コード例 #1
function rev_get_token()
    $token = Context::getcontext()->controller->token;
    if (isset($token)) {
        return $token;
    return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: fonts.class.php プロジェクト: evgrishin/se1614
 public function register_fonts()
     $fonts = $this->get_all_fonts();
     if (!empty($fonts)) {
         $http = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http';
         foreach ($fonts as $font) {
             if ($font !== '') {
                 $font_url = $http . '://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . $font['url'];
コード例 #3
 public function hookdisplayBackOfficeHeader()
     if (Tools::getvalue('configure') == 'revsliderprestashop') {
         $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'css/jui/new/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.css');
         $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'css/admin.css');
         $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'css/tipsy.css');
         $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'css/load-styles.css');
         $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'js/farbtastic/farbtastic.css');
         $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'js/codemirror/codemirror.css');
         $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'css/edit_layers.css');
         $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'css/thickbox.css');
         $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'rs-plugin/css/settings.css');
         $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'rs-plugin/css/static-captions.css');
         $g_urlContent = UniteFunctionsWPRev::getUrlContent();
         $dynamicadmincss = 'index.php?controller=Revolutionslider_ajax&token=' . Context::getcontext()->controller->token . '&revControllerAction=captions';
         $this->smarty->assign('dynamicadmincss', $dynamicadmincss);
         $this->smarty->assign('g_urlContent', $g_urlContent);
         $this->smarty->assign('this_path', $this->_path);
         return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/admin/revolution_admin.tpl');
コード例 #4
ファイル: sliders_list.php プロジェクト: evgrishin/se1614
				<th width='70px'><?php 
        echo RevsliderPrestashop::$lang['N_Slides'];
				<th width='50%'><?php 
    echo RevsliderPrestashop::$lang['Actions'];
    if ($outputTemplates) {
        $useSliders = $arrSlidersTemplates;
        $pagenum = isset($_GET['pagenumt']) ? absint($_GET['pagenumt']) : 1;
        $offset = ($pagenum - 1) * $limit;
    } else {
        $useSliders = $arrSliders;
        $pagenum = isset($_GET['pagenum']) ? absint($_GET['pagenum']) : 1;
        $offset = ($pagenum - 1) * $limit;
    $cur_offset = 0;
    $current_id_shop_group = Context::getcontext()->shop->id_shop_group;
    $current_shop_id = Context::getcontext()->shop->id;
    $shop_context = Context::getcontext()->cookie->shopContext;
    if (!empty($shop_context) && isset($shop_context)) {
        $shop_contexttype = substr($shop_context, 0, 1);
    } else {
コード例 #5
ファイル: base_admin.class.php プロジェクト: evgrishin/se1614
    public static function get_uploaded_files_markup($results = array())
        $lan_iso = Context::getcontext()->language->iso_code;
        include_once _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/modules/revsliderprestashop/views/config/config.php';
        // include_once(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/modules/revsliderprestashop/views/lang/'.$lan_iso.'.php');
        include_once _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/modules/revsliderprestashop/views/include/utils.php';
        $upload_dir = __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/revsliderprestashop/uploads/';
        $current_path = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/modules/revsliderprestashop/uploads/';
        $url = uploads_url();
        if (!empty($results)) {
                     <div id="divImageList" > <ul id="selectable" class="">
            $num = 0;
            foreach ($results as $id => $filename) {
                //$img = $results[$num];
                $thumbsize = GlobalsRevSlider::IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL;
                $mediumsize = GlobalsRevSlider::IMAGE_SIZE_MEDIUM;
                $largesize = GlobalsRevSlider::IMAGE_SIZE_LARGE;
                $filerealname = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.'));
                $fileext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.'), strlen($filename) - strlen($filerealname));
                $thumbimg = $img = "{$filerealname}-{$thumbsize}x{$thumbsize}{$fileext}";
                $mediumimg = "{$filerealname}-{$mediumsize}x{$mediumsize}{$fileext}";
                $largeimg = "{$filerealname}-{$largesize}x{$largesize}{$fileext}";
                $file_path = $file_path = $current_path . $largeimg;
                $date = filemtime($file_path);
                $size = filesize($file_path);
                // $file_ext = substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1);
                $file_infos = pathinfo($file_path);
                $file_ext = $file_infos['extension'];
                // $sorted[$k] = array('file' => $file, 'date' => $date, 'size' => $size, 'extension' => $file_ext);
                $extension_lower = fix_strtolower($file_ext);
                $is_img = true;
                list($img_width, $img_height, $img_type, $attr) = getimagesize($file_path);
                // if (++$num % 4 === 1):
<li data-image="<?php 
                echo $filename;
" data-large="<?php 
                echo $upload_dir . $img;
" data-medium="<?php 
                echo $upload_dir . $img;
" data-thumb="<?php 
                echo $upload_dir . $img;
" class="ff-item-type-2 file">
		<figure data-type="img" data-name="1117858_1577750_graph-1024x1024.png">
			<a data-function="apply" data-field_id="" data-file="<?php 
                echo $upload_dir . $img;
" class="link" href="javascript:void('')">
				<div class="img-precontainer">
										<div class="img-container">
						<img alt="<?php 
                echo $img;
" src="<?php 
                echo $upload_dir . $img;
"  class="original "  >
				<div class="img-precontainer-mini original-thumb">
					<div class="filetype png hide">png</div>
					<div class="img-container-mini">
						<img src="<?php 
                echo $upload_dir . $img;
" class=" " alt="<?php 
                echo $img;
			<div class="box">
				<h4 class="ellipsis">
					<a data-function="apply" data-field_id="" data-file="<?php 
                echo $img;
" class="link" href="javascript:void('')">
                echo $img;
                $date = filemtime($current_path . $img);
			<input type="hidden" class="date" value="<?php 
                echo $date;
			<input type="hidden" class="size" value="<?php 
                echo $size;
			<input type="hidden" class="extension" value="<?php 
                echo $extension_lower;
			<input type="hidden" class="name" value=""/>
			<div class="file-date"><?php 
                echo date(lang_Date_type, $date);
			<div class="file-size"><?php 
                echo makeSize($size);
			<div class='img-dimension'><?php 
                if ($is_img) {
                    echo $img_width . "x" . $img_height;
			<div class='file-extension'><?php 
                echo Tools::safeOutput($extension_lower);
コード例 #6
  * @param $iIdProduct
  * @return mixed
 private static function getIdeasOrTipsByproductId($iIdProduct)
     if (!array_key_exists($iIdProduct, self::$aNowIdeasOrTips)) {
         self::$aNowIdeasOrTips[$iIdProduct] = NowIdeasOrTips::getItems($iIdProduct, Context::getcontext()->language->id);
     return self::$aNowIdeasOrTips[$iIdProduct];
コード例 #7
 public function importSliderFromPost($updateAnim = true, $updateStatic = true)
     try {
         $sliderID = UniteFunctionsRev::getPostVariable("sliderid");
         $sliderExists = !empty($sliderID);
         if ($sliderExists) {
         $filepath = $_FILES["import_file"]["tmp_name"];
         if (file_exists($filepath) == false) {
             UniteFunctionsRev::throwError("Import file not found!!!");
         //check if zip file or fallback to old, if zip, check if all files exist
         if (!class_exists("ZipArchive")) {
             $importZip = false;
         } else {
             $zip = new ZipArchive();
             $importZip = $zip->open($filepath, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
         if ($importZip === true) {
             //true or integer. If integer, its not a correct zip file
             //check if files all exist in zip
             $slider_export = $zip->getStream('slider_export.txt');
             $custom_animations = $zip->getStream('custom_animations.txt');
             $dynamic_captions = $zip->getStream('dynamic-captions.css');
             $static_captions = $zip->getStream('static-captions.css');
             if (!$slider_export) {
                 UniteFunctionsRev::throwError("slider_export.txt does not exist!");
             //if(!$custom_animations)  UniteFunctionsRev::throwError("custom_animations.txt does not exist!");
             //if(!$dynamic_captions) UniteFunctionsRev::throwError("dynamic-captions.css does not exist!");
             //if(!$static_captions)  UniteFunctionsRev::throwError("static-captions.css does not exist!");
             $content = '';
             $animations = '';
             $dynamic = '';
             $static = '';
             while (!feof($slider_export)) {
                 $content .= fread($slider_export, 1024);
             if ($custom_animations) {
                 while (!feof($custom_animations)) {
                     $animations .= fread($custom_animations, 1024);
             if ($dynamic_captions) {
                 while (!feof($dynamic_captions)) {
                     $dynamic .= fread($dynamic_captions, 1024);
             if ($static_captions) {
                 while (!feof($static_captions)) {
                     $static .= fread($static_captions, 1024);
             if ($custom_animations) {
             if ($dynamic_captions) {
             if ($static_captions) {
             //check for images!
         } else {
             //check if fallback
             //get content array
             $content = @file_get_contents($filepath);
         if ($importZip === true) {
             //we have a zip
             $db = new UniteDBRev();
             //update/insert custom animations
             $animations = @unserialize($animations);
             if (!empty($animations)) {
                 foreach ($animations as $key => $animation) {
                     //$animation['id'], $animation['handle'], $animation['params']
                     $exist = $db->fetch(GlobalsRevSlider::$table_layer_anims, "handle = '" . $animation['handle'] . "'");
                     if (!empty($exist)) {
                         //update the animation, get the ID
                         if ($updateAnim == "true") {
                             //overwrite animation if exists
                             $arrUpdate = array();
                             $arrUpdate['params'] = stripslashes(json_encode(str_replace("'", '"', $animation['params'])));
                             $db->update(GlobalsRevSlider::$table_layer_anims, $arrUpdate, array('handle' => $animation['handle']));
                             $id = $exist['0']['id'];
                         } else {
                             //insert with new handle
                             $arrInsert = array();
                             $arrInsert["handle"] = 'copy_' . $animation['handle'];
                             $arrInsert["params"] = stripslashes(json_encode(str_replace("'", '"', $animation['params'])));
                             $id = $db->insert(GlobalsRevSlider::$table_layer_anims, $arrInsert);
                     } else {
                         //insert the animation, get the ID
                         $arrInsert = array();
                         $arrInsert["handle"] = $animation['handle'];
                         $arrInsert["params"] = stripslashes(json_encode(str_replace("'", '"', $animation['params'])));
                         $id = $db->insert(GlobalsRevSlider::$table_layer_anims, $arrInsert);
                     //and set the current customin-oldID and customout-oldID in slider params to new ID from $id
                     $content = str_replace(array('customin-' . $animation['id'], 'customout-' . $animation['id']), array('customin-' . $id, 'customout-' . $id), $content);
                 dmp(__("animations imported!", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN));
             } else {
                 dmp(__("no custom animations found, if slider uses custom animations, the provided export may be broken...", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN));
             //overwrite/append static-captions.css
             if (!empty($static)) {
                 if ($updateStatic == "true") {
                     //overwrite file
                 } else {
                     $static_cur = RevOperations::getStaticCss();
                     $static = $static_cur . "\n" . $static;
             //overwrite/create dynamic-captions.css
             //parse css to classes
             $dynamicCss = UniteCssParserRev::parseCssToArray($dynamic);
             if (is_array($dynamicCss) && $dynamicCss !== false && count($dynamicCss) > 0) {
                 foreach ($dynamicCss as $class => $styles) {
                     //check if static style or dynamic style
                     $class = trim($class);
                     if (strpos($class, ':hover') === false && strpos($class, ':') !== false || strpos($class, " ") !== false || strpos($class, ".tp-caption") === false || (strpos($class, ".") === false || strpos($class, "#") !== false) || strpos($class, ">") !== false) {
                         //.tp-caption>.imageclass or .tp-caption.imageclass>img or .tp-caption.imageclass .img
                     //is a dynamic style
                     if (strpos($class, ':hover') !== false) {
                         $class = trim(str_replace(':hover', '', $class));
                         $arrInsert = array();
                         $arrInsert["hover"] = json_encode($styles);
                         $arrInsert["settings"] = json_encode(array('hover' => 'true'));
                     } else {
                         $arrInsert = array();
                         $arrInsert["params"] = json_encode($styles);
                     //check if class exists
                     $result = $db->fetch(GlobalsRevSlider::$table_css, "handle = '" . $class . "'");
                     if (!empty($result)) {
                         $db->update(GlobalsRevSlider::$table_css, $arrInsert, array('handle' => $class));
                     } else {
                         $arrInsert["handle"] = $class;
                         $db->insert(GlobalsRevSlider::$table_css, $arrInsert);
                 dmp(__("dynamic styles imported!", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN));
             } else {
                 dmp(__("no dynamic styles found, if slider uses dynamic styles, the provided export may be broken...", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN));
         //				$content = preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!', "'s:'.strlen('$2').':\"$2\";'", $content); //clear errors in string
         $content = preg_replace_callback('!s:(\\d+):"(.*?)";!', create_function('$match', 'return "s:".strlen($match[2]).":\\"{$match[2]}\\";";'), $content);
         //clear errors in string
         $arrSlider = @unserialize($content);
         if (empty($arrSlider)) {
             UniteFunctionsRev::throwError("Wrong export slider file format! This could be caused because the ZipArchive extension is not enabled.");
         //update slider params
         $sliderParams = $arrSlider["params"];
         $sliderParams["displayhook"] = '';
         $sliderParams["id_shop"] = Context::getcontext()->shop->id;
         if ($sliderExists) {
             $sliderParams["title"] = $this->arrParams["title"];
             $sliderParams["alias"] = $this->arrParams["alias"];
             $sliderParams["id_shop"] = Context::getcontext()->shop->id;
             //$sliderParams["shortcode"] = $this->arrParams["shortcode"];
         if (isset($sliderParams["background_image"])) {
             $sliderParams["background_image"] = UniteFunctionsWPRev::getImageUrlFromPath($sliderParams["background_image"]);
         $json_params = json_encode($sliderParams);
         //update slider or craete new
         if ($sliderExists) {
             $arrUpdate = array("params" => $json_params);
             $this->db->update(GlobalsRevSlider::$table_sliders, $arrUpdate, array("id" => $sliderID));
         } else {
             //new slider
             $arrInsert = array();
             $arrInsert["params"] = $json_params;
             $arrInsert["title"] = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($sliderParams, "title", "Slider1");
             $arrInsert["alias"] = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($sliderParams, "alias", "slider1");
             //$arrInsert["id_shop"] = Context::getcontext()->shop->id;
             $sliderID = $this->db->insert(GlobalsRevSlider::$table_sliders, $arrInsert);
         //-------- Slides Handle -----------
         //delete current slides
         if ($sliderExists) {
         //create all slides
         $arrSlides = $arrSlider["slides"];
         $alreadyImported = array();
         foreach ($arrSlides as $slide) {
             $params = $slide["params"];
             $layers = $slide["layers"];
             //convert params images:
             if (isset($params["image"])) {
                 //import if exists in zip folder
                 if (trim($params["image"]) !== '') {
                     if ($importZip === true) {
                         //we have a zip, check if exists
                         $image = $zip->getStream('images/' . $params["image"]);
                         if (!$image) {
                             echo $params["image"] . ' not found!<br>';
                         } else {
                             if (!isset($alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $params["image"]])) {
                                 //$importImage = UniteFunctionsWPRev::import_media('zip://'.$filepath."#".ABSPATH.'/'.$params["image"], $sliderParams["alias"].'/');
                                 $importImage = UniteFunctionsWPRev::import_media('zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $params["image"]);
                                 if ($importImage !== false) {
                                     $alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $params["image"]] = $importImage['path'];
                                     $params["image"] = $importImage['path'];
                             } else {
                                 $params["image"] = $alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $params["image"]];
                 $params["image"] = UniteFunctionsWPRev::getImageUrlFromPath($params["image"]);
                 if ($rev_image_id = get_image_id_by_url($params["image"])) {
                     $params["image_id"] = $rev_image_id;
             //convert layers images:
             foreach ($layers as $key => $layer) {
                 if (isset($layer["image_url"])) {
                     //import if exists in zip folder
                     if (trim($layer["image_url"]) !== '') {
                         if ($importZip === true) {
                             //we have a zip, check if exists
                             $image_url = $zip->getStream('images/' . $layer["image_url"]);
                             if (!$image_url) {
                                 echo $layer["image_url"] . ' not found!<br>';
                             } else {
                                 if (!isset($alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $layer["image_url"]])) {
                                     $importImage = UniteFunctionsWPRev::import_media('zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $layer["image_url"]);
                                     if ($importImage !== false) {
                                         $alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $layer["image_url"]] = $importImage['path'];
                                         $layer["image_url"] = $importImage['path'];
                                 } else {
                                     $layer["image_url"] = $alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $layer["image_url"]];
                     $layer["image_url"] = UniteFunctionsWPRev::getImageUrlFromPath($layer["image_url"]);
                     $layers[$key] = $layer;
             //create new slide
             $arrCreate = array();
             $arrCreate["slider_id"] = $sliderID;
             $arrCreate["slide_order"] = $slide["slide_order"];
             $arrCreate["layers"] = json_encode($layers);
             $arrCreate["params"] = json_encode($params);
             $this->db->insert(GlobalsRevSlider::$table_slides, $arrCreate);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
         return array("success" => false, "error" => $errorMessage, "sliderID" => $sliderID);
     //update dynamic-captions.css
     return array("success" => true, "sliderID" => $sliderID);
コード例 #8
        return $results;
    public static function GetAllBlogPost()
        $id_lang = (int) Context::getContext()->language->id;
        $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('
				SELECT * FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_category` sbc INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_category_lang` sbcl ON(sbc.`id_smart_blog_category` = sbcl.`id_smart_blog_category` AND sbcl.`id_lang` = ' . (int) $id_lang . ')
				INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_category_shop` sbs ON sbs.id_smart_blog_category = sbc.id_smart_blog_category and sbs.id_shop = ' . (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id . ' WHERE sbc.`active`= 1');
        return $result;
    public static function GetCategoryNameById($id_category = '')
        if (isset($id_category) && !empty($id_category) && $id_category != 0) {
            $id_lang = (int) Context::getContext()->language->id;
            $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('
					SELECT sbcl.`name` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'category` sbc INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'category_lang` sbcl ON(sbc.`id_category` = sbcl.`id_category` AND sbcl.`id_lang` = ' . (int) $id_lang . ')
					INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'category_shop` sbs ON sbs.id_category = sbc.id_category and sbs.id_shop = ' . (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id . ' WHERE sbc.`active`= 1 and sbc.`id_category` = ' . $id_category);
            return $result[0]['name'];
        } else {
            return false;
    public static function GetAllProducts($id_category, $order_by = null, $order_way = null, $limit = null)
        // start set prestashop value
        $random = false;
        if ($order_by == 'ID') {
            $order_by = 'id_product';
        } elseif ($order_by == 'date') {
            $order_by = 'date_add';
        } elseif ($order_by == 'title') {
            $order_by = 'name';
        } elseif ($order_by == 'price') {
            $order_by = 'price';
        } else {
            $order_by = 'position';
        if ($order_by == 'rand') {
            $random = true;
        // end set prestashop value
        $random_number_products = 1;
        $check_access = true;
        $id_lang = Context::getcontext()->language->id;
        $context = Context::getContext();
        // if ($check_access && !$this->checkAccess($context->customer->id))
        // 	return false;
        $active = true;
        $front = true;
        if (!in_array($context->controller->controller_type, array('front', 'modulefront'))) {
            $front = false;
        if (empty($order_by)) {
            $order_by = 'position';
        } else {
            $order_by = strtolower($order_by);
        if (empty($order_way)) {
            $order_way = 'ASC';
        $order_by_prefix = false;
        if ($order_by == 'id_product' || $order_by == 'date_add' || $order_by == 'date_upd') {
            $order_by_prefix = 'p';
        } elseif ($order_by == 'name') {
            $order_by_prefix = 'pl';
        } elseif ($order_by == 'manufacturer') {
            $order_by_prefix = 'm';
            $order_by = 'name';
        } elseif ($order_by == 'position') {
            $order_by_prefix = 'cp';
コード例 #9
             $countdown_js = __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/revsliderprestashop/js/countdown/jquery.countdown.js';
             $countdown_css = __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/revsliderprestashop/css/countdown/countdown.css';
             // end start countdown JS
     return $html;
 private function setLayersByPostData($postData, $sliderID)
     $priceDisplay = Product::getTaxCalculationMethod((int) Context::getcontext()->cookie->id_customer);
     if (!$priceDisplay) {
         $productprice = Tools::displayPrice($postData["price"], Context::getContext()->currency);
     } else {
         $productprice = Tools::displayPrice($postData["price_tax_exc"], Context::getContext()->currency);
     $postID = $postData["id_product"];
     $countdown = $this->SetCountDown($postData);
     // $imgsrc = $this->SetImageSrc($postData);
     $title = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($postData, "name");
     $excerpt_limit = $this->getSliderParam($sliderID, "excerpt_limit", 55, RevSlider::VALIDATE_NUMERIC);
     $excerpt_limit = (int) $excerpt_limit;
     $description = substr($postData["description"], $excerpt_limit);
     $description_short = $postData["description_short"];
     // $alias = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($postData, "post_name");
     // $content = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($postData, "post_content");
     //$link = get_permalink($postID);
     $link = $postData["link"];
     $date_add = $postData["date_add"];
     //$date_add = UniteFunctionsWPRev::convertPostDate($date_add);
     $date_upd = $postData["date_upd"];
     //$date_upd = UniteFunctionsWPRev::convertPostDate($date_upd);
     $category_default = $postData["category_default"];
     $linkobj = new Link();
     $addtocart = $linkobj->getPageLink('cart', false, NULL, "add=1&amp;id_product=" . $postID, false);
     foreach ($this->arrLayers as $key => $layer) {
         $text = UniteFunctionsRev::getVal($layer, "text");
         $text = str_replace("%title%", $title, $text);
         $text = str_replace("%description_short%", $description_short, $text);
         $text = str_replace("%description%", $description, $text);
         $text = str_replace("%link%", $link, $text);
         $text = str_replace("%addtocart%", $addtocart, $text);
         $text = str_replace("%countdown%", $countdown, $text);
         // $text = str_replace("%imgsrc%", $imgsrc, $text);
         $text = str_replace("%date%", $date_add, $text);
         $text = str_replace("%date_modified%", $date_upd, $text);
         $text = str_replace("%product_price%", $productprice, $text);
         $text = str_replace("%category_default%", $category_default, $text);
         $arrMatches = array();
         $text = str_replace('-', '_REVSLIDER_', $text);
         preg_match_all('/%product:\\w+%/', $text, $arrMatches);
         foreach ($arrMatches as $matched) {
             foreach ($matched as $match) {
                 $meta = str_replace("%product:", "", $match);
                 $meta = str_replace("%", "", $meta);
                 $meta = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_', '-', $meta);
                 if (isset($postData[$meta]) && !empty($postData[$meta])) {
                     $metaValue = $postData[$meta];
                     $text = str_replace($match, $metaValue, $text);
         $text = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_', '-', $text);
         // start hook exec
         $extra_hook_meta_exec = array();
         Hook::exec('actionsdsrevinsertmetaexec', array('extra_hook_meta_exec' => &$extra_hook_meta_exec, 'id_product' => &$postID));
         if (isset($extra_hook_meta_exec) && !empty($extra_hook_meta_exec)) {
             foreach ($extra_hook_meta_exec as $svalue) {
                 $hook_title = "%" . $svalue['title'] . "%";
コード例 #10
ファイル: multi-shop.php プロジェクト: evgrishin/se1614
<input type="hidden" name="id_shop" id="sds_rev_id_shop" value="<?php 
echo Context::getcontext()->shop->id;