コード例 #1
ファイル: blueprint.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-pages
  * Creates a {@link Blueprint} instance from an {@link ActiveRecord\Query}.
  * @param Query $query
  * @return Blueprint
 public static function from(Query $query)
     $query->mode(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, __NAMESPACE__ . '\\BluePrintNode');
     $relation = array();
     $children = array();
     $index = array();
     foreach ($query as $row) {
         $row->parent = null;
         $row->depth = null;
         $row->children = array();
         $nid = $row->nid;
         $parent_id = $row->parentid;
         $index[$nid] = $row;
         $relation[$nid] = $parent_id;
         $children[$parent_id][$nid] = $nid;
     $tree = array();
     foreach ($index as $nid => $page) {
         if (!$page->parentid || empty($index[$page->parentid])) {
             $tree[$nid] = $page;
         $page->parent = $index[$page->parentid];
         $page->parent->children[$nid] = $page;
     return new static($query->model, $relation, $children, $index, $tree);
コード例 #2
ファイル: provider.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-comments
 protected function alter_query(Query $query, array $conditions)
     if (isset($conditions['nid'])) {
         $query->where('nid = ?', (int) $conditions['nid']);
     $query->where('status != "spam" && status != "pending"');
     return $query->order('created');
コード例 #3
 public function alter_query_with_value(Query $query, $value)
     $token = self::generate_token();
     $v_alias = $token . '_v';
     $t_alias = $token . '_t';
     $q = ActiveRecord\get_model('taxonomy.vocabulary')->select("nid, vocabularyslug AS {$v_alias}, termslug AS {$t_alias}")->join(':taxonomy.terms')->join(':taxonomy.terms/nodes');
     $query->join($q, ['on' => 'nid'])->where([$v_alias => $this->id, $t_alias => $value]);
     return $query;
コード例 #4
ファイル: provider.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-nodes
  * Alters the query to search for records from the same constructor, a similar site and a
  * similar language.
  * The method also alters the query if the `nid` or `slug` conditions are defined.
  * Finaly if the return type is RETURN_MANY the query is altered to search for online nodes
  * only.
 protected function alter_query(Query $query, array $conditions)
     if (isset($conditions['nid'])) {
     } else {
         if (isset($conditions['slug'])) {
     if ($this->returns == self::RETURNS_MANY) {
     return parent::alter_query($query, $conditions)->order('created_at DESC');
コード例 #5
ファイル: manage.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-journal
 public function alter_query_with_filter(Query $query, $filter_value)
     if ($filter_value) {
         list($type, $name) = explode(':', $filter_value);
         if ($type == 'operation') {
             $query->and('class LIKE ?', '%\\' . $name . 'Operation');
     return $query;
コード例 #6
ファイル: provider.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-users
  * Alters the query to search for records from the same constructor, a similar site and a
  * similar language.
  * The method also alters the query if the `nid` or `slug` conditions are defined.
  * Finaly if the return type is RETURN_MANY the query is altered to search for online nodes
  * only.
  * @see BriskView.ActiveRecordProvider::alter_query()
 protected function alter_query(Query $query, array $conditions)
     static $mapping = ['uid', 'constructor', 'username', 'language'];
     foreach ($mapping as $property) {
         if (!isset($conditions[$property])) {
         $filter = 'filter_by_' . $property;
     if ($this->returns == self::RETURNS_MANY) {
     return parent::alter_query($query, $conditions)->order('created_at DESC');
コード例 #7
ファイル: provider.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-contents
  * Support for the `year`, `month` and `day` conditions. Changes the order to
  * `date DESC, created_at DESC`.
  * If the view is of type "home" the query is altered to search for nodes which are not
  * excluded from _home_.
 protected function alter_query(Query $query, array $conditions)
     foreach ($conditions as $property => $value) {
         switch ($property) {
             case 'year':
                 $query->where('YEAR(date) = ?', (int) $value);
             case 'month':
                 $query->where('MONTH(date) = ?', (int) $value);
             case 'day':
                 $query->where('DAY(date) = ?', (int) $value);
     if ($this->view->type == 'home') {
         $query->where('is_home_excluded = 0');
     return parent::alter_query($query, $conditions)->order('date DESC, created_at DESC');
コード例 #8
ファイル: DateCriterion.php プロジェクト: icanboogie/facets
 public function alter_query_with_value(Query $query, $value)
     if (!$value) {
         return $query;
     $field = $this->id;
     list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $value) + [0, 0, 0];
     if ($day) {
         $query->and("DATE(`{$field}`) = ?", "{$year}-{$month}-{$day}");
     } else {
         if ($month) {
             $query->and("YEAR(`{$field}`) = ? AND MONTH(`{$field}`) = ?", (int) $year, (int) $month);
         } else {
             if ($year) {
                 $query->and("YEAR(`{$field}`) = ?", (int) $year);
     return $query;
コード例 #9
ファイル: page.model.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-pages
  * Changes the order of the query with "weight, create".
  * @param Query $query
  * @return Query
 protected function scope_ordered(Query $query, $direction = 1)
     $direction = $direction < 0 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
     return $query->order("weight {$direction}, created_at {$direction}");
コード例 #10
ファイル: model.constructor.php プロジェクト: icybee/core
  * Adds the "constructor = <constructor>" condition to the query.
  * @param Query $query The query to alter.
  * @return Query
 protected function scope_own(Query $query)
     return $query->filter_by_constructor($this->constructor);
コード例 #11
 public function alter_query_with_value(Query $query, $value)
     $users = \ICanBoogie\app()->models['users']->select('id AS user_id, username');
     return $query->join($users, ['on' => 'user_id'])->and("post.user_id = ? OR username = ?", $value, $value);
コード例 #12
  * Orders the records according to their popularity.
 public function alter_query_with_order(Query $query, $order_direction)
     return $query->order("(SELECT COUNT(vtid) FROM {self}__nodes WHERE vtid = term.vtid) " . ($order_direction < 0 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'));
コード例 #13
ファイル: manage.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-users-logins
 public function alter_query_with_order(Query $query, $order_direction)
     return $query->order("(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM {prefix}users_logins WHERE uid = user.uid) " . ($order_direction < 0 ? 'desc' : 'asc'));
コード例 #14
ファイル: node.model.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-nodes
  * Alerts the query to match recors of a similar language.
  * A record is considered of a similar language when it doesn't have a language defined
  * (`language` = "") or it matches the specified language.
  * @param Query $query
  * @param string $language The language to match. If the language is `null` the current
  * language is used instead.
  * @return Query
 protected function scope_similar_language(Query $query, $language = null)
     global $core;
     return $query->where('language = "" OR language = ?', $language !== null ? $language : $core->site->language);
コード例 #15
ファイル: manage.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-comments
  * Orders the records according to the `author` column.
 public function alter_query_with_order(Query $query, $order_direction)
     return $query->order('`author` ' . ($order_direction < 0 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'));
コード例 #16
ファイル: FetcherTrait.php プロジェクト: icanboogie/facets
  * @inheritdoc
 public function alter_query_with_limit(Query $query, $offset, $limit)
     return $query->limit($offset, $limit);
コード例 #17
 public function alter_query_with_order(Query $query, $order_direction)
     $usage_query = $query->model->join(':taxonomy.terms/nodes')->join(':nodes')->select('vtid, COUNT(nid) as `usage`')->where('is_online = 1')->group('vtid');
     return $query->join($usage_query, ['as' => 'term_usage'])->order('`usage` ' . ($order_direction < 0 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'));
コード例 #18
ファイル: manage.php プロジェクト: icybee/module-users
 public function alter_query_with_order(Query $query, $order_direction)
     $keys = array_keys($this->resolved_user_names);
     if ($order_direction < 0) {
         $keys = array_reverse($keys);
     return $query->order($this->id, $keys);
コード例 #19
ファイル: Model.php プロジェクト: DavBfr/BlogMVC
 protected function scope_ordered(Query $query, $direction = -1)
     return $query->order('created ' . ($direction < 0 ? 'DESC' : 1));
コード例 #20
ファイル: CriterionTrait.php プロジェクト: icanboogie/facets
  * Alters the query with an order.
  * The {@link $column_name} property is used.
  * @param Query $query
  * @param int $order_direction "DESC" if inferior to 0, "ASC" otherwise.
  * @return Query
 public function alter_query_with_order(Query $query, $order_direction)
     return $query->order("`{$this->column_name}` " . ($order_direction < 0 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'));
コード例 #21
  * Adds a condition on the `status` field, which should equal {@link Comment::STATUS_SPAM}.
  * @param Query $query
  * @return Query
 protected function scope_spam(Query $query, $approved = true)
     return $query->filter_by_status(Comment::STATUS_SPAM);
コード例 #22
ファイル: CategoryCriterion.php プロジェクト: DavBfr/BlogMVC
 public function alter_query_with_value(Query $query, $value)
     $categories = \ICanBoogie\app()->models['categories']->select('`id` AS category_id, `slug` AS category_slug');
     return $query->join($categories, ['on' => 'category_id'])->filter_by_category_slug($value);