コード例 #1
$dept_nr = 19;
// 19 = department nr. of radiology
$db_request_table = $subtarget;
require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_encounter.php';
$enc_obj = new Encounter();
/* Here begins the real work */
require_once $root_path . 'include/inc_date_format_functions.php';
/* Check for the patient number = $pn. If available get the patients data, otherwise set edit to 0 */
if (isset($pn) && $pn) {
    if ($enc_obj->loadEncounterData($pn)) {
        include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_globalconfig.php';
        $GLOBAL_CONFIG = array();
        $glob_obj = new GlobalConfig($GLOBAL_CONFIG);
        switch ($enc_obj->EncounterClass()) {
            case '1':
                $full_en = $pn + $GLOBAL_CONFIG['patient_inpatient_nr_adder'];
            case '2':
                $full_en = $pn + $GLOBAL_CONFIG['patient_outpatient_nr_adder'];
                $full_en = $pn + $GLOBAL_CONFIG['patient_inpatient_nr_adder'];
        $result =& $enc_obj->encounter;
    } else {
        $edit = 0;
        $mode = '';
        $pn = '';
コード例 #2
 function insert_prescription($encounter_nr, $drug_list_id, $type)
     global $db;
     global $is_transmit_to_weberp_enable;
     $enc_obj = new Encounter();
     $diag_obj_sub = new Diagnostics();
     $diag_obj = new Diagnostics();
     $drg_obj = new DrugsAndServices();
     $debug = true;
     $debug ? $db->debug = TRUE : ($db->debug = FALSE);
     if ($debug) {
         echo "class prescription::insert_prescription({$encounter_nr}, {$drug_list_id}, {$type})<br>";
     $enc_class = $enc_obj->EncounterClass($encounter_nr);
     if ($enc_class == 2) {
         $class = 1;
     } else {
         $class = 0;
     $this->sql = "INSERT INTO `care_encounter_prescription` ( " . "\t\t\t" . "\t\t\t`encounter_nr` , " . "\t\t\t`prescription_type_nr` , " . "\t\t\t`article` , " . "\t\t\t`article_item_number` , " . "\t\t\t`price` , " . "\t\t\t`drug_class` , " . "\t\t\t`order_nr` , " . "\t\t\t`dosage` , " . "\t\t\t`times_per_day` , " . "\t\t\t`days` , " . "\t\t\t`application_type_nr` , " . "\t\t\t`notes` , " . "\t\t\t`prescribe_date` , " . "\t\t\t`prescriber` , " . "\t\t\t`color_marker` , " . "\t\t\t`is_stopped` , " . "\t\t\t`is_outpatient_prescription` , " . "\t\t\t`is_disabled` , " . "\t\t\t`stop_date` , " . "\t\t\t`status` , " . "\t\t\t`history` , " . "\t\t\t`bill_number` , " . "\t\t\t`bill_status` , " . "\t\t\t`modify_id` , " . "\t\t\t`modify_time` , " . "\t\t\t`create_id` , " . "\t\t\t`create_time` )" . "VALUES (" . "\t\t\t" . "\t\t\t'" . $encounter_nr . "', " . "\t\t\t'" . $this->GetClassOfItem($this->GetItemNumberByID($drug_list_id)) . "', " . "\t\t\t'" . $this->GetNameOfItem($this->GetItemNumberByID($drug_list_id)) . "', " . "\t\t\t'" . $drug_list_id . "', " . "\t\t\t'" . $this->GetPriceOfItem($this->GetItemNumberByID($drug_list_id)) . "', " . "\t\t\t'" . $this_obj->GetClassOfItem($this->getItemNumberByID($drug_list_id)) . "', " . "\t\t\t'01', " . "\t\t\t'1', " . "\t\t\t'1', " . "\t\t\t'1', " . "\t\t\t'01', " . "\t\t\t'0', " . "\t\t\tNOW(), " . "\t\t\t'" . $enc_obj->ConsultingDr($encounter_nr) . "', " . "\t\t\t'1', " . "\t\t\t'0', " . "\t\t\t'" . $class . "', " . "\t\t\tNULL , " . "\t\t\tNULL , " . "\t\t\t'pending', " . "\t\t\t'Create: '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' = '" . $_SESSION['sess_user_name'] . "'\n' , " . "\t\t\t'0', " . "\t\t\t'', " . "\t\t\t'', " . "\t\t\t'0000-00-00 00:00:00', " . "\t\t\t'" . $_SESSION['sess_user_name'] . "', " . "\t\t\t NOW() )";
     if ($debug) {
         echo $this->sql;
     if ($is_transmit_to_weberp_enable == 1) {
         $this->sql = 'select max(nr) from care_encounter_prescription where encounter_nr="' . $encounter_nr . '"';
         $result = $db->Execute($this->sql);
         $WONumberArray = $result->FetchRow();
         $WONumber = $WONumberArray[0];
         $weberp_obj = new_weberp();
         //			$weberp_obj->issue_to_patient_workorder_in_weberp($WONumber, $StockID, $Location, $Quantity, $Batch);
     return TRUE;
コード例 #3
 function insert_prescription_Radio($encounter_nr, $drug_list_id, $number_of_tests)
     global $db;
     global $is_transmit_to_weberp_enable;
     $debug = FALSE;
     $debug ? $db->debug = TRUE : ($db->debug = FALSE);
     $enc_obj = new Encounter();
     if ($debug) {
         echo "class prescription::insert_prescription_Radio({$encounter_nr}, {$drug_list_id},{$number_of_tests})<br>";
     $enc_class = $enc_obj->EncounterClass($encounter_nr);
     if ($enc_class == 2) {
         $class = 1;
     } else {
         $class = 0;
     $this->sql = "INSERT INTO `care_encounter_prescription` ( " . "\t\t\t" . "\t\t\t`encounter_nr` , " . "\t\t\t`prescription_type_nr` , " . "\t\t\t`article` , " . "\t\t\t`article_item_number` , " . "\t\t\t`price` , " . "\t\t\t`drug_class` , " . "\t\t\t`order_nr` , " . "\t\t\t`dosage` , " . "           `times_per_day` , " . "           `days` , " . "           `total_dosage` , " . "\t\t\t`application_type_nr` , " . "\t\t\t`notes` , " . "\t\t\t`prescribe_date` , " . "\t\t\t`prescriber` , " . "\t\t\t`color_marker` , " . "\t\t\t`is_stopped` , " . "\t\t\t`is_outpatient_prescription` , " . "\t\t\t`is_disabled` , " . "\t\t\t`stop_date` , " . "\t\t\t`status` , " . "\t\t\t`history` , " . "\t\t\t`bill_number` , " . "\t\t\t`bill_status` , " . "\t\t\t`modify_id` , " . "\t\t\t`modify_time` , " . "\t\t\t`create_id` , " . "\t\t\t`create_time` )" . "VALUES (" . "\t\t\t" . "\t\t\t'" . $encounter_nr . "', " . "\t\t\t'0', " . "\t\t\t'" . $this->GetNameOfItem($drug_list_id) . "', " . "\t\t\t'" . $drug_list_id . "', " . "\t\t\t'" . $this->GetPriceOfItem($drug_list_id) . "', " . "\t\t\t'xray', " . "\t\t\t'01', " . "\t\t\t'1', " . "\t\t\t'1', " . "\t\t\t'1', " . "\t\t\t'" . $number_of_tests . "', " . "\t\t\t'01', " . "\t\t\t'1', " . "\t\t\tNOW(), " . "\t\t\t'" . $_SESSION['sess_user_name'] . "', " . "\t\t\t'1', " . "\t\t\t'0', " . "\t\t\t'" . $class . "', " . "\t\t\tNULL , " . "\t\t\tNULL , " . "\t\t\t'', " . "\t\t\t'', " . "\t\t\t'0', " . "\t\t\t'', " . "\t\t\t'', " . "\t\t\tNOW( ), " . "\t\t\t'', " . "\t\t\tNOW() )";
     if ($debug) {
         echo $this->sql;
     return TRUE;
コード例 #4
ファイル: show_medocs.php プロジェクト: patmark/care2x-tz
    $_POST['notes'] = $_POST['text_therapy'];
    $_POST['type_nr'] = 13;
    // 13 = text_therapy
    $_POST['short_notes'] = '';
    $_POST['aux_notes'] = '';
    $redirect = true;
    include './include/save_admission_data.inc.php';
require './include/init_show.php';
$page_title = $LDMedocs;
# Load the entire encounter data
require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_encounter.php';
$enc_obj = new Encounter($encounter_nr);
# Get encounter class
$enc_class = $enc_obj->EncounterClass();
/*if($enc_class==2)  $_SESSION['sess_full_en']=$GLOBAL_CONFIG['patient_outpatient_nr_adder']+$encounter_nr;
	else $_SESSION['sess_full_en']=$GLOBAL_CONFIG['patient_inpatient_nr_adder']+$encounter_nr;
$_SESSION['sess_full_en'] = $encounter_nr;
if (empty($encounter_nr) && !empty($_SESSION['sess_en'])) {
    $encounter_nr = $_SESSION['sess_en'];
} elseif ($encounter_nr) {
    $_SESSION['sess_en'] = $encounter_nr;
if ($mode == 'show') {
    $sql = "SELECT e.encounter_nr,e.is_discharged,nd.nr, nd.notes AS diagnosis,nd.short_notes, nd.date,nd.personell_nr,nd.personell_name, nt.notes AS therapy\n\t\tFROM \tcare_encounter AS e,\n\t\t\t\t\tcare_encounter_notes AS nd\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN care_encounter_notes AS nt ON nt.ref_notes_nr=nd.nr\n\t\tWHERE  e.encounter_nr=" . $encounter_nr . "\n\t\t\tAND e.encounter_nr=nd.encounter_nr \n\t\t\tAND nd.type_nr=12\n\t\t\tORDER BY nd.create_time DESC";
    /* 12 = text_diagnosis type of notes 
     *  13 = text_therapy type of notes
    if ($result = $db->Execute($sql)) {
コード例 #5
ファイル: labor_datainput.php プロジェクト: patmark/care2x-tz
$pcols = COL_MAX / 2;
$collimit = 0;
while (list($group, $pm) = each($requestData)) {
    $gName = $lab_obj->getGroupName($group);
    echo '
    echo '<td colspan="' . COL_MAX . '" bgcolor="#ffffee" class="a10_a"><b>';
    echo $gName->fields['name'];
    echo '</b></td></tr><tr>';
    while (list($pId, $not) = each($pm)) {
        //        echo $enc_obj->EncounterClass();
        //Get the encounter class
        //Check if item is billed
        if ($glob_obj->getConfigValue("restrict_unbilled_items") === "1" && $enc_obj->EncounterClass() === "2") {
            //Check the restriction status
            if ($lab_obj->getLabBillNoByBatch($job_id, $pId) > 0) {
                $pName = $lab_obj->TestParamsDetails($pId);
                echo '<td bgcolor="#ffffee" class="a10_b"><b>';
                echo $pName->fields['name'] . '</b></td>';
                echo '<td>';
                //it's a dropdown
                if ($pName->fields['field_type'] == 'drop_down') {
                    $inputValue = '<select name="' . $pId . '" size="1">';
                    do {
                        $inputValue .= '<option value=' . $pDropDown['input_value'];
                        if ($pDropDown['input_value'] == $pdata[$pId]['value']) {
                            $inputValue .= ' selected="selected" ';
                        $inputValue .= '>' . $pDropDown['input_value'] . '</option>';