//setcookie(op_pflegelogbuch_user,$user); $thisfile = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $breakfile = 'javascript:window.close()'; if (!isset($saal) || !$saal) { $saal = 1; } //default or room $pdata = array(); $filetitles = array(); $template = array(); $datafound = false; require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); $dept_obj->preloadDept($dept_nr); /* Load all operative departments */ $surgery_arr =& $dept_obj->getAllActiveWithSurgery(); /* Get list of all active OR numbers */ $ORNrs =& $dept_obj->getAllActiveORNrs(); function yesterday(&$fd, &$fm, &$fy, $minyr) { if ($fd < 2) { if ($fm < 2) { if ($fy < $minyr) { return false; } else { $fy = $fy - 1; $fm = 12; $fd = 31; } } else { $fm = $fm - 1;
switch($retpath) { case "docs": $breakfile='doctors.php'.URL_APPEND; break; case "op": $breakfile='op-doku.php'.URL_APPEND; break; } */ /* default startpage */ $breakfile = $root_path . 'main/op-doku.php' . URL_APPEND; $pday = date(j); $pmonth = date(n); $pyear = date(Y); $abtarr = array(); $abtname = array(); $datum = date("d.m.Y"); /* Load the department list with oncall doctors */ $dept_DOC =& $dept_obj->getAllActiveWithSurgery(); if (is_array($dept_DOC)) { $dlen = sizeof($dept_DOC); } else { $dlen = 0; } $ORNrs =& $dept_obj->getAllActiveORNrs(); if (is_object($ORNrs)) { $slen = $ORNrs->RecordCount(); } else { $slen = 0; } # Start Smarty templating here /** * LOAD Smarty */