function _localDrawCalloutLevel($keys, $level) { global $field; foreach ($level as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { _localDrawCalloutLevel(array_merge($keys, array($key)), $value); } else { ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $field["key"]; ?> [<?php echo implode("][", $keys); ?> ][<?php echo $key; ?> ]" value="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($value); ?> " /> <?php } } }
</li> <?php $x++; } ?> </ul> <footer> <select> <?php foreach ($list as $id => $title) { ?> <option value="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($id); ?> "><?php echo BigTree::safeEncode(BigTree::trimLength(strip_tags($title), 100)); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <a href="#" class="add button"><span class="icon_small icon_small_add"></span>Add Item</a> <?php if ($field["options"]["show_add_all"]) { ?> <a href="#" class="add_all button">Add All</a> <?php } if ($field["options"]["show_reset"]) { ?>
?> " name="<?php echo $field["key"]; ?> " id="<?php echo $field["id"]; ?> " <?php if ($field["value"]) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } if ($field["options"]["custom_value"]) { ?> value="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($field["options"]["custom_value"]); ?> "<?php } ?> /> <?php if ($field["title"]) { ?> <label<?php if ($field["required"]) { ?> class="required"<?php } ?> class="for_checkbox" for="<?php
} else { $class = "icon_disabled"; } } else { $class = $admin->getActionClass($action, $item); } $link = "#" . $item["id"]; $action = ucwords($action); if ($data != "on") { $data = json_decode($data, true); $class = $data["class"]; $link = MODULE_ROOT . $data["route"] . "/" . $item["id"] . "/"; if ($data["function"]) { $link = call_user_func($data["function"], $item); } $action = BigTree::safeEncode($data["name"]); } ?> <a href="<?php echo $link; ?> " class="<?php echo $class; ?> " title="<?php echo $action; ?> "></a> <?php } }
static function cacheRecord($item, $view, $parsers, $poplists, $original_item) { // If we have a filter function, ask it first if we should cache it if (isset($view["options"]["filter"]) && $view["options"]["filter"]) { if (!call_user_func($view["options"]["filter"], $item)) { return false; } } // Stringify any columns that happen to be arrays (potentially from a pending record) foreach ($item as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { $item[$key] = json_encode($val); } } global $cms; // Setup the fields and VALUES to INSERT INTO the cache table. $status = "l"; $pending_owner = 0; if ($item["bigtree_changes"]) { $status = "c"; } elseif (isset($item["bigtree_pending"])) { $status = "p"; $pending_owner = $item["bigtree_pending_owner"]; } $fields = array("view", "id", "status", "position", "approved", "archived", "featured", "pending_owner"); // No more notices. $approved = isset($item["approved"]) ? $item["approved"] : ""; $featured = isset($item["featured"]) ? $item["featured"] : ""; $archived = isset($item["archived"]) ? $item["archived"] : ""; $position = isset($item["position"]) ? $item["position"] : 0; $vals = array("'" . $view["id"] . "'", "'" . $item["id"] . "'", "'{$status}'", "'{$position}'", "'{$approved}'", "'{$archived}'", "'{$featured}'", "'" . $pending_owner . "'"); // Figure out which column we're going to use to sort the view. if ($view["options"]["sort"]) { $sort_field = BigTree::nextSQLColumnDefinition(ltrim($view["options"]["sort"], "`")); } else { $sort_field = false; } // Let's see if we have a grouping field. If we do, let's get all that info and cache it as well. if (isset($view["options"]["group_field"]) && $view["options"]["group_field"]) { $value = $item[$view["options"]["group_field"]]; // Check for a parser if (isset($view["options"]["group_parser"]) && $view["options"]["group_parser"]) { $value = BigTree::runParser($item, $value, $view["options"]["group_parser"]); } $fields[] = "group_field"; $vals[] = "'" . sqlescape($value) . "'"; if (is_numeric($value) && $view["options"]["other_table"]) { $f = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM `" . $view["options"]["other_table"] . "` WHERE id = '{$value}'")); if ($view["options"]["ot_sort_field"]) { $fields[] = "group_sort_field"; $vals[] = "'" . sqlescape($f[$view["options"]["ot_sort_field"]]) . "'"; } } } // Check for a nesting column if (isset($view["options"]["nesting_column"]) && $view["options"]["nesting_column"]) { $fields[] = "group_field"; $vals[] = "'" . sqlescape($item[$view["options"]["nesting_column"]]) . "'"; } // Group based permissions data if (isset($view["gbp"]["enabled"]) && $view["gbp"]["table"] == $view["table"]) { $fields[] = "gbp_field"; $vals[] = "'" . sqlescape($item[$view["gbp"]["group_field"]]) . "'"; $fields[] = "published_gbp_field"; $vals[] = "'" . sqlescape($original_item[$view["gbp"]["group_field"]]) . "'"; } // Run parsers foreach ($parsers as $key => $parser) { $item[$key] = BigTree::runParser($item, $item[$key], $parser); } // Run pop lists foreach ($poplists as $key => $pop) { $f = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT `" . $pop["description"] . "` FROM `" . $pop["table"] . "` WHERE id = '" . $item[$key] . "'")); if (is_array($f)) { $item[$key] = current($f); } } // Insert into the view cache if ($view["type"] == "images" || $view["type"] == "images-grouped") { $fields[] = "column1"; $vals[] = "'" . $item[$view["options"]["image"]] . "'"; } else { $x = 1; foreach ($view["fields"] as $field => $options) { $item[$field] = $cms->replaceInternalPageLinks($item[$field]); $fields[] = "column{$x}"; if (isset($parsers[$field]) && $parsers[$field]) { $vals[] = "'" . sqlescape(BigTree::safeEncode($item[$field])) . "'"; } else { $vals[] = "'" . sqlescape(BigTree::safeEncode(strip_tags($item[$field]))) . "'"; } $x++; } } if ($sort_field) { $fields[] = "`sort_field`"; $vals[] = "'" . sqlescape($item[$sort_field]) . "'"; } sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_module_view_cache (" . implode(",", $fields) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", $vals) . ")"); }
} else { $val = $cms->replaceInternalPageLinks($val); } } unset($val); $bigtree["callout_count"] = intval($_POST["count"]); $bigtree["callout"] = $admin->getCallout($bigtree["resources"]["type"]); $cached_types = $admin->getCachedFieldTypes(); $bigtree["field_types"] = $cached_types["callouts"]; if ($bigtree["callout"]["description"]) { ?> <p class="callout_description"><?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($bigtree["callout"]["description"]); ?> </p> <? } ?> <p class="error_message" style="display: none;">Errors found! Please fix the highlighted fields before submitting.</p> <div class="form_fields"> <? if (count($bigtree["callout"]["resources"])) { $cached_types = $admin->getCachedFieldTypes(); $bigtree["field_types"] = $cached_types["callouts"]; $bigtree["tabindex"] = 1000; $bigtree["html_fields"] = array(); $bigtree["simple_html_fields"] = array();
// Backwards compat. $field = array(); $field["key"] = $key; $field["options"] = $options = $resource; $field["ignore"] = false; $field["input"] = $bigtree["post_data"][$key]; $field["file_input"] = $bigtree["file_data"][$key]; // If we have a customized handler for this data type, run it, otherwise, it's simply the post value. $field_type_path = BigTree::path("admin/form-field-types/process/" . $resource["type"] . ".php"); if (file_exists($field_type_path)) { include $field_type_path; } else { if (is_array($bigtree["post_data"][$field["key"]])) { $field["output"] = $bigtree["post_data"][$field["key"]]; } else { $field["output"] = BigTree::safeEncode($bigtree["post_data"][$field["key"]]); } } // Backwards compatibility with older custom field types if (!isset($field["output"]) && isset($value)) { $field["output"] = $value; } if (!BigTreeAutoModule::validate($field["output"], $field["options"]["validation"])) { $error = $field["options"]["error_message"] ? $field["options"]["error_message"] : BigTreeAutoModule::validationErrorMessage($field["output"], $field["options"]["validation"]); $bigtree["errors"][] = array("field" => $field["options"]["title"], "error" => $error); } if (!$field["ignore"]) { // Translate internal link information to relative links. if (is_array($field["output"])) { $field["output"] = BigTree::translateArray($field["output"]); } else {
<?php $field["output"] = array(); foreach ($field["input"] as $i) { $row = array(); // Callouts may have the data already decoded. if (is_string($i)) { $i = json_decode($i, true); } // Run through the fields and htmlspecialchar the non-HTML ones. foreach ($field["options"]["fields"] as $array_field) { if ($array_field["type"] == "html") { $row[$array_field["key"]] = $i[$array_field["key"]]; } else { $row[$array_field["key"]] = BigTree::safeEncode($i[$array_field["key"]]); } } $field["output"][] = $row; }
?> <a href="<?php echo ADMIN_ROOT . $item["link"]; ?> /" class="<?php if ($x == 1) { ?> first<?php } if ($x == count($breadcrumb)) { ?> last<?php } ?> "><?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($item["title"]); ?> </a> <?php if ($x != count($breadcrumb)) { ?> <span class="divider">›</span> <?php } } // If we're in a module and have related modules, use them for the related nav. if (isset($bigtree["related_modules"])) { $bigtree["page"]["related"]["nav"] = $bigtree["related_modules"]; $bigtree["page"]["related"]["title"] = $bigtree["related_group"]; } // Draw the related nav if it exists.
" /> <?php BigTreeAdmin::drawArrayLevel(array($x), $callout); ?> <h4> <?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($callout["display_title"]); ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $field["key"]; ?> [<?php echo $x; ?> ][display_title]" value="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($callout["display_title"]); ?> " /> </h4> <p><?php echo $type["name"]; ?> </p> <div class="bottom"> <span class="icon_drag"></span> <?php if ($type["level"] > $admin->Level) { ?> <span class="icon_disabled has_tooltip" data-tooltip="<p>This callout requires a higher user level to edit.</p>"></span> <?php } else {
$photo_gallery = array(); if (is_array($field["input"])) { foreach ($field["input"] as $photo_count => $data) { // Existing Data if ($data["image"]) { $data["caption"] = BigTree::safeEncode($data["caption"]); $photo_gallery[] = $data; // Uploaded File } elseif ($field["file_input"][$photo_count]["image"]["name"]) { $field_copy = $field; $field_copy["file_input"] = $field["file_input"][$photo_count]["image"]; $file = $admin->processImageUpload($field_copy); if ($file) { $photo_gallery[] = array("caption" => BigTree::safeEncode($data["caption"]), "image" => $file); } // File From Image Manager } elseif ($data["existing"]) { $data["existing"] = str_replace(WWW_ROOT, SITE_ROOT, $data["existing"]); $pinfo = BigTree::pathInfo($data["existing"]); $field_copy = $field; $field_copy["file_input"] = array("name" => $pinfo["basename"], "tmp_name" => SITE_ROOT . "files/" . uniqid("temp-") . ".img", "error" => false); BigTree::copyFile($data["existing"], $field_copy["file_input"]["tmp_name"]); $file = $admin->processImageUpload($field_copy); if ($file) { $photo_gallery[] = array("caption" => BigTree::safeEncode($data["caption"]), "image" => $file); } } } } $field["output"] = $photo_gallery;
<?php if ($_POST["id"]) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_POST["id"]); ?> " /> <?php } ?> <fieldset> <label>Name</label> <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($_POST["name"]); ?> " /> </fieldset> <?php $data = $_POST; define("BIGTREE_CREATING_PRESET", true); include BigTree::path("admin/ajax/developer/field-options/_image-options.php");
if (is_array($field["input"])) { foreach ($field["input"] as $photo_count => $data) { // Existing Data if ($data["image"]) { $data["caption"] = BigTree::safeEncode($data["caption"]); $data["attribution"] = BigTree::safeEncode($data["attribution"]); $data["link"] = BigTree::safeEncode($data["link"]); $photo_gallery[] = $data; // Uploaded File } elseif ($field["file_input"][$photo_count]["image"]["name"]) { $field_copy = $field; $field_copy["file_input"] = $field["file_input"][$photo_count]["image"]; $file = $admin->processImageUpload($field_copy); if ($file) { $photo_gallery[] = array("image" => $file, "caption" => BigTree::safeEncode($data["caption"]), "attribution" => BigTree::safeEncode($data["attribution"]), "link" => BigTree::safeEncode($data["link"])); } // File From Image Manager } elseif ($data["existing"]) { $data["existing"] = str_replace(WWW_ROOT, SITE_ROOT, $data["existing"]); $pinfo = BigTree::pathInfo($data["existing"]); $field_copy = $field; $field_copy["file_input"] = array("name" => $pinfo["basename"], "tmp_name" => SITE_ROOT . "files/" . uniqid("temp-") . ".img", "error" => false); BigTree::copyFile($data["existing"], $field_copy["file_input"]["tmp_name"]); $file = $admin->processImageUpload($field_copy); if ($file) { $photo_gallery[] = array("image" => $file, "caption" => BigTree::safeEncode($data["caption"]), "attribution" => BigTree::safeEncode($data["attribution"]), "link" => BigTree::safeEncode($data["link"])); } } } } $field["output"] = $photo_gallery;
<?php $module = $admin->getModule($_GET["module"]); $table = htmlspecialchars($_GET["table"]); if (!$title) { // Get the title from the route $title = $_GET["title"]; // Add an s to the name (i.e. View Goods) $title = substr($title, -1, 1) != "s" ? $title . "s" : $title; // If it ends in ys like Buddys then change it to Buddies if (substr($title, -2) == "ys") { $title = substr($title, 0, -2) . "ies"; } } $title = BigTree::safeEncode($title); ?> <div class="container"> <header> <p>Step 3: Creating Your View</p> </header> <form method="post" action="<?php echo DEVELOPER_ROOT; ?> modules/designer/view-create/" class="module"> <input type="hidden" name="module" value="<?php echo $module["id"]; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="table" value="<?php echo $table; ?>
<?php $x++; } ?> </ul> <footer> <select> <?php foreach ($callouts as $callout) { if (!in_array($callout["id"], $group["callouts"])) { ?> <option value="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($callout["id"]); ?> "><?php echo BigTree::safeEncode(BigTree::trimLength(strip_tags($callout["name"]), 100)); ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> <a href="#" class="add button"><span class="icon_small icon_small_add"></span>Add Callout</a> </footer> </div> </fieldset> </section> <footer> <input type="submit" class="button blue" value="Update" /> </footer>
foreach ($entries as $entry) { ?> <li> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $field["key"]; ?> [<?php echo $x; ?> ]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(json_encode($entry)); ?> " /> <span class="icon_sort"></span> <p><?php echo BigTree::safeEncode(BigTree::trimLength(strip_tags(current($entry)), 100)); ?> </p> <a href="#" class="icon_delete"></a> <a href="#" class="icon_edit"></a> </li> <?php $x++; } ?> </ul> <footer> <a href="#" class="add button"><span class="icon_small icon_small_add"></span>Add Item</a> </footer> </div> <script>
?> Fastspot </p> <a href="<?php echo ADMIN_ROOT; ?> credits/">Credits & Licenses</a> · <a href="" target="_blank">Support</a> · <a href="" target="_blank">Contact Us</a> </article> </section> </footer> <?php if (isset($_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["growl"])) { ?> <script>BigTree.growl("<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["growl"]["title"]); ?> ","<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["growl"]["message"]); ?> ",5000,"<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["growl"]["type"]); ?> ");</script> <?php unset($_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["growl"]); } ?> </body> </html>
if ($field && $field["type"] == "list" && $field["options"]["list_type"] == "db") { $q = sqlquery("SELECT id,`" . $field["options"]["pop-description"] . "` FROM `" . $field["options"]["pop-table"] . "` ORDER BY " . $field["options"]["pop-sort"]); while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) { $list[] = array("value" => $f["id"], "description" => $f[$field["options"]["pop-description"]]); } } else { $q = sqlquery("SELECT DISTINCT(`{$id}`) FROM `" . $bigtree["report"]["table"] . "` ORDER BY `{$id}`"); while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) { $list[] = array("value" => $f[$id], "description" => $f[$id]); } } ?> <select name="<?php echo $id; ?> "> <option></option> <?php foreach ($list as $item) { ?> <option value="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($item["value"]); ?> "><?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($item["description"]); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select>
$environment_alert = '<span><strong>Developer Mode</strong> · Admin Area Restricted To Developers</span>'; } elseif ($bigtree["config"]["environment"] == "dev" && $bigtree["config"]["environment_live_url"]) { $environment_alert = '<span><strong>Development Site</strong> · Changes Will Not Affect Live Site!</span><a href="'.$bigtree["config"]["environment_live_url"].'">Go Live</a>'; } ?> <!doctype html> <!--[if lt IE 7 ]> <html lang="en" class="ie ie6"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7 ]> <html lang="en" class="ie ie7"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8 ]> <html lang="en" class="ie ie8"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9 ]> <html lang="en" class="ie9"> <![endif]--> <!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html lang="en"> <!--<![endif]--> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" /> <title><? if (isset($bigtree["admin_title"])) { ?><?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($bigtree["admin_title"]); ?> | <? } ?><?php echo $site["nav_title"]; ?> Admin</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo ADMIN_ROOT; ?> css/main.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <? // Configuration based CSS if (isset($bigtree["config"]["admin_css"]) && is_array($bigtree["config"]["admin_css"])) { foreach ($bigtree["config"]["admin_css"] as $style) { ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php
<?php } else { $data = json_decode($data, true); $link = MODULE_ROOT . $data["route"] . "/" . $item["id"] . "/"; if ($data["function"]) { $link = call_user_func($data["function"], $item); } ?> <section class="view_action"><a href="<?php echo $link; ?> " class="<?php echo $data["class"]; ?> " title="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($data["name"]); ?> "></a></section> <?php } } ?> </li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div> <?php include BigTree::path("admin/auto-modules/views/_common-js.php");
- Not a forced secure page (i.e. checkout) - User is logged BigTree admin - User is logged into the BigTree admin FOR THIS PAGE - Developer mode is either disabled OR the logged in user is a Developer */ if (isset($bigtree["page"]) && !BigTreeCMS::$Secure && $_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["id"] && $_COOKIE["bigtree_admin"]["email"] && (empty($bigtree["config"]["developer_mode"]) || $_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["level"] > 1)) { $show_bar_default = $_COOKIE["hide_bigtree_bar"] ? false : true; $show_preview_bar = false; $return_link = ""; if (!empty($_GET["bigtree_preview_return"])) { $show_bar_default = false; $show_preview_bar = true; $return_link = htmlspecialchars(urlencode($_GET["bigtree_preview_return"])); } // Pending Pages don't have their ID set. if (!isset($bigtree["page"]["id"])) { $bigtree["page"]["id"] = $bigtree["page"]["page"]; } $bigtree["content"] = str_ireplace('</body>', '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . str_replace(array("http://", "https://"), "//", $bigtree["config"]["admin_root"]) . 'ajax/bar.js/?previewing=' . BIGTREE_PREVIEWING . '&current_page_id=' . $bigtree["page"]["id"] . '&show_bar=' . $show_bar_default . '&username='******'&show_preview=' . $show_preview_bar . '&return_link=' . $return_link . '&custom_edit_link=' . (empty($bigtree["bar_edit_link"]) ? "" : BigTree::safeEncode($bigtree["bar_edit_link"])) . '"></script></body>', $bigtree["content"]); // Don't cache the page with the BigTree bar $bigtree["config"]["cache"] = false; } echo $bigtree["content"]; // Write to the cache if ($bigtree["config"]["cache"] && !defined("BIGTREE_DO_NOT_CACHE") && !count($_POST)) { $cache = ob_get_flush(); if (!$bigtree["page"]["path"]) { $bigtree["page"]["path"] = "!"; } BigTree::putFile(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/" . md5(json_encode($_GET)) . ".page", $cache); }
function updateModuleView($id, $title, $description, $table, $type, $options, $fields, $actions, $related_form, $preview_url = "") { $id = sqlescape($id); $title = sqlescape(BigTree::safeEncode($title)); $description = sqlescape(BigTree::safeEncode($description)); $table = sqlescape($table); $type = sqlescape($type); $options = sqlescape(json_encode($options)); $fields = sqlescape(json_encode($fields)); $actions = sqlescape(json_encode($actions)); $related_form = $related_form ? intval($related_form) : "NULL"; $preview_url = sqlescape(BigTree::safeEncode($this->makeIPL($preview_url))); sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_views SET title = '{$title}', description = '{$description}', `table` = '{$table}', type = '{$type}', options = '{$options}', fields = '{$fields}', actions = '{$actions}', preview_url = '{$preview_url}', related_form = {$related_form} WHERE id = '{$id}'"); sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_actions SET name = 'View {$title}' WHERE view = '{$id}'"); $this->updateModuleViewColumnNumericStatus(BigTreeAutoModule::getView($id)); }
function updateTemplate($id, $name, $level, $module, $resources) { $clean_resources = array(); foreach ($resources as $resource) { if ($resource["id"]) { $clean_resources[] = array("id" => BigTree::safeEncode($resource["id"]), "title" => BigTree::safeEncode($resource["title"]), "subtitle" => BigTree::safeEncode($resource["subtitle"]), "type" => BigTree::safeEncode($resource["type"]), "options" => json_decode($resource["options"], true)); } } $id = sqlescape($id); $name = sqlescape(htmlspecialchars($name)); $module = sqlescape($module); $resources = BigTree::json($clean_resources, true); $level = sqlescape($level); sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_templates SET resources = '{$resources}', name = '{$name}', module = '{$module}', level = '{$level}' WHERE id = '{$id}'"); $this->track("bigtree_templates", $id, "updated"); }
echo $field["key"]; ?> [<?php echo $x; ?> ][__internal-subtitle]" value="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($item["__internal-subtitle"]); ?> " /> <span class="icon_sort"></span> <p> <?php echo BigTree::trimLength(BigTree::safeEncode($item["__internal-title"]), 100); ?> <small><?php echo BigTree::trimLength(BigTree::safeEncode($item["__internal-subtitle"]), 100); ?> </small> </p> <a href="#" class="icon_delete"></a> <a href="#" class="icon_edit"></a> </li> <?php $x++; } ?> </ul> <footer> <a href="#" class="add_item button"><span class="icon_small icon_small_add"></span>Add Item</a> <?php if ($max) {
<?php if (is_array($field["input"])) { foreach ($field["input"] as &$v) { $v = BigTree::safeEncode($v); } if ($field["options"]["sub_type"] == "phone") { $field["output"] = $field["input"]["phone_1"] . "-" . $field["input"]["phone_2"] . "-" . $field["input"]["phone_3"]; } elseif ($field["options"]["sub_type"] == "address" || $field["options"]["sub_type"] == "name") { $field["output"] = $field["input"]; } } else { $field["output"] = BigTree::safeEncode($field["input"]); }
if (array_filter($integrity_errors)) { $action = $admin->getModuleActionForForm($form); $module = $admin->getModule($action["module"]); } foreach ($integrity_errors as $field => $error_types) { foreach ($error_types as $type => $errors) { foreach ($errors as $error) { ?> <li> <section class="integrity_errors"> <a href="<?php echo ADMIN_ROOT . $module["route"] . "/" . $action["route"] . "/" . htmlspecialchars($_GET["id"]); ?> /" target="_blank">Edit</a> <span class="icon_small icon_small_warning"></span> <p>Broken <?php echo $type == "img" ? "Image" : "Link"; ?> : <?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($error); ?> in field “<?php echo $field; ?> ”</p> </section> </li> <?php } } }
} ?> <?php foreach ($list as $option) { ?> <option value="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode($option["value"]); ?> "<?php if ($field["value"] == $option["value"]) { ?> selected="selected"<?php } if ($option["access_level"]) { ?> data-access-level="<?php echo $option["access_level"]; ?> "<?php } ?> ><?php echo BigTree::safeEncode(BigTree::trimLength(strip_tags($option["description"]), 100)); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <?php }
?> [new]" id="<?php echo $field["id"]; ?> " placeholder="YouTube or Vimeo URL" /> <?php if ($preview_image) { ?> <div class="currently"> <a href="#" class="remove_resource"></a> <div class="currently_wrapper"> <img src="<?php echo $preview_image; ?> " alt="" /> </div> <label>CURRENT</label> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $field["key"]; ?> [existing]" value="<?php echo BigTree::safeEncode(json_encode($field["value"])); ?> " /> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }