コード例 #1
        $info = "podaci uspješno spremljeni";
    } else {
        $info = "greška prilikom spremanja";
if (isset($_REQUEST['uredi'])) {
    $oznaka_grupe = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['oznaka_grupe']);
    $cijena = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['cijena']);
    // ovdje imam funkciju za specijalne karaktere--> to je i prvi korak za sprečavanje sql injectiona--> ako postoji bilo kakvih navodnika prebacuje to u encoding
    $min_br_pol = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['min_br_pol']);
    $max_br_pol = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['max_br_pol']);
    $sql2 = "UPDATE grupa SET oznaka_grupe='{$oznaka_grupe}',cijena='{$cijena}',min_br_pol='{$min_br_pol}',max_br_pol='{$max_br_pol}' WHERE ID_grupa={$id}";
    //vitičasta zagrada je radi sigurnosti da se ne bi sql zbunio sa nekim navodnikom i sl.
    if (zapis($con, $sql2)) {
        $item = upit($con, $sql);
        // ovo stavim kako bi odmah prilikom izmjene podatka došlo i do promjena u formi
        $info = "podaci uspješno promijenjeni";
    } else {
        $info = "greška prilikom izmjena";
if (isset($info)) {
    echo "<p>" . $info . "</p>";
		<div id="div-obrazac" class="col-xs-3">
$grupa = getGrupa(1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: srp.php プロジェクト: phipear/srp_php
function srp()
    global $timeout;
    $phase = "unknown";
    if (!isset($_GET["phase"])) {
        crit("phase parameter missing");
    } else {
        $phase = $_GET["phase"];
    if ($phase == "0") {
        // create entry in db
        if (!isset($_GET["I"])) {
            crit("I missing");
        if (!isset($_GET["P"])) {
            crit("P missing");
        if (!isset($_GET["hash"])) {
            crit("hash missing");
        if (!isset($_GET["N_size"])) {
            crit("N_size missing");
        if (!isset($_GET["enc_client_state"])) {
            crit("enc_client_state missing");
        $hash = $_GET["hash"];
        if ($hash != "SHA256") {
            crit("only SHA256 supported");
        if ($_GET["N_size"] != "1024") {
            crit("only N_size 1024 supported");
        $I = $_GET["I"];
        $P = $_GET["P"];
        // secret, forget
        if (strlen($P) < 10) {
            crit("P too short");
        $Ng = Ng(1024);
        //$N_bin = get_random_hex(64);
        //$N_hex = bin2hex($N_bin);
        $N_hex = $Ng["N"];
        $N_gmp = gmp_init($N_hex, 16);
        $N_base36 = gmp_strval($N_gmp, 36);
        //$g_bin = get_random_bytes(64);
        //$g_hex = bin2hex($g_bin);
        $g_hex = $Ng["g"];
        $g_gmp = gmp_init($g_hex, 16);
        $g_base36 = gmp_strval($g_gmp, 36);
        $k_bin = H(gmp_bytes($N_gmp) . pad(gmp_bytes($g_gmp)));
        $k_hex = bin2hex($k_bin);
        $k_gmp = gmp_init($k_hex, 16);
        $k_base36 = gmp_strval($k_gmp, 36);
        //$s_bin = get_random_bytes(128);
        $s_bin = "¾²SyѨXµ§'g:\$Aî";
        // example
        $s_hex = bin2hex($s_bin);
        $x_bin = H($s_bin . H($I . ":" . $P));
        $x_hex = bin2hex($x_bin);
        $x_gmp = gmp_init($x_hex, 16);
        // secret, forget
        $x_dec = gmp_strval($x_gmp);
        if (strlen($x_dec) < 32) {
            crit("x_dec too short");
        $v_gmp = gmp_powm($g_gmp, $x_gmp, $N_gmp);
        // secret
        $v_dec = gmp_strval($v_gmp);
        if (strlen($v_dec) < 32) {
            crit("v_dec too short");
        $v_base36 = gmp_strval($v_gmp, 36);
        // 7556AA045AEF2CDD07ABAF0F665C3E818913186F
        $srow = array();
        $srow["I"] = $I;
        // public
        $srow["s_hex"] = $s_hex;
        // public
        $srow["g_base36"] = $g_base36;
        // public
        $srow["N_base36"] = $N_base36;
        // public
        $srow["k_base36"] = $k_base36;
        // public, k nie trzeba zapisywac, bo wynika z N i g, ale tak szybciej
        $srow["v_base36"] = $v_base36;
        // pretty secret
        $srow["phase"] = 0;
        $srow["time"] = time();
        $enc_server_state = zapis($srow);
        $enc_server_state = "";
        $link = mycon();
        $I_escaped = mysql_real_escape_string($I, $link);
        if (strlen($I_escaped) >= 256 || strlen($hash) >= 32 || strlen($s_hex) >= 256 || strlen($g_base36) >= 1024 || strlen($N_base36) >= 1024 || strlen($v_base36) >= 1024) {
            crit("db will truncate field");
        $q = sprintf("INSERT INTO dane (identity, hash, s_hex, g_base36, N_base36, v_base36) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $I_escaped, $hash, $s_hex, $g_base36, $N_base36, $v_base36);
        $result = mysql_query($q, $link) or crit("Blad zapytania");
        echo mysql_error($link);
        if (mysql_affected_rows($link) == 0) {
            crit("User nie dopisany");
        return array("protocol" => "SRP-6a", "phase" => 0, "type" => "replay", "status" => "ok", "enc_client_state" => $_GET["enc_client_state"], "enc_server_state" => $enc_server_state);
    } else {
        if ($phase == 1) {
            if (!isset($_GET["I"])) {
                crit("I missing");
            if (!isset($_GET["hash"])) {
                crit("hash missing");
            if (!isset($_GET["enc_client_state"])) {
                crit("enc_client_state missing");
            if (!isset($_GET["enc_server_state"])) {
                crit("enc_server_state missing");
            if ($_GET["hash"] != "SHA256") {
                crit("only SHA256 supported");
            if ($_GET["enc_server_state"] != "") {
                crit("enc_server_state should be empty");
                //$srow = read_enc_state($_GET["enc_server_state"], 0);
            $I = $_GET["I"];
            if (strlen($I) < 3) {
                crit("username (I) too short");
            $link = mycon();
            $I_escaped = mysql_real_escape_string($I, $link);
            $q = sprintf("SELECT identity, hash, s_hex, g_base36, N_base36, v_base36 FROM dane WHERE identity = '%s'", $I_escaped);
            $result = mysql_query($q, $link) or crit("Blad zapytania");
            if (mysql_affected_rows($link) != 1) {
                crit("Should be 1, no such username");
            if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1) {
                crit("no such username");
            $row_db = mysql_fetch_array($result);
            if ($row_db["hash"] != $_GET["hash"]) {
                crit("username exists, but different hash algo");
            $srow = array();
            $srow["I"] = $I;
            $srow["s_hex"] = $row_db["s_hex"];
            // public
            $srow["g_base36"] = $row_db["g_base36"];
            // public
            $srow["N_base36"] = $row_db["N_base36"];
            // public
            $srow["v_base36"] = $row_db["v_base36"];
            // secret
            $g_gmp = gmp_init($srow["g_base36"], 36);
            $g_bin = gmp_bytes($g_gmp);
            $N_gmp = gmp_init($srow["N_base36"], 36);
            $N_bin = gmp_bytes($N_gmp);
            $k_hex = H($N_bin . pad($g_bin));
            $k_gmp = gmp_init($k_hex, 16);
            $srow["k_base36"] = gmp_strval($k_gmp, 36);
            $v_gmp = gmp_init($srow["v_base36"], 36);
            // secret
            $b_bin = get_random_bytes(128);
            // rfc 5054: at least 256 bit
            $b_hex = bin2hex($b_bin);
            $b_gmp = gmp_init($b_hex, 16);
            $b_base36 = gmp_strval($b_gmp, 36);
            $srow["b_base36"] = $b_base36;
            // secret (only server knowns)
            $B_gmp = gmp_mod(gmp_add(gmp_mul($k_gmp, $v_gmp), gmp_powm($g_gmp, $b_gmp, $N_gmp)), $N_gmp);
            // TODO: timming attack on powm
            $B_base36 = gmp_strval($B_gmp, 36);
            $srow["B_base36"] = $B_base36;
            // public
            $srow["phase"] = 1;
            $srow["time"] = time();
            $enc_server_state = zapis($srow);
            return array("protocol" => "SRP-6a", "phase" => 1, "type" => "replay", "status" => "ok", "timeout" => $timeout, "enc_client_state" => $_GET["enc_client_state"], "hash" => $row_db["hash"], "s_hex" => $srow["s_hex"], "g_base36" => $srow["g_base36"], "N_base36" => $srow["N_base36"], "B_base36" => $B_base36, "enc_server_state" => $enc_server_state);
        } else {
            if ($phase == 2) {
                // klient otrzymal, s, H, g, N, B
                // client oblicza x = H(s~H(I~P))
                // client generuje rendomowe a
                // client oblicza A=g^a, i nam wysyla
                // klient oblicza u = H(A~B)
                // klient oblicza S = (B - k*g^v)^(a+u*x)
                // klient oblicza M1 = H(A~B~S) i wysyla do serwera
                if (!isset($_GET["A_base36"])) {
                    crit("A_base36 missing");
                if (!isset($_GET["M1_hex"])) {
                    crit("M1_hex missing");
                if (!isset($_GET["enc_client_state"])) {
                    crit("enc_client_state missing");
                if (!isset($_GET["enc_server_state"])) {
                    crit("enc_server_state missing");
                $srow = read_enc_state($_GET["enc_server_state"], 2);
                $N_gmp = gmp_init($srow["N_base36"], 36);
                $g_gmp = gmp_init($srow["g_base36"], 36);
                $v_gmp = gmp_init($srow["v_base36"], 36);
                $b_gmp = gmp_init($srow["b_base36"], 36);
                $srow["A_base36"] = $_GET["A_base36"];
                $A_gmp = gmp_init($srow["A_base36"], 36);
                // public
                $A_bin = gmp_bytes($A_gmp);
                $A_hex = gmp_strval($A_gmp, 16);
                // debug
                $AN_gmp = gmp_mod($A_gmp, $N_gmp);
                if (gmp_cmp($AN_gmp, "0") == 0) {
                    crit("A trivial");
                $B_gmp = gmp_init($srow["B_base36"], 36);
                $B_bin = gmp_bytes($B_gmp);
                $B_hex = gmp_strval($B_gmp, 16);
                // debug
                $u_bin = H(pad($A_bin) . pad($B_bin));
                $u_hex = bin2hex($u_bin);
                $u_gmp = gmp_init($u_hex, 16);
                // at least 32 bit, 32 is sufficient
                $srow["u_base36"] = gmp_strval($u_gmp, 36);
                // secret
                $S_gmp = gmp_powm(gmp_mod(gmp_mul($A_gmp, gmp_powm($v_gmp, $u_gmp, $N_gmp)), $N_gmp), $b_gmp, $N_gmp);
                // timing attack on powm
                $S_bin = gmp_bytes($S_gmp);
                $srow["S_base36"] = gmp_strval($S_gmp, 36);
                // secret
                $S_hex = gmp_strval($S_gmp, 16);
                // debug
                $M1_bin = H($A_bin . $B_bin . $S_bin);
                $M1_hex = bin2hex($M1_bin);
                if ($M1_hex != $_GET["M1_hex"]) {
                    crit("M1 are different, probably bad password");
                $M2_bin = H($A_bin . $M1_bin . $S_bin);
                $M2_hex = bin2hex($M2_bin);
                $K_bin = H($S_bin);
                $K_hex = bin2hex($K_bin);
                $srow["M1_hex"] = $M1_hex;
                // public
                $srow["M2_hex"] = $M2_hex;
                // public
                $srow["K_hex"] = $K_hex;
                // secret
                $srow["phase"] = 2;
                $srow["time"] = time();
                $enc_server_state = zapis($srow);
                return array("protocol" => "SRP-6a", "phase" => 2, "type" => "replay", "status" => "ok", "timeout" => $timeout, "enc_server_state" => $enc_server_state, "enc_client_state" => $_GET["enc_client_state"], "M2_hex" => $srow["M2_hex"]);
            } else {
                if ($phase == 3) {
                    // klient oblicza M2 = H(A~M1~S)
                    // klient potwierdza poprawnosc otrzymanego M2
                    // klient oblicza K = H(S)
                    // klient oblicza M = H( (H(N) xor H(g))~H(I)~s~A~B~K )
                    if (!isset($_GET["M_hex"])) {
                        crit("M_hex missing");
                    if (!isset($_GET['enc_client_state'])) {
                        crit("enc_client_state missing");
                    if (!isset($_GET['enc_server_state'])) {
                        crit("enc_server_state missing");
                    $srow = read_enc_state($_GET['enc_server_state'], 3);
                    $N_gmp = gmp_init($srow["N_base36"], 36);
                    $N_bin = gmp_bytes($N_gmp);
                    $g_gmp = gmp_init($srow["g_base36"], 36);
                    $g_bin = gmp_bytes($g_gmp);
                    $A_gmp = gmp_init($srow["A_base36"], 36);
                    $A_bin = gmp_bytes($A_gmp);
                    $B_gmp = gmp_init($srow["B_base36"], 36);
                    $B_bin = gmp_bytes($B_gmp);
                    $s_bin = hex2bin($srow["s_hex"]);
                    $I = $srow["I"];
                    $K_hex = $srow["K_hex"];
                    $K_bin = hex2bin($K_hex);
                    $M_bin = HM((H($N_bin) ^ H($g_bin)) . H($I) . $s_bin . $A_bin . $B_bin, $K_bin);
                    $M_hex = bin2hex($M_bin);
                    if ($M_hex != $_GET["M_hex"]) {
                        crit("M_hex are different");
                    $Z_bin = HM($A_bin . $M_bin, $K_bin);
                    $Z_hex = bin2hex($Z_bin);
                    $srow["M_hex"] = $M_hex;
                    // public
                    $srow["Z_hex"] = $Z_hex;
                    // public
                    $srow["phase"] = 3;
                    $srow["time"] = time();
                    $enc_server_state = zapis($srow);
                    return array("protocol" => "SRP-6a", "phase" => 3, "type" => "replay", "status" => "ok", "timeout" => $timeout, "enc_server_state" => $enc_server_state, "enc_client_state" => $_GET["enc_client_state"], "Z_hex" => $srow["Z_hex"]);
                } else {
                    crit("unknown phase");
コード例 #3
ファイル: grupe.php プロジェクト: Substractive/web_skola
	<div class="container">
		<div class="row">

$con = spajanje();
if (isset($_GET['obrisi'])) {
    // obrisi je dolje nešto tipa submita jer mi je prvo zadan link kuda se preusmjerava ova stranica pa parametar ID te parametar OBRISI
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    $sql = "DELETE FROM grupa WHERE ID_grupa={$id}";
    if (zapis($con, $sql)) {
        // dohvaćam sve korisnike i u funkciju ugnjezdim sql koji će raditi DELETE
        $info = "grupaje uspješno obrisana";
    } else {
        $info = "greška pri brisanju grupe";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM grupa";
$grupe = upit($con, $sql);
if (isset($info)) {
    echo "<p>" . $info . "</p>";
コード例 #4
ファイル: vysledky.php プロジェクト: sorgo/agilityregister
} elseif ($argv[1] == "START") {
    $pdf->Output($G["dir"] . "/print/startovka.pdf", "F");
    system("evince \"" . $G["dir"] . "/print/startovka.pdf\"");
} elseif ($argv[1] == "STARTT") {
    $pdf->Output($G["dir"] . "/print/startovka_druzstva.pdf", "F");
    system("evince \"" . $G["dir"] . "/print/startovka_druzstva.pdf\"");
} elseif ($argv[1] == "PREZENCKA") {
    $pdf->Output($G["dir"] . "/print/prezencka.pdf", "F");
    system("evince \"" . $G["dir"] . "/print/prezencka.pdf\"");
} elseif ($argv[1] == "BEHY") {
} elseif ($argv[1] == "ZAPIS") {
    $pdf->Output($G["dir"] . "/print/zapis.pdf", "F");
    system("evince \"" . $G["dir"] . "/print/zapis.pdf\"");
} elseif (count($behy) == 1) {
    if ($G["teamy"]) {
    } else {
    $beh = $behy[0];
    $pdf->Output($G["dir"] . "/print/" . $beh . ($G["teamy"] ? "_druzstva" : "") . ".pdf", "F");
    system("evince \"" . $G["dir"] . "/print/" . $beh . ($G["teamy"] ? "_druzstva" : "") . ".pdf\"");
} elseif ($argv[1] == "") {
    echo "\nTlacove zostavy casomiery\n\n";
    echo "pouzitie: vysledky [ZOSTAVA | [beh [beh [...]]]\n\n";
    echo "PREZENCKA\t\ttabulka pre prezentaciu\n";