コード例 #1
ファイル: worker.php プロジェクト: muthulatha/iem
    while (list($k, $lsr) = each($warn["lsrs"])) {
        $s .= printLSR($cow->lsrs[$lsr]);
    return $s;
include_once "../../include/cow.php";
$cow = new Cow(iemdb("postgis"));
$cow->setLimitTime($sts, $ets);
if (isset($useWindHailTag) && $useWindHailTag == 'Y') {
    $cow->useWindHailTag = true;
if (isset($limitwarns) && $limitwarns == 'Y') {
    $cow->limitwarns = true;
$charturl = sprintf("chart.php?aw=%s&ae=%s&b=%s&c=%s&d=%s", $cow->computeWarningsVerified(), $cow->computeWarnedEvents(), $cow->computeUnwarnedEvents(), $cow->computeWarningsUnverified(), "NA");
if (sizeof($ltype) == 0) {
    $content .= "<div class='warning'>You did not select any of the Local Storm \n\tReport types above, so none are listed below...<br /><br /></div>";
if (sizeof($wtype) == 0) {
    $content .= "<div class='warning'>You did not select any of the Warning \n\ttypes above, so none are listed below...<br /><br /></div>";
$dstat = date("m/d/Y H:i", $sts);