コード例 #1
  * Build the internal arrays that contain data about the calculated holidays
  * @access	 protected
  * @return	 boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object
  * @throws	 object PEAR_ErrorStack
 function _buildHolidays()
      * New Year's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('newYearsDay', $this->_year . '-01-01', 'New Year\'s Day');
      * Epiphanias
     $firstSunday = $this->_calcNthWeekDayInMonth(1, 0, 1);
     if ($firstSunday->getDay() == 1) {
         $firstSunday = $this->_addDays($firstSunday, 7);
     $this->_addHoliday('epiphanySunday', $firstSunday, 'Epiphany');
      * Valentine's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('valentinesDay', $this->_year . '-02-14', 'Valentine\'s Day');
      * Easter Sunday
     $easterDate = $this->getHolidayDate('easter');
      * Shrove Monday
     $shroveMondayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -48);
     $this->_addHoliday('shroveMonday', $shroveMondayDate, 'Shrove Monday');
      * Shrove Tuesday
     $shroveTuesdayDate = $this->_addDays($shroveMondayDate, 1);
     $this->_addHoliday('shroveTuesday', $shroveTuesdayDate, 'Shrove Tuesday');
      * International day of work
     $this->_addHoliday('dayOfWork', $this->_year . '-05-01', 'International day of work');
      * 1945 victory
     $this->_addHoliday('victory1945', $this->_year . '-05-08', 'Victory of 1945');
      * Mother's Day
     $mothersDay = $this->_calcLastSunday(5);
     $whitsun = $this->getHolidayDate('whitsun');
     $mothersDay2 = new Date($mothersDay);
     if ($mothersDay2->equals(clone $whitsun)) {
         $mothersDay = $this->_addDays($mothersDay, 7);
     $this->_addHoliday('mothersDay', $mothersDay, 'Mothers\' Day');
      * Abolition of Slavery Day (Mayotte)
     $this->_addHoliday('abolitionOfSlaveryDayMayotte', $this->_year . '-04-27', 'Abolition of Slavery Day');
      * Saint-Pierre-Chanel Day (Wallis and Futuna)
     $this->_addHoliday('saintPierreChanelDay', $this->_year . '-04-28', 'Saint-Pierre-Chanel Day');
      * Abolition of Slavery Day (Martinique)
     $this->_addHoliday('abolitionOfSlaveryDayMartinique', $this->_year . '-05-22', 'Abolition of Slavery Day');
      * Abolition of Slavery Day (Guadeloupe)
     $this->_addHoliday('abolitionOfSlaveryDayGuadeloupe', $this->_year . '-05-27', 'Abolition of Slavery Day');
      * Abolition of Slavery Day (Guyana)
     $this->_addHoliday('abolitionOfSlaveryDayGuyana', $this->_year . '-06-10', 'Abolition of Slavery Day');
      * Autonomy Day (French Polynesia)
     $this->_addHoliday('autonomyDay', $this->_year . '-06-29', 'Autonomy Day');
      * French National Day
     $this->_addHoliday('frenchNationalDay', $this->_year . '-07-14', 'French National Day');
      * Victor Schoelcher Day
     $this->_addHoliday('victorSchoelcherDay', $this->_year . '-07-21', 'Victor Schoelcher Day');
      * Territory Day (Wallis and Futuna)
     $this->_addHoliday('territoryDay', $this->_year . '-07-29', 'Territory Day');
      * Celebration of citizenship Day (New Caledonia)
     $this->_addHoliday('celebrationOfCitizenshipDay', $this->_year . '-09-24', 'Celebration of citizenship Day');
      * Veteran's	Day
     $this->_addHoliday('veteransDay', $this->_year . '-11-11', 'Veteran\'s Day');
      * Abolition of Slavery Day (Reunion)
     $this->_addHoliday('abolitionOfSlaveryDayReunion', $this->_year . '-12-20', 'Abolition of Slavery Day');
      * Saint Étienne Day(Alsace & Moselle)
     $this->_addHoliday('saintEtienneDay', $this->_year . '-12-26', 'Saint Étienne Day');
     if (Date_Holidays::errorsOccurred()) {
         return Date_Holidays::getErrorStack();
     return true;
コード例 #2
  * ???
  * @param integer $zoneId The ID of the zone to be tested.
  * @param unknown_type $campaignid ???
  * @param unknown_type $newStart ???
  * @param unknown_type $newEnd ???
  * @return unknown ???
 function _checkEmailZoneAdAssoc($zoneId, $campaignid, $newStart = false, $newEnd = false)
     // Suppress PEAR error handling for this method...
     require_once 'Date.php';
     // This is an email zone, so check all current linked ads for active date ranges
     $aOtherAds = Admin_DA::getAdZones(array('zone_id' => $zoneId));
     $campaignVariables = Admin_DA::getPlacement($campaignid);
     if ($newStart) {
         $campaignVariables['activate_time'] = $newStart;
     if ($newEnd) {
         $campaignVariables['expire_time'] = $newEnd;
     if (empty($campaignVariables['activate_time']) && empty($campaignVariables['expire_time'])) {
         return PEAR::raiseError($GLOBALS['strEmailNoDates'], MAX_ERROR_EMAILNODATES);
     $campaignStart = new Date($campaignVariables['activate_time']);
     $campaignEnd = new Date($campaignVariables['expire_time']);
     $okToLink = true;
     foreach ($aOtherAds as $azaID => $aAdVariables) {
         $aOtherAdVariables = Admin_DA::getAd($aAdVariables['ad_id']);
         if ($aOtherAdVariables['placement_id'] == $campaignid) {
         $otherCampaignVariables = Admin_DA::getPlacement($aOtherAdVariables['placement_id']);
         if (empty($otherCampaignVariables['activate_time']) || empty($otherCampaignVariables['expire_time'])) {
             $okToLink = false;
         // Do not allow link if either start or end date is within another linked campaign dates
         $otherCampaignStart = new Date($otherCampaignVariables['activate_time']);
         $otherCampaignEnd = new Date($otherCampaignVariables['expire_time']);
         if ($campaignStart->after($otherCampaignStart) && $campaignStart->before($otherCampaignEnd) || $campaignStart->equals($otherCampaignStart)) {
             $okToLink = false;
         if ($campaignEnd->after($otherCampaignStart) && $campaignEnd->before($otherCampaignEnd) || $campaignEnd->equals($otherCampaignEnd)) {
             $okToLink = false;
     if (!$okToLink) {
         $link = "campaign-edit.php?clientid={$otherCampaignVariables['advertiser_id']}&campaignid={$otherCampaignVariables['placement_id']}";
         return PEAR::raiseError($GLOBALS['strDatesConflict'] . ": <a href='{$link}'>" . $otherCampaignVariables['name'] . "</a>", MAX_ERROR_EXISTINGCAMPAIGNFORDATES);
     return true;
コード例 #3
 function testGetLastRun()
     $oMaintenance = new OX_Maintenance();
     $iLastRun = strtotime('2002-01-01');
     OA_Dal_ApplicationVariables::set('maintenance_timestamp', $iLastRun);
     $oDate = new Date((int) $iLastRun);
コード例 #4
ファイル: republish.php プロジェクト: akirsch/revive-adserver
    echo "Adding " . $oOIStart->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . "' -> '" . $oOIEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . " to the list of run dates<br />\n";
    // Store the dates
    $oStoreStartDate = new Date();
    $oStoreEndDate = new Date();
    $aRunDates[] = array('start' => $oStoreStartDate, 'end' => $oStoreEndDate);
    $oOIEnd = OX_OperationInterval::addOperationIntervalTimeSpan($oOIEnd);
    $oOIStart = OX_OperationInterval::addOperationIntervalTimeSpan($oOIStart);
// The summariseFinal process requires complete hours (not OI's), so record these too
$oOIStart = new Date(INTERVAL_START);
$oOIEnd = new Date(INTERVAL_START);
$oOIEnd->addSeconds(60 * 60 - 1);
$aRunHours = array();
while ($oOIEnd->before($oEndDate) || $oOIEnd->equals($oEndDate)) {
    echo "Adding " . $oOIStart->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . "' -> '" . $oOIEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . " to the list of run dates<br />\n";
    // Store the dates
    $oStoreStartDate = new Date();
    $oStoreEndDate = new Date();
    $aRunHours[] = array('start' => $oStoreStartDate, 'end' => $oStoreEndDate);
    $oOIEnd->addSeconds(60 * 60);
    $oOIStart->addSeconds(60 * 60);
// Create and register an instance of the OA_Dal_Maintenance_Statistics DAL class for the following tasks to use
$oServiceLocator =& OA_ServiceLocator::instance();
if (!$oServiceLocator->get('OX_Dal_Maintenance_Statistics')) {
    $oFactory = new OX_Dal_Maintenance_Statistics_Factory();
    $oDal = $oFactory->factory();
コード例 #5
  * The implementation of the OA_Task::run() method that performs
  * the required task of logging the completion of the MSE process.
  * @param PEAR::Date $oEndDate Optional date/time representing the end of the tasks.
 function run($oEndDate = null)
     $oServiceLocator =& OA_ServiceLocator::instance();
     $oNowDate =& $oServiceLocator->get('now');
     if (is_null($oEndDate)) {
         $oEndDate = new Date();
     // Prepare the duraction to log from the start and end dates
     $oDuration = new Date_Span();
     $oStartDateCopy = new Date();
     $oEndDateCopy = new Date();
     $oDuration->setFromDateDiff($oStartDateCopy, $oEndDateCopy);
     $message = '- Logging the completion of the maintenance statistics run';
     $this->oController->report .= "{$message}.\n";
     OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     // Determine the type of MSE completion logging required
     if ($this->oController->updateFinal && $this->oController->updateIntermediate) {
         // Need to log that both the intermediate and final tables were updated;
         // however, need to ensure that we log the correct "updated to" times
         $oUpdateIntermediateToDate = new Date();
         $oUpdateFinalToDate = new Date();
         if ($oUpdateIntermediateToDate->equals($oUpdateFinalToDate)) {
             // The dates are the same, log info with one row
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics = OA_Dal::factoryDO('log_maintenance_statistics');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->start_run = $oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->end_run = $oEndDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->duration = $oDuration->toSeconds();
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->adserver_run_type = OX_DAL_MAINTENANCE_STATISTICS_UPDATE_BOTH;
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->updated_to = $this->oController->oUpdateIntermediateToDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
         } else {
             // The dates are not the same, log info with two rows
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics = OA_Dal::factoryDO('log_maintenance_statistics');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->start_run = $oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->end_run = $oEndDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->duration = $oDuration->toSeconds();
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->adserver_run_type = OX_DAL_MAINTENANCE_STATISTICS_UPDATE_OI;
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->updated_to = $this->oController->oUpdateIntermediateToDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics = OA_Dal::factoryDO('log_maintenance_statistics');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->start_run = $oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->end_run = $oEndDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->duration = $oDuration->toSeconds();
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->adserver_run_type = OX_DAL_MAINTENANCE_STATISTICS_UPDATE_HOUR;
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->updated_to = $this->oController->oUpdateFinalToDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
     } else {
         if ($this->oController->updateIntermediate) {
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics = OA_Dal::factoryDO('log_maintenance_statistics');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->start_run = $oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->end_run = $oEndDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->duration = $oDuration->toSeconds();
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->adserver_run_type = OX_DAL_MAINTENANCE_STATISTICS_UPDATE_OI;
             $doLog_maintenance_statistics->updated_to = $this->oController->oUpdateIntermediateToDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
         } else {
             if ($this->oController->updateFinal) {
                 $doLog_maintenance_statistics = OA_Dal::factoryDO('log_maintenance_statistics');
                 $doLog_maintenance_statistics->start_run = $oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
                 $doLog_maintenance_statistics->end_run = $oEndDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
                 $doLog_maintenance_statistics->duration = $oDuration->toSeconds();
                 $doLog_maintenance_statistics->adserver_run_type = OX_DAL_MAINTENANCE_STATISTICS_UPDATE_HOUR;
                 $doLog_maintenance_statistics->updated_to = $this->oController->oUpdateFinalToDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
             } else {
                 return false;
     // Log the report to the "user log"
     return true;
  * A method to test the _getDate() method.
  * Test 1: Test with no date in the OA_ServiceLocator, and ensure that the
  *         current date/time is returned.
  * Test 2: Test with a date in the OA_ServiceLocator, and ensure that the
  *         correct date/time is returned.
  * Test 3: Test with a date passed in as a parameter, and ensure that the
  *         correct date/time is returned.
 function test_getDate()
     $oGetRequiredAdImpressionsLifetime =& $this->_getCurrentTask();
     // Test 1
     $oServiceLocator =& OA_ServiceLocator::instance();
     $oDate1 = $oGetRequiredAdImpressionsLifetime->_getDate();
     $oDate2 = $oServiceLocator->get('now');
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($oDate1, 'Date'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($oDate2, 'Date'));
     // Test 2
     $oDate1 = new Date();
     $oServiceLocator->register('now', $oDate1);
     $oDate2 = $oGetRequiredAdImpressionsLifetime->_getDate();
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($oDate2, 'Date'));
     // Test 3
     $oDate1 = new Date('2005-12-08 13:55:00');
     $oDate2 = $oGetRequiredAdImpressionsLifetime->_getDate($oDate1->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($oDate2, 'Date'));
コード例 #7
ファイル: trend.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/badger-svn
function isValidDate($date)
    if (is_null($date)) {
        return false;
    $nullDate = new Date('0000-01-01');
    if ($nullDate->equals($date)) {
        return false;
    return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: DateTest.php プロジェクト: AroundPBT/PHPBoost
 public function test_equals()
     $date1 = new Date(DATE_YEAR_MONTH_DAY, Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE, 2009, 10, 17);
     $date2 = new Date(DATE_YEAR_MONTH_DAY, Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE, 2009, 10, 18);
     self::assertEquals(false, $date2->equals($date1));
     self::assertEquals(true, $date1->equals($date1));
コード例 #9
ファイル: Date.class.php プロジェクト: phoebius/phoebius
  * Compares to dates.
  * Returns:
  * - 0 if dates are equal
  * - 1 if left Date > right Date
  * - -1 if left Date < right Date
  * @return int 0 if dates are eq; "1" if left Date > right Date; "-1" if left Date < right Date
 static function compare(Date $left, Date $right)
     if ($left->equals($right)) {
         return CompareResult::EQUALS;
     } else {
         return $left->int > $right->int ? CompareResult::GREATER_THAN : CompareResult::LESS_THAN;
コード例 #10
ファイル: example.php プロジェクト: MagnusA/Date
<h4>Display micro-time:</h4>
echo_code($date->format('%d/%m/%Y %I.%M.%s'));
echo_code($date->format2('DD/MM/YYYY HH12.MI.SS.FFFFFF'));
<h4>Convert to Unix time:</h4>
echo_code($hn_unixtime = $date->format2('U'));
<h4>Convert Unix time back to Date object:</h4>
$date2 = new Date($hn_unixtime);
echo_code($date2->format2("DD/MM/YYYY HH.MI.SSTZO"));
<h4>Compare two times for equality:</h4>
if ($date2->before($date)) {
    echo "second date is earlier (because Unix time ignores the part-second)<br />\n";
if ($date2->equals($date)) {
    echo "dates are now the same<br />\n";
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />