function login() { if (!empty($_POST)) { $check = new Check(); $user = new User(); $pdo = new Db(); $db = $pdo->get(); $mapper = new Mapper($db); //Проверяем входные данные $user->login = $check->checkInput($_POST['login']); $password = $check->checkInput($_POST['pass']); $user->password = md5($password); //Если пользователь не найден $this->user = $mapper->select($user); if (empty($this->user)) { $this->error = "Пароль или логин не совпадают"; $this->out('login.php'); } else { $this->out('profile.php'); //Если найден, выводим профиль } } else { $this->out('login.php'); } }
function init($host) { $this->host = $host; $this->dbh = Db::get(); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this); }
public function enumerate($spid = null, $include = self::ALL) { $rawList = Db::get()->getResultSet("SELECT * FROM elenco_programmi()"); if (!($include & self::POWEROFF)) { unset($rawList[0]); } if (!($include & self::ANTIFREEZE)) { unset($rawList[1]); } if (!($include & self::MANUAL)) { array_pop($rawList); } $this->list = []; $selected = null; foreach ($rawList as $v) { $k = $v['id_programma']; $this->list[$k] = $v; if ($selected === null && $spid == $k) { $this->list[$k]['selected'] = 'selected'; $selected = $k; } else { $this->list[$k]['selected'] = ''; } } if ($selected === null && $this->list) { $selected = key($this->list); $this->list[$selected]['selected'] = 'selected'; } return $selected; }
/** * Init * * @param PluginHost $host */ function init($host) { require_once "PhCURL.php"; $this->host = $host; $this->dbh = Db::get(); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_RENDER_ARTICLE_CDM, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this); }
/** * Logs an activity. * @param string $activity * @param string $data */ public static function log($activity, $data = null) { $db = Db::get(); $data = Db::escape(json_encode($data)); if (ENABLE_AUDIT_TRAILS === true && class_exists("SystemAuditTrailModel", false)) { SystemAuditTrailModel::log(array('item_id' => 0, 'item_type' => 'system_activity', 'description' => $activity, 'type' => SystemAuditTrailModel::AUDIT_TYPE_SYSTEM)); } }
function __construct() { $this->dbh = Db::get(); $this->cache = array(); if ($_SESSION["uid"]) { $this->cache(); } }
public function __construct($id) { if (empty($id)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Enter User ID'); } $this->id = $id; $this->db = Db::get(); }
public static function addData($data) { $pdo = Db::get(); $statement = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO common.binary_objects(data) VALUES(?)"); $statement->bindParam(1, $data, PDO::PARAM_LOB); $statement->execute(); $id = Db::query("SELECT LASTVAL()"); return $id[0]['lastval']; }
function savelike($like, $itemid) { $pdo = new Db(); $db = $pdo->get(); $mapper = new Mapper($db); $comments = new Comments(); $comments->likes = $like; $comments->id = $itemid; $mapper->saveLike($comments); }
public function enumerate($selected = 0) { $selected != $this->selected && ($this->selected = $selected); $this->list = []; foreach (Db::get()->getResultSet("SELECT id, nome FROM driver_sensori") as $v) { $k = $v['id']; $this->list[$k] = $v; $this->list[$k]['selected'] = $selected == $k ? 'selected' : ''; } }
public function enumerate($status = self::ALL, $selected = 0) { $selected != $this->selected && ($this->selected = $selected); $status != $this->status && ($this->status = $status); $this->list = []; foreach (Db::get()->getResultSet("SELECT * FROM elenco_sensori(:status)", [':status' => $status]) as $v) { $k = $v['id']; $this->list[$k] = $v; $this->list[$k]['selected'] = $selected == $k ? 'selected' : ''; } }
/** * Install the application */ public function settings() { $form = new Form(array('id' => 'install-settings-form', 'labelWidth' => '30em', 'fieldsets' => array('global' => array('legend' => Lang::get('install.settings-global-legend', null, null, $this->language), new TextInput(array('name' => 'title', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-title-label', null, null, $this->language), 'default' => DEFAULT_HTML_TITLE)), new TextInput(array('name' => 'rooturl', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-rooturl-label', null, null, $this->language), 'placeholder' => 'http://', 'default' => getenv('REQUEST_SCHEME') . '://' . getenv('SERVER_NAME'))), new SelectInput(array('name' => 'timezone', 'required' => true, 'options' => array_combine(\DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(), \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers()), 'default' => DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-timezone-label')))), 'database' => array('legend' => Lang::get('install.settings-database-legend', null, null, $this->language), new TextInput(array('name' => 'db[host]', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-db-host-label', null, null, $this->language), 'default' => 'localhost')), new TextInput(array('name' => 'db[username]', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-db-username-label', null, null, $this->language))), new PasswordInput(array('name' => 'db[password]', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-db-password-label', null, null, $this->language), 'pattern' => '/^.*$/')), new TextInput(array('name' => 'db[dbname]', 'required' => true, 'pattern' => '/^\\w+$/', 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-db-dbname-label', null, null, $this->language))), new TextInput(array('name' => 'db[prefix]', 'default' => 'Hawk', 'pattern' => '/^\\w+$/', 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-db-prefix-label', null, null, $this->language)))), 'admin' => array('legend' => Lang::get('install.settings-admin-legend', null, null, $this->language), new TextInput(array('name' => 'admin[login]', 'required' => true, 'pattern' => '/^\\w+$/', 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-admin-login-label', null, null, $this->language))), new EmailInput(array('name' => 'admin[email]', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-admin-email-label', null, null, $this->language))), new PasswordInput(array('name' => 'admin[password]', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-admin-password-label', null, null, $this->language))), new PasswordInput(array('name' => 'admin[passagain]', 'required' => true, 'compare' => 'admin[password]', 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-admin-passagain-label', null, null, $this->language)))), '_submits' => array(new SubmitInput(array('name' => 'valid', 'value' => Lang::get('install.install-button', null, null, $this->language), 'icon' => 'cog')))), 'onsuccess' => 'location.href = data.rooturl;')); if (!$form->submitted()) { // Display the form $body = View::make(Plugin::current()->getView('settings.tpl'), array('form' => $form)); return \Hawk\Plugins\Main\MainController::getInstance()->index($body); } else { // Make the installation if ($form->check()) { /** * Generate Crypto constants */ $salt = Crypto::generateKey(24); $key = Crypto::generateKey(32); $iv = Crypto::generateKey(16); $configMode = 'prod'; /** * Create the database and it tables */ $tmpfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), ''); DB::add('tmp', array(array('host' => $form->getData('db[host]'), 'username' => $form->getData('db[username]'), 'password' => $form->getData('db[password]')))); try { DB::get('tmp'); } catch (DBException $e) { return $form->response(Form::STATUS_ERROR, Lang::get('install.install-connection-error')); } try { $param = array('{{ $dbname }}' => $form->getData('db[dbname]'), '{{ $prefix }}' => $form->getData('db[prefix]'), '{{ $language }}' => $this->language, '{{ $timezone }}' => $form->getData('timezone'), '{{ $title }}' => Db::get('tmp')->quote($form->getData('title')), '{{ $email }}' => Db::get('tmp')->quote($form->getData('admin[email]')), '{{ $login }}' => Db::get('tmp')->quote($form->getData('admin[login]')), '{{ $password }}' => Db::get('tmp')->quote(Crypto::saltHash($form->getData('admin[password]'), $salt)), '{{ $ip }}' => Db::get('tmp')->quote(App::request()->clientIp())); $sql = strtr(file_get_contents(Plugin::current()->getRootDir() . 'templates/install.sql.tpl'), $param); // file_put_contents($tmpfile, $sql); Db::get('tmp')->query($sql); /** * Create the config file */ $param = array('{{ $salt }}' => addcslashes($salt, "'"), '{{ $key }}' => addcslashes($key, "'"), '{{ $iv }}' => addcslashes($iv, "'"), '{{ $configMode }}' => $configMode, '{{ $rooturl }}' => $form->getData('rooturl'), '{{ $host }}' => $form->getData('db[host]'), '{{ $username }}' => $form->getData('db[username]'), '{{ $password }}' => $form->getData('db[password]'), '{{ $dbname }}' => $form->getData('db[dbname]'), '{{ $prefix }}' => $form->getData('db[prefix]'), '{{ $sessionEngine }}' => $form->getData('session'), '{{ $version }}' => $form->getData('version')); $config = strtr(file_get_contents(Plugin::current()->getRootDir() . 'templates/config.php.tpl'), $param); file_put_contents(INCLUDES_DIR . 'config.php', $config); /** * Create etc/dev.php */ App::fs()->copy(Plugin::current()->getRootDir() . 'templates/etc-dev.php', ETC_DIR . 'dev.php'); /** * Create etc/prod.php */ App::fs()->copy(Plugin::current()->getRootDir() . 'templates/etc-prod.php', ETC_DIR . 'prod.php'); $form->addReturn('rooturl', $form->getData('rooturl')); return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS, Lang::get('install.install-success')); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $form->response(Form::STATUS_ERROR, Lang::get('install.install-error')); } } } }
function init($host) { require_once __DIR__ . "/lib/class.naivebayesian.php"; //require_once __DIR__ . "/lib/class.naivebayesian_ngram.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/lib/class.naivebayesianstorage.php"; $this->host = $host; $this->dbh = Db::get(); $this->init_database(); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_BUTTON, $this); }
public function getAclResources($id) { $res = Db::get("SELECT * FROM [prefix]user_groups_to_acl_resources WHERE `user-group-id`=:userGroupId", array(':userGroupId' => $id)); $groups = array(); if ($res !== false) { if (count($res) > 0) { foreach ($res as $row) { $groups[] = $row['acl-resource-id']; } } } return $groups; }
function log_error($errno, $errstr, $file, $line, $context) { if (Db::get() && get_schema_version() > 117) { $errno = Db::get()->escape_string($errno); $errstr = Db::get()->escape_string($errstr); $file = Db::get()->escape_string($file); $line = Db::get()->escape_string($line); $context = DB::get()->escape_string($context); $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"] ? $_SESSION["uid"] : "NULL"; $result = Db::get()->query("INSERT INTO ttrss_error_log\n\t\t\t\t(errno, errstr, filename, lineno, context, owner_uid, created_at) VALUES\n\t\t\t\t({$errno}, '{$errstr}', '{$file}', '{$line}', '{$context}', {$owner_uid}, NOW())"); return Db::get()->affected_rows($result) != 0; } return false; }
public function reportMisurazioni() { if ($this->status !== self::$MIS_REPORT_OK) { return null; } $query = "SELECT EXTRACT(epoch FROM data_ora) * 1000," . "({$this->physicalQt})::numeric(5,2) FROM " . "report_misurazioni(?::smallint, ?::timestamp, ?::timestamp)"; // d($query, $this->sensorId, $this->start_date, $this->end_date); $stmt = Db::get()->prepare($query); $stmt->bindParam(1, $this->sensorId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(2, $this->start_date, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(3, $this->end_date, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); }
function log_error($errno, $errstr, $file, $line, $context) { if (Db::get() && get_schema_version() > 117) { $errno = Db::get()->escape_string($errno); $errstr = Db::get()->escape_string($errstr); $file = Db::get()->escape_string($file); $line = Db::get()->escape_string($line); $context = ''; // backtrace is a lot of data which is not really critical to store //$context = $this->dbh->escape_string(serialize($context)); $owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"] ? $_SESSION["uid"] : "NULL"; $result = Db::get()->query("INSERT INTO ttrss_error_log\n\t\t\t\t(errno, errstr, filename, lineno, context, owner_uid, created_at) VALUES\n\t\t\t\t({$errno}, '{$errstr}', '{$file}', '{$line}', '{$context}', {$owner_uid}, NOW())"); return Db::get()->affected_rows($result) != 0; } return false; }
public function getAssignedConntectedDataTableRows($row_id, $connection_id) { $connected_data_table = $this->getConnectedDataTableById($connection_id); if ($connected_data_table !== false) { $row_id = intval($row_id); $rows = Db::get("SELECT * FROM [prefix]" . $connected_data_table['dbTable'] . " WHERE `" . $connected_data_table['dbKeySelf'] . "` = :rowId", array(':rowId' => $row_id)); $id_list = array(); if ($rows !== false) { if (count($rows) > 0) { foreach ($rows as $row) { if (isset($row[$connected_data_table['dbKeyForeign']])) { $id_list[] = intval($row[$connected_data_table['dbKeyForeign']]); } } } } return $id_list; } return false; }
/** * */ public static function cleanup() { // remove database tmp table $db = Db::get(); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . self::$tmpTable . "`"); //delete tmp data recursiveDelete(PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/update", true); }
$feed_id = (int) $line["feed_id"]; } $filter["enabled"] = $line["enabled"] ? "on" : "off"; $filter["rule"] = array(json_encode(array("reg_exp" => $line["reg_exp"], "feed_id" => $feed_id, "filter_type" => $line["filter_type"]))); $filter["action"] = array(json_encode(array("action_id" => $line["action_id"], "action_param_label" => $line["action_param"], "action_param" => $line["action_param"]))); // Oh god it's full of hacks $_REQUEST = $filter; $_SESSION["uid"] = $owner_uid; $filters = new Pref_Filters($_REQUEST); $filters->add(); } } } if (isset($options["update-schema"])) { _debug("checking for updates (" . DB_TYPE . ")..."); $updater = new DbUpdater(Db::get(), DB_TYPE, SCHEMA_VERSION); if ($updater->isUpdateRequired()) { _debug("schema update required, version " . $updater->getSchemaVersion() . " to " . SCHEMA_VERSION); _debug("WARNING: please backup your database before continuing."); _debug("Type 'yes' to continue."); if (read_stdin() != 'yes') { exit; } for ($i = $updater->getSchemaVersion() + 1; $i <= SCHEMA_VERSION; $i++) { _debug("performing update up to version {$i}..."); $result = $updater->performUpdateTo($i); _debug($result ? "OK!" : "FAILED!"); if (!$result) { return; } }
function __construct() { $this->dbh = Db::get(); $this->storage = array(); }
public function report_commutazioni($start = null, $end = null) { $this->result = Db::get()->getResultSet("SELECT date_trunc('minutes', inizio) inizio," . " extract(EPOCH FROM durata) durata, stato" . " FROM report_commutazioni(:start, :end)", [':start' => $start, ':end' => $end]); }
function db_quote($str) { return Db::get()->quote($str); }
/** * Obtiene manejador de conexion a la base de datos * * @param boolean $force forzar nueva conexion PDO * @return \PDO */ protected static function dbh($force = false) { return Db::get(static::getDatabase(), $force); }
public function __wakeup() { if (!is_resource(self::$_conn)) { self::$_conn = Db::get(); } }
function init($host) { $this->host = $host; $this->dbh = Db::get(); $host->add_handler("public", "sharepopup", $this); }
function __construct($args) { $this->dbh = Db::get(); $this->args = $args; }
public static function getCachedInstance($connection = null) { if (isset(Db::$instances[$connection])) { return Db::$instances[$connection]; } else { return Db::get($connection, false); } }
/** * Get total number of queries * * @return int number of queries */ public static function getQueryCount() { $profiler = Db::get()->getProfiler(); return $profiler->getTotalNumQueries(); }
function dbupdate() { startup_gettext(); if (!SINGLE_USER_MODE && $_SESSION["access_level"] < 10) { $_SESSION["login_error_msg"] = __("Your access level is insufficient to run this script."); render_login_form(); exit; } ?> <html> <head> <title>Database Updater</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/utility.css"/> </head> <style type="text/css"> span.ok { color : #009000; font-weight : bold; } span.err { color : #ff0000; font-weight : bold; } </style> <body> <script type='text/javascript'> function confirmOP() { return confirm("Update the database?"); } </script> <div class="floatingLogo"><img src="images/logo_small.png"></div> <h1><?php echo __("Database Updater"); ?> </h1> <div class="content"> <?php @($op = $_REQUEST["subop"]); $updater = new DbUpdater(Db::get(), DB_TYPE, SCHEMA_VERSION); if ($op == "performupdate") { if ($updater->isUpdateRequired()) { print "<h2>Performing updates</h2>"; print "<h3>Updating to schema version " . SCHEMA_VERSION . "</h3>"; print "<ul>"; for ($i = $updater->getSchemaVersion() + 1; $i <= SCHEMA_VERSION; $i++) { print "<li>Performing update up to version {$i}..."; $result = $updater->performUpdateTo($i); if (!$result) { print "<span class='err'>FAILED!</span></li></ul>"; print_warning("One of the updates failed. Either retry the process or perform updates manually."); print "<p><form method=\"GET\" action=\"index.php\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __("Return to Tiny Tiny RSS") . "\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</form>"; break; } else { print "<span class='ok'>OK!</span></li>"; } } print "</ul>"; print_notice("Your Tiny Tiny RSS database is now updated to the latest version."); print "<p><form method=\"GET\" action=\"index.php\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __("Return to Tiny Tiny RSS") . "\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</form>"; } else { print "<h2>Your database is up to date.</h2>"; print "<p><form method=\"GET\" action=\"index.php\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __("Return to Tiny Tiny RSS") . "\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</form>"; } } else { if ($updater->isUpdateRequired()) { print "<h2>Database update required</h2>"; print "<h3>"; printf("Your Tiny Tiny RSS database needs update to the latest version: %d to %d.", $updater->getSchemaVersion(), SCHEMA_VERSION); print "</h3>"; print_warning("Please backup your database before proceeding."); print "<form method='POST'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='subop' value='performupdate'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='submit' onclick='return confirmOP()' value='" . __("Perform updates") . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</form>"; } else { print_notice("Tiny Tiny RSS database is up to date."); print "<p><form method=\"GET\" action=\"index.php\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __("Return to Tiny Tiny RSS") . "\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</form>"; } } ?> </div> </body> </html> <?php }