jsHide() static public method

Get javascript code for hide an item
static public jsHide ( $id ) : String
$id string id of the dom element
return String
コード例 #1
  * Show the current ticketfollowup summary
  * @param $ticket Ticket object
 function showSummary($ticket)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     if (!Session::haveRightsOr(self::$rightname, array(self::SEEPUBLIC, self::SEEPRIVATE))) {
         return false;
     $tID = $ticket->fields['id'];
     // Display existing Followups
     $showprivate = Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::SEEPRIVATE);
     $caneditall = Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::UPDATEALL);
     $tmp = array('tickets_id' => $tID);
     $canadd = $this->can(-1, CREATE, $tmp);
     $showuserlink = 0;
     if (User::canView()) {
         $showuserlink = 1;
     $techs = $ticket->getAllUsers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN);
     $reopen_case = false;
     if (in_array($ticket->fields["status"], $ticket->getClosedStatusArray()) && $ticket->isAllowedStatus($ticket->fields['status'], Ticket::INCOMING)) {
         $reopen_case = true;
     $tech = Session::haveRight(self::$rightname, self::ADDALLTICKET) || $ticket->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID()) || isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $ticket->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION['glpigroups']);
     $RESTRICT = "";
     if (!$showprivate) {
         $RESTRICT = " AND (`is_private` = '0'\n                            OR `users_id` ='" . Session::getLoginUserID() . "') ";
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_ticketfollowups`.*, `glpi_users`.`picture`\n                FROM `glpi_ticketfollowups`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_users` ON (`glpi_ticketfollowups`.`users_id` = `glpi_users`.`id`)\n                WHERE `tickets_id` = '{$tID}'\n                      {$RESTRICT}\n                ORDER BY `date` DESC";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     if ($caneditall || $canadd) {
         echo "<div id='viewfollowup" . $tID . "{$rand}'></div>\n";
     if ($canadd) {
         echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
         echo "function viewAddFollowup" . $ticket->fields['id'] . "{$rand}() {\n";
         $params = array('type' => __CLASS__, 'parenttype' => 'Ticket', 'tickets_id' => $ticket->fields['id'], 'id' => -1);
         Ajax::updateItemJsCode("viewfollowup" . $ticket->fields['id'] . "{$rand}", $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/viewsubitem.php", $params);
         echo Html::jsHide('addbutton' . $ticket->fields['id'] . "{$rand}");
         echo "};";
         echo "</script>\n";
         // Not closed ticket or closed
         if (!in_array($ticket->fields["status"], array_merge($ticket->getSolvedStatusArray(), $ticket->getClosedStatusArray())) || $reopen_case) {
             if (isset($_GET['_openfollowup']) && $_GET['_openfollowup']) {
                 echo Html::scriptBlock("viewAddFollowup" . $ticket->fields['id'] . "{$rand}()");
             } else {
                 echo "<div id='addbutton" . $ticket->fields['id'] . "{$rand}' class='center firstbloc'>" . "<a class='vsubmit' href='javascript:viewAddFollowup" . $ticket->fields['id'] . "{$rand}();'>";
                 if ($reopen_case) {
                     _e('Reopen the ticket');
                 } else {
                     _e('Add a new followup');
                 echo "</a></div>\n";
     if ($DB->numrows($result) == 0) {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
         echo "<th class='b'>" . __('No followup for this ticket.') . "</th></tr></table>";
     } else {
         $today = strtotime('today');
         $lastmonday = strtotime('last monday');
         $lastlastmonday = strtotime('last monday', strtotime('last monday'));
         // Case of monday
         if ($today - $lastmonday == 7 * DAY_TIMESTAMP) {
             $lastlastmonday = $lastmonday;
             $lastmonday = $today;
         $steps = array(0 => array('end' => $today, 'name' => __('Today')), 1 => array('end' => $lastmonday, 'name' => __('This week')), 2 => array('end' => $lastlastmonday, 'name' => __('Last week')), 3 => array('end' => strtotime('midnight first day of'), 'name' => __('This month')), 4 => array('end' => strtotime('midnight first day of last month'), 'name' => __('Last month')), 5 => array('end' => 0, 'name' => __('Before the last month')));
         $currentpos = -1;
         while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $candelete = $this->canPurge() && $this->canPurgeItem();
             $canedit = $this->canUpdate() && $this->canUpdateItem();
             $time = strtotime($data['date']);
             if (!isset($steps[$currentpos]) || $steps[$currentpos]['end'] > $time) {
                 while ($steps[$currentpos]['end'] > $time && isset($steps[$currentpos + 1])) {
                 if (isset($steps[$currentpos])) {
                     echo "<h3>" . $steps[$currentpos]['name'] . "</h3>";
             $id = 'followup' . $data['id'] . $rand;
             $color = 'byuser';
             if (isset($techs[$data['users_id']])) {
                 $color = 'bytech';
             $classtoadd = '';
             if ($canedit) {
                 $classtoadd = " pointer";
             echo "<div class='boxnote {$color}' id='view{$id}'";
             echo ">";
             echo "<div class='boxnoteleft'>";
             echo "<img class='user_picture_verysmall' alt=\"" . __s('Picture') . "\" src='" . User::getThumbnailURLForPicture($data['picture']) . "'>";
             echo "</div>";
             // boxnoteleft
             echo "<div class='boxnotecontent'";
             echo ">";
             echo "<div class='boxnotefloatleft'>";
             $username = NOT_AVAILABLE;
             if ($data['users_id']) {
                 $username = getUserName($data['users_id'], $showuserlink);
             $name = sprintf(__('Create by %1$s on %2$s'), $username, Html::convDateTime($data['date']));
             if ($data['requesttypes_id']) {
                 $name = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $name, Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_requesttypes', $data['requesttypes_id']));
             if ($showprivate && $data["is_private"]) {
                 $name = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $name, __('Private'));
             echo $name;
             echo "</div>";
             // floatright
             echo "<div class='boxnotetext {$classtoadd}'";
             if ($canedit) {
                 echo " onClick=\"viewEditFollowup" . $ticket->fields['id'] . $data['id'] . "{$rand}(); " . Html::jsHide("view{$id}") . " " . Html::jsShow("viewfollowup" . $ticket->fields['id'] . $data["id"] . "{$rand}") . "\" ";
             echo ">";
             $content = nl2br($data['content']);
             if (empty($content)) {
                 $content = NOT_AVAILABLE;
             echo $content . '</div>';
             // boxnotetext
             echo "</div>";
             // boxnotecontent
             echo "<div class='boxnoteright'>";
             if ($candelete) {
                 Html::showSimpleForm(Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL('TicketFollowup'), array('purge' => 'purge'), _x('button', 'Delete permanently'), array('id' => $data['id']), $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/delete.png", '', __('Confirm the final deletion?'));
             echo "</div>";
             // boxnoteright
             echo "</div>";
             // boxnote
             if ($canedit) {
                 echo "<div id='viewfollowup" . $ticket->fields['id'] . $data["id"] . "{$rand}' class='starthidden'></div>\n";
                 echo "\n<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
                 echo "function viewEditFollowup" . $ticket->fields['id'] . $data["id"] . "{$rand}() {\n";
                 $params = array('type' => __CLASS__, 'parenttype' => 'Ticket', 'tickets_id' => $data["tickets_id"], 'id' => $data["id"]);
                 Ajax::updateItemJsCode("viewfollowup" . $ticket->fields['id'] . $data["id"] . "{$rand}", $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/viewsubitem.php", $params);
                 echo "};";
                 echo "</script>\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: ticket.class.php プロジェクト: glpi-project/glpi
  * @param $size (default 25)
 static function showDocumentAddButton($size = 25)
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     echo "<script type='text/javascript'>var nbfiles=1; var maxfiles = 5;</script>";
     echo "<span id='addfilebutton'><img title=\"" . __s('Add') . "\" alt=\"" . __s('Add') . "\" onClick=\"if (nbfiles<maxfiles){\n                           var row = " . Html::jsGetElementbyID('uploadfiles') . ";\n                           row.append('<br><input type=\\'file\\' name=\\'filename[]\\' size=\\'{$size}\\'>');\n                           nbfiles++;\n                           if (nbfiles==maxfiles) {\n                              " . Html::jsHide('addfilebutton') . "\n                           }\n                        }\"\n              class='pointer' src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/add_dropdown.png'></span>";
コード例 #3
  * Show the current task sumnary
  * @param $item   CommonITILObject
 function showSummary(CommonITILObject $item)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     if (!static::canView()) {
         return false;
     $tID = $item->fields['id'];
     // Display existing Followups
     $showprivate = $this->canViewPrivates();
     $caneditall = $this->canEditAll();
     $tmp = array($item->getForeignKeyField() => $tID);
     $canadd = $this->can(-1, CREATE, $tmp);
     $canpurge = $this->canPurgeItem();
     $canview = $this->canViewItem();
     $RESTRICT = "";
     if ($this->maybePrivate() && !$showprivate) {
         $RESTRICT = " AND (`is_private` = '0'\n                            OR `users_id` ='" . Session::getLoginUserID() . "'\n                            OR `users_id_tech` ='" . Session::getLoginUserID() . "'\n                            OR `groups_id_tech` IN ('" . implode("','", $_SESSION["glpigroups"]) . "')) ";
     $query = "SELECT `id`, `date`\n                FROM `" . $this->getTable() . "`\n                WHERE `" . $item->getForeignKeyField() . "` = '{$tID}'\n                      {$RESTRICT}\n                ORDER BY `date` DESC";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     if ($caneditall || $canadd || $canpurge) {
         echo "<div id='viewfollowup" . $tID . "{$rand}'></div>\n";
     if ($canadd) {
         echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
         echo "function viewAddTask" . $item->fields['id'] . "{$rand}() {\n";
         $params = array('type' => $this->getType(), 'parenttype' => $item->getType(), $item->getForeignKeyField() => $item->fields['id'], 'id' => -1);
         Ajax::updateItemJsCode("viewfollowup" . $item->fields['id'] . "{$rand}", $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/viewsubitem.php", $params);
         echo Html::jsHide('addbutton' . $item->fields['id'] . "{$rand}");
         echo "};";
         echo "</script>\n";
         if (!in_array($item->fields["status"], array_merge($item->getSolvedStatusArray(), $item->getClosedStatusArray()))) {
             echo "<div id='addbutton" . $item->fields['id'] . "{$rand}' class='center firstbloc'>" . "<a class='vsubmit' href='javascript:viewAddTask" . $item->fields['id'] . "{$rand}();'>";
             echo __('Add a new task') . "</a></div>\n";
     if ($DB->numrows($result) == 0) {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'><tr class='tab_bg_2'><th>" . __('No task found.');
         echo "</th></tr></table>";
     } else {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
         $header = "<tr><th>&nbsp;</th><th>" . __('Type') . "</th><th>" . __('Date') . "</th>";
         $header .= "<th>" . __('Description') . "</th><th>" . __('Duration') . "</th>";
         $header .= "<th>" . __('Writer') . "</th>";
         if ($this->maybePrivate() && $showprivate) {
             $header .= "<th>" . __('Private') . "</th>";
         $header .= "<th>" . __('Planning') . "</th></tr>\n";
         echo $header;
         while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
             if ($this->getFromDB($data['id'])) {
                 $options = array('parent' => $item, 'rand' => $rand, 'showprivate' => $showprivate);
                 Plugin::doHook('pre_show_item', array('item' => $this, 'options' => &$options));
                 $this->showInObjectSumnary($item, $rand, $showprivate);
                 Plugin::doHook('post_show_item', array('item' => $this, 'options' => $options));
         echo $header;
         echo "</table>";
コード例 #4
ファイル: notepad.class.php プロジェクト: stweil/glpi
  * Show notepads for an item
  * @param $item                  CommonDBTM object
  * @param $withtemplate integer  template or basic item (default '')
 static function showForItem(CommonDBTM $item, $withtemplate = '')
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     if (!Session::haveRight($item::$rightname, READNOTE)) {
         return false;
     $notes = static::getAllForItem($item);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $canedit = Session::haveRight($item::$rightname, UPDATENOTE);
     $showuserlink = 0;
     if (User::canView()) {
         $showuserlink = 1;
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<div class='boxnote center'>";
         echo "<div class='boxnoteleft'></div>";
         echo "<form name='addnote_form{$rand}' id='addnote_form{$rand}' ";
         echo " method='post' action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL('Notepad') . "'>";
         echo Html::hidden('itemtype', array('value' => $item->getType()));
         echo Html::hidden('items_id', array('value' => $item->getID()));
         echo "<div class='boxnotecontent'>";
         echo "<div class='floatleft'>";
         echo "<textarea name='content' rows=5 cols=100></textarea>";
         echo "</div>";
         echo "</div>";
         // box notecontent
         echo "<div class='boxnoteright'><br>";
         echo Html::submit(_x('button', 'Add'), array('name' => 'add'));
         echo "</div>";
         echo "</div>";
         // boxnote
     if (count($notes)) {
         foreach ($notes as $note) {
             $id = 'note' . $note['id'] . $rand;
             $classtoadd = '';
             if ($canedit) {
                 $classtoadd = " pointer";
             echo "<div class='boxnote' id='view{$id}'>";
             echo "<div class='boxnoteleft'>";
             echo "<img class='user_picture_verysmall' alt=\"" . __s('Picture') . "\" src='" . User::getThumbnailURLForPicture($note['picture']) . "'>";
             echo "</div>";
             // boxnoteleft
             echo "<div class='boxnotecontent'>";
             echo "<div class='boxnotefloatright'>";
             $username = NOT_AVAILABLE;
             if ($note['users_id_lastupdater']) {
                 $username = getUserName($note['users_id_lastupdater'], $showuserlink);
             $update = sprintf(__('Last update by %1$s on %2$s'), $username, Html::convDateTime($note['date_mod']));
             $username = NOT_AVAILABLE;
             if ($note['users_id']) {
                 $username = getUserName($note['users_id'], $showuserlink);
             $create = sprintf(__('Create by %1$s on %2$s'), $username, Html::convDateTime($note['date']));
             printf(__('%1$s / %2$s'), $update, $create);
             echo "</div>";
             // floatright
             echo "<div class='boxnotetext {$classtoadd}' ";
             if ($canedit) {
                 echo "onclick=\"" . Html::jsHide("view{$id}") . " " . Html::jsShow("edit{$id}") . "\"";
             echo ">";
             $content = nl2br($note['content']);
             if (empty($content)) {
                 $content = NOT_AVAILABLE;
             echo $content . '</div>';
             // boxnotetext
             echo "</div>";
             // boxnotecontent
             echo "<div class='boxnoteright'>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 Html::showSimpleForm(Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL('Notepad'), array('purge' => 'purge'), _x('button', 'Delete permanently'), array('id' => $note['id']), $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/delete.png", '', __('Confirm the final deletion?'));
             echo "</div>";
             // boxnoteright
             echo "</div>";
             // boxnote
             if ($canedit) {
                 echo "<div class='boxnote starthidden' id='edit{$id}'>";
                 echo "<form name='update_form{$id}{$rand}' id='update_form{$id}{$rand}' ";
                 echo " method='post' action='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL('Notepad') . "'>";
                 echo "<div class='boxnoteleft'></div>";
                 echo "<div class='boxnotecontent'>";
                 echo Html::hidden('id', array('value' => $note['id']));
                 echo "<textarea name='content' rows=5 cols=100>" . $note['content'] . "</textarea>";
                 echo "</div>";
                 // boxnotecontent
                 echo "<div class='boxnoteright'><br>";
                 echo Html::submit(_x('button', 'Update'), array('name' => 'update'));
                 echo "</div>";
                 // boxnoteright
                 echo "</div>";
                 // boxnote
     return true;
コード例 #5
  * Print the reminder form
  * @param $ID        integer  Id of the item to print
  * @param $options   array of possible options:
  *     - target filename : where to go when done.
 function showForm($ID, $options = array())
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     $this->initForm($ID, $options);
     // Show Reminder or blank form
     $onfocus = "";
     if (!$ID > 0) {
         // Create item : do getempty before check right to set default values
         $onfocus = "onfocus=\"if (this.value=='" . $this->fields['name'] . "') this.value='';\"";
     $canedit = $this->can($ID, UPDATE);
     if ($canedit) {
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td>" . __('Title') . "</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     if ($canedit) {
         Html::autocompletionTextField($this, "name", array('size' => 80, 'entity' => -1, 'user' => $this->fields["users_id"], 'option' => $onfocus));
     } else {
         echo $this->fields['name'];
     echo "</td>\n";
     echo "<td>" . __('By') . "</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     echo getUserName($this->fields["users_id"]);
     if (!$ID) {
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='users_id' value='" . $this->fields['users_id'] . "'>\n";
     echo "</td></tr>\n";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
     echo "<td>" . __('Visibility') . "</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     echo '<table><tr><td>';
     echo __('Begin') . '</td><td>';
     Html::showDateTimeField("begin_view_date", array('value' => $this->fields["begin_view_date"], 'timestep' => 1, 'maybeempty' => true, 'canedit' => $canedit));
     echo '</td><td>' . __('End') . '</td><td>';
     Html::showDateTimeField("end_view_date", array('value' => $this->fields["end_view_date"], 'timestep' => 1, 'maybeempty' => true, 'canedit' => $canedit));
     echo '</td></tr></table>';
     echo "</td>";
     echo "<td>" . __('Status') . "</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     if ($canedit) {
         Planning::dropdownState("state", $this->fields["state"]);
     } else {
         echo Planning::getState($this->fields["state"]);
     echo "</td>\n";
     echo "</tr>\n";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td >" . __('Calendar') . "</td>";
     echo "<td class='center'>";
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
         echo "function showPlan() {\n";
         echo Html::jsHide('plan');
         $params = array('form' => 'remind', 'users_id' => $this->fields["users_id"], 'itemtype' => $this->getType(), 'items_id' => $this->getID());
         if ($ID && $this->fields["is_planned"]) {
             $params['begin'] = $this->fields["begin"];
             $params['end'] = $this->fields["end"];
         Ajax::updateItemJsCode('viewplan', $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/planning.php", $params);
         echo "}";
         echo "</script>\n";
     if (!$ID || !$this->fields["is_planned"]) {
         if (Session::haveRightsOr("planning", array(Planning::READMY, Planning::READGROUP, Planning::READALL))) {
             echo "<div id='plan' onClick='showPlan()'>\n";
             echo "<a href='#' class='vsubmit'>" . __('Add to schedule') . "</a>";
     } else {
         if ($canedit) {
             echo "<div id='plan' onClick='showPlan()'>\n";
             echo "<span class='showplan'>";
         //TRANS: %1$s is the begin date, %2$s is the end date
         printf(__('From %1$s to %2$s'), Html::convDateTime($this->fields["begin"]), Html::convDateTime($this->fields["end"]));
         if ($canedit) {
             echo "</span>";
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "</div>\n";
         echo "<div id='viewplan'>\n</div>\n";
     echo "</td>";
     if ($ID && $this->fields["is_planned"] && PlanningRecall::isAvailable()) {
         echo "<td>" . _x('Planning', 'Reminder') . "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         if ($canedit) {
             PlanningRecall::dropdown(array('itemtype' => 'Reminder', 'items_id' => $ID));
         } else {
             // No edit right : use specific Planning Recall Form
             PlanningRecall::specificForm(array('itemtype' => 'Reminder', 'items_id' => $ID));
         echo "</td>";
     } else {
         echo "<td colspan='2'></td>";
     echo "</tr>\n";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td>" . __('Description') . "</td>" . "<td colspan='3'>";
     if ($canedit) {
         echo "<textarea cols='115' rows='15' name='text'>" . $this->fields["text"] . "</textarea>";
     } else {
         echo "<div  id='kbanswer'>";
         echo Toolbox::unclean_html_cross_side_scripting_deep($this->fields["text"]);
         echo "</div>";
     echo "</td></tr>\n";
     return true;
コード例 #6
 /** form for Task
  * @param $ID        Integer : Id of the task
  * @param $options   array
  *     -  parent Object : the object
 function showForm($ID, $options = array())
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     if (isset($options['parent']) && !empty($options['parent'])) {
         $item = $options['parent'];
     $fkfield = $item->getForeignKeyField();
     if ($ID > 0) {
         $this->check($ID, READ);
     } else {
         // Create item
         $options[$fkfield] = $item->getField('id');
         $this->check(-1, CREATE, $options);
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $canplan = !$item->isStatusExists(CommonITILObject::PLANNED) || $item->isAllowedStatus($item->fields['status'], CommonITILObject::PLANNED);
     $rowspan = 3;
     if ($this->maybePrivate()) {
     if (isset($this->fields["state"])) {
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td rowspan='{$rowspan}' class='middle'>" . __('Description') . "</td>";
     echo "<td class='center middle' rowspan='{$rowspan}'>" . "<textarea name='content' cols='50' rows='{$rowspan}' class='form-control'>" . $this->fields["content"] . "</textarea></td>";
     if ($ID > 0) {
         echo "<td>" . __('Date') . "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         Html::showDateTimeField("date", array('value' => $this->fields["date"], 'timestep' => 1, 'maybeempty' => false));
     } else {
         echo "<td colspan='2'>&nbsp;";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='{$fkfield}' value='" . $this->fields[$fkfield] . "'>";
     echo "</td></tr>\n";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . __('Category') . "</td><td>";
     TaskCategory::dropdown(array('value' => $this->fields["taskcategories_id"], 'entity' => $item->fields["entities_id"]));
     echo "</td></tr>\n";
     if (isset($this->fields["state"])) {
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
         echo "<td>" . __('Status') . "</td><td>";
         Planning::dropdownState("state", $this->fields["state"]);
         echo "</td></tr>\n";
     if ($this->maybePrivate()) {
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
         echo "<td>" . __('Private') . "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         Dropdown::showYesNo('is_private', $this->fields["is_private"]);
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . __('Duration') . "</td><td>";
     $toadd = array();
     for ($i = 9; $i <= 100; $i++) {
         $toadd[] = $i * HOUR_TIMESTAMP;
     Dropdown::showTimeStamp("actiontime", array('min' => 0, 'max' => 8 * HOUR_TIMESTAMP, 'value' => $this->fields["actiontime"], 'addfirstminutes' => true, 'inhours' => true, 'toadd' => $toadd));
     echo "</td></tr>\n";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<td>" . __('By');
     echo " <a href='#' onClick=\"" . Html::jsGetElementbyID('planningcheck' . $rand) . ".dialog('open');\">";
     echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/reservation-3.png'\n             title=\"" . __s('Availability') . "\" alt=\"" . __s('Availability') . "\"\n             class='calendrier'>";
     echo "</a>";
     Ajax::createIframeModalWindow('planningcheck' . $rand, $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/planning.php?checkavailability=checkavailability" . "&itemtype=" . $item->getType() . "&{$fkfield}=" . $item->getID(), array('title' => __('Availability')));
     echo "</td>";
     echo "<td class='center'>";
     $rand_user = mt_rand();
     $params = array('name' => "users_id_tech", 'value' => $this->fields["users_id_tech"], 'right' => "own_ticket", 'rand' => $rand_user, 'entity' => $item->fields["entities_id"]);
     $params['toupdate'] = array('value_fieldname' => 'users_id', 'to_update' => "user_available{$rand_user}", 'url' => $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/planningcheck.php");
     echo "</td>\n";
     if ($canplan) {
         echo "<td>" . __('Planning') . "</td>";
     echo "<td>";
     if (!empty($this->fields["begin"])) {
         if (Session::haveRight('planning', Planning::READMY)) {
             echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
             echo "function showPlan" . $ID . "() {\n";
             echo Html::jsHide('plan');
             $params = array('form' => 'followups', 'users_id' => $this->fields["users_id_tech"], 'id' => $this->fields["id"], 'begin' => $this->fields["begin"], 'end' => $this->fields["end"], 'rand_user' => $rand_user, 'entity' => $item->fields["entities_id"], 'itemtype' => $this->getType(), 'items_id' => $this->getID());
             Ajax::updateItemJsCode('viewplan', $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/planning.php", $params);
             echo "}";
             echo "</script>\n";
             echo "<div id='plan' onClick='showPlan" . $ID . "()'>\n";
             echo "<span class='showplan'>";
         if (isset($this->fields["state"])) {
             echo Planning::getState($this->fields["state"]) . "<br>";
         printf(__('From %1$s to %2$s'), Html::convDateTime($this->fields["begin"]), Html::convDateTime($this->fields["end"]));
         echo "<br>" . getUserName($this->fields["users_id_tech"]);
         if (Session::haveRight('planning', Planning::READMY)) {
             echo "</span>";
             echo "</div>\n";
             echo "<div id='viewplan'></div>\n";
     } else {
         if ($canplan) {
             echo "<script type='text/javascript' >\n";
             echo "function showPlanUpdate() {\n";
             echo Html::jsHide('plan');
             $params = array('form' => 'followups', 'entity' => $_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"], 'rand_user' => $rand_user, 'itemtype' => $this->getType(), 'items_id' => $this->getID());
             Ajax::updateItemJsCode('viewplan', $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/ajax/planning.php", $params);
             echo "};";
             echo "</script>";
             if ($canplan) {
                 echo "<div id='plan'  onClick='showPlanUpdate()'>\n";
                 echo "<span class='vsubmit'>" . __('Plan this task') . "</span>";
                 echo "</div>\n";
                 echo "<div id='viewplan'></div>\n";
         } else {
     echo "</td></tr>";
     if (!empty($this->fields["begin"]) && PlanningRecall::isAvailable()) {
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>" . _x('Planning', 'Reminder') . "</td><td class='center'>";
         PlanningRecall::dropdown(array('itemtype' => $this->getType(), 'items_id' => $this->getID()));
         echo "</td></tr>";
     return true;