public function btnAddAsset_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) { if ($this->rblAssetType->SelectedValue == 'new') { $blnError = false; // Do not allow creation of an asset if asset limit will be exceeded $intAssetLimit = is_numeric(QApplication::$TracmorSettings->AssetLimit) ? QApplication::$TracmorSettings->AssetLimit : false; if ($intAssetLimit && Asset::CountActive() >= $intAssetLimit) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "Your asset limit has been reached."; } // Assign an empty string to the asset code for now (NULL won't work to render properly in the datagrid if ($this->chkAutoGenerateAssetCode->Checked == true) { $strAssetCode = ''; } else { $strAssetCode = $this->txtNewAssetCode->Text; if (!$strAssetCode) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = 'You must enter an asset tag.'; } } // Generate an error if that asset code already exists if ($objDuplicate = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($strAssetCode)) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = 'That asset tag already exists. Choose another.'; } elseif (!$this->lstAssetModel->SelectedValue) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = 'You must select one model.'; } if (!$blnError) { $objNewAsset = new Asset(); $objNewAsset->AssetModelId = $this->lstAssetModel->SelectedValue; $objNewAsset->LocationId = 5; // To Be Received $objNewAsset->AssetCode = $strAssetCode; // Set the AssetId to 0. This is so that it can be assigned to an AssetTransaction object without being saved to the db // We don't want to save this until btnSave_Click, because we don't want to create new assets that could get orphaned $objNewAsset->AssetId = 0; // This can be combined with the code below it $this->txtNewAssetCode->Text = null; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Enabled = true; $this->chkAutoGenerateAssetCode->Checked = false; $this->lstAssetModel->SelectedValue = null; $objNewAssetTransaction = new AssetTransaction(); // The source location can either be 'Shipped'(2) or 'To Be Received'(5) $objNewAssetTransaction->SourceLocationId = $objNewAsset->LocationId; // $objNewAssetTransaction->AssetId = $objNewAsset->AssetId; $objNewAssetTransaction->Asset = $objNewAsset; $this->objAssetTransactionArray[] = $objNewAssetTransaction; // Set this boolean to true so that the datagrid updates $this->blnModifyAssets = true; } } elseif ($this->rblAssetType->SelectedValue == 'existing') { $strAssetCode = $this->txtNewAssetCode->Text; $blnDuplicate = false; $blnError = false; if ($strAssetCode) { // Begin error checking if ($this->objAssetTransactionArray) { foreach ($this->objAssetTransactionArray as $objAssetTransaction) { if ($objAssetTransaction && $objAssetTransaction->Asset->AssetCode == $strAssetCode) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset has already been added."; } } } if (!$blnError) { $objNewAsset = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtNewAssetCode->Text); if (!$objNewAsset instanceof Asset) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset tag does not exist."; } elseif ($objNewAsset->LinkedFlag) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is locked to a parent asset."; } elseif ($objNewAsset->ArchivedFlag) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is archived."; } elseif ($objNewAsset->CheckedOutFlag) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is checked out."; } elseif ($objNewAsset->ReservedFlag) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset is reserved."; } elseif (!($objNewAsset->LocationId == 5 || $objNewAsset->LocationId == 2)) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "That asset has already been received."; } elseif (!QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objNewAsset, 2)) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = "You do not have authorization to perform a transaction on this asset."; } elseif ($objLinkedAssetArray = Asset::LoadChildLinkedArrayByParentAssetId($objNewAsset->AssetId)) { $strAssetCodeArray = array(); $objCheckedLinkedAssetArray = array(); foreach ($objLinkedAssetArray as $objLinkedAsset) { if (!QApplication::AuthorizeEntityBoolean($objLinkedAsset, 2)) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = sprintf("You do not have authorization to perform a transaction on locked asset %s.", $objLinkedAsset->AssetCode); break; } else { $objCheckedLinkedAssetArray[] = $objLinkedAsset; $strAssetCodeArray[] = $objLinkedAsset->AssetCode; } if (!$blnError) { $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = sprintf("The following asset(s) have been added to the transaction because they are locked to asset (%s):<br />%s", $objNewAsset->AssetCode, implode('<br />', $strAssetCodeArray)); } } if (!$blnError) { foreach ($objCheckedLinkedAssetArray as $objCheckedLinkedAsset) { $objNewAssetTransaction = new AssetTransaction(); // We can assign the AssetId for existing assets because they have already been saved to the db $objNewAssetTransaction->AssetId = $objCheckedLinkedAsset->AssetId; // The source location can either be 'Shipped'(2) or 'To Be Received'(5) $objNewAssetTransaction->SourceLocationId = $objCheckedLinkedAsset->LocationId; $this->objAssetTransactionArray[] = $objNewAssetTransaction; } } } if (!$blnError) { // Check that the asset isn't already in another pending receipt $arrPendingReceipts = AssetTransaction::QueryArray(QQ::AndCondition(QQ::Equal(QQN::AssetTransaction()->AssetId, $objNewAsset->AssetId), QQ::In(QQN::AssetTransaction()->SourceLocationId, array(5, 2)), QQ::IsNull(QQN::AssetTransaction()->DestinationLocationId), QQ::NotEqual(QQN::AssetTransaction()->TransactionId, $this->objReceipt->TransactionId))); if (!$blnError && count($arrPendingReceipts) != 0) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = 'That asset is already pending receipt.'; } elseif (!$blnError && ($objPendingShipment = AssetTransaction::PendingShipment($objNewAsset->AssetId))) { $blnError = true; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Warning = 'That asset is in a pending shipment.'; } } // Create a new, but incomplete AssetTransaction if (!$blnError) { $this->txtNewAssetCode->Text = null; $this->txtNewAssetCode->Enabled = true; $this->chkAutoGenerateAssetCode->Checked = false; $this->lstAssetModel->SelectedValue = null; $objNewAssetTransaction = new AssetTransaction(); // We can assign the AssetId for existing assets because they have already been saved to the db $objNewAssetTransaction->AssetId = $objNewAsset->AssetId; // The source location can either be 'Shipped'(2) or 'To Be Received'(5) $objNewAssetTransaction->SourceLocationId = $objNewAsset->LocationId; $this->objAssetTransactionArray[] = $objNewAssetTransaction; // Set this boolean to true so that the datagrid updates $this->blnModifyAssets = true; } } } } $this->dtgAssetTransact->Refresh(); $this->txtNewAssetCode->Focus(); }
protected function Form_Create() { if (QApplication::QueryString('intDownloadCsv')) { $this->RenderBegin(false); session_cache_limiter('must-revalidate'); // force a "no cache" effect header("Pragma: hack"); // IE chokes on "no cache", so set to something, anything, else. $ExpStr = "Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time()) . " GMT"; header($ExpStr); header('Content-Type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: csv; filename=skipped_records.csv'); $file = fopen(sprintf("%s/%s_skipped.csv", __TRACMOR_TMP__, $_SESSION['intUserAccountId']), "r"); ob_end_clean(); while ($row = fgets($file, 1000)) { print $row; @ob_flush(); flush(); } QApplication::$JavaScriptArray = array(); QApplication::$JavaScriptArrayHighPriority = array(); $this->RenderEnd(false); exit; } // Create the Header Menu $this->ctlHeaderMenu_Create(); $intRoleId = QApplication::$objUserAccount->RoleId; $this->blnError = true; $objRoleEntityQtypeBuiltInAuthorization = RoleEntityQtypeBuiltInAuthorization::LoadByRoleIdEntityQtypeIdAuthorizationId($intRoleId, EntityQtype::Asset, 2); $this->intAssetLimit = QApplication::$TracmorSettings->AssetLimit; $this->intAssetCount = Asset::CountActive(); // Check the user have edit permissions if ($objRoleEntityQtypeBuiltInAuthorization && $objRoleEntityQtypeBuiltInAuthorization->AuthorizedFlag) { $this->blnError = false; } if (!$this->blnError) { $this->pnlMain_Create(); $this->pnlStepOne_Create(); $this->Buttons_Create(); $this->intStep = 1; $this->intSkippedRecordCount = 0; $this->blnImportEnd = true; $this->btnRemoveArray = array(); $this->Labels_Create(); $this->objDatabase = Asset::GetDatabase(); $this->intItemIdKey = null; $this->objUpdatedItemArray = array(); $this->arrAssetCustomField = array(); $intCustomFieldIdArray = array(); // Load Asset Model Custom Field foreach (CustomField::LoadArrayByActiveFlagEntity(1, EntityQtype::Asset) as $objCustomField) { $this->arrAssetCustomField[$objCustomField->CustomFieldId] = $objCustomField; $intCustomFieldIdArray[] = $objCustomField->CustomFieldId; } if (count($intCustomFieldIdArray)) { //QApplication::$Database[1]->EnableProfiling(); // Load restrict permisions for Asset Cutom Fields $objConditions = QQ::AndCondition(QQ::Equal(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->RoleId, (string) $intRoleId), QQ::In(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->EntityQtypeCustomField->CustomFieldId, $intCustomFieldIdArray), QQ::Equal(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->AuthorizedFlag, false)); $objClauses = array(); array_push($objClauses, QQ::Expand(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->EntityQtypeCustomField->EntityQtypeCustomFieldId)); array_push($objClauses, QQ::OrderBy(QQN::RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization()->EntityQtypeCustomFieldId)); $arrRoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization = RoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization::QueryArray($objConditions, $objClauses); if ($arrRoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization) { foreach ($arrRoleEntityQtypeCustomFieldAuthorization as $objRoleAuth) { if (array_key_exists($objRoleAuth->EntityQtypeCustomField->CustomFieldId, $this->arrAssetCustomField)) { unset($this->arrAssetCustomField[$objRoleAuth->EntityQtypeCustomField->CustomFieldId]); } } } //QApplication::$Database[1]->OutputProfiling(); } $this->intUserArray = array(); // Load Users /*foreach (UserAccount::LoadAll() as $objUser) { $this->intUserArray[strtolower($objUser->Username)] = $objUser->UserAccountId; }*/ $this->strAcceptibleMimeArray = array('text/plain' => 'txt', 'text/comma-separated-values' => 'csv', 'text/csv' => 'csv', 'text/x-comma-separated-values' => 'csv', 'application/' => 'csv', 'application/csv' => 'csv', 'text/x-csv' => 'csv'); } }
public function btnSave_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) { try { // Get an instance of the database $objDatabase = QApplication::$Database[1]; // Begin a MySQL Transaction to be either committed or rolled back $objDatabase->TransactionBegin(); // Generate a new AssetCode based on the MinAssetCode value // This happens whether or not they are creating a new one or editing an existing one if ($this->chkAutoGenerateAssetCode->Checked) { $this->txtAssetCode->Text = Asset::GenerateAssetCode(); } $this->objAsset->AssetCode = $this->txtAssetCode->Text; $this->objAsset->AssetModelId = $this->lstAssetModel->SelectedValue; $blnError = false; // If a new asset is being created if (!$this->blnEditMode) { // Do not allow creation of an asset if asset limit will be exceeded $intAssetLimit = is_numeric(QApplication::$TracmorSettings->AssetLimit) ? QApplication::$TracmorSettings->AssetLimit : false; if (!$this->blnEditMode) { if ($intAssetLimit && Asset::CountActive() >= $intAssetLimit) { $blnError = true; $this->txtAssetCode->Warning = "Your asset limit has been reached."; } } // Check to see if the asset code already exists $AssetDuplicate = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtAssetCode->Text); if ($AssetDuplicate) { $blnError = true; $this->txtAssetCode->Warning = "That asset code is already in use. Please try another."; } if (!$blnError && $this->txtParentAssetCode->Text) { if ($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text != $this->objAsset->AssetCode) { $objParentAsset = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text); if (!$objParentAsset) { $blnError = true; $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "That asset code does not exist. Please try another."; } else { if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && $objParentAsset->LocationId != $this->lstLocation->SelectedValue) { // If locking child to parent, make sure assets are at the same location $blnError = true; $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = 'Cannot lock to parent asset at another location.'; } else { if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && ($objParentAsset->CheckedOutFlag || $objParentAsset->ReservedFlag || $objParentAsset->ArchivedFlag || $objParentAsset->LocationId == 2 || $objParentAsset->LocationId == 5 || AssetTransaction::PendingTransaction($objParentAsset->AssetId))) { $blnError = true; $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = "Parent asset code (" . $objParentAsset->AssetCode . ") must not be currently Archived, Checked Out, Pending Shipment, Shipped/TBR, or Reserved."; } else { $this->objAsset->ParentAssetId = $objParentAsset->AssetId; if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked) { $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag = 1; } } } } } else { $blnError = true; $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "Parent asset code must not be the same as asset code. Please try another."; } } else { // If txtParentAssetCode is empty $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag = false; $this->objAsset->ParentAssetId = null; } if (!$blnError) { // Location can only be decided when creating an asset. Otherwise they must conduct a transaction. if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->objAsset->LocationId = $this->lstLocation->SelectedValue; } // Save child assets $this->SaveChildAssets(); // Object should be saved only if it is new, to obtain the proper AssetId to add to the custom field tables $this->objAsset->Save(); $this->objParentObject->RefreshChildAssets(); } } // Assign input values to custom fields if ($this->arrCustomFields && !$blnError) { // Save the values from all of the custom field controls to save the asset CustomField::SaveControls($this->objAsset->objCustomFieldArray, $this->blnEditMode, $this->arrCustomFields, $this->objAsset->AssetId, 1); } if ($this->blnEditMode) { // Check to see if the asset code already exists (and is not the asset code of the asset that the user is currently editing $AssetDuplicate = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtAssetCode->Text); if ($AssetDuplicate && $AssetDuplicate->AssetId != $this->objAsset->AssetId) { $blnError = true; $this->txtAssetCode->Warning = "That asset code is already in use. Please try another."; } if (!$blnError && $this->txtParentAssetCode->Text) { // Check if the parent asset code is already a child asset of this asset $arrChildAsset = Asset::LoadArrayByParentAssetId($this->objAsset->AssetId); foreach ($arrChildAsset as $objChildAsset) { if ($objChildAsset->AssetCode == $this->txtParentAssetCode->Text) { $blnError = true; $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "Parent asset code is already a child of this asset. Please try another."; break; } } if (!$blnError) { if ($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text != $this->objAsset->AssetCode) { $objParentAsset = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text); if (!$objParentAsset) { $blnError = true; $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "That asset code does not exist. Please try another."; } else { if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && !($this->objAsset->ParentAssetId == $objParentAsset->AssetId && $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag == 1) && $objParentAsset->LocationId != $this->objAsset->LocationId) { // If locking child to parent, make sure assets are at the same location $blnError = true; $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = 'Cannot lock to parent asset at another location.'; } else { if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && !($this->objAsset->ParentAssetId == $objParentAsset->AssetId && $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag == 1) && ($objParentAsset->CheckedOutFlag || $objParentAsset->ReservedFlag || $objParentAsset->ArchivedFlag || $objParentAsset->LocationId == 2 || $objParentAsset->LocationId == 5 || AssetTransaction::PendingTransaction($objParentAsset->AssetId))) { $blnError = true; $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = "Parent asset code (" . $objParentAsset->AssetCode . ") must not be currently Archived, Checked Out, Pending Shipment, Shipped/TBR, or Reserved."; } else { if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && !($this->objAsset->ParentAssetId == $objParentAsset->AssetId && $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag == 1) && ($this->objAsset->CheckedOutFlag || $this->objAsset->ReservedFlag || $this->objAsset->ArchivedFlag || $this->objAsset->LocationId == 2 || $this->objAsset->LocationId == 5 || AssetTransaction::PendingTransaction($this->objAsset->AssetId))) { $blnError = true; $this->chkLockToParent->Warning .= "Child asset must not be currently Archived, Checked Out, Pending Shipment, Shipped/TBR, or Reserved."; } else { $this->objAsset->ParentAssetId = $objParentAsset->AssetId; if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked) { $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag = 1; } else { $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag = 0; } } } } } } else { $blnError = true; $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "Parent asset code must not be the same as asset code. Please try another."; } } } else { // If txtParentAssetCode is empty $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag = false; $this->objAsset->ParentAssetId = null; $this->chkLockToParent->Checked = false; } if (!$blnError) { // Update the values of all fields for an Ajax reload $this->UpdateAssetFields(); // Save child assets $this->SaveChildAssets(); // If asset is not new, it must be saved after updating the assetfields $this->objAsset->Save(); // This is called to retrieve the new Modified Date and User $this->objParentObject->SetupAsset($this); // Give the labels their appropriate values before display $this->UpdateAssetLabels(); // This was necessary because it was not saving the changes of a second edit/save in a row // Reload all custom fields $this->objAsset->objCustomFieldArray = CustomField::LoadObjCustomFieldArray(1, $this->blnEditMode, $this->objAsset->AssetId); // Commit the above transactions to the database $objDatabase->TransactionCommit(); // Hide inputs and display labels $this->displayLabels(); // Enable the appropriate transaction buttons $this->EnableTransactionButtons(); $this->objParentObject->RefreshChildAssets(); } } elseif (!$blnError) { // Commit the above transactions to the database $objDatabase->TransactionCommit(); // Reload the edit asset page with the newly created asset $strRedirect = sprintf('asset_edit.php?intAssetId=%s', $this->objAsset->AssetId); QApplication::Redirect($strRedirect); } } catch (QOptimisticLockingException $objExc) { // Rollback the database $objDatabase->TransactionRollback(); // Output the error $this->btnCancel->Warning = sprintf('This asset has been updated by another user. You must <a href="asset_edit.php?intAssetId=%s">Refresh</a> to edit this Asset.', $this->objAsset->AssetId); } }
public function btnSave_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) { try { // Get an instance of the database $objDatabase = QApplication::$Database[1]; // Begin a MySQL Transaction to be either committed or rolled back $objDatabase->TransactionBegin(); // Generate a new AssetCode based on the MinAssetCode value // This happens whether or not they are creating a new one or editing an existing one if ($this->chkAutoGenerateAssetCode->Checked) { $this->txtAssetCode->Text = Asset::GenerateAssetCode(); } $this->objAsset->AssetCode = $this->txtAssetCode->Text; $this->objAsset->AssetModelId = $this->lstAssetModel->SelectedValue; $blnError = false; // If a new asset is being created if (!$this->blnEditMode) { // Do not allow creation of an asset if asset limit will be exceeded $intAssetLimit = is_numeric(QApplication::$TracmorSettings->AssetLimit) ? QApplication::$TracmorSettings->AssetLimit : false; if (!$this->blnEditMode) { if ($intAssetLimit && Asset::CountActive() >= $intAssetLimit) { $blnError = true; $this->txtAssetCode->Warning = "Your asset limit has been reached."; } } // Check Depreciation fields if (QApplication::$TracmorSettings->DepreciationFlag == '1') { if ($this->chkAssetDepreciation->Checked) { if (!preg_match("/\\b\\d{1,3}(?:,?\\d{3})*(?:\\.\\d{2})?\\b/", $this->txtPurchaseCost->Text) || $this->txtPurchaseCost->Text <= 0) { $blnError = true; $this->txtPurchaseCost->Warning = "Purchase Cost value isn't valid"; } elseif (AssetModel::Load($this->lstAssetModel->SelectedValue)->DepreciationClassId != null) { //print $this->calPurchaseDate->DateTime ."||". $this->txtPurchaseCost->Text."|";exit; $this->objAsset->DepreciationFlag = true; $this->objAsset->PurchaseDate = $this->calPurchaseDate->DateTime; $this->objAsset->PurchaseCost = str_replace(',', '', $this->txtPurchaseCost->Text); } else { $blnError = true; $this->chkAssetDepreciation->Warning = "Chosen Model isn't assigned to any Depreciation Class"; } } } // Check to see if the asset tag already exists $AssetDuplicate = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtAssetCode->Text); if ($AssetDuplicate) { $blnError = true; $this->txtAssetCode->Warning = "That asset tag is already in use. Please try another."; } if (!$blnError && $this->txtParentAssetCode->Text) { if ($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text != $this->objAsset->AssetCode) { $objParentAsset = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text); if (!$objParentAsset) { $blnError = true; $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "That asset tag does not exist. Please try another."; } else { if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && $objParentAsset->LocationId != $this->lstLocation->SelectedValue) { // If locking child to parent, make sure assets are at the same location $blnError = true; $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = 'Cannot lock to parent asset at another location.'; } else { if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && ($objParentAsset->CheckedOutFlag || $objParentAsset->ReservedFlag || $objParentAsset->ArchivedFlag || $objParentAsset->LocationId == 2 || $objParentAsset->LocationId == 5 || AssetTransaction::PendingTransaction($objParentAsset->AssetId))) { $blnError = true; $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = "Parent asset tag (" . $objParentAsset->AssetCode . ") must not be currently Archived, Checked Out, Pending Shipment, Shipped/TBR, or Reserved."; } else { $this->objAsset->ParentAssetId = $objParentAsset->AssetId; if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked) { $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag = 1; } } } } } else { $blnError = true; $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "Parent asset tag must not be the same as asset tag. Please try another."; } } else { // If txtParentAssetCode is empty $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag = false; $this->objAsset->ParentAssetId = null; } if (!$blnError) { // Location can only be decided when creating an asset. Otherwise they must conduct a transaction. if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->objAsset->LocationId = $this->lstLocation->SelectedValue; } // Save child assets $this->SaveChildAssets(); // Object should be saved only if it is new, to obtain the proper AssetId to add to the custom field tables $this->objAsset->Save(); $this->objParentObject->RefreshChildAssets(); } } // Assign input values to custom fields if (is_array($this->arrCustomFields) && count($this->arrCustomFields) > 0 && !$blnError) { // Save the values from all of the custom field controls to save the asset CustomField::SaveControls($this->objAsset->objCustomFieldArray, $this->blnEditMode, $this->arrCustomFields, $this->objAsset->AssetId, 1); } if ($this->blnEditMode) { // Check to see if the asset tag already exists (and is not the asset tag of the asset that the user is currently editing $AssetDuplicate = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtAssetCode->Text); if ($AssetDuplicate && $AssetDuplicate->AssetId != $this->objAsset->AssetId) { $blnError = true; $this->txtAssetCode->Warning = "That asset tag is already in use. Please try another."; } if (!$blnError && $this->txtParentAssetCode->Text) { // Check if the parent asset tag is already a child asset of this asset $arrChildAsset = Asset::LoadArrayByParentAssetId($this->objAsset->AssetId); foreach ($arrChildAsset as $objChildAsset) { if ($objChildAsset->AssetCode == $this->txtParentAssetCode->Text) { $blnError = true; $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "Parent asset tag is already a child of this asset. Please try another."; break; } } if (!$blnError) { if ($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text != $this->objAsset->AssetCode) { $objParentAsset = Asset::LoadByAssetCode($this->txtParentAssetCode->Text); if (!$objParentAsset) { $blnError = true; $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "That asset tag does not exist. Please try another."; } else { if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && !($this->objAsset->ParentAssetId == $objParentAsset->AssetId && $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag == 1) && $objParentAsset->LocationId != $this->objAsset->LocationId) { // If locking child to parent, make sure assets are at the same location $blnError = true; $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = 'Cannot lock to parent asset at another location.'; } else { if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && !($this->objAsset->ParentAssetId == $objParentAsset->AssetId && $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag == 1) && ($objParentAsset->CheckedOutFlag || $objParentAsset->ReservedFlag || $objParentAsset->ArchivedFlag || $objParentAsset->LocationId == 2 || $objParentAsset->LocationId == 5 || AssetTransaction::PendingTransaction($objParentAsset->AssetId))) { $blnError = true; $this->chkLockToParent->Warning = "Parent asset tag (" . $objParentAsset->AssetCode . ") must not be currently Archived, Checked Out, Pending Shipment, Shipped/TBR, or Reserved."; } else { if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked && !($this->objAsset->ParentAssetId == $objParentAsset->AssetId && $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag == 1) && ($this->objAsset->CheckedOutFlag || $this->objAsset->ReservedFlag || $this->objAsset->ArchivedFlag || $this->objAsset->LocationId == 2 || $this->objAsset->LocationId == 5 || AssetTransaction::PendingTransaction($this->objAsset->AssetId))) { $blnError = true; $this->chkLockToParent->Warning .= "Child asset must not be currently Archived, Checked Out, Pending Shipment, Shipped/TBR, or Reserved."; } else { $this->objAsset->ParentAssetId = $objParentAsset->AssetId; if ($this->chkLockToParent->Checked) { $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag = 1; } else { $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag = 0; } } } } } } else { $blnError = true; $this->txtParentAssetCode->Warning = "Parent asset tag must not be the same as asset tag. Please try another."; } } } else { // If txtParentAssetCode is empty $this->objAsset->LinkedFlag = false; $this->objAsset->ParentAssetId = null; $this->chkLockToParent->Checked = false; } // Check Depreciation fields if (QApplication::$TracmorSettings->DepreciationFlag == '1') { if ($this->chkAssetDepreciation->Checked) { if (!preg_match("/\\b\\d{1,3}(?:,?\\d{3})*(?:\\.\\d{2})?\\b/", $this->txtPurchaseCost->Text) || $this->txtPurchaseCost->Text <= 0) { $blnError = true; $this->txtPurchaseCost->Warning = "Purchase Cost isn't valid"; } elseif (AssetModel::Load($this->lstAssetModel->SelectedValue)->DepreciationClassId != null) { //print $this->calPurchaseDate->DateTime ."||". $this->txtPurchaseCost->Text."|";exit; $this->objAsset->DepreciationFlag = true; $this->objAsset->PurchaseDate = $this->calPurchaseDate->DateTime; $this->objAsset->PurchaseCost = str_replace(',', '', $this->txtPurchaseCost->Text); } else { $blnError = true; $this->chkAssetDepreciation->Warning = "Chosen Model isn't assigned to any Depreciation Class"; } } else { $this->objAsset->DepreciationFlag = false; $this->objAsset->PurchaseDate = null; $this->objAsset->PurchaseCost = null; } } if (!$blnError) { // Update the values of all fields for an Ajax reload $this->UpdateAssetFields(); // Save child assets $this->SaveChildAssets(); // If asset is not new, it must be saved after updating the assetfields $this->objAsset->Save(); // This is called to retrieve the new Modified Date and User $this->objParentObject->SetupAsset($this); // Give the labels their appropriate values before display $this->UpdateAssetLabels(); // This was necessary because it was not saving the changes of a second edit/save in a row // Reload all custom fields $this->objAsset->objCustomFieldArray = CustomField::LoadObjCustomFieldArray(1, $this->blnEditMode, $this->objAsset->AssetId, false, $this->objAsset->AssetModelId); // Update not allowed custom fields set to null $arrAllowed = array(); foreach (AssetCustomFieldAssetModel::LoadArrayByAssetModelId($this->objAsset->AssetModelId) as $objAssetCustomField) { $arrAllowed[] = $objAssetCustomField->CustomFieldId; } $arrToClear = array(); foreach (EntityQtypeCustomField::LoadArrayByEntityQtypeId(1) as $objAssetCustomField) { if (!in_array($objAssetCustomField->CustomFieldId, $arrAllowed) && $objAssetCustomField->CustomField->AllAssetModelsFlag != 1) { $arrToClear[] = $objAssetCustomField->CustomFieldId; } } if ($this->objAsset->AssetId && count($arrToClear)) { $arrForQuery = array(); foreach ($arrToClear as $idToBeNull) { $arrForQuery[] = sprintf("`cfv_%s`= NULL", $idToBeNull); } $objDatabase = Asset::GetDatabase(); $strQuery = sprintf("UPDATE `asset_custom_field_helper` SET %s WHERE `asset_id`='%s'", implode(", ", $arrForQuery), $this->objAsset->AssetId); // print($strQuery); exit; $objDatabase->NonQuery($strQuery); } // Commit the above transactions to the database $objDatabase->TransactionCommit(); // Hide inputs and display labels $this->displayLabels(); // Enable the appropriate transaction buttons $this->EnableTransactionButtons(); $this->objParentObject->RefreshChildAssets(); } } elseif (!$blnError) { // Commit the above transactions to the database $objDatabase->TransactionCommit(); // Reload the edit asset page with the newly created asset $strRedirect = sprintf('asset_edit.php?intAssetId=%s', $this->objAsset->AssetId); QApplication::Redirect($strRedirect); } } catch (QOptimisticLockingException $objExc) { // Rollback the database $objDatabase->TransactionRollback(); // Output the error $this->btnCancel->Warning = sprintf('This asset has been updated by another user. You must <a href="asset_edit.php?intAssetId=%s">Refresh</a> to edit this Asset.', $this->objAsset->AssetId); } }