コード例 #1
ファイル: DBSqlite3_pdo.class.php プロジェクト: relip/xe-core
  * @brief DB settings and connect/close
 function _setDBInfo()
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $this->database = $db_info->master_db["db_database"];
     $this->prefix = $db_info->master_db["db_table_prefix"];
     //if(!substr($this->prefix,-1)!='_') $this->prefix .= '_';
コード例 #2
ファイル: Mobile.class.php プロジェクト: relip/xe-core
  * Get current mobile mode
  * @return bool
 function _isFromMobilePhone()
     if ($this->ismobile !== null) {
         return $this->ismobile;
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     if ($db_info->use_mobile_view != "Y" || Context::get('full_browse') || $_COOKIE["FullBrowse"]) {
         return $this->ismobile = false;
     $xe_web_path = Context::pathToUrl(_XE_PATH_);
     // default setting. if there is cookie for a device, XE do not have to check if it is mobile or not and it will enhance performace of the server.
     $this->ismobile = FALSE;
     $m = Context::get('m');
     if (strlen($m) == 1) {
         if ($m == "1") {
             $this->ismobile = true;
         } elseif ($m == "0") {
             $this->ismobile = false;
     } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['mobile'])) {
         if ($_COOKIE['user-agent'] == md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
             if ($_COOKIE['mobile'] == 'true') {
                 $this->ismobile = true;
             } else {
                 $this->ismobile = false;
         } else {
             $this->ismobile = FALSE;
             setcookie("mobile", FALSE, 0, $xe_web_path);
             setcookie("user-agent", FALSE, 0, $xe_web_path);
             if (!$this->isMobilePadCheckByAgent() && $this->isMobileCheckByAgent()) {
                 $this->ismobile = TRUE;
     } else {
         if ($this->isMobilePadCheckByAgent()) {
             $this->ismobile = FALSE;
         } else {
             if ($this->isMobileCheckByAgent()) {
                 $this->ismobile = TRUE;
     if ($this->ismobile !== NULL) {
         if ($this->ismobile == TRUE) {
             if ($_COOKIE['mobile'] != 'true') {
                 $_COOKIE['mobile'] = 'true';
                 setcookie("mobile", 'true', 0, $xe_web_path);
         } elseif ($_COOKIE['mobile'] != 'false') {
             $_COOKIE['mobile'] = 'false';
             setcookie("mobile", 'false', 0, $xe_web_path);
         if ($_COOKIE['user-agent'] != md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
             setcookie("user-agent", md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 0, $xe_web_path);
     return $this->ismobile;
コード例 #3
  * @brief DB정보 설정 및 connect/ close
 function _setDBInfo()
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $this->database = $db_info->db_database;
     $this->prefix = $db_info->db_table_prefix;
     if (!substr($this->prefix, -1) != '_') {
         $this->prefix .= '_';
コード例 #4
ファイル: CacheHandler.class.php プロジェクト: relip/xe-core
  * Constructor.
  * Do not use this directly. You can use getInstance() instead.
  * @see CacheHandler::getInstance
  * @param string $target type of cache (object|template)
  * @param object $info info. of DB
  * @param boolean $always_use_file If set true, use a file cache always
  * @return CacheHandler
 function CacheHandler($target, $info = null, $always_use_file = false)
     if (!$info) {
         $info = Context::getDBInfo();
     if ($info) {
         if ($target == 'object') {
             if ($info->use_object_cache == 'apc') {
                 $type = 'apc';
             } else {
                 if (substr($info->use_object_cache, 0, 8) == 'memcache') {
                     $type = 'memcache';
                     $url = $info->use_object_cache;
                 } else {
                     if ($info->use_object_cache == 'wincache') {
                         $type = 'wincache';
                     } else {
                         if ($info->use_object_cache == 'file') {
                             $type = 'file';
                         } else {
                             if ($always_use_file) {
                                 $type = 'file';
         } else {
             if ($target == 'template') {
                 if ($info->use_template_cache == 'apc') {
                     $type = 'apc';
                 } else {
                     if (substr($info->use_template_cache, 0, 8) == 'memcache') {
                         $type = 'memcache';
                         $url = $info->use_template_cache;
                     } else {
                         if ($info->use_template_cache == 'wincache') {
                             $type = 'wincache';
         if ($type) {
             $class = 'Cache' . ucfirst($type);
             include_once sprintf('%sclasses/cache/%s.class.php', _XE_PATH_, $class);
             $this->handler = call_user_func(array($class, 'getInstance'), $url);
             $this->keyGroupVersions = $this->handler->get('key_group_versions', 0);
             if (!$this->keyGroupVersions) {
                 $this->keyGroupVersions = array();
                 $this->handler->put('key_group_versions', $this->keyGroupVersions, 0);
コード例 #5
  * @brief DB정보 설정 및 connect/ close
 function _setDBInfo()
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $this->hostname = $db_info->db_hostname;
     $this->port = $db_info->db_port;
     $this->userid = $db_info->db_userid;
     $this->password = $db_info->db_password;
     $this->database = $db_info->db_database;
     $this->prefix = $db_info->db_table_prefix;
     if (!substr($this->prefix, -1) != '_') {
         $this->prefix .= '_';
コード例 #6
 function dispSeoAdminSetting()
     $vars = Context::getRequestVars();
     if (!$vars->setting_section) {
         Context::set('setting_section', 'general');
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $hostname = parse_url($db_info->default_url);
     $hostname = $hostname['host'];
     Context::set('config', $config);
     Context::set('hostname', $hostname);
コード例 #7
  * Return index hint string
  * @return string
 function getIndexHintString()
     $result = '';
     // Retrieve table prefix, to add it to index name
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $prefix = $db_info->master_db["db_table_prefix"];
     foreach ($this->index_hints_list as $index_hint) {
         $index_hint_type = $index_hint->getIndexHintType();
         if ($index_hint_type !== 'IGNORE') {
             $result .= $this->alias . '.' . '"' . $prefix . substr($index_hint->getIndexName(), 1) . ($index_hint_type == 'FORCE' ? '(+)' : '') . ', ';
     $result = substr($result, 0, -2);
     return $result;
コード例 #8
  * @brief 업데이트 실행
 function moduleUpdate()
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     // 카운터에 site_srl추가
     $oDB =& DB::getInstance();
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists('counter_log', 'site_srl')) {
         $oDB->addColumn('counter_log', 'site_srl', 'number', 11, 0, true);
     if ($db_info->db_type == 'cubrid') {
         if (!$oDB->isIndexExists('counter_log', $oDB->prefix . 'counter_log_idx_site_counter_log')) {
             $oDB->addIndex('counter_log', $oDB->prefix . 'counter_log_idx_site_counter_log', array('site_srl', 'ipaddress'), false);
     } else {
         if (!$oDB->isIndexExists('counter_log', 'idx_site_counter_log')) {
             $oDB->addIndex('counter_log', 'idx_site_counter_log', array('site_srl', 'ipaddress'), false);
     return new Object(0, 'success_updated');
コード例 #9
 function _getAgreement()
     $agreement_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/authentication/agreement_' . Context::get('lang_type') . '.txt';
     if (is_readable($agreement_file)) {
         return FileHandler::readFile($agreement_file);
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $agreement_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/authentication/agreement_' . $db_info->lang_type . '.txt';
     if (is_readable($agreement_file)) {
         return FileHandler::readFile($agreement_file);
     $lang_selected = Context::loadLangSelected();
     foreach ($lang_selected as $key => $val) {
         $agreement_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/authentication/agreement_' . $key . '.txt';
         if (is_readable($agreement_file)) {
             return FileHandler::readFile($agreement_file);
     return null;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Mobile.class.php プロジェクト: kimkucheol/xe-core
 function isMobileEnabled()
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     return $db_info->use_mobile_view === 'Y';
コード例 #11
ファイル: DB.class.php プロジェクト: ned3y2k/xe-core
  * DB info settings
  * this method is protected
  * @return void
 function _setDBInfo()
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $this->master_db = $db_info->master_db;
     if ($db_info->master_db["db_hostname"] == $db_info->slave_db[0]["db_hostname"] && $db_info->master_db["db_port"] == $db_info->slave_db[0]["db_port"] && $db_info->master_db["db_userid"] == $db_info->slave_db[0]["db_userid"] && $db_info->master_db["db_password"] == $db_info->slave_db[0]["db_password"] && $db_info->master_db["db_database"] == $db_info->slave_db[0]["db_database"]) {
         $this->slave_db[0] =& $this->master_db;
     } else {
         $this->slave_db = $db_info->slave_db;
     $this->prefix = $db_info->master_db["db_table_prefix"];
     $this->use_prepared_statements = $db_info->use_prepared_statements;
コード例 #12
ファイル: member.admin.model.php プロジェクト: ddmshu/xe-core
  * check allowed target ip address when  login for admin. 
  * @return boolean (true : allowed, false : refuse)
 function getMemberAdminIPCheck()
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $admin_ip_list = $db_info->admin_ip_list;
     if (!$admin_ip_list) {
         return true;
     if (!is_array($admin_ip_list)) {
         $admin_ip_list = explode(',', $admin_ip_list);
     if (!count($admin_ip_list) || IpFilter::filter($admin_ip_list)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
コード例 #13
  * Sync member information with document information
  * @return void
 function procImporterAdminSync()
     $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
     $member_config = $oMemberModel->getMemberConfig();
     $postFix = $member_config->identifier == 'email_address' ? 'ByEmail' : '';
     // 계정이 이메일인 경우 이메일 정보로 사용자를 싱크하도록 한다. 이때 변수명은 그대로 user_id를 사용한다.
     /* DBMS가 CUBRID인 경우 MySQL과 동일한 방법으로는 문서 및 댓글에 대한 사용자 정보를 동기화 할 수 없으므로 예외 처리 합니다.
        CUBRID를 사용하지 않는 경우에만 보편적인 기존 질의문을 사용합니다. */
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     if ($db_info->db_type != "cubrid") {
         $output = executeQuery('importer.updateDocumentSync' . $postFix);
         $output = executeQuery('importer.updateCommentSync' . $postFix);
     } else {
         $output = executeQueryArray('importer.getDocumentMemberSrlWithUserID' . $postFix);
         if (is_array($output->data) && count($output->data)) {
             $success_count = 0;
             $error_count = 0;
             $total_count = 0;
             foreach ($output->data as $val) {
                 $args->user_id = $val->user_id;
                 $args->member_srl = $val->member_srl;
                 $tmp = executeQuery('importer.updateDocumentSyncForCUBRID' . $postFix, $args);
                 if ($tmp->toBool() === true) {
                 } else {
         // documents section
         $output = executeQueryArray('importer.getCommentMemberSrlWithUserID' . $postFix);
         if (is_array($output->data) && count($output->data)) {
             $success_count = 0;
             $error_count = 0;
             $total_count = 0;
             foreach ($output->data as $val) {
                 $args->user_id = $val->user_id;
                 $args->member_srl = $val->member_srl;
                 $tmp = executeQuery('importer.updateCommentSyncForCUBRID' . $postFix, $args);
                 if ($tmp->toBool() === true) {
                 } else {
         // comments section
コード例 #14
  * @brief optimize 대상 파일을 받아서 처리 후 optimize 된 파일이름을 return
 function getOptimizedFiles($source_files, $type = "js")
     if (!is_array($source_files) || !count($source_files)) {
     // $source_files의 역슬래쉬 경로를 슬래쉬로 변경 (윈도우즈 대비)
     foreach ($source_files as $key => $file) {
         $source_files[$key]['file'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $file['file']);
     // 관리자 설정시 설정이 되어 있지 않으면 패스
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     if ($db_info->use_optimizer == 'N') {
         return $this->_getOptimizedRemoved($source_files);
     // 캐시 디렉토리가 없으면 실행하지 않음
     if (!is_dir($this->cache_path)) {
         return $this->_getOptimizedRemoved($source_files);
     $files = array();
     if (!count($source_files)) {
     foreach ($source_files as $file) {
         if (!$file || !$file['file']) {
         if (empty($file['optimized']) || preg_match('/^https?:\\/\\//i', $file['file'])) {
             $files[] = $file;
         } else {
             $targets[] = $file;
     if (!count($targets)) {
         return $this->_getOptimizedRemoved($files);
     $optimized_info = $this->getOptimizedInfo($targets);
     $path = sprintf("%s%s", $this->cache_path, $optimized_info[0]);
     $filename = sprintf("%s.%s.%s.php", $optimized_info[0], $optimized_info[1], $type);
     $this->doOptimizedFile($path, $filename, $targets, $type);
     array_unshift($files, array('file' => $path . '/' . $filename, 'media' => 'all'));
     $files = $this->_getOptimizedRemoved($files);
     if (!count($files)) {
         return $files;
     $url_info = parse_url(Context::getRequestUri());
     $abpath = $url_info['path'];
     foreach ($files as $key => $val) {
         $file = $val['file'];
         if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '/' || strpos($file, '://') !== false) {
         if (substr($file, 0, 2) == './') {
             $file = substr($file, 2);
         $file = $abpath . $file;
         while (strpos($file, '/../') !== false) {
             $file = preg_replace('/\\/([^\\/]+)\\/\\.\\.\\//', '/', $file);
         $files[$key]['file'] = $file;
     return $files;
コード例 #15
  * Get all act list for admin menu
  * @return void|object
 function procMenuAdminInsertItemForAdminMenu()
     $requestArgs = Context::getRequestVars();
     $tmpMenuName = explode(':', $requestArgs->menu_name);
     $moduleName = $tmpMenuName[0];
     $menuName = $tmpMenuName[1];
     // variable setting
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     //$oMenuAdminModel = getAdminModel('menu');
     $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
     //$parentMenuInfo = $oMenuAdminModel->getMenuItemInfo($requestArgs->parent_srl);
     $groupSrlList = $oMemberModel->getMemberGroups($logged_info->member_srl);
     //preg_match('/\{\$lang->menu_gnb\[(.*?)\]\}/i', $parentMenuInfo->name, $m);
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     //$info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml($moduleName);
     $info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($moduleName);
     $url = getNotEncodedFullUrl('', 'module', 'admin', 'act', $info->menu->{$menuName}->index);
     if (empty($url)) {
         $url = getNotEncodedFullUrl('', 'module', 'admin', 'act', $info->admin_index_act);
     if (empty($url)) {
         $url = getNotEncodedFullUrl('', 'module', 'admin');
     $dbInfo = Context::getDBInfo();
     $args = new stdClass();
     $args->menu_item_srl = !$requestArgs->menu_item_srl ? getNextSequence() : $requestArgs->menu_item_srl;
     $args->parent_srl = $requestArgs->parent_srl;
     $args->menu_srl = $requestArgs->menu_srl;
     $args->name = sprintf('{$lang->menu_gnb_sub[\'%s\']}', $menuName);
     //if now page is https...
     if (strpos($url, 'https') !== false) {
         $args->url = str_replace('https' . substr($dbInfo->default_url, 4), '', $url);
     } else {
         $args->url = str_replace($dbInfo->default_url, '', $url);
     $args->open_window = 'N';
     $args->expand = 'N';
     $args->normal_btn = '';
     $args->hover_btn = '';
     $args->active_btn = '';
     $args->group_srls = implode(',', array_keys($groupSrlList));
     $args->listorder = -1 * $args->menu_item_srl;
     // Check if already exists
     $oMenuModel = getAdminModel('menu');
     $item_info = $oMenuModel->getMenuItemInfo($args->menu_item_srl);
     // Update if exists
     if ($item_info->menu_item_srl == $args->menu_item_srl) {
         $output = executeQuery('menu.updateMenuItem', $args);
         if (!$output->toBool()) {
             return $output;
     } else {
         $args->listorder = -1 * $args->menu_item_srl;
         $output = executeQuery('menu.insertMenuItem', $args);
         if (!$output->toBool()) {
             return $output;
     // Get information of the menu
     $menu_info = $oMenuModel->getMenu($args->menu_srl);
     $menu_title = $menu_info->title;
     // Update the xml file and get its location
     $xml_file = $this->makeXmlFile($args->menu_srl);
     $returnUrl = Context::get('success_return_url') ? Context::get('success_return_url') : getNotEncodedUrl('', 'module', 'admin', 'act', 'dispAdminSetup');
コード例 #16
  * Get file information
  * @param string $fileName The file name
  * @param string $targetIe Target IE of file
  * @param string $media Media of file
  * @param bool $forceMinify Whether this file should be minified
  * @return stdClass The file information
 private function getFileInfo($fileName, $targetIe = '', $media = 'all', $forceMinify = false)
     static $existsInfo = array();
     if (self::$minify === null) {
         self::$minify = Context::getDBInfo()->minify_scripts ?: 'common';
     if (isset($existsInfo[$existsKey])) {
         return $existsInfo[$existsKey];
     $pathInfo = pathinfo($fileName);
     $file = new stdClass();
     $file->fileName = $pathInfo['basename'];
     $file->filePath = $this->_getAbsFileUrl($pathInfo['dirname']);
     $file->fileRealPath = FileHandler::getRealPath($pathInfo['dirname']);
     $file->fileExtension = strtolower($pathInfo['extension']);
     if (preg_match('/^(.+)\\.min$/', $pathInfo['filename'], $matches)) {
         $file->fileNameNoExt = $matches[1];
         $file->isMinified = true;
     } else {
         $file->fileNameNoExt = $pathInfo['filename'];
         $file->isMinified = false;
     $file->isExternalURL = preg_match('@^(https?:)?//@i', $file->filePath) ? true : false;
     $file->isCachedScript = !$file->isExternalURL && strpos($file->filePath, 'files/cache/') !== false;
     $file->keyName = $file->fileNameNoExt . '.' . $file->fileExtension;
     $file->cdnPath = $this->_normalizeFilePath($pathInfo['dirname']);
     $originalFilePath = $file->fileRealPath . '/' . $pathInfo['basename'];
     // Fix incorrectly minified URL
     if ($file->isMinified && !$file->isExternalURL && (!file_exists($originalFilePath) || is_link($originalFilePath) || filesize($originalFilePath) < 32 && trim(file_get_contents($originalFilePath)) === $file->keyName)) {
         if (file_exists($file->fileRealPath . '/' . $file->fileNameNoExt . '.' . $file->fileExtension)) {
             $file->fileName = $file->fileNameNoExt . '.' . $file->fileExtension;
             $file->isMinified = false;
             $originalFilePath = $file->fileRealPath . '/' . $file->fileNameNoExt . '.' . $file->fileExtension;
     // Decide whether to minify this file
     if (self::$minify === 'all') {
         $minify_enabled = true;
     } elseif (self::$minify === 'none') {
         $minify_enabled = false;
     } else {
         $minify_enabled = $forceMinify;
     // Minify file
     if ($minify_enabled && !$file->isMinified && !$file->isExternalURL && !$file->isCachedScript && strpos($file->filePath, 'common/js/plugins') === false) {
         if (($file->fileExtension === 'css' || $file->fileExtension === 'js') && file_exists($originalFilePath)) {
             $minifiedFileName = $file->fileNameNoExt . '.min.' . $file->fileExtension;
             $minifiedFileHash = ltrim(str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '.', $pathInfo['dirname']), '.');
             $minifiedFilePath = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/cache/minify/' . $minifiedFileHash . '.' . $minifiedFileName;
             if (!file_exists($minifiedFilePath) || filemtime($minifiedFilePath) < filemtime($originalFilePath)) {
                 if ($file->fileExtension === 'css') {
                     $minifier = new MatthiasMullie\Minify\CSS($originalFilePath);
                     $content = $minifier->execute($minifiedFilePath);
                 } else {
                     $minifier = new MatthiasMullie\Minify\JS($originalFilePath);
                     $content = $minifier->execute($minifiedFilePath);
                 FileHandler::writeFile($minifiedFilePath, $content);
             $file->fileName = $minifiedFileHash . '.' . $minifiedFileName;
             $file->filePath = $this->_getAbsFileUrl('./files/cache/minify');
             $file->fileRealPath = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/cache/minify';
             $file->keyName = $minifiedFileHash . '.' . $file->fileNameNoExt . '.' . $file->fileExtension;
             $file->cdnPath = $this->_normalizeFilePath('./files/cache/minify');
             $file->isMinified = true;
     // Process targetIe and media attributes
     $file->targetIe = $targetIe;
     if ($file->fileExtension == 'css') {
         $file->media = $media;
         if (!$file->media) {
             $file->media = 'all';
         $file->key = $file->filePath . $file->keyName . "\t" . $file->targetIe . "\t" . $file->media;
     } else {
         if ($file->fileExtension == 'js') {
             $file->key = $file->filePath . $file->keyName . "\t" . $file->targetIe;
     return $file;
コード例 #17
  * @brief Save the file of user-defined language code
 function makeCacheDefinedLangCode($site_srl = 0)
     $args = new stdClass();
     // Get the language file of the current site
     if (!$site_srl) {
         $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
         $args->site_srl = (int) $site_module_info->site_srl;
     } else {
         $args->site_srl = $site_srl;
     $output = executeQueryArray('module.getLang', $args);
     if (!$output->toBool() || !$output->data) {
     // Set the cache directory
     $cache_path = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/cache/lang_defined/';
     $langMap = array();
     foreach ($output->data as $val) {
         $langMap[$val->lang_code][$val->name] = $val->value;
     $lang_supported = Context::get('lang_supported');
     $dbInfo = Context::getDBInfo();
     $defaultLang = $dbInfo->lang_type;
     if (!is_array($langMap[$defaultLang])) {
         $langMap[$defaultLang] = array();
     foreach ($lang_supported as $langCode => $langName) {
         if (!is_array($langMap[$langCode])) {
             $langMap[$langCode] = array();
         $langMap[$langCode] += $langMap[$defaultLang];
         foreach ($lang_supported as $targetLangCode => $targetLangName) {
             if ($langCode == $targetLangCode || $langCode == $defaultLang) {
             if (!is_array($langMap[$targetLangCode])) {
                 $langMap[$targetLangCode] = array();
             $langMap[$langCode] += $langMap[$targetLangCode];
         $buff = array("<?php if(!defined('__XE__')) exit();");
         foreach ($langMap[$langCode] as $code => $value) {
             $buff[] = sprintf('$lang[\'%s\'] = \'%s\';', $code, addcslashes($value, "'"));
         if (!@file_put_contents(sprintf('%s/%d.%s.php', $cache_path, $args->site_srl, $langCode), join(PHP_EOL, $buff), LOCK_EX)) {
コード例 #18
ファイル: admin.admin.model.php プロジェクト: conory/rhymix
  * Parameter arrange for send to XE collect server
  * @param string $type 'WORKING', 'INSTALL'
  * @return string
 function getEnv($type = 'WORKING')
     $skip = array('ext' => array('pcre', 'json', 'hash', 'dom', 'session', 'spl', 'standard', 'date', 'ctype', 'tokenizer', 'apache2handler', 'filter', 'posix', 'reflection', 'pdo'), 'module' => array('addon', 'admin', 'autoinstall', 'comment', 'communication', 'counter', 'document', 'editor', 'file', 'importer', 'install', 'integration_search', 'layout', 'member', 'menu', 'message', 'module', 'opage', 'page', 'point', 'poll', 'rss', 'session', 'spamfilter', 'tag', 'trackback', 'trash', 'widget'), 'addon' => array('autolink', 'blogapi', 'captcha', 'counter', 'member_communication', 'member_extra_info', 'mobile', 'openid_delegation_id', 'point_level_icon', 'resize_image'), 'layout' => array('default'), 'widget' => array('content', 'language_select', 'login_info', 'mcontent'), 'widgetstyle' => array());
     $info = array();
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $info['type'] = $type != 'INSTALL' ? 'WORKING' : 'INSTALL';
     $info['location'] = _XE_LOCATION_;
     $info['package'] = _XE_PACKAGE_;
     $info['host'] = $db_type->default_url ? $db_type->default_url : getFullUrl();
     $info['app'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
     $info['xe_version'] = __XE_VERSION__;
     $info['php'] = phpversion();
     $info['db_type'] = Context::getDBType();
     $info['use_rewrite'] = $db_info->use_rewrite;
     $info['use_db_session'] = $db_info->use_db_session == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
     $info['use_ssl'] = $db_info->use_ssl;
     $info['phpext'] = '';
     foreach (get_loaded_extensions() as $ext) {
         $ext = strtolower($ext);
         if (in_array($ext, $skip['ext'])) {
         $info['phpext'] .= '|' . $ext;
     $info['phpext'] = substr($info['phpext'], 1);
     $info['module'] = '';
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $module_list = $oModuleModel->getModuleList();
     if ($module_list) {
         foreach ($module_list as $module) {
             if (in_array($module->module, $skip['module'])) {
             $info['module'] .= '|' . $module->module;
     $info['module'] = substr($info['module'], 1);
     $info['addon'] = '';
     $oAddonAdminModel = getAdminModel('addon');
     $addon_list = $oAddonAdminModel->getAddonList();
     if ($addon_list) {
         foreach ($addon_list as $addon) {
             if (in_array($addon->addon, $skip['addon'])) {
             $info['addon'] .= '|' . $addon->addon;
     $info['addon'] = substr($info['addon'], 1);
     $info['layout'] = "";
     $oLayoutModel = getModel('layout');
     $layout_list = $oLayoutModel->getDownloadedLayoutList();
     if ($layout_list) {
         foreach ($layout_list as $layout) {
             if (in_array($layout->layout, $skip['layout'])) {
             $info['layout'] .= '|' . $layout->layout;
     $info['layout'] = substr($info['layout'], 1);
     $info['widget'] = "";
     $oWidgetModel = getModel('widget');
     $widget_list = $oWidgetModel->getDownloadedWidgetList();
     if ($widget_list) {
         foreach ($widget_list as $widget) {
             if (in_array($widget->widget, $skip['widget'])) {
             $info['widget'] .= '|' . $widget->widget;
     $info['widget'] = substr($info['widget'], 1);
     $info['widgetstyle'] = "";
     $oWidgetModel = getModel('widget');
     $widgetstyle_list = $oWidgetModel->getDownloadedWidgetStyleList();
     if ($widgetstyle_list) {
         foreach ($widgetstyle_list as $widgetstyle) {
             if (in_array($widgetstyle->widgetStyle, $skip['widgetstyle'])) {
             $info['widgetstyle'] .= '|' . $widgetstyle->widgetStyle;
     $info['widgetstyle'] = substr($info['widgetstyle'], 1);
     $param = '';
     foreach ($info as $k => $v) {
         if ($v) {
             $param .= sprintf('&%s=%s', $k, urlencode($v));
     $param = substr($param, 1);
     return $param;
コード例 #19
ファイル: document.class.php プロジェクト: relip/xe-core
  * Execute update
  * @return Object
 function moduleUpdate()
     $oDB =& DB::getInstance();
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $oModuleController =& getController('module');
     // 2007. 7. 25: Add a column(notify_message) for notification
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("documents", "notify_message")) {
         $oDB->addColumn('documents', "notify_message", "char", 1);
     // 2007. 8. 23: create a clustered index in the document table
     if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("documents", "idx_module_list_order")) {
         $oDB->addIndex("documents", "idx_module_list_order", array("module_srl", "list_order"));
     if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("documents", "idx_module_update_order")) {
         $oDB->addIndex("documents", "idx_module_update_order", array("module_srl", "update_order"));
     if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("documents", "idx_module_readed_count")) {
         $oDB->addIndex("documents", "idx_module_readed_count", array("module_srl", "readed_count"));
     if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("documents", "idx_module_voted_count")) {
         $oDB->addIndex("documents", "idx_module_voted_count", array("module_srl", "voted_count"));
     // 2007. 10. 17 Add a trigger to delete all posts together when the module is deleted
     if (!$oModuleModel->getTrigger('module.deleteModule', 'document', 'controller', 'triggerDeleteModuleDocuments', 'after')) {
         $oModuleController->insertTrigger('module.deleteModule', 'document', 'controller', 'triggerDeleteModuleDocuments', 'after');
     // 2007. 10. 25 add columns(parent_srl, expand)
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("document_categories", "parent_srl")) {
         $oDB->addColumn('document_categories', "parent_srl", "number", 12, 0);
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("document_categories", "expand")) {
         $oDB->addColumn('document_categories', "expand", "char", 1, "N");
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("document_categories", "group_srls")) {
         $oDB->addColumn('document_categories', "group_srls", "text");
     // 2007. 11. 20 create a composite index on the columns(module_srl + is_notice)
     if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("documents", "idx_module_notice")) {
         $oDB->addIndex("documents", "idx_module_notice", array("module_srl", "is_notice"));
     // 2007. 12. 03: Add if the colume(extra_vars) doesn't exist
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("documents", "extra_vars")) {
         $oDB->addColumn('documents', 'extra_vars', 'text');
     // 2008. 02. 18 create a composite index on the columns(module_srl + document_srl) (checked by Manian))
     if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("documents", "idx_module_document_srl")) {
         $oDB->addIndex("documents", "idx_module_document_srl", array("module_srl", "document_srl"));
     // 2008. 04. 23 Add a column(blamed count)
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("documents", "blamed_count")) {
         $oDB->addColumn('documents', 'blamed_count', 'number', 11, 0, true);
         $oDB->addIndex('documents', 'idx_blamed_count', array('blamed_count'));
     if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("documents", "idx_module_blamed_count")) {
         $oDB->addIndex('documents', 'idx_module_blamed_count', array('module_srl', 'blamed_count'));
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("document_voted_log", "point")) {
         $oDB->addColumn('document_voted_log', 'point', 'number', 11, 0, true);
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("document_categories", "color")) {
         $oDB->addColumn('document_categories', "color", "char", 7);
     // 2009. 01. 29: Add a column(lang_code) if not exist in the document_extra_vars table
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("document_extra_vars", "lang_code")) {
         $oDB->addColumn('document_extra_vars', "lang_code", "varchar", 10);
     // 2009. 01. 29 Added a trigger for additional setup
     if (!$oModuleModel->getTrigger('module.dispAdditionSetup', 'document', 'view', 'triggerDispDocumentAdditionSetup', 'before')) {
         $oModuleController->insertTrigger('module.dispAdditionSetup', 'document', 'view', 'triggerDispDocumentAdditionSetup', 'before');
     // 2009. 03. 09 Add a column(lang_code) to the documnets table
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("documents", "lang_code")) {
         $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
         $oDB->addColumn('documents', "lang_code", "varchar", 10, $db_info->lang_code);
         $obj->lang_code = $db_info->lang_type;
         executeQuery('document.updateDocumentsLangCode', $obj);
     // 2009. 03. 11 Check the index in the document_extra_vars table
     if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("document_extra_vars", "unique_extra_vars")) {
         $oDB->addIndex("document_extra_vars", "unique_extra_vars", array("module_srl", "document_srl", "var_idx", "lang_code"), true);
     if ($oDB->isIndexExists("document_extra_vars", "unique_module_vars")) {
         $oDB->dropIndex("document_extra_vars", "unique_module_vars", true);
     // 2009. 03. 19: Add a column(eid)
     // 2009. 04. 12: Fixed the issue(#17922959) that changes another column values when adding eid column
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("document_extra_keys", "eid")) {
         $oDB->addColumn("document_extra_keys", "eid", "varchar", 40);
         $output = executeQuery('document.getGroupsExtraKeys', $obj);
         if ($output->toBool() && $output->data && count($output->data)) {
             foreach ($output->data as $extra_keys) {
                 $args->module_srl = $extra_keys->module_srl;
                 $args->var_idx = $extra_keys->idx;
                 $args->new_eid = "extra_vars" . $extra_keys->idx;
                 $output = executeQuery('document.updateDocumentExtraKeyEid', $args);
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("document_extra_vars", "eid")) {
         $oDB->addColumn("document_extra_vars", "eid", "varchar", 40);
         $obj->var_idx = '-1,-2';
         $output = executeQuery('document.getGroupsExtraVars', $obj);
         if ($output->toBool() && $output->data && count($output->data)) {
             foreach ($output->data as $extra_vars) {
                 $args->module_srl = $extra_vars->module_srl;
                 $args->var_idx = $extra_vars->idx;
                 $args->new_eid = "extra_vars" . $extra_vars->idx;
                 $output = executeQuery('document.updateDocumentExtraVarEid', $args);
     // 2011. 03. 30 Cubrid index Check the index in the document_extra_vars table
     if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("document_extra_vars", "idx_document_list_order")) {
         $oDB->addIndex("document_extra_vars", "idx_document_list_order", array("document_srl", "module_srl", "var_idx"), false);
     //2011. 04. 07 adding description column to document categories
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("document_categories", "description")) {
         $oDB->addColumn('document_categories', "description", "varchar", 200, 0);
     //2011. 05. 23 adding status column to document
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists('documents', 'status')) {
         $oDB->addColumn('documents', 'status', 'varchar', 20, 'PUBLIC');
         $args->is_secret = 'Y';
         $output = executeQuery('document.updateDocumentStatus', $args);
     // 2011. 09. 08 drop column document is_secret
     if ($oDB->isColumnExists('documents', 'status') && $oDB->isColumnExists('documents', 'is_secret')) {
         $oDB->dropColumn('documents', 'is_secret');
     //2011. 06. 07 merge column, allow_comment and lock_comment
     if ($oDB->isColumnExists('documents', 'allow_comment') || $oDB->isColumnExists('documents', 'lock_comment')) {
         $oDB->addColumn('documents', 'comment_status', 'varchar', 20, 'ALLOW');
         $columnList = array('module_srl');
         $moduleSrlList = $oModuleModel->getModuleSrlList(null, $columnList);
         $args->commentStatus = 'DENY';
         // allow_comment='Y', lock_comment='Y'
         $args->allowComment = 'Y';
         $args->lockComment = 'Y';
         $output = executeQuery('document.updateDocumentCommentStatus', $args);
         // allow_comment='N', lock_comment='Y'
         $args->allowComment = 'N';
         $args->lockComment = 'Y';
         $output = executeQuery('document.updateDocumentCommentStatus', $args);
         // allow_comment='N', lock_comment='N'
         $args->allowComment = 'N';
         $args->lockComment = 'N';
         $output = executeQuery('document.updateDocumentCommentStatus', $args);
     if ($oDB->isColumnExists('documents', 'allow_comment') && $oDB->isColumnExists('documents', 'comment_status')) {
         $oDB->dropColumn('documents', 'allow_comment');
     if ($oDB->isColumnExists('documents', 'lock_comment') && $oDB->isColumnExists('documents', 'comment_status')) {
         $oDB->dropColumn('documents', 'lock_comment');
     if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("documents", "idx_module_status")) {
         $oDB->addIndex("documents", "idx_module_status", array("module_srl", "status"));
     // 2012. 02. 27 Add a trigger to copy extra keys when the module is copied
     if (!$oModuleModel->getTrigger('module.procModuleAdminCopyModule', 'document', 'controller', 'triggerCopyModuleExtraKeys', 'after')) {
         $oModuleController->insertTrigger('module.procModuleAdminCopyModule', 'document', 'controller', 'triggerCopyModuleExtraKeys', 'after');
     return new Object(0, 'success_updated');
コード例 #20
ファイル: socialxe.view.php プロジェクト: leehankyeol/JaWeTip
 function dispSocialxeLoginForm()
     $config = $this->config;
     // 소셜 로그인을 사용하지 않으면 중지
     if ($config->use_social_login != 'Y') {
         return $this->stop('msg_not_allow_social_login');
     // 로그인 중이면 중지
     if (Context::get('logged_info')) {
         return $this->stop('already_logged');
     // 사용 중인 서비스 세팅
     Context::set('provider_list', $this->providerManager->getProviderList());
     // 기본 사이트의 도메인
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $domain = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', $db_info->default_url);
     Context::set('domain', $domain);
     // 세션 파기(가끔씩 기본 사이트와 PHPSESSIONID가 일치하지 않는 문제 때문)
     $oMemberController =& getController('member');
     // template path 지정
     $tpl_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s', $this->module_path, $config->skin);
     if (!is_dir($tpl_path)) {
         $tpl_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s', $this->module_path, 'default');
     // 템플릿 파일 지정
コード例 #21
ファイル: editor.class.php プロジェクト: hottaro/xpressengine
  * @brief 업데이트 실행
 function moduleUpdate()
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $oModuleController =& getController('module');
     $oDB =& DB::getInstance();
     // 자동저장시 module_srl 을 저장 2009.6.15
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists("editor_autosave", "module_srl")) {
         $oDB->addColumn("editor_autosave", "module_srl", "number", 11);
     // module_srl을 인덱스로
     if ($db_info->db_type == 'cubrid') {
         if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("editor_autosave", $oDB->prefix . "editor_autosave_idx_module_srl")) {
             $oDB->addIndex("editor_autosave", $oDB->prefix . "editor_autosave_idx_module_srl", "module_srl");
     } else {
         if (!$oDB->isIndexExists("editor_autosave", "idx_module_srl")) {
             $oDB->addIndex("editor_autosave", "idx_module_srl", "module_srl");
     // 2007. 10. 17 글의 입력(신규 or 수정)이 일어날때마다 자동 저장된 문서를 삭제하는 trigger 추가
     if (!$oModuleModel->getTrigger('document.insertDocument', 'editor', 'controller', 'triggerDeleteSavedDoc', 'after')) {
         $oModuleController->insertTrigger('document.insertDocument', 'editor', 'controller', 'triggerDeleteSavedDoc', 'after');
     if (!$oModuleModel->getTrigger('document.updateDocument', 'editor', 'controller', 'triggerDeleteSavedDoc', 'after')) {
         $oModuleController->insertTrigger('document.updateDocument', 'editor', 'controller', 'triggerDeleteSavedDoc', 'after');
     // 2007. 10. 23 모듈의 추가 설정에서 에디터 trigger 추가
     if (!$oModuleModel->getTrigger('module.dispAdditionSetup', 'editor', 'view', 'triggerDispEditorAdditionSetup', 'before')) {
         $oModuleController->insertTrigger('module.dispAdditionSetup', 'editor', 'view', 'triggerDispEditorAdditionSetup', 'before');
     // 2009. 04. 14 editor component 변환 코드를 trigger로 독립
     if (!$oModuleModel->getTrigger('display', 'editor', 'controller', 'triggerEditorComponentCompile', 'before')) {
         $oModuleController->insertTrigger('display', 'editor', 'controller', 'triggerEditorComponentCompile', 'before');
     // 2009. 06. 19 사용하지 않는 트리거 제거
     if ($oModuleModel->getTrigger('file.getIsPermitted', 'editor', 'controller', 'triggerSrlSetting', 'before')) {
         $oModuleController->deleteTrigger('file.getIsPermitted', 'editor', 'controller', 'triggerSrlSetting', 'before');
     return new Object(0, 'success_updated');
コード例 #22
ファイル: module.model.php プロジェクト: Gunmania/xe-core
  * @brief Get the defaul mid according to the domain
 function getDefaultMid()
     $default_url = Context::getDefaultUrl();
     if ($default_url && substr_compare($default_url, '/', -1) === 0) {
         $default_url = substr($default_url, 0, -1);
     $request_url = Context::getRequestUri();
     if ($request_url && substr_compare($request_url, '/', -1) === 0) {
         $request_url = substr($request_url, 0, -1);
     $default_url_parse = parse_url($default_url);
     $request_url_parse = parse_url($request_url);
     $vid = Context::get('vid');
     $mid = Context::get('mid');
     // Set up
     $domain = '';
     $site_info = NULL;
     if ($default_url && $default_url_parse['host'] != $request_url_parse['host']) {
         $url_info = parse_url($request_url);
         $hostname = $url_info['host'];
         $path = $url_info['path'];
         if (strlen($path) >= 1 && substr_compare($path, '/', -1) === 0) {
             $path = substr($path, 0, -1);
         $domain = sprintf('%s%s%s', $hostname, $url_info['port'] && $url_info['port'] != 80 ? ':' . $url_info['port'] : '', $path);
     if ($domain === '') {
         if (!$vid) {
             $vid = $mid;
         if ($vid) {
             $domain = $vid;
     $oCacheHandler = CacheHandler::getInstance('object', null, true);
     // If domain is set, look for subsite
     if ($domain !== '') {
         $site_info = false;
         if ($oCacheHandler->isSupport()) {
             $object_key = 'site_info:' . md5($domain);
             $domain_cache_key = $oCacheHandler->getGroupKey('site_and_module', $object_key);
             $site_info = $oCacheHandler->get($domain_cache_key);
         if ($site_info === false) {
             $args = new stdClass();
             $args->domain = $domain;
             $output = executeQuery('module.getSiteInfoByDomain', $args);
             $site_info = $output->data;
             if ($oCacheHandler->isSupport()) {
                 $oCacheHandler->put($domain_cache_key, $site_info);
         if ($site_info && $vid) {
             Context::set('vid', $site_info->domain, true);
             if (strtolower($mid) == strtolower($site_info->domain)) {
                 Context::set('mid', $site_info->mid, true);
         if (!$site_info || !$site_info->domain) {
             $domain = '';
     // If no virtual website was found, get default website
     if ($domain === '') {
         $site_info = false;
         if ($oCacheHandler->isSupport()) {
             $object_key = 'default_site';
             $default_site_cache_key = $oCacheHandler->getGroupKey('site_and_module', $object_key);
             $site_info = $oCacheHandler->get($default_site_cache_key);
         if ($site_info === false) {
             $args = new stdClass();
             $args->site_srl = 0;
             $output = executeQuery('module.getSiteInfo', $args);
             // Update the related informaion if there is no default site info
             if (!$output->data) {
                 // Create a table if sites table doesn't exist
                 $oDB =& DB::getInstance();
                 if (!$oDB->isTableExists('sites')) {
                     $oDB->createTableByXmlFile(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/module/schemas/sites.xml');
                 if (!$oDB->isTableExists('sites')) {
                 // Get mid, language
                 $mid_output = $oDB->executeQuery('module.getDefaultMidInfo', $args);
                 $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
                 $domain = Context::getDefaultUrl();
                 $url_info = parse_url($domain);
                 $domain = $url_info['host'] . (!empty($url_info['port']) && $url_info['port'] != 80 ? ':' . $url_info['port'] : '') . $url_info['path'];
                 $site_args = new stdClass();
                 $site_args->site_srl = 0;
                 $site_args->index_module_srl = $mid_output->data->module_srl;
                 $site_args->domain = $domain;
                 $site_args->default_language = $db_info->lang_type;
                 if ($output->data && !$output->data->index_module_srl) {
                     $output = executeQuery('module.updateSite', $site_args);
                 } else {
                     $output = executeQuery('module.insertSite', $site_args);
                     if (!$output->toBool()) {
                         return $output;
                 $output = executeQuery('module.getSiteInfo', $args);
             $site_info = $output->data;
             if ($oCacheHandler->isSupport()) {
                 $oCacheHandler->put($default_site_cache_key, $site_info);
     if (!$site_info->module_srl) {
         return $site_info;
     if (is_array($site_info) && $site_info->data[0]) {
         $site_info = $site_info[0];
     return $this->addModuleExtraVars($site_info);
コード例 #23
ファイル: member.model.php プロジェクト: kimkucheol/xe-core
  * @brief Return member information with email_address
 function getMemberInfoByEmailAddress($email_address)
     if (!$email_address) {
     $args = new stdClass();
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     if ($db_info->master_db['db_type'] == "cubrid") {
         $args->email_address = strtolower($email_address);
         $output = executeQuery('member.getMemberInfoByEmailAddressForCubrid', $args);
     } else {
         $args->email_address = $email_address;
         $output = executeQuery('member.getMemberInfoByEmailAddress', $args);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     if (!$output->data) {
     $member_info = $this->arrangeMemberInfo($output->data);
     return $member_info;
コード例 #24
  * @brief Textyle init tool
 function initTool(&$oModule, $is_other_module = false)
     if (!$oModule) {
         $oModule = $this;
     $oTextyleModel =& getModel('textyle');
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     $textyle = $oTextyleModel->getTextyle($site_module_info->index_module_srl);
     $custom_menu = $oTextyleModel->getTextyleCustomMenu();
     $info = Context::getDBInfo();
     if ($info->use_mobile_vie == 'Y') {
         $custom_menu->hidden_menu[] = strtolower('dispTextyleToolLayoutConfigMobileSkin');
     Context::set('custom_menu', $custom_menu);
     if ($oTextyleModel->ishiddenMenu($oModule->act) || $oModule->act == 'dispTextyleToolDashboard' && $oTextyleModel->isHiddenMenu(0)) {
         if ($oTextyleModel->isHiddenMenu(0)) {
             Context::set('act', $oModule->act = 'dispTextyleToolPostManageList', true);
         } else {
             Context::set('act', $oModule->act = 'dispTextyleToolDashboard', true);
     if ($is_other_module) {
         $oModule->setLayoutPath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
     } else {
         $template_path = sprintf("%stpl", $this->module_path);
         $this->setTemplateFile(str_replace('dispTextyleTool', '', $this->act));
     if ($_COOKIE['tclnb']) {
     } else {
     // set browser title
     Context::setBrowserTitle($textyle->get('browser_title') . ' - admin');
コード例 #25
  * Display Configuration(settings) page
  * @return void
 function dispAdminConfigGeneral()
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     Context::set('selected_lang', $db_info->lang_type);
     if (strpos($db_info->default_url, 'xn--') !== FALSE) {
         $db_info->default_url = Context::decodeIdna($db_info->default_url);
     Context::set('default_url', $db_info->default_url);
     Context::set('langs', Context::loadLangSupported());
     // site lock
     Context::set('IP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     if (!$db_info->sitelock_title) {
         $db_info->sitelock_title = 'Maintenance in progress...';
     if (!in_array('', $db_info->sitelock_whitelist)) {
         $db_info->sitelock_whitelist[] = '';
     if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $db_info->sitelock_whitelist)) {
         $db_info->sitelock_whitelist[] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $db_info->sitelock_whitelist = array_unique($db_info->sitelock_whitelist);
     Context::set('remote_addr', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     Context::set('use_sitelock', $db_info->use_sitelock);
     Context::set('sitelock_title', $db_info->sitelock_title);
     Context::set('sitelock_message', htmlspecialchars($db_info->sitelock_message, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false));
     $whitelist = implode("\r\n", $db_info->sitelock_whitelist);
     Context::set('sitelock_whitelist', $whitelist);
     if ($db_info->admin_ip_list) {
         $admin_ip_list = implode("\r\n", $db_info->admin_ip_list);
     } else {
         $admin_ip_list = '';
     Context::set('admin_ip_list', $admin_ip_list);
     Context::set('lang_selected', Context::loadLangSelected());
     $oAdminModel = getAdminModel('admin');
     $favicon_url = $oAdminModel->getFaviconUrl();
     $mobicon_url = $oAdminModel->getMobileIconUrl();
     Context::set('favicon_url', $favicon_url . '?' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
     Context::set('mobicon_url', $mobicon_url . '?' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
     $config = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentConfig();
     Context::set('thumbnail_type', $config->thumbnail_type);
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('module');
     Context::set('siteTitle', $config->siteTitle);
     Context::set('htmlFooter', htmlspecialchars($config->htmlFooter));
     // embed filter
     require_once _XE_PATH_ . 'classes/security/EmbedFilter.class.php';
     $oEmbedFilter = EmbedFilter::getInstance();
     context::set('embed_white_object', implode(PHP_EOL, $oEmbedFilter->whiteUrlList));
     context::set('embed_white_iframe', implode(PHP_EOL, $oEmbedFilter->whiteIframeUrlList));
     $columnList = array('modules.mid', 'modules.browser_title', 'sites.index_module_srl');
     $start_module = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo(0, $columnList);
     Context::set('start_module', $start_module);
     Context::set('pwd', $pwd);
     $security = new Security();
     $security->encodeHTML('news..', 'released_version', 'download_link', 'selected_lang', 'module_list..', 'module_list..author..', 'addon_list..', 'addon_list..author..', 'start_module.');
コード例 #26
ファイル: ModuleHandler.class.php プロジェクト: relip/xe-core
  * Initialization. It finds the target module based on module, mid, document_srl, and prepares to execute an action
  * @return boolean true: OK, false: redirected
 function init()
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     if (!$this->document_srl && $this->mid && $this->entry) {
         $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
         $this->document_srl = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentSrlByAlias($this->mid, $this->entry);
         if ($this->document_srl) {
             Context::set('document_srl', $this->document_srl);
     // Get module's information based on document_srl, if it's specified
     if ($this->document_srl && !$this->module) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByDocumentSrl($this->document_srl);
         // If the document does not exist, remove document_srl
         if (!$module_info) {
         } else {
             // If it exists, compare mid based on the module information
             // if mids are not matching, set it as the document's mid
             if ($this->mid != $module_info->mid) {
                 $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
                 Context::set('mid', $module_info->mid, true);
                 header('location:' . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', $this->mid, 'document_srl', $this->document_srl));
                 return false;
         // if requested module is different from one of the document, remove the module information retrieved based on the document number
         if ($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) {
     // If module_info is not set yet, and there exists mid information, get module information based on the mid
     if (!$module_info && $this->mid) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByMid($this->mid, $site_module_info->site_srl);
         //if($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) unset($module_info);
     // redirect, if module_site_srl and site_srl are different
     if (!$this->module && !$module_info && $site_module_info->site_srl == 0 && $site_module_info->module_site_srl > 0) {
         $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($site_module_info->module_site_srl);
         header("location:" . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', $site_module_info->mid));
         return false;
     // If module_info is not set still, and $module does not exist, find the default module
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module && !$this->mid) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module && $site_module_info->module_site_srl) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     // redirect, if site_srl of module_info is different from one of site's module_info
     if ($module_info && $module_info->site_srl != $site_module_info->site_srl && !isCrawler()) {
         // If the module is of virtual site
         if ($module_info->site_srl) {
             $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($module_info->site_srl);
             $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
             // If it's called from a virtual site, though it's not a module of the virtual site
         } else {
             $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
             if (!$db_info->default_url) {
                 return Context::getLang('msg_default_url_is_not_defined');
             } else {
                 $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($db_info->default_url, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
         header("location:" . $redirect_url);
         return false;
     // If module info was set, retrieve variables from the module information
     if ($module_info) {
         $this->module = $module_info->module;
         $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
         $this->module_info = $module_info;
         $part_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout', $module_info->layout_srl);
     // Set module and mid into module_info
     $this->module_info->module = $this->module;
     $this->module_info->mid = $this->mid;
     // Set site_srl add 2011 08 09
     $this->module_info->site_srl = $site_module_info->site_srl;
     // Still no module? it's an error
     if (!$this->module) {
         $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
         $this->httpStatusCode = '404';
     // If mid exists, set mid into context
     if ($this->mid) {
         Context::set('mid', $this->mid, true);
     // Call a trigger after moduleHandler init
     $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleHandler.init', 'after', $this->module_info);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         $this->error = $output->getMessage();
         return false;
     // Set current module info into context
     Context::set('current_module_info', $this->module_info);
     return true;
コード例 #27
  * @brief Change settings
 function procInstallAdminSaveTimeZone()
     $use_rewrite = Context::get('use_rewrite');
     if ($use_rewrite != 'Y') {
         $use_rewrite = 'N';
     $use_sso = Context::get('use_sso');
     if ($use_sso != 'Y') {
         $use_sso = 'N';
     $use_cdn = Context::get('use_cdn');
     if ($use_cdn != 'Y') {
         $use_cdn = 'N';
     $time_zone = Context::get('time_zone');
     $qmail_compatibility = Context::get('qmail_compatibility');
     if ($qmail_compatibility != 'Y') {
         $qmail_compatibility = 'N';
     $use_db_session = Context::get('use_db_session');
     if ($use_db_session != 'Y') {
         $use_db_session = 'N';
     $use_ssl = Context::get('use_ssl');
     if (!$use_ssl) {
         $use_ssl = 'none';
     $use_html5 = Context::get('use_html5');
     if (!$use_html5) {
         $use_html5 = 'N';
     $http_port = Context::get('http_port');
     $https_port = Context::get('https_port');
     $use_mobile_view = Context::get('use_mobile_view');
     if ($use_mobile_view != 'Y') {
         $use_mobile_view = 'N';
     $admin_ip_list = Context::get('admin_ip_list');
     $admin_ip_list = preg_replace("/[\r|\n|\r\n]+/", ",", $admin_ip_list);
     $admin_ip_list = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "", $admin_ip_list);
     if (preg_match('/(<\\?|<\\?php|\\?>)/xsm', $admin_ip_list)) {
         $admin_ip_list = '';
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $db_info->default_url = Context::get('default_url');
     if ($db_info->default_url && !preg_match('/^(http|https):\\/\\//i', $db_info->default_url)) {
         $db_info->default_url = 'http://' . $db_info->default_url;
     $db_info->time_zone = $time_zone;
     $db_info->qmail_compatibility = $qmail_compatibility;
     $db_info->use_db_session = $use_db_session;
     $db_info->use_rewrite = $use_rewrite;
     $db_info->use_sso = $use_sso;
     $db_info->use_ssl = $use_ssl;
     $db_info->use_cdn = $use_cdn;
     $db_info->use_html5 = $use_html5;
     $db_info->use_mobile_view = $use_mobile_view;
     $db_info->admin_ip_list = $admin_ip_list;
     if ($http_port) {
         $db_info->http_port = (int) $http_port;
     } else {
         if ($db_info->http_port) {
     if ($https_port) {
         $db_info->https_port = (int) $https_port;
     } else {
         if ($db_info->https_port) {
     $oInstallController =& getController('install');
     $site_args->site_srl = 0;
     $site_args->index_module_srl = Context::get('index_module_srl');
     $site_args->default_language = Context::get('change_lang_type');
     $site_args->domain = $db_info->default_url;
     $oModuleController =& getController('module');
コード例 #28
  * Initialization. It finds the target module based on module, mid, document_srl, and prepares to execute an action
  * @return boolean true: OK, false: redirected
  * */
 function init()
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     // if success_return_url and error_return_url is incorrect
     $urls = array(Context::get('success_return_url'), Context::get('error_return_url'));
     foreach ($urls as $url) {
         if (empty($url)) {
         $urlInfo = parse_url($url);
         $host = $urlInfo['host'];
         $dbInfo = Context::getDBInfo();
         $defaultUrlInfo = parse_url($dbInfo->default_url);
         $defaultHost = $defaultUrlInfo['host'];
         if ($host && ($host != $defaultHost && $host != $site_module_info->domain)) {
             throw new Exception('msg_default_url_is_null');
     if (!$this->document_srl && $this->mid && $this->entry) {
         $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
         $this->document_srl = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentSrlByAlias($this->mid, $this->entry);
         if ($this->document_srl) {
             Context::set('document_srl', $this->document_srl);
     // Get module's information based on document_srl, if it's specified
     if ($this->document_srl) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByDocumentSrl($this->document_srl);
         // If the document does not exist, remove document_srl
         if (!$module_info) {
         } else {
             // If it exists, compare mid based on the module information
             // if mids are not matching, set it as the document's mid
             if (!$this->mid || $this->mid != $module_info->mid) {
                 if (Context::getRequestMethod() == 'GET') {
                     $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
                     header('location:' . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_module_info->domain, 'mid', $this->mid, 'document_srl', $this->document_srl));
                     return FALSE;
                 } else {
                     $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
                     Context::set('mid', $this->mid);
             // if requested module is different from one of the document, remove the module information retrieved based on the document number
             if ($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) {
     // If module_info is not set yet, and there exists mid information, get module information based on the mid
     if (!$module_info && $this->mid) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByMid($this->mid, $site_module_info->site_srl);
         //if($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) unset($module_info);
     // redirect, if module_site_srl and site_srl are different
     if (!$this->module && !$module_info && $site_module_info->site_srl == 0 && $site_module_info->module_site_srl > 0) {
         $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($site_module_info->module_site_srl);
         header("location:" . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', $site_module_info->mid));
         return FALSE;
     // If module_info is not set still, and $module does not exist, find the default module
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module && !$this->mid) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module && $site_module_info->module_site_srl) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     // redirect, if site_srl of module_info is different from one of site's module_info
     if ($module_info && $module_info->site_srl != $site_module_info->site_srl && !isCrawler()) {
         // If the module is of virtual site
         if ($module_info->site_srl) {
             $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($module_info->site_srl);
             $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
             // If it's called from a virtual site, though it's not a module of the virtual site
         } else {
             $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
             if (!$db_info->default_url) {
                 return Context::getLang('msg_default_url_is_not_defined');
             } else {
                 $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($db_info->default_url, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
         header("location:" . $redirect_url);
         return FALSE;
     // If module info was set, retrieve variables from the module information
     if ($module_info) {
         $this->module = $module_info->module;
         $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
         $this->module_info = $module_info;
         $viewType = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'M' : 'P';
         $targetSrl = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mlayout_srl' : 'layout_srl';
         // use the site default layout.
         if ($module_info->{$targetSrl} == -1) {
             $oLayoutAdminModel = getAdminModel('layout');
             $layoutSrl = $oLayoutAdminModel->getSiteDefaultLayout($viewType, $module_info->site_srl);
         } else {
             $layoutSrl = $module_info->{$targetSrl};
         // reset a layout_srl in module_info.
         $module_info->{$targetSrl} = $layoutSrl;
         $part_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout', $layoutSrl);
     // Set module and mid into module_info
     if (!isset($this->module_info)) {
         $this->module_info = new stdClass();
     $this->module_info->module = $this->module;
     $this->module_info->mid = $this->mid;
     // Set site_srl add 2011 08 09
     $this->module_info->site_srl = $site_module_info->site_srl;
     // Still no module? it's an error
     if (!$this->module) {
         $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
         $this->httpStatusCode = '404';
     // If mid exists, set mid into context
     if ($this->mid) {
         Context::set('mid', $this->mid, TRUE);
     // Call a trigger after moduleHandler init
     $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleHandler.init', 'after', $this->module_info);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         $this->error = $output->getMessage();
         return TRUE;
     // Set current module info into context
     Context::set('current_module_info', $this->module_info);
     return TRUE;
コード例 #29
  * @brief module, mid, document_srl을 이용하여 모듈을 찾고 act를 실행하기 위한 준비를 함
 function init()
     // ModuleModel 객체 생성
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     if (!$this->document_srl && $this->mid && $this->entry) {
         $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
         $this->document_srl = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentSrlByAlias($this->mid, $this->entry);
         if ($this->document_srl) {
             Context::set('document_srl', $this->document_srl);
     // 문서번호(document_srl)가 있을 경우 모듈 정보를 구해옴
     if ($this->document_srl && !$this->module) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByDocumentSrl($this->document_srl);
         // 문서가 존재하지 않으면 문서 정보를 제거
         if (!$module_info) {
             // 문서가 존재할 경우 모듈 정보를 바탕으로 virtual site 및 mid 비교
         } else {
             // mid 값이 다르면 문서의 mid로 설정
             if ($this->mid != $module_info->mid) {
                 $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
                 Context::set('mid', $module_info->mid, true);
         // 요청된 모듈과 문서 번호가 다르면 문서 번호에 의한 모듈 정보를 제거
         if ($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) {
     // 모듈정보를 구하지 못했고 mid 요청이 있으면 mid에 해당하는 모듈 정보를 구함
     if (!$module_info && $this->mid) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByMid($this->mid, $site_module_info->site_srl);
         //if($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) unset($module_info);
     // module_site_srl과 site_srl 값이 다르면 redirect 시도
     if (!$this->module && !$module_info && $site_module_info->site_srl == 0 && $site_module_info->module_site_srl > 0) {
         $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($site_module_info->module_site_srl);
         header("location:" . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', $site_module_info->mid));
         return false;
     // 역시 모듈을 못 찾았고 $module이 없다면 기본 모듈을 찾아봄
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module && $site_module_info->module_site_srl) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     // 모듈정보와 사이트 모듈정보가 다르면(다른 사이트이면) 페이지 리다이렉트
     if ($module_info && $module_info->site_srl != $site_module_info->site_srl) {
         // 현재 요청된 모듈이 가상 사이트 모듈일 경우
         if ($module_info->site_srl) {
             $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($module_info->site_srl);
             $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
             // 가상 사이트 모듈이 아닌데 가상 사이트에서 호출되었을 경우
         } else {
             $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
             if (!$db_info->default_url) {
                 return die("기본 URL이 정해지지 않아서 동작을 중지합니다");
             } else {
                 $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($db_info->default_url, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
         header("location:" . $redirect_url);
         return false;
     // 모듈 정보가 찾아졌을 경우 모듈 정보에서 기본 변수들을 구함, 모듈 정보에서 module 이름을 구해움
     if ($module_info) {
         $this->module = $module_info->module;
         $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
         $this->module_info = $module_info;
         $part_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout', $module_info->layout_srl);
     // 모듈정보에 module과 mid를 강제로 지정
     $this->module_info->module = $this->module;
     $this->module_info->mid = $this->mid;
     // 여기까지도 모듈 정보를 찾지 못했다면 깔끔하게 시스템 오류 표시
     if (!$this->module) {
         $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
     // mid값이 있을 경우 mid값을 세팅
     if ($this->mid) {
         Context::set('mid', $this->mid, true);
     // 실제 동작을 하기 전에 trigger 호출
     $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleHandler.init', 'after', $this->module_info);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         $this->error = $output->getMessage();
         return false;
     // 현재 모듈의 정보를 세팅
     Context::set('current_module_info', $this->module_info);
     return true;
コード例 #30
ファイル: member.admin.model.php プロジェクト: relip/xe-core
  * check allowed target ip address when  login for admin. 
  * @return boolean (true : allowed, false : refuse)
 function getMemberAdminIPCheck()
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     $admin_ip_list = $db_info->admin_ip_list;
     $admin_ip_list = explode(",", $admin_ip_list);
     $oMemberModel =& getModel('member');
     $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $falg = false;
     foreach ($admin_ip_list as $admin_ip_list_key => $admin_ip_value) {
         if (preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}(?:.(\\d{1,3}|\\*)){3}\\s*$/', $admin_ip_value, $matches) && $ip) {
             $admin_ip = $matches[0];
             $admin_ip = str_replace('*', '', $admin_ip);
             $admin_ip_patterns[] = preg_quote($admin_ip);
             $admin_ip_pattern = '/^(' . implode($admin_ip_patterns, '|') . ')/';
             if (preg_match($admin_ip_pattern, $ip, $matches)) {
                 return true;
             $flag = true;
     if (!$flag) {
         return true;
     return false;