コード例 #1
function update_form_submission_filepaths()
    $root_user =& $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getSystemAsset('root_user');
    // a quick query to find out all form submissions that needs update
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT a.assetid FROM sq_ast a, sq_ast_attr_val v, sq_ast_attr t WHERE a.assetid = v.assetid AND t.attrid = v.attrid AND t.name = 'attributes' AND a.type_code = 'form_submission' AND v.custom_val like '%filesystem_path%' ";
    $rows = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAll($sql);
    $fields_to_check = array('temp_filesystem_path', 'filesystem_path');
    foreach ($rows as $child_data) {
        $child_id = $child_data['assetid'];
        $asset = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getAsset($child_id);
        $data = $asset->attr('attributes');
        if (isset($data['answers'])) {
            foreach (array_keys($data['answers']) as $question_id) {
                $extra_data = $asset->getExtraData($question_id);
                $record_changed = FALSE;
                foreach ($fields_to_check as $field) {
                    if (!empty($extra_data[$field])) {
                        $location = $extra_data[$field];
                        if (strpos($location, '/') === 0) {
                            if (strpos($location, SQ_SYSTEM_ROOT . '/') === 0) {
                                $location = str_replace(SQ_SYSTEM_ROOT . '/', '', $location);
                                $extra_data[$field] = $location;
                                $record_changed = TRUE;
                            } else {
                                echo "Absolute path found in form submission #{$child_id}, but can not be automatically converted. Location: {$location}\n";
                if ($record_changed) {
                    if ($asset->setExtraData($question_id, $extra_data)) {
                        echo "Updated Form Submission ID: {$asset->id}\n";
                    } else {
                        echo "Failed to update Form Submission ID: {$asset->id}\n";
        $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->forgetAsset($asset, true);
コード例 #2
 * getIndexes
 * Returns an array of indexes based on the type of db it's talking to
 * @return Array Returns an array of index names
function getIndexes()
    $dbtype = _getDbType();
    switch ($dbtype) {
        case 'oci':
            $sql = 'SELECT index_name FROM user_indexes';
        case 'pgsql':
            $sql = 'SELECT indexname from pg_indexes where tablename like \'sq_%\' and indexdef not ilike \'create unique index %\'';
    $del_idx = array();
    if ($sql !== false) {
        $indexes = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAll($sql);
        foreach ($indexes as $key => $value) {
            $del_idx[] = strtolower($value[0]);
    return $del_idx;
コード例 #3
 * Return old shadow links in the system
 * @return array	The array of old shadow links 
function get_old_shadow_links()
    // Get all shadow links
    $sql = 'SELECT linkid, link_type, majorid, minorid FROM sq_shdw_ast_lnk ORDER BY majorid, link_type, linkid';
    $links = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAll($sql);
    // Search for old shadow links
    $am = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am;
    $old_links = array();
    foreach ($links as $link) {
        $shadow_assetid = $link['minorid'];
        $id_parts = explode(':', $shadow_assetid);
        if (isset($id_parts[1])) {
            $bridge_id = $id_parts[0];
            $bridge = $am->getAsset($bridge_id, '', FALSE);
            if (is_null($bridge) || !method_exists($bridge, 'getAsset')) {
                $old_links[] = $link;
            } else {
                //getAsset() from bridge directly so we can set the fourth param $return_null to TRUE so we don't get dummy assets.
                $shadow_asset = $bridge->getAsset($shadow_assetid, '', FALSE, TRUE);
                if (is_null($shadow_asset)) {
                    $old_links[] = $link;
    return $old_links;
コード例 #4
 * getIndexes
 * Returns an array of indexes based on the type of db it's talking to
 * @return Array Returns an array of index names
function getIndexes()
    global $db_conf;
    $dbtype = _getDbType();
    switch ($dbtype) {
        case 'oci':
            $sql = "SELECT u.table_name as tablename, u.index_name as indexname, DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('INDEX',u.index_name) AS indexdef, TRIM(u.degree) AS parallel, CASE WHEN c.constraint_name IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS constraint FROM USER_INDEXES u LEFT JOIN user_constraints c ON (u.index_name=c.constraint_name) WHERE u.TABLE_NAME LIKE 'SQ_%' ORDER BY u.table_name";
        case 'pgsql':
            $sql = 'SELECT tablename, indexname, indexdef from pg_indexes where tablename like \'sq_%\'';
    $constraint_list = array();
    $idx_list = array();
    $parallel_list = array();
    if ($sql !== false) {
        $indexes = MatrixDAL::executeSqlAll($sql);
        foreach ($indexes as $key => $value) {
            $tablename = strtolower($value['tablename']);
            if (!isset($idx_list[$tablename])) {
                $idx_list[$tablename] = array();
            switch ($dbtype) {
                case 'oci':
                    $idx_def = $value['indexdef'];
                    $idx_columns = '';
                    $idx_name = $value['indexname'];
                    * Indexes in oracle look like this
                    						CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX "username"."SQ_AST_PUBLISHED" ON "username"."SQ_AST" ("PUBLISHED") ..
                    preg_match('/index "' . $db_conf['db']['user'] . '"."' . $idx_name . '" on "' . $db_conf['db']['user'] . '"."(.*?)" \\((.*?)\\)/i', $idx_def, $matches);
                    if (!empty($matches) && !empty($matches[2])) {
                        $idx_columns = str_replace(array(' ', '"'), '', strtolower($matches[2]));
                    $idx_name = strtolower($idx_name);
                     * The way oracle handles unique indexes is to create a sub-index
                     * to enforce things. It's still an index but it has no columns.
                    if (empty($idx_columns) === TRUE) {
                    $idx_list[$tablename][$idx_name] = $idx_columns;
                    $parallel_list[$tablename][$idx_name] = $value['parallel'];
                     * if there's a constraint in user_constraints
                     * remember that for later in case it needs to be dropped.
                    if ($value['constraint'] == 1) {
                        $constraint_list[strtoupper($idx_name)] = 1;
                case 'pgsql':
                    $idx_def = $value['indexdef'];
                    $idx_columns = '';
                     * All postgres indexes are btree indexes,
                     * we don't use any other types in matrix.
                     * The format of which is:
                     * CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX thes_term_note_pk ON sq_thes_term_note USING btree (termid, name, thesid, value);
                     * ("UNIQUE" is optional)
                    preg_match('/USING btree \\((.*?)\\)$/i', $idx_def, $matches);
                    if (!empty($matches[1])) {
                        // clean up special quoted names (like "type" in 8.1 dbs)
                        $idx_columns = str_replace(' ', '', str_replace('"', '', $matches[1]));
                    $idx_list[$tablename][strtolower($value['indexname'])] = $idx_columns;
    return array('index_list' => $idx_list, 'parallel_list' => $parallel_list, 'constraint_list' => $constraint_list);