コード例 #1
ファイル: worker.php プロジェクト: muthulatha/iem
    $cow->limitwarns = true;
$charturl = sprintf("chart.php?aw=%s&ae=%s&b=%s&c=%s&d=%s", $cow->computeWarningsVerified(), $cow->computeWarnedEvents(), $cow->computeUnwarnedEvents(), $cow->computeWarningsUnverified(), "NA");
if (sizeof($ltype) == 0) {
    $content .= "<div class='warning'>You did not select any of the Local Storm \n\tReport types above, so none are listed below...<br /><br /></div>";
if (sizeof($wtype) == 0) {
    $content .= "<div class='warning'>You did not select any of the Warning \n\ttypes above, so none are listed below...<br /><br /></div>";
$dstat = date("m/d/Y H:i", $sts);
$dstat1 = date("m/d/Y H:i", $ets);
$aw = sprintf("%s", $cow->computeWarningsVerified());
$pv = sprintf("%.1f", $cow->computeWarningsVerifiedPercent());
$sr = sprintf("%.1f", $cow->computeSizeReduction());
$asz = sprintf("%.0f", $cow->computeAverageSize());
$av = sprintf("%.0f", $cow->computeAreaVerify());
$ae = $cow->computeWarnedEvents();
$b = $cow->computeUnwarnedEvents();
$tdq = $cow->computeTDQEvents();
$wtable = "";
$wsz = sizeof($cow->warnings);
while (list($k, $warn) = each($cow->warnings)) {
    $wtable .= printWARN($cow, $warn);
$ltable = "";
$lsz = sizeof($cow->lsrs);
while (list($k, $lsr) = each($cow->lsrs)) {
    if ($lsr["warned"]) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: cowreport.php プロジェクト: muthulatha/iem
 * Print a report of IEM Cow statistics
 * This is called from the python spammer script as it uses the output to
 * send in an email
/* Generate some cow statistics! */
$ets = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
$sts = $ets - 86400.0;
include "../../include/cow.php";
include "../../include/database.inc.php";
$cow = new Cow(iemdb("postgis"));
$cow->setLimitTime($sts, $ets);
$cow->setLimitType(array("TO", "SV"));
$cow->setLimitLSRType(array("TO", "SV"));
if (sizeof($cow->warnings) == 0) {
    echo "No Warnings Issued\n";
echo sprintf("SVR+TOR Warnings Issued: %s Verified: %s  [%.1f %%]\n", sizeof($cow->warnings), $cow->computeWarningsVerified(), $cow->computeWarningsVerifiedPercent());
echo sprintf("Reduction of Size Versus County Based     [%.1f %%]\n", $cow->computeSizeReduction());
echo sprintf("Average Perimeter Ratio                   [%.1f %%]\n", $cow->computeAveragePerimeterRatio());
echo sprintf("Percentage of Warned Area Verified (15km) [%.1f %%]\n", $cow->computeAreaVerify());
echo sprintf("Average Storm Based Warning Size          [%.0f sq km]\n", $cow->computeAverageSize());
echo sprintf("Probability of Detection(higher is better)[%.2f]\n", $cow->computePOD());
echo sprintf("False Alarm Ratio (lower is better)       [%.2f]\n", $cow->computeFAR());
echo sprintf("Critical Success Index (higher is better) [%.2f]\n", $cow->computeCSI());