public function Addphoto($dataForm, $photoId = '') { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); if ($dataForm['photo_path2'] != "") { $photoname = explode('.', $dataForm['photo_path2']); $len = count($photoname); $extension = $photoname[$len - 1]; $datetime = date(d . m . y_h . i . s); $new_name = $datetime . '.' . $extension; rename(SITE_ROOT . 'photo/' . $dataForm['photo_path2'], SITE_ROOT . 'photo/' . $new_name); $data_update['photo_path'] = $new_name; } $data_update['photo_title'] = $dataForm['photo_title']; $data_update['photo_description'] = $dataForm['photo_description']; $data_update['photo_status'] = $dataForm['photo_status']; $data_update['website_id'] = $mySession->WebsiteId; if ($photoId != "") { $condition = 'photo_id=' . $photoId; $result = $db->modify(PHOTO, $data_update, $condition); } else { $result = $db->save(PHOTO, $data_update); } return 1; }
public function saveReview($dataForm) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update = array(); $chckArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " where propertycode = '" . trim($dataForm['ppty_no']) . "' and status = '3'"); if (count($chckArr) > 0 && $chckArr != "") { $data_update['guest_name'] = $dataForm['full_name']; $data_update['location'] = $dataForm['location']; $check_in = explode("/", $dataForm['check_in']); $data_update['check_in'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($check_in[2] . "-" . $check_in[1] . "-" . $check_in[0])); $data_update['rating'] = $dataForm['rating']; $data_update['user_id'] = $mySession->LoggedUserId; $data_update['headline'] = $dataForm['headline']; $data_update['comment'] = $dataForm['comment']; $data_update['review'] = $dataForm['review']; $data_update['uType'] = $mySession->LoggedUserType == '1' ? "1" : "0"; $data_update['review_date'] = date("Y-m-d"); $data_update["property_id"] = $chckArr[0]['id']; $data_update['guest_image'] = $mySession->LoggedUser['image']; copy(SITE_ROOT . "images/" . $mySession->LoggedUser['image'], SITE_ROOT . "images/profile/" . $mySession->LoggedUser['image']); $db->save(OWNER_REVIEW, $data_update); $review_id = $db->lastInsertId(); //====== code to enter new latest review properties =============== //two cases are there //1. if already an entry is there within latest reviews //2. first entry is made for specific property $reviewPptyArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . LATEST_REVIEW . " where r_property_id = '" . $chckArr[0]['id'] . "' "); //case 1 if (count($reviewPptyArr) > 0 && $reviewPptyArr != "") { $db->delete(LATEST_REVIEW, "r_id = " . $reviewPptyArr[0]['r_id']); $updateData = array(); $updateData['r_order'] = new Zend_Db_Expr('r_order-1'); $db->modify(LATEST_REVIEW, $updateData, "r_order > " . $reviewPptyArr[0]['r_order']); } else { $updateData = array(); $updateData['r_order'] = new Zend_Db_Expr('r_order+1'); $db->modify(LATEST_REVIEW, $updateData); $saveData = array(); $saveData['r_property_id'] = $chckArr[0]['id']; $saveData['r_order'] = '1'; //$saveData['r_review_id'] = $review_id; $saveData['r_status'] = '1'; $db->save(LATEST_REVIEW, $saveData); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- return 1; } else { return 0; } }
public function UpdateSub($dataForm, $userId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $dataForm = SetupMagicQuotes($dataForm); $chkQry = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SUBSCRIPTION . " where mobile_number='" . $dataForm['mobile_number'] . "' and user_id!='" . $userId . "'"); if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) { return 0; } else { $dataUpdate['first_name'] = $dataForm['first_name']; $dataUpdate['last_name'] = $dataForm['last_name']; $dataUpdate['email_address'] = $dataForm['email_address']; $dataUpdate['username'] = $dataForm['username']; $dataUpdate['address'] = $dataForm['address']; $dataUpdate['country_id'] = $dataForm['country_id']; $dataUpdate['state_id'] = $dataForm['state_id']; $dataUpdate['city_id'] = $dataForm['city_id']; $dataUpdate['zipcode'] = $dataForm['zipcode']; $dataUpdate['phone_number'] = $dataForm['phone_number']; $dataUpdate['mobile_number'] = $dataForm['mobile_number']; $dataUpdate['newsletter_subscribe'] = $dataForm['subscribe']; $conditionUpdate = "user_id='" . $userId . "'"; $db->modify(USERS, $dataUpdate, $conditionUpdate); return $userId; } }
public function Addvideo($dataForm, $videoId = '') { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['video_type'] = $dataForm['video_type']; if ($dataForm['video_path1'] != "") { $data_update['video_path'] = $dataForm['video_path1']; } else { if ($dataForm['video_path2'] != "") { $videoname = explode('.', $dataForm['video_path2']); $len = count($videoname); $extension = $videoname[$len - 1]; $datetime = date(d . m . y_h . i . s); $new_name = $datetime . '.' . $extension; rename(SITE_ROOT . 'video/' . $dataForm['video_path2'], SITE_ROOT . 'video/' . $new_name); $data_update['video_path'] = $new_name; } } $data_update['video_title'] = $dataForm['video_title']; $data_update['video_description'] = $dataForm['video_description']; $data_update['video_status'] = $dataForm['video_status']; $data_update['featured_status'] = $dataForm['featured_status']; $data_update['website_id'] = $mySession->WebsiteId; if ($videoId != "") { //print_r($data_update);die; $condition = 'video_id=' . $videoId; $result = $db->modify(VIDEO, $data_update, $condition); } else { $result = $db->save(VIDEO, $data_update); } return 1; }
public function saveCurrency($dataForm, $currencyId = "") { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['currency_name'] = trim($dataForm['currency_name']); $data_update['currency_code'] = strtoupper(trim($dataForm['currency_code'])); $data_update['exchange_rate'] = $dataForm['exchange_rate']; $maxquery = $db->runQuery("select max(currency_order) as MAX from " . CURRENCY . " "); if ($currencyId == "") { $currencyId = 0; } $chkQry2 = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CURRENCY . " where currency_code='" . mysql_escape_string(trim($data_update['currency_code'])) . "' and currency_id!=" . $currencyId); if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) { return 0; } else { if ($currencyId > 0) { $condition = 'currency_id=' . $currencyId; $db->modify(CURRENCY, $data_update, $condition); return 1; } else { $data_update['currency_order'] = $maxquery[0]['MAX'] + 1; $db->save(CURRENCY, $data_update); return 1; } } }
public function UpdateBlog($dataForm, $postid) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); //echo $postid; die; if ($dataForm['image'] != "" && $dataForm['old_image'] != "") { unlink(SITE_ROOT . 'images/postimg/' . $dataForm['old_image']); } $postimage = $dataForm['old_image']; if ($dataForm['image'] != "") { $postimage = time() . "_" . $dataForm['image']; @rename(SITE_ROOT . 'images/postimg/' . $dataForm['image'], SITE_ROOT . 'images/postimg/' . $postimage); } $dataUpdate['post_image'] = $postimage; $dataUpdate['look_name'] = $dataForm['lookname']; $dataUpdate['look_desc'] = $dataForm['look_description']; $dataUpdate['color_image'] = $dataForm['colorcode']; //$dataUpdate['user_id']='0'; $dataUpdate['date'] = date('d:m:y'); $dataUpdate['look_status'] = $dataForm['color_status']; $conditionUpdate = "post_id='" . $postid . "'"; //prd($dataUpdate); $db->modify(POSTS, $dataUpdate, $conditionUpdate); return 1; }
public function statusSpeccat($status, $cId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['cat_status'] = $status; $condition = "cat_id='" . $cId . "'"; $db->modify(PROPERTY_SPEC_CAT, $data_update, $condition); }
public function statusAmenity($status, $ptyleId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['amenity_status'] = $status; $condition = "amenity_id='" . $ptyleId . "'"; $db->modify(AMENITY, $data_update, $condition); }
public function statusOffer($status, $sId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['status'] = $status; $condition = "id='" . $sId . "'"; $db->modify(SPCL_OFFER_TYPES, $data_update, $condition); }
public function statusreview($status, $ptyleId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['review_status'] = $status; $condition = "review_id='" . $ptyleId . "'"; $db->modify(OWNER_REVIEW, $data_update, $condition); }
public function statusAttribute($status, $specId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['attribute_status'] = $status; $condition = "attribute_id='" . $specId . "'"; $db->modify(ATTRIBUTE, $data_update, $condition); }
public function statusNews($status, $ptyleId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['status'] = $status; $condition = "news_id='" . $ptyleId . "'"; $db->modify(NEWS, $data_update, $condition); }
public function statusProtype($status, $ptyleId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['ptyle_status'] = $status; $condition = PROPERTYTYPE . ".ptyle_id='" . $ptyleId . "'"; $db->modify(PROPERTYTYPE, $data_update, $condition); }
public function statusSpecification($status, $subscriptionId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['status'] = $status; $condition = "spec_id='" . $subscriptionId . "'"; $db->modify(SPECIFICATION, $data_update, $condition); }
public function Updatedesc($dataForm, $desc_id) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $dataUpdate['site_desc'] = $dataForm['site_desc']; $conditionUpdate = "desc_id='" . $desc_id . "'"; $db->modify(SITE_DESC, $dataUpdate, $conditionUpdate); return 1; }
public function changepass($dataForm) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $data_update['password'] = md5($dataForm['newpass']); $condition = "user_id='" . $mySession->TeeLoggedID . "'"; $db->modify(USERS, $data_update, $condition); return 1; }
public function UpdatePage($dataForm) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); //$dataPage['page_cat_id']=$dataForm['page_cat_id']; $dataPage['page_title'] = $dataForm['page_title']; $dataPage['content'] = $dataForm['page_content']; $condition = " id = 1 "; $db->modify(AMENITY_PAGE, $dataPage, $condition); return 1; }
public function UpdateThread($dataForm, $thread_id) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $chkQry = $db->runQuery("select * from " . FORUM_THREADS . " where thread_id=" . $thread_id . " "); if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) { $dataUpdate['thread_text'] = $dataForm['thread_text']; $updateCondition = "thread_id='" . $thread_id . "'"; $db->modify(FORUM_THREADS, $dataUpdate, $updateCondition); return 1; } else { return 0; } }
public function UpdatePackage($dataForm, $packageid) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $dataUpdate['plan_name'] = $dataForm['plan_name']; $dataUpdate['plan_type'] = $dataForm['option']; $dataUpdate['plan_duration'] = $dataForm['plan_duration']; $dataUpdate['plan_price'] = $dataForm['plan_price']; $dataUpdate['plan_status'] = $dataForm['plan_status']; $conditionUpdate = "package_id='" . $packageid . "'"; //prd($dataUpdate); $db->modify(PACKAGES, $dataUpdate, $conditionUpdate); return 1; }
public function ResetNewPassword($dataForm, $requestId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $chkData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . USERS . " where pass_reset='" . $requestId . "'"); if ($chkData != "" and count($chkData) > 0) { $dataUpdate['password'] = md5($dataForm['newpassword']); $dataUpdate['pass_reset'] = ""; $conditionUpdate = "user_id='" . $chkData[0]['user_id'] . "'"; //prd($dataUpdate); $db->modify(USERS, $dataUpdate, $conditionUpdate); } return 1; }
public function viewmsgsAction() { $db = new Db(); $id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('msgsId'); $qry = "SELECT * , ( SELECT concat( first_name, ' ', last_name )\n\t\tFROM " . USERS . "\n\t\tWHERE user_id = myMsg.sender_id\n\t\t) AS sender_name, (\n\t\tSELECT admin_username\n\t\tFROM " . ADMINISTRATOR . "\n\t\tWHERE user_id = myMsg.receiver_id\n\t\t) AS receiver_name\n\t\tFROM " . MESSAGES . " AS myMsg where myMsg.message_id= " . $id; $result = $db->runQuery("{$qry}"); if ($result[0]['read'] == '0') { $data_update['read'] = '1'; $condition = "message_id ='" . $id . "'"; $db->modify(MESSAGES, $data_update, $condition); } $this->view->result = $result; $this->view->pageHeading = "View Message"; }
public function UpdateCategory($dataForm, $categoryId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $chkQry = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PAGE_CAT . " where category_name='" . $dataForm['cat_name'] . "' and cat_id!='" . $categoryId . "'"); if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) { return 0; } else { $dataUpdate['category_name'] = $dataForm['cat_name']; $conditionUpdate = "cat_id='" . $categoryId . "'"; $db->modify(PAGE_CAT, $dataUpdate, $conditionUpdate); return 1; } }
public function UpdateQuestion($dataForm, $quesId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $chkQry = $db->runQuery("select * from " . QUESTIONS . " where question='" . $dataForm['question'] . "' and ques_id!='" . $quesId . "'"); if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) { return 0; } else { $dataUpdate['question'] = $dataForm['question']; $dataUpdate['answer'] = $dataForm['answer']; $conditionUpdate = "ques_id='" . $quesId . "'"; $db->modify(QUESTIONS, $dataUpdate, $conditionUpdate); return 1; } }
public function saveSize($dataForm, $sno = 0) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $dataUpdate['size'] = $dataForm['sizes']; $dataUpdate['size_inch'] = $dataForm['ininches']; $res = false; if ($sno && (int) $sno > 0) { $condition = "sizeid='" . (int) $sno . "'"; $res = $db->modify(TSHIRT_SIZE, $dataUpdate, $condition); } else { $res = $db->save(TSHIRT_SIZE, $dataUpdate); } return $res; }
public function UpdateTopic($dataForm, $topicId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $chkQry = $db->runQuery("select * from " . FORUM_TOPICS . " where topic_title='" . $dataForm['topic_title'] . "' and topic_id!='" . $topicId . "'"); if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) { return 0; } else { $dataUpdate['topic_title'] = $dataForm['topic_title']; $dataUpdate['topic_description'] = $dataForm['topic_description']; $dataUpdate['topic_status'] = $dataForm['topic_status']; $update_condition = "topic_id='" . $topicId . "'"; $db->modify(FORUM_TOPICS, $dataUpdate, $update_condition); return 1; } }
public function Updatenewicon($dataForm, $id) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); if ($dataForm['image'] != "" && $dataForm['oldicon'] != "") { unlink(SITE_ROOT . 'images/tshirt-icons/' . $dataForm['oldicon']); } $profileImage = $dataForm['oldicon']; if ($dataForm['image'] != "") { $profileImage = time() . "_" . $dataForm['image']; @rename(SITE_ROOT . 'images/tshirt-icons/' . $dataForm['image'], SITE_ROOT . 'images/tshirt-icons/' . $profileImage); } $dataInsert['icon'] = $profileImage; $dataInsert['title'] = $dataForm['title']; $dataInsert['colorcode'] = $dataForm['colorcode']; $conditionUpdate = "id='" . $id . "'"; $db->modify(TSHIRT_ICONS, $dataInsert, $conditionUpdate); return 1; }
public function UpdateBlog($dataForm, $blogid) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $chkQry = $db->runQuery("select * from " . BLOGS . " where blog_title='" . $dataForm['blog_title'] . "' and blog_id!='" . $blogid . "'"); if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) { return 0; } else { $dataUpdate['blog_title'] = $dataForm['blog_title']; $dataUpdate['blog_description'] = $dataForm['blog_description']; //$dataUpdate['user_id']='0'; $dataUpdate['added_date'] = date('d:m:y'); $dataUpdate['blog_status'] = $dataForm['blog_status']; $conditionUpdate = "blog_id='" . $blogid . "'"; //prd($dataUpdate); $db->modify(BLOGS, $dataUpdate, $conditionUpdate); return 1; } }
public function indexAction() { global $mySession; $this->view->pageHeading = "Social Media Configurations"; $db = new Db(); $sql = "select * from social_media"; $result = $db->runQuery($sql); $form = new Form_Socialmedia(); $form->setAction(""); if (!empty($result)) { $form->populate($result[0]); } $this->view->form = $form; if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $arr = $this->getRequest()->getPost(); $db->modify("social_media", $arr, "1"); $this->_redirect("social"); } }
public function UpdateEvent($dataForm, $eventId) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $chkQry = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EVENTS . " where event_title='" . mysql_escape_string($dataForm['event_title']) . "' and event_id!='" . $eventId . "'"); if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) { return 0; } else { $EventImagesPath = ""; for ($counter = 1; $counter <= 10; $counter++) { $eventImage = $dataForm['event_image_Path' . $counter]; if ($dataForm['event_image' . $counter] != "") { if ($eventImage != "" && file_exists(SITE_ROOT . 'images/events/' . $eventImage)) { unlink(SITE_ROOT . 'images/events/' . $eventImage); } $eventImage = time() . "_" . $dataForm['event_image' . $counter]; @rename(SITE_ROOT . 'images/events/' . $dataForm['event_image' . $counter], SITE_ROOT . 'images/events/' . $eventImage); } if ($eventImage != "") { $EventImagesPath .= $eventImage . ","; } } if ($EventImagesPath != "") { $EventImagesPath = substr($EventImagesPath, 0, strlen($EventImagesPath) - 1); } $dataUpdate['event_title'] = $dataForm['event_title']; $dataUpdate['event_description'] = $dataForm['event_description']; $dataUpdate['event_date'] = changeDate($dataForm['event_date'], 0); $dataUpdate['event_time_from'] = $dataForm['hour_from'] . "::" . $dataForm['minute_from'] . "::" . $dataForm['ampm_from']; $dataUpdate['event_time_to'] = $dataForm['hour_to'] . "::" . $dataForm['minute_to'] . "::" . $dataForm['ampm_to']; $dataUpdate['event_image'] = $EventImagesPath; $dataUpdate['event_venue'] = $dataForm['event_venue']; $dataUpdate['event_location'] = $dataForm['address']; $dataUpdate['event_status'] = '1'; $dataUpdate['event_lat'] = $dataForm['latitude']; $dataUpdate['event_long'] = $dataForm['longitude']; $updateCondition = "event_id='" . $eventId . "'"; //user_id='".$mySession->LoggedUserId."' and $db->modify(EVENTS, $dataUpdate, $updateCondition); return 1; } }
public function UpdateCategory($dataForm, $category_id) { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $chkQry = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CATEGORIES . " where category_id!=" . $category_id . " and perent_id=" . $dataForm['perent_id'] . " and category_name='" . $dataForm['category_name'] . "'"); if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) { return 0; } else { if (trim($dataForm['photo_path']) !== "") { $Arrpath = explode(".", $dataForm['photo_path']); $imageNewName = time() . "_cat." . $Arrpath[1]; rename(SITE_ROOT . 'images/category/' . $dataForm['photo_path'], SITE_ROOT . 'images/category/' . $imageNewName); $dataForm['cat_image'] = $imageNewName; } unset($dataForm['photo_path']); $update_condition = "category_id='" . $category_id . "'"; $db->modify(CATEGORIES, $dataForm, $update_condition); return 1; } }