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Yii Brazilian Package

Yii 1.1 Extension that provides various helpers for Brazilian localization.

  • Validators:
    • CPF: Cadastro de Pessoa Física (like a Security Social Number in USA)
    • CNPJ: Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Jurídica
    • landlines: beginning with 2 and 3
    • cellphones: 9 digits or 8 digits beginning with 7, 8 or 9
  • Fields:
    • CPF and CNPJ
    • Polymorphic credit card field - given the name it turns into a PAN, CVV or Expiry field
    • Phone - landline, mobile, both, or area code only
  • Formatter:
    • CPF
    • Phone with area code
    • Money (alias of NumberFormatter::formatCurrency() which defaults to BRL


The preferred way to install this extension is through Composer.

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Either run this:

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist igorsantos07/yii-br-pack:1.*

or add this to the "require" section of your composer.json file.

"igorsantos07/yii-br-pack": "1.*"


Add the rules as the following example:


class PersonForm extends CModel {

  public $name;

  public $cpf;
  public $cnpj;
  public $cellphone;
  public $landline;
  public $phone;
  public $areaCode;

  public $card_number;
  public $card_cvv;
  public $card_expiry;

  public function rules() {
    // Using short array notation but the class is PHP <5.4 compatible ;)
    return [
      // CPF validator
      ['cpf', 'BrPack\Validator\Cpf'],
      // CNPJ validator
      ['cnpj', 'BrPack\Validator\Cnpj'],
      // Cellphone-only validator, checking area code inside the field
      ['cellphone', 'BrPack\Validator\Phone', 'type' => PhoneValidator::TYPE_CELLPHONE],
      // Cellphone-only validator, not validating area code
        'type'     => BrPack\Validator\Phone::TYPE_CELLPHONE,
        'areaCode' => false
      // Landline-only validator
      ['landline', 'BrPack\Validator\Phone', 'type' => BrPack\Validator\Phone::TYPE_LANDLINE],
      // Any phone validator - cellphone or landline
      ['phone', 'BrPack\Validator\Phone'],
      // Cellphone validator with external area code check
        'type'              => BrPack\Validator\Phone::TYPE_CELLPHONE,
        'areaCodeAttribute' => 'areaCode'


<?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm, ['id' => 'my-person-form']) ?>

    <?=$form->label($model, 'name')?>
    <?=$form->textField($model, 'name')?>
    <?=$form->error($model, 'name')?>

	Current document: <?=Yii::app()->format->cpf('12365487588')?> // 123.654.875-88
    <?=$form->label($model, 'cpf')?>
    <?php $this->widget('BrPack\Field\Cpf', ['model' => $model, 'attribute' => 'cpf']) ?>
    <?=$form->error($model, 'cpf')?>

	Current phone: <?=Yii::app()->format->phone('21996543354')?> // (21) 99654-3354
    <?=$form->label($model, 'cellphone')?>
    <?php $this->widget('BrPack\Field\Phone', ['model' => $model, 'attribute' => 'cellphone', 'type' => 'mobile']) ?>
    <?=$form->error($model, 'cpf')?>

    <?=$form->label($model, 'card_number')?>
    <?php $this->widget('BrPack\Field\Card', ['model' => $model, 'attribute' => 'card_number']) ?>
    <?php $this->widget('BrPack\Field\Card', ['model' => $model, 'attribute' => 'card_expiry']) ?>
    <?php $this->widget('BrPack\Field\Card', ['model' => $model, 'attribute' => 'card_cvv']) ?>
    <?=$form->error($model, 'card_number')?>
    <?=$form->error($model, 'card_expiry')?>
    <?=$form->error($model, 'card_cvv')?>

    Amount to be charged in your card: <?=Yii::app()->format->money(9.99)?> // R$9,99

<?php $this->endWidget() ?>