<td style="color:#4B088A;font-size:11px; width:120px" align="center"> <?php if ($fetch['book_volume'] == 'Not Available') { echo "<span title='This information is not available' class='label label-danger'>N/A</span>"; } else { echo $fetch['book_volume']; } ?> </td> <td style="color:#4B088A" align="center"> <?php if ($fetch['language_id'] == 'Not Available') { echo "<span title='This information is not available' class='label label-danger'>N/A</span>"; } else { echo getlanguage($fetch['language_id']); } ?> </td> <td style="color:#4B088A" align="center"> <?php if ($fetch['category_id'] == '0' || $fetch['category_id'] == 0) { echo "<span title='This category information is unknown' class='label label-danger'>Unknown</span>"; } else { echo getCategory($fetch['category_id']); } ?> </td> <td style="color:#4B088A" align="center"><?php if ($fetch['availability'] == 'available') { echo "<span title='This book is currently available and can be issued' class='label label-success'>Available</span>";
echo $row->{'name_' . getlanguage()}; ?> " width="204" height="185"/> </a> </div> <div class="infomainconstructioncol2 showroom-right fl"> <h1> <a title="<?php echo $row->{'name_' . getlanguage()}; ?> " href="<?php echo $base_url . $this->lang->lang() . '/' . $url . '/' . $row->name_none . '.html'; ?> "> <?php echo $row->{'name_' . getlanguage()}; ?> </a> </h1> <span> <?php echo strlen($row->description) > 300 ? cut_string($row->description, 300) . ' ...' : $row->description; ?> </span> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="cl"></div> </div>
echo $row->name; ?> "/></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <div class="description-showroom"> <span class="description-showroom-detail"><?php echo lang('detail'); ?> </span> <span> <?php echo $showrooms->{'txtDescription_' . getlanguage()}; ?> </span> </div> </span> </div> </div> </div> <script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?> images/js/woothemes-flexslider/jquery.flexslider.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ SyntaxHighlighter.all(); });
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echo site_url($link . 'd/' . $f_row->title_none); ?> " title="<?php echo $f_row->{'title_' . getlanguage()}; ?> "> <img src="<?php echo $f_row->dir . ($f_row->old_id == 1 ? $f_row->image : filenameplus($f_row->image, 'medium')); ?> " width="85" height="75" /> </a> </div> <div class="txt fl"> <a style="color: #000;" href="<?php echo site_url($link . 'd/' . $f_row->title_none); ?> " title="<?php echo $f_row->{'title_' . getlanguage()}; ?> "> <?php echo $f_row->{'title_' . getlanguage()}; ?> </a> </div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div>
<div class="slide-word"> <marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="3" scrolldelay="20"> <span><?php echo getconfigkey('slogan_' . getlanguage()); ?> </span> </marquee> </div>
} else $langs = ''; } else { if ($ds [headline2]) $headline = $ds [headline2]; else $headline = $ds [headline1]; if ($ds [content2]) $content = $ds [content2]; else $content = '[b]no version in selected language available![/b].[br][br]' . $ds [content1]; if ($ds [headline1]) { $langs = '<a href="index.php?site=news_comments&newsID=' . $ds [newsID] . '&lang=' . $ds [lang1] . '">' . $language1 . '</a>'; $language = getlanguage ( $ds [lang1] ); $langs = eregi_replace ( '(alt=")(.*)(")', "\\1 News in $language\\3", $langs ); } else $langs = ''; } $content = cleartext ( $content ); $content = toggle ( $content, $ds [newsID] ); $poster = '' . getnickname ( $ds [poster] ) . ''; if ($ds [link1] && $ds [url1] != "http://" && $ds [window1]) $related .= '• <a href="' . $ds [url1] . '" target="_blank">' . $ds [link1] . '</a><br> '; if ($ds [link1] && $ds [url1] != "http://" && ! $ds [window1]) $related .= '• <a href="' . $ds [url1] . '">' . $ds [link1] . '</a><br> '; if ($ds [link2] && $ds [url2] != "http://" && $ds [window2]) $related .= '• <a href="' . $ds [url2] . '" target="_blank">' . $ds [link2] . '</a><br> '; if ($ds [link2] && $ds [url2] != "http://" && ! $ds [window2])