public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { $res = parent::operate($operator, $inFilePath, $configFilePath); if ($res == false) { return false; } $rvPath = pathinfo($inFilePath); $fileName = $rvPath['filename']; $baseName = $rvPath['basename']; $ismStr = file_get_contents("{$this->outFilePath}.ism"); $ismStr = str_replace(array("{$this->outFilePath}.ismc", $inFilePath), array("{$fileName}.ismc", $baseName), $ismStr); file_put_contents("{$this->outFilePath}.ism", $ismStr); $rv = mkdir($this->outFilePath . "_tmpism", 0777); if ($rv == false) { return false; } $newIsmBaseName = $this->outFilePath . "_tmpism/{$fileName}"; rename("{$this->outFilePath}.ism", "{$newIsmBaseName}.ism"); rename("{$this->outFilePath}.ismc", "{$newIsmBaseName}.ismc"); $fsDescArr = array(); $fsDesc = new KalturaDestFileSyncDescriptor(); $fsDesc->fileSyncLocalPath = "{$newIsmBaseName}.ism"; $fsDesc->fileSyncObjectSubType = 3; //".ism"; $fsDescArr[] = $fsDesc; $fsDesc = new KalturaDestFileSyncDescriptor(); $fsDesc->fileSyncLocalPath = "{$newIsmBaseName}.ismc"; $fsDesc->fileSyncObjectSubType = 4; //".ismc"; $fsDescArr[] = $fsDesc; $this->data->extraDestFileSyncs = $fsDescArr; $this->data->destFileSyncLocalPath = null; $this->outFilePath = null; return $res; }
protected function getCmdLine() { $exeCmd = parent::getCmdLine(); if (strstr($exeCmd, KDLOperatorMp4box::ACTION_EMBED_SUBTITLES) !== FALSE) { $captionsStr = null; // impersonite KBatchBase::impersonate($this->job->partnerId); $captionsStr = $this->buildSubTitleCommandParam($this->data); // un-impersonite KBatchBase::unimpersonate(); if (isset($captionsStr)) { $exeCmd = str_replace(array(KDLOperatorMp4box::ACTION_EMBED_SUBTITLES, KDLOperatorMp4box::SUBTITLE_PLACEHOLDER), array("", $captionsStr), $exeCmd); } else { if (!(isset($this->operator) && isset($this->operator->isOptional) && $this->operator->isOptional > 0)) { $this->message .= "." . print_r($this->operator, 1); throw new KOperationEngineException($this->message); } } } else { if (strstr($exeCmd, KDLOperatorMp4box::ACTION_HINT) !== FALSE) { $exeCmd = str_replace(KDLOperatorMp4box::ACTION_HINT, "", $exeCmd); } } return $exeCmd; }
protected function getCmdLine() { $cmdLine = parent::getCmdLine(); $cmdLine = KConversionEngineFfmpeg::experimentalFixing($cmdLine, $this->data->flavorParamsOutput, $this->cmd, $this->inFilePath, $this->outFilePath); $cmdLine = KConversionEngineFfmpeg::expandForcedKeyframesParams($cmdLine); $wmStr = strstr($this->operator->params, "watermark:"); if ($wmStr == false) { return $cmdLine; } $wmStr = trim(substr($this->operator->params, strlen("watermark:"))); /* * If no watermarkData, carry on */ if ($wmStr == null) { return $cmdLine; } KalturaLog::log("Watermark string({$wmStr})"); $wmData = json_decode($wmStr); if (!isset($wmData)) { KalturaLog::err("Bad watermark JSON string({$wmStr}), carry on without watermark"); } KalturaLog::log("Watermark data:\n" . print_r($wmData, 1)); // impersonite KBatchBase::impersonate($this->data->flavorParamsOutput->partnerId); // !!!!!!!!!!!$this->job->partnerId); $wmCmdLine = KConversionEngineFfmpeg::buildWatermarkedCommandLine($wmData, $this->data->destFileSyncLocalPath, $cmdLine, KBatchBase::$taskConfig->params->ffmpegCmd, KBatchBase::$taskConfig->params->mediaInfoCmd); // un-impersonite KBatchBase::unimpersonate(); if (isset($wmCmdLine)) { $cmdLine = $wmCmdLine; } return $cmdLine; }
public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { $qtInFilePath = "{$this->tmpFolder}/{$inFilePath}.stb"; if (symlink($inFilePath, $qtInFilePath)) { $inFilePath = $qtInFilePath; } return parent::operate($operator, $inFilePath, $configFilePath); }
public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { $res = parent::operate($operator, $inFilePath, $configFilePath); if ($res == false) { return false; } $inPathInfo = pathinfo($inFilePath); $inFileName = $inPathInfo['filename']; $outPathInfo = pathinfo($this->outFilePath); $outFileName = $outPathInfo['filename']; $outBaseName = $outPathInfo['basename']; $outFolderName = $outPathInfo['dirname']; $auxOutName = "{$outFolderName}//{$inFileName}"; /* * Update ISM manifest file with correct output file names */ $ismStr = file_get_contents($auxOutName . ".ism"); KalturaLog::info("Before file name update:\n{$ismStr}"); $ismXml = new SimpleXMLElement($ismStr); $ismXml->head->meta['content'] = $outFileName . ".ismc"; if (isset($ismXml->body->switch->video)) { $extStr = pathinfo((string) $ismXml->body->switch->video['src'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $ismXml->body->switch->video['src'] = $outBaseName; } if (isset($ismXml->body->switch->audio)) { $extStr = pathinfo((string) $ismXml->body->switch->audio['src'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $ismXml->body->switch->audio['src'] = $outBaseName; } $ismStr = $ismXml->asXML(); KalturaLog::info("After file name update:\n{$ismStr}"); file_put_contents($auxOutName . ".ism", $ismStr); /* * Update the ISM/ISMC/ISMV file names to correct output file names */ rename($auxOutName . ".ism", "{$outFolderName}//{$outFileName}.ism"); rename($auxOutName . ".ismc", "{$outFolderName}//{$outFileName}.ismc"); if (isset($extStr)) { rename($auxOutName . ".{$extStr}", "{$outFolderName}//{$outBaseName}"); } else { rename($auxOutName, "{$outFolderName}//{$outBaseName}"); } /* * Notify batch job flow to bind the ISM/ISMC files to the asset */ $fsDescArr = array(); $fsDesc = new KalturaDestFileSyncDescriptor(); $fsDesc->fileSyncLocalPath = "{$outFolderName}//{$outFileName}.ism"; $fsDesc->fileSyncObjectSubType = 3; //".ism"; $fsDescArr[] = $fsDesc; $fsDesc = new KalturaDestFileSyncDescriptor(); $fsDesc->fileSyncLocalPath = "{$outFolderName}//{$outFileName}.ismc"; $fsDesc->fileSyncObjectSubType = 4; //".ismc"; $fsDescArr[] = $fsDesc; $this->data->extraDestFileSyncs = $fsDescArr; return $res; }
public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { //$this->outFilePath = "k:".$this->outFilePath; KalturaLog::debug("creating directory:" . $this->outFilePath); kFile::fullMkfileDir($this->outFilePath, 0777, true); $res = parent::operate($operator, $inFilePath, $configFilePath); rename("{$this->outFilePath}//playlist.m3u8", "{$this->outFilePath}//playlist.tmp"); self::parsePlayList("{$this->outFilePath}//playlist.tmp", "{$this->outFilePath}//playlist.m3u8"); // rename("out_dummy.m3u8", "$this->outFilePath//out_dummy.m3u8"); // KalturaLog::info("operator($operator), inFilePath($inFilePath), configFilePath($configFilePath)"); return $res; }
public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { if (kFile::fullMkfileDir($this->outFilePath)) { KalturaLog::debug('dir [' . $this->outFilePath . '] created'); //outFilePath will be the path to the directory in which the images will be saved. $outDirPath = $this->outFilePath; //imageMagick decides the format of the output file according to the outFilePath's the format need to be added. $this->outFilePath = $this->outFilePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($this->outFilePath) . self::LEADING_ZEROS_PADDING . '.' . $this->flavorParamsOutput->format; } else { KalturaLog::debug('failed to create [' . $this->outFilePath . '] directory'); throw new KOperationEngineException('failed to create [' . $this->outFilePath . '] directory'); } parent::operate($operator, $inFilePath, $configFilePath); $imagesListXML = $this->createImagesListXML($outDirPath); kFile::setFileContent($outDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::IMAGES_LIST_XML_NAME, $imagesListXML->asXML()); kalturalog::info('images list xml [' . $outDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::IMAGES_LIST_XML_NAME . '] created'); }
public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { /* * The EE3 tends to lock the source file for a short period. Since the same source file might be used * by number of transcoding process, occasionally, one of the transcoding processes gets denied on an * attempt to access the source file. * The code catches the Exceptions thrown by the KOperrationEngine. * On exception caused by the above state - 3 retries are performed w/10sec delay in between. * All other exceptions are 're-thrown'. * * Note: For PHP 5.3 the exception re-throw should be enhanced with 'e->getPrevious()' */ $ex = null; for ($iEx = 0; $iEx < 3; $iEx++) { try { /* * Successfull execution attempt */ parent::operate($operator, $inFilePath, $configFilePath); return; } catch (Exception $e) { $ex = $e; /* * If there is no log file (to check the error type) * - halt retries and re-through the same exception */ if (file_exists($this->logFilePath) == false) { break; } // $usedMsg="Cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"; $usedMsg = "Cannot access the file because it is being used"; $logStr = $this->getLogData(); /* * If the log does not contain the 'being used' error * - halt retries and re-through the same exception */ if (strstr($logStr, $usedMsg) == false) { break; } $secsToSleep = 10; KalturaLog::info("EE3 failed with 'Cannot access the file because it is being used by another process'. Waiting {$secsToSleep} sec. Attempt:{$iEx}"); sleep($secsToSleep); } } throw new KOperationEngineException($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getCode()); }
public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { /* * The EE3 tends to lock the source file for a short period. Since the same source file might be used * by number of transcoding process, occasionally, one of the transcoding processes gets denied on an * attempt to access the source file. * The code catches the Exceptions thrown by the KOperrationEngine. * On exception caused by the above state - 3 retries are performed w/10sec delay in between. * All other exceptions are 're-thrown'. * * Note: For PHP 5.3 the exception re-throw should be enhanced with 'e->getPrevious()' */ $ex = null; for ($iEx = 0; $iEx < 5; $iEx++) { try { /* * Successfull execution attempt */ return parent::operate($operator, $inFilePath, $configFilePath); } catch (Exception $e) { $ex = $e; $logStr = $this->getLogData(); /* * 'Progress:100' in the log means that the conversion was completed successfully, * and got hang on exit. An external script will hopefully kill the EE task. * If the log contains the 'Progress:100' string, wait 10 sec and retry (up to 3 retries). * Otherwise - halt retries and re-through the same exception */ if (strstr($logStr, "Progress:100") == false) { break; } $secsToSleep = rand(10, 30); KalturaLog::info("EE got hang up. Waiting {$secsToSleep} sec for next attempt. Attempt:{$iEx}"); sleep($secsToSleep); } } throw new KOperationEngineException($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getCode()); }
public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { KalturaLog::debug("document : operator [" . print_r($operator, true) . "] inFilePath [{$inFilePath}]"); if ($configFilePath) { $configFilePath = realpath($configFilePath); } // bypassing PDF Creator for source PDF files $inputExtension = strtolower(pathinfo($inFilePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if ($inputExtension == 'pdf' && !$this->flavorParamsOutput->readonly) { KalturaLog::notice('Bypassing PDF Creator for source PDF files'); if (!@copy($inFilePath, $this->outFilePath)) { $error = ''; if (function_exists('error_get_last')) { $error = error_get_last(); } throw new KOperationEngineException('Cannot copy PDF file [' . $this->inFilePath . '] to [' . $this->outFilePath . '] - [' . $error . ']'); } else { // PDF input file copied as is to output file return; } } // renaming with unique name to allow conversion 2 conversions of same input file to be done together (PDF+SWF) $tmpUniqInFilePath = dirname($inFilePath) . '/' . uniqid() . '_' . basename($inFilePath); $realInFilePath = ''; $uniqueName = false; if (@copy($inFilePath, $tmpUniqInFilePath)) { $realInFilePath = realpath($tmpUniqInFilePath); $uniqueName = true; } else { KalturaLog::notice('Could not rename input file [' . $inFilePath . '] with a unique name [' . $tmpUniqInFilePath . ']'); $realInFilePath = realpath($inFilePath); } parent::operate($operator, $realInFilePath, $configFilePath); if ($uniqueName) { @unlink($tmpUniqInFilePath); } //TODO: RENAME - will not be needed once PDFCreator can work with a configurations file if ($inputExtension == 'pdf' && $this->flavorParamsOutput->readonly == true) { $tmpFile = $this->outFilePath . '.pdf'; } else { $tmpFile = kFile::replaceExt(basename($realInFilePath), 'pdf'); $tmpFile = dirname($this->outFilePath) . '/' . $tmpFile; } // sleeping while file not ready, since PDFCreator exists a bit before the file is actually ready $sleepTimes = 50; $sleepSeconds = 3; while (!file_exists(realpath($tmpFile)) && $sleepTimes > 0) { sleep($sleepSeconds); $sleepTimes--; clearstatcache(); } if (!file_exists(realpath($tmpFile))) { throw new kTemporaryException('Temp PDF Creator file not found [' . $tmpFile . '] output file [' . $this->outFilePath . ']'); } else { KalturaLog::notice('document temp found [' . $tmpFile . '] output file [' . $this->outFilePath . ']'); } //TODO: RENAME - will not be needed once PDFCreator can work with a configurations file $tmpFile = realpath($tmpFile); while (!rename($tmpFile, $this->outFilePath) && $sleepTimes > 0) { sleep($sleepSeconds); $sleepTimes--; clearstatcache(); } if (!file_exists($this->outFilePath)) { $error = ''; if (function_exists('error_get_last')) { $error = error_get_last(); } throw new KOperationEngineException('Cannot rename file [' . $tmpFile . '] to [' . $this->outFilePath . '] - [' . $error . ']'); } }
public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { parent::operate($operator, $inFilePath, $configFilePath); // KalturaLog::info("operator($operator), inFilePath($inFilePath), configFilePath($configFilePath)"); }
public function configure(KalturaConvartableJobData $data, KalturaBatchJob $job) { parent::configure($data, $job); $errStr = null; if (!KBatchBase::$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaUrl) { $errStr = "InletArmadaUrl"; } if (!KBatchBase::$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaLogin) { if ($errStr) { $errStr .= ",InletArmadaLogin"; } else { $errStr = "InletArmadaLogin"; } } if (!KBatchBase::$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaPassword) { if ($errStr) { $errStr .= ",InletArmadaPassword"; } else { $errStr = "InletArmadaPassword"; } } if ($errStr) { throw new KOperationEngineException("Inlet failure: missing credentials - {$errStr}"); } //, url(".$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaUrl."), login(."$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaLogin."),passw(".$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaPassword.")"); /* $this->url = $taskConfig->params->InletArmadaUrl; $this->login = $taskConfig->params->InletArmadaLogin; $this->passw = $taskConfig->params->InletArmadaPassword; if($taskConfig->params->InletArmadaPriority) $this->prio = $taskConfig->params->InletArmadaPriority; else $this->prio = 5; */ }
public function configure(KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig, KalturaConvartableJobData $data) { parent::configure($taskConfig, $data); KalturaLog::info("taskConfig-->" . print_r($taskConfig, true) . "\ndata->" . print_r($data, true)); }
protected function doOperation() { $this->validateFormat(self::PDF_FORMAT); return parent::doOperation(); }
public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { /* * Creating unique output folder for nbrPlay/Webex sessions. * This is required in order to support concurrent conversion sessions, * because the nbrPlay tool generates temp files with the same name. * Upon completion move the generated file into the 'regular' outFilePath */ $saveOutPath = $this->outFilePath; $path_parts = pathinfo($this->outFilePath); $outDir = realpath($path_parts['dirname']); /* * The temp folder name */ $tempFolder = "{$outDir}/" . $path_parts['basename'] . ".webex_temp_folder"; $tempOutPath = "{$tempFolder}/" . $path_parts['basename']; if (!file_exists($tempFolder)) { $oldUmask = umask(00); $result = @mkdir($tempFolder, 0777, true); umask($oldUmask); } /* * Switch to temp forlder */ $this->outFilePath = $tempOutPath; $rv = parent::operate($operator, $inFilePath, $configFilePath); /* * Restore the original */ if (file_exists($tempOutPath)) { $outFilelist = kFile::dirList($tempFolder); if (isset($outFilelist) && count($outFilelist) > 0) { foreach ($outFilelist as $fileName) { for ($tries = 0; $tries < 5; $tries++) { $toFile = "{$outDir}/" . pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_BASENAME); $rv = kFile::moveFile($fileName, $toFile); if (!file_exists($fileName)) { break; } KalturaLog::err("Failed to move ({$fileName}) to ({$toFile})"); Sleep(60); } } Sleep(60); rmdir($tempFolder); } } $this->outFilePath = $saveOutPath; return $rv; }
protected function getCmdLine() { $cmdLine = parent::getCmdLine(); $cmdLine = KConversionEngineFfmpeg::expandForcedKeyframesParams($cmdLine); return $cmdLine; }
public function configure(KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig, KalturaConvartableJobData $data, KalturaClient $client) { parent::configure($taskConfig, $data, $client); $this->taskConfig = $taskConfig; $errStr = null; if (!$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaUrl) { $errStr = "InletArmadaUrl"; } if (!$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaLogin) { if ($errStr) { $errStr .= ",InletArmadaLogin"; } else { $errStr = "InletArmadaLogin"; } } if (!$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaPassword) { if ($errStr) { $errStr .= ",InletArmadaPassword"; } else { $errStr = "InletArmadaPassword"; } } if ($errStr) { throw new KOperationEngineException("Inlet failure: missing credentials - {$errStr}"); } //, url(".$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaUrl."), login(."$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaLogin."),passw(".$taskConfig->params->InletArmadaPassword.")"); /* $this->url = $taskConfig->params->InletArmadaUrl; $this->login = $taskConfig->params->InletArmadaLogin; $this->passw = $taskConfig->params->InletArmadaPassword; if($taskConfig->params->InletArmadaPriority) $this->prio = $taskConfig->params->InletArmadaPriority; else $this->prio = 5; */ KalturaLog::info("taskConfig-->" . print_r($taskConfig, true) . "\ndata->" . print_r($data, true)); }
protected function getCmdLine() { $exeCmd = parent::getCmdLine(); KalturaLog::info(print_r($this, true)); return $exeCmd; }
public function configure(KSchedularTaskConfig $taskConfig, KalturaConvartableJobData $data, KalturaClient $client) { parent::configure($taskConfig, $data, $client); $this->data = $data; $this->client = $client; }
public function operate(kOperator $operator = null, $inFilePath, $configFilePath = null) { KalturaLog::debug("document : operator [" . print_r($operator, true) . "] inFilePath [{$inFilePath}]"); if ($configFilePath) { $configFilePath = realpath($configFilePath); } // bypassing PDF Creator for source PDF files $inputExtension = strtolower(pathinfo($inFilePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if ($inputExtension == 'pdf' && !$this->flavorParamsOutput->readonly) { KalturaLog::notice('Bypassing PDF Creator for source PDF files'); if (!@copy($inFilePath, $this->outFilePath)) { $error = ''; if (function_exists('error_get_last')) { $error = error_get_last(); } throw new KOperationEngineException('Cannot copy PDF file [' . $this->inFilePath . '] to [' . $this->outFilePath . '] - [' . $error . ']'); } else { // PDF input file copied as is to output file return; } } // renaming with unique name to allow conversion 2 conversions of same input file to be done together (PDF+SWF) $tmpUniqInFilePath = dirname($inFilePath) . '/' . uniqid() . '_' . basename($inFilePath); $realInFilePath = ''; $uniqueName = false; if (@copy($inFilePath, $tmpUniqInFilePath)) { $realInFilePath = realpath($tmpUniqInFilePath); $uniqueName = true; } else { KalturaLog::notice('Could not rename input file [' . $inFilePath . '] with a unique name [' . $tmpUniqInFilePath . ']'); $realInFilePath = realpath($inFilePath); } $filePrefix = file_get_contents($realInFilePath, false, null, 0, strlen(self::OLD_OFFICE_SIGNATURE)); $path_info = pathinfo($realInFilePath); $ext = $path_info['extension']; $newOfficeExtensions = array('pptx', 'docx', 'xlsx'); $ext = strtolower($ext); //checks if $realInFilePath is an old office document with a new extension ('pptx|docx|xlsx') //if $realInFilePath is not the fileSync itself ($uniqueName = true) , rename the file by removing the 'x' from the extension. if ($uniqueName && in_array($ext, $newOfficeExtensions) && $filePrefix == self::OLD_OFFICE_SIGNATURE) { $RealInFilePathWithoutX = substr($realInFilePath, 0, -1); if (rename($realInFilePath, $RealInFilePathWithoutX)) { KalturaLog::notice("renamed file [{$realInFilePath}] to [{$RealInFilePathWithoutX}]"); $realInFilePath = $RealInFilePathWithoutX; } } $finalOutputPath = $this->outFilePath; if ($inputExtension == 'pdf' && $this->flavorParamsOutput->readonly == true) { $tmpFile = $this->outFilePath . '.pdf'; } else { $tmpFile = kFile::replaceExt(basename($realInFilePath), 'pdf'); $tmpFile = dirname($this->outFilePath) . '/' . $tmpFile; } $this->outFilePath = $tmpFile; parent::operate($operator, $realInFilePath, $configFilePath); $this->outFilePath = $finalOutputPath; if ($uniqueName) { @unlink($tmpUniqInFilePath); } $sleepTimes = $this->taskConfiguration->fileExistReties; if (!$sleepTimes) { $sleepTimes = self::DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMES; } $sleepSeconds = $this->taskConfiguration->fileExistInterval; if (!$sleepSeconds) { $sleepSeconds = self::DEFAULT_SLEEP_SECONDS; } // sleeping while file not ready, since PDFCreator exists a bit before the file is actually ready while (!file_exists(realpath($tmpFile)) && $sleepTimes > 0) { sleep($sleepSeconds); $sleepTimes--; clearstatcache(); } if (!file_exists(realpath($tmpFile))) { throw new kTemporaryException('Temp PDF Creator file not found [' . $tmpFile . '] output file [' . $this->outFilePath . ']'); } else { KalturaLog::notice('document temp found [' . $tmpFile . '] output file [' . $this->outFilePath . ']'); } $fileUnlockRetries = $this->taskConfiguration->params->fileUnlockRetries; if (!$fileUnlockRetries) { $fileUnlockRetries = self::DEFAULT_FILE_UNLOCK_RETRIES; } $fileUnlockInterval = $this->taskConfiguration->params->fileUnlockInterval; if (!$fileUnlockInterval) { $fileUnlockInterval = self::DEFAULT_FILE_UNLOCK_INTERVAL; } $tmpFile = realpath($tmpFile); while (!rename($tmpFile, $this->outFilePath) && $fileUnlockRetries > 0) { sleep($fileUnlockInterval); $fileUnlockRetries--; clearstatcache(); } if (!file_exists($this->outFilePath)) { $error = ''; if (function_exists('error_get_last')) { $error = error_get_last(); } throw new KOperationEngineException('Cannot rename file [' . $tmpFile . '] to [' . $this->outFilePath . '] - [' . $error . ']'); } }
public function __construct($cmd, $outFilePath) { parent::__construct($cmd, $outFilePath); }