protected function auth() { if (Auth::onceBasic("username")) { return Auth::user()->isDev(); } return false; }
protected function download(Path $path) { // check basic auth headers as well, so if specified, // client doesn't have to go through the login and cookie dance. Auth::onceBasic("username"); // check we're logged in if (!Auth::check()) { Session::flash('redirect', URL::current()); return Redirect::route('login'); } // record the download in the db $record = $path->loadCreateRecord($path); $record->downloaded_at = $record->freshTimestamp(); $record->increment('downloads'); $record->save(); $isMisc = strpos($path->getRelative(), '/Misc/') === 0; if ($isMisc || $path->isSafeExtension()) { // check if the extension is safe to download $file = new AsciiSafeDownloadFile($path->getPathname()); // see comments in AsciiSafeDownloadFile class $baseName = $path->getBasename(); $baseName = str_replace('%', '', $baseName); try { return Response::download($file, $baseName); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { App::abort(500, 'This file has a malformed filename. Please contact an admin.'); } } else { App::abort(403, sprintf('File type "%s" not allowed', $path->getExtension())); } }
public function authcheck() { Auth::onceBasic('username'); if (Auth::check()) { return Response::make('', 204); } else { return Response::make('', 401, array('WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic')); } }
// Filtro de clase administrador Route::filter('admin', function () { if (!Auth::user()->admin) { Session::flash('message', "No tiene Permisos para acceder a esta opción, si piensa que es un error por favor contacte con su administrador"); return Redirect::to('/'); } }); // Filtro de las Api Route::filter('api', function () { header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization, Key, Auth-Token'); if (Request::method() != "OPTIONS") { if (Request::header("Auth-Token", null) != null) { $user = User::find(Crypt::decrypt(Request::header("Auth-Token"))); Auth::setUser($user); } else { return Auth::onceBasic('email'); } } }); Route::filter('ajax', function () { if (!Request::ajax()) { return Response::make('Unauthorized', 401); } }); // amarrando el filtro a todas las direcciones admin Route::when('admin', 'auth|admin'); Route::when('admin/*', 'auth|admin'); //Mismo caso para API Route::when('api/*', 'api');
App::abort(400, "Invalid token"); } */ if (Auth::guest()) { if (Request::ajax()) { return Response::make('Unauthorized', 401); } else { return Redirect::guest('login'); } } }); Route::filter('auth.basic', function () { return Auth::basic('username'); }); Route::filter('basic.once', function () { return Auth::onceBasic(); }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Guest Filter |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The "guest" filter is the counterpart of the authentication filters as | it simply checks that the current user is not logged in. A redirect | response will be issued if they are, which you may freely change. | */ Route::filter('guest', function () { if (Auth::check()) { return Redirect::to('/'); }
Auth::logout(); Session::flush(); header("HTTP/1.1 404 Page Not Found", true, 404); exit("You cannot do this."); } } }); Route::filter('force.ssl', function () { if (route('home') != '' && route('home') != '' && route('home') != 'http://localhost/nosh' && route('home') != '' && route('home') != '') { if (!Request::secure()) { return Redirect::secure(Request::path()); } } }); Route::filter('auth.basic', function () { return Auth::onceBasic('username'); }); Route::filter('auth.token', function () { $payload = Request::header('Authorization'); $open_id_url = str_replace('/nosh', '/uma-server-webapp/', URL::to('/')); $practice = DB::table('practiceinfo')->where('practice_id', '=', '1')->first(); $client_id = $practice->uma_client_id; $client_secret = $practice->uma_client_secret; if ($payload) { // RPT, Perform Token Introspection $rpt = str_replace('Bearer ', '', $payload); $oidc = new OpenIDConnectClient($open_id_url, $client_id, $client_secret); $oidc->refresh($practice->uma_refresh_token, true); $result_rpt = $oidc->introspect($rpt); if ($result_rpt['active'] == false) { // Inactive RPT, Request Permission Ticket
<?php Route::filter('token', function () { $token = AccessToken::where('token', Input::get('token'))->first(); if (!$token) { return Response::json(array('status' => 'Unauthorized')); } }); Route::filter('auth', function () { if (Auth::onceBasic()) { return Response::json(['error' => ['message' => 'Invalid credentials', 'status_code' => 401]], 401); } }); Route::filter('bearer', function () { $header = Request::header('Authorization'); if (!$header) { return Response::json(['error' => ['message' => 'Unauthorized', 'status_code' => 401]], 401); } $token = explode(' ', $header)[1]; if ($token) { $device = Device::where('auth_token', $token)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if (!is_null($device)) { try { Auth::onceUsingId($device->user_id); } catch (Exception $e) { return Response::json(['error' => ['message' => $e->getMessage(), 'status_code' => 500]], 500); } } else { return Response::json(['error' => ['message' => 'Invalid token', 'status_code' => 401]], 401); } } else {
| The following filters are used to verify that the user of the current | session is logged into this application. The "basic" filter easily | integrates HTTP Basic authentication for quick, simple checking. | */ Route::filter('auth', function () { if (Auth::guest()) { if (Request::ajax()) { return Response::make('Unauthorized', 401); } else { return Redirect::guest('login'); } } }); Route::filter('auth.basic', function () { return Auth::onceBasic("username"); }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Guest Filter |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The "guest" filter is the counterpart of the authentication filters as | it simply checks that the current user is not logged in. A redirect | response will be issued if they are, which you may freely change. | */ Route::filter('guest', function () { if (Auth::check()) { return Redirect::to('/'); }
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CSRF Protection Filter |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The CSRF filter is responsible for protecting your application against | cross-site request forgery attacks. If this special token in a user | session does not match the one given in this request, we'll bail. | */ Route::filter('csrf', function () { if (Session::token() !== Input::get('_token')) { throw new Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException(); } }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | API Filter |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | For RESTful API | */ Route::filter('auth.api', function () { $message = '無效的憑證。'; $headers = ['WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic']; $response = Auth::onceBasic('email'); if (!is_null($response)) { return Response::json($message, 401, $headers); } });