コード例 #1
ファイル: File.php プロジェクト: shanky0110/pimcore-custom
  * Update data of the asset
  * @param mixed $data
  * @return void
 function put($data)
     $tmpFile = PIMCORE_WEBDAV_TEMP . "/" . md5($this->asset->getId() . microtime());
     file_put_contents($tmpFile, $data);
     $data = file_get_contents($tmpFile);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Service.php プロジェクト: ngocanh/pimcore
  * @param Document|Asset|Object_Abstract $element
  * @return array
 public static function getDependencyForFrontend($element)
     if ($element instanceof Document) {
         return array("id" => $element->getId(), "path" => $element->getFullPath(), "type" => "document", "subtype" => $element->getType());
     } else {
         if ($element instanceof Asset) {
             return array("id" => $element->getId(), "path" => $element->getFullPath(), "type" => "asset", "subtype" => $element->getType());
         } else {
             if ($element instanceof Object_Abstract) {
                 return array("id" => $element->getId(), "path" => $element->getFullPath(), "type" => "object", "subtype" => $element->geto_Type());
コード例 #3
  * @see Object\ClassDefinition\Data::getDataForResource
  * @param Asset $data
  * @param null|Model\Object\AbstractObject $object
  * @return integer|null
 public function getDataForResource($data, $object = null)
     if ($data instanceof PriceRule) {
         return $data->getId();
     return null;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Service.php プロジェクト: shanky0110/pimcore-custom
  * @param  Asset $target
  * @param  Asset $source
  * @return Asset copied asset
 public function copyRecursive($target, $source)
     // avoid recursion
     if (!$this->_copyRecursiveIds) {
         $this->_copyRecursiveIds = array();
     if (in_array($source->getId(), $this->_copyRecursiveIds)) {
     if (!$source instanceof Asset_Folder) {
     $new = clone $source;
     $new->id = null;
     if ($new instanceof Asset_Folder) {
     $new->setFilename(Element_Service::getSaveCopyName("asset", $new->getFilename(), $target));
     // add to store
     $this->_copyRecursiveIds[] = $new->getId();
     foreach ($source->getChilds() as $child) {
         $this->copyRecursive($new, $child);
     if ($target instanceof Asset_Folder) {
         $this->updateChilds($target, $new);
     return $new;
コード例 #5
  * Answer a list of parameters to pass through urls
  * @return array
  * @access public
  * @since 10/16/07
 public static function getUrlParams(Asset $asset)
     $repository = $asset->getRepository();
     $params = array("collection_id" => $repository->getId()->getIdString(), "asset_id" => $asset->getId()->getIdString(), RequestContext::name("starting_number") => RequestContext::value("starting_number"), RequestContext::name("limit_by_type") => RequestContext::value("limit_by_type"), RequestContext::name("order") => RequestContext::value("order"), RequestContext::name("direction") => RequestContext::value("direction"), RequestContext::name("type") => RequestContext::value("type"), RequestContext::name("searchtype") => RequestContext::value("searchtype"));
     if (RequestContext::value("searchtype")) {
         $searchModuleManager = Services::getService("RepositorySearchModules");
         foreach ($searchModuleManager->getCurrentValues(HarmoniType::fromString(RequestContext::value("searchtype"))) as $key => $value) {
             $params[$key] = $value;
     // if we are limiting by type
     if (RequestContext::value("limit_by_type") == 'true') {
         $types = $repository->getAssetTypes();
         $selectedTypes = array();
         while ($types->hasNext()) {
             $type = $types->next();
             if (RequestContext::value("type___" . $type->asString()) == 'true') {
                 $params[RequestContext::name("type___" . $type->asString())] = RequestContext::value("type___" . $type->asString());
     return $params;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Asset.php プロジェクト: nblackman/pimcore
  * Static helper to get an asset by the passed path (returned is not the concrete asset like Asset_Folder!)
  * @param string $path
  * @return Asset
 public static function getByPath($path)
     $path = Element_Service::correctPath($path);
     try {
         $asset = new Asset();
         if (Pimcore_Tool::isValidPath($path)) {
             return self::getById($asset->getId());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return null;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Image.php プロジェクト: ngocanh/pimcore
  * @see Object_Class_Data::getDataForQueryResource
  * @param Asset $data
  * @param null|Object_Abstract $object
  * @return integer|null
 public function getDataForQueryResource($data, $object = null)
     if ($data instanceof Asset) {
         return $data->getId();
     return null;
コード例 #8
  * Checks if an asset is an allowed relation
  * @param Asset $asset
  * @return boolean
 protected function allowAssetRelation($asset)
     $allowedAssetTypes = $this->getAssetTypes();
     $allowed = true;
     if (!$this->getAssetsAllowed()) {
         $allowed = false;
     } else {
         if ($this->getAssetsAllowed() and is_array($allowedAssetTypes) and count($allowedAssetTypes) > 0) {
             //check for allowed asset types
             foreach ($allowedAssetTypes as $t) {
                 if (is_array($t) && array_key_exists("assetTypes", $t)) {
                     $t = $t["assetTypes"];
                 if ($t && is_string($t)) {
                     $allowedTypes[] = $t;
             if (!in_array($asset->getType(), $allowedTypes)) {
                 $allowed = false;
         } else {
             //don't check if no allowed asset types set
     \Logger::debug("checked object relation to target asset [" . $asset->getId() . "] in field [" . $this->getName() . "], allowed:" . $allowed);
     return $allowed;
コード例 #9
  * Create and/or return the component for an asset and register it for later fetching
  * @param object Asset $asset
  * @return object SiteComponent
  * @access public
  * @since 4/5/06
 function getSiteComponentFromAsset(Asset $asset)
     $id = $asset->getId();
     $idString = $id->getIdString();
     if (!isset($this->_createdSiteComponents[$idString])) {
         $type = $asset->getAssetType();
         foreach ($this->siteDisplayTypes as $siteDisplayType) {
             if ($type->isEqual($siteDisplayType)) {
                 $typeKey = ucfirst($type->getKeyword());
         if (!isset($typeKey)) {
             $typeKey = 'Block';
         $class = "Asset" . $typeKey . "SiteComponent";
         try {
             $xmlDocument = $this->getXmlDocumentFromAsset($asset);
             $documentElement = $xmlDocument->documentElement;
         } catch (NonNavException $e) {
             $documentElement = null;
         $this->_createdSiteComponents[$idString] = new $class($this, $asset, $documentElement);
     return $this->_createdSiteComponents[$idString];
コード例 #10
  * Answer all media assets below the specified asset
  * @param object Asset $asset
  * @param optional object Id $excludeId
  * @return object Iterator
  * @access protected
  * @since 2/26/07
 protected function getAllMediaAssets(Asset $asset, $excludeId = null)
     if ($excludeId && $excludeId->isEqual($asset->getId())) {
         return false;
     if ($this->mediaFileType->isEqual($asset->getAssetType())) {
         $tmp = array();
         $tmp[] = $asset;
         $iterator = new HarmoniIterator($tmp);
         return $iterator;
     } else {
         $iterator = new MultiIteratorIterator();
         $children = $asset->getAssets();
         while ($children->hasNext()) {
             $result = $this->getAllMediaAssets($children->next(), $excludeId);
             if ($result) {
         return $iterator;
コード例 #11
  * Answer true if this site should be included
  * @param object Asset $asset
  * @return boolean
  * @access protected
  * @since 4/1/08
 protected function includeSite(Asset $asset)
     $matches = false;
     if ($this->match($asset->getDisplayName())) {
         $matches = true;
     } else {
         if ($this->match($asset->getDescription())) {
             $matches = true;
     if (!$matches) {
         $slotMgr = SlotManager::instance();
         try {
             $slot = $slotMgr->getSlotBySiteId($asset->getId());
         } catch (UnknownIdException $e) {
         if (isset($slot) && $this->match($slot->getShortname())) {
             $matches = true;
     if (!$matches) {
         return false;
     $authZ = Services::getService("AuthZ");
     $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
     // Since View AZs now cascade up, we don't need to check isAuthorizedBelow()
     if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized($idManager->getId("edu.middlebury.authorization.view"), $asset->getId())) {
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
コード例 #12
ファイル: list.act.php プロジェクト: adamfranco/segue
  * @param <##>
  * @return <##>
  * @access public
  * @since 1/18/06
 public function printSiteShort(Asset $asset, $action, $num, Slot $otherSlot = null)
     $harmoni = Harmoni::instance();
     $assetId = $asset->getId();
     $authZ = Services::getService('AuthZ');
     $idMgr = Services::getService('Id');
     if (!$authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.authorization.view'), $assetId) && !$otherSlot->isUserOwner()) {
         return new UnstyledBlock('', BLANK);
     $container = new Container(new YLayout(), BLOCK, STANDARD_BLOCK);
     $fillContainerSC = new StyleCollection("*.fillcontainer", "fillcontainer", "Fill Container", "Elements with this style will fill their container.");
     $fillContainerSC->addSP(new MinHeightSP("88%"));
     // 	$fillContainerSC->addSP(new WidthSP("100%"));
     // 	$fillContainerSC->addSP(new BorderSP("3px", "solid", "#F00"));
     $centered = new StyleCollection("*.centered", "centered", "Centered", "Centered Text");
     $centered->addSP(new TextAlignSP("center"));
     // Use the alias instead of the Id if it is available.
     $viewUrl = SiteDispatcher::getSitesUrlForSiteId($assetId->getIdString());
     $slotManager = SlotManager::instance();
     try {
         $sitesTrueSlot = $slotManager->getSlotBySiteId($assetId);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     // Print out the content
     print "\n\t<div class='portal_list_slotname'>";
     if (isset($sitesTrueSlot)) {
         if (is_null($otherSlot) || $sitesTrueSlot->getShortname() == $otherSlot->getShortname()) {
             print $sitesTrueSlot->getShortname();
         } else {
             print $otherSlot->getShortname();
             $targets = array();
             $target = $otherSlot->getAliasTarget();
             while ($target) {
                 $targets[] = $target->getShortname();
                 if ($target->isAlias()) {
                     $target = $target->getAliasTarget();
                 } else {
                     $target = null;
             print "\n<br/>";
             print str_replace('%1', implode(' &raquo; ', $targets), _("(an alias of %1)"));
             // Add Alias info.
             // 				if ($otherSlot->isAlias()) {
             // 					ob_start();
             // 					print _("This slot is an alias of ").$slot->getAliasTarget()->getShortname();
             // 					$container->add(new UnstyledBlock(ob_get_clean()), "100%", null, LEFT, TOP);
             // 				}
     } else {
         print _("ID#") . ": " . $assetId->getIdString();
     print "\n\t</div>";
     print "\n\t<div class='portal_list_site_title'>";
     if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.authorization.view'), $assetId)) {
         print "\n\t\t<a href='" . $viewUrl . "'>";
         print "\n\t\t\t<strong>" . HtmlString::getSafeHtml($asset->getDisplayName()) . "</strong>";
         print "\n\t\t</a>";
         print "\n\t\t<br/>";
         print "\n\t\t<a href='" . $viewUrl . "' style='font-size: smaller;'>";
         print "\n\t\t\t" . $viewUrl;
         print "\n\t\t</a>";
     print "\n\t</div>";
     print "\n\t<div class='portal_list_controls'>\n\t\t";
     $controls = array();
     if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.authorization.view'), $assetId)) {
         $controls[] = "<a href='" . $viewUrl . "'>" . _("view") . "</a>";
     // Hide all edit links if not authenticated to prevent web spiders from traversing them
     if ($this->isAuthenticated) {
         // While it is more correct to check modify permission permission, doing
         // so forces us to check AZs on the entire site until finding a node with
         // authorization or running out of nodes to check. Since edit-mode actions
         // devolve into view-mode if no authorization is had by the user, just
         // show the links all the time to cut page loads from 4-6 seconds to
         // less than 1 second.
         if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.authorization.view'), $assetId)) {
             $controls[] = "<a href='" . SiteDispatcher::quickURL($action->getUiModule(), 'editview', array('node' => $assetId->getIdString())) . "'>" . _("edit") . "</a>";
         // 		if ($action->getUiModule() == 'ui2') {
         // 			$controls[] = "<a href='".SiteDispatcher::quickURL($action->getUiModule(), 'arrangeview', array('node' => $assetId->getIdString()))."'>"._("arrange")."</a>";
         // 		}
         // add link to tracking
         if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.authorization.view'), $assetId)) {
             $trackUrl = $harmoni->request->quickURL("participation", "actions", array('node' => $assetId->getIdString()));
             print " <a target='_blank' href='" . $trackUrl . "'";
             print ' onclick="';
             print "var url = '" . $trackUrl . "'; ";
             print "window.open(url, 'site_map', 'width=600,height=600,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); ";
             print "return false;";
             print '"';
             print ">" . _("track") . "</a>";
             $controls[] = ob_get_clean();
         if (!is_null($otherSlot) && $otherSlot->isAlias() && $otherSlot->isUserOwner()) {
             $controls[] = "<a href='" . $harmoni->request->quickURL('slots', 'remove_alias', array('slot' => $otherSlot->getShortname())) . "' onclick=\"if (!confirm('" . str_replace("%1", $otherSlot->getShortname(), str_replace("%2", $otherSlot->getAliasTarget()->getShortname(), _("Are you sure that you want \\'%1\\' to no longer be an alias of \\'%2\\'?"))) . "')) { return false; }\">" . _("remove alias") . "</a>";
         } else {
             if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.authorization.delete'), $assetId)) {
                 $controls[] = "<a href='" . $harmoni->request->quickURL($action->getUiModule(), 'deleteComponent', array('node' => $assetId->getIdString())) . "' onclick=\"if (!confirm('" . _("Are you sure that you want to permenantly delete this site?") . "')) { return false; }\">" . _("delete") . "</a>";
         // Add a control to select this site for copying. This should probably
         // have its own authorization, but we'll use add_children/modify for now.
         if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.authorization.modify'), $assetId)) {
             if (isset($sitesTrueSlot) && (is_null($otherSlot) || $sitesTrueSlot->getShortname() == $otherSlot->getShortname())) {
                 $controls[] = Segue_Selection::instance()->getAddLink(SiteDispatcher::getSiteDirector()->getSiteComponentFromAsset($asset));
     print implode("\n\t\t | ", $controls);
     print "\n\t</div>";
     if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.authorization.view'), $assetId)) {
         $description = HtmlString::withValue($asset->getDescription());
         print "\n\t<div class='portal_list_site_description'>" . $description->asString() . "</div>";
     print "\n\t<div style='clear: both;'></div>";
     print $this->getExportControls($assetId, $otherSlot, $sitesTrueSlot);
     $component = new UnstyledBlock(ob_get_clean());
     $container->add($component, "100%", null, LEFT, TOP);
     return $container;
コード例 #13
  * Record any extra files that are used by plugins
  * @param Asset $asset
  * @return void
 public function recordPluginExtras(Asset $asset)
     $audioType = new Type('SeguePlugins', 'edu.middlebury', 'AudioPlayer');
     $downloadType = new Type('SeguePlugins', 'edu.middlebury', 'Download');
     if ($asset->getAssetType()->isEqual($audioType) || $asset->getAssetType()->isEqual($downloadType)) {
         $query = 'count(item[wp:post_type = "attachment" and title = "downarrow.gif"])';
         if (!$this->xpath->evaluate($query, $this->channel)) {
             $url = MYPATH . '/images/downarrow.gif';
             $element = $this->channel->insertBefore($this->doc->createElement('item'), $this->endFiles);
             $element->appendChild($this->getElement('title', "downarrow.gif"));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElement('link', $url));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElement('guid', $url))->setAttribute('isPermaLink', 'false');
             $element->appendChild($this->getElement('description', 'Download icon.'));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElement('pubDate', date('r')));
             $agentUID = $this->recordAgent($asset->getCreator());
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", 'dc:creator', '0'));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:post_id', '0'));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:post_date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:post_date_gmt', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:comment_status', 'closed'));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:ping_status', 'closed'));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:status', 'publish'));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:post_parent', $asset->getId()->getIdString()));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:menu_order', '0'));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:post_type', 'attachment'));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:post_password', ''));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:is_sticky', '0'));
             $element->appendChild($this->getElementNS("http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/", 'wp:attachment_url', $url));
コード例 #14
  * Function for printing the asset block of the slideshow XML file
  * @param object Asset $asset
  * @param optional object Id $recordId
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 10/14/05
 function printAssetXML(Asset $asset, Id $recordId = null)
     $assetId = $asset->getId();
     $repository = $asset->getRepository();
     $repositoryId = $repository->getId();
     $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
     // ------------------------------------------
     print "\t<slide>\n";
     // Title
     print "\t\t<title><![CDATA[";
     print htmlspecialchars($asset->getDisplayName(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     print "]]></title>\n";
     // Caption
     print "\t\t<caption><![CDATA[";
     print "]]></caption>\n";
     // Text-Position
     print "\t\t<text-position>";
     print "right";
     print "</text-position>\n";
     $fileRecords = new MultiIteratorIterator();
      * Files
     $harmoni = Harmoni::instance();
     $imgProcessor = Services::getService("ImageProcessor");
     while ($fileRecords->hasNext()) {
         $this->printFileRecord($fileRecords->next(), $repositoryId, $assetId);
     print "\t</slide>\n";
コード例 #15
  * @param Asset $asset
 public function addAsset(Asset $asset)
     $this->assets[$asset->getId()] = $asset;
コード例 #16
ファイル: Href.php プロジェクト: ngocanh/pimcore
  * @see Object_Class_Data::getDataForEditmode
  * @param Asset|Document|Object_Abstract $data
  * @param null|Object_Abstract $object
  * @return array
 public function getDataForEditmode($data, $object = null)
     if ($data) {
         $r = array("id" => $data->getId(), "path" => $data->getFullPath());
         if ($data instanceof Document) {
             $r["subtype"] = $data->getType();
             $r["type"] = "document";
         } else {
             if ($data instanceof Asset) {
                 $r["subtype"] = $data->getType();
                 $r["type"] = "asset";
             } else {
                 if ($data instanceof Object_Abstract) {
                     $r["subtype"] = $data->getO_Type();
                     $r["type"] = "object";
         return $r;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Asset.php プロジェクト: ngocanh/pimcore
  * Static helper to get an asset by the passed path (returned is not the concrete asset like Asset_Folder!)
  * @param string $path
  * @return Asset
 public static function getByPath($path)
     // remove trailing slash
     if ($path != "/") {
         $path = rtrim($path, "/ ");
     // correct wrong path (root-node problem)
     $path = str_replace("//", "/", $path);
     try {
         $asset = new Asset();
         if (Pimcore_Tool::isValidPath($path)) {
             return self::getById($asset->getId());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return null;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Tool.php プロジェクト: ngocanh/pimcore
  * @param  Asset $asset
  * @return string
 protected static function createAssetComparisonString($asset, $ignoreCopyDifferences = false)
     if ($asset instanceof Asset) {
         $a = array();
         //custom settings
         if (is_array($asset->getCustomSettings())) {
             $a["customSettings"] = serialize($asset->getCustomSettings());
         if ($asset->getData()) {
             $a["data"] = base64_encode($asset->getData());
         if (!$ignoreCopyDifferences) {
             $a["filename"] = $asset->getFilename();
             $a["id"] = $asset->getId();
             $a["modification"] = $asset->getModificationDate();
             $a["creation"] = $asset->getCreationDate();
             $a["userModified"] = $asset->getUserModification();
             $a["parentId"] = $asset->getParentId();
             $a["path"] = $asset->getPath;
         $a["userOwner"] = $asset->getUserOwner();
         $properties = $asset->getProperties();
         $a = array_merge($a, self::createPropertiesComparisonString($properties));
         return implode(",", $a);
     } else {
         return null;
コード例 #19
  * @param Asset $asset
  * @return array|string
 protected function getTreeNodeConfig($asset)
     $tmpAsset = array("id" => $asset->getId(), "text" => $asset->getFilename(), "type" => $asset->getType(), "path" => $asset->getFullPath(), "basePath" => $asset->getPath(), "locked" => $asset->isLocked(), "lockOwner" => $asset->getLocked() ? true : false, "elementType" => "asset", "permissions" => array("remove" => $asset->isAllowed("delete"), "settings" => $asset->isAllowed("settings"), "rename" => $asset->isAllowed("rename"), "publish" => $asset->isAllowed("publish"), "view" => $asset->isAllowed("view")));
     // set type specific settings
     if ($asset->getType() == "folder") {
         $tmpAsset["leaf"] = false;
         $tmpAsset["expanded"] = $asset->hasNoChilds();
         $tmpAsset["iconCls"] = "pimcore_icon_folder";
         $tmpAsset["permissions"]["create"] = $asset->isAllowed("create");
     } else {
         $tmpAsset["leaf"] = true;
         $tmpAsset["iconCls"] = "pimcore_icon_" . Pimcore_File::getFileExtension($asset->getFilename());
     $tmpAsset["qtipCfg"] = array("title" => "ID: " . $asset->getId());
     if ($asset->getType() == "image") {
         try {
             $tmpAsset["qtipCfg"] = array("title" => "ID: " . $asset->getId(), "text" => '<img src="/admin/asset/get-image-thumbnail/id/' . $asset->getId() . '/width/130/aspectratio/true" width="130" />', "width" => 140);
             // this is for backward-compatibilty, to calculate the dimensions if they are not there
             if (!$asset->getCustomSetting("imageDimensionsCalculated")) {
             if ($asset->getCustomSetting("imageWidth") && $asset->getCustomSetting("imageHeight")) {
                 $tmpAsset["imageWidth"] = $asset->getCustomSetting("imageWidth");
                 $tmpAsset["imageHeight"] = $asset->getCustomSetting("imageHeight");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Logger::debug("Cannot get dimensions of image, seems to be broken.");
     } else {
         if ($asset->getType() == "video") {
             try {
                 if (Pimcore_Video::isAvailable()) {
                     $tmpAsset["qtipCfg"] = array("title" => "ID: " . $asset->getId(), "text" => '<img src="/admin/asset/get-video-thumbnail/id/' . $asset->getId() . '/width/130/aspectratio/true" width="130" />', "width" => 140);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Logger::debug("Cannot get dimensions of video, seems to be broken.");
     $tmpAsset["cls"] = "";
     if ($asset->isLocked()) {
         $tmpAsset["cls"] .= "pimcore_treenode_locked ";
     if ($asset->getLocked()) {
         $tmpAsset["cls"] .= "pimcore_treenode_lockOwner ";
     return $tmpAsset;
コード例 #20
  * Function for printing the asset block of the slideshow XML file
  * @param object Asset $asset
  * @param optional object Id $recordId
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 10/14/05
 function printAssetXML(Asset $asset, Id $recordId = null)
     $harmoni = Harmoni::instance();
     $assetId = $asset->getId();
     $repository = $asset->getRepository();
     $repositoryId = $repository->getId();
     $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
     // ------------------------------------------
     print "\t<slide>\n";
     // Title
     print "\t\t<title><![CDATA[";
     // 		print htmlspecialchars($asset->getDisplayName(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     print "]]></title>\n";
     // Caption
     print "\t\t<caption><![CDATA[";
     // 		$this->printAsset($asset);
     print "]]></caption>\n";
     // Text-Position
     print "\t\t<text-position>";
     print "none";
     print "</text-position>\n";
     $fileRecords = $asset->getRecordsByRecordStructure($idManager->getId("FILE"));
      * Files
     while ($fileRecords->hasNext()) {
         $fileRecord = $fileRecords->next();
         $fileRecordId = $fileRecord->getId();
         if ($fileRecordId->isEqual($recordId)) {
             $this->printFileRecord($fileRecord, $repositoryId, $assetId);
     print "\t</slide>\n";
コード例 #21
ファイル: Folder.php プロジェクト: shanky0110/pimcore-custom
  * creates a new folder in current directory
  * @param string $name
  * @return string
 function createDirectory($name)
     $asset = Asset::create($this->asset->getId(), array("filename" => Pimcore_File::getValidFilename($name), "type" => "folder"));