function jsf_initialize($i_arg, &$o_out) { global $UserID, $Groups, $HT_AccessFileName, $HT_GroupsFileName; $configs = array(); readConfig('config_default.json', $configs); $o_out['config'] = $configs; if ($UserID != null) { if (false == is_file($HT_AccessFileName) && is_file('htaccess_example')) { if (copy('htaccess_example', $HT_AccessFileName)) { error_log('HT access file copied.'); } else { error_log('Unable to copy htaccess file.'); } } if (false == is_file($HT_GroupsFileName)) { $Groups = array(); $Groups['admins'] = array($UserID); jsf_writegroups($Groups, $o_out); if (array_key_exists('error', $o_out)) { return; } error_log('HT Groups file created with "' . $UserID . '" in "admins".'); } } processUser($o_out); if (array_key_exists('error', $o_out)) { return; } $out = array(); getallusers($out); if (array_key_exists('error', $out)) { $o_out['error'] = $out['error']; return; } $o_out['users'] = array(); foreach ($out['users'] as $obj) { $user = array(); $user['id'] = $obj['id']; // We do not send all users props to each user. $props = array('title', 'role', 'states', 'disabled', 'signature'); foreach ($props as $prop) { if (isset($obj[$prop])) { $user[$prop] = $obj[$prop]; } } if (isset($obj['avatar']) && strlen($obj['avatar'])) { $user['avatar'] = $obj['avatar']; } else { if (isset($obj['email']) && strlen($obj['email'])) { $user['avatar'] = '' . md5(strtolower(trim($obj['email']))); } } $o_out['users'][$obj['id']] = $user; } if (isAdmin($out)) { $o_out['admin'] = true; } }
$params = null; parse_str($response, $params); if (!is_array($params) && !array_key_exists("access_token", $params)) { $message = "Could not retrieve access_token from Facebook"; Logger::getInstance()->error($message); raiseUIError(); } $graph_url = "" . $params["access_token"]; $user = json_decode(file_get_contents($graph_url)); if (!property_exists($user, 'id')) { $message = "No facebook_id in graph API response"; Logger::getInstance()->error($message); raiseUIError(); } $expires = isset($params["expires"]) ? $params["expires"] : 3600; processUser($user, $params["access_token"], $expires); } else { $message = "CSRF token returned by Facebook is different from 3mik session token"; Logger::getInstance()->error($message); raiseUIError(); } /** * * @param access_token - access token returned by facebook for offline use * @param expires - time in seconds till the access_token expiry * * */ function processUser($user, $access_token, $expires) { // exisitng record ? find on facebook_id
$message = "Twitter login :: oauth verifier is missing"; Logger::getInstance()->error($message); raiseUIError(); } $appId = Config::getInstance()->get_value(""); $appSecret = Config::getInstance()->get_value(""); $connection = new TwitterOAuth($appId, $appSecret, $_SESSION['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']); /* get access token from twitter and save in session */ $access_token = $connection->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']); $_SESSION['access_token'] = $access_token; /* Remove no longer needed request tokens */ unset($_SESSION['oauth_token']); unset($_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']); /* continue If HTTP response is 200 */ if (200 == $connection->http_code) { processUser($connection); } else { clearSession(); $message = "Could not retrieve Twitter access_token"; Logger::getInstance()->error($message); raiseUIError(); } function processUser($connection) { $user_info = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials'); if (isset($user_info->error)) { $message = "Error retrieving twitter user information"; Logger::getInstance()->error($message); raiseUIError(); } else { // get screenName, profile Pic
//json fine but access_token is missing if (!property_exists($jsObject, "access_token")) { $message = "Could not retrieve access token from Google"; Logger::getInstance()->error($message); raiseUIError(); } //Now call the userinfo endpoint using access tokens $url = "" . $jsObject->access_token; $response = file_get_contents($url); $user = json_decode($response); if (!property_exists($user, "id")) { $message = "No google_id in google userinfo endpoint response"; Logger::getInstance()->error($message); raiseUIError(); } processUser($user); } else { $message = "CSRF token returned by google does not match the one stored in 3mik session"; Logger::getInstance()->error($message); raiseUIError(); } function processUser($user) { $id = $user->id; if (empty($id)) { trigger_error("Could not retrieve google id : please try again.", E_USER_ERROR); } //rest of the properties may be missing $email = property_exists($user, 'email') ? $user->email : ''; $name = property_exists($user, 'name') ? $user->name : ''; $firstName = property_exists($user, 'given_name') ? $user->given_name : '';