コード例 #1
 static function validate($text)
     // Wordpress will call this function when the settings form is submitted
     // $text contains the POST options array from the form
     global $fscf_special_slugs;
     // List of reserved slug names
     self::$global_options = FSCF_Util::get_global_options();
     self::$form_defaults = FSCF_Util::set_defaults();
     if (!isset(self::$form_options)) {
         self::$form_options = FSCF_Util::get_form_options(self::$current_form, false);
     // See if 'donated' status has changed.  If so, update global settings.
     // if the POST variable fs_contact_donated exists, then the checkbox was checked
     $donated = isset($_POST['fs_contact_donated']) ? 'true' : 'false';
     if ($donated != self::$global_options['donated']) {
         self::$global_options['donated'] = $donated;
     if (isset($_POST['fs_dismiss_import_msg'])) {
         self::$global_options['import_msg'] = false;
     // Update global options array based on value of enable_php_sessions
     // if the POST variable enable_php_session, then the checkbox was checked
     $php_sessions = isset($_POST['enable_php_sessions']) ? 'true' : 'false';
     if ($php_sessions != self::$global_options['enable_php_sessions']) {
         self::$global_options['enable_php_sessions'] = $php_sessions;
     // vcita_auto_install
     if (!empty($_POST['vcita_auto_install']) && ($_POST['vcita_auto_install'] == 'true' || $_POST['vcita_auto_install'] == 'false')) {
         self::$global_options['vcita_auto_install'] = $_POST['vcita_auto_install'];
     // vcita_dismiss
     if (!empty($_POST['vcita_dismiss']) && ($_POST['vcita_dismiss'] == 'true' || $_POST['vcita_dismiss'] == 'false')) {
         self::$global_options['vcita_dismiss'] = $_POST['vcita_dismiss'];
     update_option('fs_contact_global', self::$global_options);
     // Trim trailing spaces
     // Special processing for certain form fields
     if ('' == $text['email_to']) {
         $text['email_to'] = self::$form_defaults['email_to'];
     // use default if empty
     $text['redirect_seconds'] = is_numeric($text['redirect_seconds']) && $text['redirect_seconds'] < 61 ? absint($text['redirect_seconds']) : self::$form_defaults['redirect_seconds'];
     if ('' == $text['redirect_url']) {
         $text['redirect_url'] = self::$form_defaults['redirect_url'];
     // use default if empty
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-6]?$/', $text['cal_start_day'])) {
         $text['cal_start_day'] = self::$form_defaults['cal_start_day'];
     $text['attach_types'] = str_replace('.', '', $text['attach_types']);
     if ('' == $text['attach_size'] || !preg_match('/^([[0-9.]+)([kKmM]?[bB])?$/', $text['attach_size'])) {
         $text['attach_size'] = self::$form_defaults['attach_size'];
     if ('' == $text['auto_respond_from_name']) {
         $text['auto_respond_from_name'] = self::$form_defaults['auto_respond_from_name'];
     // use default if empty
     if ('' == $text['auto_respond_from_email'] || !FSCF_Util::validate_email($text['auto_respond_from_email'])) {
         $text['auto_respond_from_email'] = self::$form_defaults['auto_respond_from_email'];
     // use default if empty
     if ($text['auto_respond_reply_to'] == '' || !FSCF_Util::validate_email($text['auto_respond_reply_to'])) {
         $text['auto_respond_reply_to'] = self::$form_defaults['auto_respond_reply_to'];
     // use default if empty
     //	$text['field_size'] = ( is_numeric( $text['field_size'] ) && $text['field_size'] > 14 ) ? absint( $text['field_size'] ) : self::$form_defaults['field_size']; // use default if empty
     //$text['captcha_field_size'] = ( is_numeric( $text['captcha_field_size'] ) && $text['captcha_field_size'] > 4 ) ? absint( $text['captcha_field_size'] ) : self::$form_defaults['captcha_field_size'];
     //$text['text_cols'] = absint( $text['text_cols'] );
     //$text['text_rows'] = absint( $text['text_rows'] );
     if (!empty($text['domain_protect_names'])) {
         $text['domain_protect_names'] = self::clean_textarea($text['domain_protect_names']);
     if (!empty($text['email_to'])) {
         $text['email_to'] = self::clean_textarea($text['email_to']);
     // Use default style settings if styles are empty
     if (!isset(self::$style_defaults)) {
         self::$style_defaults = FSCF_Util::set_style_defaults();
     foreach (self::$style_defaults as $key => $val) {
         //if ( '' == $text[$key] ) // caused error on import settings from some older versions
         if (!isset($text[$key]) || empty($text[$key])) {
             $text[$key] = $val;
     // Do we need to reset all styles top this form?
     if (isset($_POST['fscf_reset_styles'])) {
         // reset styles feature
         $text = FSCF_Action::copy_styles(self::$form_defaults, $text);
     if (isset($_POST['fscf_reset_styles_top'])) {
         $style_resets_arr = array('form_style' => 'width:99%; max-width:555px;', 'left_box_style' => 'float:left; width:55%; max-width:270px;', 'right_box_style' => 'float:left; width:235px;', 'clear_style' => 'clear:both;', 'field_left_style' => 'clear:left; float:left; width:99%; max-width:550px; margin-right:10px;', 'field_prefollow_style' => 'clear:left; float:left; width:99%; max-width:250px; margin-right:10px;', 'field_follow_style' => 'float:left; padding-left:10px; width:99%; max-width:250px;', 'title_style' => 'text-align:left; padding-top:5px;', 'field_div_style' => 'text-align:left;', 'captcha_div_style_sm' => 'width:175px; height:50px; padding-top:2px;', 'captcha_div_style_m' => 'width:250px; height:65px; padding-top:2px;', 'captcha_image_style' => 'border-style:none; margin:0; padding:0px; padding-right:5px; float:left;', 'captcha_reload_image_style' => 'border-style:none; margin:0; padding:0px; vertical-align:bottom;', 'submit_div_style' => 'text-align:left; clear:both; padding-top:15px;', 'border_style' => 'border:1px solid black; width:99%; max-width:550px; padding:10px;');
         // reset left styles feature
         foreach ($style_resets_arr as $key => $val) {
             $text[$key] = $val;
     // end reset styles top
     if (isset($_POST['fscf_reset_styles_left'])) {
         $style_resets_arr = array('form_style' => 'width:655px;', 'left_box_style' => 'float:left; width:450px;', 'right_box_style' => 'float:left; width:235px;', 'clear_style' => 'clear:both;', 'field_left_style' => 'clear:left; float:left; margin-right:10px;', 'field_prefollow_style' => 'clear:left; float:left; margin-right:10px;', 'field_follow_style' => 'float:left; padding-left:10px;', 'title_style' => 'width:138px; float:left; clear:left; text-align:right; padding-top:8px; padding-right:10px;', 'field_div_style' => 'text-align:left; float:left; padding-top:10px;', 'captcha_div_style_sm' => 'float:left; width:162px; height:50px; padding-top:5px;', 'captcha_div_style_m' => 'float:left; width:362px; height:65px; padding-top:5px;', 'captcha_image_style' => 'border-style:none; margin:0; padding:0px; padding-right:5px; float:left;', 'captcha_reload_image_style' => 'border-style:none; margin:0; padding:0px; vertical-align:bottom;', 'submit_div_style' => 'padding-left:146px; float:left; clear:left; text-align:left; padding-top:15px;', 'border_style' => 'border:1px solid black; width:99%; max-width:450px; padding:10px;');
         // reset left styles feature
         foreach ($style_resets_arr as $key => $val) {
             $text[$key] = $val;
     // end reset styles left
     if (isset($_POST['fscf_reset_styles_labels'])) {
         $style_resets_arr = array('border_enable' => 'false', 'required_style' => 'text-align:left;', 'required_text_style' => 'text-align:left;', 'hint_style' => 'font-size:x-small; font-weight:normal;', 'error_style' => 'text-align:left; color:red;', 'redirect_style' => 'text-align:left;', 'fieldset_style' => 'border:1px solid black; width:97%; max-width:500px; padding:10px;', 'label_style' => 'display:inline;', 'option_label_style' => 'display:inline;', 'field_style' => 'text-align:left; margin:0; width:99%; max-width:250px;', 'captcha_input_style' => 'text-align:left; margin:0; width:50px;', 'textarea_style' => 'text-align:left; margin:0; width:99%; max-width:250px; height:120px;', 'select_style' => 'text-align:left;', 'checkbox_style' => 'width:13px;', 'radio_style' => 'width:13px;', 'placeholder_style' => 'opacity:0.6; color:#333333;', 'button_style' => 'cursor:pointer; margin:0;', 'reset_style' => 'cursor:pointer; margin:0;', 'vcita_button_style' => 'text-decoration:none; display:block; text-align:center; background:linear-gradient(to bottom, #ed6a31 0%, #e55627 100%); color:#fff !important; padding:10px;', 'vcita_div_button_style' => 'border-left:1px dashed #ccc; margin-top:25px; height:50px; padding:8px 20px;', 'powered_by_style' => 'font-size:x-small; font-weight:normal; padding-top:5px; text-align:center;');
         // reset label styles feature
         foreach ($style_resets_arr as $key => $val) {
             $text[$key] = $val;
     // end reset styles left
     // List of all checkbox settings names (except for checkboxes in fields)
     $checkboxes = array('email_from_enforced', 'preserve_space_enable', 'double_email', 'name_case_enable', 'sender_info_enable', 'domain_protect', 'email_check_dns', 'email_html', 'akismet_disable', 'captcha_enable', 'akismet_send_anyway', 'captcha_small', 'email_hide_empty', 'email_keep_attachments', 'print_form_enable', 'captcha_perm', 'honeypot_enable', 'redirect_enable', 'redirect_query', 'redirect_email_off', 'silent_email_off', 'export_email_off', 'ex_fields_after_msg', 'email_inline_label', 'textarea_html_allow', 'enable_areyousure', 'enable_submit_oneclick', 'auto_respond_enable', 'auto_respond_html', 'req_field_indicator_enable', 'req_field_label_enable', 'border_enable', 'anchor_enable', 'aria_required', 'auto_fill_enable', 'enable_reset', 'enable_credit_link');
     // Set missing checkbox values to 'false' because these boxes were unchecked
     // html form checkboxes do not return anything in POST if unchecked
     //		$text = array_merge($unchecked, $text);
     foreach ($checkboxes as $checkbox) {
         if (!isset($text[$checkbox])) {
             $text[$checkbox] = 'false';
     // Sanitize settings fields
     $html_fields = array('welcome', 'after_form_note', 'req_field_indicator', 'text_message_sent', 'success_page_html');
     if ('true' == $text['auto_respond_html']) {
         $html_fields[] = 'auto_respond_message';
     foreach ($text as $key => $value) {
         if (is_string($value)) {
             if (in_array($key, $html_fields)) {
                 //$text[$key] = wp_filter_kses( $value );  //strips too much
                 $text[$key] = $value;
             } else {
                 $text[$key] = strip_tags($value);
     // Process contact form fields
     $slug_list = $fscf_special_slugs;
     // The $special_slugs list is also used in FSCF_Display::get_query_parms()
     //		$special_slugs = array( 'f_name', 'm_name', 'mi_name', 'l_name', 'email2', 'mailto_id', 'subject_id' );
     $select_type_fields = array('checkbox-multiple', 'select', 'select-multiple', 'radio');
     // none of the field slugs can be the same as a post type rewrite_slug
     // or you will get "page not found" when posting the form with that field filled in
     $slug_list = array();
     if (isset(self::$form_options) && !empty(self::$form_options['fields'])) {
         foreach (self::$form_options['fields'] as $key => $field) {
             $slug_list[] = $field['slug'];
     $bad_slugs = array();
     foreach (self::$post_types_slugs as $key => $slug) {
         if (in_array(strtolower($slug), $slug_list)) {
             $bad_slugs[] = $slug;
     foreach ($text['fields'] as $key => $field) {
         if (isset($field['delete']) && "true" == $field['delete']) {
             // Delete the field
         } else {
             // Don't need to keep this
             // Add 'false' to any missing checkboxes for fields
             if (!isset($field['req'])) {
                 $text['fields'][$key]['req'] = 'false';
             if (!isset($field['disable'])) {
                 $text['fields'][$key]['disable'] = 'false';
             if (!isset($field['follow'])) {
                 $text['fields'][$key]['follow'] = 'false';
             if (!isset($field['inline'])) {
                 $text['fields'][$key]['inline'] = 'false';
             if (!isset($field['hide_label'])) {
                 $text['fields'][$key]['hide_label'] = 'false';
             if (!isset($field['placeholder'])) {
                 $text['fields'][$key]['placeholder'] = 'false';
             // Sanitize html in form field settings
             foreach ($field as $k => $v) {
                 if (is_string($v)) {
                     //if ( 'notes' == $k || 'notes_after' == $k ) $text['fields'][$key][$k] = wp_filter_kses( $v );  //strips too much
                     if ('notes' == $k || 'notes_after' == $k) {
                         $text['fields'][$key][$k] = $v;
                     } else {
                         $text['fields'][$key][$k] = strip_tags($v);
                     // strip html tags
             // Make sure the field name is not blank
             if (empty($field['label'])) {
                 $text['fields'][$key]['label'] = sprintf(__('Field %s', 'si-contact-form'), $key);
                 $temp = sprintf(__('Field label cannot be blank.  Label set to "Field  %s". To delete a field, use the delete option.', 'si-contact-form'), $key);
                 add_settings_error('fscf_field_settings', 'missing-label', $temp);
             // Sanitize the slug
             $slug_changed = false;
             if (!empty($field['slug']) && in_array(strtolower($field['slug']), $bad_slugs)) {
                 $slug_changed = true;
             if (empty($field['slug'])) {
                 // no slug, so make one from the label
                 // the sanitize title function encodes UTF-8 characters, so we need to undo that
                 // this line croaked on some chinese characters
                 //$field['slug'] = substr( urldecode(sanitize_title_with_dashes(remove_accents($field['label']))), 0, FSCF_MAX_SLUG_LEN );
                 $field['slug'] = remove_accents($field['label']);
                 $field['slug'] = preg_replace('~([^a-zA-Z\\d_ .-])~', '', $field['slug']);
                 $field['slug'] = substr(urldecode(sanitize_title_with_dashes($field['slug'])), 0, FSCF_MAX_SLUG_LEN);
                 if ($field['slug'] == '') {
                     $field['slug'] = 'na';
                 if ('-' == substr($field['slug'], strlen($field['slug']) - 1, 1)) {
                     $field['slug'] = substr($field['slug'], 0, strlen($field['slug']) - 1);
                 $slug_changed = true;
             } else {
                 if (empty(self::$form_options['fields'][$key]['slug']) || $field['slug'] != self::$form_options['fields'][$key]['slug']) {
                     // The slug has changed, so sanitize it
                     // this line croaked on some chinese characters
                     //$field['slug'] = substr( urldecode(sanitize_title_with_dashes(remove_accents($field['slug']))), 0, FSCF_MAX_SLUG_LEN );
                     $field['slug'] = remove_accents($field['slug']);
                     $field['slug'] = preg_replace('~([^a-zA-Z\\d_ .-])~', '', $field['slug']);
                     $field['slug'] = substr(urldecode(sanitize_title_with_dashes($field['slug'])), 0, FSCF_MAX_SLUG_LEN);
                     if ($field['slug'] == '') {
                         $field['slug'] = 'na';
                     $slug_changed = true;
             // Make sure the slug is unique
             if ($slug_changed) {
                 $text['fields'][$key]['slug'] = self::check_slug($field['slug'], $slug_list);
         $slug_list[] = $text['fields'][$key]['slug'];
         // If a select type field, make sure the select options list is not empty
         if (in_array($field['type'], $select_type_fields)) {
             // remove blank lines and trim options
             if (!empty($text['fields'][$key]['options'])) {
                 $text['fields'][$key]['options'] = self::clean_textarea($text['fields'][$key]['options']);
             if (empty($field['options'])) {
                 $temp = sprintf(__('Select options are required for the %s field.', 'si-contact-form'), $field['label']);
                 add_settings_error('fscf_field_settings', 'missing-options', $temp);
         // If date type field, check format of default (if any)
         if ('date' == $field['type'] && '' != $field['default']) {
             if ($field['default'] != '[today]' && !FSCF_Process::validate_date($field['default'], self::$current_form)) {
                 $cal_date_array = array('mm/dd/yyyy' => esc_html(__('mm/dd/yyyy', 'si-contact-form')), 'dd/mm/yyyy' => esc_html(__('dd/mm/yyyy', 'si-contact-form')), 'mm-dd-yyyy' => esc_html(__('mm-dd-yyyy', 'si-contact-form')), 'dd-mm-yyyy' => esc_html(__('dd-mm-yyyy', 'si-contact-form')), 'mm.dd.yyyy' => esc_html(__('mm.dd.yyyy', 'si-contact-form')), 'dd.mm.yyyy' => esc_html(__('dd.mm.yyyy', 'si-contact-form')), 'yyyy/mm/dd' => esc_html(__('yyyy/mm/dd', 'si-contact-form')), 'yyyy-mm-dd' => esc_html(__('yyyy-mm-dd', 'si-contact-form')), 'yyyy.mm.dd' => esc_html(__('yyyy.mm.dd', 'si-contact-form')));
                 $temp = sprintf(__('Default date for %s is not correctly formatted. Format should be %s.', 'si-contact-form'), $field['label'], $cal_date_array[$text['date_format']]);
                 add_settings_error('fscf_field_settings', 'invalid-date', $temp);
     // end foreach (Process fields)
     $text = self::vcita_update_details($text);
     // Update the query args if necessary
     if (!isset($_POST['ctf_action']) && isset($_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'])) {
         // Set the current tab in _wp_http_referer so that we go there after the save
         $wp_referer = remove_query_arg('fscf_tab', $_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer']);
         $wp_referer = add_query_arg('fscf_tab', $_POST['current_tab'], $wp_referer);
         if (isset($text['akismet_check'])) {
             // Request Akismet check on page reload
             $wp_referer = add_query_arg('akismet_check', 'true', $wp_referer);
             // Don't save this in database
         } else {
             $wp_referer = remove_query_arg('akismet_check', $wp_referer);
         $_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'] = $wp_referer;
     return $text;