todo_normal, $new_assets);
        //end else
    //end foreach
    // Make sure lower assets are done after higher ones
    usort($todo_normal, create_function('$a, $b', 'return $a[\'length\'] > $b[\'length\'];'));
    $todo_assetids = array();
    foreach ($todo_normal as $asset_info) {
        $todo_assetids[] = $asset_info['minorid'];
    $todo_assetids = array_unique(array_merge($todo_assetids, $todo_shadows));
    return $todo_assetids;
コード例 #4
* Ensures the sort order is linear taking into account the existing sort_order
* Begins from the provided root node and cleans all branches stemming from the provided root node
* Note: This is based on Tom's Tool_Asset_Sorter - the difference: Tom's tool is not based on existing sort_order and does not recurse
* @param array	$todo	Parents to sort
* @param array	$done	Parents done sorting
* @return boolean
* @access public
function sortAssets($todo, $done)
    if (!empty($todo)) {
        $parentid = array_shift($todo);
        // order by existing sort_order
        // only concerned with TYPE_1 and TYPE_2
        // retrieve minorids as well because we need them for the recursive behaviour implemented towards the end of this routine
        $sql = 'SELECT linkid, minorid
				FROM sq_ast_lnk
				WHERE majorid = :parentid
					AND link_type IN (' . MatrixDAL::quote(SQ_LINK_TYPE_1) . ', ' . MatrixDAL::quote(SQ_LINK_TYPE_2) . ')
				ORDER BY sort_order ASC';
        try {
            $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'parentid', $parentid);
            $results = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception('Unable to get linkids for parent: ' . $parentid . ' due to database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
        echo "\n" . '- Updating the sort order for kids of: #' . $parentid . '...';
        // separate results
        $childids = $linkids = array();
        foreach ($results as $row) {
            // linkids used to update the sort_order
            $linkids[] = $row['linkid'];
            // childids used to look for more parents
            $childids[] = $row['minorid'];
        if (!empty($linkids)) {
            // there is a limit to CASE statement size in Oracle, that limits it to
            // 127 WHEN-THEN pairs (in theory), so limit to 127 at a time on Oracle
            $db_type = MatrixDAL::getDbType();
            if ($db_type == 'oci') {
                $chunk_size = 127;
            } else {
                $chunk_size = 500;
            foreach (array_chunk($linkids, $chunk_size, TRUE) as $chunk) {
                $cases = '';
                foreach ($chunk as $i => $linkid) {
                    $cases .= 'WHEN (linkid = ' . $linkid . ') THEN ' . $i . ' ';
                $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_lnk
						SET sort_order = CASE ' . $cases . ' ELSE sort_order END
						WHERE linkid IN (' . implode(', ', $chunk) . ')';
                try {
                    $result = MatrixDAL::executeSql($sql);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    throw new Exception('Unable to update sort_order for parent: ' . $parentid . ' due to database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
        // ensure we do not update this parent again
        if (!in_array($parentid, $done)) {
            $done[] = $parentid;
        echo ' [done]';
        // check each child of the parent to see if the parent is a grandparent (i.e. parent's children have children)
        // only examining 1 level deep at a time
        if (!empty($childids)) {
            echo "\n\t" . '- Searching immediate children of: #' . $parentid . ' for branches';
            foreach ($childids as $assetid) {
                // check we have not processed it yet
                if (!in_array($assetid, $done)) {
                    // these are the kids that we have already sorted
                    // check to see if they are parents as well
                    // shadow asset links are ignored
                    $sql = 'SELECT minorid
							FROM sq_ast_lnk
							WHERE majorid = :assetid';
                    try {
                        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
                        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'assetid', $assetid);
                        $children = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query);
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        throw new Exception('Unable to check children of parent: ' . $parentid . ' due to database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
                    if (!empty($children) && count($children) > 1) {
                        // we have a potential new parent
                        // check that the returned children contain at least one TYPE 1 or 2 linked asset
                        // e.g. asset could just be tagged with a thesaurus term (shadow link), meaning it is not a valid parent
                        $valid = FALSE;
                        foreach ($children as $grandchild) {
                            $link = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getLink($grandchild['minorid'], NULL, '', TRUE, NULL, 'minor');
                            if (!empty($link) && ($link['link_type'] == SQ_LINK_TYPE_1 || $link['link_type'] == SQ_LINK_TYPE_2)) {
                                $valid = TRUE;
                        if ($valid) {
                            echo "\n\t\t#" . $assetid . ' is a parent with kids that will be sorted';
                            $todo[] = $assetid;
        echo "\n" . '* ' . count($todo) . ' items left to process' . "\n";
        echo '* Using ' . round(memory_get_usage() / 1048576, 2) . ' MB' . "\n";
        sortAssets($todo, $done);
    } else {
        // there are no more items to process
        return TRUE;
 * Insert a file record info to sq_file_vers_file table if one does not exist
 * @param File_Versioning $file_versioning	the File_Versioning object
 * @param string $fileid	the fileid of the file to be inserted
 * @param string $rep_file	the repository file path of the file
 * @see add() in file_versioning.inc
function _insertFileVersFileInfo($file_versioning, $fileid, $rep_file)
    $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
			FROM sq_file_vers_file
			WHERE fileid = :fileid';
    $fileid_count = 0;
    try {
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'fileid', $fileid);
        $fileid_count = MatrixDAL::executePdoOne($query);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    //the record info already exists, return without doing anything
    if ($fileid_count != 0) {
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO sq_file_vers_file (fileid, path, filename)
			VALUES (:fileid, :path, :filename)';
    try {
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'fileid', $fileid);
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'path', dirname($rep_file));
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'filename', basename($rep_file));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
コード例 #6
     printName('Table is empty');
      * 'restore' to the dest db
      * even though we switch straight back to the source
      * otherwise dal gets confused about which is which.
 $count = count($source_data);
 while (!empty($source_data)) {
     $trans_count = 0;
     $prepared_sql = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
     printName('Inserting Data (' . number_format($start) . ' - ' . number_format($start + $count) . ' rows)');
     printUpdateStatus("..", "\r");
     foreach ($source_data as $key => $data) {
         foreach ($data as $data_key => $data_value) {
             // ignore 0 based indexes..
             if (is_numeric($data_key)) {
              * if the key isn't in the new tables columns, skip it.
              * this causes a problem with the sq_thes_lnk table
              * where the 'relation' column was renamed to 'relid'
              * but this change is not in the upgrade guides anywhere.
             if (!in_array($data_key, $columns)) {
コード例 #7
* Searches the Matrix System for an existing direct child asset which matches the specified name (and optionally, asset type)
* The asset IDs of matching assets are returned.
* @param int	$parent_id			The asset ID under which to search for direct matching child assets
* @param string	$asset_name			The asset name to match
* @param string	$asset_type_code	The asset type code to match (optional)
* @return array
* @access public
function searchExistingAsset($parent_id, $asset_name, $asset_type_code = '')
    $db = MatrixDAL::getDb();
    $sql = 'SELECT l.minorid, a.name ' . 'FROM sq_ast_lnk l, sq_ast a ' . 'WHERE l.majorid = :majorid ';
    if (!empty($asset_type_code)) {
        $sql .= 'AND a.type_code = :type_code ';
    $sql .= 'AND a.assetid = l.minorid ' . 'AND a.name = :asset_name';
    try {
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'majorid', $parent_id);
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'asset_name', $asset_name);
        if (!empty($asset_type_code)) {
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'type_code', $asset_type_code);
        $matching_assets = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query, 0);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw new Exception('Unable to search for an existing ' . $asset_name . ' asset: ' . $e->getMessage());
    return $matching_assets;
コード例 #8
 if (!valid_serialised_value($value)) {
     echo "\nInvalid serialised value assetid #" . $assetid . " attrid #" . $attrid . " contextid #" . $contextid;
     // Try fix the serialsed value
     $value = fix_bad_serialsed_value($value);
     if (!$value) {
         echo "\n CANNOT BE FIXED!";
     } else {
     if ($FIX_DB && $value) {
         // Update the db with the fixed serialsed data
         try {
             $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . 'ast_attr_val SET custom_val=:value ' . 'WHERE assetid=:assetid AND attrid=:attrid AND contextid=:contextid' . ($rollback ? ' AND sq_eff_from=:sq_eff_from' : '');
             $update_sql = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
             MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($update_sql, 'value', $value);
             MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($update_sql, 'assetid', $assetid);
             MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($update_sql, 'attrid', $attrid);
             MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($update_sql, 'contextid', $contextid);
             if ($rollback) {
                 MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($update_sql, 'sq_eff_from', $eff_from);
             $execute = MatrixDAL::execPdoQuery($update_sql);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo "Unexpected error occured while updating database: " . $e->getMessage();
             echo "\nNo database changes were made";
コード例 #9
* Remove internal messages
* @param string	$period		The period to remove internal messages before
* @param string	$user_from	The userid that the message is sent from
* @param string	$user_to	The userid that the message is sent to
* @param string	$msg_type	The type of internal message to remove, e.g. asset.linking.create, cron.*
* @param string	$msg_status	The status of internal message to remove, e.g. U or D
* @param array	$assetids	The asset id's to delete messages for.
* @return void
* @access public
function purge_internal_message($period, $user_from = '', $user_to = '', $msg_type = '', $msg_status = '', $assetids = array())
    global $db, $QUIET, $SHOW_QUERY_ONLY;
    $bind_vars = array();
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM' . "\n";
    $sql .= '    ' . SQ_TABLE_RUNNING_PREFIX . 'internal_msg' . "\n";
    $sql .= 'WHERE' . "\n";
    $sql .= '    sent <= :sent_before' . "\n";
    $bind_vars['sent_before'] = $period;
    $userids = array(array('field_name' => 'userfrom', 'value' => (string) $user_from), array('field_name' => 'userto', 'value' => (string) $user_to));
    foreach ($userids as $userid) {
        if (strlen(trim($userid['value'])) != 0) {
            if ($userid['value'] == 'all') {
                // All messages sent from/to users
                $sql .= '    AND ' . $userid['field_name'] . ' <> ' . MatrixDAL::quote('0') . "\n";
            } else {
                if (strpos($userid['value'], ':') !== FALSE) {
                    // Multiple userids found
                    $ids = explode(':', $userid['value']);
                    if (count($ids) >= 1) {
                        $sql .= '    AND (';
                        foreach ($ids as $id) {
                            if (strlen(trim($id)) == 0) {
                            if (trim($id) == 'all') {
                            if (strpos($id, '*') !== FALSE && substr($id, -1) == '*') {
                                $sql .= $userid['field_name'] . ' LIKE ' . MatrixDAL::quote(substr($id, 0, -1) . ':%') . ' OR ';
                            } else {
                                $sql .= $userid['field_name'] . ' = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($id) . ' OR ';
                        $sql = substr($sql, 0, -4) . ')' . "\n";
                } else {
                    // Single Userid found
                    if (strpos($userid['value'], '*') !== FALSE && substr($userid['value'], -1) == '*') {
                        $sql .= '    AND ' . $userid['field_name'] . ' LIKE ' . MatrixDAL::quote(substr($userid['value'], 0, -1) . ':%') . "\n";
                    } else {
                        $sql .= '    AND ' . $userid['field_name'] . ' = ' . MatrixDAL::quote($userid['value']) . "\n";
    //end foreach userids
    // Type of message
    if (!empty($msg_type)) {
        if (strpos($msg_type, '*') !== FALSE && substr($msg_type, -1) == '*') {
            $sql .= '    AND type LIKE :msg_type' . "\n";
            $bind_vars['msg_type'] = substr($msg_type, 0, -1) . '%';
        } else {
            $sql .= '    AND type = :msg_type' . "\n";
            $bind_vars['msg_type'] = $msg_type;
    // Message Status
    if (!empty($msg_status)) {
        if (strpos($msg_status, ':') !== FALSE) {
            $tmp = explode(':', $msg_status);
            $sql .= '    and status IN (';
            foreach ($tmp as $token) {
                $sql .= MatrixDAL::quote($token) . ', ';
            $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2) . ")\n";
        } else {
            $sql .= '    AND status = :msg_status' . "\n";
            $bind_vars['msg_status'] = $msg_status;
    if (!empty($assetids)) {
        $sql .= ' and assetid IN (';
        foreach ($assetids as $_id => $assetid) {
            $sql .= MatrixDAL::quote($assetid) . ', ';
        $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2) . ")\n";
    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
    foreach ($bind_vars as $bind_var => $bind_value) {
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, $bind_var, $bind_value);
    $affected_rows = MatrixDAL::getDbType() == 'oci' ? oci_num_rows($query) : $query->rowCount();
    if (!$QUIET) {
        echo "\n" . $affected_rows . ' INTERNAL MESSAGES ' . ($SHOW_QUERY_ONLY ? 'CAN BE ' : '') . 'DELETED' . "\n\n";
    if ($SHOW_QUERY_ONLY) {
        echo str_repeat('*', 50) . "\n";
        echo '* Expected SQL query to run' . "\n";
        echo str_repeat('*', 50) . "\n";
        echo $sql;
        echo str_repeat('*', 50) . "\n";
コード例 #10
 * report long redirects remaps
if (getCLIArg('redirect_chain')) {
    echo "\n## Redirect Chain ##\n";
    $db_type = _getDbType();
    $except_clause = 'EXCEPT';
    if ($db_type === 'oci') {
        $except_clause = 'MINUS';
    // find out all long redirects with magic query
    $sql = '(SELECT  a.* FROM sq_ast_lookup_remap a, sq_ast_lookup_remap b WHERE a.url = b.remap_url)
            UNION ALL
            (SELECT  c.* FROM sq_ast_lookup_remap c, sq_ast_lookup_remap d WHERE c.remap_url = d.url
                ' . $except_clause . ' SELECT c.* FROM sq_ast_lookup_remap c, sq_ast_lookup_remap d WHERE c.url = d.remap_url
    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
    $result = MatrixDAL::executePdoAll($query);
    $sorted_result = array();
    // now we have to sort them nicely to report
    while (count($result) > 0) {
        // grab a random element from remaining result
        $url_info = array_shift($result);
        // find chained elements redirecting from it, i.e trace in normal redirect order. e.g A->B->C->D, starting from B, it will find C and D
        $redirects_chain_from = recursiveTrace($url_info['remap_url'], $result, TRUE);
        // find chained elements redirecting to it, i.e trace in reversed order.  e.g A->B->C->D, starting from B, it will find A
        $redirects_chain_to = recursiveTrace($url_info['url'], $result, FALSE);
        // add the current element to it
        array_push($redirects_chain_to, $url_info);
        // now we found a complete chain of redirects...
        $sorted_result[] = array_merge($redirects_chain_to, $redirects_chain_from);
コード例 #11
    foreach ($products as $product) {
        $suiteid = array_get_index($product, 'suiteid', NULL);
        $connection = array_get_index($product, 'connection', NULL);
        if ($suiteid === NULL || $connection === NULL) {
        $connection = @unserialize($connection);
        if ($connection === FALSE) {
        $url = array_get_index($connection, 'url', NULL);
        if ($url === NULL) {
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery('UPDATE sq_suite_product SET url=:url, connection=:connection WHERE suiteid=:id');
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'url', $url);
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'connection', serialize($connection));
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'id', $suiteid);
    //end foreach
    // Set the not null constraint on columns.
    MatrixDAL::executeSql('ALTER TABLE sq_suite_product MODIFY suiteid NOT NULL');
    MatrixDAL::executeSql('ALTER TABLE sq_suite_product MODIFY url NOT NULL');
    // Set the new constraints and keys
    MatrixDAL::executeSql('ALTER TABLE sq_suite_product ADD CONSTRAINT suite_product_pk PRIMARY KEY (suiteid)');
    MatrixDAL::executeSql('CREATE INDEX sq_suite_product_type ON sq_suite_product (systemid, type, status)');
//end if
コード例 #12
* Finds an existing asset matching the exact type with the metadata or attribute value supplied
* @return void
* @access public
function findAsset($root_asset_id, $asset_type_code, array $search)
    // Begin uberquery!
    $db = MatrixDAL::getDb();
    $search_type_attribute = isset($search['attribute']);
    $field_name = '';
    $field_value = '';
    if ($search_type_attribute) {
        $field_name = $search['attribute']['field'];
        $field_value = $search['attribute']['value'];
    } else {
        $field_name = $search['metadata']['field'];
        $field_value = $search['metadata']['value'];
    $tree_id = '';
    // Grab a single tree ID so we can search our entire root asset
    $sql = 'SELECT t.treeid FROM sq_ast_lnk_tree t, sq_ast_lnk l WHERE l.linkid = t.linkid AND l.minorid = :root_asset_id LIMIT 1';
    try {
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'root_asset_id', $root_asset_id);
        $tree_id = MatrixDAL::executePdoOne($query);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw new Exception('Unable to search for an existing ' . $asset_type_code . ' asset: ' . $e->getMessage());
    if ($tree_id == '') {
        return array();
    // Query portion for restricting by attribute
    $attribute_sql_from = 'sq_ast_attr r, sq_ast_attr_val v ';
    // Query portion for restricting by metadata field value
    $metadata_sql_from = 'sq_ast_mdata_val m ';
    $sql = 'SELECT a.assetid, a.name ' . 'FROM sq_ast a, sq_ast_lnk l, sq_ast_lnk_tree t, ' . ($search_type_attribute ? $attribute_sql_from : $metadata_sql_from) . 'WHERE t.treeid LIKE :tree_id ' . 'AND l.linkid = t.linkid AND a.assetid = l.minorid ';
    if (!empty($asset_type_code)) {
        $sql .= 'AND a.type_code = :type_code ';
    if ($search_type_attribute) {
        $sql .= ' AND v.assetid = a.assetid AND r.name = :field_name AND v.attrid = r.attrid AND v.custom_val = :field_val';
    } else {
        $sql .= ' AND m.assetid = a.assetid AND m.fieldid = :field_name AND m.value = :field_val';
    try {
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'tree_id', $tree_id . '%');
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'field_name', $field_name);
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'field_val', $field_value);
        if (!empty($asset_type_code)) {
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'type_code', $asset_type_code);
        $matching_assets = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query, 0);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw new Exception('Unable to search for an existing ' . $asset_type_code . ' asset: ' . $e->getMessage());
    return $matching_assets;
* Fix rollback table
* @param $table_name
* @param $table_info
* @param $entries
* @return boolean
* @access public
function fix_rollback_table($table_name, $table_info, $entries = array())
    $success = TRUE;
    switch ($table_name) {
        // TODO: If individual tables are required to be handled specifically then it should be done here
            // For all rollback tables, delete all the duplicates expect one with min(eff_from) i.e. oldest one
            $keys = $table_info['primary_key'];
            if (isset($table_info['unique_key'])) {
                $keys = array_unique(array_merge($keys, $table_info['unique_key']));
            if (empty($keys)) {
                echo "\nPrimary key fields not found the rollback table " . $table_name;
                $success = FALSE;
            $where_sql = '';
            foreach ($keys as $key) {
                $where_sql .= $key . ' = :' . $key . ' AND ';
            $where_sql .= 'sq_eff_to = :sq_eff_to';
            // Get the oldest 'eff_from'
            $sub_sql = 'SELECT min(sq_eff_from) FROM sq_rb_' . $table_name . ' WHERE ' . $where_sql;
            $sql = 'DELETE FROM sq_rb_' . $table_name . ' WHERE ' . $where_sql . ' AND sq_eff_from > (' . $sub_sql . ')';
            foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                try {
                    $update_sql = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
                    foreach ($entry as $row_name => $row_val) {
                        if ($row_name == 'occ') {
                        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($update_sql, $row_name, $row_val);
                    $execute = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($update_sql);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    $success = FALSE;
    //end switch
    $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->doTransaction($success ? 'COMMIT' : 'ROLLBACK');
    if (!$success) {
        echo "\nUnexpected error occured while updating database: " . $e->getMessage();
    return $success;
コード例 #14
* Execute the write db query
* @param string $sql
* @return boolean|int
function _executeSql($sql, $bind_vars)
    try {
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
        foreach ($bind_vars as $bind_var => $bind_value) {
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, $bind_var, $bind_value);
        $count = MatrixDAL::execPdoQuery($query);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        global $ERRORS;
        $error = 'DB Exception ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . "SQL: " . $sql;
        foreach ($bind_vars as $key => $val) {
            $error = str_replace(':' . $key, MatrixDAL::quote($val), $error);
        $ERRORS[] = $error;
        return FALSE;
    return $count;
コード例 #15
 * Get the next sort order for the next asset under a parent asset
 * @param $parent_assetid	The parent asset to get its children' next sort order
 * @return int
function getNextSortOrder($parent_assetid)
    $sql = 'SELECT
				COUNT(*) as count, MAX(sort_order) as max
				majorid = :majorid';
    try {
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
        MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'majorid', $parent_assetid);
        $result = MatrixDAL::executePdoAll($query);
        $row = $result[0];
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw new Exception("Unable to get the last sort order of the parent asset #{$parent_assetid} , due to database error: " . $e->getMessage());
    $next_sort_order = $row['count'] > 0 ? max($row['count'], $row['max'] + 1) : 0;
    return $next_sort_order;
コード例 #16
* Actually perform the changes to the files
* @param string	$root_node			Asset ID of the root node to search for Files from
* @param int	$setting			The unrestricted setting to change assets to
*									(0 = restricted, 1 = unrestricted)
* @param array	$file_assretids		assetid of all the file type assets found under the root node
* @return void
function do_set_unrestricted($root_node, $setting, $file_assetids)
    $return = array('changed' => 0, 'failed' => 0);
    $root_asset = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($root_node);
    $child_query = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->generateGetChildrenQuery($root_asset, 'file', FALSE);
    // Children query normally selects asset ID and type code. We don't want type code.
    $child_query['sql_array']['select'] = str_replace(', a.type_code', '', $child_query['sql_array']['select']);
    $child_query['sql_array']['union_select'] = str_replace(', null AS type_code', '', $child_query['sql_array']['union_select']);
    $sql = 'SELECT assetid FROM sq_ast_attr_val';
    $where = ' WHERE assetid IN (' . implode(' ', $child_query['sql_array']) . ')
				AND attrid IN (SELECT attrid FROM sq_ast_attr
					WHERE type_code IN (SELECT type_code FROM sq_ast_typ_inhd
						WHERE inhd_type_code = :inhd_type_code)
					AND name = :attr_name)
				AND custom_val <> :setting';
    $bind_vars = array('inhd_type_code' => 'file', 'attr_name' => 'allow_unrestricted', 'setting' => (int) $setting);
    // Get the assets (so we can update their lookups later)\
    try {
        status_message_start('Finding files to change...');
        $bind_vars = array_merge($bind_vars, $child_query['bind_vars']);
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql . $where);
        foreach ($bind_vars as $bind_var => $bind_value) {
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, $bind_var, $bind_value);
        $result = array_keys(MatrixDAL::executePdoGroupedAssoc($query));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        status_message_result('DB ERROR');
        throw new Exception('Database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
    // bug fix #4649 set_files_unrestricted.php doesn't change any assets
    // since we have all the file type asset's assetid we will check and
    // see if any of them has the attributes not set
    $sql_query = 'SELECT assetid FROM sq_ast_attr_val l WHERE l.assetid IN (\'' . implode('\', \'', array_keys($file_assetids)) . '\') AND l.attrid IN (SELECT attrid FROM sq_ast_attr WHERE type_code IN (SELECT type_code FROM sq_ast_typ_inhd WHERE inhd_type_code = \'file\') AND name = \'allow_unrestricted\')';
    $good_assets = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc($sql_query);
    $additional_assets = array_keys($file_assetids);
    foreach ($good_assets as $good_asset) {
        foreach ($additional_assets as $index => $additional_asset) {
            if ($additional_assets[$index] == $good_asset['assetid']) {
    status_message_result(count($result) + count($additional_assets) . ' assets to update');
    // If there were any assets, update them in one hit, and then update
    // the lookups
    if (count($result) + count($additional_assets) > 0) {
        status_message_start('Updating attributes...');
        // update
        try {
            $update_sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_attr_val SET custom_val = :new_setting';
            $bind_vars['new_setting'] = (int) $setting;
            $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($update_sql . $where);
            foreach ($bind_vars as $bind_var => $bind_value) {
                MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, $bind_var, $bind_value);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            status_message_result('DB ERROR');
            throw new Exception('Database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
        // insert
        foreach ($additional_assets as $additional_asset) {
            $asset = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($additional_asset);
            $asset->setAttrValue('allow_unrestricted', (int) $setting);
        $assetids_to_update = array_merge($result, $additional_assets);
        $deja_vu = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->getDejaVu();
        if ($deja_vu->enabled()) {
            foreach ($assetids_to_update as $assetid) {
                $deja_vu->forget('asset', $assetid);
            //end foreach
        //end if
        // Now update lookups
        status_message_start('Updating lookups...');
        $hh = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->getHipoHerder();
        $vars = array('assetids' => $assetids_to_update);
        $errors = $hh->freestyleHipo('hipo_job_update_lookups', $vars);
        if (empty($errors)) {
        } else {
コード例 #17
  * Retrieve data from matrix in order to perform tasks
  * Data retrieved is relevant to the current run settings and gives the
  * worker functions the information required to process the request
  * @return array
  * @access protected
 protected function getAssetInfo()
     $file = '/tmp/regenfs-assetdata-' . time() . '.tmp';
     $retrievingTemplate = 'Retrieving Asset Data' . "\t\t\t" . '%s   %s';
     printf($retrievingTemplate, '....', "\r");
     // Start a new child process
     $child = $this->pcntl->fork();
     if ($child === true) {
         // We're the child, let's do some work
         // Ensure Root node is a valid asset or die
         if (!$GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->assetExists($this->rootNode)) {
             trigger_error(sprintf('Root node \'%s\' does not exist!', $this->rootNode), E_USER_WARNING);
             posix_kill($this->pcntl->parentID, 9);
         // Get all contexts
         $contextids = array_keys($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->getAllContexts());
         $assets = array();
         // If we're processing designs, include them on the list
         if ($this->processDesigns) {
             $assets['design'] = array_keys($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getChildren($this->rootNode, array('design', 'design_css'), true));
         // If we're processing metadata, include them on the list
         if ($this->processMetadata) {
             $assets['metadata'] = array();
             $nodeassets = array_keys($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getChildren($this->rootNode));
             $nodeassets = array_chunk($nodeassets, 100);
             foreach ($nodeassets as $k => $entries) {
                 $keys = array_keys($entries);
                 // Add binding character
                 array_walk($keys, create_function('&$v,$k', '$v=\':a\'.$v;'));
                 // Implode key array into sql statement for pdo processing
                 $sql = 'select distinct assetid from sq_ast_mdata where assetid in (' . implode(',', $keys) . ')';
                 $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
                 // Bind keys to entry
                 foreach ($entries as $kk => $entry) {
                     MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'a' . $kk, $entry);
                 $metadata = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($query);
                 foreach ($metadata as $k => $row) {
                     $assets['metadata'][] = $row['assetid'];
         // If we're processing bodycopies, include them on the asset list
         if ($this->processBodycopies) {
             $content_type_assetids = array_keys($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getChildren($this->rootNode, 'content_type', false));
             $assets['bodycopy'] = array();
             foreach ($content_type_assetids as $assetid) {
                 $bodycopy_container_link = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getLinks($assetid, SQ_LINK_TYPE_2, array('bodycopy_container'), FALSE, 'minor');
                 if (isset($bodycopy_container_link[0]['majorid'])) {
                     $assets['bodycopy'][] = $bodycopy_container_link[0]['majorid'];
         $output = array();
         $output['contextids'] = $contextids;
         $output['assets'] = $assets;
         // Output data to the data file
         file_put_contents($file, serialize($output));
     } else {
         if (is_numeric($child)) {
             // We're the parent, let's rest while the child is doing the chores
             while ($this->pcntl->childRunning($child) === true) {
             // Child has done it's chores, check to see if the file it needs to create is there, then process it
             if (file_exists($file)) {
                 // File is there, get the file contents and then delete the file
                 $response = file_get_contents($file);
                 $response = @unserialize($response);
                 printf($retrievingTemplate, '[DONE]', "\n");
                 if (is_array($response)) {
                     return $response;
                 } else {
                     return array();
コード例 #18
function renameTerm($fieldids, $old_term, $new_term)
    // Do the rename per asset and play nice with ORACLE
    $chunk_size = 1000;
    $field_chunks = array_chunk($fieldids, $chunk_size);
    foreach ($field_chunks as $field_chunk) {
        // Quoting Shakespeare
        foreach ($field_chunk as $index => $field_assetid) {
            $field_chunk[$index] = MatrixDAL::quote($field_assetid);
        //end foreach
        $sql = "SELECT value, assetid, fieldid, contextid FROM sq_ast_mdata_val WHERE value like '{$old_term},%' OR value like '%,{$old_term}' OR value like '%,{$old_term},%'";
        $results = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc($sql);
        if (!empty($results)) {
            foreach ($results as $index => $result) {
                $asset_id = $result['assetid'];
                $value = $result['value'];
                $field_id = $result['fieldid'];
                $contextid = $result['contextid'];
                $pattern_1 = '/(.*)' . $old_term . '$/';
                $pattern_2 = '/^' . $old_term . '(.*)/';
                $pattern_3 = '/(.*)' . $old_term . '(.*)/';
                $replacement_1 = '$1' . $new_term;
                $replacement_2 = $new_term . '$1';
                $replacement_3 = '$1' . $new_term . '$2';
                if (preg_match($pattern_2, $value)) {
                    $new_value = preg_replace($pattern_2, $replacement_2, $value);
                } else {
                    if (preg_match($pattern_1, $value)) {
                        $new_value = preg_replace($pattern_1, $replacement_1, $value);
                    } else {
                        $new_value = preg_replace($pattern_3, $replacement_3, $value);
                // Run the Query against the current assetid
                if (MatrixDAL::getDbType() === 'oci') {
                    $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_mdata_val SET value=:new_value WHERE TO_CHAR(value)=:old_value AND contextid=:contextid AND fieldid=:fieldid AND assetid=:assetid';
                } else {
                    $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_mdata_val SET value=:new_value WHERE value=:old_value AND contextid=:contextid AND fieldid=:fieldid AND assetid=:assetid';
                //end if
                try {
                    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
                    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'new_value', $new_value);
                    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'old_value', $value);
                    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'contextid', $contextid);
                    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'fieldid', $field_id);
                    MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'assetid', $asset_id);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    throw new Exception('DB Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
        // Run the Query against the current assetid
        if (MatrixDAL::getDbType() === 'oci') {
            $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_mdata_val SET value=:new_term WHERE TO_CHAR(value)=:old_term AND fieldid IN (' . implode(',', $field_chunk) . ')';
        } else {
            $sql = 'UPDATE sq_ast_mdata_val SET value=:new_term WHERE value=:old_term AND fieldid IN (' . implode(',', $field_chunk) . ')';
        //end if
        // Update EVERYTHING
        try {
            $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'new_term', $new_term);
            MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($query, 'old_term', $old_term);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception('DB Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
コード例 #19
    // Slon test
    $db_conf['dbslon'] = $db_conf['db2'];
    MatrixDAL::dbConnect($db_conf['dbslon'], 'dbslon');
    $db = MatrixDAL::getDb('dbslon');
    $start_time = time();
    $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($slon_schema_query);
    try {
        $slon_schema = MatrixDAL::executePdoOne($query);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $slon_schema = '';
        $return_code = '500';
    if (!empty($slon_schema)) {
        $output .= $slon_schema . ':';
        $query = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery(str_replace('{SLON_SCHEMA}', $slon_schema, $slon_schema_lag_query));
        try {
            $lag = MatrixDAL::executePdoOne($query);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $lag = '-1';
            $return_code = '500';
    } else {
        $output .= '0:';
    $output .= $lag . ':' . ceil(time() - $start_time) . "\n";
if ($return_code == '200') {
    header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK');
} else {
コード例 #20
 * Fixes the char encoding in the given tables in the database
 * @param int		$root_node		Assetid of rootnode, all childern of rootnode will be processed for char replacement
 * @param array		$tables			DB tables and colunms info
 * @param boolean	$rollback		If TRUE process rollback tables, else process regular tables
 * @return void
function fix_db($root_node, $tables, $rollback)
    global $reportOnly;
    $tables_info = get_tables_info();
    // All the Matrix attribute types with serialised value
    $serialsed_attrs = array('option_list', 'email_format', 'parameter_map', 'serialise', 'http_request', 'oauth');
    // Get the list of attrids of the type 'serialise'
    $sql = "SELECT attrid FROM sq_ast_attr WHERE type IN ('" . implode("','", $serialsed_attrs) . "')";
    $serialise_attrids = array_keys(MatrixDAL::executeSqlGrouped($sql));
    if ($root_node != 1) {
        // Get the targetted asset list
        $target_assetids = array_keys($GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getChildren($root_node));
        // Since we include the root node, target assetids will always contain atleast one asset id
        array_unshift($target_assetids, $root_node);
        echo "\n\nNumber of assets to look into : " . count($target_assetids) . " \n";
        // Go through 50 assets at a time. Applicable to asset specific tables only
        $chunks = array_chunk($target_assetids, 50);
        $chunks_count = count($chunks);
    $errors_count = 0;
    $warnings_count = 0;
    $records_fixed_count = 0;
    $invalid_asset_records = array();
    // Assets that will require filesystem content regeneration
    $affected_assetids = array();
    // Counter to count the number of records accessed/processed
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($tables as $table_data) {
        $table_records_count = 0;
        $table = isset($table_data['table']) ? $table_data['table'] : '';
        if (empty($table)) {
        $key_fields = isset($tables_info[$table]['primary_key']) ? $tables_info[$table]['primary_key'] : '';
        if (empty($key_fields)) {
            echo "\n" . 'Ignoring table "' . $table . '". Table info for this table not found' . " \n";
        $value_fields = isset($table_data['values']) ? $table_data['values'] : '';
        if (empty($value_fields)) {
            // Nothing to check
        if ($rollback) {
            // Make sure table has rollback trigggers enabled, otherwise it will have rollback table
            if (isset($tables_info[$table]['rollback']) && $tables_info[$table]['rollback']) {
                // Add rollback table primary key field to the table's keys
                $key_fields[] = 'sq_eff_from';
            } else {
                // This table does not has corresponding rollback table
        // Prepend table prefix
        $table = !$rollback ? 'sq_' . $table : 'sq_rb_' . $table;
        $asste_specific_table = $table_data['asset_assoc'];
        $select_fields = array_merge($value_fields, $key_fields);
        if ($asste_specific_table && !in_array('assetid', $select_fields)) {
            $select_fields[] = 'assetid';
        if ($root_node == 1) {
            if ($asste_specific_table) {
                // When running system wide, get the asset list from the respective db table
                $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT assetid FROM " . $table;
                $target_assetids = array_keys(MatrixDAL::executeSqlGrouped($sql));
                // Go through 50 assets at a time. Applicable to asset specific tables only
                $chunks = array_chunk($target_assetids, 50);
            } else {
                // Dummy assetids chuck just so that we can get into next loop
                $chunks = array(array());
        echo "\nChecking " . $table . " .";
        // For non-asset specific table, this loop will break at end of the very first iteration
        foreach ($chunks as $chunk_index => $assetids) {
            $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(',', $select_fields) . ' FROM ' . $table;
            // For non-asset specific table, "where" condition not is required. We get the whole table in a single go
            if ($asste_specific_table) {
                $sql .= ' WHERE assetid IN (\'' . implode('\',\'', $assetids) . '\')';
            } else {
                if ($table == 'sq_internal_msg') {
                    // Special case for non-asset specific records for 'interal_msg' table
                    // Internal message has 'assetid' field but messages not associated with the asset will have empty assetid
                    $sql .= " WHERE assetid = '' OR assetid IS NULL";
            $results = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAssoc($sql);
            foreach ($results as $record) {
                if ($count % 10000 == 0) {
                    echo '.';
                // Asset ID associated with this record
                $assetid = $asste_specific_table ? $record['assetid'] : 'n/a';
                // Key field data
                $key_values = array();
                foreach ($key_fields as $key_field) {
                    $temp_key_v = array_get_index($record, $key_field, NULL);
                    if (is_null($temp_key_v)) {
                        // Primary key field must be there
                        continue 2;
                    $key_values[$key_field] = $temp_key_v;
                //end foreach
                // Original value field data.
                // This is the one we need to check/fix
                $org_values = array();
                foreach ($value_fields as $value_field) {
                    $org_values[$value_field] = array_get_index($record, $value_field, '');
                //end foreach
                // If it's the same in the new and old encodings, that's good.
                foreach ($org_values as $value_field => $value) {
                    $checked = @iconv(SYS_OLD_ENCODING, SYS_NEW_ENCODING . '//IGNORE', $value);
                    if ($value === $checked) {
                        // This field does not requires conversion/checking
                //end foreach
                if (empty($org_values)) {
                    // No field values to convert/check
                // Being here means this record contains invalid chars
                $invalid_asset_records[] = array('asset' => $assetid, 'table' => $table, 'keys' => $key_values, 'values' => $org_values);
                $converted_values = array();
                foreach ($org_values as $value_field => $value) {
                    // If not valid, convert the values without igonoring or interprating any chars
                    if (!isValidValue($value)) {
                        // Serialised fields needs to be handled here
                        $serialised_value = FALSE;
                        if ($table == 'sq_ast_attr_val' && $value_field == 'custom_val' && in_array($record['attrid'], $serialise_attrids)) {
                            $serialised_value = TRUE;
                        if ($table == 'sq_trig' && $value_field == 'data') {
                            $serialised_value = TRUE;
                        if ($serialised_value) {
                            $us_value = @unserialize($value);
                            if ($us_value === FALSE && serialize(FALSE) !== $value) {
                                // This has invalid serialsed value, but fix it anyway
                                $converted_value = @iconv(SYS_OLD_ENCODING, SYS_NEW_ENCODING . '//IGNORE', $value);
                                // Put this error notice in the script log file
                                $msg = 'Serialsed data field "' . $value_field . '" in the table "' . $table . '" (';
                                foreach ($key_values as $field_name => $value) {
                                    $msg .= $field_name . '=' . $value . '; ';
                                $msg = rtrim($msg, '; ') . ') does not contain unserialisable data. ' . ($reportOnly ? 'Data can still be converted.' : 'Data will be converted anyway.');
                            } else {
                                if (is_array($us_value)) {
                                    array_walk_recursive($us_value, 'fix_char');
                                    $converted_value = serialize($us_value);
                                } else {
                                    if (is_scalar($us_value)) {
                                        $us_value = @iconv(SYS_OLD_ENCODING, SYS_NEW_ENCODING . '//IGNORE', $us_value);
                                        $converted_value = serialize($us_value);
                                    } else {
                                        $converted_value = $value;
                        } else {
                            $converted_value = @iconv(SYS_OLD_ENCODING, SYS_NEW_ENCODING . '//IGNORE', $value);
                        // If the converted value is valid in current encoding then its good to go
                        // otherwise we'll just not use this value
                        if ($converted_value != $value && isValidValue($converted_value)) {
                            $value = $converted_value;
                            $converted_values[$value_field] = $value;
                    } else {
                        // if it's a valid encoded value, but was convertable before with iconv using old encoding
                        // it might be only because value is already properly encoded with new encoding.  so use md_detect to double check
                        $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($value);
                        if (strtolower($encoding) === strtolower(SYS_NEW_ENCODING)) {
                //end foreach
                if (empty($org_values)) {
                    // All good
                // If the successfully converted fields count is same as the invalid fields count, we can proceed with the update
                $update_required = count($org_values) == count($converted_values);
                if ($update_required) {
                    if (!$reportOnly) {
                        // Generate update sql
                        $bind_vars = array();
                        $set_sql = array();
                        foreach ($converted_values as $field_name => $value) {
                            $set_sql[] = $field_name . '=:' . $field_name . '_v';
                            $bind_vars[$field_name . '_v'] = $value;
                        $where_sql = array();
                        foreach ($key_values as $field_name => $value) {
                            $where_sql[] = $field_name . '=:' . $field_name . '_k';
                            $bind_vars[$field_name . '_k'] = $value;
                        try {
                            $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table . '
									SET ' . implode(', ', $set_sql) . '
									WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where_sql);
                            $update_sql = MatrixDAL::preparePdoQuery($sql);
                            foreach ($bind_vars as $var_name => $var_value) {
                                MatrixDAL::bindValueToPdo($update_sql, $var_name, $var_value);
                            // Execute the update query
                            $execute = MatrixDAL::executePdoAssoc($update_sql);
                            if (count($execute) > 1) {
                                foreach ($bind_vars as $var_name => $var_value) {
                                    $sql = str_replace(':' . $var_name, "'" . $var_value . "'", $sql);
                                $msg = 'Executing query "' . $sql . '" will affect ' . count($execute) . ' records, instead of expected single record! Ignoring this sql.';
                            } else {
                                $affected_assetids[$table][] = $assetid;
                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                            $msg = "Unexpected error occured while updating database: " . $e->getMessage();
                    } else {
                        // For reporting purpose only
                        $affected_assetids[$table][] = $assetid;
                } else {
                    // Trying to carryout charset conversion for this invalid value still resulted into invalid value
                    // Hence record was not updated for this value conversion
                    $msg = 'Entry in the table "' . $table . '": ' . "\n";
                    foreach ($key_values as $field_name => $field_value) {
                        $msg .= $field_name . '="' . $field_value . '"; ';
                    $msg .= "\n" . 'contains invalid char(s), which were not replaced because the charset conversion was not successful' . ($msg .= "\n" . 'Potentially invalid characters include:' . listProblematicCharacters($org_values));
            //end foreach records
            if (!$asste_specific_table) {
                // We have processed all the entries for this non-asset specific table
        //end foreach assetids chunk
        echo " " . $table_records_count . " records";
    //end foreach tables
    echo "\n";
    $invalid_count = sizeof(array_keys($invalid_asset_records));
    echo "Number of db records with invalid char(s): " . $invalid_count . "\n";
    if ($invalid_count > 0) {
        foreach ($invalid_asset_records as $k => $details) {
            echo "\n\tAsset #" . $details['asset'] . " in table " . $details['table'];
            echo "\n\t" . 'Entry: ';
            foreach ($details['keys'] as $field_name => $field_value) {
                echo $field_name . '="' . $field_value . '"; ';
            echo "\n\tPossibly problematic characters: " . listProblematicCharacters($details['values']) . "\n";
        echo "\n";
    return array('warning_count' => $warnings_count, 'error_count' => $errors_count, 'records_fixed_count' => $records_fixed_count, 'affected_assetids' => $affected_assetids);