function showCurrentPersonalRecords()
    global $chosenPersonId;
    $bests = dbQuery("\n\n  SELECT * FROM\n\n   (SELECT \n      eventId,\n      best single,\n      worldRank singleRank,\n      continentRank singleRankContinent,\n      countryRank singleRankCountry\n    FROM RanksSingle\n    WHERE personId='{$chosenPersonId}') singles\n    \n    LEFT JOIN\n   \n   (SELECT \n      eventId eC,\n      best average,\n      worldRank averageRank,\n      continentRank averageRankContinent,\n      countryRank averageRankCountry\n    FROM RanksAverage\n    WHERE personId='{$chosenPersonId}') average\n    \n    ON eventId = eC,\n    Events event\n    WHERE\n      eventId =\n    ORDER BY\n      event.rank\n\n\n  ");
    tableBegin('results', 10);
    tableCaption(false, "Current Personal Records");
    tableHeader(explode(" ", "Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR "), array("", "class='r'", "class='r'", "class='R'", "class='R2'", "class='R2'", "class='R'", "class='r'", "class='r'", "class='f'"));
    $oddMessage = "A missing or worse country/continent rank compared to a larger region rank is due to the change of country because results from previous regions don't count for differing current regions.";
    foreach ($bests as $best) {
        $odd = $singleRankCountry > $singleRankContinent || $singleRankContinent > $singleRank || $averageRankCountry > $averageRankContinent || $averageRankContinent > $averageRank || !$singleRankCountry && $singleRankContinent || !$singleRankContinent && $singleRank || !$averageRankCountry && $averageRankContinent || !$averageRankContinent && $averageRank;
        tableRow(array(internalEventLink("#{$eventId}", eventCellName($eventId)), "<span style='color:#999'>" . colorMe($singleRankCountry) . "</span>", colorMe($singleRankContinent), colorMe($singleRank), eventLink($eventId, formatValue($single, valueFormat($eventId))), eventAverageLink($eventId, formatValue($average, valueFormat($eventId))), colorMe($averageRank), colorMe($averageRankContinent), "<span style='color:#999'>" . colorMe($averageRankCountry) . "</span>", $odd ? "<a title='{$oddMessage}' style='color:#66F' onclick='alert(\"{$oddMessage}\")'>(*)</a>" : ''));
コード例 #2
function checkSimilarResults()
    global $competitionCondition, $chosenWhich;
    echo "<hr /><p>Checking <b>" . $chosenWhich . " similar results</b>... (wait for the result message box at the end)</p>\n";
    #--- Get all similar results (except old-new multiblind)
    $rows = pdo_query("\n      SELECT\n          Results.competitionId AS competitionId,\n          Results.personId AS personIdA, Results.personName AS personNameA, Results.eventId AS eventIdA, Results.roundId AS roundIdA,\n          h.personId AS personIdB, h.personName AS personNameB, h.eventId AS eventIdB, h.roundId AS roundIdB,\n          Results.value1 AS value1A, Results.value2 AS value2A, Results.value3 AS value3A, Results.value4 AS value4A, Results.value5 AS value5A,\n          h.value1 AS value1B, h.value2 AS value2B, h.value3 AS value3B, h.value4 AS value4B, h.value5 AS value5B\n      FROM Results\n      JOIN (\n          SELECT competitionId, eventId, roundId, personId, personName, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5\n          FROM Results " . ($competitionCondition ? "JOIN Competitions ON = competitionId " : "") . "WHERE best > 0 " . ($competitionCondition ? $competitionCondition : "") . " AND value3 <> 0\n              AND eventId <> '333mbo'\n      ) h ON Results.competitionId = h.competitionId\n          AND Results.eventId <> '333mbo'\n          AND Results.personId < h.personId\n          AND (\n              (Results.value1 = h.value1 AND h.value1 > 0) +\n              (Results.value2 = h.value2 AND h.value2 > 0) +\n              (Results.value3 = h.value3 AND h.value3 > 0) +\n              (Results.value4 = h.value4 AND h.value4 > 0) +\n              (Results.value5 = h.value5 AND h.value5 > 0) > 2\n              )\n  ");
    tableBegin('results', 4);
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $competition = getCompetition($row['competitionId']);
        $competitionName = $competition['cellName'];
        tableCaption(false, competitionLink($row['competitionId'], $competitionName));
        tableHeader(explode('|', "Person|Event|Round|Result Details"), array(3 => 'class="f"'));
        foreach (array('A', 'B') as $letter) {
            $otherLetter = chr(65 + 66 - ord($letter));
            $resultStr = '';
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
                $value = $row['value' . $i . $letter];
                if (!$value) {
                $resultStr .= "<span class='label label-" . ($value == $row['value' . $i . $otherLetter] ? "danger" : "success") . "'>" . formatValue($value, valueFormat($row['eventId' . $letter])) . "</span> ";
            tableRow(array(personLink($row['personId' . $letter], $row['personName' . $letter]), eventCellName($row['eventId' . $letter]), roundCellName($row['roundId' . $letter]), $resultStr));
    #--- Tell the result.
    $date = wcaDate();
    noticeBox2(count($rows) == 0, "No similar results were found.<br />{$date}", "Similar results were found.<br />{$date}");
コード例 #3
function computeCompetitionEvents ( $eventSpecs ) {
  global $chosenCompetitionId, $chosenAllResults;

  $events = "";
  foreach( getEventSpecsEventIds( $eventSpecs ) as $eventId ){
    $url = $chosenAllResults ? "#$eventId" : "competition.php?competitionId=$chosenCompetitionId&amp;allResults=1#$eventId";
    $events .= '[{' . eventCellName( $eventId ) . '}{' . $url . '}]';
  return $events;
コード例 #4
function addList($list, $legacyId)
    $competitions = readDatabaseTableWithId('Competitions');
    list($id, $title, $subtitle, $columnDefs, $rows) = $list;
    $info = isset($list[5]) ? $list[5] : '';
    #--- From column definitions like "[P] Person [N] Appearances [T] | [P] Person [N] Appearances"
    #--- extract classes and names like:
    #--- ('P', 'N', 'T', 'P', 'N', 'f')
    #--- ('Person', 'Appearances, '&nbsp; &nbsp; | &nbsp; &nbsp;', 'Person', 'Appearances', '&nbsp;')
    $columnDefs = "{$columnDefs} [f] &nbsp;";
    $columnDefs = preg_replace('/\\|/', ' &nbsp; &nbsp; | &nbsp; &nbsp; ', $columnDefs);
    preg_match_all('/\\[(\\w+)\\]\\s*([^[]*[^[ ])/', $columnDefs, $matches);
    $columnClasses = $matches[1];
    $columnNames = $matches[2];
    $ctr = 0;
    foreach ($columnClasses as $class) {
        if ($class == 'P') {
        } elseif ($class == 'E') {
        } elseif ($class == 'C') {
        } elseif ($class == 't') {
        } elseif ($class == 'T') {
            $attributes[$ctr] = 'class="L"';
        } elseif ($class == 'N') {
            $attributes[$ctr] = 'class="R2"';
        } elseif ($class == 'n') {
            $attributes[$ctr] = 'class="r"';
        } elseif ($class == 'R') {
            $attributes[$ctr] = 'class="R2"';
        } elseif ($class == 'r') {
            $attributes[$ctr] = 'class="r"';
        } elseif ($class == 'f') {
            $attributes[$ctr] = 'class="f"';
        } else {
            showErrorMessage("Unknown column type <b>'</b>{$class}<b>'</b>");
    if ($subtitle) {
        $subtitle = "<span style='color:#999'>({$subtitle})</span>";
    if ($info) {
        $info = htmlEntities($info, ENT_QUOTES);
        $info = "(<a title='{$info}' style='color:#FC0' onclick='alert(\"{$info}\")'>info</a>)";
    $columnCount = count($columnNames);
    echo "<div id='{$id}'>\n";
    TableBegin('results', $columnCount);
    TableCaptionNew(false, $legacyId, "{$title} {$subtitle} {$info}");
    TableHeader($columnNames, $attributes);
    #--- Display the table.
    $rowCtr = 0;
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $values = array();
        $numbers = '';
        #    array_unshift( $row, 0 );
        #    foreach( $row as $key => $value ){
        foreach (range(0, $columnCount - 2) as $i) {
            $value = $row[$i];
            $Class = ucfirst($columnClasses[$i]);
            if ($Class == 'P' && $value) {
                $value = personLink($value, extractRomanName(currentPersonName($value)));
            if ($Class == 'E') {
                $value = eventLink($value, eventCellName($value));
            if ($Class == 'C') {
                $value = competitionLink($value, $competitions[$value]['cellName']);
            if ($Class == 'R') {
                $value = formatValue($value, isset($row['eventId']) ? valueFormat($row['eventId']) : 'time');
            $values[] = $value;
            if ($Class == 'N') {
                $numbers .= "{$value}|";
        #--- Add the rank.
        $rank = isset($prevNumbers) && $numbers == $prevNumbers ? '' : $rowCtr;
        ###  $rank = $rowCtr;
        $prevNumbers = $numbers;
        #    $values[0] = $rank;
        #--- Add the filler column cell.
        $values[] = '';
        #--- Show the row.
    echo "</div>\n";