コード例 #1
 function overview()
     $this->scaff->order_by = $_GET['order'] ? $_GET['order'] : 'Stadt';
     $this->scaff->group_by = 'Location_id';
     $this->scaff->template_vars['stadt_value'] = $_GET['Stadt'] ? $_GET['Stadt'] : '';
     $this->scaff->search_method = 'LIKE';
     $this->scaff->template_vars['reset'] = '';
     if ($_GET['PLZ'] || $_GET['PLZ'] === '0') {
         $_GET['PLZ'] = $this->scaff->template_vars['plz_value'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $_GET['PLZ']);
         for ($i = 0; $i < 5 - strlen($_GET['PLZ']); $i++) {
             $this->scaff->template_vars['plz_value'] .= 'x';
         $_GET['PLZ'] .= '%';
     } else {
         $this->scaff->template_vars['plz_value'] = '';
     if ($stadt = $_GET['Stadt']) {
         $_GET['Stadt'] = "%{$stadt}%";
     if ($_GET['Stadt'] || $_GET['PLZ'] || $_GET['PLZ'] === '0') {
         $this->scaff->template_vars['reset'] = Html::br() . Html::a(SELF, 'Alle zeigen');
     return $this->scaff->make_table($sql, INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/LocationsFrontend/Templates/LocationsOverview.template.html');
コード例 #2
 function show($meldung = '')
     if (defined('HTTPS') && HTTPS && !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
         header("Location: " . 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     if ($_SESSION['uuid']) {
         $vars['uuid'] = $_SESSION['uuid'];
     } else {
         $vars['uuid'] = $_SESSION['uuid'] = General::uuid();
     $template = $this->system->login_template ? $this->system->login_template : INSTALL_PATH . '/Templates/Login.template.html';
     $login_form = new Template($template);
     $meldungen = Template::get_all_parts($login_form->template);
     $vars['meldung'] = $meldungen[$meldung] ? $meldungen[$meldung] : $meldung;
     $vars['action'] = SELF_URL;
     if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
         $vars['user'] = $_GET['logout'];
         $vars['meldung'] = $login_form->parse_template('LOGOUT-MELDUNG', $vars);
         return Html::div($login_form->parse_template('FORM', $vars));
     if (!isset($_POST['user']) || !isset($_POST['pass'])) {
         $vars['meldung'] .= Html::br() . $meldungen['KENNWORT_EINGEBEN'];
         return Html::div($login_form->parse_template('FORM', $vars));
     } else {
         $vars['meldung'] .= Html::br() . $meldungen['FAIL'];
         return Html::div($login_form->parse_template('FORM', $vars));
コード例 #3
  * Form Component
 public static function formComponent()
     $_templates = Themes::getTemplates();
     foreach ($_templates as $template) {
         $templates[basename($template, '.template.php')] = basename($template, '.template.php');
     echo '<div class="col-xs-3">' . Form::open() . Form::hidden('csrf', Security::token()) . Form::label('sandbox_form_template', __('Sandbox template', 'sandbox')) . Form::select('sandbox_form_template', $templates, Option::get('sandbox_template'), array('class' => 'form-control')) . Html::br() . Form::submit('sandbox_component_save', __('Save', 'sandbox'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default')) . Form::close() . '</div>';
コード例 #4
ファイル: html.php プロジェクト: 469306621/Languages
  * Tests Html::br()
  * @test
 public function test_br()
     $output = Html::br();
     $expected = "<br />";
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
     $output = Html::br('2', array('id' => 'example', 'class' => 'sample', 'style' => 'color:red;'));
     $expected = '<br id="example" class="sample" style="color:red;" /><br id="example" class="sample" style="color:red;" />';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
コード例 #5
ファイル: html.php プロジェクト: EdgeCommerce/edgecommerce
  * Test Html::br();
  * @test
 public function test_br()
     $expected = '<br /><br />';
     $output = Html::br(2);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
     $expected = '<br class="clearfix" />';
     $output = Html::br(1, array('class' => 'clearfix'));
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
コード例 #6
 function html($showErrors = false)
     if (!$this->isContainer) {
         return parent::html($showErrors);
     $elementsHtml = '';
     foreach ($this->elements as $e) {
         $elementsHtml .= $e->html() . Html::br();
     return parent::html();
コード例 #7
 function show($meldung = '')
     if (defined('HTTPS') && HTTPS && !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
         header("Location: " . 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $vars['uuid'] = $_SESSION['uuid'] = General::uuid();
     $template = $this->system->login_template ? $this->system->login_template : INSTALL_PATH . '/Templates/Login.template.html';
     $login_form = new Template($template);
     $meldungen = Template::get_all_parts($login_form->template);
     $vars['meldung'] = $meldungen[$meldung] ? $meldungen[$meldung] : $meldung;
     $vars['action'] = SELF_URL;
     if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
         $vars['user'] = $_GET['logout'];
         $vars['meldung'] = $login_form->parse_template('LOGOUT-MELDUNG', $vars);
     if (isset($_GET['recover'])) {
         if ($_POST['recover_submit']) {
             $email = General::input_clean($_POST['email'], true);
             foreach ($this->system->user_tables as $t) {
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$t}` WHERE `E-Mail` = '{$email}'";
                 $result = $this->system->connection->db_single_row($sql);
                 if ($result) {
             if ($result) {
                 $mail = $login_form->parse_template('RECOVER_MAIL', $result);
                 mail($result['E-Mail'], 'Ihr ' . PROJECT_NAME . ' Passwort', $mail, 'From: ' . PROJECT_NAME . '<noreply@' . preg_replace('/^www\\./i', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . '>');
                 return $login_form->parse_template('RECOVER_THANKYOU', $result);
             } else {
                 return $login_form->parse_template('RECOVER_NOFOUND', $result);
         } else {
             $vars['meldung'] = 'Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein: ';
         return Html::div($login_form->parse_template('RECOVER_FORM', $vars));
     if (!isset($_POST['user']) || !isset($_POST['pass'])) {
         $vars['meldung'] .= Html::br() . $meldungen['KENNWORT_EINGEBEN'];
         return Html::div($login_form->parse_template('FORM', $vars));
     } else {
         /*if ($this->check_login($system))
         			//if (HTTPS) header("Location: ".'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         			header("Location: ".'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $vars['meldung'] .= Html::br() . $meldungen['FAIL'];
         return Html::div($login_form->parse_template('FORM', $vars));
         //	}
コード例 #8
 function wrap_string($string, $line_length)
     if (strlen($string) > $line_length) {
         $array = explode(' ', $string);
         $count = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) {
             $count += strlen($array[$i]);
             if ($count >= $line_length) {
                 $array[$i] .= Html::br();
                 $count = 0;
         $string = implode(' ', $array);
     return $string;
コード例 #9
 * Página de inicio de muebleBBB
 * @param array $ofertas -> Array de Productos en oferta
 * @param array $novedades -> Array de Productos novedad
function ofertas_novedades($ofertas, $novedades)
    echo Html::div_("contenedor_inicio");
    // Columna izquierda "Ofertas"
    echo Html::div_("ofertas columnas_inicio left") . Html::seccion(1, "Ofertas");
    foreach ($ofertas as $oferta) {
        $precio_descuento = $oferta->__get("precio") - $oferta->__get("precio") / 100 * $oferta->__get("descuento");
        echo Html::div_("contenedor_producto") . Html::a_("catalogo.php?id_producto={$oferta->__get("codigo")}") . Html::img("{$oferta->__get("imagen")}", "{$oferta->__get("nombre")}") . Html::span("{$oferta->__get("descuento")}%", "oferta") . Html::seccion(2, "{$oferta->__get("nombre")}", "nombre_producto") . Html::div_("detalles") . Html::p("{$oferta->__get("categoria")}", "categoria") . Html::p_("{$precio_descuento} €", "precio") . Html::br() . Html::del("{$oferta->__get("precio")}€", "precio_antes") . Html::_p() . Html::_div() . Html::_a() . Html::_div();
    echo Html::_div();
    // Fin columna izquierda "Ofertas"
    // Columna derecha "Novedades"
    echo Html::div_("novedades columnas_inicio right") . Html::seccion(1, "Novedades");
    foreach ($novedades as $novedad) {
        echo Html::div_("contenedor_producto") . Html::a_("catalogo.php?id_producto={$novedad->__get("codigo")}") . Html::img("{$novedad->__get("imagen")}", "{$novedad->__get("nombre")}") . Html::div_("novedad") . Html::img("../imagenes/nuevo.png", "etiqueta indicando novedad", "etiqueta_nuevo") . Html::_div() . Html::seccion(2, "{$novedad->__get("nombre")}", "nombre_producto") . Html::div_("detalles") . Html::p("{$novedad->__get("categoria")}", "categoria") . Html::p("{$novedad->__get("precio")}€", "precio") . Html::_div() . Html::_div() . Html::_a();
    echo Html::_div();
    echo Html::_div();
コード例 #10
ファイル: upload.php プロジェクト: nathanharper/fuel_cms_nh
 public function item_view()
     $class = str_replace('\\', '', $this->class);
     $val = $this->item->{$this->field} ? $this->item->{$this->field} : '';
     $result = html_tag('input', array('name' => "{$class}-" . ($this->item->id ? $this->item->id : 'new') . "-{$this->field}", 'type' => 'file'));
     if ($val) {
         $upload_type = $this->def('upload_type', 'image');
         if ($upload_type == 'image') {
             $result .= \Html::br(2);
             if ($this->def('secure')) {
                 $result .= $this->item->{$this->field};
             } else {
                 $result .= html_tag('image', array('src' => $this->item->get_image(array('field' => $this->field))));
         } elseif ($upload_type == 'audio') {
             $result .= \Html::nbs(3) . $this->item->{$this->field};
     return $result;
コード例 #11
ファイル: track.php プロジェクト: nathanharper/divine-economy
 public function item_view()
     // First, build the Audiofile select
     $audiofiles = Model_Audiofile::find()->order_by('filename')->get();
     $select = array('<option value=""></option>');
     foreach ($audiofiles as $af) {
         $select[$af->id] = '<option value="' . $af->id . '" not_selected="1">' . $af->filename . '</option>';
     $result = "<table id=\"track_list\">\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td><b>#</b></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td><b>Name</b></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td><b>File</b></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td></td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>";
     foreach ($this->item->tracks as $track) {
         $temp_select = $select;
         if ($track->audiofile) {
             $temp_select[$track->audiofile->id] = str_replace('not_selected', 'selected', $temp_select[$track->audiofile->id]);
         $result .= "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . html_tag('input', array('type' => 'text', 'value' => $track->track_num, 'name' => "item_field[Model_Track][{$track->id}][track_num]")) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . html_tag('input', array('type' => 'text', 'value' => $track->name, 'name' => "item_field[Model_Track][{$track->id}][name]")) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<select name=\"item_field[Model_Track][{$track->id}][audiofile_id]\">" . implode('', $temp_select) . "</select>\n\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . html_tag('input', array('type' => 'button', 'value' => 'delete', 'class' => 'delete', 'track_id' => $track->id, 'onclick' => '$(this).parent().parent().remove();')) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>";
     // add blank track field for cloning purposes
     $result .= "<tr style=\"display:none;\" id=\"track_clone\">\n\t\t\t\t<td>" . html_tag('input', array('type' => 'text', 'class' => 'track_num')) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>" . html_tag('input', array('type' => 'text', 'class' => 'name')) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td><select class=\"audiofile\">" . implode('', $select) . "</select></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>" . html_tag('input', array('type' => 'button', 'class' => 'delete', 'value' => 'delete', 'onclick' => '$(this).parent().parent().remove();')) . "</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>";
     $result .= "</table>" . Html::br(2) . html_tag('input', array('type' => 'button', 'value' => 'new track', 'id' => 'new_track', 'onclick' => "TrackField.newTrack();"));
     return $result;
コード例 #12
    function make_form($edit = '')
        if ($edit) {
            $values = $this->get_entry($edit);
            $edit = is_array($edit) ? current($edit) : $edit;
        $return = '';
        $return .= Form::form_tag($this->action ? $this->action : SELF, 'post', 'multipart/form-data', array('onsubmit' => 'return checkform()'));
        $table = new Table(2);
        foreach ($this->cols_array as $key => $col) {
            $name = $key;
            $show_name = $col['name'];
            $id = 'input_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
            $encoded_name = rawurlencode($name);
            $attr_array = $col['attributes'];
            if (isset($values[$key])) {
                $value = $values[$key];
            } elseif ($col['value']) {
                $value = $col['value'];
            } elseif ($this->re_entry && $_POST[$name]) {
                $value = $_POST[$name];
            } else {
                $value = '';
            if ($name != 'id') {
                switch ($col['type']) {
                    case 'text':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        if (isset($col['length'])) {
                            $attr_array['size'] = $field['length'];
                            $attr_array['maxlength'] = $field['length'];
                        } else {
                            $attr_array['size'] = 40;
                        $input = Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                    case 'select':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $select = new Select($encoded_name, $attr_array);
                        $select->add_option('', '--Bitte auswählen--');
                        $attr_array = array();
                        foreach ($col['options'] as $option => $name) {
                            if ($value == $option) {
                                $attr_array['selected'] = 'selected';
                            } else {
                            $select->add_option(rawurlencode($option), $name, $attr_array);
                        if ($col['sonstiges']) {
                            $select->add_option('', 'Sonstige:');
                        $input = $select->flush_select();
                    case 'check':
                        $input = '';
                        foreach ($col['options'] as $option => $name) {
                            if (is_array($value) && in_array($option, $value)) {
                                $attr_array['checked'] = 'checked';
                            } else {
                            $input .= Form::add_input('checkbox', $encoded_name . '[]', $option, $attr_array) . ' ' . $name . Html::br();
                    case 'textarea':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $attr_array['cols'] = $col['attributes']['cols'] ? $col['attributes']['cols'] : 30;
                        $attr_array['rows'] = $col['attributes']['rows'] ? $col['attributes']['rows'] : 10;
                        $input = Form::add_textarea($encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                        if ($col['html']) {
                            if (!$xinha_loaded) {
                                $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script(' _editor_url  = "/' . INSTALL_PATH . '/Libraries/Xinha/";_editor_lang = "de";_document_root = "' . DOCUMENT_ROOT . '";project_name = "' . PROJECT_NAME . '";');
                                $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script('', array('src' => '/' . INSTALL_PATH . '/Libraries/Xinha/XinhaLoader.js'));
                                $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script('', array('src' => '/' . INSTALL_PATH . '/System/Scaffold/XinhaConfig.php'));
                                $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script('xinha_editors.push("' . $id . '")');
                                $xinha_loaded = true;
                            } else {
                                $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script('xinha_editors.push("' . $id . '")');
                    case 'upload':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $input = $value ? $value . Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value, $attr_array) . Html::br() . Html::span('Neue Datei verknüpfen:', array('class' => 'klein')) . Html::br() : '';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('file', $encoded_name . '_upload');
                    case 'custom':
                        $input = $col['custom_input'];
                    case 'timestamp':
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'tag_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input = Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_tag', ($tag = Date::tag($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $tag : '', $attr_array) . '.';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'monat_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_monat', ($monat = Date::monat($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $monat : '', $attr_array) . '.';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'jahr_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_jahr', ($jahr = Date::jahr($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $jahr : '', $attr_array) . '&emsp;';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'stunde_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_stunde', ($stunde = Date::stunde($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $stunde : '', $attr_array) . ':';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'minute_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_minute', ($minute = Date::minute($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $minute : '', $attr_array);
                        $input .= Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value, array('id' => $id));
                        $input .= Form::add_input('button', '', 'Kalender', array('id' => 'trigger_' . $GLOBALS['input_id']));
                        $script = '
								inputField : "' . $id . '", // ID of the input field
								ifFormat : "%Y/%m/%d", // the date format
								button : "trigger_"+' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . ', // ID of the button
								showsTime : false,
								timeFormat : "24",
								showOthers : true,
								onSelect : onSelect,
								onUpdate : onUpd,
								inputId : ' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . ',
								prevInput : "test"

						timefields.push("' . $id . '");
                        $input .= Html::script($script);
                    case 'email':
                        preg_match('/(.*?)<?([0-9a-z.+-]{2,}\\@[0-9a-z.-]{2,}\\.[a-z]{2,6})>?/', $value, $matches);
                        $name_value = trim($matches[1]);
                        $mail_value = $matches[2];
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'name_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $input = 'Name ' . Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_name', $name_value, $attr_array);
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'mail_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $input .= 'E-Mail ' . Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_mail', $mail_value, $attr_array);
                    case 'info':
                        $input = $col['value'];
                        $hidden_inputs .= Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                    case 'hidden':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $hidden_inputs .= Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                        $input = '';
                    case 'ignore':
                if ($col['required'] && $input) {
                    if ($col['type'] == 'timestamp') {
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('" . 'tag_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . "');");
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('" . 'monat_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . "');");
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('" . 'jahr_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . "');");
                    } else {
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('{$id}');");
                if ($input) {
                    $table->add_td(array(Form::add_label($id, $show_name), $input));
        $input = $this->submit_button ? $this->submit_button : Form::add_input('submit', 'submit', 'Eintragen', array('class' => 'button'));
        if ($edit) {
            $input .= Form::add_input('hidden', 'edit_id', $edit);
        $input .= Form::add_input('hidden', 'submit', 'submit');
        $input .= $hidden_inputs;
        $table->add_td(array('', $input));
        $return .= $table->flush_table();
        $return .= Form::close_form();
        return $return;
コード例 #13
 function order_images()
     $images_sql = "SELECT bilder.*, indices.Bild_id,indices.Raum_id,indices.index\n\t\tFROM `{$this->pics_db_table}` `bilder`\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$this->indices_db_table}` `indices`\n\t\t     ON bilder.id = indices.Bild_id\n\t\tWHERE indices.Raum_id = " . $_GET['order'] . "\n\t\tORDER BY indices.index, indices.id ASC, bilder.Name ASC";
     $images = $this->connection->db_assoc($images_sql);
     $room_info = $this->get_room_info($_GET['order']);
     $return = Html::h(2, $room_info['Roomname'] . ': Reihenfolge bearbeiten');
     $return .= Form::form_tag(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'], '', '', array('onsubmit' => 'updateOrder()', 'id' => 'orderform', 'style' => 'float:left;margin-right:20px;'));
     $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script('', array('src' => '/' . INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/RheinaufExhibition/Backend/order.js'));
     $select = new Select('select[]', array('size' => 24, 'id' => 'select', 'onclick' => "preview(this)", 'style' => 'min-width:220px;'));
     foreach ($images as $img) {
         $dateiname = $img['Dateiname'];
         $select->add_option($img['id'], $dateiname . '  ' . $img['Name'], array('filename' => $dateiname));
     $return .= $select->flush_select() . Html::br();
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:void(0);', 'Hoch', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'up()'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:void(0);', 'Runter', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'down()'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:void(0);', 'Löschen', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'del()'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:void(0);', 'Titelbild', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'coverpic()'));
     if (!$room_info['Titelbild']) {
         $room_info['Titelbild'] = $images[0]['Dateiname'];
     $return .= Form::add_input('hidden', 'coverpic', $room_info['Titelbild'], array('id' => 'coverpic'));
     $return .= Form::add_input('submit', 'submit', 'Speichern', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a(SELF, 'Zurück', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'return getChanged()'));
     $return .= Form::close_form();
     $return .= Html::div('Ausgewähltes Bild' . Html::br() . Html::img('', '', array('id' => 'selected_preview')), array('style' => 'display:none'));
     $return .= Html::br();
     $return .= 'Titelbild' . Html::br();
     $return .= Html::img('/' . $this->filepath . $this->landscape_thumb_dir . $room_info['Titelbild'], 'Noch nicht festgelegt', array('id' => 'coverpic_preview'));
     return $return;
コード例 #14
    function make_form($edit = '')
        if ($edit) {
            $values = $this->get_entry($edit);
            $edit = is_array($edit) ? current($edit) : $edit;
        $return = '';
        $return .= Form::form_tag($this->action ? $this->action : SELF, 'post', 'multipart/form-data', array('onsubmit' => 'return checkform()'));
        $table = new Table(2);
        foreach ($this->cols_array as $key => $col) {
            $name = $key;
            $show_name = $col['name'];
            $id = 'input_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
            $encoded_name = rawurlencode($name);
            $attr_array = $col['attributes'];
            if (isset($values[$key])) {
                $value = $values[$key];
            } elseif ($col['value']) {
                $value = $col['value'];
            } elseif ($this->re_entry && $_POST[$name]) {
                $value = $_POST[$name];
            } else {
                $value = '';
            if ($name != 'id') {
                switch ($col['type']) {
                    case 'text':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        if (isset($col['length'])) {
                            $attr_array['size'] = $field['length'];
                            $attr_array['maxlength'] = $field['length'];
                        } else {
                            $attr_array['size'] = 40;
                        $input = Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                    case 'select':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $select = new Select($encoded_name, $attr_array);
                        $select->add_option('', '--Bitte auswählen--');
                        $attr_array = array();
                        foreach ($col['options'] as $option => $name) {
                            if ($value == $option) {
                                $attr_array['selected'] = 'selected';
                            } else {
                            $select->add_option(rawurlencode($option), $name, $attr_array);
                        if ($col['sonstiges']) {
                            $select->add_option('', 'Sonstige:');
                        $input = $select->flush_select();
                    case 'check':
                        $input = '';
                        foreach ($col['options'] as $option => $name) {
                            if (is_array($value) && in_array($option, $value)) {
                                $attr_array['checked'] = 'checked';
                            } else {
                            $input .= Form::add_input('checkbox', $encoded_name . '[]', $option, $attr_array) . ' ' . $name . Html::br();
                    case 'textarea':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $attr_array['cols'] = $col['attributes']['cols'] ? $col['attributes']['cols'] : 30;
                        $attr_array['rows'] = $col['attributes']['rows'] ? $col['attributes']['rows'] : 10;
                        $input = Form::add_textarea($encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                        if ($col['html']) {
                            if (!$xinha_loaded) {
                                $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script(' _editor_url  = "/' . INSTALL_PATH . '/Libraries/Xinha/";_editor_lang = "de";_document_root = "' . DOCUMENT_ROOT . '"');
                                $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script('', array('src' => '/' . INSTALL_PATH . '/Libraries/Xinha/htmlarea.js'));
                                $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script('
									xinha_editors = [];
									xinha_init    = null;
									xinha_config  = null;
									xinha_plugins = null;

									// This contains the names of textareas we will make into Xinha editors
									xinha_init = xinha_init ? xinha_init : function()

										xinha_plugins = xinha_plugins ? xinha_plugins :

									    if(!HTMLArea.loadPlugins(xinha_plugins, xinha_init)) return;

										xinha_editors.push("' . $id . '");

										xinha_config = xinha_config ? xinha_config : new HTMLArea.Config();

										xinha_config.statusBar = false;
										xinha_config.toolbar =
										    ["separator","undo","redo","selectall"], (HTMLArea.is_gecko ? [] : ["cut","copy","paste","overwrite"]),

										//xinha_config.flowToolbars = false;
										xinha_config.showLoading = true;
										//xinha_config.only7BitPrintablesInURLs = false;

										xinha_config.SuperClean.show_dialog = true;
									    xinha_config.SuperClean.filters = {
									               "tidy": HTMLArea._lc("General tidy up and correction of some problems.", "SuperClean"),
									               "word": "Word"

									    xinha_editors   = HTMLArea.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config, xinha_plugins);


								window.onload = xinha_init;
                                $xinha_loaded = true;
                            } else {
                                $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script('xinha_editors.push("' . $id . '")');
                    case 'upload':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $input = $value ? $value . Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value, $attr_array) . Html::br() . Html::span('Neue Datei verknüpfen:', array('class' => 'klein')) . Html::br() : '';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('file', $encoded_name . '_upload');
                    case 'custom':
                        $input = $col['custom_input'];
                    case 'timestamp':
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'tag_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input = Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_tag', ($tag = Date::tag($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $tag : '', $attr_array) . '.';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'monat_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_monat', ($monat = Date::monat($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $monat : '', $attr_array) . '.';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'jahr_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_jahr', ($jahr = Date::jahr($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $jahr : '', $attr_array) . '&emsp;';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'stunde_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_stunde', ($stunde = Date::stunde($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $stunde : '', $attr_array) . ':';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'minute_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_minute', ($minute = Date::minute($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $minute : '', $attr_array);
                        $input .= Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value, array('id' => $id));
                        $input .= Form::add_input('button', '', 'Kalender', array('id' => 'trigger_' . $GLOBALS['input_id']));
                        $script = '
								inputField : "' . $id . '", // ID of the input field
								ifFormat : "%Y/%m/%d", // the date format
								button : "trigger_"+' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . ', // ID of the button
								showsTime : false,
								timeFormat : "24",
								showOthers : true,
								onSelect : onSelect,
								onUpdate : onUpd,
								inputId : ' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . ',
								prevInput : "test"

						timefields.push("' . $id . '");
                        $input .= Html::script($script);
                    case 'email':
                        preg_match('/(.*?)<?([0-9a-z.+-]{2,}\\@[0-9a-z.-]{2,}\\.[a-z]{2,6})>?/', $value, $matches);
                        $name_value = trim($matches[1]);
                        $mail_value = $matches[2];
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'name_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $input = 'Name ' . Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_name', $name_value, $attr_array);
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'mail_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $input .= 'E-Mail ' . Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_mail', $mail_value, $attr_array);
                    case 'info':
                        $input = $col['value'];
                        $hidden_inputs .= Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                    case 'hidden':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $hidden_inputs .= Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                        $input = '';
                    case 'ignore':
                if ($col['required'] && $input) {
                    if ($col['type'] == 'timestamp') {
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('" . 'tag_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . "');");
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('" . 'monat_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . "');");
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('" . 'jahr_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . "');");
                    } else {
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('{$id}');");
                if ($input) {
                    $table->add_td(array(Form::add_label($id, $show_name), $input));
        $input = $this->submit_button ? $this->submit_button : Form::add_input('submit', 'submit', 'Eintragen', array('class' => 'button'));
        if ($edit) {
            $input .= Form::add_input('hidden', 'edit_id', $edit);
        $input .= Form::add_input('hidden', 'submit', 'submit');
        $input .= $hidden_inputs;
        $table->add_td(array('', $input));
        $return .= $table->flush_table();
        $return .= Form::close_form();
        return $return;
    function content_4f42433c6c2b9($_smarty_tpl)
<p>welcome to item view.</p>
<a href="/admin/list/<?php 
        echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['table']->value;
">back to list</a>
        echo Html::br(2);

<span style="color:green;"><?php 
        if (isset($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['success']->value)) {
            echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['success']->value;

<form action="/admin/item/<?php 
        echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['table']->value;
        if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['item']->value->id) {
            echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['item']->value->id;
        } else {
" method="POST" name="save_item" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
        $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['field'] = new Smarty_Variable();
        $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['field']->_loop = false;
        $_from = $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['item_config']->value;
        if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) {
            settype($_from, 'array');
        foreach ($_from as $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['field']->key => $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['field']->value) {
            $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['field']->_loop = true;
			<td valign="top"><?php 
            echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['field']->value['desc'];
: </td>
            echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['field']->value['type']->item_view();
		<td colspan="2">
			<input type="submit" value="save" name="save_item" />
			<input type="button" value="cancel" onclick="window.location = '/admin/list/<?php 
        echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['table']->value;
';" />
        if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['item']->value->id) {
				<input type="submit" value="delete" name="delete" onclick="alert('Are you sure you want to delete this record?');"/>
        echo Html::br(3);
コード例 #16
 function groups_select($r = '', $s = '')
     $existent_groups = $this->existent_groups();
     $selected = array();
     $return_string = '';
     if ($r != '' && $s == '') {
         $show_to = $this->navi[$r]['Show_to'];
         $groups = is_array($show_to) ? $show_to : array();
     } else {
         if ($r != '' && $s != '') {
             $show_to = $this->navi[$r]['Subnavi'][$s]['Show_to'];
             $groups = is_array($show_to) ? $show_to : array();
         } else {
             $groups = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($existent_groups); $i++) {
         if (in_array($existent_groups[$i]['Name'], $groups)) {
             $selected = array('checked' => 'checked');
         } else {
             $selected = array();
         $return_string .= Form::add_input('checkbox', 'Gruppen[]', $i, $selected) . ' ' . $existent_groups[$i]['Name'] . Html::br();
     return Html::div(Html::bold('Zugang beschränken')) . $return_string . Html::div('Nichts gewählt = keine Beschränkung', array('class' => 'klein'));
コード例 #17
echo Html::br() . Form::open() . Form::hidden('csrf', Security::token());
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6">
echo Form::label('toggle_duration', __('Slide duration [ms]', 'toggle')) . Form::input('toggle_duration', Option::get('toggle_duration'), array('class' => 'form-control'));
    <div class="col-md-6">
echo Form::label('toggle_easing', __('Slide easing', 'toggle')) . Form::select('toggle_easing', array('linear' => 'linear', 'swing' => 'swing'), Option::get('toggle_easing'), array('class' => 'form-control'));
echo Html::br() . Form::submit('toggle_options', __('Save', 'toggle'), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary')) . Form::close();

<!-- modal: README markup -->
<div id="modal-documentation" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
        <div class="modal-content">
            <div class="modal-header">
                <div class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</div>
                <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">README.md</h4>
            <div class="modal-body"></div>
コード例 #18
    function make_form($edit = '', $action = null, $action_parameter_filter = array(), $template = null)
        if ($edit) {
            $values = $this->get_entry($edit);
            $edit = is_array($edit) ? current($edit) : $edit;
        $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script("onLoad.push(checkConditions);");
        //$GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script("onLoad.push(sizeTextAreas);");
        $return = '';
        $url = $action ? $action : SELF_URL;
        $url .= strstr($url, '?') ? '&amp;' : '?';
        $url .= $this->GET_2_url(array_merge(array('edit', 'new', 'noframe', 'reentry'), $action_parameter_filter));
        //$url .= ($_GET['edit']) ? '#entry'.$_GET['edit'] : '';
        $return .= Form::form_tag($url, 'post', 'multipart/form-data', array('onsubmit' => "loading();return checkform();"));
        $table = new Table(2, array('class' => 'scaffold'));
        $return .= $this->text_above_form;
        if ($this->show_buttons_above_form) {
            $input = $this->submit_button ? $this->submit_button : Form::add_input('submit', 'submit', 'Eintragen', array('class' => 'button'));
            if ($this->show_cancel) {
                $input .= Form::add_input('button', 'cancel', 'Abbrechen', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'cancelEdit(this)'));
            $table->add_td(array(array(2 => $input)));
        foreach ($this->cols_array as $key => $col) {
            $name = $key;
            //$show_name  =  General::wrap_string($col['name'],30);
            $show_name = $col['name'];
            $show_name .= $col['required'] ? ' *' : '';
            $id = 'input_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
            $encoded_name = rawurlencode($name);
            $attr_array = $col['attributes'];
            if ($col['disabled']) {
                $attr_array['disabled'] = 'disabled';
            } else {
                if ($attr_array['disabled']) {
            if ($this->re_entry || isset($_REQUEST['reentry']) && $_POST[$name]) {
                $value = $_POST[$name];
            } else {
                if ($values[$key]) {
                    $value = $values[$key];
                } else {
                    if ($col['value']) {
                        $value = $col['value'];
                    } else {
                        $value = '';
            if (isset($col['options'])) {
                $options = $this->get_options($col['options'], $col['options_sort'], $col['options_insert_id']);
                if (!$col['options_hide_edit_button']) {
                    $edit_options_btn = is_string($col['options']) && $this->edit_enabled ? Html::a("javascript:void(0);", 'Optionen bearbeiten', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => "window.open('" . SELF_URL . "?nomenu&editoptions={$encoded_name}','scaff_dialog','toolbar=no,menubar=yes,personalbar=no,width=500,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,modal=yes,dependable=yes');var refresh=document.getElementById('{$id}_refresh');refresh.style.display='';refresh.focus();return false;")) : '';
                    $edit_options_btn .= Form::add_input('submit', 'reentry', 'Aktualisieren', array('id' => $id . '_refresh', 'style' => 'display:none'));
                    $edit_options_btn = Html::br() . $edit_options_btn;
            if ($name != 'id') {
                switch ($col['type']) {
                    case 'text':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        if (isset($col['length'])) {
                            $attr_array['size'] = $field['length'];
                            $attr_array['maxlength'] = $field['length'];
                        } else {
                            if (!stristr($attr_array['style'], 'width')) {
                                $attr_array['style'] .= "width:{$this->input_width};";
                        if ($col['multiple']) {
                            $input = Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '[]', $value, $attr_array);
                            $info .= Html::a('javascript:void(0);', '+', array('onclick' => 'cloneInput(\'' . $id . '\')'));
                        } else {
                            $input = Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                    case 'select':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $select = new Select($encoded_name, array_merge($attr_array, array('onchange' => "selectOtherOption('{$id}','" . $col['other_option'] . "')")));
                        $select->add_option('', '--Bitte auswählen--');
                        $attr_array = array();
                        if (is_array($options)) {
                            if (!in_array($value, $options) && !key_exists($value, $options)) {
                                $col['other'] = $value;
                            foreach ($options as $option => $name) {
                                if ($value == $option) {
                                    $attr_array['selected'] = 'selected';
                                } else {
                                $select->add_option($option, $name, $attr_array);
                            if ($col['other_option']) {
                                if ($col['other']) {
                                    $attr_array['selected'] = 'selected';
                                $attr_array['onclick'] = 'otherOption(this,\'' . rawurlencode($encoded_name) . '\')';
                                $select->add_option('', $col['other_option'], $attr_array);
                            } else {
                        $input = $select->flush_select();
                        if ($col['other']) {
                            $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name, $col['other'], array('onfocus' => "selectOtherOption('{$id}','" . $col['other_option'] . "')", 'id' => $id . '_other'));
                        $input .= $edit_options_btn;
                    case 'radio':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $attr_array = array();
                        $input = '';
                        foreach ($options as $option => $name) {
                            if ($value == $option) {
                                $attr_array['checked'] = 'checked';
                            } else {
                            if (isset($col['condition'][$option])) {
                                $condition = "{input:'" . $encoded_name . "',value:'" . $option . "',target:'" . $col['condition'][$option] . "'}";
                                $input .= Html::script("conditions.push({$condition})");
                                //$attr_array['onchange'] = "checkCondition($condition)";
                            } else {
                            if (isset($col['condition'])) {
                                $attr_array['onchange'] = "checkCondition({$condition})";
                            } else {
                            $input .= Form::add_input('radio', $encoded_name, $option, $attr_array) . ' ' . $name . Html::br();
                        if ($col['condition']) {
                        $input .= $edit_options_btn;
                    case 'check':
                        $input = '';
                        if (!is_array($value)) {
                            $value = explode('&delim;', $value);
                        foreach ($options as $option => $name) {
                            if (is_array($value) && in_array($option, $value)) {
                                $attr_array['checked'] = 'checked';
                            } else {
                            $input .= Form::add_input('checkbox', $encoded_name . '[]', $option, $attr_array) . ' ' . $name . Html::br();
                        if ($col['other_option']) {
                            $other = array_diff($value, $options);
                            $input .= $col['other_option'] . ' ' . Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '[]', implode(', ', $other)) . Html::br();
                        $input .= $edit_options_btn;
                        $input = Html::div($input, array('id' => $id, 'name' => $encoded_name));
                    case 'textarea':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        if ($col['attributes']['cols']) {
                        } else {
                            if (!stristr($attr_array['style'], 'width')) {
                                $attr_array['style'] .= "width:{$this->input_width};";
                        $attr_array['rows'] = $col['attributes']['rows'] ? $col['attributes']['rows'] : 10;
                        if ($col['max_length']) {
                            $attr_array['onkeydown'] = 'return maxLength(event,this,' . $col['max_length'] . ')';
                        $input = Form::add_textarea($encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                        if ($col['max_length']) {
                            $input .= Html::span("Noch " . Html::span($col['max_length'] - strlen($value), array('id' => $id . '_charsleft')) . " Zeichen");
                        if ($col['options']) {
                            $input .= Html::br() . $edit_options_btn;
                        if ($col['html']) {
                    case 'upload':
                        $input = '';
                        $value = $values[$key];
                        $entries = array();
                        if (!is_array($value)) {
                            $entries = explode('&delim;', $value);
                        } else {
                            $entries = $value;
                        $upload_folder = '';
                        if (is_string($this->upload_folder)) {
                            $this->upload_folder = array($this->upload_folder);
                        foreach ($this->upload_folder as $col_name) {
                            $upload_folder .= $values[$col_name];
                        $upload_folder .= '/';
                        if (count(General::trim_array($entries)) > 0) {
                            $subtable = new Table(3);
                            foreach ($entries as $file) {
                                $img_info = @getimagesize($this->upload_path . $upload_folder . $file);
                                if ($img_info) {
                                    $thumb = Html::img(SELF_URL . '?img=' . rawurlencode($upload_folder . $file) . '&amp;x=100', $file);
                                } else {
                                    $thumb = '';
                                $check = Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name . '[]', $file);
                                $check .= Html::br() . Form::add_input('checkbox', $encoded_name . '_delfile[]', $file, array("onclick" => "confirmDelPic(this)")) . ' Datei löschen';
                                $subtable->add_td(array($thumb, $file . $check));
                            $input .= $subtable->flush_table();
                            if ($col['upload_max_count']) {
                                $input .= Html::span("Maximal " . $col['upload_max_count'] . " Dateien" . Html::br(), array('class' => 'klein'));
                        if ($col['upload_max_count'] && count(General::trim_array($entries)) >= $col['upload_max_count']) {
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        //$input = ($value) ? $value.Form::add_input('hidden',$encoded_name,$value,$attr_array).Html::br().Html::span('Neue Datei verknüpfen:',array('class'=>'klein')).Html::br():'';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('file', $encoded_name . '_upload[]');
                        //	if ($col['upload_max_count'])
                        //	{
                        $input .= Form::add_input('submit', 'reentry', 'Hochladen');
                        //	}
                        if ($col['upload_extensions']) {
                            $input .= Html::br() . Html::span("Erlaubte Erweiterungen: " . implode(', ', $col['upload_extensions']), array('class' => 'klein'));
                        if ($col['upload_size']) {
                            $input .= Html::br() . Html::span("Maximale Dateigröße: " . $col['upload_size'] . 'KB', array('class' => 'klein'));
                    case 'EFM':
                    case 'custom':
                        $input = $col['custom_input'];
                    case 'timestamp':
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'tag_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input = Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_tag', ($tag = Date::tag($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $tag : '', $attr_array) . '.';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'monat_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_monat', ($monat = Date::monat($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $monat : '', $attr_array) . '.';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'jahr_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_jahr', ($jahr = Date::jahr($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $jahr : '', $attr_array) . '&emsp;';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'stunde_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_stunde', ($stunde = Date::stunde($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $stunde : '', $attr_array) . ':';
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'minute_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $attr_array['size'] = '2';
                        $input .= Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_minute', ($minute = Date::minute($value)) != 0 && $value != '' ? $minute : '', $attr_array);
                        $input .= Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value, array('id' => $id));
                        $input .= Form::add_input('button', '', 'Kalender', array('id' => 'trigger_' . $GLOBALS['input_id']));
                        $script = '
								inputField : "' . $id . '", // ID of the input field
								ifFormat : "%Y/%m/%d", // the date format
								button : "trigger_"+' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . ', // ID of the button
								showsTime : false,
								timeFormat : "24",
								showOthers : true,
								onSelect : onSelect,
								onUpdate : onUpd,
								inputId : ' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . ',
								prevInput : "test"

						timefields.push("' . $id . '");
                        $input .= Html::script($script);
                    case 'email':
                        preg_match('/(.*?)<?([0-9a-z.+-]{2,}\\@[0-9a-z.-]{2,}\\.[a-z]{2,6})>?/', $value, $matches);
                        $name_value = trim($matches[1]);
                        $mail_value = $matches[2];
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'name_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $input = 'Name ' . Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_name', $name_value, $attr_array);
                        $attr_array['id'] = 'mail_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                        $input .= 'E-Mail ' . Form::add_input('text', $encoded_name . '_mail', $mail_value, $attr_array);
                    case 'info':
                        $input = $col['value'];
                        //$hidden_inputs .= Form::add_input('hidden',$encoded_name,$value,$attr_array);
                    case 'hidden':
                        $attr_array['id'] = $id;
                        $hidden_inputs .= Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value, $attr_array);
                        $input = '';
                    case 'ignore':
                    case 'changed':
                        $input = Form::add_textarea('', $value, array("disabled" => "disabled")) . Form::add_input('hidden', $encoded_name, $value);
                if ($col['required'] && $input) {
                    if ($col['type'] == 'timestamp') {
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('" . 'tag_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . "');");
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('" . 'monat_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . "');");
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('" . 'jahr_' . $GLOBALS['input_id'] . "');");
                    } else {
                        $input .= Html::script("\nrequired_fields.push('{$id}');");
                $alternatig_rows = $alternatig_rows == 1 ? 0 : 1;
                $td_atributes['class'] = ' alt_row_' . $alternatig_rows;
                if ($col['hidden']) {
                    $td_atributes['style'] = 'display:none;';
                } else {
                if ($col['info']) {
                    if (!$GLOBALS['toolTipScriptLoaded']) {
                        $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script(null, array('src' => '/Libraries/ToolTip/ToolTip.js'));
                        $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script('onLoad.push(toolTipOnLoad)');
                        $GLOBALS['toolTipScriptLoaded'] = true;
                    $trigger_id = 'info' . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                    $source_id = "tooltip" . $GLOBALS['input_id'];
                    $info = ' ' . Html::img('/' . INSTALL_PATH . "/System/Scaffold/info.gif", strip_tags($col['info']), array('id' => $trigger_id, 'title' => strip_tags($col['info'])));
                    $info .= Html::div($col['info'], array('id' => $source_id, "style" => "display:none"));
                    $info .= Html::script("toolTips.push({trigger : '{$trigger_id}',source : '{$source_id}',className : 'tooltip'});");
                } else {
                    $info = '';
                if ($input) {
                    $table->add_td(array(Form::add_label($id, $show_name) . $info, $input), $td_atributes);
        $input = $this->submit_button ? $this->submit_button : Form::add_input('submit', 'submit', 'Eintragen', array('class' => 'button'));
        if ($this->show_cancel) {
            if ($this->use_ajax) {
                $input .= Form::add_input('button', 'cancel', 'Abbrechen', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'cancelEdit(this)'));
            } else {
                $input .= Form::add_input('submit', 'cancel', 'Abbrechen', array('class' => 'button'));
        $input .= Form::add_input('hidden', 'edit_id', $edit ? $edit : '');
        $input .= Form::add_input('hidden', 'submit', 'submit');
        $input .= $hidden_inputs;
        $table->add_td(array(array(2 => $input)));
        $return .= $table->flush_table();
        $return .= Form::close_form();
        if ($template) {
            $t = new Template($template);
            $vars['form'] = $return;
            return $t->parse_template(null, $vars);
        } else {
            return $return;
コード例 #19
        echo Html::heading($event['title'], 4);
                        <td class="hidden-xs">
        echo date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($event['timestamp']));
        if ($event['timestamp_end']) {
            if (date('d.m.Y', strtotime($event['timestamp'])) == date('d.m.Y', strtotime($event['timestamp_end']))) {
                echo ' – ' . date('H:i', strtotime($event['timestamp_end']));
            } else {
                echo ' – ' . date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($event['timestamp_end']));
        echo Html::br() . $event['short'];
                        <td class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">
        echo $event['color'] ? $event['color'] : $categories[$event['category']]['color'];
                                style="border-left: 1.4em solid #<?php 
        echo $event['color'] ? $event['color'] : $categories[$event['category']]['color'];
; padding-left: 10px;"
コード例 #20
 * Genera el formulario para crear una nueva categoría.
 * @param array asociativo $categorias -> Contiene las categorías de la BBDD MuebleBBB de esta manera: "id-categoria"=>"nombre-categoria"
function contenedorModificarCategoria($categorias, $mensaje_modCat)
    echo Html::div_("opciones_admin contenedor_modificar_categoria") . Html::form_("", "POST") . Html::seccion(1, "MODIFICAR CATEGORÍA") . Html::select(1, $categorias, "categoria_id", 1, "", "modificar_categorias") . Html::input("text", "nuevo_nombre_categoria", "", "nombreModificarCategoria", false, "", "", "placeholder='Nuevo nombre' required='required'  size='10' maxlength='10'") . Html::br() . Html::input("checkbox", "borrar", "", "borrarCategoriaCB", true, "Borrar Categoria") . Html::br() . Html::input("submit", "", "Modificar", "btnModificarCategoria") . Html::_form() . Html::div_("clear") . Html::_div();
    if ($mensaje_modCat != "") {
        echo Html::div_("mensaje_modificar_categoria");
        if ($mensaje_modCat == "¡OK!") {
            echo Html::span(" ", "fontawesome-ok mensaje_correcto", "", "title='La categoría ha sido modificada con éxito'") . Html::p("{$mensaje_modCat}", "mensaje_correcto visible_inline");
        } else {
            if ($mensaje_modCat == "¡Error!") {
                echo Html::span(" ", "fontawesome-remove error", "", "title='La categoría ya existe en la BBDD'") . Html::p("{$mensaje_modCat}", "error visible_inline");
            } else {
                if ($mensaje_modCat == "¡Borrado!") {
                    echo Html::span(" ", "fontawesome-ok mensaje_correcto", "", "title='La categoría se ha borrado con éxito'") . Html::p("{$mensaje_modCat}", "mensaje_correcto visible_inline");
                } else {
                    if ($mensaje_modCat == "¡Productos en categoría!") {
                        echo Html::span(" ", "fontawesome-remove error", "", "title='La categoría contiene productos'") . Html::p("{$mensaje_modCat}", "error visible_inline");
        echo Html::_div();
    echo Html::_div();
コード例 #21
 function work()
     $loc_id = $_GET['addwork'];
     //$edit_work = ($_GET[])
     $location = $this->connection->db_single_row("SELECT * FROM `{$this->db_table}` WHERE `Location_id`='{$loc_id}' ORDER BY `id` ASC");
     $edit = !$location['Werk'] ? $location['id'] : '';
     if ($_GET['edit']) {
         $edit = $_GET['edit'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_id']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_id']['value'] = $location['Location_id'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_name']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Location_name']['value'] = $location['Location_name'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Adresse']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Adresse']['value'] = $location['Adresse'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['PLZ']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['PLZ']['value'] = $location['PLZ'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Stadt']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Stadt']['value'] = $location['Stadt'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Ortszusatz']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Ortszusatz']['value'] = $location['Ortszusatz'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Land']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Land']['value'] = $location['Land'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Website']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Website']['value'] = $location['Website'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Breite']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Breite']['value'] = $location['Breite'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Länge']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Länge']['value'] = $location['Länge'];
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Technik']['type'] = 'select';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['Technik']['options'] = array('Betonrelief' => 'Betonrelief', 'Skulptur' => 'Skulptur', 'Fenster (Bleiverglasung)' => 'Fenster (Bleiverglasung)', 'Fenster (Betonverglasung)' => 'Fenster (Betonverglasung)', 'Wandteppiche' => 'Wandteppiche', 'Decken- und Wandgemälde' => 'Decken- und Wandgemälde', 'Bilder' => 'Bilder');
     /*$this->scaff->cols_array['Jahr']['type'] = 'ignore';
     		$this->scaff->cols_array['Werk']['type'] = 'ignore';
     		$this->scaff->cols_array['Beschreibung']['type'] = 'ignore';
     		$this->scaff->cols_array['Mitarbeit']['type'] = 'ignore';
     		$this->scaff->cols_array['Ausführung']['type'] = 'ignore';
     		$this->scaff->cols_array['Architekten']['type'] = 'ignore';
     		$this->scaff->cols_array['Literatur']['type'] = 'ignore';*/
     $this->scaff->cols_array['action']['type'] = 'hidden';
     $this->scaff->cols_array['action']['value'] = 'insertwork';
     $return = Html::h(2, 'Werk hinzufügen');
     $return .= Html::bold($location['Location_name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
     $return .= $location['Adresse'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
     $return .= $location['PLZ'] . ' ' . $location['Stadt'] . $location['Ortszusatz'] . Html::br() . Html::br();
     return $return . $this->scaff->make_form($edit);
コード例 #22
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: jlalovi/PHP_Class-HTML

require_once 'libreria/Html.php';
 * OJO!!!!! los métodos estáticos Html me devuelven cadenas, de ahí que sólo hago un 'echo' y concateno cada una de las llamadas
 * con puntos '.' y cerrando la última sentencia con el ';'   
echo Html::html_() . Html::tab() . Html::head_() . Html::tab(2) . Html::title("HTML generado con métodos estáticos de clase Html con PHP") . Html::tab(2) . Html::meta() . Html::tab(2) . Html::meta('name="description" content="Página realizada con métodos estáticos de PHP"') . Html::tab(2) . Html::link() . Html::tab() . Html::_head() . Html::tab() . Html::body_() . Html::tab(2) . Html::div_("ClaseDiv") . Html::tab(3) . Html::seccion("Este valor va a ser 1 por defecto", "Sección H1", 'seccion', '', 'IdH1') . Html::tab(3) . Html::seccion(2, "Sección H2", 'seccion', 'IdH2') . Html::tab(3) . Html::seccion(3, "Sección H3", 'seccion', 'IdH3') . Html::tab(3) . Html::seccion(4, "Sección H4", 'seccion', 'IdH4') . Html::tab(3) . Html::seccion(5, "Sección H5", 'seccion', 'IdH5') . Html::tab(3) . Html::seccion(6, "Sección H6", 'seccion', 'IdH6') . Html::tab(3) . Html::hr() . Html::tab(3) . Html::p('Contenido de un párrafo.') . Html::tab(3) . Html::p('Contenido de un párrafo largo: Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaquepsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.	Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla.') . Html::tab(3) . Html::a_('enlace con apertura y cierre') . Html::_a() . Html::tab(3) . Html::p_('Párrafo con apertura y cierre y ' . Html::strong("¡¡contenido en negrita!! ") . 'Más párrafo después de strong.') . Html::_p() . Html::tab(3) . Html::p_('Párrafo con apertura y cierre y ' . Html::em("¡¡contenido en cursiva!! ") . 'Más párrafo después de em.') . Html::_p() . Html::tab(3) . Html::p_('Superíndice: 2' . Html::sup("2") . ' = 4.') . Html::_p() . Html::tab(3) . Html::p_('Subíndice: H ' . Html::sub("2") . 'O -> Agua.') . Html::_p() . Html::tab(3) . Html::p_('Párrafo con apertura y cierre y ' . Html::span("¡¡contenido dentro de span que cambia el color de fuente a rojo!! ", "", "", "style='color:red'") . 'Más párrafo después de span.') . Html::_p() . Html::tab(3) . Html::p_('Párrafo con apertura y cierre y ' . Html::a("enlace dentro de párrafo. ") . 'Más párrafo después de enlace.') . Html::_p() . Html::tab(2) . Html::_div() . Html::tab(2) . Html::div_("ClaseDiv", "", "style='background:#8BC34A'") . Html::tab(3) . Html::p('¡¡Este párrafo está dentro de un div con backgroudnd verde!!') . Html::tab(2) . Html::_div() . Html::tab(2) . Html::hr() . Html::tab(2) . Html::p_() . Html::strong("Listado ordenado:") . Html::_p() . Html::tab(2) . Html::ol_("listado ordenado", "", 4) . Html::tab(3) . Html::li('Lista 1') . Html::tab(3) . Html::li('Lista 2') . Html::tab(3) . Html::li('Lista 3') . Html::tab(3) . Html::li('Lista 4') . Html::tab(3) . Html::li('Lista 5') . Html::tab(2) . Html::_ol() . Html::tab(2) . Html::p_() . Html::strong("Listado No ordenado:") . Html::_p() . Html::tab(2) . Html::ul_("listado no_ordenado", "", 4) . Html::tab(3) . Html::li('Lista 1') . Html::tab(3) . Html::li('Lista 2') . Html::tab(3) . Html::li('Lista 3') . Html::tab(3) . Html::li('Lista 4') . Html::tab(3) . Html::li('Lista 5') . Html::tab(2) . Html::_ul() . Html::tab(2) . Html::hr() . Html::tab(2) . Html::p_() . Html::strong("Imagen:") . Html::_p() . Html::tab(2) . Html::img("img/logo_jlalovi.png", "Logo de jlalovi") . Html::tab(2) . Html::hr() . Html::tab(2) . Html::table_("", "", "border=1") . Html::tab(3) . Html::caption("Tabla de prueba") . Html::tab(3) . Html::tr_() . Html::tab(4) . Html::th("Encabezado 1") . Html::tab(4) . Html::th("Encabezado 2") . Html::tab(4) . Html::th("Encabezado 3") . Html::tab(4) . Html::th("Encabezado 4") . Html::tab(3) . Html::_tr() . Html::tab(3) . Html::tr_() . Html::tab(4) . Html::td("celda 1.1") . Html::tab(4) . Html::td("celda 1.2") . Html::tab(4) . Html::td("celda 1.3") . Html::tab(4) . Html::td("celda 1.4") . Html::tab(3) . Html::_tr() . Html::tab(3) . Html::tr_() . Html::tab(4) . Html::td("celda 2.1") . Html::tab(4) . Html::td("celda 2.2") . Html::tab(4) . Html::td("celda 2.3") . Html::tab(4) . Html::td("celda 2.4") . Html::tab(3) . Html::_tr() . Html::tab(3) . Html::trTd(["celda 3.1", "celda 3.2", "celda 3.3", "celda 3.4"]) . Html::tab(2) . Html::_table() . Html::tab(2) . Html::hr() . Html::tab(2) . Html::form_("prueba_formulario.php") . Html::tab(3) . Html::fieldset_() . Html::tab(4) . Html::legend("Prueba formulario POST") . Html::tab(4) . Html::textarea("Prueba formulario", "texto", "idTextarea", true, "Label Textarea:") . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::input("text", "nombre", "", "idNombre", true, "Nombre:") . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::input("password", "clave", "", "idClave", true, "Clave:") . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::input("submit", "", "Enviar") . Html::tab(3) . Html::_fieldset() . Html::tab(2) . Html::_form() . Html::tab(2) . Html::form_("prueba_formulario.php", "get") . Html::tab(3) . Html::fieldset_() . Html::tab(4) . Html::legend("Prueba formulario GET") . Html::tab(4) . Html::input("checkbox", "nameCheckbox1", "Valor 1", "idCheckbox1", true, "Checkbox nº 1:", "ClaseCheckbox") . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::input("checkbox", "nameCheckbox2", "Valor 2", "idCheckbox2", true, "Checkbox nº 2:", "ClaseCheckbox") . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::input("checkbox", "nameCheckbox3", "Valor 3", "idCheckbox3", true, "Checkbox nº 3:", "ClaseCheckbox") . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::input("radio", "nameRadio", "Valor 1", "idRadio1", true, "Radio nº 1:", "ClaseRadio") . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::input("radio", "nameRadio", "Valor 2", "idRadio2", true, "Radio nº 2:", "ClaseRadio") . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::input("radio", "nameRadio", "Valor 3", "idRadio3", true, "Radio nº 3:", "ClaseRadio") . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::select(4, ["uno" => 1, "dos" => 2, "tres" => 3], 3) . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::br() . Html::tab(4) . Html::input("submit", "", "Enviar") . Html::tab(3) . Html::_fieldset() . Html::tab(2) . Html::_form() . Html::tab() . Html::_body() . Html::_html();
コード例 #23
ファイル: catatan.php プロジェクト: ryderonil/sisurip
<!--<div class="divleft"><h2>Rekam Disposisi Kasubag/Kasi</h2></div>-->
<div id="pesan"></div>
if (isset($this->data)) {
    $form = new Form_Generator();
    $html = new Html();
    $html->heading('INFORMASI SURAT MASUK :', 3);
    $html->div_open('id', 'form-wrapper');
    //var_dump($html->div_open('id', 'form-wrapper'));
    $form->form_label('AGENDA SURAT MASUK');
    $form->form_input(array('value' => $this->data[1], 'size' => 6));
    $form->form_label('NOMOR SURAT MASUK');
    $form->form_input(array('value' => $this->data[2], 'size' => 40));
    $form->form_input(array('value' => $this->data[3], 'size' => 60));
    $form->form_textarea(array('name' => '#', 'cols' => 40, 'rows' => 5), $this->data[4]);
コード例 #24
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-sm-6">
echo Form::label('event_image', __('Image file', 'events'), array('data-toggle' => 'tooltip', 'data-placement' => 'top', 'title' => __('Event title image from preconfigured image directory', 'events')));
if (sizeof($files) > 1) {
    echo Form::select('event_image', $files, Null, array('class' => 'form-control clear'));
} else {
    echo Form::select('event_image', array(), Null, array('class' => 'form-control clear', 'disabled' => 'disabled', 'title' => __('No file available in configured image directory', 'events')));
                    <div class="col-sm-6">
echo Form::label('event_imagesection', __('Clip image', 'events'), array('data-toggle' => 'tooltip', 'data-placement' => 'top', 'title' => __('Specifies how to clip rectangular image to square', 'events'))) . Html::br();
                        <select class="image-picker" name="event_imagesection">
                            <option data-img-src="/plugins/events/images/image-section-t.png" value="t"><?php 
echo __('Clip to top', 'events');
                            <option data-img-src="/plugins/events/images/image-section-m.png" value="m"><?php 
echo __('Clip to middle', 'events');
                            <option data-img-src="/plugins/events/images/image-section-b.png" value="b"><?php 
echo __('Clip to bottom', 'events');
                            <option data-img-src="/plugins/events/images/image-section-l.png" value="l"><?php 
コード例 #25
 function render($showErrors = false)
     $this->html = '<form action="" method="' . $this->method . '">';
     //Tous les champs
     foreach ($this->fields as $name => $field) {
         $this->html .= $field->html($showErrors);
         $this->html .= Html::br();
     //Bouton envoyer
     if ($this->submit != null) {
         $this->html .= $this->submit->html();
     //Fin de la form
     $this->html .= '</form>';
コード例 #26
    if (Session::exists('user_role') && in_array(Session::get('user_role'), array('admin'))) {
        <div class="form-group">
        echo Form::label('role', __('Role', 'users'));
        echo Form::select('role', array('admin' => __('Admin', 'users'), 'editor' => __('Editor', 'users'), 'user' => __('User', 'users')), $user['role'], array('class' => 'form-control'));
    } else {
        echo Form::hidden('role', Session::get('user_role'));
    echo Html::br() . Form::submit('edit_profile', __('Save', 'users'), array('class' => 'btn btn-phone btn-primary')) . Html::nbsp(2) . Html::anchor(__('Cancel', 'users'), 'index.php?id=users', array('title' => __('Cancel', 'users'), 'class' => 'btn btn-phone btn-cancel btn-default')) . Form::close();

    <div class="col-md-6">
    echo Form::open() . Form::hidden('csrf', Security::token()) . Form::hidden('user_id', Request::get('user_id'));
        <div class="form-group">
    echo Form::label('new_password', __('New password', 'users')) . Form::password('new_password', null, array('class' => 'form-control'));
    echo Form::submit('edit_profile_password', __('Save', 'users'), array('class' => 'btn btn-phone btn-primary')) . Form::close();
コード例 #27
echo Form::label('page_meta_title', __('Title', 'pages')) . Form::input('page_meta_title', $meta_title_to_edit, array('class' => 'form-control'));
        <div class="form-group">
echo Form::label('page_keywords', __('Keywords', 'pages')) . Form::input('page_keywords', $keywords_to_edit, array('class' => 'form-control'));
        <div class="form-group">
echo Form::label('page_description', __('Description', 'pages')) . Form::textarea('page_description', $description_to_edit, array('class' => 'form-control'));
        <div class="form-group">
echo Form::label('robots', __('Search Engines Robots', 'pages')) . Html::br(1) . 'no Index' . Html::nbsp() . Form::checkbox('robots_index', 'index', $post_robots_index) . Html::nbsp(2) . 'no Follow' . Html::nbsp() . Form::checkbox('robots_follow', 'follow', $post_robots_follow);
    <div class="tab-pane <?php 
if (Notification::get('settings')) {
" id="settings">        
if (Request::get('name') == 'error404') {
    echo Form::hidden('pages', $parent_page);
} else {
コード例 #28
if (!empty($_POST)) {
    $productos = $catalogo->BuscarProductos($_POST["busca"]);
} else {
    $productos = [];
echo cabecera("MUEBLEBBB - Búsqueda", "../css/estilos.css", "../js/libreria.js");
echo encabezadoIndex();
navegacion_sesion($_POST, $MuebleBBB);
echo Html::div_("contenedor_inicio");
echo Html::seccion(1, "Resultado de búsqueda");
if (!empty($productos)) {
    foreach ($productos as $producto) {
        if ($producto->__get("descuento") > 0) {
            $precio_descuento = $producto->__get("precio") - $producto->__get("precio") / 100 * $producto->__get("descuento");
            echo Html::div_("contenedor_producto") . Html::a_("catalogo.php?id_producto={$producto->__get("codigo")}") . Html::img("{$producto->__get("imagen")}", "{$producto->__get("nombre")}") . Html::span("{$producto->__get("descuento")}%", "oferta") . Html::seccion(2, "{$producto->__get("nombre")}", "nombre_producto") . Html::div_("detalles") . Html::p("{$producto->__get("categoria")}", "categoria") . Html::p_("{$precio_descuento} €", "precio") . Html::br() . Html::del("{$producto->__get("precio")}€", "precio_antes") . Html::_p() . Html::_div() . Html::_a() . Html::_div();
        } else {
            if ($producto->__get("nuevo")) {
                echo Html::div_("contenedor_producto") . Html::a_("catalogo.php?id_producto={$producto->__get("codigo")}") . Html::img("{$producto->__get("imagen")}", "{$producto->__get("nombre")}") . Html::div_("novedad") . Html::img("../imagenes/nuevo.png", "etiqueta indicando novedad", "etiqueta_nuevo") . Html::_div() . Html::seccion(2, "{$producto->__get("nombre")}", "nombre_producto") . Html::div_("detalles") . Html::p("{$producto->__get("categoria")}", "categoria") . Html::p("{$producto->__get("precio")}€", "precio") . Html::_div() . Html::_div() . Html::_a();
            } else {
                echo Html::div_("contenedor_producto") . Html::a_("catalogo.php?id_producto={$producto->__get("codigo")}") . Html::img("{$producto->__get("imagen")}", "{$producto->__get("nombre")}") . Html::seccion(2, "{$producto->__get("nombre")}", "nombre_producto") . Html::div_("detalles") . Html::p("{$producto->__get("categoria")}", "categoria") . Html::p("{$producto->__get("precio")}€", "precio") . Html::_div() . Html::_div() . Html::_a();
} else {
    echo Html::p("No se ha encontrado ninguna coincidencia.", "error");
echo Html::_div();
echo pie();
コード例 #29
 function login($meldung = '', $template = '')
     die('DEPRECATED LOGIN METHOD: ' . __FILE__ . ' ' . __LINE__);
     if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
     if (isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['pass']) && $this->check_login()) {
         return true;
     $vars['uuid'] = $_SESSION['uuid'] = General::uuid();
     if (defined('HTTPS') && HTTPS && !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
         header("Location: " . 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $page = new Seite($this, $template);
     $login_form = new Template(INSTALL_PATH . '/Templates/Login.template.html');
     $meldungen = Template::get_all_parts($login_form->template);
     $vars['meldung'] = $meldungen[$meldung] ? $meldungen[$meldung] : $meldung;
     $vars['action'] = SELF_URL;
     $vars['title'] = $this->seite != 'index' ? $this->rubrik . ' | ' . $this->seite : $this->rubrik;
     if ($navi) {
         $navi = new Navi($this);
         $vars['navi'] = $navi->rubriken();
     if (!isset($_POST['user']) || !isset($_POST['pass'])) {
         $vars['meldung'] .= Html::br() . $meldungen['KENNWORT_EINGEBEN'];
         die($page->header($vars) . Html::div($login_form->parse_template('FORM', $vars)) . $page->footer($vars));
     } else {
         if ($this->check_login()) {
             //if (HTTPS) header("Location: ".'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
             header("Location: " . 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         } else {
             die($page->header($vars) . Html::div($login_form->parse_template('FORM', $vars)) . $page->footer($vars));
コード例 #30
 function order_rooms()
     $rooms_sql = "SELECT rooms.*, indices.Exhibition_id,indices.Exhibition_id,indices.index\n\t\tFROM `{$this->rooms_db_table}` `rooms`\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$this->indices_db_table}` `indices`\n\t\t     ON rooms.RoomId = indices.Raum_id\n\t\tWHERE indices.Exhibition_id = " . $_GET['order'] . "\n\t\tORDER BY indices.index ASC, indices.id ASC";
     $rooms = $this->connection->db_assoc($rooms_sql);
     $script = $this->order_script();
     $return = Html::h(2, $this->get_exhibition_name('order') . ': Reihenfolge bearbeiten');
     $return .= Form::form_tag(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'], '', '', array('onsubmit' => 'updateOrder()', 'id' => 'orderform'));
     $GLOBALS['scripts'] .= Html::script($script);
     $select = new Select('select[]', array('size' => 24, 'id' => 'select'));
     foreach ($rooms as $room) {
         $select->add_option($room['RoomId'], $room['Roomname']);
     $return .= $select->flush_select() . Html::br();
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:up();', 'Hoch', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:down();', 'Runter', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a('javascript:del();', 'Löschen', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Form::add_input('submit', 'submit', 'Speichern', array('class' => 'button'));
     $return .= Html::a(SELF, 'Zurück', array('class' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'return getChanged()'));
     $return .= Form::close_form();
     return $return;