コード例 #1
    case 'actionplan':
        $slatarget = $servicelevel->action_plan_mins;
    case 'solution':
        $slatarget = $servicelevel->resolution_days * $working_day_mins;
        $slaremain = 0;
        $slatarget = 0;
if ($slatarget > 0) {
    $slaremain = $slatarget - $target->since;
} else {
    $slaremain = 0;
$targettype = target_type_name($target->type);
// Get next review time
$reviewsince = incident_get_next_review($incidentid);
// time since last review in minutes
$reviewtarget = $servicelevel->review_days * $working_day_mins;
// how often reviews should happen in minutes
if ($reviewtarget > 0) {
    $reviewremain = $reviewtarget - $reviewsince;
} else {
    $reviewremain = 0;
// Color the title bar according to the SLA and priority
$class = '';
if ($slaremain != 0 and $incident->status != 2) {
    if ($slaremain - $slatarget * ((100 - $CONFIG['notice_threshold']) / 100) < 0) {
        $class = 'notice';
コード例 #2
echo "<p align='center'>{$strServiceLevel}: {$servicelevel_tag}</p>";
// Create an array containing the service level history
$slahistory = incident_sla_history($incidentid);
if (count($slahistory) >= 1) {
    echo "<table align='center'>";
    echo "<tr><th>{$strEvent}</th><th>{$strUser}</th><th>{$strTarget}</th><th>{$strActual}</th><th>{$strDateAndTime}</th></tr>\n";
    foreach ($slahistory as $history) {
        if ($history['targetmet'] == FALSE) {
            $class = 'critical';
        } else {
            $class = 'shade2';
        echo "<tr class='{$class}'>";
        echo "<td>";
        echo icon($slatypes[$history['targetsla']]['icon'], 16) . " ";
        echo target_type_name($history['targetsla']) . "</td>";
        echo "<td>";
        if (!empty($history['userid'])) {
            echo user_realname($history['userid'], TRUE);
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . format_workday_minutes($history['targettime']) . "</td>";
        echo "<td>";
        if ($history['timestamp'] == 0) {
            echo "<em>";
        echo format_workday_minutes($history['actualtime']);
        if ($history['timestamp'] == 0) {
            echo "</em>";
        echo "</td>";