public function login() { if (Input::hasPost("login", "password")) { $pwd = Load::model("usuario")->crearPassword(Input::post("password")); $usuario = Input::post("login"); $auth = new Auth("model", "class: usuario", "usuario_nombre: {$usuario}", "usuario_password: {$pwd}"); if ($auth->authenticate()) { Router::redirect("auth/welcome"); } else { Flash::error("Usuario o contraseña inválidos!"); } } }
public function test_setCredentials() { $fs = \Mockery::mock('League\\Flysystem\\Filesystem'); $fs->shouldReceive('read')->with('/tmp/credentials.php')->andReturn('<?php $credentials = "old hash"; ?>')->once(); $fs->shouldReceive('put')->with('/tmp/credentials.php', '/new password hash/')->andReturn(true)->once(); $auth = new Auth($fs, '/tmp/credentials.php'); $this->assertTrue($auth->authenticate('old hash')); $auth->setCredentials('new password hash'); $this->assertTrue($auth->authenticate('new password hash')); }
public function test_authenticate2() { //Auth::logout(); $this->assertFalse(Auth::authenticate('test_auth', 'aaa')); $this->assertFalse(Auth::authenticate('test_auth2', 'password')); $this->assertNull(Auth::get_logged_in_user()); }
public function __construct($request) { // Get the token from $request which has been set in the headers $this->token = $request['token']; // Get the args which is simply the url without domain and ... $args = $request['args']; // This will check if user is authenticated, if not Auth will throw a Error(7) and kills the page Auth::authenticate($this->token); // Get the all arguments from url $this->args = explode('/', rtrim($args, '/')); // Get the Controller name $this->endpoint = ucfirst($this->args[0]); // always the first one is our endpoint , E.g : api/v1/ -> products // Do a loop on all arguments to find ids and popo names foreach ($this->args as $arg) { // Look for an id , either mongo id , or product id ! if (is_mongo_id($arg)) { $this->id = $arg; continue; // continue if the condition is met , go next loop } // Check if there is popo with this arg in popo folder if (popo_exists($this->endpoint, uc_first($arg))) { $this->popo = uc_first($arg); } } // Request type $this->request_type = $this->get_request_method(); // PUT and DELETE can be hidden inside of an POST request , check them : if ($this->request_type == 'POST' && array_key_exists('HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD', $_SERVER)) { if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD'] == "DELETE") { $this->request_type = 'DELETE'; } else { if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD'] == 'PUT') { $this->request_type = 'PUT'; } } } // Get all inputs $this->input = @file_get_contents('php://input'); $this->input = json_decode($this->input); // Check if request method is either POST or PUT and if yes , check if input is empty or not validate_input($this->input, $this->request_type); // Get params from GET , if is set if (isset($_GET)) { $this->params = $_GET; // first param is like : /produtcs/34534543 , So we dont need it array_shift($this->params); } // Get params from POST , if is set if (isset($_POST)) { foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $this->params[$k] = $v; } } // Define the protocol $this->protocol = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ? "https" : "http"; }
public function inicio() { if (Input::hasPost("user", "password")) { $pwd = md5(Input::post("password")); $usuario = Input::post("user"); $auth = new Auth("model", "class: sesion", "user: {$usuario}", "password: {$pwd}"); if ($auth->authenticate()) { Router::toAction("dashboard"); } else { Flash::error("Usuario o contraseña invalidos"); } } }
/** * check * * @param $username * @param $password * @return true/false */ public static function check($username, $password) { Load::lib('auth'); $password = hash('md5', $password); $auth = new Auth('model', 'class: usuario', "login: {$username}", "password: {$password}", 'status: A'); if ($auth->authenticate()) { Session::set(SESSION_KEY, true); return true; } else { self::setError('Error Login!'); Session::set(SESSION_KEY, false); return false; } }
public function login($post) { $usuario = $post['usuario']; $password = sha1($post['password']); $auth = new Auth("model", "class: Usuario", "nombre_usuario: {$usuario}", "password: {$password}"); $admin = $this->find_by_sql('SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE nombre_usuario="' . $usuario . '"'); if ($admin->admin == 1) { if ($auth->authenticate()) { if (Auth::get('admin') == 1) { return true; } } else { return false; } } }
public function validate_login() { $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('login-user', 'Username', 'trim|required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('login-pass', 'Password', 'trim|required'); $this->form_validation->set_message('Invalid username or password.'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { return false; } else { $username = $this->input->post('login-user'); $password = $this->input->post('login-pass'); // If the form fields validate, Authenticate User. Auth::authenticate($username, $password); } }
public function login() { //en login susamos el template sin menus $this->render("login", "portada"); if ($this->has_post("login", "password")) { $pwd = $this->post("password"); $usuario = $this->post('login'); $auth = new Auth("model", "class: usuario", "username: {$usuario}", "password: {$pwd}"); if ($auth->authenticate()) { $this->redirect("inicio"); Flash::success("Bienvenido"); } else { Flash::error("Error, Usuario y/o contraseña incorrecta"); } } }
public function login() { if ($this->has_post("login", "password")) { $login = $this->request("login"); /*Tomamos el login del request*/ $password = $this->request("password"); /*Tomamos el pass del request*/ $auth = new Auth("model", "class: Gsusers", "login: {$login}", "password: {$password}"); if ($auth->authenticate()) { $this->redirect("panel/index"); } else { Flash::error("Usuario/Password invalido"); $this->redirect(""); } } }
public function login() { View::template('login'); $usuarios = new Usuarios(); if (Input::post("usuarios")) { # code... $pwd = $usuarios->cript(Input::post("usuarios")['password']); $usuario = Input::post("usuarios")['login']; $auth = new Auth("model", "class: usuarios", "login: {$usuario}", "password: {$pwd}"); if ($auth->authenticate()) { View::template('default'); Router::redirect("index/index"); } else { Flash::error("Login o password invalidos"); } } }
public function login() { View::template('login'); $usuarios = new Usuarios(); if (Input::post("usuarios")) { # code... $pwd = $usuarios->cript(Input::post("usuarios")['clave']); $usuario = Input::post("usuarios")['nombre']; $auth = new Auth("model", "class: usuarios", "nombre: {$usuario}", "clave: {$pwd}"); if ($auth->authenticate()) { View::template('default'); Router::redirect("index/index"); } else { Flash::error("Falló"); } } }
function ingresar() { Config::set('config.application.breadcrumb', FALSE); View::template('login-box'); Load::lib('auth'); if ($this->has_post("usuario", "contrasena")) { $usuario = $this->post("usuario"); $contrasena = $this->post("contrasena"); $auth = new Auth("model", "class: Usuario", "nombreusuario: {$usuario}", "contrasena: {$contrasena}"); if ($auth->authenticate()) { Router::redirect("administrador/inicioadmin"); //Flash::success("Correcto"); } else { Flash::error("Falló"); } } }
public function login() { if (Input::hasPost("login", "password")) { $pwd = Input::post("password"); $usuario = Input::post("login"); $u = new Usuario(); $pwd = $u->encriptar_password($pwd); $auth = new Auth("model", "class: usuario", "login: {$usuario}", "password: {$pwd}"); if ($auth->authenticate()) { Router::redirect("index/dashboard"); die; } else { Flash::error("Login o password incorrectos"); } } Router::redirect("/"); }
public function login() { if (Input::hasPost("usuario", "password", "tipo_usuario")) { $pwd = Input::post("password"); $usuario = Input::post("usuario"); $tipo_usuario = Input::post("tipo_usuario"); if ($tipo_usuario == "docente") { $modelo = "profesor"; $campo1 = "dni"; $campo2 = "password"; $pwd = md5($pwd); $auth = new Auth("model", "class: {$modelo}", "{$campo1}: {$usuario}", "{$campo2}: {$pwd}", "tipo_usuario: 1"); } elseif ($tipo_usuario == "alumno") { $modelo = "alumno"; $campo1 = "dni"; $campo2 = "dni"; $auth = new Auth("model", "class: {$modelo}", "{$campo1}: {$usuario}", "{$campo2}: {$pwd}"); } else { $modelo = "profesor"; $campo1 = "dni"; $campo2 = "password"; $pwd = md5($pwd); $auth = new Auth("model", "class: {$modelo}", "{$campo1}: {$usuario}", "{$campo2}: {$pwd}", "tipo_usuario: 0"); } if ($auth->authenticate()) { /*agregar un parametro para saber que tipo de usuario es*/ $_SESSION['KUMBIA_AUTH_IDENTITY'][Config::get('config.application.namespace_auth')]['tipousuario'] = $tipo_usuario; if ($tipo_usuario == "alumno") { Flash::valid("Alumno"); Router::redirect("perfil/"); } if ($tipo_usuario == "docente") { Flash::valid("Docente"); Router::redirect("perfil/"); } if ($tipo_usuario == "administrador") { Flash::valid("Administrador"); Router::redirect("profesor/"); } } else { Flash::error("El Nombre de Usuario o contraseña son incorrectos"); Router::redirect("/"); } } }
function login($loginid, $password, $expires = null) { $ctx = Model_Context::getInstance(); $loginid = POD::escapeString($loginid); $blogid = getBlogId(); $userid = Auth::authenticate($blogid, $loginid, $password); if ($userid === false) { return false; } if (empty($_POST['save'])) { setcookie('TSSESSION_LOGINID', '', time() - 31536000, $ctx->getProperty('service.path') . '/', $ctx->getProperty('service.domain')); } else { setcookie('TSSESSION_LOGINID', $loginid, time() + 31536000, $ctx->getProperty('service.path') . '/', $ctx->getProperty('service.domain')); } if (in_array("group.writers", Acl::getCurrentPrivilege())) { Session::authorize($blogid, $userid, $expires); } return true; }
function index() { if (Input::hasPost("usuario")) { $login = Input::post("usuario"); $clave = Input::post("clave"); $auth = new Auth("model", "class: usuario", "cedula: {$login}", "clave: {$clave}"); if ($auth->authenticate()) { $usu = new Usuario(); $usu->find_first("cedula='{$login}' and clave='{$clave}'"); //if ($usu->tipousuario_id == 1) {//vendedor Session::set("usuario_id", $usu->id); Session::set("usuario_nombrecompleto", $usu->nombrecompleto); Router::redirect("home/index"); //} } else { Flash::error("Login o Clave inválido."); } } }
/** * Metodo para inciar sesion. * * @return boolean */ public function entrar() { //Verifico si ha enviado los datos através del formulario if (Input::hasPost('login') && Input::hasPost('pass')) { //Verifico que el formulario recibido sea igual al que se envió if (SecurityKey::isValid()) { $this->usr = Input::post('login'); $this->pwd = md5(Input::post('pass')); //Encripto nuevamente la contraseña, pues ya viene encriptada con el sha1 //Utilizo Auth $auth = new Auth('model', 'class: usuario', "login: {$this->usr}", "password: {$this->pwd}", 'estado: 1'); $auth->sleep_on_fail(true, 2); //En caso de que falle duermo la aplicacion por 2 segundos if ($auth->authenticate()) { $this->codigo = Auth::get('id'); $this->ip = Utils::getIp(); //Determino la ip del visitante $this->valido = true; //Obtengo el grupo del usuario $grupo = $this->getGrupo(); if (!$grupo) { Flash::error("Se ha producido un error en la verificación de los datos."); Auth::destroy_identity(); } else { //Almaceno en sesion algunos parámetros Session::set('nivel', $grupo->id); Session::set('grupo', $grupo->descripcion); Session::set("usuario", $this->usr); Session::set("ip", $this->ip); Flash::info("¡ Bienvenido <strong>{$this->usr}</strong> !."); Router::redirect('dc-admin/'); } } else { Flash::error('El usuario y/o contraseña incorrectos.'); } } else { Flash::error('La llave de acceso ha expirado. <br />Por favor intente nuevamente.'); } } }
// Ajax related // if (preg_match('/^\\/ajax\\/([\\w-]+)(?:\\/([\\w-]+))?\\/$/', $GLOBALS['uri'], $matches)) { if (count($matches) <= 2) { $GLOBALS['section'] = 'default'; $GLOBALS['subSection'] = $matches[1]; } else { $GLOBALS['section'] = $matches[1]; $GLOBALS['subSection'] = $matches[2]; } } /* +----------------------------------------------------------------+ *\ |* | AUTHENTICATION | *| \* +----------------------------------------------------------------+ */ if (!isset($GLOBALS['user']) || !$GLOBALS['user'] instanceof User) { if ((!Auth::authenticate() || !$GLOBALS['user'] instanceof User) && ($GLOBALS['subSection'] != 'authentication' && ($GLOBALS['subSection'] != 'registration' || $GLOBALS['settings'][SystemSettings::ALLOW_USER_REGISTRATION]))) { SystemEvent::raise(SystemEvent::INFO, "Authentication is required on all ajax requests. [URI={$GLOBALS['uri']}]", "ajaxHandler"); // TODO: send error here exit; } } session_write_close(); /* +----------------------------------------------------------------+ *\ |* | ROUTING | *| \* +----------------------------------------------------------------+ */ // // Ajax related // if (!empty($GLOBALS['section'])) { $GLOBALS['ajaxMethod'] = $GLOBALS['subSection']; if (strpos($GLOBALS['subSection'], '-') !== false) {
} $fname = strtolower($classname); $fname = str_replace('_', '', $fname); $fname1 = sprintf(ROOT . '%sinc%sclass_%s.php', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fname); if (is_file($fname1)) { require_once $fname1; return; } $fname2 = sprintf(ROOT . '%sinc%sns_%s.php', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fname); if (is_file($fname2)) { require_once $fname2; return; } echo $fname1 . '<br />'; echo $fname2 . '<br />'; } require_once sprintf('..%sconfig.php', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $config = new CoreConfig(); /* new CoreInit( $config->enc_from, $config->enc_to, $config->comp_level, $config->email ); */ define('OPT_DIR', Path::join(ROOT, 'inc', 'opt') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); require_once Path::join(ROOT, 'inc', 'opt', 'opt.class.php'); $auth = new Auth(); echo $auth->authenticate('mysz', sha1('jsDhzc1'));
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GRLDCHZ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. **/ require_once 'Auth.php'; $auth = new Auth(); try { $auth->authenticate(); require_once 'Comment.php'; require_once 'Media.php'; require_once 'Posts.php'; require_once 'Profile.php'; require_once 'Skillet.php'; require_once 'Utils.php'; if (isset($_GET["get"]) && $_GET["get"] == "posts") { $posts = new Posts($auth); $posts->getPosts(); print $posts->printOutput(); } else { if (isset($_GET["get"]) && $_GET["get"] == "media") { $media = new Media($auth); $media->getMedia(); print $media->printOutput();
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: sanmadjack * Date: 6/28/2015 * Time: 9:14 AM */ require_once "res/include.php"; Auth::authenticate();
} outputHeaders(); //These are the commands we may expect $valid_commands = $fckphp_config['Commands']; $valid_resource_types = $fckphp_config['ResourceTypes']; //Get the passed data $command = isset($_GET['Command']) && $_GET['Command'] != "" ? $_GET['Command'] : ""; $type = isset($_GET['Type']) && $_GET['Type'] != "" ? $_GET['Type'] : "File"; $cwd = str_replace("..", "", isset($_GET['CurrentFolder']) && $_GET['CurrentFolder'] != "" ? $_GET['CurrentFolder'] : "/"); $cwd = str_replace("..", "", $cwd); $extra = isset($_GET['ExtraParams']) && $_GET['ExtraParams'] != "" ? $_GET['ExtraParams'] : ""; if (in_array($command, $valid_commands)) { if ($fckphp_config['auth']['Req']) { require_once "./Auth/" . $fckphp_config['auth']['HandlerClass'] . ".php"; $auth = new Auth(); $fckphp_config = $auth->authenticate($extra, $fckphp_config); if ($fckphp_config['authSuccess'] !== true) { header("content-type: text/xml"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n"; ?> <Connector command="authentication_failed" resourceType="authentication_failed"> <CurrentFolder path="authentication_failed" url="authentication_failed" /> <Error number="-1" /> </Connector><?php if ($fckphp_config['Debug'] === true && $fckphp_config['Debug_Output']) { recordOutput(); } exit(0); } } //bit of validation
/** * Processes a request to login */ //if already auth, get out of here if (Auth::isAuthenticated()) { Util::getTemplate('index.php'); return; } //ensure user submitted credentials if (!isset($_POST['email'], $_POST['password'])) { Util::getTemplate('login.php'); return; } //add credentials to session Auth::authenticate($_POST['email'], $_POST['password']); //test credentials $lsm = new LsmCurl(false); //force debug mode off $lsm->setEndpoint(LSM_API_ENDPOINT . "authenticate/customer"); //change to /authenticate, or /authenticate/customer accordingly $lsm->useGet(); //send the request $lsm->sendRequest(); $status = (int) $lsm->getResponseStatus(); $response = $lsm->getResponseContent(); if (!$response) { Auth::destroySession(); Auth::startSession(); Util::getTemplate('500.php'); return;
<?php session_start(); include '../includes/Auth.php'; $auth = new Auth(); $usuario = $_POST; $login = array("nombre" => $_POST['nombre'], "contra" => $_POST['contra']); $autentificacion = $auth->authenticate($login); if ($autentificacion != null && isset($autentificacion['_id'])) { //echo "el usuario SI existe en la base de datos"; /* autorización */ $auth->authorizate($autentificacion); $level = $auth->getLevel(); /* codificador */ if (isset($_POST['encuestas'])) { $encuesta = $_POST['encuestas']; switch ($_POST['encuestas']) { case 'ods1': header("location:../../ods1/index.php?idEstacion=" . $_POST['idEstacion'] . "&estacion=" . $_POST['estacion'] . "&carretera=" . $_POST['carretera'] . "&km=" . $_POST['km'] . "&capturista=" . $_POST['nombre']); exit; break; case 'pds1': header("location:../../pds1/index.php?idEstacion=" . $_POST['idEstacion'] . "&estacion=" . $_POST['estacion'] . "&carretera=" . $_POST['carretera'] . "&km=" . $_POST['km'] . "&capturista=" . $_POST['nombre']); exit; break; case 'admin': header("location:../../admin/index.php?capturista=" . $_POST['nombre']); exit; break; default: # code...
function login($loginid, $password) { global $blogid; if (Auth::authenticate($blogid, $loginid, $password, true) === false) { return false; } return true; }
function login($loginid, $password) { $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); if (Auth::authenticate($context->getProperty(''), $loginid, $password, true) === false) { return false; } return true; }
header("content-type: text/xml"); $result = WebserviceHelper::constructResult(500, 'No api key defined', $method); print $result->asXML(); exit; } if (empty($secret) || $secret == "") { header("content-type: text/xml"); $result = WebserviceHelper::constructResult(500, 'No secret defined', $method); print $result->asXML(); exit; } switch ($method) { case 'user_authenticate': header("content-type: text/xml"); $auth = new Auth($apikey, $secret); print $auth->authenticate(); break; case 'getUserById': header("content-type: text/xml"); $apiUser = new Api_User(); print $apiUser->getUserById($apikey, $secret); break; case 'getUserByUsername': header("content-type: text/xml"); $apiUser = new Api_User(); print $apiUser->getUserByUsername($apikey, $secret); break; case 'getBaseUserById': header("content-type: text/xml"); $apiUser = new Api_User(); print $apiUser->getBaseUserById($apikey, $secret);