コード例 #1
ファイル: gettopic.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
function _ff_getListField_gettopic($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr)
    global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG04, $LANG28, $_IMAGE_TYPE;
    global $_FF_CONF, $_SYSTEM, $LANG_GF02, $LANG_GF03;
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    $retval = '';
    switch ($fieldname) {
        case 'author':
            $retval = $A['name'];
        case 'date':
            $retval = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true);
        case 'lastupdated':
            $retval = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true);
        case 'subject':
            $testText = FF_formatTextBlock($A['comment'], 'text', 'text', $A['status']);
            $testText = strip_tags($testText);
            $html2txt = new html2text($testText, false);
            $testText = trim($html2txt->get_text());
            $lastpostinfogll = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#\\r?\\n#', '<br>', strip_tags(substr($testText, 0, $_FF_CONF['contentinfo_numchars']) . '...')), ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt());
            $retval = '<span class="' . COM_getTooltipStyle() . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . $A['subject'] . '::' . $lastpostinfogll . '">' . $fieldvalue . '</span>';
        case 'select':
            $retval = '[&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="insert_topic(\'' . $A['id'] . '\'); return false;">' . $LANG_GF03['select'] . '</a>&nbsp;]';
            $retval = $fieldvalue;
    return $retval;
コード例 #2
 public function parse($p1, $p2 = '', $fulltag)
     global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG01;
     $retval = '';
     $skip = 0;
     $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
     // topic = specific topic or 'all'
     // display = how many stories to display, if 0, then all
     // meta = show meta data (i.e.; who when etc)
     // titleLink - make title a hot link
     // featured - 0 = show all, 1 = only featured, 2 = all except featured
     // frontpage - 1 = show only items marked for frontpage - 0 = show all
     // cols - number of columns to show
     // template - the template name
     $topic = $p1;
     if ($topic == 'all') {
         $topic = '';
     $uniqueID = md5($p1 . $p2);
     $display = 10;
     // display 10 articles
     $meta = 0;
     // do not display meta data
     $titleLink = 0;
     // do not use links in title
     $featured = 0;
     // 0 = show all, 1 = only featured, 2 = all except featured
     $frontpage = 0;
     // only show items marked for frontpage
     $cols = 3;
     // number of columns
     $truncate = 0;
     // maximum number of characters to include in story text
     $template = 'headlines.thtml';
     $px = explode(' ', trim($p2));
     if (is_array($px)) {
         foreach ($px as $part) {
             if (substr($part, 0, 8) == 'display:') {
                 $a = explode(':', $part);
                 $display = $a[1];
             } elseif (substr($part, 0, 5) == 'meta:') {
                 $a = explode(':', $part);
                 $meta = $a[1];
             } elseif (substr($part, 0, 10) == 'titlelink:') {
                 $a = explode(':', $part);
                 $titleLink = $a[1];
             } elseif (substr($part, 0, 9) == 'featured:') {
                 $a = explode(':', $part);
                 $featured = $a[1];
             } elseif (substr($part, 0, 10) == 'frontpage:') {
                 $a = explode(':', $part);
                 $frontpage = (int) $a[1];
             } elseif (substr($part, 0, 5) == 'cols:') {
                 $a = explode(':', $part);
                 $cols = $a[1];
             } elseif (substr($part, 0, 9) == 'template:') {
                 $a = explode(':', $part);
                 $template = $a[1];
             } elseif (substr($part, 0, 9) == 'truncate:') {
                 $a = explode(':', $part);
                 $truncate = (int) $a[1];
             } else {
         if ($skip != 0) {
             if (count($px) > $skip) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $skip; $i++) {
                 $caption = trim(implode(' ', $px));
             } else {
                 $caption = '';
     } else {
         $caption = trim($p2);
     if ($display < 0) {
         $display = 3;
     $hash = CACHE_security_hash();
     $instance_id = 'whatsnew_headlines_' . $uniqueID . '_' . $hash . '_' . $_USER['theme'];
     if (($cache = CACHE_check_instance($instance_id, 0)) !== FALSE) {
         return $cache;
     $archivetid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['topics'], 'tid', "archive_flag=1");
     $sql = " (date <= NOW()) AND (draft_flag = 0)";
     if (empty($topic)) {
         $sql .= COM_getLangSQL('tid', 'AND', 's');
     // if a topic was provided only select those stories.
     if (!empty($topic)) {
         $sql .= " AND s.tid = '" . DB_escapeString($topic) . "' ";
     if ($featured == 1) {
         $sql .= " AND s.featured = 1 ";
     } else {
         if ($featured == 2) {
             $sql .= " AND s.featured = 0 ";
     if ($frontpage == 1) {
         $sql .= " AND frontpage = 1 ";
     if ($topic != $archivetid) {
         $sql .= " AND s.tid != '{$archivetid}' ";
     $sql .= COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2, 's');
     $sql .= COM_getTopicSQL('AND', 0, 's') . ' ';
     $userfields = 'u.uid, u.username, u.fullname';
     if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo'] == 1) {
         $userfields .= ', u.photo';
         if ($_CONF['use_gravatar']) {
             $userfields .= ', u.email';
     $orderBy = ' date DESC ';
     $headlinesSQL = "SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN s.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.date) AS unixdate, " . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.expire) as expireunix, ' . $userfields . ", t.topic, t.imageurl " . "FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} AS s, {$_TABLES['users']} AS u, " . "{$_TABLES['topics']} AS t WHERE (s.uid = u.uid) AND (s.tid = t.tid) AND" . $sql . "ORDER BY featured DESC," . $orderBy;
     if ($display > 0) {
         $headlinesSQL .= " LIMIT " . $display;
     $result = DB_query($headlinesSQL);
     $numRows = DB_numRows($result);
     if ($numRows < $cols) {
         $cols = $numRows;
     if ($cols > 6) {
         $cols = 6;
     if ($numRows > 0) {
         $T = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'system/autotags/');
         $T->set_file('page', $template);
         $T->set_var('columns', $cols);
         $T->set_block('page', 'headlines', 'hl');
         $newstories = array();
         while ($A = DB_fetchArray($result)) {
             if ($A['attribution_author'] != '') {
                 $author = $A['attribution_author'];
             } else {
                 $author = $A['username'];
             $title = COM_undoSpecialChars($A['title']);
             $title = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $title);
             $subtitle = COM_undoSpecialChars($A['subtitle']);
             if ($A['story_image'] != '') {
                 $story_image = $_CONF['site_url'] . $A['story_image'];
             } else {
                 $story_image = '';
             $A['introtext'] = STORY_renderImages($A['sid'], $A['introtext']);
             if (!empty($A['bodytext'])) {
                 $closingP = strrpos($A['introtext'], "</p>");
                 if ($closingP !== FALSE) {
                     $text = substr($A['introtext'], 0, $closingP);
                     $A['introtext'] = $text;
                 // adds the read more link
                 $T->set_var('readmore_url', COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid']));
                 $T->set_var('lang_readmore', $LANG01['continue_reading']);
             if ($truncate > 0) {
                 $A['introtext'] = $this->truncateHTML($A['introtext'], $truncate, '...');
             $topicurl = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php?topic=' . $A['tid'];
             if ($A['commentcode'] >= 0) {
                 $cmtLinkArray = CMT_getCommentLinkWithCount('article', $A['sid'], $_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid'], $A['comments'], 1);
                 $T->set_var(array('lang_comments' => '', 'comments_count' => $cmtLinkArray['comment_count'], 'comments_url' => $cmtLinkArray['url'], 'comments_url_extra' => $cmtLinkArray['url_extra']));
             } else {
             $T->set_var(array('titlelink' => $titleLink ? TRUE : '', 'meta' => $meta ? TRUE : '', 'lang_by' => $LANG01[95], 'lang_posted_in' => $LANG01['posted_in'], 'story_topic_url' => $topicurl, 'title' => $title, 'subtitle' => $subtitle, 'story_image' => $story_image, 'text' => PLG_replaceTags($A['introtext']), 'date' => $A['date'], 'time' => $dt->format('Y-m-d', true) . 'T' . $dt->format('H:i:s', true), 'topic' => $A['topic'], 'tid' => $A['tid'], 'author' => $author, 'author_id' => $A['uid'], 'sid' => $A['sid'], 'short_date' => $dt->format($_CONF['shortdate'], true), 'date_only' => $dt->format($_CONF['dateonly'], true), 'date' => $dt->format($dt->getUserFormat(), true), 'url' => COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid']), 'attribution_url' => $A['attribution_url'], 'attribution_name' => $A['attribution_name']));
             $T->parse('hl', 'headlines', true);
         $retval = $T->finish($T->parse('output', 'page'));
         CACHE_create_instance($instance_id, $retval, 0);
     return $retval;
コード例 #3
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
 * returns field data for the user administration panel list
function USER_getListField($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr, $token)
    global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG04, $LANG28, $_IMAGE_TYPE;
    $retval = '';
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    switch ($fieldname) {
        case 'edit':
            $attr['title'] = $LANG_ADMIN['edit'];
            $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['edit'], "{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/user.php?edit=x&amp;uid={$A['uid']}", $attr);
        case 'username':
            $attr['title'] = $LANG28[108];
            $url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=profile&amp;uid=' . $A['uid'];
            $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['user'], $url, $attr);
            $retval .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
            $attr['style'] = 'vertical-align:top;';
            $retval .= COM_createLink($fieldvalue, $url, $attr);
        case 'fullname':
            $photoico = '';
            if (!empty($A['photo'])) {
                $photoico = "&nbsp;<img src=\"{$_CONF['layout_url']}/images/smallcamera." . $_IMAGE_TYPE . '" alt="{$LANG04[77]}"' . '/>';
            } else {
                $photoico = '';
            $retval = COM_truncate($fieldvalue, 24, ' ...', true) . $photoico;
        case 'status':
            $status = $A['status'];
            switch ($status) {
                case 0:
                    $retval = $LANG28[42];
                case 1:
                    $retval = $LANG28[14];
                case 2:
                    $retval = $LANG28[106];
                case 3:
                    $retval = $LANG28[45];
                case 4:
                    $retval = $LANG28[107];
        case 'lastlogin':
            if ($fieldvalue < 1) {
                // if the user never logged in, show the registration date
                $regdate = $dt->format($_CONF['shortdate'], true);
                $retval = "{$LANG28[36]} ({$LANG28[53]}: {$regdate})";
            } else {
                $retval = $dt->format($_CONF['shortdate'], true);
        case 'lastlogin_short':
            if ($fieldvalue < 1) {
                // if the user never logged in, show the registration date
                $regdate = $dt->format($_CONF['shortdate'], true);
                $retval = "({$LANG28[36]})";
            } else {
                $retval = $dt->format($_CONF['shortdate'], true);
        case 'online_days':
            if ($fieldvalue < 0) {
                // users that never logged in, would have a negative online days
                $retval = "N/A";
            } else {
                $retval = $fieldvalue;
        case 'phantom_date':
        case 'offline_months':
            $retval = COM_numberFormat(round($fieldvalue / 2592000));
        case 'online_hours':
            $retval = COM_numberFormat(round($fieldvalue / 3600, 3));
        case 'regdate':
            $retval = $dt->format($_CONF['shortdate'], true);
        case $_TABLES['users'] . '.uid':
            $retval = $A['uid'];
        case 'email':
            $url = 'mailto:' . $fieldvalue;
            $attr['title'] = $LANG28[111];
            $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['mail'], $url, $attr);
            $retval .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
            $attr['title'] = $LANG28[99];
            $url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/mail.php?uid=' . $A['uid'];
            $attr['style'] = 'vertical-align:top;';
            $retval .= COM_createLink($fieldvalue, $url, $attr);
        case 'delete':
            $retval = '';
            $attr['title'] = $LANG_ADMIN['delete'];
            $attr['onclick'] = 'return doubleconfirm(\'' . $LANG28[104] . '\',\'' . $LANG28[109] . '\');';
            $retval .= COM_createLink($icon_arr['delete'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/user.php' . '?delete=x&amp;uid=' . $A['uid'] . '&amp;' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token, $attr);
            $retval = $fieldvalue;
    if (isset($A['status']) && $A['status'] == USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED) {
        if ($fieldname != 'edit' && $fieldname != 'username') {
            $retval = sprintf('<span class="strike" title="%s">%s</span>', $LANG28[42], $retval);
    return $retval;
コード例 #4
ファイル: list.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
function _ff_getListField_forum($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr)
    global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG04, $LANG28, $_IMAGE_TYPE;
    global $_FF_CONF, $_SYSTEM, $LANG_GF02;
    if (!isset($A['status'])) {
        $A['status'] = 0;
    $retval = '';
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    switch ($fieldname) {
        case 'date':
        case 'lastupdated':
            $retval = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true);
        case 'subject':
            $testText = FF_formatTextBlock($A['comment'], 'text', 'text', $A['status']);
            $testText = strip_tags($testText);
            $html2txt = new html2text($testText, false);
            $testText = trim($html2txt->get_text());
            $lastpostinfogll = @htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#\\r?\\n#', '<br>', strip_tags(substr($testText, 0, $_FF_CONF['contentinfo_numchars']) . '...')), ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt());
            $retval = '<a class="' . COM_getTooltipStyle() . '" style="text-decoration:none;" href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=' . ($A['pid'] == 0 ? $A['id'] : $A['pid']) . '&amp;topic=' . $A['id'] . '#' . $A['id'] . '" title="' . $A['subject'] . '::' . $lastpostinfogll . '" rel="nofollow">' . $fieldvalue . '</a>';
        case 'bookmark':
            $bm_icon_on = '<img src="' . _ff_getImage('star_on_sm') . '" title="' . $LANG_GF02['msg204'] . '" alt=""/>';
            $retval = '<span id="forumbookmark' . $A['topic_id'] . '"><a href="#" onclick="ajax_toggleForumBookmark(' . $A['topic_id'] . ');return false;">' . $bm_icon_on . '</a></span>';
        case 'replies':
        case 'views':
            if ($fieldvalue != '') {
                $retval = $fieldvalue;
            } else {
                $retval = '0';
            $retval = $fieldvalue;
    return $retval;
コード例 #5
ファイル: vercheck.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
function _displayVersionData()
    $retval = '';
    $upToDate = 0;
    $classCounter = 0;
    $pluginInfo = '';
    list($upToDate, $pluginsUpToDate, $pluginData) = _checkVersion();
    $T = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'admin');
    $T->set_file('page', 'vercheck.thtml');
    $menu_arr = array(array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/vercheck.php', 'text' => $LANG_UPGRADE['recheck']), array('url' => $_CONF['site_admin_url'], 'text' => $LANG_ADMIN['admin_home']));
    $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG_UPGRADE['title'], '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header'));
    $retval .= ADMIN_createMenu($menu_arr, $LANG_UPGRADE['desc'], $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/versioncheck.png');
    $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    switch ($upToDate) {
        case 0:
            $alertIcon = $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/alert.png';
            $statusMsg = $LANG_UPGRADE['upgrade_title'];
            $statusText = sprintf($LANG_UPGRADE['upgrade'], $pluginData['glfusioncms']['installed_version'], $pluginData['glfusioncms']['latest_version']);
        case 1:
            $alertIcon = $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/check.png';
            $statusMsg = $LANG_UPGRADE['uptodate_title'];
            $statusText = $LANG_UPGRADE['uptodate'];
        case 2:
            $alertIcon = $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/alert.png';
            $statusMsg = $LANG_UPGRADE['unknown_title'];
            $statusText = sprintf($LANG_UPGRADE['unknown'], $pluginData['glfusioncms']['installed_version']);
            $alertIcon = $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/alert.png';
            $statusMsg = $LANG_UPGRADE['error_title'];
            $statusText = $LANG_UPGRADE['error'];
    $T->set_var(array('alerticon' => $alertIcon, 'statusmsg' => $statusMsg, 'statustext' => $statusText));
    if ($pluginsUpToDate != -1) {
        $pluginInfo .= '<div style="margin-top:10px;"><h3>' . $LANG_UPGRADE['plugin_title'] . '</h3>';
        $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
        $data_arr = array();
        $text_arr = array();
        $header_arr = array(array('text' => $LANG_UPGRADE['plugin'], 'field' => 'display_name'), array('text' => $LANG_UPGRADE['installed_version'], 'field' => 'installed_version'), array('text' => $LANG_UPGRADE['latest_version'], 'field' => 'latest_version'), array('text' => $LANG_UPGRADE['notes'], 'field' => 'notes'));
        foreach ($pluginData as $plugin) {
            if ($plugin['plugin'] == 'glfusioncms') {
            if ($plugin['latest_version'] == 0) {
                $upToDate = -1;
            } else {
                $upToDate = _upToDate($plugin['latest_version'], $plugin['installed_version']);
            switch ($upToDate) {
                case 0:
                    $notes = sprintf($LANG_UPGRADE['was_released'], $plugin['latest_version'], $dt->format("M d, Y", true));
                    $class = "notok";
                    if (strlen($plugin['url']) > 0) {
                        $latest_version = '<a href="' . $plugin['url'] . '" target="_blank">' . $plugin['latest_version'] . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        $latest_version = $plugin['latest_version'];
                case 1:
                    $notes = $LANG_UPGRADE['plugin_uptodate'];
                    $class = "yes";
                    $latest_version = $plugin['latest_version'];
                case 2:
                    $notes = $LANG_UPGRADE['plugin_newer'];
                    $class = "yes";
                    $latest_version = $plugin['latest_version'];
                    $notes = $LANG_UPGRADE['no_data'];
                    $class = "ok";
                    $latest_version = '???';
            $data_arr[] = array('display_name' => $plugin['display_name'], 'installed_version' => $plugin['installed_version'], 'latest_version' => '<span class="' . $class . '">' . $latest_version . '</span>', 'url' => $plugin['url'], 'notes' => $notes, 'release_date' => $plugin['release_date'], 'update_available' => $upToDate);
        $pluginInfo .= ADMIN_simpleList("", $header_arr, $text_arr, $data_arr);
        $pluginInfo .= '</div>';
    $T->parse('output', 'page');
    $retval .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
    $retval .= $pluginInfo;
    return $retval;
コード例 #6
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
         $displaypageslink .= '&nbsp;';
 // Check if user is an anonymous poster
 if ($record['uid'] > 1) {
     $showuserlink = '<span class="replypagination">';
     $showuserlink .= '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=profile&amp;uid=' . $record['uid'] . '">' . $record['name'];
     $showuserlink .= '</a></span>';
 } else {
     $showuserlink = $record['name'];
 if ($record['last_reply_rec'] > 0) {
     $lastreply['date'] = $record['lastupdated'];
     $lastreply['name'] = $record['lpname'];
     $lastdate1 = $dt->format('m/d/Y', true);
     if ($dt->isToday()) {
         $lasttime = $dt->format('H:i a', true);
         $lastdate = $LANG_GF01['TODAY'] . $lasttime;
     } elseif ($_FF_CONF['allow_user_dateformat']) {
         $lastdate = $dt->format($dt->getUserFormat(), true);
     } else {
         $lastdate = $dt->format('M/d/y H:i a', true);
 } else {
     $lastdate = $dt->format('M/d/y H:i a', true);
     $lastreply = $record;
コード例 #7
function getTemplateArrayCalendar($o_minDay, $s_date, $period)
    // today
    $today = new Date(getDateFromTimestamp(time()));
    $tsToday = $today->getTimestamp();
    // date asked for statistics
    $dateAsked = new Date($s_date);
    // used for going througt the month
    $date = new Date($s_date);
    $month = $date->getMonth();
    $year = $date->getYear();
    $prefixDay = $year . "-" . $month . "-";
    $date->setDate($prefixDay . '01');
    $week = $date->getWeek();
    $day = 1;
    $ts = $date->getTimestamp();
    while ($date->getMonth() == $month) {
        // day exists in stats, isn't it too old or in the future ?
        if ($date->getTimestamp() >= $o_minDay->getTimestamp() && $date->getTimestamp() <= $tsToday) {
            $exists = 1;
        } else {
            $exists = 0;
        // day selected for stats view ?
        if ($period == DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_DAY && $date->getDay() == $dateAsked->getDay() || $period == DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_WEEK && $date->getWeek() == $dateAsked->getWeek() || $period == DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_MONTH || $period == DB_ARCHIVES_PERIOD_YEAR) {
            $selected = 1;
        } else {
            $selected = 0;
        $weekNo = $date->getWeek() - $week;
        if (defined('MONDAY_FIRST') && MONDAY_FIRST == 'no' && date("w", $ts) == 0) {
            $weekNo += 1;
        $dayOfWeek = (int) (!defined('MONDAY_FIRST') || MONDAY_FIRST == 'yes' ? date("w", $ts) == 0 ? 6 : date("w", $ts) - 1 : date("w", $ts));
        $return[$weekNo][$dayOfWeek] = array('day' => substr($date->getDay(), 0, 1) === '0' ? substr($date->getDay(), 1, 2) : $date->getDay(), 'date' => $date->get(), 'exists' => $exists, 'selected' => $selected);
        //these 2 lines useless? to check
        $ts = $date->getTimeStamp();
    foreach ($return as $key => $r) {
        $row =& $return[$key];
        for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
            if (!isset($row[$i])) {
                $row[$i] = "-";
    return $return;
コード例 #8
ファイル: dlformat.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
        $p->set_var('file_size', PrettySize($size));
    } else {
        $p->set_var('file_size', 'Remote');
$p->set_var('homepage_url', $homepage);
$p->set_var('homepage', $homepage);
if ($comments) {
    $commentCount = DB_count($_TABLES['comments'], 'sid', "fileid_{$lid}");
    $recentPostMessage = _MD_COMMENTSWANTED;
    if ($commentCount > 0) {
        $result4 = DB_query("SELECT cid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day,username FROM {$_TABLES['comments']},{$_TABLES['users']} WHERE {$_TABLES['users']}.uid = {$_TABLES['comments']}.uid AND sid = 'fileid_{$lid}' ORDER BY date desc LIMIT 1");
        $C = DB_fetchArray($result4);
        $recentPostMessage = $LANG01[27] . ': ' . $dt->format($_CONF['daytime'], true) . ' ' . $LANG01[104] . ' ' . $C['username'];
    } else {
        $commentCount = 0;
    $comment_link = CMT_getCommentLinkWithCount('filemgmt', $lid, $_CONF['site_url'] . '/filemgmt/index.php?id=' . $lid, $commentCount, 1);
    $p->set_var('comment_link', $comment_link['link_with_count']);
    $p->set_var('show_comments', 'true');
} else {
    $p->set_var('show_comments', 'none');
コード例 #9
ファイル: lib-common.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
* Creates older stuff block
* Creates the olderstuff block for display.
* Actually updates the olderstuff record in the blocks table.
* @return   void
function COM_olderStuff()
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF;
    $sql = "SELECT sid,tid,title,comments,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (perm_anon = 2) AND (frontpage = 1) AND (date <= NOW()) AND (draft_flag = 0)" . COM_getTopicSQL('AND', 1) . " ORDER BY featured DESC, date DESC LIMIT {$_CONF['limitnews']}, {$_CONF['limitnews']}";
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
    if ($nrows > 0) {
        $dateonly = $_CONF['dateonly'];
        if (empty($dateonly)) {
            $dateonly = 'd-M';
            // fallback: day - abbrev. month name
        $day = 'noday';
        $string = '';
        $dt = new Date();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
            $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
            $daycheck = $dt->format("z", true);
            if ($day != $daycheck) {
                if ($day != 'noday') {
                    $daylist = COM_makeList($oldnews, 'list-older-stories');
                    $daylist = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $daylist);
                    $string .= $daylist;
                    // . '<br/>';
                $day2 = $dt->format($_CONF['dateonly'], true);
                $string .= '<h3>' . $dt->format('l', true) . ' <small>' . $day2 . '</small></h3>' . LB;
                $oldnews = array();
                $day = $daycheck;
            $oldnews_url = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid']);
            $oldnews[] = COM_createLink(COM_truncate($A['title'], $_CONF['title_trim_length'], '...'), $oldnews_url, array('title' => htmlspecialchars($A['title'], ENT_COMPAT, COM_getEncodingt()))) . ' (' . COM_numberFormat($A['comments']) . ')';
        if (!empty($oldnews)) {
            $daylist = COM_makeList($oldnews, 'list-older-stories');
            $daylist = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $daylist);
            $string .= $daylist;
            $string = DB_escapeString($string);
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['blocks']} SET content = '{$string}' WHERE name = 'older_stories'");
コード例 #10
ファイル: lib-comment.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
function plugin_subscription_email_format_comment($category, $track_id, $post_id, $uid)
    global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG01, $LANG03, $LANG04;
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    $permalink = 'Not defined';
    $filter = sanitizer::getInstance();
    $AllowedElements = $filter->makeAllowedElements($_CONF['htmlfilter_comment']);
    $filter->setNamespace('glfusion', 'comment');
    $post_id = COM_applyFilter($post_id, true);
    $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['comments']} WHERE cid={$post_id}");
    if (DB_numRows($result) > 0) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $itemInfo = PLG_getItemInfo($A['type'], $track_id, 'url,title');
        $permalink = $itemInfo['url'];
        if (empty($permalink)) {
            $permalink = $_CONF['site_url'];
        if ($A['uid'] > 1) {
            $name = COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']);
        } else {
            $name = $filter->sanitizeUsername($A['name']);
            $name = $filter->censor($name);
        $name = @htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt());
        $A['title'] = COM_checkWords($A['title']);
        $A['title'] = @htmlspecialchars($A['title'], ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt());
        //and finally: format the actual text of the comment, but check only the text, not sig or edit
        $text = str_replace('<!-- COMMENTSIG --><div class="comment-sig">', '', $A['comment']);
        $text = str_replace('</div><!-- /COMMENTSIG -->', '', $text);
        $text = str_replace('<div class="comment-edit">', '', $text);
        $text = str_replace('</div><!-- /COMMENTEDIT -->', '', $text);
        $A['comment'] = $text;
        if (preg_match('/<.*>/', $text) == 0) {
            $A['comment'] = nl2br($A['comment']);
        $A['comment'] = $filter->_replaceTags($A['comment']);
        $notifymsg = sprintf($LANG03[46], '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/comment.php?mode=unsubscribe&sid=' . htmlentities($track_id) . '&type=' . $A['type'] . '" rel="nofollow">' . $LANG01['unsubscribe'] . '</a>');
        $date = $dt->format('F d Y @ h:i a');
        $T = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'comment');
        $T->set_file(array('htmlemail' => 'notifymessage_html.thtml', 'textemail' => 'notifymessage_text.thtml'));
        $T->set_var(array('post_subject' => $A['title'], 'post_date' => $date, 'post_name' => $name, 'post_comment' => $A['comment'], 'notify_msg' => $notifymsg, 'site_name' => $_CONF['site_name'], 'online_version' => sprintf($LANG01['view_online'], $permalink), 'permalink' => $permalink));
        $T->parse('htmloutput', 'htmlemail');
        $message = $T->finish($T->get_var('htmloutput'));
        $T->parse('textoutput', 'textemail');
        $msgText = $T->finish($T->get_var('textoutput'));
        $html2txt = new html2text($msgText, false);
        $messageText = $html2txt->get_text();
        return array($message, $messageText, array());
    return false;
コード例 #11
ファイル: evlist_views.inc.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/evlist
*   Display a yearly calendar.
*   Dates that have events scheduled are highlighted.
*   @param  integer $year   Year to display, default is current year
*   @param  integer $month  Starting month
*   @param  integer $day    Starting day
*   @param  integer $cat    Category to show
*   @param  integer $cal    Calendar to show
*   @return string          HTML for calendar page
function EVLIST_yearview($year = 0, $month = 0, $day = 0, $cat = 0, $cal = 0, $opt = '')
    global $_CONF, $_EV_CONF, $LANG_MONTH, $_SYSTEM;
    EVLIST_setViewSession('year', $year, $month, $day);
    $retval = '';
    // Default to the current year
    if ($year == 0) {
        $year = date('Y');
    if ($month == 0) {
        $month = date('m');
    if ($day == 0) {
        $day = date('d');
    $cat = (int) $cat;
    $cal = (int) $cal;
    // Get all the dates in the year
    $starting_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year));
    $ending_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year + 1));
    $calendarView = Date_Calc::getCalendarYear($year, '%Y-%m-%d');
    $daynames = EVLIST_getDayNames(1);
    $events = EVLIST_getEvents($starting_date, $ending_date, array('cat' => $cat, 'cal' => $cal));
    // A date object to handle formatting
    $dt = new Date('now', $_CONF['timezone']);
    $T = new Template(EVLIST_PI_PATH . '/templates/yearview');
    $tpl = 'yearview';
    if ($opt == 'print') {
        $tpl .= '_print';
    } elseif ($_EV_CONF['cal_tmpl'] == 'json') {
        $tpl .= '_json';
    $T->set_file(array('yearview' => $tpl . '.thtml'));
    $count = 0;
    $T->set_block('yearview', 'month', 'mBlock');
    foreach ($calendarView as $monthnum => $monthdata) {
        $monthnum_str = sprintf("%02d", $monthnum + 1);
        if (($count - 1) % 4 == 0) {
            $T->set_var('st_row', 'true');
        } else {
        $M = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/evlist/templates/yearview');
        $M->set_file(array('smallmonth' => 'smallmonth.thtml'));
        $M->set_var('thisyear', $year);
        $M->set_var('month', $monthnum + 1);
        $M->set_var('monthname', $LANG_MONTH[$monthnum + 1]);
        $M->set_block('smallmonth', 'daynames', 'nBlock');
        for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
            $M->set_var('dayname', $daynames[$i]);
            $M->parse('nBlock', 'daynames', true);
        $M->set_block('smallmonth', 'week', 'wBlock');
        foreach ($monthdata as $weeknum => $weekdata) {
            list($weekYear, $weekMonth, $weekDay) = explode('-', $weekdata[0]);
            $M->set_var(array('weekyear' => $weekYear, 'weekmonth' => $weekMonth, 'weekday' => $weekDay, 'urlfilt_cat' => $cat, 'urlfilt_cal' => $cal));
            $M->set_block('smallmonth', 'day', 'dBlock');
            foreach ($weekdata as $daynum => $daydata) {
                list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $daydata);
                if ($daydata == $_EV_CONF['_today']) {
                    $dayclass = 'today';
                } elseif ($m == $monthnum_str) {
                    $dayclass = 'on';
                } else {
                    $M->set_var('no_day_link', 'true');
                    $dayclass = 'off';
                if (isset($events[$daydata])) {
                    // Create the mootip hover text
                    $popup = '';
                    $daylinkclass = $dayclass == 'off' ? 'nolink-events' : 'day-events';
                    foreach ($events[$daydata] as $event) {
                        // Separate events by a newline if more than one
                        if (!empty($popup)) {
                            if ($_SYSTEM['framework'] == 'uikit') {
                                // HTML break for UIkit tooltip
                                $popup .= '<br />';
                            $popup .= LB;
                        // Don't show a time for all-day events
                        if ($event['allday'] == 0) {
                            $dt->setTimestamp(strtotime($event['rp_date_start'] . ' ' . $event['rp_time_start1']));
                            // Time is a localized string, not a timestamp, so
                            // don't adjust for the timezone
                            $popup .= $dt->format($_CONF['timeonly'], false) . ': ';
                        $popup .= htmlentities($event['title']);
                    $M->set_var('popup', $popup);
                } else {
                    $daylinkclass = 'day-noevents';
                $M->set_var(array('daylinkclass' => $daylinkclass, 'dayclass' => $dayclass, 'day' => substr($daydata, 8, 2), 'pi_url' => EVLIST_URL, 'urlfilt_cat' => $cat, 'urlfilt_cal' => $cal));
                $M->parse('dBlock', 'day', true);
            $M->parse('wBlock', 'week', true);
        $M->parse('onemonth', 'smallmonth');
        $T->set_var('month', $M->finish($M->get_var('onemonth')));
        if ($count % 4 == 0) {
            $T->set_var('end_row', 'true');
        } else {
        $T->parse('mBlock', 'month', true);
    $T->set_var(array('pi_url' => EVLIST_URL, 'thisyear' => $year, 'prevyear' => $year - 1, 'nextyear' => $year + 1, 'cal_header' => EVLIST_calHeader($year, $month, $day, 'year', $cat, $cal), 'cal_footer' => EVLIST_calFooter($calendars_used), 'urlfilt_cat' => $cat, 'urlfilt_cal' => $cal));
    $T->parse('output', 'yearview');
    return $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
コード例 #12
ファイル: evTicket.class.php プロジェクト: matrox66/evlist
  *   Export tickets to a CSV file for a single occurrence
  *   @param  integer $rp_id  Repeat ID
  *   @return string  CSV file containing all tickets
 public static function ExportTickets($rp_id = '')
     global $_CONF, $LANG_EVLIST;
     $retval = '';
     // get the tickets, paid and unpaid. Need event id and uid.
     $tickets = self::GetTickets($ev_id, $rp_id, $uid);
     $Rp = new evRepeat($rp_id);
     $header = array($LANG_EVLIST['ticket_num'], $LANG_EVLIST['rsvp_date'], $LANG_EVLIST['name'], $LANG_EVLIST['fee'], $LANG_EVLIST['paid'], $LANG_EVLIST['date_used'], $LANG_EVLIST['waitlisted']);
     $retval .= '"' . implode('","', $header) . '"' . "\n";
     //$tic_types = array();
     $counter = 0;
     $dt_tick = new Date('now', $_CONF['timezone']);
     $dt_used = new Date('now', $_CONF['timezone']);
     foreach ($tickets as $tic_id => $ticket) {
         $values = array($tic_id, $dt_tick->toMySQL(), str_replace('"', "'", COM_getDisplayName($ticket->uid)), $ticket->fee, $ticket->paid, $ticket->used > $ticket->dt ? $dt_used->toMySQL() : '', $counter > $Rp->Event->options['max_rsvp'] ? 'Yes' : 'No');
         $retval .= '"' . implode('","', $values) . '"' . "\n";
     return $retval;
コード例 #13
ファイル: memberlist.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
 $sql .= "WHERE (a.uid = " . (int) $showuser . ") AND b.grp_id IN ({$grouplist}) ";
 $sql .= "ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT {$_FF_CONF['show_last_post_count']}";
 $result = DB_query($sql);
 $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
 $displayrecs = 0;
 for ($i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++) {
     $P = DB_fetchArray($result);
     $userlogtime = DB_getItem($_TABLES['ff_log'], "time", "uid=" . (int) $_USER['uid'] . " AND topic=" . (int) $P['id']);
     if ($userlogtime == NULL or $P['lastupdated'] > $userlogtime) {
         if ($_FF_CONF['use_censor']) {
             $P['subject'] = COM_checkWords($P['subject']);
             $P['comment'] = COM_checkWords($P['comment']);
         $topic_id = $P['id'];
         $firstdate = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true);
         $lastdate = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true);
         if ($P['uid'] > 1) {
             $topicinfo = "{$LANG_GF01['STARTEDBY']} " . COM_getDisplayName($P['uid']) . ', ';
         } else {
             $topicinfo = "{$LANG_GF01['STARTEDBY']} {$P['name']},";
         $topicinfo .= "{$firstdate}<br/>{$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$P['views']}, {$LANG_GF01['REPLIES']}:{$P['replies']}<br/>";
         if (empty($P['last_reply_rec']) || $P['last_reply_rec'] < 1) {
             $lastid = $P['id'];
             $testText = FF_formatTextBlock($P['comment'], 'text', 'text', $P['status']);
             $testText = strip_tags($testText);
             $html2txt = new html2text($testText, false);
             $testText = trim($html2txt->get_text());
コード例 #14
ファイル: order.class.php プロジェクト: JohnToro/paypal
  *   View the current order summary
  *   @param  boolean $final      Indicates that this order is final.
  *   @param  string  $tpl        "print" for a printable template
  *   @return string      HTML for order view
 public function View($final = false, $tpl = '')
     // canView should be handled by the caller
     if (!$this->canView()) {
         return '';
     $T = new Template(PAYPAL_PI_PATH . '/templates');
     if ($tpl == 'print') {
         $tpltype = '.print';
     } else {
         $tpltype = $_SYSTEM['framework'] == 'uikit' ? '.uikit' : '';
     $T->set_file('order', "order{$tpltype}.thtml");
     $isAdmin = SEC_hasRights('paypal.admin') ? true : false;
     foreach ($this->_addr_fields as $fldname) {
         $T->set_var($fldname, $this->{$fldname});
     $T->set_block('order', 'ItemRow', 'iRow');
     // Get the workflows so we sho the relevant info.
     if (!isset($_PP_CONF['workflows']) || !is_array($_PP_CONF['workflows'])) {
     foreach ($_PP_CONF['workflows'] as $key => $value) {
         $T->set_var('have_' . $value, 'true');
     $this->no_shipping = 1;
     // no shipping unless physical item ordered
     $subtotal = 0;
     foreach ($this->items as $key => $item) {
         $P = new Product($item['product_id']);
         $item_options = '';
         $opt = json_decode($item['options_text'], true);
         if ($opt) {
             foreach ($opt as $opt_str) {
                 $item_options .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;--&nbsp;{$opt_str}<br />\n";
         $item_total = $item['price'] * $item['quantity'];
         $subtotal += $item_total;
         $T->set_var(array('item_id' => htmlspecialchars($item['product_id']), 'item_descrip' => htmlspecialchars($item['description']), 'item_price' => COM_numberFormat($item['price'], 2), 'item_quantity' => (int) $item['quantity'], 'item_total' => COM_numberFormat($item_total, 2), 'item_options' => $item_options, 'is_admin' => $isAdmin ? 'true' : '', 'is_file' => $P->file != '' ? 'true' : ''));
         $T->parse('iRow', 'ItemRow', true);
         if ($item['data']['prod_type'] == PP_PROD_PHYSICAL) {
             $this->no_shipping = 0;
     $dt = new Date($this->order_date, $_CONF['timezone']);
     $total = $subtotal + $this->shipping + $this->handling + $this->tax;
     $T->set_var(array('pi_url' => PAYPAL_URL, 'is_admin' => $isAdmin ? 'true' : '', 'pi_admin_url' => PAYPAL_ADMIN_URL, 'total' => sprintf('%6.2f', $total), 'not_final' => $final ? '' : 'true', 'order_date' => $dt->format($_PP_CONF['datetime_fmt'], true), 'order_date_tip' => $dt->format($_PP_CONF['datetime_fmt'], false), 'order_number' => $this->order_id, 'shipping' => COM_numberFormat($this->shipping, 2), 'handling' => COM_numberFormat($this->handling, 2), 'tax' => COM_numberFormat($this->tax, 2), 'subtotal' => COM_numberFormat($subtotal, 2), 'have_billto' => 'true', 'have_shipto' => 'true', 'order_instr' => htmlspecialchars($this->instructions), 'shop_name' => $_PP_CONF['shop_name'], 'shop_addr' => $_PP_CONF['shop_addr']));
     if ($isAdmin) {
         $T->set_var(array('purch_name' => COM_getDisplayName($this->uid), 'purch_uid' => $this->uid, 'stat_update' => ppOrderStatus::Selection($this->order_id, 1, $this->status), 'status' => $this->status));
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['paypal.order_log']} WHERE order_id = '" . DB_escapeString($this->order_id) . "'";
         $res = DB_query($sql);
         $T->set_block('order', 'LogMessages', 'Log');
         while ($L = DB_fetchArray($res, false)) {
             $T->set_var(array('log_username' => $L['username'], 'log_msg' => $L['message'], 'log_ts' => $dt->format($_PP_CONF['datetime_fmt'], true), 'log_ts_tip' => $dt->format($_PP_CONF['datetime_fmt'], false)));
             $T->parse('Log', 'LogMessages', true);
     $status = $this->status;
     if ($this->pmt_method != '') {
         //if ($status & PP_STATUS_PAID) {
         if (USES_paypal_gateway($this->pmt_method)) {
             $gw = new $this->pmt_method();
             $pmt_method = $gw->Description();
         } else {
             $pmt_method = $this->pmt_method;
         $T->set_var(array('pmt_method' => $pmt_method, 'pmt_txn_id' => $this->pmt_txn_id));
     $T->parse('output', 'order');
     $form = $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
     return $form;
コード例 #15
*   Get an individual field for the history screen.
*   @param  string  $fieldname  Name of field (from the array, not the db)
*   @param  mixed   $fieldvalue Value of the field
*   @param  array   $A          Array of all fields from the database
*   @param  array   $icon_arr   System icon array (not used)
*   @param  object  $EntryList  This entry list object
*   @return string              HTML for field display in the table
function PAYPAL_getPurchaseHistoryField($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr)
    global $_CONF, $_PP_CONF, $LANG_PP, $_USER;
    static $dt = NULL;
    if ($dt === NULL) {
        $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    $retval = '';
    switch ($fieldname) {
        case 'order_date':
            $retval = '<span title="' . $dt->format($_PP_CONF['datetime_fmt'], false) . '">' . $dt->format($_PP_CONF['datetime_fmt'], true) . '</span>';
        case 'name':
            list($item_id, $item_opts) = PAYPAL_explode_opts($A['product_id']);
            if (is_numeric($item_id)) {
                // One of our catalog items, so link to it
                $retval = COM_createLink($fieldvalue, PAYPAL_URL . '/index.php?detail=x&amp;id=' . $item_id);
            } else {
                // Probably came from a plugin, just show the product name
                $retval = htmlspecialchars($A['product_id'], ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt());
        case 'username':
            if ($A['isAdmin']) {
                $retval = COM_createLink($fieldvalue, PAYPAL_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php?orderhist=x&uid=' . $A['uid']);
            } else {
                $retval = COM_createLink($fieldvalue, $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=profile&uid=' . $A['uid']);
        case 'quantity':
            $retval = '<div class="alignright">' . $fieldvalue . "</div>";
        case 'txn_id':
            $base_url = $A['isAdmin'] ? PAYPAL_ADMIN_URL : PAYPAL_URL;
            // Admins get a link to the transaction log, regular users just
            // get the ID to check against their Paypal account.
            if ($A['isAdmin'] == 1) {
                $retval = COM_createLink($fieldvalue, $base_url . '/index.php?ipnlog=x&amp;op=single&amp;txn_id=' . $fieldvalue);
            } else {
                $retval = $fieldvalue;
        case 'prod_type':
            // Return the plain-language product type description
            //$retval = $LANG_PP['prod_types'][$fieldvalue];
            $retval = $LANG_PP['prod_types'][$A['prod_type']];
            //if ($fieldvalue == PP_PROD_DOWNLOAD && $A['exptime'] > time() ) {
            if ($A['file'] != '' && $A['exptime'] > time()) {
                $retval = COM_createLink($retval, PAYPAL_URL . "/download.php?id={$A['product_id']}");
        case 'short_description':
            // If this is a plugin item, there should be a description recorded
            // in the purchase file.  If not, just take it from the product
            // table.
            if (!empty($A['description'])) {
                $retval = $A['description'];
            } else {
                $retval = $fieldvalue;
        case 'status':
            if ($A['isAdmin'] && is_array($LANG_PP['orderstatus'])) {
                $retval = ppOrderStatus::Selection($A['order_id'], 0, $fieldvalue);
            } elseif (isset($LANG_PP['orderstatus'][$fieldvalue])) {
                $retval = $LANG_PP['orderstatus'][$fieldvalue];
            } else {
                $retval = 'Unknown';
        case 'order_id':
            $base_url = $A['isAdmin'] ? PAYPAL_ADMIN_URL : PAYPAL_URL;
            $retval = COM_createLink($fieldvalue, $base_url . '/index.php?order=' . $fieldvalue, array('data-uk-tooltip' => '', 'title' => 'View', 'class' => 'gl_mootip'));
            $retval .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . PAYPAL_URL . '/index.php?printorder=' . $fieldvalue . '" target="_blank" class="uk-icon-mini uk-icon-print gl_mootip"
            title="Print" data-uk-tooltip>';
            if (!$_PP_CONF['_is_uikit']) {
                $retval .= '(print)';
            $retval .= '</a>';
            $retval = htmlspecialchars($fieldvalue, ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt());
    return $retval;
コード例 #16
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
function PAGE_getListField($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr, $token)
    $retval = '';
    $access = SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']);
    $enabled = $A['sp_status'] == 1 ? true : false;
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    switch ($fieldname) {
        case 'edit':
            if ($access == 3) {
                $attr['title'] = $LANG_ADMIN['edit'];
                $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['edit'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/staticpages/index.php' . '?edit=x&amp;sp_id=' . $A['sp_id'], $attr);
            } else {
                $retval = $icon_arr['blank'];
        case 'copy':
            if ($access >= 2) {
                $attr['title'] = $LANG_ADMIN['copy'];
                $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['copy'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/staticpages/index.php' . '?clone=x&amp;sp_id=' . $A['sp_id'], $attr);
            } else {
                $retval = $icon_arr['blank'];
        case "sp_title":
            $sp_title = $A['sp_title'];
            if ($enabled) {
                $url = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/page.php?page=' . $A['sp_id']);
                $retval = COM_createLink($sp_title, $url, array('title' => $LANG_STATIC['title_display']));
            } else {
                $retval = '<span class="disabledfield">' . $sp_title . '</span>';
        case 'access':
            if ($access == 3) {
                $privs = $LANG_ACCESS['edit'];
            } else {
                $privs = $LANG_ACCESS['readonly'];
            $retval = $enabled ? $privs : '<span class="disabledfield">' . $privs . '</span>';
        case "sp_uid":
            $owner = COM_getDisplayName($A['sp_uid']);
            $retval = $enabled ? $owner : '<span class="disabledfield">' . $owner . '</span>';
        case "sp_centerblock":
            if ($A['sp_centerblock']) {
                switch ($A['sp_where']) {
                    case '1':
                        $where = $LANG_STATIC['centerblock_top'];
                    case '2':
                        $where = $LANG_STATIC['centerblock_feat'];
                    case '3':
                        $where = $LANG_STATIC['centerblock_bottom'];
                        $where = $LANG_STATIC['centerblock_entire'];
            } else {
                $where = $LANG_STATIC['centerblock_no'];
            $retval = $enabled ? $where : '<span class="disabledfield">' . $where . '</span>';
        case "unixdate":
            $datetime = $dt->format($_CONF['daytime'], true);
            $retval = $enabled ? $datetime : '<span class="disabledfield">' . $datetime . '</span>';
        case 'delete':
            if ($access == 3) {
                $attr['title'] = $LANG_ADMIN['delete'];
                $attr['onclick'] = "return confirm('" . $LANG_STATIC['delete_confirm'] . "');";
                $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['delete'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/staticpages/index.php' . '?delete=x&amp;sp_id=' . $A['sp_id'] . '&amp;' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token, $attr);
            } else {
                $retval = $icon_arr['blank'];
        case 'sp_status':
            if ($access == 3) {
                if ($enabled) {
                    $switch = ' checked="checked"';
                    $title = 'title="' . $LANG_ADMIN['disable'] . '" ';
                } else {
                    $title = 'title="' . $LANG_ADMIN['enable'] . '" ';
                    $switch = '';
                $retval = '<input class="sp-enabler" type="checkbox" name="enabledstaticpages[' . $A['sp_id'] . ']" ' . $title . 'onclick="submit()" value="1"' . $switch . '/>';
                $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="sp_idarray[' . $A['sp_id'] . ']" value="1" />';
            } else {
                $retval = $enabled ? $LANG_ACCESS['yes'] : $LANG_ACCESS['No'];
            $retval = $enabled ? $fieldvalue : '<span class="disabledfield">' . $fieldvalue . '</span>';
    return $retval;
コード例 #17
ファイル: format.inc.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
function gfm_getoutput($id)
    global $_TABLES, $LANG_GF01, $LANG_GF02, $_CONF, $_FF_CONF, $_USER;
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    $id = COM_applyFilter($id, true);
    $result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} WHERE id=" . (int) $id);
    $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
    if ($A['pid'] == 0) {
        $pid = $id;
    } else {
        $pid = $A['pid'];
    $permalink = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/viewtopic.php?topic=' . $id . '#' . $id;
    $A['name'] = COM_checkWords($A['name']);
    $A['name'] = @htmlspecialchars($A['name'], ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt());
    $A['subject'] = COM_checkWords($A['subject']);
    $A['subject'] = @htmlspecialchars($A["subject"], ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt());
    $A['comment'] = _ff_FormatForEmail($A['comment'], $A['postmode']);
    $notifymsg = sprintf($LANG_GF02['msg27'], '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/notify.php">' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/notify.php</a>');
    $date = $dt->format('F d Y @ h:i a');
    if ($A['pid'] == '0') {
        $postid = $A['id'];
    } else {
        $postid = $A['pid'];
    $T = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/forum/templates');
    $T->set_file('email', 'notifymessage.thtml');
    $T->set_var(array('post_id' => $postid, 'topic_id' => $A['id'], 'post_subject' => $A['subject'], 'post_date' => $date, 'post_name' => $A['name'], 'post_comment' => $A['comment'], 'notify_msg' => $notifymsg, 'site_name' => $_CONF['site_name'], 'online_version' => sprintf($LANG_GF02['view_online'], $permalink), 'permalink' => $permalink));
    $T->parse('output', 'email');
    $message = $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
    $T = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/forum/templates');
    $T->set_file('email', 'notifymessage_text.thtml');
    $T->set_var(array('post_id' => $postid, 'topic_id' => $A['id'], 'post_subject' => $A['subject'], 'post_date' => $date, 'post_name' => $A['name'], 'post_comment' => $A['comment'], 'notify_msg' => $notifymsg, 'site_name' => $_CONF['site_name'], 'online_version' => sprintf($LANG_GF02['view_online'], $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=' . $postid . '&lastpost=true#' . $A['id'])));
    $T->parse('output', 'email');
    $msgText = $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
    $html2txt = new html2text($msgText, false);
    $messageText = $html2txt->get_text();
    return array($message, $messageText);
コード例 #18
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
function _fm_getListField_forum($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr)
    global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG04, $LANG28, $_IMAGE_TYPE;
    global $_FF_CONF, $_SYSTEM, $LANG_GF02;
    $retval = '';
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    switch ($fieldname) {
        case 'date':
            $retval = $dt->format('M d, Y', true);
        case 'size':
            if (!empty($fieldvalue) && $fieldvalue > 0) {
                $kb = $fieldvalue / 1024;
                $mb = $kb / 1024;
                $retval = COM_numberFormat($kb) . ' kb';
            } else {
                $retval = 'Remote';
        case 'edit':
            $attr['title'] = $LANG_ADMIN['edit'];
            $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['edit'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/filemgmt/index.php?lid=' . $A['lid'] . '&amp;op=modDownload', $attr);
            $retval = $fieldvalue;
    return $retval;
コード例 #19
ファイル: profiles.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
* Email story to a friend
* @param    string  $sid        id of story to email
* @param    string  $to         name of person / friend to email
* @param    string  $toemail    friend's email address
* @param    string  $from       name of person sending the email
* @param    string  $fromemail  sender's email address
* @param    string  $shortmsg   short intro text to send with the story
* @return   string              Meta refresh
* Modification History
* Date        Author        Description
* ----        ------        -----------
* 4/17/01    Tony Bibbs    Code now allows anonymous users to send email
*                and it allows user to input a message as well
*                Thanks to Yngve Wassvik Bergheim for some of
*                this code
function mailstory($sid, $to, $toemail, $from, $fromemail, $shortmsg, $html = 0)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG01, $LANG08;
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    $storyurl = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid);
    if ($_CONF['url_rewrite']) {
        $retURL = $storyurl . '?msg=85';
    } else {
        $retURL = $storyurl . '&amp;msg=85';
    // check for correct $_CONF permission
    if (COM_isAnonUser() && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] == 1 || $_CONF['emailstoryloginrequired'] == 1)) {
        echo COM_refresh($retURL);
    // check if emailing of stories is disabled
    if ($_CONF['hideemailicon'] == 1) {
        echo COM_refresh($retURL);
    // check mail speedlimit
    COM_clearSpeedlimit($_CONF['speedlimit'], 'mail');
    if (COM_checkSpeedlimit('mail') > 0) {
        echo COM_refresh($retURL);
    $filter = sanitizer::getInstance();
    if ($html) {
    } else {
    $allowedElements = $filter->makeAllowedElements($_CONF['htmlfilter_default']);
    $filter->setNamespace('glfusion', 'mail_story');
    $sql = "SELECT uid,title,introtext,bodytext,commentcode,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day,postmode FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '" . DB_escapeString($sid) . "'" . COM_getTopicSql('AND') . COM_getPermSql('AND');
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    if (DB_numRows($result) == 0) {
        return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php');
    $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
    $mailtext = sprintf($LANG08[23], $from, $fromemail) . LB;
    if (strlen($shortmsg) > 0) {
        if ($html) {
            $shortmsg = $filter->filterHTML($shortmsg);
        $mailtext .= LB . sprintf($LANG08[28], $from) . $shortmsg . LB;
    // just to make sure this isn't an attempt at spamming users ...
    $result = PLG_checkforSpam($mailtext, $_CONF['spamx']);
    if ($result > 0) {
        COM_displayMessageAndAbort($result, 'spamx', 403, 'Forbidden');
    if ($html) {
        $mailtext .= '<p>------------------------------------------------------------</p>' . '<p>' . COM_undoSpecialChars($A['title']) . '</p>' . '<p>' . $dt->format($_CONF['date'], true) . '</p>';
    } else {
        $mailtext .= '------------------------------------------------------------' . LB . LB . COM_undoSpecialChars($A['title']) . LB . $dt->format($_CONF['date'], true) . LB;
    if ($_CONF['contributedbyline'] == 1) {
        $author = COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']);
        $mailtext .= $LANG01[1] . ' ' . $author . LB;
    if ($html) {
        $mailtext .= '<p>' . $filter->displayText($A['introtext']) . '<br />' . $filter->displayText($A['bodytext']) . '</p>' . '<p>------------------------------------------------------------</p>';
    } else {
        $mailtext .= $filter->displayText($A['introtext']) . LB . $filter->displayText($A['bodytext']) . LB . LB . '------------------------------------------------------------' . LB;
    if ($A['commentcode'] == 0) {
        // comments allowed
        $mailtext .= $LANG08[24] . LB . COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid . '#comments');
    } else {
        // comments not allowed - just add the story's URL
        $mailtext .= $LANG08[33] . LB . COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid);
    $mailto = array();
    $mailfrom = array();
    $mailto = COM_formatEmailAddress($to, $toemail);
    $mailfrom = COM_formatEmailAddress($from, $fromemail);
    $subject = COM_undoSpecialChars(strip_tags('Re: ' . $A['title']));
    $rc = COM_mail($mailto, $subject, $mailtext, $mailfrom, $html);
    if ($rc) {
        if ($_CONF['url_rewrite']) {
            $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '?msg=27');
        } else {
            $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '&amp;msg=27');
    } else {
        // Increment numemails counter for story
        DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['stories']} SET numemails = numemails + 1 WHERE sid = '" . DB_escapeString($sid) . "'");
        if ($_CONF['url_rewrite']) {
            $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '?msg=26');
        } else {
            $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '&amp;msg=26');
    echo COM_refresh($retval);
コード例 #20
*   Organizes events by hour, and separates all-day events.
*   @param  array   $events     Array of all events
*   @param  string  $today      Current date, YYYY-MM-DD.  Optional.
*   @return array               Array of 2 arrays, allday and hourly
function EVLIST_getDayViewData($events, $today = '')
    global $_CONF;
    // If no date/time passed used current timestamp
    if (empty($today)) {
        $today = $_EV_CONF['_today'];
    $hourlydata = array(0 => array(), 1 => array(), 2 => array(), 3 => array(), 4 => array(), 5 => array(), 6 => array(), 7 => array(), 8 => array(), 9 => array(), 10 => array(), 11 => array(), 12 => array(), 13 => array(), 14 => array(), 15 => array(), 16 => array(), 17 => array(), 18 => array(), 19 => array(), 20 => array(), 21 => array(), 22 => array(), 23 => array());
    $alldaydata = array();
    // Events are keyed by hour, so read through each hour
    foreach ($events as $date => $E) {
        // Now read each event contained in each hour
        foreach ($E as $id => $A) {
            // remove serialized data, not needed for display and interferes
            // with json encoding.
            if ($A['allday'] == 1 || $A['rp_date_start'] < $today && $A['rp_date_end'] > $today) {
                // This is an allday event, or spans days
                $alldaydata[] = $A;
            } else {
                // This is an event with start/end times.  For non-recurring
                // events, see if it actually starts before or after today
                // and adjust the times accordingly.
                if ($A['rp_date_start'] < $today) {
                    list($hr, $min, $sec) = explode(':', $A['rp_time_start1']);
                    $hr = '00';
                    $A['rp_times_start1'] = implode(':', array($hr, $min, $sec));
                    //} else {
                    //    $starthour = date('G', strtotime($A['rp_date_start'] .
                    //                    ' ' . $A['rp_time_start^1']));
                if ($A['rp_date_end'] > $today) {
                    list($hr, $min, $sec) = explode(':', $A['rp_time_end1']);
                    $hr = '23';
                    $A['rp_times_end1'] = implode(':', array($hr, $min, $sec));
                    //} else {
                    //    $endhour = date('G', strtotime($A['rp_date_end'] .
                    //                    ' ' . $A['rp_time_end1']));
                $dtStart = new Date(strtotime($A['rp_date_start'] . ' ' . $A['rp_time_start1']));
                $dtEnd = new Date(strtotime($A['rp_date_end'] . ' ' . $A['rp_time_end1']));
                //if (date('i', strtotime($A['rp_date_end'] . ' ' .
                //            $A['rp_time_end1'])) == '00') {
                //    $endhour = $endhour - 1;
                // Save the start & end times in separate variables.
                // This way we can add $A to a different hour if it's a split.
                //if (!isset($hourlydata[$starthour]))
                //    $hourlydata[$starthour] = array();
                // Set localized, formatted start and end time fields
                $starthour = $dtStart->format('G', false);
                // array index
                $time_start = $dtStart->format($_CONF['timeonly'], false);
                $time_end = $dtEnd->format($_CONF['timeonly'], false);
                $hourlydata[(int) $starthour][] = array('starthour' => $starthour, 'time_start' => $time_start, 'time_end' => $time_end, 'data' => $A);
                if ($A['split'] == 1 && $A['rp_time_end2'] > $A['rp_time_start2']) {
                    // This is a split event, second half occurs later today.
                    // Events spanning multiple days can't be split, so we
                    // know that the start and end times are on the same day.
                    //$starthour = date('G', strtotime($A['rp_date_start'] .
                    //                ' ' . $A['rp_time_start2']));
                    $dtStart->setTimestamp(strtotime($event['rp_date_start'] . ' ' . $event['rp_time_start2']));
                    $starthour = $dtStart->format('G', false);
                    $time_start = $dtStart->format($_CONF['timeonly'], false);
                    $dtEnd->setTimestamp(strtotime($event['rp_date_start'] . ' ' . $event['rp_time_end2']));
                    $time_end = $dtEnd->format($_CONF['timeonly'], false);
                    $hourlydata[(int) $starthour][] = array('starthour' => $starthour, 'time_start' => $time_start, 'time_end' => $time_end, 'data' => $A);
    return array($alldaydata, $hourlydata);
コード例 #21
ファイル: profiles.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
* Email story to a friend
* @param    string  $sid        id of story to email
* @param    string  $to         name of person / friend to email
* @param    string  $toemail    friend's email address
* @param    string  $from       name of person sending the email
* @param    string  $fromemail  sender's email address
* @param    string  $shortmsg   short intro text to send with the story
* @return   string              Meta refresh
* Modification History
* Date        Author        Description
* ----        ------        -----------
* 4/17/01    Tony Bibbs    Code now allows anonymous users to send email
*                and it allows user to input a message as well
*                Thanks to Yngve Wassvik Bergheim for some of
*                this code
function mailstory($sid, $to, $toemail, $from, $fromemail, $shortmsg, $html = 0)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG01, $LANG08;
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    $storyurl = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid);
    if ($_CONF['url_rewrite']) {
        $retURL = $storyurl . '?msg=85';
    } else {
        $retURL = $storyurl . '&amp;msg=85';
    // check for correct $_CONF permission
    if (COM_isAnonUser() && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] == 1 || $_CONF['emailstoryloginrequired'] == 1)) {
        echo COM_refresh($retURL);
    // check if emailing of stories is disabled
    if ($_CONF['hideemailicon'] == 1) {
        echo COM_refresh($retURL);
    // check mail speedlimit
    COM_clearSpeedlimit($_CONF['speedlimit'], 'mail');
    if (COM_checkSpeedlimit('mail') > 0) {
        echo COM_refresh($retURL);
    $filter = sanitizer::getInstance();
    if ($html) {
    } else {
    $allowedElements = $filter->makeAllowedElements($_CONF['htmlfilter_default']);
    $filter->setNamespace('glfusion', 'mail_story');
    $sql = "SELECT uid,title,introtext,bodytext,story_image,commentcode,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day,postmode FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '" . DB_escapeString($sid) . "'" . COM_getTopicSql('AND') . COM_getPermSql('AND');
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    if (DB_numRows($result) == 0) {
        return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php');
    $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
    $result = PLG_checkforSpam($shortmsg, $_CONF['spamx']);
    if ($result > 0) {
        COM_displayMessageAndAbort($result, 'spamx', 403, 'Forbidden');
    $T = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'email/');
    $T->set_file(array('html_msg' => 'mailstory_html.thtml', 'text_msg' => 'mailstory_text.thtml'));
    // filter any HTML from the short message
    $shortmsg = $filter->filterHTML($shortmsg);
    $html2txt = new html2text($shortmsg, false);
    $shortmsg_text = $html2txt->get_text();
    $story_body = COM_truncateHTML($A['introtext'], 512);
    $html2txt = new html2text($story_body, false);
    $story_body_text = $html2txt->get_text();
    $story_date = $dt->format($_CONF['date'], true);
    $story_title = COM_undoSpecialChars($A['title']);
    $story_url = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid);
    if ($_CONF['contributedbyline'] == 1) {
        $author = COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']);
    } else {
        $author = '';
    if ($A['story_image'] != '') {
        $story_image = $_CONF['site_url'] . $A['story_image'];
    } else {
        $story_image = '';
    $T->set_var(array('shortmsg_html' => $shortmsg, 'shortmsg_text' => $shortmsg_text, 'story_title' => $story_title, 'story_date' => $story_date, 'story_url' => $story_url, 'author' => $author, 'story_image' => $story_image, 'story_body_html' => $story_body, 'story_body_text' => $story_body_text, 'lang_by' => $LANG01[1], 'site_name' => $_CONF['site_name'], 'from_name' => $from, 'disclaimer' => sprintf($LANG08[23], $from, $fromemail)));
    $T->parse('message_body_html', 'html_msg');
    $message_body_html = $T->finish($T->get_var('message_body_html'));
    $T->parse('message_body_text', 'text_msg');
    $message_body_text = $T->finish($T->get_var('message_body_text'));
    $msgData = array('htmlmessage' => $message_body_html, 'textmessage' => $message_body_text, 'subject' => $story_title, 'from' => array('email' => $_CONF['site_mail'], 'name' => $from), 'to' => array('email' => $toemail, 'name' => $to));
    $mailto = array();
    $mailfrom = array();
    $mailto = COM_formatEmailAddress($to, $toemail);
    $mailfrom = COM_formatEmailAddress($from, $fromemail);
    $subject = COM_undoSpecialChars(strip_tags('Re: ' . $A['title']));
    $rc = COM_mail($mailto, $msgData['subject'], $msgData['htmlmessage'], $mailfrom, true, 0, '', $msgData['textmessage']);
    if ($rc) {
        if ($_CONF['url_rewrite']) {
            $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '?msg=27');
        } else {
            $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '&amp;msg=27');
    } else {
        // Increment numemails counter for story
        DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['stories']} SET numemails = numemails + 1 WHERE sid = '" . DB_escapeString($sid) . "'");
        if ($_CONF['url_rewrite']) {
            $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '?msg=26');
        } else {
            $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '&amp;msg=26');
    echo COM_refresh($retval);
コード例 #22
ファイル: search.class.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/glfusion
  * CallBack function for the ListFactory class
  * This function gets called by the ListFactory class and formats
  * each row accordingly for example pulling usernames from the
  * users table and displaying a link to their profile.
  * @author Sami Barakat <s.m.barakat AT gmail DOT com>
  * @access public
  * @param array $row An array of plain data to format
  * @return array A reformatted version of the input array
 function searchFormatCallBack($preSort, $row)
     global $_CONF, $_USER;
     $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
     if ($preSort) {
         $row[SQL_TITLE] = is_array($row[SQL_TITLE]) ? implode($_CONF['search_separator'], $row[SQL_TITLE]) : $row[SQL_TITLE];
         if (is_numeric($row['uid'])) {
             if (empty($this->_names[$row['uid']])) {
                 $this->_names[$row['uid']] = htmlspecialchars(COM_getDisplayName($row['uid']));
                 if ($row['uid'] != 1) {
                     $this->_names[$row['uid']] = COM_createLink($this->_names[$row['uid']], $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=profile&amp;uid=' . $row['uid']);
             $row['uid'] = $this->_names[$row['uid']];
     } else {
         $row[SQL_TITLE] = COM_createLink($row[SQL_TITLE], $this->_searchURL . '&amp;type=' . $row[SQL_NAME] . '&amp;mode=search');
         $row['url'] = ($row['url'][0] == '/' ? $_CONF['site_url'] : '') . $row['url'];
         if ($this->_url_rewrite[$row[SQL_NAME]]) {
             $row['url'] = COM_buildUrl($row['url']);
         if ($row['title'] == '') {
             $row['title'] = $row[SQL_TITLE];
         $row['title'] = $row['title'];
         // $this->_shortenText($this->_query, $row['title'], 6);
         $row['title'] = str_replace('$', '&#36;', $row['title']);
         $row['title'] = COM_createLink($row['title'], $row['url']);
         if ($row['description'] == '') {
             $row['description'] = $_CONF['search_no_data'];
         } else {
             $row['description'] = $row['description'];
         if ($row['description'] != $_CONF['search_no_data']) {
             $row['description'] = $this->_shortenText($this->_query, $row['description'], $this->_wordlength);
         $row['date'] = $dt->format($_CONF['daytime'], true);
         $row['hits'] = COM_NumberFormat($row['hits']) . ' ';
         // simple solution to a silly problem!
     return $row;
コード例 #23
ファイル: directory.php プロジェクト: spacequad/glfusion
* Display month view
* @param    ref    &$template   reference of the template
* @param    string  $dir_topic  current topic
* @param    int     $year   year to display
* @param    int     $month  month to display
* @return   string          list of articles for the given month
function DIR_displayMonth(&$template, $dir_topic, $year, $month)
    global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_MONTH, $LANG_DIR;
    $retval = '';
    $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']);
    $start = sprintf('%04d-%02d-01 00:00:00', $year, $month);
    $lastday = DIR_lastDayOfMonth($month, $year);
    $end = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d 23:59:59', $year, $month, $lastday);
    $sql = "SELECT sid,title,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day,DATE_FORMAT(date, '%e') AS mday FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (date >= '{$start}') AND (date <= '{$end}') AND (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW())";
    if ($dir_topic != 'all') {
        $sql .= " AND (tid = '" . DB_escapeString($dir_topic) . "')";
    $sql .= COM_getTopicSql('AND') . COM_getPermSql('AND') . COM_getLangSQL('sid', 'AND') . " ORDER BY date ASC";
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    $numrows = DB_numRows($result);
    if ($numrows > 0) {
        $entries = array();
        $mday = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i++) {
            $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
            if ($mday != $A['mday']) {
                if (count($entries) > 0) {
                    $retval .= COM_makeList($entries);
                    $entries = array();
                $day = $dt->format($_CONF['shortdate'], true);
                $template->set_var('section_title', $day);
                $retval .= $template->parse('title', 'section-title') . LB;
                $mday = $A['mday'];
            $url = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid']);
            $entries[] = COM_createLink($A['title'], $url);
        if (count($entries) > 0) {
            $retval .= COM_makeList($entries);
    } else {
        $retval .= $template->parse('message', 'no-articles') . LB;
    $retval .= LB;
    return $retval;