private function getWidgetScript($callback) { Yii::app()->clientScript->scripts = array(); ob_start(); $widget = new CMaskedTextField(null); $widget->name = 'test'; $widget->completed = $callback; $widget->mask = '99/99/9999'; $widget->init(); $widget->run(); Yii::app()->clientScript->render($out); ob_end_clean(); return $out; }
public function run() { if ($this->showPlaceholder) { $this->htmlOptions['placeholder'] = strtr($this->mask, '9a*', '___'); } parent::run(); }
public function run() { if (!$this->type) { throw new \CException(\Yii::t('yii', 'Property PhoneField.type cannot be empty.')); } switch ($this->type) { case 'area': $this->mask = '99'; $this->placeholder = ' '; break; case 'landline': $this->mask = '(99) 9999-9999'; $this->placeholder = '_'; break; case 'both': case 'mobile': $this->mask = '(99) 9999-9999?9'; $this->placeholder = '_'; break; default: throw new \CException(\Yii::t('yii', 'Property PhoneField.type should be one of "landline", "mobile", "both" or "area".')); } if ($this->showPlaceholder) { $this->htmlOptions['placeholder'] = str_replace([9, '?'], [$this->placeholder, ''], $this->mask); } parent::run(); }
public function run() { $this->guessType(); switch ($this->type) { case 'cvv': $this->mask = '999'; $this->placeholder = ' '; break; case 'expiry': $this->mask = '99/99'; $this->placeholder = '_'; break; case 'pan': $this->mask = '9999 9999 9999 9999'; $this->placeholder = ' '; break; default: throw new \CException(Yii::t('yii', 'Could not guess CardField type nor CardField.type is defined.')); } if ($this->showPlaceholder) { $this->htmlOptions['placeholder'] = str_replace(9, $this->placeholder, $this->mask); } parent::run(); }
public function init() { $this->mask = $this->masks[$this->type]; parent::init(); }