コード例 #1
        //$countCheck= count($_POST['checkbox']);
        //$smarty->assign('scountCheck','<input type= "hidden" name ="countCheck" id = "countCheck" value="'.$countCheck.'">');
    // end of patients loop
} else {
    # Prompt no outpatients available
    $smarty->assign('sWarningPrompt', '
			<div class="warnprompt"><p><ul><img ' . createMascot($root_path, 'mascot1_r.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . '>
			' . str_replace("~station~", strtoupper($station), "There are no patients yet.") . '</b></font><br><img ' . createComIcon($root_path, 'bul_arrowgrnlrg.gif', '0', '', TRUE) . '>
			<a href="' . $root_path . 'modules/appointment_scheduler/appt_main_pass.php' . URL_APPEND . '&dept_nr=' . $dept_nr . '&dept_name=' . $dept . '">' . $LDGoToAppointments . '</a><p>
//discharge all outpatients at time
if ($discharge == 'Outpatient') {
    //echo '<script type="javascript"> confim("Do you realy want to discharge all Outpatients at time")</script>';
    //echo 'prakash';
    $discharge = '';
    if (!isset($_GET['reload'])) {
        echo '<meta http-equiv=Refresh content="0;url=amb_clinic_patients_discharge.php?reload=1">';
//discharge all inpatients at time
if ($discharge == 'Inpatient') {
    //echo '<script type="javascript"> confim("Do you realy want to discharge all Outpatients at time")</script>';
    //echo 'prakash';
    $discharge = '';
    if (!isset($_GET['reload'])) {
        echo '<meta http-equiv=Refresh content="0;url=amb_clinic_patients_discharge.php?reload=1">';