コード例 #1
  * Moving an Item from one spot to the other in a Bag
 function game_change($from_bag_id = null, $from_bag_index = null, $to_bag_id = null, $to_bag_index = null)
     App::import('Model', 'Inventory');
     $Inventory = new Inventory();
     $fromInventory = $Inventory->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Inventory.character_id' => $this->characterInfo['id'], 'Inventory.bag_id' => $from_bag_id, 'Inventory.index' => $from_bag_index)));
     if (!empty($fromInventory)) {
         // KLijken of het vakje leeg is waar we heen gaan
         $toInventory = $Inventory->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Inventory.character_id' => $this->characterInfo['id'], 'Inventory.bag_id' => $to_bag_id, 'Inventory.index' => $to_bag_index)));
         if (!empty($toInventory)) {
             // Niks aan de hand, wisselen
             // to => from
             $oldIds = $Inventory->find('list', array('conditions' => array('Inventory.character_id' => $this->characterInfo['id'], 'Inventory.bag_id' => $from_bag_id, 'Inventory.index' => $from_bag_index)));
             $Inventory->updateAll(array('Inventory.bag_id' => $fromInventory['Inventory']['bag_id'], 'Inventory.index' => $fromInventory['Inventory']['index']), array('Inventory.bag_id' => $toInventory['Inventory']['bag_id'], 'Inventory.index' => $toInventory['Inventory']['index']));
             // from => to
             $Inventory->updateAll(array('Inventory.bag_id' => $toInventory['Inventory']['bag_id'], 'Inventory.index' => $toInventory['Inventory']['index']), array('Inventory.id' => $oldIds));
         } else {
             // kijken of er in de nieuwe bag slot wel ruimte is
             $this->Bag->recursive = 2;
             $toBag = $this->Bag->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Bag.id' => $to_bag_id, 'Bag.character_id' => $this->characterInfo['id'])));
             if (!empty($toBag)) {
                 // Kijken of de index lager is dan het aantal vrije slots
                 if ($toBag['Item']['StatNamed']['slots'] >= $to_bag_index) {
                     // Mag naar de lege plek
                     $Inventory->updateAll(array('Inventory.bag_id' => $to_bag_id, 'Inventory.index' => $to_bag_index), array('Inventory.bag_id' => $fromInventory['Inventory']['bag_id'], 'Inventory.index' => $fromInventory['Inventory']['index']));
     $this->redirect('/game/bags/view/' . $to_bag_id);