function showSensorPeekAction() { @($id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['id'], 'integer', 0)); @($view_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['view_id'], 'string', '')); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('path', $this->_TPL_PATH); $tpl->assign('view_id', $view_id); if (null == ($sensor = DAO_Sensor::get($id))) { $sensor = new Model_Sensor(); $sensor->extension_id = 'sensor.external'; } $tpl->assign('sensor', $sensor); $sensor_types = DevblocksPlatform::getExtensions('portsensor.sensor', false); $tpl->assign('sensor_types', $sensor_types); // Sensor extension instance if (!empty($sensor->extension_id) && isset($sensor_types[$sensor->extension_id])) { $tpl->assign('sensor_extension', DevblocksPlatform::getExtension($sensor->extension_id, true)); } // Custom Fields $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(PsCustomFieldSource_Sensor::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $custom_field_values = DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(PsCustomFieldSource_Sensor::ID, $id); if (isset($custom_field_values[$id])) { $tpl->assign('custom_field_values', $custom_field_values[$id]); } $tpl->display('file:' . $this->_TPL_PATH . 'sensors/peek.tpl'); }
function renderConfig(Model_PreParseRule $filter = null) { $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/'; $groups = DAO_Group::getAll(); $tpl->assign('groups', $groups); $ticket_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource('cerberusweb.fields.source.ticket'); $tpl->assign('ticket_fields', $ticket_fields); $params = $filter->actions[self::EXTENSION_ID]; $tpl->assign('headers', $params['headers']); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $params['custom_fields']); $tpl->display($path . 'header_filter_action.tpl'); }
public static function _doBulkSetCustomFields($source_extension, $custom_fields, $ids) { $fields = DAO_CustomField::getAll(); if (!empty($custom_fields)) { foreach ($custom_fields as $cf_id => $params) { if (!is_array($params) || !isset($params['value'])) { continue; } $cf_val = $params['value']; // Data massaging switch ($fields[$cf_id]->type) { case Model_CustomField::TYPE_DATE: $cf_val = intval(@strtotime($cf_val)); break; case Model_CustomField::TYPE_CHECKBOX: case Model_CustomField::TYPE_NUMBER: $cf_val = 0 == strlen($cf_val) ? '' : intval($cf_val); break; } // If multi-selection types, handle delta changes if (Model_CustomField::TYPE_MULTI_PICKLIST == $fields[$cf_id]->type || Model_CustomField::TYPE_MULTI_CHECKBOX == $fields[$cf_id]->type) { if (is_array($cf_val)) { foreach ($cf_val as $val) { $op = substr($val, 0, 1); $val = substr($val, 1); if (is_array($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { if ($op == '+') { DAO_CustomFieldValue::setFieldValue($source_extension, $id, $cf_id, $val, true); } elseif ($op == '-') { DAO_CustomFieldValue::unsetFieldValue($source_extension, $id, $cf_id, $val); } } } } } // Otherwise, set/unset as a single field } else { if (is_array($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { if (0 != strlen($cf_val)) { DAO_CustomFieldValue::setFieldValue($source_extension, $id, $cf_id, $cf_val); } else { DAO_CustomFieldValue::unsetFieldValue($source_extension, $id, $cf_id); } } } } } } }
private function _getValueCounts($field_id) { $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService(); // Selected custom field if (null == ($field = DAO_CustomField::get($field_id))) { return; } if (null == ($table = DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValueTableName($field_id))) { return; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT field_value, count(field_value) AS hits " . "FROM %s " . "WHERE source_extension = %s " . "AND field_id = %d " . "GROUP BY field_value", $table, $db->qstr($field->source_extension), $field->id); $rs_values = $db->Execute($sql); $value_counts = array(); while (!$rs_values->EOF) { $value = $rs_values->fields['field_value']; $hits = intval($rs_values->fields['hits']); $value_counts[$value] = intval($hits); $rs_values->MoveNext(); } arsort($value_counts); return $value_counts; }
function showOrgPeekAction() { @($id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['id'], 'integer', '')); @($view_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['view_id'], 'string', '')); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('path', $this->_TPL_PATH); $contact = DAO_ContactOrg::get($id); $tpl->assign('contact', $contact); // Custom fields $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_Org::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $custom_field_values = DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(ChCustomFieldSource_Org::ID, $id); if (isset($custom_field_values[$id])) { $tpl->assign('custom_field_values', $custom_field_values[$id]); } $types = Model_CustomField::getTypes(); $tpl->assign('types', $types); // View $tpl->assign('view_id', $view_id); $tpl->display('file:' . $this->_TPL_PATH . 'contacts/orgs/org_peek.tpl'); }
function run(Model_PreParseRule $filter, CerberusParserMessage $message) { $message_headers = $message->headers; $subject = $message->headers['subject']; $ticket_fields = DAO_CustomField::getAll(); $params = $filter->actions[self::EXTENSION_ID]; $day_of_week = date('N'); $logger = DevblocksPlatform::getConsoleLog(); $logger->info("Answernet: Running Filter on New Mail"); // Houser,Colin <1034179><Missing Serviced Customer information> // Current custom_fields numbers // 1 = Due Date // 2 = RM Employee ID // 3 = RM Name // 4 = Topic_metlife /0/2/4/6/8/10/12/14 // 5 = SLA // 6 = New Hire Yes = 0 / No = 2 // $sub = explode(',', $subject, 2); $lname = $sub[0]; $sub2 = explode("<", $sub[1]); $fname = $sub2[0]; $emp_id = $sub2[1]; $topic_metlife = $sub2[2]; $message->custom_fields['2'] = substr($emp_id, 0, -1); $message->custom_fields['3'] = trim($fname) . " " . trim($lname); // If topic == Import contacts if (preg_match('/import/i', $topic_metlife)) { $message->custom_fields['4'] = "Import contacts"; $message->custom_fields['5'] = 1; $message->custom_fields['6'] = "Yes"; } // If topic == Create mailing list from existing data if (preg_match('/mailing/i', $topic_metlife)) { $message->custom_fields['4'] = "Create mailing list from existing data"; $message->custom_fields['5'] = 3; $message->custom_fields['6'] = "Yes"; } // If topic == Update existing contacts if (preg_match('/Update/i', $topic_metlife)) { $message->custom_fields['4'] = "Update existing contacts"; $message->custom_fields['5'] = 3; $message->custom_fields['6'] = "No"; } // If topic == Research missing customer info if (preg_match('/Research/i', $topic_metlife)) { $message->custom_fields['4'] = "Research missing customer info"; $message->custom_fields['5'] = 5; $message->custom_fields['6'] = "No"; } // If topic == Create labels if (preg_match('/labels/i', $topic_metlife)) { $message->custom_fields['4'] = "Create labels"; $message->custom_fields['5'] = 1; $message->custom_fields['6'] = "No"; } // If topic == Export third-party file if (preg_match('/third/i', $topic_metlife)) { $message->custom_fields['4'] = "Export third-party file"; $message->custom_fields['5'] = 3; $message->custom_fields['6'] = "No"; } // If topic == Other if (preg_match('/Other/i', $topic_metlife)) { $message->custom_fields['4'] = "Other"; $message->custom_fields['5'] = 5; $message->custom_fields['6'] = "No"; } // SLA of 1. Process day of week Busness Days suck. if ($message->custom_fields['5'] == 1) { if ($day_of_week < 5 || $day_of_week == 7) { $message->custom_fields['1'] = strtotime("+1 Days"); } if ($day_of_week == 6) { $message->custom_fields['1'] = strtotime("+2 Days"); } if ($day_of_week == 5) { $message->custom_fields['1'] = strtotime("+3 Days"); } } // SLA of 3. Process day of week Busness Days suck. if ($message->custom_fields['5'] == 3) { if ($day_of_week < 4 || $day_of_week == 7) { $message->custom_fields['1'] = strtotime("+3 Days"); } if ($day_of_week == 6) { $message->custom_fields['1'] = strtotime("+4 Days"); } if ($day_of_week > 3 && $day_of_week < 6) { $message->custom_fields['1'] = strtotime("+5 Days"); } } // SLA of 5. Process day of week Busness Days suck. if ($message->custom_fields['5'] == 5) { if ($day_of_week == 1 || $day_of_week == 7) { $message->custom_fields['1'] = strtotime("+5 Days"); } if ($day_of_week == 6) { $message->custom_fields['1'] = strtotime("+6 Days"); } if ($day_of_week > 1 && $day_of_week < 6) { $message->custom_fields['1'] = strtotime("+7 Days"); } } }
/** * @return Model_WatcherMailFilter[]|false */ static function getMatches(CerberusTicket $ticket, $event, $only_worker_id = null) { $matches = array(); if (!empty($only_worker_id)) { $filters = DAO_WatcherMailFilter::getWhere(sprintf("%s = %d AND %s = %d", DAO_WatcherMailFilter::WORKER_ID, $only_worker_id, DAO_WatcherMailFilter::IS_DISABLED, 0)); } else { $filters = DAO_WatcherMailFilter::getWhere(sprintf("%s = %d", DAO_WatcherMailFilter::IS_DISABLED, 0)); } // [JAS]: Don't send obvious spam to watchers. if ($ticket->spam_score >= 0.9) { return false; } // Build our objects $ticket_from = DAO_Address::get($ticket->last_wrote_address_id); $ticket_group_id = $ticket->team_id; // [TODO] These expensive checks should only populate when needed $messages = DAO_Ticket::getMessagesByTicket($ticket->id); $message_headers = array(); if (empty($messages)) { return false; } if (null != @($message_last = array_pop($messages))) { /* @var $message_last CerberusMessage */ $message_headers = $message_last->getHeaders(); } // Clear the rest of the message manifests unset($messages); $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getAll(); // Lazy load when needed on criteria basis $ticket_field_values = null; $address_field_values = null; $org_field_values = null; // Worker memberships (for checking permissions) $workers = DAO_Worker::getAll(); $group_rosters = DAO_Group::getRosters(); // Check filters if (is_array($filters)) { foreach ($filters as $filter) { /* @var $filter Model_WatcherMailFilter */ $passed = 0; // check the worker's group memberships if (!isset($workers[$filter->worker_id]) || $workers[$filter->worker_id]->is_disabled || !$workers[$filter->worker_id]->is_superuser && !isset($group_rosters[$ticket->team_id][$filter->worker_id])) { // no membership continue; } // check criteria foreach ($filter->criteria as $rule_key => $rule) { @($value = $rule['value']); switch ($rule_key) { case 'dayofweek': $current_day = strftime('%w'); //$current_day = 1; // Forced to English abbrevs as indexes $days = array('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'); // Is the current day enabled? if (isset($rule[$days[$current_day]])) { $passed++; } break; case 'timeofday': $current_hour = strftime('%H'); $current_min = strftime('%M'); //$current_hour = 17; //$current_min = 5; if (null != ($from_time = @$rule['from'])) { list($from_hour, $from_min) = explode(':', $from_time); } if (null != ($to_time = @$rule['to'])) { if (list($to_hour, $to_min) = explode(':', $to_time)) { } } // Do we need to wrap around to the next day's hours? if ($from_hour > $to_hour) { // yes $to_hour += 24; // add 24 hrs to the destination (1am = 25th hour) } // Are we in the right 24 hourly range? if ((int) $current_hour >= $from_hour && (int) $current_hour <= $to_hour) { // If we're in the first hour, are we minutes early? if ($current_hour == $from_hour && (int) $current_min < $from_min) { break; } // If we're in the last hour, are we minutes late? if ($current_hour == $to_hour && (int) $current_min > $to_min) { break; } $passed++; } break; case 'event': if (!empty($event) && is_array($rule) && isset($rule[$event])) { $passed++; } break; case 'groups': if (null !== @($group_buckets = $rule['groups'][$ticket->team_id]) && (empty($group_buckets) || in_array($ticket->category_id, $group_buckets))) { $passed++; } break; case 'next_worker_id': // If it's an assigned event, we only care about the filter's owner if (!empty($event) && 0 == strcasecmp($event, 'ticket_assignment')) { if (intval($value) == intval($filter->worker_id)) { $passed++; break; } } if (intval($value) == intval($ticket->next_worker_id)) { $passed++; } break; case 'mask': $regexp_mask = DevblocksPlatform::strToRegExp($value); if (@preg_match($regexp_mask, $ticket->mask)) { $passed++; } break; case 'from': $regexp_from = DevblocksPlatform::strToRegExp($value); if (@preg_match($regexp_from, $ticket_from->email)) { $passed++; } break; case 'subject': $regexp_subject = DevblocksPlatform::strToRegExp($value); if (@preg_match($regexp_subject, $ticket->subject)) { $passed++; } break; case 'body': if (null == ($message_body = $message_last->getContent())) { break; } // Line-by-line body scanning (sed-like) $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]/", $message_body); if (is_array($lines)) { foreach ($lines as $line) { if (@preg_match($value, $line)) { $passed++; break; } } } break; case 'header1': case 'header2': case 'header3': case 'header4': case 'header5': @($header = strtolower($rule['header'])); if (empty($header)) { $passed++; break; } if (empty($value)) { // we're checking for null/blanks if (!isset($message_headers[$header]) || empty($message_headers[$header])) { $passed++; } } elseif (isset($message_headers[$header]) && !empty($message_headers[$header])) { $regexp_header = DevblocksPlatform::strToRegExp($value); // Flatten CRLF if (@preg_match($regexp_header, str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), ' ', $message_headers[$header]))) { $passed++; } } break; default: // ignore invalids // Custom Fields if (0 == strcasecmp('cf_', substr($rule_key, 0, 3))) { $field_id = substr($rule_key, 3); // Make sure it exists if (null == @($field = $custom_fields[$field_id])) { continue; } // Lazy values loader $field_values = array(); switch ($field->source_extension) { case ChCustomFieldSource_Address::ID: if (null == $address_field_values) { $address_field_values = array_shift(DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(ChCustomFieldSource_Address::ID, $ticket_from->id)); } $field_values =& $address_field_values; break; case ChCustomFieldSource_Org::ID: if (null == $org_field_values) { $org_field_values = array_shift(DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(ChCustomFieldSource_Org::ID, $ticket_from->contact_org_id)); } $field_values =& $org_field_values; break; case ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID: if (null == $ticket_field_values) { $ticket_field_values = array_shift(DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID, $ticket->id)); } $field_values =& $ticket_field_values; break; } // Type sensitive value comparisons // [TODO] Operators switch ($field->type) { case 'S': // string // string case 'T': // clob // clob case 'U': // URL $field_val = isset($field_values[$field_id]) ? $field_values[$field_id] : ''; $oper = isset($rule['oper']) ? $rule['oper'] : "="; if ($oper == "=" && @preg_match(DevblocksPlatform::strToRegExp($value, true), $field_val)) { $passed++; } elseif ($oper == "!=" && @(!preg_match(DevblocksPlatform::strToRegExp($value, true), $field_val))) { $passed++; } break; case 'N': // number $field_val = isset($field_values[$field_id]) ? $field_values[$field_id] : 0; $oper = isset($rule['oper']) ? $rule['oper'] : "="; if ($oper == "=" && intval($field_val) == intval($value)) { $passed++; } elseif ($oper == "!=" && intval($field_val) != intval($value)) { $passed++; } elseif ($oper == ">" && intval($field_val) > intval($value)) { $passed++; } elseif ($oper == "<" && intval($field_val) < intval($value)) { $passed++; } break; case 'E': // date $field_val = isset($field_values[$field_id]) ? intval($field_values[$field_id]) : 0; $from = isset($rule['from']) ? $rule['from'] : "0"; $to = isset($rule['to']) ? $rule['to'] : "now"; if (intval(@strtotime($from)) <= $field_val && intval(@strtotime($to)) >= $field_val) { $passed++; } break; case 'C': // checkbox $field_val = isset($field_values[$field_id]) ? $field_values[$field_id] : 0; if (intval($value) == intval($field_val)) { $passed++; } break; case 'D': // dropdown // dropdown case 'X': // multi-checkbox // multi-checkbox case 'M': // multi-picklist // multi-picklist case 'W': // worker $field_val = isset($field_values[$field_id]) ? $field_values[$field_id] : array(); if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } if (is_array($field_val)) { // if multiple things set foreach ($field_val as $v) { // loop through possible if (isset($value[$v])) { // is any possible set? $passed++; break; } } } else { // single if (isset($value[$field_val])) { // is our set field in possibles? $passed++; break; } } break; } } break; } } // If our rule matched every criteria, stop and return the filter if ($passed == count($filter->criteria)) { DAO_WatcherMailFilter::increment($filter->id); // ++ the times we've matched $matches[$filter->id] = $filter; } } } if (!empty($matches)) { return $matches; } // No matches return false; }
function render() { $this->_sanitize(); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('id', $this->id); $tpl->assign('view', $this); $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(UmCustomFieldSource_Worker::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $tpl->assign('view_fields', $this->getColumns()); $tpl->display('file:' . APP_PATH . '/features/usermeet.core/templates/setup/tabs/workers/view.tpl'); }
function showPropertiesAction() { @($ticket_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['ticket_id'], 'integer')); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('path', $this->_TPL_PATH); $tpl->assign('ticket_id', $ticket_id); $ticket = DAO_Ticket::getTicket($ticket_id); $tpl->assign('ticket', $ticket); $requesters = DAO_Ticket::getRequestersByTicket($ticket_id); $tpl->assign('requesters', $requesters); $workers = DAO_Worker::getAllActive(); $tpl->assign('workers', $workers); // Groups (for custom fields) $groups = DAO_Group::getAll(); $tpl->assign('groups', $groups); // Custom fields $fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID); $tpl->assign('ticket_fields', $fields); $field_values = DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID, $ticket_id); if (isset($field_values[$ticket->id])) { $tpl->assign('ticket_field_values', $field_values[$ticket->id]); } $tpl->display('file:' . $this->_TPL_PATH . 'display/modules/properties/index.tpl'); }
function showBatchPanelAction() { @($ids = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['ids'])); @($view_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['view_id'])); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('path', $this->_TPL_PATH); $tpl->assign('view_id', $view_id); $unique_sender_ids = array(); $unique_subjects = array(); if (!empty($ids)) { $ticket_ids = DevblocksPlatform::parseCsvString($ids); if (empty($ticket_ids)) { break; } $tickets = DAO_Ticket::getTickets($ticket_ids); if (is_array($tickets)) { foreach ($tickets as $ticket) { /* @var $ticket CerberusTicket */ $ptr =& $unique_sender_ids[$ticket->first_wrote_address_id]; $ptr = intval($ptr) + 1; $ptr =& $unique_subjects[$ticket->subject]; $ptr = intval($ptr) + 1; } } arsort($unique_subjects); // sort by occurrences $senders = DAO_Address::getWhere(sprintf("%s IN (%s)", DAO_Address::ID, implode(',', array_keys($unique_sender_ids)))); foreach ($senders as $sender) { $ptr =& $unique_senders[$sender->email]; $ptr = intval($ptr) + 1; } arsort($unique_senders); unset($senders); unset($unique_sender_ids); @$tpl->assign('ticket_ids', $ticket_ids); @$tpl->assign('unique_senders', $unique_senders); @$tpl->assign('unique_subjects', $unique_subjects); } // Teams $teams = DAO_Group::getAll(); $tpl->assign('teams', $teams); // Categories $team_categories = DAO_Bucket::getTeams(); // [TODO] Cache these $tpl->assign('team_categories', $team_categories); $workers = DAO_Worker::getAllActive(); $tpl->assign('workers', $workers); // Custom Fields $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $tpl->display('file:' . $this->_TPL_PATH . 'tickets/rpc/batch_panel.tpl'); }
function render() { $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('id', $this->id); $view_path = DEVBLOCKS_PLUGIN_PATH . ''; $tpl->assign('view_path_mobile', $view_path_mobile); $tpl->assign('view', $this); $visit = CerberusApplication::getVisit(); $results = self::getData(); $tpl->assign('results', $results); @($ids = array_keys($results[0])); $workers = DAO_Worker::getAll(); $tpl->assign('workers', $workers); $teams = DAO_Group::getAll(); $tpl->assign('teams', $teams); $buckets = DAO_Bucket::getAll(); $tpl->assign('buckets', $buckets); $team_categories = DAO_Bucket::getTeams(); $tpl->assign('team_categories', $team_categories); // [TODO] Is this even used here or did mfogg copy it blindly? $ticket_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID); $tpl->assign('ticket_fields', $ticket_fields); // Undo? // [TODO] Is this even used here or did mfogg copy it blindly? $last_action = C4_TicketView::getLastAction($this->id); $tpl->assign('last_action', $last_action); if (!empty($last_action) && !is_null($last_action->ticket_ids)) { $tpl->assign('last_action_count', count($last_action->ticket_ids)); } $tpl->cache_lifetime = "0"; $tpl->assign('view_fields', $this->getColumns()); $tpl->display('file:' . $view_path . 'ticket_view.tpl'); }
function render() { $this->_sanitize(); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('id', $this->id); $tpl->assign('view', $this); $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(FegCustomFieldSource_Message::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $tpl->assign('view_fields', $this->getColumns()); switch ($this->renderTemplate) { case 'failed': $tpl->display('file:' . APP_PATH . '/features/feg.core/templates/setup/tabs/message/view_failed.tpl'); break; case 'format': $tpl->display('file:' . APP_PATH . '/features/feg.core/templates/setup/tabs/message/view_format.tpl'); break; default: $tpl->display('file:' . APP_PATH . '/features/feg.core/templates/setup/tabs/message/view.tpl'); break; } }
function getReportAction() { @($field_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['field_id'], 'integer', 0)); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->cache_lifetime = "0"; $tpl->assign('path', $this->tpl_path); // Custom Field sources (tickets, orgs, etc.) $source_manifests = DevblocksPlatform::getExtensions('cerberusweb.fields.source', false); uasort($source_manifests, create_function('$a, $b', "return strcasecmp(\$a->name,\$b->name);\n")); $tpl->assign('source_manifests', $source_manifests); $field = DAO_CustomField::get($field_id); $tpl->assign('field', $field); $value_counts = self::_getValueCounts($field_id); $tpl->assign('value_counts', $value_counts); $tpl->display('file:' . $this->tpl_path . '/reports/custom_fields/usage/html.tpl'); }
function showTasksPropertiesTabAction() { @($task_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['id'], 'integer')); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/templates/'; $tpl->assign('path', $tpl_path); $task = DAO_Task::get($task_id); $tpl->assign('task', $task); $active_workers = DAO_Worker::getAllActive(); $tpl->assign('active_workers', $active_workers); $workers = DAO_Worker::getAllWithDisabled(); $tpl->assign('workers', $workers); // Custom fields $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_Task::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $custom_field_values = DAO_CustomFieldValue::getValuesBySourceIds(ChCustomFieldSource_Task::ID, $task_id); if (isset($custom_field_values[$task_id])) { $tpl->assign('custom_field_values', $custom_field_values[$task_id]); } $tpl->display('file:' . $tpl_path . 'tasks/display/tabs/properties.tpl'); }
function render($type, $list) { $fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID); foreach ($fields as $field_id => $field) { if ($field->group_id == 0) { $cf_ticket['#cf_ticket_' . $field->name . '#'] = $field->name; } } $list['Custom Ticket Fields'] = $cf_ticket; return; }
function render() { $this->_sanitize(); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('id', $this->id); $tpl->assign('view', $this); // Tool Manifests $tools = DevblocksPlatform::getExtensions('usermeet.tool', false, true); $tpl->assign('tool_extensions', $tools); // Pull the results so we can do some row introspection $results = $this->getData(); $tpl->assign('results', $results); // Custom fields $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(CustomFieldSource_CommunityPortal::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $tpl->assign('view_fields', $this->getColumns()); $tpl->display('file:' . APP_PATH . '/features/usermeet.core/templates/community/config/tab/view.tpl'); }
function showTaskBulkPanelAction() { @($ids = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['ids'])); @($view_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['view_id'])); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('view_id', $view_id); if (!empty($ids)) { $id_list = DevblocksPlatform::parseCsvString($ids); $tpl->assign('ids', implode(',', $id_list)); } $workers = DAO_Worker::getAllActive(); $tpl->assign('workers', $workers); // Custom Fields $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_Task::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $tpl->cache_lifetime = "0"; $tpl->display('file:' . $this->_TPL_PATH . 'tasks/rpc/bulk.tpl'); }
function writeResponse(DevblocksHttpResponse $response) { $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl_path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/templates/'; $theme = DAO_CommunityToolProperty::get($this->getPortal(), UmScApp::PARAM_THEME, UmScApp::DEFAULT_THEME); if (!is_dir($tpl_path . 'portal/sc/themes/' . $theme)) { $theme = UmScApp::DEFAULT_THEME; } $umsession = $this->getSession(); $active_user = $umsession->getProperty('sc_login', null); $stack = $response->path; @($module = array_shift($stack)); switch ($module) { default: case 'home': $sHomeRss = DAO_CommunityToolProperty::get($this->getPortal(), UmScApp::PARAM_HOME_RSS, ''); $aHomeRss = !empty($sHomeRss) ? unserialize($sHomeRss) : array(); $feeds = array(); // [TODO] Implement a feed cache so we aren't bombing out foreach ($aHomeRss as $title => $url) { $feed = null; try { $feed = Zend_Feed::import($url); } catch (Exception $e) { } if (!empty($feed) && $feed->count()) { $feeds[] = array('name' => $title, 'feed' => $feed); } } $tpl->assign('feeds', $feeds); $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/home/index.tpl"); break; case 'account': if (!$this->allow_logins || empty($active_user)) { break; } $address = DAO_Address::get($active_user->id); $tpl->assign('address', $address); $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/account/index.tpl"); break; case 'kb': // KB Roots $sKbRoots = DAO_CommunityToolProperty::get($this->getPortal(), UmScApp::PARAM_KB_ROOTS, ''); $kb_roots = !empty($sKbRoots) ? unserialize($sKbRoots) : array(); $kb_roots_str = '0'; if (!empty($kb_roots)) { $kb_roots_str = implode(',', array_keys($kb_roots)); } switch (array_shift($stack)) { case 'article': if (empty($kb_roots)) { return; } $id = intval(array_shift($stack)); list($articles, $count) = DAO_KbArticle::search(array(new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_KbArticle::ID, '=', $id), new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_KbArticle::TOP_CATEGORY_ID, 'in', array_keys($kb_roots))), -1, 0, null, null, false); if (!isset($articles[$id])) { break; } $article = DAO_KbArticle::get($id); $tpl->assign('article', $article); @($article_list = $umsession->getProperty(UmScApp::SESSION_ARTICLE_LIST, array())); if (!empty($article) && !isset($article_list[$id])) { DAO_KbArticle::update($article->id, array(DAO_KbArticle::VIEWS => ++$article->views)); $article_list[$id] = $id; $umsession->setProperty(UmScApp::SESSION_ARTICLE_LIST, $article_list); } $categories = DAO_KbCategory::getWhere(); $tpl->assign('categories', $categories); $cats = DAO_KbArticle::getCategoriesByArticleId($id); $breadcrumbs = array(); foreach ($cats as $cat_id) { if (!isset($breadcrumbs[$cat_id])) { $breadcrumbs[$cat_id] = array(); } $pid = $cat_id; while ($pid) { $breadcrumbs[$cat_id][] = $pid; $pid = $categories[$pid]->parent_id; } $breadcrumbs[$cat_id] = array_reverse($breadcrumbs[$cat_id]); // Remove any breadcrumbs not in this SC profile $pid = reset($breadcrumbs[$cat_id]); if (!isset($kb_roots[$pid])) { unset($breadcrumbs[$cat_id]); } } $tpl->assign('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs); $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/kb/article.tpl"); break; default: case 'browse': @($root = intval(array_shift($stack))); $tpl->assign('root_id', $root); $categories = DAO_KbCategory::getWhere(); $tpl->assign('categories', $categories); $tree_map = DAO_KbCategory::getTreeMap(0); // Remove other top-level categories if (is_array($tree_map[0])) { foreach ($tree_map[0] as $child_id => $count) { if (!isset($kb_roots[$child_id])) { unset($tree_map[0][$child_id]); } } } // Remove empty categories if (is_array($tree_map[0])) { foreach ($tree_map as $node_id => $children) { foreach ($children as $child_id => $count) { if (empty($count)) { @($pid = $categories[$child_id]->parent_id); unset($tree_map[$pid][$child_id]); unset($tree_map[$child_id]); } } } } $tpl->assign('tree', $tree_map); // Breadcrumb // [TODO] API-ize inside Model_KbTree ? $breadcrumb = array(); $pid = $root; while (0 != $pid) { $breadcrumb[] = $pid; $pid = $categories[$pid]->parent_id; } $tpl->assign('breadcrumb', array_reverse($breadcrumb)); $tpl->assign('mid', @intval(ceil(count($tree_map[$root]) / 2))); // Articles if (!empty($root)) { list($articles, $count) = DAO_KbArticle::search(array(new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_KbArticle::CATEGORY_ID, '=', $root), new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_KbArticle::TOP_CATEGORY_ID, 'in', array_keys($kb_roots))), -1, 0, null, null, false); } $tpl->assign('articles', $articles); $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/kb/index.tpl"); break; } break; case 'answers': $query = rawurldecode(array_shift($stack)); $tpl->assign('query', $query); $sFnrSources = DAO_CommunityToolProperty::get($this->getPortal(), UmScApp::PARAM_FNR_SOURCES, ''); $aFnrSources = !empty($sFnrSources) ? unserialize($sFnrSources) : array(); if (!empty($query)) { // [JAS]: If we've been customized with specific sources, use them $where = !empty($aFnrSources) ? sprintf("%s IN (%s)", DAO_FnrExternalResource::ID, implode(',', array_keys($aFnrSources))) : sprintf("%s IN (-1)", DAO_FnrExternalResource::ID); $resources = DAO_FnrExternalResource::getWhere($where); $feeds = Model_FnrExternalResource::searchResources($resources, $query); $tpl->assign('feeds', $feeds); $fields = array(DAO_FnrQuery::QUERY => $query, DAO_FnrQuery::CREATED => time(), DAO_FnrQuery::SOURCE => $this->getPortal(), DAO_FnrQuery::NO_MATCH => empty($feeds) ? 1 : 0); DAO_FnrQuery::create($fields); } // KB $sKbRoots = DAO_CommunityToolProperty::get($this->getPortal(), UmScApp::PARAM_KB_ROOTS, ''); $kb_roots = !empty($sKbRoots) ? unserialize($sKbRoots) : array(); list($articles, $count) = DAO_KbArticle::search(array(array(DevblocksSearchCriteria::GROUP_OR, new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_KbArticle::TITLE, 'fulltext', $query), new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_KbArticle::CONTENT, 'fulltext', $query)), new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_KbArticle::TOP_CATEGORY_ID, 'in', array_keys($kb_roots))), 100, 0, null, null, true); $tpl->assign('articles', $articles); $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/answers/index.tpl"); break; case 'contact': $response = array_shift($stack); $settings = CerberusSettings::getInstance(); $default_from = $settings->get(CerberusSettings::DEFAULT_REPLY_FROM); $tpl->assign('default_from', $default_from); switch ($response) { case 'confirm': $tpl->assign('last_opened', $umsession->getProperty('support.write.last_opened', '')); $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/contact/confirm.tpl"); break; default: case 'step1': $umsession->setProperty('support.write.last_error', null); case 'step2': $sFrom = $umsession->getProperty('support.write.last_from', ''); $sSubject = $umsession->getProperty('support.write.last_subject', ''); $sNature = $umsession->getProperty('support.write.last_nature', ''); $sContent = $umsession->getProperty('support.write.last_content', ''); // $aLastFollowupQ = $umsession->getProperty('support.write.last_followup_q',''); $aLastFollowupA = $umsession->getProperty('support.write.last_followup_a', ''); $sError = $umsession->getProperty('support.write.last_error', ''); $tpl->assign('last_from', $sFrom); $tpl->assign('last_subject', $sSubject); $tpl->assign('last_nature', $sNature); $tpl->assign('last_content', $sContent); // $tpl->assign('last_followup_q', $aLastFollowupQ); $tpl->assign('last_followup_a', $aLastFollowupA); $tpl->assign('last_error', $sError); $sDispatch = DAO_CommunityToolProperty::get($this->getPortal(), UmScApp::PARAM_DISPATCH, ''); // $dispatch = !empty($sDispatch) ? (is_array($sDispatch) ? unserialize($sDispatch): array($sDispatch)) : array(); $dispatch = !empty($sDispatch) ? unserialize($sDispatch) : array(); $tpl->assign('dispatch', $dispatch); switch ($response) { default: // If there's only one situation, skip to step2 if (1 == count($dispatch)) { @($sNature = md5(key($dispatch))); $umsession->setProperty('support.write.last_nature', $sNature); reset($dispatch); } else { $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/contact/step1.tpl"); break; } case 'step2': // Cache along with answers? if (is_array($dispatch)) { foreach ($dispatch as $k => $v) { if (md5($k) == $sNature) { $umsession->setProperty('support.write.last_nature_string', $k); $tpl->assign('situation', $k); $tpl->assign('situation_params', $v); break; } } } $ticket_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource('cerberusweb.fields.source.ticket'); $tpl->assign('ticket_fields', $ticket_fields); $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/contact/step2.tpl"); break; } break; } break; // $tpl->display("file:${tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/contact/index.tpl"); // break; // $tpl->display("file:${tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/contact/index.tpl"); // break; case 'history': if (!$this->allow_logins || empty($active_user)) { break; } $mask = array_shift($stack); if (empty($mask)) { list($open_tickets) = DAO_Ticket::search(array(), array(new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_Ticket::TICKET_FIRST_WROTE_ID, '=', $active_user->id), new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_Ticket::TICKET_CLOSED, '=', 0)), -1, 0, SearchFields_Ticket::TICKET_UPDATED_DATE, false, false); $tpl->assign('open_tickets', $open_tickets); list($closed_tickets) = DAO_Ticket::search(array(), array(new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_Ticket::TICKET_FIRST_WROTE_ID, '=', $active_user->id), new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_Ticket::TICKET_CLOSED, '=', 1)), -1, 0, SearchFields_Ticket::TICKET_UPDATED_DATE, false, false); $tpl->assign('closed_tickets', $closed_tickets); $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/history/index.tpl"); } else { // Secure retrieval (address + mask) list($tickets) = DAO_Ticket::search(array(), array(new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_Ticket::TICKET_MASK, '=', $mask), new DevblocksSearchCriteria(SearchFields_Ticket::TICKET_FIRST_WROTE_ID, '=', $active_user->id)), 1, 0, null, null, false); $ticket = array_shift($tickets); // Security check (mask compare) if (0 == strcasecmp($ticket[SearchFields_Ticket::TICKET_MASK], $mask)) { $messages = DAO_Ticket::getMessagesByTicket($ticket[SearchFields_Ticket::TICKET_ID]); $messages = array_reverse($messages, true); $tpl->assign('ticket', $ticket); $tpl->assign('messages', $messages); $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/history/display.tpl"); } } break; case 'register': if (!$this->allow_logins) { break; } @($step = array_shift($stack)); switch ($step) { case 'forgot': $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/register/forgot.tpl"); break; case 'forgot2': $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/register/forgot_confirm.tpl"); break; case 'confirm': $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/register/confirm.tpl"); break; default: $tpl->display("file:{$tpl_path}portal/sc/internal/register/index.tpl"); break; } break; } // print_r($response); }
function showBulkPanelAction() { @($id_csv = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['ids'])); @($view_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['view_id'])); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/templates/'; $tpl->assign('path', $path); $tpl->assign('view_id', $view_id); if (!empty($id_csv)) { $ids = DevblocksPlatform::parseCsvString($id_csv); $tpl->assign('ids', implode(',', $ids)); } // Custom Fields $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_FeedbackEntry::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $tpl->display('file:' . $path . 'feedback/bulk.tpl'); }
/** * @return DevblocksSearchField[] */ static function getFields() { $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService(); $columns = array(self::ID => new DevblocksSearchField(self::ID, 't', 'id', null, $translate->_('')), self::UPDATED_DATE => new DevblocksSearchField(self::UPDATED_DATE, 't', 'updated_date', null, $translate->_('task.updated_date')), self::TITLE => new DevblocksSearchField(self::TITLE, 't', 'title', null, $translate->_('task.title')), self::IS_COMPLETED => new DevblocksSearchField(self::IS_COMPLETED, 't', 'is_completed', null, $translate->_('task.is_completed')), self::DUE_DATE => new DevblocksSearchField(self::DUE_DATE, 't', 'due_date', null, $translate->_('task.due_date')), self::COMPLETED_DATE => new DevblocksSearchField(self::COMPLETED_DATE, 't', 'completed_date', null, $translate->_('task.completed_date')), self::WORKER_ID => new DevblocksSearchField(self::WORKER_ID, 't', 'worker_id', null, $translate->_('task.worker_id')), self::SOURCE_EXTENSION => new DevblocksSearchField(self::SOURCE_EXTENSION, 't', 'source_extension', null, $translate->_('task.source_extension')), self::SOURCE_ID => new DevblocksSearchField(self::SOURCE_ID, 't', 'source_id', null, $translate->_('task.source_id'))); // Custom Fields $fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_Task::ID); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field_id => $field) { $key = 'cf_' . $field_id; $columns[$key] = new DevblocksSearchField($key, $key, 'field_value', null, $field->name); } } // Sort by label (translation-conscious) uasort($columns, create_function('$a, $b', "return strcasecmp(\$a->db_label,\$b->db_label);\n")); return $columns; }
function saveTabFieldsAction() { @($group_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['team_id'], 'integer')); @($active_worker = CerberusApplication::getActiveWorker()); if (!$active_worker->isTeamManager($group_id) && !$active_worker->is_superuser) { return; } @($ids = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['ids'], 'array', array())); @($names = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['names'], 'array', array())); @($orders = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['orders'], 'array', array())); @($options = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['options'], 'array', array())); @($allow_delete = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['allow_delete'], 'integer', 0)); @($deletes = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['deletes'], 'array', array())); if (!empty($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $idx => $id) { @($name = $names[$idx]); @($order = intval($orders[$idx])); @($option = $options[$idx]); @($delete = false !== array_search($id, $deletes) ? 1 : 0); if ($allow_delete && $delete) { DAO_CustomField::delete($id); } else { $fields = array(DAO_CustomField::NAME => $name, DAO_CustomField::POS => $order, DAO_CustomField::OPTIONS => !is_null($option) ? $option : ''); DAO_CustomField::update($id, $fields); } } } // Add custom field @($add_name = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['add_name'], 'string', '')); @($add_type = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['add_type'], 'string', '')); @($add_options = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['add_options'], 'string', '')); if (!empty($add_name) && !empty($add_type)) { $fields = array(DAO_CustomField::NAME => $add_name, DAO_CustomField::TYPE => $add_type, DAO_CustomField::GROUP_ID => $group_id, DAO_CustomField::SOURCE_EXTENSION => ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID, DAO_CustomField::OPTIONS => $add_options); $id = DAO_CustomField::create($fields); } DevblocksPlatform::setHttpResponse(new DevblocksHttpResponse(array('groups', $group_id, 'fields'))); }
/** * @return DevblocksSearchField[] */ static function getFields() { $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService(); $columns = array(SearchFields_CommunityTool::ID => new DevblocksSearchField(SearchFields_CommunityTool::ID, 'ct', 'id', null, $translate->_('')), SearchFields_CommunityTool::NAME => new DevblocksSearchField(SearchFields_CommunityTool::NAME, 'ct', 'name', null, $translate->_('')), SearchFields_CommunityTool::CODE => new DevblocksSearchField(SearchFields_CommunityTool::CODE, 'ct', 'code', null, $translate->_('community_portal.code')), SearchFields_CommunityTool::EXTENSION_ID => new DevblocksSearchField(SearchFields_CommunityTool::EXTENSION_ID, 'ct', 'extension_id', null, $translate->_('community_portal.extension_id'))); // Custom Fields $fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(CustomFieldSource_CommunityPortal::ID); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field_id => $field) { $key = 'cf_' . $field_id; $columns[$key] = new DevblocksSearchField($key, $key, 'field_value', null, $field->name); } } // Sort by label (translation-conscious) uasort($columns, create_function('$a, $b', "return strcasecmp(\$a->db_label,\$b->db_label);\n")); return $columns; }
function render() { $this->_sanitize(); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('id', $this->id); $tpl->assign('view', $this); $workers = DAO_Worker::getAll(); $tpl->assign('workers', $workers); // Custom fields $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(CrmCustomFieldSource_Opportunity::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $tpl->cache_lifetime = "0"; $tpl->assign('view_fields', $this->getColumns()); $tpl->display('file:' . DEVBLOCKS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'cerberusweb.crm/templates/crm/opps/view.tpl'); }
/** * @return DevblocksSearchField[] */ static function getFields() { $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService(); $columns = array(self::ID => new DevblocksSearchField(self::ID, 'w', 'id', $translate->_('')), self::FIRST_NAME => new DevblocksSearchField(self::FIRST_NAME, 'w', 'first_name', $translate->_('worker.first_name')), self::LAST_NAME => new DevblocksSearchField(self::LAST_NAME, 'w', 'last_name', $translate->_('worker.last_name')), self::TITLE => new DevblocksSearchField(self::TITLE, 'w', 'title', $translate->_('worker.title')), self::EMAIL => new DevblocksSearchField(self::EMAIL, 'w', 'email', null, ucwords($translate->_(''))), self::IS_SUPERUSER => new DevblocksSearchField(self::IS_SUPERUSER, 'w', 'is_superuser', $translate->_('worker.is_superuser')), self::LAST_ACTIVITY => new DevblocksSearchField(self::LAST_ACTIVITY, 'w', 'last_activity', $translate->_('worker.last_activity')), self::LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE => new DevblocksSearchField(self::LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE, 'w', 'last_activity_date', $translate->_('worker.last_activity_date')), self::IS_DISABLED => new DevblocksSearchField(self::IS_DISABLED, 'w', 'is_disabled', ucwords($translate->_('common.disabled')))); // Custom Fields $fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(UmCustomFieldSource_Worker::ID); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field_id => $field) { $key = 'cf_' . $field_id; $columns[$key] = new DevblocksSearchField($key, $key, 'field_value', $field->name); } } // Sort by label (translation-conscious) uasort($columns, create_function('$a, $b', "return strcasecmp(\$a->db_label,\$b->db_label);\n")); return $columns; }
public static function getValuesBySourceIds($source_ext_id, $source_ids) { if (is_null($source_ids)) { return array(); } elseif (!is_array($source_ids)) { $source_ids = array($source_ids); } if (empty($source_ids)) { return array(); } $db = DevblocksPlatform::getDatabaseService(); $results = array(); $fields = DAO_CustomField::getAll(); // [TODO] This is inefficient (and redundant) // STRINGS $sql = sprintf("SELECT source_id, field_id, field_value " . "FROM custom_field_stringvalue " . "WHERE source_extension = '%s' AND source_id IN (%s)", $source_ext_id, implode(',', $source_ids)); $rs = $db->Execute($sql) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $source_id = intval($row['source_id']); $field_id = intval($row['field_id']); $field_value = $row['field_value']; if (!isset($results[$source_id])) { $results[$source_id] = array(); } $source =& $results[$source_id]; // If multiple value type (multi-picklist, multi-checkbox) if ($fields[$field_id]->type == 'M' || $fields[$field_id]->type == 'X') { if (!isset($source[$field_id])) { $source[$field_id] = array(); } $source[$field_id][$field_value] = $field_value; } else { // single value $source[$field_id] = $field_value; } } mysql_free_result($rs); // CLOBS $sql = sprintf("SELECT source_id, field_id, field_value " . "FROM custom_field_clobvalue " . "WHERE source_extension = '%s' AND source_id IN (%s)", $source_ext_id, implode(',', $source_ids)); $rs = $db->Execute($sql) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $source_id = intval($row['source_id']); $field_id = intval($row['field_id']); $field_value = $row['field_value']; if (!isset($results[$source_id])) { $results[$source_id] = array(); } $source =& $results[$source_id]; $source[$field_id] = $field_value; } mysql_free_result($rs); // NUMBERS $sql = sprintf("SELECT source_id, field_id, field_value " . "FROM custom_field_numbervalue " . "WHERE source_extension = '%s' AND source_id IN (%s)", $source_ext_id, implode(',', $source_ids)); $rs = $db->Execute($sql) or die(__CLASS__ . '(' . __LINE__ . ')' . ':' . $db->ErrorMsg()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $source_id = intval($row['source_id']); $field_id = intval($row['field_id']); $field_value = $row['field_value']; if (!isset($results[$source_id])) { $results[$source_id] = array(); } $source =& $results[$source_id]; $source[$field_id] = $field_value; } mysql_free_result($rs); return $results; }
/** * @return DevblocksSearchField[] */ static function getFields() { $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService(); $columns = array(self::ID => new DevblocksSearchField(self::ID, 't', 'id', null, $translate->_('')), self::TITLE => new DevblocksSearchField(self::TITLE, 't', 'title', null, $translate->_('task.title')), self::IS_COMPLETED => new DevblocksSearchField(self::IS_COMPLETED, 't', 'is_completed', null, $translate->_('task.is_completed')), self::DUE_DATE => new DevblocksSearchField(self::DUE_DATE, 't', 'due_date', null, $translate->_('task.due_date')), self::COMPLETED_DATE => new DevblocksSearchField(self::COMPLETED_DATE, 't', 'completed_date', null, $translate->_('task.completed_date')), self::CONTENT => new DevblocksSearchField(self::CONTENT, 't', 'content', null, $translate->_('task.content')), self::WORKER_ID => new DevblocksSearchField(self::WORKER_ID, 't', 'worker_id', null, $translate->_('task.worker_id')), self::SOURCE_EXTENSION => new DevblocksSearchField(self::SOURCE_EXTENSION, 't', 'source_extension', null, $translate->_('task.source_extension')), self::SOURCE_ID => new DevblocksSearchField(self::SOURCE_ID, 't', 'source_id', null, $translate->_('task.source_id'))); // Custom Fields $fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(ChCustomFieldSource_Task::ID); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field_id => $field) { $key = 'cf_' . $field_id; $columns[$key] = new DevblocksSearchField($key, $key, 'field_value', null, $field->name); } } return $columns; }
function saveFieldsAction() { $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService(); $worker = FegApplication::getActiveWorker(); if (!$worker || !$worker->is_superuser) { echo $translate->_('common.access_denied'); return; } // Type of custom fields @($ext_id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['ext_id'], 'string', '')); // Properties @($ids = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['ids'], 'array', array())); @($names = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['names'], 'array', array())); @($orders = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['orders'], 'array', array())); @($options = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['options'], 'array', array())); @($deletes = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['deletes'], 'array', array())); if (!empty($ids) && !empty($ext_id)) { foreach ($ids as $idx => $id) { @($name = $names[$idx]); @($order = intval($orders[$idx])); @($option = $options[$idx]); @($delete = false !== array_search($id, $deletes) ? 1 : 0); if ($delete) { DAO_CustomField::delete($id); } else { $fields = array(DAO_CustomField::NAME => $name, DAO_CustomField::POS => $order, DAO_CustomField::OPTIONS => !is_null($option) ? $option : ''); DAO_CustomField::update($id, $fields); } } } // Adding @($add_name = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['add_name'], 'string', '')); @($add_type = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['add_type'], 'string', '')); @($add_options = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['add_options'], 'string', '')); if (!empty($add_name) && !empty($add_type)) { $fields = array(DAO_CustomField::NAME => $add_name, DAO_CustomField::TYPE => $add_type, DAO_CustomField::SOURCE_EXTENSION => $ext_id, DAO_CustomField::OPTIONS => $add_options); $id = DAO_CustomField::create($fields); } // Redraw the form $this->_getFieldSource($ext_id); }
function render() { $this->_sanitize(); $tpl = DevblocksPlatform::getTemplateService(); $tpl->assign('id', $this->id); $tpl->assign('view', $this); $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getBySource(FegCustomFieldSource_CustomerRecipient::ID); $tpl->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); $tpl->assign('view_fields', $this->getColumns()); $tpl->display('file:' . APP_PATH . '/features/feg.core/templates/internal/tabs/customer_recipient/view.tpl'); }
function saveMailRoutingRuleAddAction() { $translate = DevblocksPlatform::getTranslationService(); @($id = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['id'], 'integer', 0)); @($active_worker = CerberusApplication::getActiveWorker()); if (!$active_worker->is_superuser) { return; } /*****************************/ @($name = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['name'], 'string', '')); @($is_sticky = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['is_sticky'], 'integer', 0)); // @$is_stackable = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['is_stackable'],'integer',0); @($rules = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['rules'], 'array', array())); @($do = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['do'], 'array', array())); if (empty($name)) { $name = $translate->_('Mail Routing Rule'); } $criterion = array(); $actions = array(); // Custom fields $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getAll(); // Criteria if (is_array($rules)) { foreach ($rules as $rule) { $rule = DevblocksPlatform::strAlphaNumDash($rule); @($value = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST['value_' . $rule], 'string', '')); // [JAS]: Allow empty $value (null/blank checking) $criteria = array('value' => $value); // Any special rule handling switch ($rule) { case 'dayofweek': // days $days = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['value_dayofweek'], 'array', array()); if (in_array(0, $days)) { $criteria['sun'] = 'Sunday'; } if (in_array(1, $days)) { $criteria['mon'] = 'Monday'; } if (in_array(2, $days)) { $criteria['tue'] = 'Tuesday'; } if (in_array(3, $days)) { $criteria['wed'] = 'Wednesday'; } if (in_array(4, $days)) { $criteria['thu'] = 'Thursday'; } if (in_array(5, $days)) { $criteria['fri'] = 'Friday'; } if (in_array(6, $days)) { $criteria['sat'] = 'Saturday'; } unset($criteria['value']); break; case 'timeofday': $from = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['timeofday_from'], 'string', ''); $to = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['timeofday_to'], 'string', ''); $criteria['from'] = $from; $criteria['to'] = $to; unset($criteria['value']); break; case 'subject': break; case 'from': break; case 'tocc': break; case 'header1': case 'header2': case 'header3': case 'header4': case 'header5': if (null != @($header = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_POST[$rule], 'string', null))) { $criteria['header'] = strtolower($header); } break; case 'body': break; // case 'attachment': // break; // case 'attachment': // break; default: // ignore invalids // [TODO] Very redundant // Custom fields if ("cf_" == substr($rule, 0, 3)) { $field_id = intval(substr($rule, 3)); if (!isset($custom_fields[$field_id])) { continue; } switch ($custom_fields[$field_id]->type) { case 'S': // string // string case 'T': // clob // clob case 'U': // URL $oper = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['value_cf_' . $field_id . '_oper'], 'string', 'regexp'); $criteria['oper'] = $oper; break; case 'D': // dropdown // dropdown case 'M': // multi-dropdown // multi-dropdown case 'X': // multi-checkbox // multi-checkbox case 'W': // worker $in_array = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['value_cf_' . $field_id], 'array', array()); $out_array = array(); // Hash key on the option for quick lookup later if (is_array($in_array)) { foreach ($in_array as $k => $v) { $out_array[$v] = $v; } } $criteria['value'] = $out_array; break; case 'E': // date $from = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['value_cf_' . $field_id . '_from'], 'string', '0'); $to = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['value_cf_' . $field_id . '_to'], 'string', 'now'); $criteria['from'] = $from; $criteria['to'] = $to; unset($criteria['value']); break; case 'N': // number $oper = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['value_cf_' . $field_id . '_oper'], 'string', '='); $criteria['oper'] = $oper; $criteria['value'] = intval($value); break; case 'C': // checkbox $criteria['value'] = intval($value); break; } } else { continue; } break; } $criterion[$rule] = $criteria; } } // Actions if (is_array($do)) { foreach ($do as $act) { $action = array(); switch ($act) { // Move group/bucket case 'move': @($move_code = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['do_move'], 'string', null)); if (0 != strlen($move_code)) { list($g_id, $b_id) = CerberusApplication::translateTeamCategoryCode($move_code); $action = array('group_id' => intval($g_id), 'bucket_id' => intval($b_id)); } break; default: // ignore invalids // Custom fields if ("cf_" == substr($act, 0, 3)) { $field_id = intval(substr($act, 3)); if (!isset($custom_fields[$field_id])) { continue; } $action = array(); switch ($custom_fields[$field_id]->type) { case 'S': // string // string case 'T': // clob // clob case 'U': // URL // URL case 'D': // dropdown // dropdown case 'W': // worker $value = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['do_cf_' . $field_id], 'string', ''); $action['value'] = $value; break; case 'M': // multi-dropdown // multi-dropdown case 'X': // multi-checkbox $in_array = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['do_cf_' . $field_id], 'array', array()); $out_array = array(); // Hash key on the option for quick lookup later if (is_array($in_array)) { foreach ($in_array as $k => $v) { $out_array[$v] = $v; } } $action['value'] = $out_array; break; case 'E': // date $value = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['do_cf_' . $field_id], 'string', ''); $action['value'] = $value; break; case 'N': // number // number case 'C': // checkbox $value = DevblocksPlatform::importGPC($_REQUEST['do_cf_' . $field_id], 'string', ''); $action['value'] = intval($value); break; } } else { continue; } break; } $actions[$act] = $action; } } $fields = array(DAO_MailToGroupRule::NAME => $name, DAO_MailToGroupRule::IS_STICKY => $is_sticky, DAO_MailToGroupRule::CRITERIA_SER => serialize($criterion), DAO_MailToGroupRule::ACTIONS_SER => serialize($actions)); // Only sticky filters can manual order and be stackable if (!$is_sticky) { $fields[DAO_MailToGroupRule::STICKY_ORDER] = 0; // $fields[DAO_MailToGroupRule::IS_STACKABLE] = 0; // } else { // is sticky // $fields[DAO_MailToGroupRule::IS_STACKABLE] = $is_stackable; } // Create if (empty($id)) { $fields[DAO_MailToGroupRule::POS] = 0; $id = DAO_MailToGroupRule::create($fields); // Update } else { DAO_MailToGroupRule::update($id, $fields); } DevblocksPlatform::redirect(new DevblocksHttpResponse(array('config', 'parser'))); }
/** * @param integer[] $ticket_ids */ function run($ticket_ids) { if (!is_array($ticket_ids)) { $ticket_ids = array($ticket_ids); } $fields = array(); $field_values = array(); $groups = DAO_Group::getAll(); $buckets = DAO_Bucket::getAll(); // $workers = DAO_Worker::getAll(); $custom_fields = DAO_CustomField::getAll(); // actions if (is_array($this->actions)) { foreach ($this->actions as $action => $params) { switch ($action) { // case 'status': // if(isset($params['is_waiting'])) // $fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_WAITING] = intval($params['is_waiting']); // if(isset($params['is_closed'])) // $fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_CLOSED] = intval($params['is_closed']); // if(isset($params['is_deleted'])) // $fields[DAO_Ticket::IS_DELETED] = intval($params['is_deleted']); // break; // case 'assign': // if(isset($params['worker_id'])) { // $w_id = intval($params['worker_id']); // if(0 == $w_id || isset($workers[$w_id])) // $fields[DAO_Ticket::NEXT_WORKER_ID] = $w_id; // } // break; case 'move': if (isset($params['group_id']) && isset($params['bucket_id'])) { $g_id = intval($params['group_id']); $b_id = intval($params['bucket_id']); if (isset($groups[$g_id]) && (0 == $b_id || isset($buckets[$b_id]))) { $fields[DAO_Ticket::TEAM_ID] = $g_id; $fields[DAO_Ticket::CATEGORY_ID] = $b_id; } } break; // case 'spam': // if(isset($params['is_spam'])) { // if(intval($params['is_spam'])) { // foreach($ticket_ids as $ticket_id) // CerberusBayes::markTicketAsSpam($ticket_id); // } else { // foreach($ticket_ids as $ticket_id) // CerberusBayes::markTicketAsNotSpam($ticket_id); // } // } // break; // case 'spam': // if(isset($params['is_spam'])) { // if(intval($params['is_spam'])) { // foreach($ticket_ids as $ticket_id) // CerberusBayes::markTicketAsSpam($ticket_id); // } else { // foreach($ticket_ids as $ticket_id) // CerberusBayes::markTicketAsNotSpam($ticket_id); // } // } // break; default: // Custom fields if (substr($action, 0, 3) == "cf_") { $field_id = intval(substr($action, 3)); if (!isset($custom_fields[$field_id]) || !isset($params['value'])) { break; } $field_values[$field_id] = $params; } break; } } } if (!empty($ticket_ids)) { if (!empty($fields)) { DAO_Ticket::updateTicket($ticket_ids, $fields); } // Custom Fields C4_AbstractView::_doBulkSetCustomFields(ChCustomFieldSource_Ticket::ID, $field_values, $ticket_ids); } }