if (!Inventory::delete($conn, $task_id)) { $config_nt['options']['type'] = 'nf_error'; $config_nt['content'] = _('Error! Inventory task could not be deleted'); } else { $config_nt['options']['type'] = 'nf_success'; $config_nt['content'] = _('Inventory task deleted successfully'); } } elseif ($submit == _('Save Task')) { if (is_array($nmap_options) && count($nmap_options) > 0) { $task_params = $task_params . '#' . implode(' ', $nmap_options); } // Clean $task_params for OCS tasks if ($task_type == 3) { $task_params = ''; } if (!Inventory::modify($conn, $task_id, $sensor_id, $task_name, $task_type, $task_period, $task_params, $task_nets)) { $config_nt['options']['type'] = 'nf_error'; $config_nt['content'] = _('Error! Inventory task could not be updated'); } else { $config_nt['options']['type'] = 'nf_success'; $config_nt['content'] = _('Inventory task updated successfully'); } } elseif ($submit == _('Enable / Disable')) { if (!Inventory::toggle_scan($conn, $task_id)) { $config_nt['options']['type'] = 'nf_error'; $config_nt['content'] = _('Error! Inventory task could not be updated'); } else { $config_nt['options']['type'] = 'nf_success'; $config_nt['content'] = _('Inventory task updated successfully'); } }
$nt->show(); Util::make_form("POST", "index.php"); exit; } else { if (POST('mode') == 'insert') { $id = Inventory::insert($conn, $sensor_id, $name, $s_type_ids[$s_type], $period, $params, $enable, $nets); Web_indicator::set_on('Reload_tasks'); ?> <script type="text/javascript">document.location.href = "index.php?s_type=<?php echo $s_type; ?> &msg=saved"</script> <?php exit; } elseif (POST('mode') == 'update') { Inventory::modify($conn, $id, $sensor_id, $name, $s_type_ids[$s_type], $period, $params, $enable, $nets); Web_indicator::set_on('Reload_tasks'); ?> <script type="text/javascript">document.location.href = "index.php?s_type=<?php echo $s_type; ?> &msg=saved"</script> <?php exit; } } } } //Get Data $id = intval(GET('id')); $s_type = GET('s_type');
case 'wmi': preg_match('/wmipass:(.*)/', $params, $matches); if ($matches[1] != '' && preg_match('/^\\*+$/', $matches[1]) && $_SESSION['wmi_pass'] != '') { $params = preg_replace('/wmipass:(.*)/', '', $params); $params = $params . 'wmipass:'******'wmi_pass']; } break; default: $targets = NULL; $params = NULL; } $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); try { if ($task_id != '') { Inventory::modify($conn, $task_id, $sensor_id, $name, $scan_types[$s_type], $frequency, $params, $targets); } else { $task_id = Inventory::insert($conn, $sensor_id, $name, $scan_types[$s_type], $frequency, $params, $targets); } } catch (Exception $e) { $data['status'] = 'error'; $data['data'] = array('php_exception' => $e->getMessage()); } $db->close(); } if ($data['status'] == 'error') { $txt_error = '<div>' . _('The following errors occurred') . ":</div>\n <div style='padding: 10px;'>" . implode('<br/>', $data['data']) . '</div>'; $config_nt = array('content' => $txt_error, 'options' => array('type' => 'nf_error', 'cancel_button' => FALSE), 'style' => 'width: 80%; margin: 20px auto; text-align: left;'); $nt = new Notification('nt_1', $config_nt); $nt->show(); } else {