function load_file($users_file, $group, $profile, $nivel, $pass_policy, $avatar) { $file_handle = fopen($users_file, "r"); global $config; enterprise_include('include/functions_license.php', true); $is_manager_profile = enterprise_hook('license_check_manager_profile', array($profile)); if ($is_manager_profile == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $users_check = true; } else { if ($is_manager_profile) { $users_check = enterprise_hook('license_check_manager_users_num'); } else { $users_check = enterprise_hook('license_check_regular_users_num'); } } while (!feof($file_handle) && $users_check === true) { $line = fgets($file_handle); preg_match_all('/(.*),/', $line, $matches); $values = explode(',', $line); $id_usuario = $values[0]; $pass = $values[1]; $pass = md5($pass); $nombre_real = $values[2]; $mail = $values[3]; $tlf = $values[4]; $desc = $values[5]; $avatar = $values[6]; $disabled = $values[7]; $id_company = $values[8]; $num_employee = $values[9]; $enable_login = $values[10]; $force_change_pass = 0; if ($pass_policy) { $force_change_pass = 1; } $value = array('id_usuario' => $id_usuario, 'nombre_real' => $nombre_real, 'password' => $pass, 'comentarios' => $desc, 'direccion' => $mail, 'telefono' => $tlf, 'nivel' => $nivel, 'avatar' => $avatar, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'id_company' => $id_company, 'num_employee' => $num_employee, 'enable_login' => $enable_login, 'force_change_pass' => $force_change_pass); if ($id_usuario != '' && $nombre_real != '') { if ($id_usuario == get_db_value('id_usuario', 'tusuario', 'id_usuario', $id_usuario)) { echo ui_print_error_message(__('User ') . $id_usuario . __(' already exists'), '', true, 'h3', true); } else { $resul = process_sql_insert('tusuario', $value); if ($resul == false) { $value2 = array('id_usuario' => $id_usuario, 'id_perfil' => $profile, 'id_grupo' => $group, 'assigned_by' => $config["id_user"]); if ($id_usuario != '') { process_sql_insert('tusuario_perfil', $value2); } } } } } if ($users_check === false) { echo ui_print_error_message(__('The number of users has reached the license limit'), '', true, 'h3', true); } fclose($file_handle); echo ui_print_success_message(__('File loaded'), '', true, 'h3', true); return; }
function get_event_date_sql($start_date, $end_date, $id_user = '') { global $config; if (empty($id_user)) { $id_user = $config["id_user"]; } $return = enterprise_hook('get_event_date_sql_extra', array($start_date, $end_date, $id_user)); if ($return !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $sql = $return; } else { $sql = sprintf("SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM tagenda\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (id_user = '******' OR public = 1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND timestamp >= '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND timestamp <= '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY timestamp ASC", $id_user, $end_date, $start_date); } return $sql; }
function check_incident_access($id) { global $config; if ($id) { $incident = get_incident($id); if ($incident !== false) { $id_grupo = $incident['id_grupo']; } else { echo "<h1>" . __("Ticket") . "</h1>"; echo ui_print_error_message(__("There is no information for this ticket"), '', true, 'h3', true); echo "<br>"; echo "<a style='margin-left: 90px' href='index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_search'>" . __("Try the search form to find the ticket") . "</a>"; return false; } } if (isset($incident)) { //Incident creators must see their incidents $check_acl = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_incident_acl", array($incident)); $standalone_check = enterprise_hook("manage_standalone", array($incident)); if ($check_acl !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK && !$check_acl || $standalone_check !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK && !$standalone_check) { // Doesn't have access to this page audit_db($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation", "Trying to access to ticket (External user) " . $id); include "general/noaccess.php"; return false; } } else { if (!give_acl($config['id_user'], $id_grupo, "IR")) { // Doesn't have access to this page audit_db($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation", "Trying to access to ticket " . $id); include "general/noaccess.php"; return false; } else { //No incident but ACLs enabled echo ui_print_error_message(__("The ticket doesn't exist"), '', true, 'h3', true); return false; } } return true; }
// ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2008 Ártica Soluciones Tecnológicas // <*****@*****.**> // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. global $config; check_login(); include_once 'include/functions_crm.php'; $read = enterprise_hook('crm_check_user_profile', array($config['id_user'], 'cr')); $write = enterprise_hook('crm_check_user_profile', array($config['id_user'], 'cw')); $manage = enterprise_hook('crm_check_user_profile', array($config['id_user'], 'cm')); $enterprise = false; if ($result === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $read = true; $write = true; $manage = true; } else { $enterprise = true; if (!$read) { include "general/noaccess.php"; exit; } } $search_text = (string) get_parameter('search_text'); $search_role = (int) get_parameter("search_role"); $search_country = (string) get_parameter("search_country");
echo $row["name"] . ' <a href="index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory_detail&id=' . $row['id'] . '">' . print_image("images/application_edit.png", true, array("style" => 'vertical-align: middle;')) . '</a>'; echo "</a>"; if ($end) { echo "<div hiddenDiv='1' loadDiv='0' class='tree_view' id='tree_div" . $aux_ref_tree . "_inventory_" . $row["id"] . "'></div>"; } else { echo "<div hiddenDiv='1' loadDiv='0' class='tree_view tree_view_branch' id='tree_div" . $aux_ref_tree . "_inventory_" . $row["id"] . "'></div>"; } echo "</li>"; } } echo "</ul>\n"; //TERCER NIVEL DEL ARBOL. if ($type == 'inventory') { $sql = "SELECT id FROM tinventory WHERE `id_parent`={$id_item}"; $cont_invent = get_db_all_rows_sql($sql); $cont = enterprise_hook('inventory_get_user_inventories', array($config['id_user'], $cont_invent)); if ($cont === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $cont = $cont_invent; } if (!$cont) { $cont = array(); } $countRows = count($cont); $count_blanks = strlen($ref_tree); if ($countRows == false) { $countRows = 0; } if ($countRows == 0) { echo "<ul style='margin: 0; padding: 0;'>\n"; echo "<li style='margin: 0; padding: 0;'>"; echo "<i>" . __("Empty") . "</i>";
function print_groups_table($groups) { enterprise_include("include/functions_groups.php"); $return = enterprise_hook('print_groups_table_extra', array($groups)); if ($return === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { echo "<div class='divresult'>"; echo '<table width="99%" class="listing" id="table1">'; echo '<thead>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th class="header c0" scope="col">' . __('Users') . '</th>'; echo '<th class="header c1" scope="col">' . __('Icon') . '</th>'; echo '<th class="header c2" scope="col">' . __('Name') . '</th>'; echo '<th class="header c3" scope="col">' . __('Parent') . '</th>'; echo '<th class="header c4" scope="col">' . __('Delete') . '</th>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</thead>'; $count = 0; if ($groups === false) { $groups = array(); } if (!empty($groups)) { foreach ($groups as $group) { $data = array(); $num_users = get_db_value("COUNT(id_usuario)", "tusuario_perfil", "id_grupo", $group["id_grupo"]); if ($num_users > 0) { $users_icon = '<a href="javascript:"><img src="images/group.png" title="' . __('Show and hide the user list') . '" /></a>'; } else { $users_icon = ''; } $icon = ''; if ($group['icon'] != '') { $icon = '<img src="images/groups_small/' . $group['icon'] . '" />'; } if ($group["id_grupo"] != 1) { $group_name = '<a href="index.php?sec=users&sec2=godmode/grupos/configurar_grupo&id=' . $group['id_grupo'] . '">' . $group['nombre'] . '</a>'; } else { $group_name = $group["nombre"]; } $parent = dame_nombre_grupo($group["parent"]); //Group "all" is special not delete and no update if ($group["id_grupo"] != 1) { $delete_button = '<a href="index.php?sec=users& sec2=godmode/grupos/lista_grupos& id_grupo=' . $group["id_grupo"] . '& delete_group=1&id=' . $group["id_grupo"] . '" onClick="if (!confirm(\'' . __('Are you sure?') . '\')) return false;"> <img src="images/cross.png"></a>'; } else { $delete_button = ""; } echo '<tr id="table1-' . $count . '" style="border:1px solid #505050;" class="datos2">'; echo '<td id="table1-' . $count . '-0" style="text-align:center; width:40px;" class="datos2">' . $users_icon . '</td>'; echo '<td id="table1-' . $count . '-1" style="width:40px;" class="datos2">' . $icon . '</td>'; echo '<td id="table1-' . $count . '-2" style=" font-weight: bold;" class="datos2">' . $group_name . '</td>'; echo '<td id="table1-' . $count . '-3" style="" class="datos2">' . $parent . '</td>'; echo '<td id="table1-' . $count . '-4" style=" text-align:center; width:40px;" class="datos2">' . $delete_button . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr id="table1-' . $count . '-users" style="display:none;">'; echo '<td colspan="5" style="text-align:center; background-color:#e6e6e6;">'; echo '<table width="99%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0px" id="table_users_' . $count . '">'; echo '<tr style="text-align:center;">'; if ($num_users > 0) { $users_sql = "SELECT * FROM tusuario_perfil WHERE id_grupo =" . $group["id_grupo"] . " ORDER BY id_usuario"; $count_users = 0; $new = true; while ($user = get_db_all_row_by_steps_sql($new, $result_users, $users_sql)) { $new = false; if ($count_users >= 4) { $count_users = 0; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr style="text-align:center;">'; } $user_name = "<a href=\"index.php?sec=users&sec2=godmode/usuarios/configurar_usuarios&update_user="******"\"><strong>" . $user['id_usuario'] . "</strong></a>"; $user_real_name = get_db_value("nombre_real", "tusuario", "id_usuario", $user['id_usuario']); $delete_icon = '<a href="index.php?sec=users&sec2=godmode/grupos/lista_grupos&delete_user=1&id_user_delete=' . $user['id_usuario'] . '" onClick="if (!confirm(\'' . __('Are you sure?') . '\')) return false;"><img src="images/cross.png"></a>'; $user_name = "{$user_name} ({$user_real_name}) " . $delete_icon; echo '<td style="background-color:#e6e6e6;"">' . $user_name . '</td>'; $count_users++; } } else { echo '<td style="background-color:#e6e6e6;"">' . __('There are no users') . '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\t \$(document).ready (function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \$(\"#table1-{$count}-0\").click(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \$(\"#table1-{$count}-users\").toggle();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t });\n\t\t\t\t\t });\n\t\t\t\t\t </script>"; $count++; } } echo '</table>'; if (empty($groups)) { echo ui_print_error_message(__("No groups"), '', true, 'h3', true); } echo '</div>'; } }
$id_grupo = ""; $creacion_incidente = ""; $id = (int) get_parameter ('id'); $clean_output = get_parameter('clean_output'); if (! $id) { require ("general/noaccess.php"); exit; } $incident = get_db_row ('tincidencia', 'id_incidencia', $id); //user with IR and incident creator see the information $check_acl = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_incident_acl", array($incident)); $standalone_check = enterprise_hook("manage_standalone", array($incident)); if (($check_acl !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK && !$check_acl) || ($standalone_check !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK && !$standalone_check)) { audit_db ($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation","Trying to access to ticket #".$id); include ("general/noaccess.php"); exit; } //Clean output we need to print incident title header :) if ($clean_output) { echo '<h1 class="ticket_clean_report_title">'.__("Statistics")."</h1>"; } $fields = array(SECONDS_1DAY => "1 day", SECONDS_2DAY => "2 days", SECONDS_1WEEK => "1 week",
echo "</li>"; } // Inventory if (give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "VR") && (get_standalone_user($config["id_user"]) == false) && $show_inventory != MENU_HIDDEN) { if ($sec == "inventory" ) echo "<li id='current' class='inventory'>"; else echo "<li class='inventory'>"; echo "<div>|</div>"; echo "<a href='index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory'>".__('Inventory')."</a></li>"; } enterprise_include("include/functions_reporting.php", true); enterprise_hook("enterprise_main_menu_reports", array($show_reports, $sec)); // Customers if ((give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "CR") || (give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "CN"))) && (get_standalone_user($config["id_user"]) == false) && $show_customers != MENU_HIDDEN) { if ($sec == "customers" ) echo "<li id='current' class='customer'>"; else echo "<li class='customer'>"; echo "<div>|</div>"; if (give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "CR")) echo "<a href='index.php?sec=customers&sec2=operation/companies/company_detail'>".__('Customers')."</a></li>"; } if (($show_people != MENU_HIDDEN) && (get_standalone_user($config["id_user"]) == false)) { // Users
/** * process_user_login accepts $login and $pass and handles it according to current authentication scheme * * @param string $login * @param string $pass * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid credentials, the username in case it's correct. */ function process_user_login($login, $pass) { global $config, $mysql_cache; include_once $config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_profile.php"; // Always authenticate admins against the local database if (strtolower($config["auth_methods"]) == 'mysql' || dame_admin($login)) { $sql = sprintf("SELECT `id_usuario`, `password` FROM `tusuario` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `id_usuario` = '%s' AND `enable_login` = 1", $login); $row = get_db_row_sql($sql); //Check that row exists, that password is not empty and that password is the same hash if ($row !== false && $row["password"] !== md5("") && $row["password"] == md5($pass)) { // Login OK // Nick could be uppercase or lowercase (select in MySQL // is not case sensitive) // We get DB nick to put in PHP Session variable, // to avoid problems with case-sensitive usernames. // Thanks to David Muñiz for Bug discovery :) return $row["id_usuario"]; } else { $mysql_cache["auth_error"] = "User not found in database or incorrect password"; } return false; // Remote authentication } else { switch ($config["auth_methods"]) { // LDAP case 'ldap': $sql = sprintf("SELECT `disabled` FROM `tusuario` WHERE `id_usuario` = '%s'", $login); $disabled = get_db_sql($sql); // Check if user is disabled if ($disabled == 1) { $config["auth_error"] = "User not found in database or incorrect password"; return false; } if (ldap_process_user_login($login, $pass) === false) { $config["auth_error"] = "User not found in database or incorrect password"; return false; } break; // Active Directory // Active Directory case 'ad': if (enterprise_hook('ad_process_user_login', array($login, $pass)) === false) { return false; } break; // Remote Pandora FMS /* case 'pandora': break; // Remote Babel Enterprise case 'babel': break; // Remote Integria case 'integria': break; */ // Unknown authentication method // Remote Pandora FMS /* case 'pandora': break; // Remote Babel Enterprise case 'babel': break; // Remote Integria case 'integria': break; */ // Unknown authentication method default: $config["auth_error"] = "User not found in database or incorrect password"; return false; } // Authentication ok, check if the user exists in the local database if (is_user($login)) { return $login; } // The user does not exist and can not be created if ($config['autocreate_remote_users'] == 0 || is_user_blacklisted($login)) { $config["auth_error"] = "Ooops User not found in database or incorrect password"; return false; } // Create the user in the local database if (create_user($login, $pass, array('nombre_real' => $login, 'comentarios' => 'Imported from ' . $config['auth_methods'])) === false) { $config["auth_error"] = "User not found in database or incorrect password"; return false; } profile_create_user_profile($login, $config['default_remote_profile'], $config['default_remote_group']); return $login; } return false; }
function api_update_incident($return_type, $user, $params) { $id_incident = $params[0]; $values['titulo'] = $params[1]; // Check if user and title is not empty and user exists if (empty($values['titulo'])) { return; } if (!check_user_incident($user, $id_incident)) { return; } $timestamp = print_mysql_timestamp(); $values['descripcion'] = $params[2]; $values['epilog'] = $params[3]; $values['id_grupo'] = $params[4]; $values['prioridad'] = $params[5]; $values['resolution'] = $params[6]; $values['estado'] = $params[7]; $values['id_usuario'] = $params[8]; $id_parent = $params[9]; if ($id_parent != 0 && $id_parent != '') { $values['id_parent'] = $params[9]; } $values['id_incident_type'] = $params[10]; $values['extra_data'] = $params[11]; $values['extra_data2'] = $params[12]; $values['actualizacion'] = $timestamp; if ($values['estado'] == 7) { $values['cierre'] = $timestamp; } $id_incident_type = $values['id_incident_type']; $old_incident = get_incident($id_incident); if (!$old_incident['old_status2']) { $values['old_status'] = $old_incident["old_status"]; $values['old_resolution'] = $old_incident["old_resolution"]; $values['old_status2'] = $values['estado']; $values['old_resolution2'] = $values['resolution']; } else { if ($old_incident['old_status2'] == $values['estado'] && $old_incident['old_resolution2'] == $values['resolution']) { $values['old_status'] = $old_incident["old_status"]; $values['old_resolution'] = $old_incident["old_resolution"]; $values['old_status2'] = $old_incident["old_status2"]; $values['old_resolution2'] = $old_incident["old_resolution2"]; } else { $values['old_status'] = $old_incident["old_status2"]; $values['old_resolution'] = $old_incident["old_resolution2"]; $values['old_status2'] = $values['estado']; $values['old_resolution2'] = $values['resolution']; } } $old_status = api_get_status_incident($id_incident); $values['old_status'] = $old_status; $old_resolution = api_get_resolution_incident($id_incident); $values['old_resolution'] = $old_resolution; $new_status = $values['estado']; $check_status = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_allowed_status", array($old_status, $new_status, false, true, true, $old_resolution)); if ($check_status == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $check_status = true; } if ($values['estado'] == STATUS_CLOSED) { //~ $check_resolution = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_allowed_resolution", array($resolution, $values['estado'], $id_incident, true)); $check_resolution = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_allowed_resolution", array($values['resolution'], $values['estado'], $id_incident, true)); if ($check_resolution == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $check_resolution = true; } } else { $check_resolution = true; //~ $enterprise = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_allowed_resolution", array($resolution, $values['estado'], $id_incident, true)); $enterprise = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_allowed_resolution", array($values['resolution'], $values['estado'], $id_incident, true)); if ($enterprise != ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $values['resolution'] = 0; } } if ($check_status && $check_resolution) { $result = process_sql_update('tincidencia', $values, array('id_incidencia' => $id_incident)); //Add traces and statistic information incidents_set_tracking($id_incident, 'update', $values['prioridad'], $values['estado'], $values['resolution'], $user, $values['id_grupo']); //Add only update info incident_tracking($id_incident, INCIDENT_UPDATED); if ($id_incident_type != 0) { //in the massive operations no change id_incident_type $sql_label = "SELECT `label` FROM `tincident_type_field` WHERE id_incident_type = {$id_incident_type}"; $labels = get_db_all_rows_sql($sql_label); if ($labels === false) { $labels = array(); } $num_params = 13; foreach ($labels as $label) { $values_type_field['data'] = $params[$num_params]; $id_incident_field = get_db_value_filter('id', 'tincident_type_field', array('id_incident_type' => $id_incident_type, 'label' => $label['label']), 'AND'); $values_type_field['id_incident_field'] = $id_incident_field; $values_type_field['id_incident'] = $id_incident; $exists_id = get_db_value_filter('id', 'tincident_field_data', array('id_incident' => $id_incident, 'id_incident_field' => $id_incident_field), 'AND'); if ($exists_id) { process_sql_update('tincident_field_data', $values_type_field, array('id_incident_field' => $id_incident_field, 'id_incident' => $id_incident), 'AND'); } else { process_sql_insert('tincident_field_data', $values_type_field); } $num_params++; } } switch ($return_type) { case "xml": echo xml_node($result); break; case "csv": echo $result; break; } } }
echo '<a href="index.php?sec=users&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory_reports">' . __('Custom reports') . '</a>'; echo '</li>'; enterprise_hook('show_programmed_reports', array($sec2)); echo "</ul></div>"; } else { echo "<div class='portlet'>"; echo "<h3>" . __('People reporting') . "</h3>"; echo "<ul class='sidemenu'>"; if ($sec2 == "operation/inventories/inventory_reports" || $sec2 == "operation/inventories/inventory_reports_detail") { echo "<li id='sidesel'>"; } else { echo "<li>"; } echo '<a href="index.php?sec=users&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory_reports">' . __('Custom reports') . '</a>'; echo '</li>'; enterprise_hook('show_programmed_reports', array($sec2)); echo "</ul></div>"; } // PEOPLE MANAGEMENT if (give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "UM") && $show_people != MENU_LIMITED) { if ($show_people != MENU_MINIMAL) { echo "<div class='portlet'>"; echo "<h3>" . __('People management') . "</h3>"; echo "<ul class='sidemenu'>"; // Usermanager if ($sec2 == "godmode/usuarios/lista_usuarios") { echo "<li id='sidesel'>"; } else { echo "<li>"; } echo "<a href='index.php?sec=users&sec2=godmode/usuarios/lista_usuarios'>" . __('Manage users') . "</a>";
incident_tracking($id_ticket, INCIDENT_GOLD_MEDAL_REMOVED, $values['id_usuario']); audit_db($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "Gold medal removed", "Gold medal removed by user " . $config['id_user'] . " to the ticket #" . $id_ticket); break; case 3: //Add black medal incident_tracking($id_ticket, INCIDENT_BLACK_MEDAL_ADDED, $values['id_usuario']); audit_db($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "Black medal added", "Black medal added by user " . $config['id_user'] . " to the ticket #" . $id_ticket); break; case 4: //Remove black medal incident_tracking($id_ticket, INCIDENT_BLACK_MEDAL_REMOVED, $values['id_usuario']); audit_db($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "Black medal removed", "Black medal removed by user " . $config['id_user'] . " to the ticket #" . $id_ticket); break; } } enterprise_hook("incidents_run_realtime_workflow_rules", array($id_ticket)); } } if ($search_ajax) { $filter = array(); $filter['inverse_filter'] = (bool) get_parameter('search_inverse_filter'); $filter['string'] = (string) get_parameter('search_string'); $filter['status'] = (int) get_parameter('search_status', -10); $filter['priority'] = (int) get_parameter('search_priority', -1); $filter['id_group'] = (int) get_parameter('search_id_group', 1); $filter['id_company'] = (int) get_parameter('search_id_company'); $filter['id_inventory'] = (int) get_parameter('search_id_inventory'); $filter['id_incident_type'] = (int) get_parameter('search_id_incident_type'); $filter['id_user'] = (string) get_parameter('search_id_user', ''); $filter['id_user_or_creator'] = (string) get_parameter('id_user_or_creator'); $filter['first_date'] = (string) get_parameter('search_first_date');
function incidents_get_filter_tickets_tree($filters, $mode = false, $limit = false) { global $config; /* Set default values if none is set */ $filters['string'] = isset($filters['string']) ? $filters['string'] : ''; $filters['status'] = isset($filters['status']) ? $filters['status'] : -10; $filters['priority'] = isset($filters['priority']) ? $filters['priority'] : -1; $filters['id_group'] = isset($filters['id_group']) ? $filters['id_group'] : -1; $filters['id_company'] = isset($filters['id_company']) ? $filters['id_company'] : 0; $filters['id_inventory'] = isset($filters['id_inventory']) ? $filters['id_inventory'] : 0; $filters['id_incident_type'] = isset($filters['id_incident_type']) ? $filters['id_incident_type'] : 0; $filters['id_user'] = isset($filters['id_user']) ? $filters['id_user'] : ''; $filters['id_user_or_creator'] = isset($filters['id_user_or_creator']) ? $filters['id_user_or_creator'] : ''; $filters['from_date'] = isset($filters['from_date']) ? $filters['from_date'] : 0; $filters['first_date'] = isset($filters['first_date']) ? $filters['first_date'] : ''; $filters['last_date'] = isset($filters['last_date']) ? $filters['last_date'] : ''; $filters['id_creator'] = isset($filters['id_creator']) ? $filters['id_creator'] : ''; $filters['editor'] = isset($filters['editor']) ? $filters['editor'] : ''; $filters['closed_by'] = isset($filters['closed_by']) ? $filters['closed_by'] : ''; $filters['resolution'] = isset($filters['resolution']) ? $filters['resolution'] : ''; $filters["offset"] = isset($filters['offset']) ? $filters['offset'] : 0; $filters["group_by_project"] = isset($filters['group_by_project']) ? $filters['group_by_project'] : 0; $filters["id_task"] = isset($filters['id_task']) ? $filters['id_task'] : -1; $filters["sla_state"] = isset($filters['sla_state']) ? $filters['sla_state'] : 0; $filters["left_sla"] = isset($filters['left_sla']) ? $filters['left_sla'] : 0; $filters["right_sla"] = isset($filters['right_sla']) ? $filters['right_sla'] : 0; $filters["show_hierarchy"] = isset($filters['show_hierarchy']) ? $filters['show_hierarchy'] : 0; if (empty($filters['status'])) { $filters['status'] = implode(',', array_keys(get_indicent_status())); } // Not closed if ($filters["status"] == -10) { $filters['status'] = "1,2,3,4,5,6"; } $resolutions = get_incident_resolutions(); $sql_clause = ''; if ($filters['priority'] != -1) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND prioridad = %d', $filters['priority']); } if ($filters['id_group'] != 1) { if ($filters["show_hierarchy"]) { $children = groups_get_childrens($filters['id_group']); $ids = $filters['id_group']; foreach ($children as $child) { $ids .= "," . $child['id_grupo']; } $sql_clause .= " AND id_grupo IN (" . $ids . ")"; } else { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND id_grupo = %d', $filters['id_group']); } } if (!empty($filters['id_user'])) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND id_usuario = "%s"', $filters['id_user']); } if (!empty($filters['id_user_or_creator'])) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND (id_usuario = "%s" OR id_creator = "%s")', $filters['id_user_or_creator'], $filters['id_user_or_creator']); } if (!empty($filters['resolution']) && $filters['resolution'] > -1) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND resolution = %d', $filters['resolution']); } if ($filters['id_task'] == 0) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND id_task = 0'); } else { if ($filters['id_task'] != -1) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND id_task = %d', $filters['id_task']); } } //Incident type 0 means all and incident type -1 means without type if ($filters["id_incident_type"] != -1) { if ($filters["id_incident_type"]) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND id_incident_type = %d', $filters['id_incident_type']); } $incident_fields = array(); foreach ($filters as $key => $value) { // If matchs an incident field, ad an element to the array with their real id and its data if (preg_match("/^type_field_/", $key)) { $incident_fields[preg_replace("/^type_field_/", "", $key)] = $value; } } foreach ($incident_fields as $id => $data) { if ($data !== "") { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND id_incidencia = ANY (SELECT id_incident FROM tincident_field_data WHERE id_incident_field = "%s" AND data LIKE "%%%s%%")', $id, $data); } } } if (!empty($filters['from_date']) && $filters['from_date'] > 0) { $last_date_seconds = $filters['from_date'] * 24 * 60 * 60; $filters['first_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - $last_date_seconds); $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND inicio >= "%s"', $filters['first_date']); $filters['last_date'] = ""; } else { if (!empty($filters['first_date'])) { $time = strtotime($filters['first_date']); //00:00:00 to set date at the beginig of the day $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND inicio >= "%s"', date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", $time)); } if (!empty($filters['last_date'])) { $time = strtotime($filters['last_date']); if (!empty($filters['first_date'])) { //23:59:59 to set date at the end of day $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND inicio <= "%s"', date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", $time)); } else { $time_from = strtotime($filters['first_date']); if ($time_from < $time) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND inicio <= "%s"', date("Y-m-d", $time)); } } } } if (!empty($filters['id_creator'])) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND id_creator = "%s"', $filters['id_creator']); } if (!empty($filters['editor'])) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND editor = "%s"', $filters['editor']); } if (!empty($filters['closed_by'])) { $sql_clause .= sprintf(' AND closed_by = "%s"', $filters['closed_by']); } if (!empty($filters['sla_state'])) { switch ($filters['sla_state']) { case 0: $sla_filter = ' '; break; case 1: $sla_filter = "AND (sla_disabled = 0 AND affected_sla_id <> 0)"; break; case 2: $sla_filter = "AND (sla_disabled = 0 AND affected_sla_id = 0)"; break; } } if ($filters['order_by'] && !is_array($filters['order_by'])) { $order_by_array = json_decode(clean_output($filters["order_by"]), true); } else { $order_by_array = $filters['order_by']; } //Use config block size if no other was given if ($limit) { if (!isset($filters["limit"])) { $filters["limit"] = $config["block_size"]; } } $order_by = ""; if ($order_by_array) { foreach ($order_by_array as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $order_by .= " {$key} {$value}, "; } } } switch ($mode) { case 'count': //Just count items $sql = sprintf('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) FROM tincidencia FD WHERE estado IN (%s) %s AND (titulo LIKE "%%%s%%" OR descripcion LIKE "%%%s%%" OR id_creator LIKE "%%%s%%" OR id_usuario LIKE "%%%s%%" OR id_incidencia IN (SELECT id_incident FROM tincident_field_data WHERE data LIKE "%%%s%%")) %s', $filters['status'], $sql_clause, $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $sla_filter); $count = get_db_value_sql($sql); if ($count === false) { return 0; } return $count; break; case 'tasks': $sql = sprintf('SELECT id_task FROM tincidencia FD WHERE estado IN (%s) %s AND (titulo LIKE "%%%s%%" OR descripcion LIKE "%%%s%%" OR id_creator LIKE "%%%s%%" OR id_usuario LIKE "%%%s%%" OR id_incidencia IN (SELECT id_incident FROM tincident_field_data WHERE data LIKE "%%%s%%")) %s GROUP BY id_task', $filters['status'], $sql_clause, $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $sla_filter); $tasks = get_db_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($tasks === false) { return false; } return $tasks; break; case 'tickets': default: //Select all items and return all information $sql = sprintf('SELECT * FROM tincidencia FD WHERE estado IN (%s) %s AND (titulo LIKE "%%%s%%" OR descripcion LIKE "%%%s%%" OR id_creator LIKE "%%%s%%" OR id_usuario LIKE "%%%s%%" OR id_incidencia IN (SELECT id_incident FROM tincident_field_data WHERE data LIKE "%%%s%%")) %s ORDER BY %s actualizacion DESC', $filters['status'], $sql_clause, $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $filters['string'], $sla_filter, $order_by); $incidents = get_db_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($incidents === false) { return false; } $result = array(); foreach ($incidents as $incident) { //Check external users ACLs $external_check = enterprise_hook("manage_external", array($incident)); if ($external_check !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK && !$external_check) { continue; } else { //Normal ACL pass if IR for this group or if the user is the incident creator //or if the user is the owner or if the user has workunits $check_acl = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_incident_acl", array($incident)); if (!$check_acl) { continue; } } $inventories = get_inventories_in_incident($incident['id_incidencia'], false); if ($filters['id_inventory']) { $found = false; foreach ($inventories as $inventory) { if ($inventory['id'] == $filters['id_inventory']) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { continue; } } if ($filters['id_company']) { $found = false; $user_creator = $incident['id_creator']; $user_company = get_db_value('id_company', 'tusuario', 'id_usuario', $user_creator); //If company do no match, dismiss incident if ($filters['id_company'] != $user_company) { continue; } } if ($filters['left_sla']) { $percent_sla_incident = format_numeric(get_sla_compliance_single_id($incident['id_incidencia'])); //If sla do not match, dismiss incident if ($filters['left_sla'] > $percent_sla_incident) { continue; } } if ($filters['right_sla']) { $percent_sla_incident = format_numeric(get_sla_compliance_single_id($incident['id_incidencia'])); //If sla do not match, dismiss incident if ($filters['right_sla'] < $percent_sla_incident) { continue; } } array_push($result, $incident); } return $result; break; } }
function inventories_show_list($sql_search, $sql_count, $params = '', $last_update = 0) { global $config; $is_enterprise = false; if (file_exists("enterprise/include/functions_inventory.php")) { require_once "enterprise/include/functions_inventory.php"; $is_enterprise = true; } $write_permission = enterprise_hook('inventory_check_acl', array($config['id_user'], $id, true)); $params .= "&mode=list"; if (!$sql_search) { $sql_search = "SELECT * FROM tinventory"; } if ($last_update) { $sql_search .= " ORDER BY last_update DESC"; } else { $sql_search .= " ORDER BY name ASC"; } $clean_output = get_parameter("clean_output"); if ($clean_output) { $block_limit = 5000; } else { $block_limit = $config["block_size"]; } $sql_search .= " LIMIT " . $block_limit; $offset = get_parameter("offset", 0); $sql_search .= " OFFSET {$offset}"; $inventories_aux = get_db_all_rows_sql($sql_search); $count_inv = get_db_value_sql($sql_count); if ($is_enterprise) { $inventories = inventory_get_user_inventories($config['id_user'], $inventories_aux); } else { $inventories = $inventories_aux; } if ($inventories === false) { echo "<h3 class='error'>" . __("Empty inventory") . "</h3>"; } else { $result_check = inventories_check_same_object_type_list($inventories); $table->id = 'inventory_list'; $table->class = 'listing'; $table->width = '100%'; $table->data = array(); $table->head = array(); $table->colspan = array(); $table->head[0] = __('Id'); $table->head[1] = __('Name'); $table->head[2] = __('Owner'); $table->head[3] = __("Parent object"); $table->head[4] = __('Object type'); $table->head[5] = __('Manufacturer'); $table->head[6] = __('Contract'); if ($result_check) { $res_object_fields = inventories_get_all_type_field($result_check, false, true); $i = 6; foreach ($res_object_fields as $key => $object_field) { if (isset($object_field["label"])) { $table->head[$i] = $object_field['label']; $i++; } } $table->head[$i] = __('Actions'); if ($write_permission) { $table->head[$i] = print_checkbox('inventorycb-all', "", false, true); } } else { if (!$clean_output) { $table->head[7] = __('Actions'); } if ($write_permission) { $table->head[8] = print_checkbox('inventorycb-all', "", false, true); } } $count = $count_inv; $url_pag = "index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory" . $params; $offset = get_parameter("offset"); if (!$clean_output) { pagination($count, $url_pag, $offset); } $idx = 0; foreach ($inventories as $key => $inventory) { $data = array(); if (defined('AJAX')) { $url = "javascript:loadInventory(" . $inventory['id'] . ");"; } else { $url = 'index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory_detail&id=' . $inventory['id']; } $data[0] = "<a href=" . $url . ">" . $inventory['id'] . "</a>"; $data[1] = "<a href=" . $url . ">" . $inventory['name'] . '</a>'; if ($inventory['owner'] != '') { $name_owner = get_db_value('nombre_real', 'tusuario', 'id_usuario', $inventory['owner']); } else { $name_owner = '--'; } $data[2] = "<a href=" . 'index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=users&sec2=operation/users/user_edit&id=' . $inventory['owner'] . ">" . $name_owner . '</a>'; if ($inventory["id_parent"] != 0) { $name_parent = get_db_value('name', 'tinventory', 'id', $inventory['id_parent']); $data[3] = "<a href=" . 'index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory_detail&id=' . $inventory['id_parent'] . ">" . $name_parent . '</a>'; } else { $name_parent = '--'; $data[3] = $name_parent; } if ($inventory['id_object_type'] != 0) { $name_object = get_db_value('name', 'tobject_type', 'id', $inventory['id_object_type']); $data[4] = "<a href=" . 'index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/manage_objects&id=' . $inventory['id_object_type'] . ">" . $name_object . '</a>'; } else { $name_object = '--'; $data[4] = $name_object; } if ($inventory['id_manufacturer'] != 0) { $name_manufacturer = get_db_value('name', 'tmanufacturer', 'id', $inventory['id_manufacturer']); $data[5] = "<a href=" . 'index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/manufacturers/manufacturer_detail&id=' . $inventory['id_manufacturer'] . ">" . $name_manufacturer . '</a>'; } else { $name_manufacturer = '--'; $data[5] = $name_manufacturer; } if ($inventory['id_contract'] != 0) { $name_contract = get_db_value('name', 'tcontract', 'id', $inventory['id_contract']); $data[6] = "<a href=" . 'index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=customers&sec2=operation/contracts/contract_detail&id_contract=' . $inventory['id_contract'] . ">" . $name_contract . '</a>'; } else { $name_contract = '--'; $data[6] = $name_contract; } if ($result_check) { $result_object_fields = inventories_get_all_type_field($result_check, $inventory['id'], true); $i = 6; foreach ($result_object_fields as $k => $ob_field) { if (isset($ob_field["label"])) { $data[$i] = $ob_field['data']; $i++; } } if (!$clean_output) { $data[$i] = '<a href="javascript: toggleInventoryInfo(' . $inventory['id'] . ')" id="show_info-' . $inventory["id"] . '">'; $data[$i] .= print_image("images/information.png", true, array("title" => __('Show object type fields'))); $data[$i] .= '</a> '; if ($write_permission) { $data[$i] .= '<a href="index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory&quick_delete=' . $inventory["id"] . '" onClick="if (!confirm(\'' . __('Are you sure?') . '\')) return false;"><img src="images/cross.png"></a>'; } } if ($write_permission) { $data[$i] = print_checkbox_extended('inventorycb-' . $inventory['id'], $inventory['id'], false, '', '', 'class="cb_inventory"', true); } } else { if (!$clean_output) { $data[7] = '<a href="javascript: toggleInventoryInfo(' . $inventory['id'] . ')" id="show_info-' . $inventory["id"] . '">'; $data[7] .= print_image("images/information.png", true, array("title" => __('Show object type fields'))); $data[7] .= '</a> '; if ($write_permission) { $data[7] .= '<a href="index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory&quick_delete=' . $inventory["id"] . '" onClick="if (!confirm(\'' . __('Are you sure?') . '\')) return false;"><img src="images/cross.png"></a>'; } } if ($write_permission) { $data[8] = print_checkbox_extended('inventorycb-' . $inventory['id'], $inventory['id'], false, '', '', 'class="cb_inventory"', true); } } $table->rowclass[$idx] = 'inventory_info_' . $inventory["id"]; $idx++; array_push($table->data, $data); if (!$clean_output) { $data_info = array(); $table_info->width = '98%'; $table_info->class = 'databox_color_without_line'; $table_info->size = array(); $table_info->style = array(); $table_info->data = array(); $res_obj_fields = inventories_get_all_type_field($inventory['id_object_type'], $inventory['id'], false); if (empty($res_obj_fields)) { $table_info->data[0][0] = '<b>' . __('No data to show') . '</b>'; } else { $j = 0; foreach ($res_obj_fields as $k => $ob_field) { if (isset($ob_field['label']) && $ob_field['label'] != "") { if ($ob_field['type'] == 'external') { $table_info->align[$j] = 'left;'; $table_info->data[$j][$j] = '<b>' . $ob_field['label']; $table_info->data[$j][$j] .= ' : ' . '</b>'; $table_info->data[$j][$j] .= $ob_field['data']; $j++; if (isset($ob_field['external_label']) && $ob_field['external_label'] != '') { $label_value = get_db_value_sql("SELECT " . $ob_field['external_label'] . " FROM " . $ob_field['external_table_name'] . " WHERE " . $ob_field['external_reference_field'] . " = " . $ob_field['data']); $table_info->align[$j] = 'left;'; $table_info->data[$j][$j] = '<b>' . $ob_field['external_label']; $table_info->data[$j][$j] .= ' : ' . '</b>'; $table_info->data[$j][$j] .= $label_value; $j++; } } else { $table_info->align[$j] = 'left;'; $table_info->data[$j][$j] = '<b>' . $ob_field['label']; $table_info->data[$j][$j] .= ' : ' . '</b>'; $table_info->data[$j][$j] .= $ob_field['data']; $j++; } } } } $data_info['row_info'] = print_table($table_info, true); $table_info->colspan[0][0] = 6; $table->rowclass[$idx] = 'inventory_more_info_' . $inventory["id"]; $table->rowstyle[$idx] = 'display: none;'; if ($write_permission) { $table->colspan[$idx]["row_info"] = 8; } else { $table->colspan[$idx]["row_info"] = 7; } array_push($table->data, $data_info); $idx++; } } print_table($table); if (!$clean_output) { pagination($count, $url_pag, $offset, true); } } }
function check_crm_acl($type, $flag, $user = false, $id = false) { global $config; if (!$user) { $user = $config['id_user']; } $permission = false; switch ($type) { case 'company': if ($id) { $permission = enterprise_hook('crm_check_acl_company', array($user, $id, $flag)); } else { $permission = enterprise_hook('crm_check_user_profile', array($user, $flag)); } break; case 'other': if ($id) { $permission = enterprise_hook('crm_check_acl_other', array($user, $id, $flag)); } break; case 'invoice': if ($id) { $permission = enterprise_hook('crm_check_acl_invoice', array($user, $id)); } break; case 'lead': if ($id) { $permission = enterprise_hook('crm_check_acl_lead', array($user, $id, $flag)); } else { $permission = enterprise_hook('crm_check_user_profile', array($user, $flag)); } break; case 'contract': if ($id) { $permission = enterprise_hook('crm_check_acl_contract', array($user, $id, $flag)); } else { $permission = enterprise_hook('crm_check_user_profile', array($user, $flag)); } break; } if ($permission === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $permission = true; } return $permission; }
function inventories_show_list($sql_search, $sql_count, $params = '', $last_update = 0, $modal = 0) { global $config; $is_enterprise = false; if (file_exists("enterprise/include/functions_inventory.php")) { require_once "enterprise/include/functions_inventory.php"; $is_enterprise = true; } $write_permission = enterprise_hook('inventory_check_acl', array($config['id_user'], $id, true)); $params['mode'] = 'list'; if (!$sql_search) { $sql_search = "SELECT * FROM tinventory"; } $pure = get_parameter("pure"); if ($pure) { $block_limit = 5000; } else { $block_limit = $config["block_size"]; } $sql_search .= " LIMIT " . $block_limit; $offset = get_parameter("offset", 0); $sql_search .= " OFFSET {$offset}"; $inventories_aux = get_db_all_rows_sql($sql_search); $count_inv = get_db_value_sql($sql_count); if ($is_enterprise) { $inventories = inventory_get_user_inventories($config['id_user'], $inventories_aux); } else { $inventories = $inventories_aux; } if ($inventories === false) { echo ui_print_error_message(__("Empty inventory"), '', true, 'h3', true); } else { $result_check = inventories_check_same_object_type_list($inventories); $table->id = 'inventory_list'; $table->class = 'listing'; $table->width = '100%'; $table->data = array(); $table->head = array(); $table->colspan = array(); $table->head[0] = __('Id'); $table->head[1] = __('Name'); $table->head[2] = __('Owner'); $table->head[3] = __("Parent object"); $table->head[4] = __('Object type'); $table->head[5] = __('Manufacturer'); $table->head[6] = __('Contract'); $table->head[7] = __('Status'); $table->head[8] = __('Receipt date'); if ($result_check) { $res_object_fields = inventories_get_all_type_field($result_check, false, true); $i = 9; foreach ($res_object_fields as $key => $object_field) { if (isset($object_field["label"])) { $table->head[$i] = $object_field['label']; $i++; } } if (!$pure) { if (!$modal) { $table->head[$i] = __('Actions'); if ($write_permission) { $i = $i + 1; $table->head[$i] = print_checkbox('inventorycb-all', "", false, true); } } } } else { if (!$pure) { if (!$modal) { $table->head[9] = __('Actions'); if ($write_permission) { $table->head[10] = print_checkbox('inventorycb-all', "", false, true); } } } } $count = $count_inv; $params = json_encode($params); $params = base64_encode($params); $url_pag = "index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory¶ms=" . $params; $offset = get_parameter("offset"); if (!$pure) { pagination($count, $url_pag, $offset, false, '', 0, true); } $idx = 0; foreach ($inventories as $key => $inventory) { $data = array(); if ($modal) { $url = "javascript:loadInventory(" . $inventory['id'] . ");"; } else { $url = 'index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory_detail&id=' . $inventory['id']; } $data[0] = "<a href=" . $url . ">" . $inventory['id'] . "</a>"; $data[1] = "<a href=" . $url . ">" . $inventory['name'] . '</a>'; if ($inventory['owner'] != '') { $name_owner = get_db_value('nombre_real', 'tusuario', 'id_usuario', $inventory['owner']); } else { $name_owner = '--'; } $data[2] = "<a href=" . 'index.php?sec=users&sec2=operation/users/user_edit&id=' . $inventory['owner'] . ">" . $name_owner . '</a>'; if ($inventory["id_parent"] != 0) { $name_parent = get_db_value('name', 'tinventory', 'id', $inventory['id_parent']); $data[3] = "<a href=" . 'index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory_detail&id=' . $inventory['id_parent'] . ">" . $name_parent . '</a>'; } else { $name_parent = '--'; $data[3] = $name_parent; } if ($inventory['id_object_type'] != 0) { $name_object = get_db_value('name', 'tobject_type', 'id', $inventory['id_object_type']); $data[4] = "<a href=" . 'index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/manage_objects&id=' . $inventory['id_object_type'] . ">" . $name_object . '</a>'; } else { $name_object = '--'; $data[4] = $name_object; } if ($inventory['id_manufacturer'] != 0) { $name_manufacturer = get_db_value('name', 'tmanufacturer', 'id', $inventory['id_manufacturer']); $data[5] = "<a href=" . 'index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/manufacturers/manufacturer_detail&id=' . $inventory['id_manufacturer'] . ">" . $name_manufacturer . '</a>'; } else { $name_manufacturer = '--'; $data[5] = $name_manufacturer; } if ($inventory['id_contract'] != 0) { $name_contract = get_db_value('name', 'tcontract', 'id', $inventory['id_contract']); $data[6] = "<a href=" . 'index.php?sec=customers&sec2=operation/contracts/contract_detail&id_contract=' . $inventory['id_contract'] . ">" . $name_contract . '</a>'; } else { $name_contract = '--'; $data[6] = $name_contract; } if ($inventory['status'] != "") { $data[7] = __($inventory['status']); } else { $status_none = '--'; $data[7] = $status_none; } if ($inventory['receipt_date'] != "") { $data[8] = $inventory['receipt_date']; } else { $receipt_date = '--'; $data[8] = $receipt_date; } if ($result_check) { $result_object_fields = inventories_get_all_type_field($result_check, $inventory['id'], true); $i = 9; foreach ($result_object_fields as $k => $ob_field) { if (isset($ob_field["label"])) { $data[$i] = $ob_field['data']; $i++; } } if (!$pure) { if (!$modal) { if ($write_permission) { $data[$i] .= '<a href="index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory&quick_delete=' . $inventory["id"] . '¶ms=' . $params . '" onClick="if (!confirm(\'' . __('Are you sure?') . '\')) return false;"><img src="images/cross.png"></a>'; } } } if (!$pure) { if (!$modal) { if ($write_permission) { $i = $i + 1; $data[$i] = print_checkbox_extended('inventorycb-' . $inventory['id'], $inventory['id'], false, '', '', 'class="cb_inventory"', true); } } } } else { if (!$pure) { if (!$modal) { if ($write_permission) { $data[9] .= '<a href="index.php?sec=inventory&sec2=operation/inventories/inventory&quick_delete=' . $inventory["id"] . '" onClick="if (!confirm(\'' . __('Are you sure?') . '\')) return false;"><img src="images/cross.png"></a>'; } } } if (!$pure) { if (!$modal) { if ($write_permission) { $data[10] = print_checkbox_extended('inventorycb-' . $inventory['id'], $inventory['id'], false, '', '', 'class="cb_inventory"', true); } } } } $table->rowclass[$idx] = 'inventory_info_' . $inventory["id"]; $idx++; array_push($table->data, $data); } echo '<div id= "inventory_only_table">'; print_table($table); echo '</div>'; if (!$pure) { pagination($count, $url_pag, $offset, true, '', 0, true); if (!$modal) { if ($write_permission) { echo '<div class="button-form">'; echo print_button(__('Delete All'), '', false, 'javascript: delete_massive_inventory()', 'class="sub"', true); echo '</div>'; } } } } }
$holidays = "<table>"; foreach ($holidays_array as $ha) { $holidays .= "<tr>"; $holidays .= "<td>"; $holidays .= $ha["day"]; $holidays .= "</td>"; $holidays .= "<td>"; $holidays .= "<a href='index.php?sec=godmode&sec2=godmode/setup/incidents_setup&del_day=1&day=" . $ha["id"] . "'><img src='images/cross.png'></a>"; $holidays .= "</td>"; $holidays .= "</tr>"; } $holidays .= "</table>"; } $table->data[0][1] .= $holidays; $holidays_table = print_table($table, true); $table_anonym = enterprise_hook('setup_print_incident_anonymize'); if ($table_anonym === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $table_anonym = ""; } $incident_reporter_options[0] = __('Disabled'); $incident_reporter_options[1] = __('Enabled'); $newsletter_options[0] = __('Disabled'); $newsletter_options[1] = __('Enabled'); $ticket_options[0] = __('Disabled'); $ticket_options[1] = __('Enabled'); echo "<table width='99%' class='search-table-button\n'>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td style='vertical-align: top;'>" . print_input_text("iwu_defaultime", $config["iwu_defaultime"], '', 5, 5, true, __('Ticket WU Default time')) . "</td>"; echo "<td style='vertical-align: top;'>" . print_select($incident_reporter_options, "email_on_incident_update", $config["email_on_incident_update"], '', '', '', true, 0, true, __('Send email on every ticket update')) . print_help_tip(__("Enabling this, you will get emails on file attachs also. If left disabled, you only get notifications only in major events on tickets"), true) . "</td>"; echo "<td style='vertical-align: top;'>" . print_input_text("limit_size", $config["limit_size"], '', 5, 5, true, __('Max. tickets by search')) . integria_help("limit_size", true) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>";
// INTEGRIA - the ITIL Management System // // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2012 Ártica Soluciones Tecnológicas // <*****@*****.**> // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. global $config; check_login(); enterprise_include('include/functions_crm.php'); $manager = enterprise_hook('crm_check_acl_news', array($config['id_user'])); if ($manager === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $manager = true; } else { if (!$manager) { include "general/noaccess.php"; exit; } } $id = (int) get_parameter('id'); $create = (bool) get_parameter('create'); $update = (bool) get_parameter('update'); $delete = (bool) get_parameter('delete'); $validate_newsletter = (bool) get_parameter('validate_newsletter', 0); if ($validate_newsletter) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM tnewsletter_address WHERE id_newsletter = {$id} AND validated = 0";
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. global $config; check_login (); $id = (int) get_parameter ('id'); $incident_creator = get_db_value ("id_creator", "tincidencia", "id_incidencia", $id); $incident = get_db_row ('tincidencia', 'id_incidencia', $id); //user with IR and incident creator see the information $check_acl = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_incident_acl", array($incident)); $external_check = enterprise_hook("manage_external", array($incident)); if (($check_acl !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK && !$check_acl) || ($external_check !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK && !$external_check)) { // Doesn't have access to this page audit_db ($config["id_user"], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation", 'Trying to access files of ticket #'.$id." '".$titulo."'"); if (!defined ('AJAX')) { include ("general/noaccess.php"); exit; } else { return; } } if (!$id) { audit_db ($config['id_user'], $REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation",
function combo_download_categories($id_category, $show_any = false, $label = false, $return = false) { global $config; enterprise_include('include/functions_form.php'); $result = enterprise_hook('combo_download_categories_extra', array($id_category, $show_any, $label, true)); if ($result === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM tdownload_category ORDER BY 2"; $result = process_sql($sql); if ($result == false) { $result = array(); } $categories = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { if (give_acl($config["id_user"], $row["id_group"], "KR")) { $categories[$row["id"]] = $row["name"]; } } if ($show_any) { $nothing = __('Any'); } else { $nothing = ''; } if ($label) { $label = __('Category'); } else { $label = false; } $result = print_select($categories, 'id_category', $id_category, '', $nothing, 0, $return, 0, false, $label); } if ($return) { return $result; } else { echo $result; } }
function load_menu_visibility() { global $show_projects; global $show_incidents; global $show_inventory; global $show_kb; global $show_file_releases; global $show_people; global $show_todo; global $show_agenda; global $show_setup; global $show_box; global $show_wiki; global $show_customers; global $config; // Get visibility permissions to sections $show_projects = enterprise_hook('get_menu_section_access', array('projects')); if ($show_projects == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $show_projects = MENU_FULL; } $show_incidents = enterprise_hook('get_menu_section_access', array('incidents')); if ($show_incidents == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $show_incidents = MENU_FULL; } $show_inventory = enterprise_hook('get_menu_section_access', array('inventory')); if ($show_inventory == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $show_inventory = MENU_FULL; } $show_kb = enterprise_hook('get_menu_section_access', array('kb')); if ($show_kb == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $show_kb = MENU_FULL; } $show_file_releases = enterprise_hook('get_menu_section_access', array('file_releases')); if ($show_file_releases == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $show_file_releases = MENU_FULL; } $show_people = enterprise_hook('get_menu_section_access', array('people')); if ($show_people == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $show_people = MENU_FULL; } $show_agenda = enterprise_hook('get_menu_section_access', array('agenda')); if ($show_agenda == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $show_agenda = MENU_FULL; } $show_setup = enterprise_hook('get_menu_section_access', array('setup')); if ($show_setup == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $show_setup = MENU_FULL; } $show_wiki = enterprise_hook('get_menu_section_access', array('wiki')); if ($show_wiki == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $show_wiki = MENU_FULL; } $show_customers = enterprise_hook('get_menu_section_access', array('customers')); if ($show_customers == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $show_customers = MENU_FULL; } $sec = get_parameter('sec', ''); if (!isset($customers)) { $customers = ""; } $show_box = $sec == "projects" && $show_projects == MENU_FULL || $sec == "incidents" && $show_incidents == MENU_FULL || $sec == "inventory" && $show_inventory == MENU_FULL || $sec == "kb" && $show_kb == MENU_FULL || $sec == "download" && $show_file_releases == MENU_FULL || $sec == "users" && $show_people == MENU_FULL || $sec == "godmode" && $show_setup == MENU_FULL || $sec == "wiki" && $show_wiki == MENU_FULL || $sec == "customers" && $customers == MENU_FULL || dame_admin($config['id_user']); }
// INTEGRIA - the ITIL Management System // // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2012 Ártica Soluciones Tecnológicas // <*****@*****.**> // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. global $config; check_login(); enterprise_include('include/functions_crm.php'); $permission = enterprise_hook('crm_check_acl_news', array($config['id_user'])); if ($permission === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $permission = true; } else { if (!$permission) { include "general/noaccess.php"; exit; } } $create = get_parameter("create", 0); $id = get_parameter("id", 0); if ($create == 1) { if (!$permission) { audit_db($config["id_user"], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation", "Trying to create a new newsletter"); require "general/noaccess.php"; exit;
echo "<h3 class='error'>" . __('Could not be created') . "</h3>"; } else { echo "<h3 class='suc'>" . __('Successfully created') . "</h3>"; $id_data = mysql_insert_id(); //insert_event ("KB ITEM CREATED", $id_data, 0, $title); audit_db($config["id_user"], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "KB", "Created kb item {$id_data} - {$title}"); } } // Attach DELETE // ============== if (isset($_GET["delete_attach"])) { $id_attachment = get_parameter("delete_attach", 0); $id_kb = get_parameter("update", 0); $attach_row = get_db_row("tattachment", "id_attachment", $id_attachment); $nombre_archivo = $config["homedir"] . "attachment/" . $id_attachment . "_" . $attach_row["filename"]; $item_accesibility = enterprise_hook('check_kb_item_accessibility_extra', array($id_user, $id_kb)); if ($item_accesibility == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $item_accesibility = true; } //~ if ($id_kb && ! check_kb_item_accesibility($id_user, $id_kb)) { if ($id_kb && $item_accesibility != true) { audit_db($id_user, $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation", "Trying to access to KB forbidden item"); require "general/noaccess.php"; exit; } $sql = " DELETE FROM tattachment WHERE id_attachment =" . $id_attachment; process_sql($sql); unlink($nombre_archivo); //insert_event ("KB ITEM UPDATED", $id_kb, 0, "File ".$attach_row["filename"]." deleted"); audit_db($config["id_user"], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "KB", "Deleted kb item {$id_kb} - " . $attach_row["filename"]); echo "<h3 class='suc'>" . __('Attach deleted ok') . "</h3>";
function get_users_in_group($id_user = false, $id_group = false, $access = 'IR') { global $config; $return = enterprise_hook('get_users_in_group_extra', array($id_user, $id_group, $access)); if ($return !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { return $return; } return true; }
if ($incident !== false && (give_acl($config['id_user'], $id_grupo, "IR") || $incident["id_creator"] == $config["id_user"])) { if (get_external_user($config["id_user"]) and $incident["id_creator"] != $config["id_user"]) { echo 0; } else { echo 1; } } else { echo 0; } if (defined('AJAX')) { return; } } if (isset($incident)) { //Incident creators must see their incidents $check_acl = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_incident_acl", array($incident, false, "IW")); if ($check_acl !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK && !$check_acl) { // Doesn't have access to this page audit_db($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation", "Trying to access to ticket (External user) " . $id); include "general/noaccess.php"; exit; } } else { if (!give_acl($config['id_user'], $id_grupo, "IR")) { // Doesn't have access to this page audit_db($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation", "Trying to access to ticket " . $id); include "general/noaccess.php"; exit; } } $id_grupo = 0;
$slas = array(); $slas[0] = __("None"); foreach ($slas_aux as $s) { $slas[$s["id"]] = $s["name"]; } $table->data[5][1] = print_select($slas, 'id_sla', $id_sla, '', '', 0, true, false, false, __('Ticket SLA')); $table->data[6][0] = print_input_text('inventory_name', $inventory_name, '', 25, 0, true, __('Default Inventory object'), false); $table->data[6][0] .= "<a href='javascript: show_inventory_search(\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\");'>" . ' ' . __('Search parent') . "</a>"; $table->data[6][0] .= print_input_hidden('id_inventory', $id_inventory, true); $table->data[6][1] = print_input_text('email_from', $email_from, '', 40, 0, true, __('Email from')); if ($config['enteprise'] == 1) { $table->data[7][0] = print_textarea("email_group", 5, 40, $email_group, '', true, __('Email group') . print_help_tip(__("Place each email address in a new line. You can use regular expresions"), true)); } echo '<form id="form-configurar_grupo" method="post" action="index.php?sec=users&sec2=godmode/grupos/lista_grupos">'; print_table($table); enterprise_hook("groups_email_queue_form", array($autocreate_user, $grant_access, $send_welcome, $default_company, $welcome_email, $email_queue, $default_profile, $user_level, $incident_type)); echo '<div class="button" style="width: ' . $table->width . '">'; if ($id) { print_submit_button(__('Update'), '', false, 'class="sub upd"'); print_input_hidden('update_group', 1); print_input_hidden('id', $id); } else { print_submit_button(__('Create'), '', false, 'class="sub next"'); print_input_hidden('create_group', 1); } echo '</div></form>'; echo "<div class= 'dialog ui-dialog-content' id='inventory_search_window'></div>"; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="include/js/jquery.ui.autocomplete.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="include/js/jquery.validation.functions.js"></script>
serialize_in_temp($filter, $config["id_user"]); //tree_search_submit() $table_search->data[3][1] = print_button(__('Export to CSV'), '', false, 'tree_search_submit();\'' . 'include/export_csv.php?export_csv_inventory=1'.'\');', 'class="sub csv"', true); //button $table_search->data[3][2] = print_submit_button (__('Search'), 'search', false, 'class="sub search"', true); $search_other .= print_table($table_search, true); $search_other .= '</div>'; print_container_div("inventory_form",__("Inventory form search"),$search_other, 'open', false, false); echo '</form>'; } $write_permission = enterprise_hook ('inventory_check_acl', array ($config['id_user'], $id, true)); $page = (int)get_parameter('page', 1); switch ($mode) { case 'tree': echo '<div class = "inventory_tree_table" id = "inventory_tree_table">'; inventories_print_tree($sql_search_pagination, $last_update); echo '</div>'; break; case 'list': echo '<div id="tmp_data"></div>'; echo '<div class = "inventory_list_table" id = "inventory_list_table">'; echo '<div id= "inventory_only_table">'; inventories_show_list2($sql_search, $sql_search_count, $params, $block_size, 0, $count_object_custom_fields, $sql_search_pagination); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>';
// INTEGRIA - the ITIL Management System // // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2008 Ártica Soluciones Tecnológicas // <*****@*****.**> // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. global $config; check_login(); include_once 'include/functions_crm.php'; $read = enterprise_hook('crm_check_user_profile', array($config['id_user'], 'cr')); $enterprise = false; if ($result === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $read = true; } else { $enterprise = true; if (!$read) { include "general/noaccess.php"; exit; } } $search_text = (string) get_parameter('search_text'); $id_company = (int) get_parameter('id_company_search'); $last_date = (int) get_parameter('last_date_search'); $start_date = (string) get_parameter('start_date_search'); $end_date = (string) get_parameter('end_date_search');
function print_html_report_button($href, $value = "HTML report", $id = "", $attr = "") { global $config; enterprise_include('include/functions_reporting_pdf.php', true); $return = enterprise_hook('print_html_report_button_extra', array($href, $value, $id, $attr)); if ($return !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { return $return; } else { return ""; } }
update_config_token("inventory_default_companies", $config["inventory_default_companies"]); update_config_token("inventory_default_users", $config["inventory_default_users"]); foreach ($labels as $k => $lab) { $config["pandora_{$k}"] = get_parameter("pandora_{$k}"); update_config_token("pandora_{$k}", $config["pandora_{$k}"]); } echo ui_print_success_message(__('Successfully updated'), '', true, 'h3', true); } $table = new StdClass(); $table->width = '100%'; $table->class = 'search-table-button'; $table->colspan = array(); $table->data = array(); $button = print_input_hidden('update', 1, true); $button .= print_submit_button(__('Update'), 'upd_button', false, 'class="sub upd"', true); $table_remote_inventory = enterprise_hook('setup_print_remote_inventory_type'); if ($table_remote_inventory !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $table->data[3][0] = $table_remote_inventory; $table->colspan[3][0] = 2; } echo "<form name='setup' method='post' id='inventory_status_form'>"; print_table($table); echo "<div class='button-form'>"; echo $button; echo "</div>"; echo '</form>'; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="include/js/integria_inventory.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="include/js/jquery.validation.functions.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">