<?php include_once '../config/symbini.php'; include_once $SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/ChecklistAdmin.php'; header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $charset); if (!$SYMB_UID) { header('Location: ../profile/index.php?refurl=../checklists/checklistadmin.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } $clid = array_key_exists("clid", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["clid"] : 0; $pid = array_key_exists("pid", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["pid"] : ""; $startPos = array_key_exists('start', $_REQUEST) ? (int) $_REQUEST['start'] : 0; $tabIndex = array_key_exists("tabindex", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["tabindex"] : 0; $action = array_key_exists("submitaction", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["submitaction"] : ""; $clManager = new ChecklistAdmin(); if (!$clid && isset($_POST['delclid'])) { $clid = $_POST['delclid']; } $clManager->setClid($clid); $statusStr = ""; $isEditor = 0; if ($IS_ADMIN || array_key_exists("ClAdmin", $USER_RIGHTS) && in_array($clid, $USER_RIGHTS["ClAdmin"])) { $isEditor = 1; //Submit checklist MetaData edits if ($action == "Submit Changes") { $editArr = array(); $defaultViewArr = array(); $defaultViewArr["ddetails"] = array_key_exists("ddetails", $_REQUEST) ? 1 : 0; $defaultViewArr["dcommon"] = array_key_exists("dcommon", $_REQUEST) ? 1 : 0; $defaultViewArr["dimages"] = array_key_exists("dimages", $_REQUEST) ? 1 : 0; $defaultViewArr["dvouchers"] = array_key_exists("dvouchers", $_REQUEST) ? 1 : 0; $defaultViewArr["dauthors"] = array_key_exists("dauthors", $_REQUEST) ? 1 : 0;
<?php include_once '../config/symbini.php'; include_once $serverRoot . '/classes/ChecklistAdmin.php'; $clid = array_key_exists("clid", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["clid"] : 0; $pid = array_key_exists("pid", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["pid"] : ""; $clManager = new ChecklistAdmin(); $clManager->setClid($clid); ?> <!-- inner text --> <div id="innertext" style="background-color:white;"> <div style="float:right;"> <a href="#" onclick="toggle('addchilddiv')"><img src="../images/add.png" /></a> </div> <div style="margin:15px;font-weight:bold;font-size:120%;"> <u>Children Checklists</u> </div> <div style="margin:25px;clear:both;"> Checklists will inherit scientific names, vouchers, notes, etc from all children checklists. Adding a new taxon or voucher to a child checklist will automatically add it to all parent checklists. The parent child relationship can transcend multiple levels (e.g. country <- state <- county). Note that only direct child can be removed. </div> <div id="addchilddiv" style="margin:15px;display:none;"> <fieldset style="padding:15px;"> <legend><b>Link New Checklist</b></legend> <form name="addchildform" target="checklistadmin.php" method="post" onsubmit="validateAddChildForm(this)"> <div style="margin:10px;"> <select name="clidadd"> <option value="">Select Child Checklist</option> <option value="">-------------------------------</option>
<?php include_once '../config/symbini.php'; include_once $serverRoot . '/classes/ChecklistAdmin.php'; header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $charset); $latCenter = array_key_exists("latcenter", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["latcenter"] : 0; $lngCenter = array_key_exists("lngcenter", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["lngcenter"] : 0; $clid = array_key_exists("clid", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["clid"] : 0; $tid = array_key_exists("tid", $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST["tid"] : 0; $clManager = new ChecklistAdmin(); $clManager->setClid($clid); if (!is_numeric($latCenter) || !is_numeric($lngCenter) || !$latCenter && !$lngCenter) { $boundaryArr = explode(";", $mappingBoundaries); $latCenter = $boundaryArr[0] > $boundaryArr[2] ? ($boundaryArr[0] - $boundaryArr[2]) / 2 + $boundaryArr[2] : ($boundaryArr[2] - $boundaryArr[0]) / 2 + $boundaryArr[0]; $lngCenter = $boundaryArr[1] > $boundaryArr[3] ? ($boundaryArr[1] - $boundaryArr[3]) / 2 + $boundaryArr[3] : ($boundaryArr[3] - $boundaryArr[1]) / 2 + $boundaryArr[1]; } ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $defaultTitle; ?> - Coordinate Aid</title> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var map; var currentMarker; var newPoint; var mapZoom;
$dataArr["abundance"] = $_POST["abundance"]; } if ($_POST["notes"]) { $dataArr["notes"] = $_POST["notes"]; } if ($_POST["source"]) { $dataArr["source"] = $_POST["source"]; } if ($_POST["internalnotes"]) { $dataArr["internalnotes"] = $_POST["internalnotes"]; } $setRareSpp = false; if ($_POST["cltype"] == 'rarespp') { $setRareSpp = true; } $clAdmin = new ChecklistAdmin(); $clAdmin->setClid($clid); $statusStr = $clAdmin->addNewSpecies($dataArr, $setRareSpp); } } $taxaArray = array(); if ($clValue || $dynClid) { $taxaArray = $clManager->getTaxaList($pageNumber, $printMode ? 0 : 500); } ?> <html> <head> <meta charset="<?php echo $CHARSET; ?> ">