コード例 #1
ファイル: admin_direction.php プロジェクト: Gerold103/lgmis
                $content .= '<textarea id="text_block" name="text_block"></textarea>';
                $content .= '</div>';
                $content .= '</div>';
                $content .= '<script>';
                $content .= 'CKEDITOR.replace("text_block",';
                $content .= '{ filebrowserImageUploadUrl: "' . $link_to_img_upload . '?type=' . Direction::$type . '&id=' . $id . '&add=add&glob_id=' . $direction->id . '",';
                $content .= 'filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : "' . $link_to_img_browse . '?type=' . Direction::$type . '&id=' . $direction->id . '&edit=edit",';
                $content .= 'contentsCss: [CKEDITOR.basePath + "contents.css", "css/styles.css", "css/bootstrap.min.css"],';
                $content .= 'allowedContent: true, });';
                $content .= 'CKEDITOR.config.height = 400;';
                $content .= '</script>';
                $content .= '<div class="row">';
                $content .= '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" name="add" value="' . Language::Word('save') . '">';
                $content .= '</div>';
                $content .= '</form>';
                $title = Language::Word('language adding');
                $header = $title;
        } else {
            if (!isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
                echo 'user id is unset';
            $direction = Direction::FetchByID($_REQUEST['id']);
            $title = Language::Word('direction');
            $header = htmlspecialchars($direction->name);
            $content = $direction->ToHTMLAutoFull(GetUserPrivileges());
include_once $link_to_admin_template;
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: Gerold103/lgmis
                 $tmp = Project::FetchByDirectionID($directions[$i]->id);
                 if ($tmp !== NULL) {
                     $projects = array_merge($projects, $tmp);
             $size = count($projects);
             if ($size) {
                 require $link_to_pagination_init_template;
                 for ($i = $from; $i <= $to; ++$i) {
                     $project = $projects[$i];
                     if ($i === $from || $i > $from && $projects[$i - 1]->direction_id != $project->direction_id) {
                         if ($i != $from) {
                             $content .= '<hr>';
                         $content .= '<div align="left" style="padding: 15px; background-color: #eeeeee;">';
                         $content .= Language::Word('direction') . ': ' . Direction::FetchByID($project->direction_id)->LinkToThis();
                         $content .= '</div><hr>';
                     $content .= $project->ToHTMLAutoShortForTable(GetUserPrivileges());
             } else {
                 $content .= ToPageHeader(Language::Word('no projects'), 'h3', 'black');
             $header .= Language::PublicMenu('projects');
 } else {
     //Manage articles
     $content .= MenuButton(Language::PublicMenu('articles'), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?content_type=' . $content_types_short['articles']);
     //Manage directions
     $content .= MenuButton(Language::PublicMenu('directions'), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?content_type=' . $content_types_short['directions']);
コード例 #3
     if (Error::IsError($ob)) {
         $content .= AlertMessage('alert-danger', 'Error while receiving user: '******'recipient_ids'] = urldecode($assoc['recipient_ids']);
     $tmp = $ob->Save();
     if (Error::IsError($tmp)) {
         $content .= AlertMessage('alert-danger', Language::Word('it was not succeeded to save') . ':error: ' . Error::ToString($tmp));
     } else {
         $content .= AlertMessage('alert-success', Language::Word('changes are saved'));
 case Direction::$type:
     $direction = Direction::FetchByID($_POST['id']);
     if ($direction === NULL) {
     if ($direction->Save() === false) {
         $content .= AlertMessage('alert-danger', Language::Word('it was not succeeded to save'));
     } else {
         $content .= AlertMessage('alert-success', Language::Word('changes are saved'));
         if ($direction->FetchCoverFromAssocEditing($_FILES) < 0) {
             $content .= AlertMessage('alert-warning', Language::Word('cover was not uploaded'));
 case Project::$type:
     $project = Project::FetchByID($_POST['id']);
コード例 #4
ファイル: direction.php プロジェクト: Gerold103/lgmis
 public static function Delete($id)
     global $db_connection;
     global $link_to_direction_images;
     global $link_to_logo;
     $direction = Direction::FetchByID($id);
     $langs = $direction->FetchLanguages();
     $from_table = Direction::$table;
     if ($direction->language !== 'rus') {
         $from_table .= '_' . $direction->language;
     if (!$db_connection->query("DELETE FROM `" . $from_table . "` WHERE `id` = " . $id)) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         if (count($langs) < 2) {
             $projs = Project::FetchByDirectionID($id, array('all'));
             if ($projs != NULL) {
                 for ($i = 0, $size = count($projs); $i < $size; ++$i) {
                     if (!$projs[$i]->DeleteThis()) {
                         echo 'error while deleting projects on proj id: ' . $projs[$i]->id;
                         return 0;
             removeDirectory($link_to_direction_images . $id);
         } else {
             if ($direction->path_to_image !== $link_to_logo) {
         return 1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: project.php プロジェクト: Gerold103/lgmis
 public function ToHTMLUserPrivateShortInTable()
     $author = User::FetchBy(['eq_conds' => ['id' => $this->author_id], 'select_list' => 'id, name, surname, login', 'is_unique' => true]);
     $res = '<tr>';
     $res .= '<td>' . Direction::FetchByID($this->direction_id)->LinkToThis() . '</td>';
     $res .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($this->name) . '</td>';
     $res .= '<td>' . date('d : m : Y - H : i', $this->creating_date) . '</td>';
     $res .= '<td>' . $author->LinkToThis() . '</td>';
     $res .= '<td>';
     $res .= '<div class="row">';
     if (GetUserLogin() === $author->GetLogin() || GetUserLogin() === 'admin') {
         $res .= '<div class="' . ColAllTypes(4) . '">';
     } else {
         $res .= '<div class="' . ColAllTypes(12) . '">';
     $res .= $this->ToHTMLFullVers();
     $res .= '</div>';
     if (GetUserLogin() === $author->GetLogin() || GetUserLogin() === 'admin') {
         $res .= '<div class="' . ColAllTypes(4) . '">';
         $res .= $this->ToHTMLEdit();
         $res .= '</div>';
         $res .= '<div class="' . ColAllTypes(4) . '">';
         $res .= $this->ToHTMLDel();
         $res .= '</div>';
     $res .= '</div>';
     $res .= '</td>';
     $res .= '</tr>';
     return $res;