protected function getAllExisting() { try { $liveRouteArray = Route::getLiveRoutes($this->route->getAgency()); if (array_key_exists($this->route->getTag(), $liveRouteArray)) { $liveRoute = $liveRouteArray[$this->route->getTag()]; return Direction::getDirections($liveRoute, TableUpdate::getLiveVersion()); } } catch (Exception $ex) { return false; } return false; }
function generateXMLFile(Agency $agencyObj) { $dbObj = DBPool::getInstance(); $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($agencyObj); $stopArray = Stop::getStops($agencyObj); $xmlStr = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><agency title="' . $agencyObj->getTitle() . '" shortTitle="' . $agencyObj->getShortTitle() . '"></agency>'; $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlStr); foreach ($stopArray as $s) { $stop = $xml->addChild("stop"); $stop->addAttribute("tag", $s->getTag()); $stop->addAttribute("title", $s->getPrettyTitle()); $stop->addAttribute("lat", $s->getLatitude()); $stop->addAttribute("lon", $s->getLongitude()); $stop->addAttribute("oppositeStopTag", $s->getFlipStopTag()); } foreach ($routeArray as $r) { $route = $xml->addChild("route"); $route->addAttribute("tag", $r->getTag()); $route->addAttribute("title", $r->getTitle()); $route->addAttribute("shortTitle", $r->getShortTitle()); $route->addAttribute("color", $r->getColor()); $route->addAttribute("latMin", $r->getLatMin()); $route->addAttribute("latMax", $r->getLatMax()); $route->addAttribute("lonMin", $r->getLonMin()); $route->addAttribute("lonMax", $r->getLonMax()); $route->addAttribute("vehicle", $r->getVehicleType()); $route->addAttribute("sortOrder", $r->getPosition()); $directionsArray = Direction::getDirections($r); foreach ($directionsArray as $d) { $dir = $route->addChild("direction"); $dir->addAttribute("tag", $d->getTag()); $dir->addAttribute("title", $d->getPrettyTitle()); $dir->addAttribute("name", $d->getPrettyName()); $dir->addAttribute("show", $d->getShow() ? "true" : "false"); $dir->addAttribute("useForUI", $d->getUseForUi() ? "true" : "false"); $dbObj->bindParams(array($d->getId())); $stopDirMap = $dbObj->get_results("SELECT a.tag, b.position\n FROM stop as a, stop_direction_map as b\n WHERE AND b.direction_id=?\n ORDER BY b.position"); if ($dbObj->num_rows > 0) { foreach ($stopDirMap as $m) { $map = $dir->addChild("stop"); $map->addAttribute("tag", $m->tag); } } } } $fileName = Util::getBaseDirectoryPath(Util::XML_FILE) . $agencyObj->getShortTitle() . ".xml"; Util::prettyPrintXml($xml, $fileName); }
public function updateStopDirMap() { /** * @var DB */ $dbObj = DBPool::getInstance(); $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($this->agency); $stopArray = Stop::getStops($this->agency); $bartApiKey = $this->appConfig['BART_API_KEY']; foreach ($routeArray as $routeTag => $routeObj) { $pos = 0; $directionArray = Direction::getDirections($routeObj); foreach ($directionArray as $dirTag => $dirObj) { //We're only interested in the directions we're showing if (!$dirObj->getShow()) { continue; } //Fetch the direction details $apiURL = str_replace(BartApiEndPoints::DIRECTION, $dirObj->getTag(), BartApiEndPoints::ROUTE_INFO . $bartApiKey); $dirInfoXmlBuilder = new XmlObjBuilder($apiURL); $dirInfoXml = $dirInfoXmlBuilder->getXmlObj(); foreach ($dirInfoXml->routes->route->config as $c) { foreach ($c as $station) { $pos++; $stopTag = (string) $station; $tempStopObj = $stopArray[$stopTag]; $stopId = $tempStopObj->getId(); $tempDirObj = $directionArray[$dirTag]; $dirId = $tempDirObj->getId(); $dbObj->bindParams(array($stopId, $dirId, $pos, TableUpdate::getVersion())); $dbObj->query("INSERT INTO stop_direction_map\n (stop_id, direction_id, position, version, created_date)\n VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())"); if ($dbObj->rows_affected != 1) { //TODO: Log it } } //Stations } } //Directions } //Routes }
public function updateStopDirMap() { /** * @var DB */ $dbObj = DBPool::getInstance(); $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($this->agency); $stopArray = Stop::getStops($this->agency); foreach ($this->xml->route as $r) { $routeTag = (string) $r['tag']; $routeObj = $routeArray[$routeTag]; foreach ($r->direction as $d) { $pos = 0; $dirTag = (string) $d['tag']; $directionArray = Direction::getDirections($routeObj); $dirObj = $directionArray[$dirTag]; //We're only interested in the directions we're showing //if (!$dirObj->getShow()) { continue; } foreach ($d->stop as $s) { $pos++; $stopTag = (string) $s['tag']; $tempStop = $stopArray[$stopTag]; if (empty($tempStop)) { var_dump("{$routeTag} {$stopTag}"); } $stopId = $tempStop->getId(); $tempDir = $directionArray[$dirTag]; $dirId = $tempDir->getId(); $dbObj->bindParams(array($stopId, $dirId, $pos, TableUpdate::getVersion())); $dbObj->query("INSERT INTO stop_direction_map\n (stop_id, direction_id, position, version, created_date)\n VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())"); if ($dbObj->rows_affected != 1) { //TODO: Log it } } } } }
public function updateStops() { $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($this->agency); $flipStopMap = $this->getFlipStopOverrides(); $stopTitleMap = array(); $stopLatLonMap = array(); $uniqueStopsAcrossRoutes = array(); //Generate maps of stopTag => StopTitle and stopTag => [lat, lon] for //later look up foreach ($this->xml->route as $r) { foreach ($r->stop as $s) { $stopTag = (string) $s['tag']; $stopTitle = html_entity_decode((string) $s['title']); $lat = (string) $s['lat']; $lon = (string) $s['lon']; $stopTitleMap[$stopTag] = $stopTitle; $stopLatLonMap[$stopTag] = array("lat" => $lat, "lon" => $lon); $uniqueStopsAcrossRoutes[] = $stopTag; } //Stops } //Routes //We'll only consider the stops in the directions with show=true foreach ($this->xml->route as $r) { $routeTag = (string) $r['tag']; //if($routeTag != "25") {continue;} $routeObj = $routeArray[$routeTag]; $dirArray = Direction::getDirections($routeObj); $agencyName = $routeObj->getAgency()->getShortTitle(); $trackDuplicatesInDir = array(); /** * @var Array $routeDirDetails - Array representation of the * directions and stops in a route */ $routeDirDetails = array(); foreach ($r->direction as $d) { $dirTag = (string) $d['tag']; $dirObj = $dirArray[$dirTag]; $dirStops = array(); //if ($dirObj->getShow()) { foreach ($d->stop as $s) { $stopTag = (string) $s['tag']; $stopTitle = $stopTitleMap[$stopTag]; $dirStops[$stopTag] = $stopTitle; } //Stops $routeDirDetails[$dirObj->getTag()] = $dirStops; //} //Check for show=true } //Directions //Now that we have the details of the directions for this group, //let's find the flip stops foreach ($routeDirDetails as $fDirTag => $fDirStops) { foreach ($routeDirDetails as $fDirTagDiffDir => $fDirStopsDiffDir) { if ($fDirTag == $fDirTagDiffDir) { continue; } foreach ($fDirStops as $fStopTag => $fStopTitle) { //Check if we have one or more matching flip stops in the //direction we are checking against $fFlipStopInOppDir = $this->getFlipStopsInOppDir($fStopTag, $fStopTitle, $fDirStopsDiffDir); //If we don't have any flip stops continue to the next stop if (count($fFlipStopInOppDir) == 0) { continue; } if (count($fFlipStopInOppDir) > 1) { //We have encountered more than one stop at the //same intersection in a different direction //TODO: This has to go in the e-mail report //Generate the (stopTag, lat, lon) string $fstopLatLonMap = array(); $fstopLatLonMap[] = "{$fStopTag}," . implode(",", $stopLatLonMap[$fStopTag]); foreach ($fFlipStopInOppDir as $tempStopForOppDir) { $fstopLatLonMap[] = "{$tempStopForOppDir}," . implode(",", $stopLatLonMap[$tempStopForOppDir]); } $logStr = "More than one stop in diff. direction [agency: " . $agencyName . "] [route: " . $routeTag . "] [current stop|dir: {$fStopTag}|{$fDirTag}] [other stops|dir: " . implode(",", $fFlipStopInOppDir) . "|{$fDirTagDiffDir}] [stop title: " . $fStopTitle . "] [" . implode("|", $fstopLatLonMap) . "]"; //$this->logger->log($logStr, Logger::WARN, NxtbusStop::PACKAGE); } else { if (!array_key_exists($fStopTag, $flipStopMap)) { $tempFlipStopTag = $fFlipStopInOppDir[0]; $flipStopMap[$fStopTag] = $tempFlipStopTag; $flipStopMap[$tempFlipStopTag] = $fStopTag; } } } } // Inner loop } //Find flip stops } //Routes //Check if any of the stops don't have a flip stop $uniqueStopsAcrossRoutes = array_unique($uniqueStopsAcrossRoutes); foreach ($uniqueStopsAcrossRoutes as $finalCheckStopTag) { if (!array_key_exists($finalCheckStopTag, $flipStopMap)) { $flipStopMap[$finalCheckStopTag] = ""; } } //Create the Stop objects $stopArray = array(); foreach ($this->xml->route as $r) { foreach ($r->stop as $s) { $stopTag = (string) $s['tag']; $stopTitle = html_entity_decode($s['title']); if (array_key_exists($stopTag, $flipStopMap) && !array_key_exists($stopTag, $stopArray)) { $stopObj = new Stop(); $stopObj->setAgency($this->agency); $stopObj->setTag($stopTag); $stopObj->setTitle((string) $stopTitle); $stopObj->setFlipStopTag($flipStopMap[$stopTag]); $stopObj->setLatitude((string) $s['lat']); $stopObj->setLongitude((string) $s['lon']); $stopArray[$stopTag] = $stopObj; } } //Stops } //Routes try { //Pass it to the base RouteUpdate class $stopUpdate = new StopUpdate($this->agency, $stopArray); $stopUpdate->updateDB(); } catch (Exception $ex) { throw new Exception($ex->getMessage()); } }