コード例 #1
ファイル: class-fscf-util.php プロジェクト: kipraske/site2014
 static function import_forced($force = '')
     // conditionally imports old settings only if they exist
     // see if upgrading from an older version
     $old_global_options = get_option('si_contact_form_gb');
     if ($old_global_options) {
         // import now
         require_once FSCF_PATH . 'includes/class-fscf-import.php';
     } else {
         // old options did not exist
         self::$global_options = FSCF_Util::get_global_options();
         // Is this is a really old version, prior to 2.6.5 (earlier versions did not have global options)
         $temp = get_option('si_contact_form');
         if (!empty($temp)) {
             FSCF_Util::add_admin_notice(__('<b>Warning</b>: Fast Secure Contact Form cannot import settings because the previous version is too old. Installed as new.', 'si-contact-form'), 'error');
             self::$global_options['import_success'] = false;
             self::$global_options['import_msg'] = true;
             update_option('fs_contact_global', self::$global_options);
コード例 #2
 static function add_form()
     // Add a new form
     check_admin_referer('fs_contact_options-options', 'fs_options');
     self::$global_options = FSCF_Util::get_global_options();
     // Find the next form number
     // When forms are deleted, their form number is NOT reused
     self::$global_options['form_list'][self::$current_form] = __('New Form', 'si-contact-form');
     // Highest form ID (used to assign ID to new form)
     // When forms are deleted, the remaining forms are NOT renumberd, so max_form_num might be greater than
     // the number of existing forms
     // recalibrate max_form_num to the highest form number (not count)
     self::$global_options['max_form_num'] = max(array_keys(self::$global_options['form_list']));
     update_option('fs_contact_global', self::$global_options);
     echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . sprintf(__('Form %d has been added.', 'si-contact-form'), self::$current_form) . '</p></div>';
コード例 #3
 static function import_old_version($force = '')
     //		global $fscf_special_slugs;		// List of reserve slug names
     // ***** Import global options *****
     // upgrade import only back to version 2.5.6, because before that, there was no 'si_contact_form_gb' setting
     self::$old_global_options = get_option('si_contact_form_gb');
     if (empty(self::$old_global_options)) {
     self::$global_options = FSCF_Util::get_global_options();
     // import a few global options
     $copy_fields = array('donated', 'vcita_dismiss');
     foreach ($copy_fields as $field) {
         if (!empty(self::$old_global_options[$field])) {
             self::$global_options[$field] = self::$old_global_options[$field];
     // import this global option
     // Highest form ID (used to assign ID to new form)
     // When forms are deleted, the remaining forms are NOT renumberd, so max_form_num might be greater than
     // the number of existing forms
     if (!empty(self::$old_global_options['max_forms'])) {
         self::$global_options['max_form_num'] = self::$old_global_options['max_forms'];
     //print 'max_form_num:'.self::$global_options['max_form_num']."<br>\n";
     // ***** Import form options *****
     $max_fields_shim = 8;
     if ($force == 'force') {
         // force is when they pressed the button import from 3.xx, they are warned this replaces the 4.xx forms
         self::$global_options['form_list'] = array();
         // delete current form list
         // delete current 4.xx forms
         // delete up to 100 forms (a unique configuration for each contact form)
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
     for ($frm = 1; $frm <= self::$global_options['max_form_num']; $frm++) {
         //print 'importing form:'.$frm."<br>\n";
         $old_opt_name = 'si_contact_form';
         $old_opt_name .= $frm == 1 ? '' : $frm;
         self::$old_form_options = get_option($old_opt_name);
         if (!self::$old_form_options) {
         if ($force == 'force') {
         } else {
             // Make sure that the options for this form doesn't already exist
             self::$form_options = FSCF_Util::get_form_options($frm, $use_defaults = false);
             if (self::$form_options) {
         // if max fields is missing it will be 8, or the value of the last one in the loop.
         if (isset(self::$old_form_options['max_fields']) && self::$old_form_options['max_fields'] > 0) {
             $max_fields_shim = self::$old_form_options['max_fields'];
         } else {
             self::$old_form_options['max_fields'] = $max_fields_shim;
         $new_form_options = self::convert_form_options(self::$old_form_options, self::$old_form_options['max_fields']);
         // Save the imported form
         $form_option_name = 'fs_contact_form' . $frm;
         // Add form name to the form list...
         if ($new_form_options['form_name'] == '') {
             $new_form_options['form_name'] = __('imported', 'si-contact-form');
         self::$global_options['form_list'][$frm] = $new_form_options['form_name'];
         update_option($form_option_name, $new_form_options);
     // end for loop (forms)
     self::$global_options['import_success'] = true;
     self::$global_options['import_msg'] = true;
     // recalibrate max_form_num to the highest form number (not count)
     self::$global_options['max_form_num'] = max(array_keys(self::$global_options['form_list']));
     update_option('fs_contact_global', self::$global_options);
     // Display a notice on the admin page
     FSCF_Util::add_admin_notice(__('Fast Secure Contact Form has imported settings from the old version.', 'si-contact-form'), 'updated');
     // Force reload of global and form options
コード例 #4
 static function vcita_disable_init_msg($form_params, $global_options)
     if ($global_options['vcita_initialized'] == 'true') {
         echo "<div class='scheduler_not_conected_note'>A confirmation email has been sent to ";
         echo $form_params['vcita_email'];
         echo " Please make sure you have received the email.</div><br />";
         $glob_options = FSCF_Util::get_global_options();
         $glob_options['vcita_initialized'] = 'false';
         update_option('fs_contact_global', $glob_options);
コード例 #5
 static function get_contact_list($frm_id, $email_to)
     // Returns a list of email contacts for display
     // $email_to = email to list from form settings
     if (!self::$global_options) {
         self::$global_options = FSCF_Util::get_global_options();
     $contacts = array();
     $contacts[] = '';
     // dummy entry to take up key 0
     // Check for a shortcode mail-to value.  Allowed shortcode email_to:
     //    Webmaster,user1@example.com (must have name,email)
     // multiple emails allowed
     //    Webmaster,user1@example.com;user2@example.com
     if (self::$global_options['enable_php_sessions'] == 'true') {
         // this feature only works when PHP sessions are enabled
         if (!empty($_SESSION["fsc_shortcode_email_to_{$frm_id}"]) && preg_match("/,/", $_SESSION["fsc_shortcode_email_to_{$frm_id}"])) {
             list($key, $value) = preg_split('#(?<!\\\\)\\,#', $_SESSION["fsc_shortcode_email_to_{$frm_id}"]);
             //string will be split by "," but "\," will be ignored
             $key = trim(str_replace('\\,', ',', $key));
             // "\," changes to ","
             $value = trim(str_replace(';', ',', $value));
             // ";" changes to ","
             if ($key != '' && $value != '') {
                 $contacts[] = array('CONTACT' => FSCF_Util::clean_input($key), 'EMAIL' => FSCF_Util::clean_input($value));
         } else {
     if (count($contacts) == 1) {
         // Nothing from shortcode, so generate the mail-to list from the settings.
         // The drop down list array will be made automatically by this code
         // checks for properly configured Email To: addresses in options.
         $contacts_test = trim($email_to);
         if (!preg_match("/,/", $contacts_test)) {
             if (FSCF_Util::validate_email($contacts_test)) {
                 // user1@example.com
                 $contacts[] = array('CONTACT' => __('Webmaster', 'si-contact-form'), 'EMAIL' => $contacts_test);
         } else {
             $ctf_ct_arr = explode("\n", $contacts_test);
             if (is_array($ctf_ct_arr)) {
                 foreach ($ctf_ct_arr as $line) {
                     // echo '|'.$line.'|' ;
                     list($key, $value) = preg_split('#(?<!\\\\)\\,#', $line);
                     //string will be split by "," but "\," will be ignored
                     $key = trim(str_replace('\\,', ',', $key));
                     // "\," changes to ","
                     $value = trim($value);
                     if ($key != '' && $value != '') {
                         if (!preg_match("/;/", $value)) {
                             // just one email here
                             // Webmaster,user1@example.com
                             $value = str_replace('[cc]', '', $value);
                             $value = str_replace('[bcc]', '', $value);
                             if (FSCF_Util::validate_email($value)) {
                                 $contacts[] = array('CONTACT' => esc_html($key), 'EMAIL' => $value);
                         } else {
                             // multiple emails here
                             // Webmaster,user1@example.com;user2@example.com;user3@example.com;[cc]user4@example.com;[bcc]user5@example.com
                             $multi_cc_arr = explode(";", $value);
                             $multi_cc_string = '';
                             foreach ($multi_cc_arr as $multi_cc) {
                                 $multi_cc_t = str_replace('[cc]', '', $multi_cc);
                                 $multi_cc_t = str_replace('[bcc]', '', $multi_cc_t);
                                 if (FSCF_Util::validate_email($multi_cc_t)) {
                                     $multi_cc_string .= "{$multi_cc},";
                             if ($multi_cc_string != '') {
                                 // multi cc emails
                                 $contacts[] = array('CONTACT' => esc_html($key), 'EMAIL' => rtrim($multi_cc_string, ','));
                 // end foreach
             // end if (is_array($ctf_ct_arr) ) {
         // end else
     // end outer if
     // remove dummy entry.. the array keys now start with 1
     return $contacts;
コード例 #6
 static function restore_settings()
     // restores settings from a contact form settings backup file
     if (isset($_POST['si_contact_restore_type']) && check_admin_referer('fs_contact_options-options', 'fs_options')) {
         $bk_form_num = $_POST['si_contact_restore_type'];
         // form file upload
         if (isset($_FILES['si_contact_backup_file']) && !empty($_FILES['si_contact_backup_file'])) {
             $file = $_FILES['si_contact_backup_file'];
         } else {
             echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Restore failed: Backup file is required.', 'si-contact-form') . '</p></div>';
         if ($file['error'] && UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE != $file['error'] || !is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) {
             echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Restore failed: Backup file upload failed.', 'si-contact-form') . '</p></div>';
         if (empty($file['tmp_name'])) {
             echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Restore failed: Backup file is required.', 'si-contact-form') . '</p></div>';
         // check file type
         $file_type_pattern = '/\\.txt$/i';
         if (!preg_match($file_type_pattern, $file['name'])) {
             echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Restore failed: Backup file type not allowed.', 'si-contact-form') . '</p></div>';
         // check size
         $allowed_size = 1048576;
         // 1mb default
         if ($file['size'] > $allowed_size) {
             echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Restore failed: Backup file size is too large.', 'si-contact-form') . '</p></div>';
         // get the uploaded file that contains all the data
         $ctf_backup_data = file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']);
         $ctf_backup_data_split = explode("@@@@SPLIT@@@@\r\n", $ctf_backup_data);
         $ctf_backup_array = unserialize($ctf_backup_data_split[1]);
         if (!isset($ctf_backup_array) || !is_array($ctf_backup_array) || !isset($ctf_backup_array[0]['backup_type'])) {
             echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Restore failed: Backup file contains invalid data.', 'si-contact-form') . '</p></div>';
         // Is this uploaded backup set from an older version?
         // Using the Restore tool, you can restore your backed up forms from 2.8 and newer.
         //$old_version = 0;
         //if ( isset($ctf_backup_array[0]['ctf_version'])  || isset($ctf_backup_array[0]['captcha_disable_session']))
         $old_version = 1;
         if (isset($ctf_backup_array[0]['fscf_version'])) {
             $old_version = 0;
         if ($old_version) {
             require_once FSCF_PATH . 'includes/class-fscf-import.php';
         $ctf_backup_type = $ctf_backup_array[0]['backup_type'];
         // is the uploaded file of the "all" type?
         if ($ctf_backup_type != 'all' && $bk_form_num == 'all') {
             echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Restore failed: Selected All to restore, but backup file is a single form.', 'si-contact-form') . '</p></div>';
         // No errors detected, so restore the form(s)
         $glob_options = FSCF_Util::get_global_options();
         // ********** Restore all ? **********
         if ($ctf_backup_type == 'all' && $bk_form_num == 'all') {
             // all
             $forms_we_have = count($ctf_backup_array);
             // is the uploaded file of the "all" type?
             //if ( !isset( $ctf_backup_array[2] ) || !is_array( $ctf_backup_array[2] ) ) { // did not always work
             if ($forms_we_have < 2) {
                 echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Restore failed: Selected All to restore, but backup form is missing.', 'si-contact-form') . '</p></div>';
             // import a few global options
             $copy_fields = array('donated', 'vcita_auto_install', 'vcita_dismiss');
             foreach ($copy_fields as $field) {
                 if (!empty($ctf_backup_array[0][$field])) {
                     $glob_options[$field] = $ctf_backup_array[0][$field];
             // import this global option
             // Highest form ID (used to assign ID to new form)
             // When forms are deleted, the remaining forms are NOT renumberd, so max_form_num might be greater than
             // the number of existing forms
             if (!empty($ctf_backup_array[0]['max_forms'])) {
                 $glob_options['max_form_num'] = $ctf_backup_array[0]['max_forms'];
             foreach ($ctf_backup_array as $id => $settings) {
                 // skip the global options array
                 if (0 == $id) {
                 if ($old_version) {
                     $settings = FSCF_Import::convert_form_options($settings, $ctf_backup_array[$id]['max_fields']);
                 if (!get_option("fs_contact_form{$id}")) {
                     add_option("fs_contact_form{$id}", $settings, '', 'yes');
                 } else {
                     update_option("fs_contact_form{$id}", $settings);
                 // Update the form name in the global forms list
                 // sometimes the old version had empty form name
                 $glob_options['form_list'][$id] = empty($settings['form_name']) ? 'imported' : $settings['form_name'];
             // end foreach
             // Be sure that the forms are listed in ascending key order
             // Sort the forms list by key
             // recalibrate max_form_num to the highest form number (not count)
             $glob_options['max_form_num'] = max(array_keys($glob_options['form_list']));
             // XXX uncomment this later?
             //error_reporting(0); // suppress errors because a different version backup may have uninitialized vars
             // success
             echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('All form settings have been restored from the backup file.', 'si-contact-form') . '</p></div>';
             // end restoring all
             // ********** Restore single? **********
         } else {
             if (is_numeric($bk_form_num)) {
                 // single
                 // form numbers do not need to match
                 if (!get_option("fs_contact_form{$bk_form_num}")) {
                     echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Restore failed: Form to restore to does not exist.', 'si-contact-form') . '</p></div>';
                 // is the uploaded file of the "single" type?
                 if (!isset($ctf_backup_array[2]) || !is_array($ctf_backup_array[2])) {
                     $settings = $ctf_backup_array[1];
                 } else {
                     $settings = $ctf_backup_array[$bk_form_num];
                 // "all" backup file
                 // XXX uncomment this later?
                 //error_reporting(0); // suppress errors because a different version backup may have uninitialized vars
                 if ($old_version) {
                     $settings = FSCF_Import::convert_form_options($settings, $ctf_backup_array[1]['max_fields']);
                 // Update the form name in the global forms list
                 $glob_options['form_list'][$bk_form_num] = $settings['form_name'];
                 update_option("fs_contact_form{$bk_form_num}", $settings);
                 // Success
                 echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . sprintf(__('Form %d settings have been restored from the backup file.', 'si-contact-form'), $bk_form_num) . '</p></div>';
         // end restoring single
         // Update the global options to save the updated form list
         update_option('fs_contact_global', $glob_options);
         // Force reload of global and form options
     // end action backup restore