echo '<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>'; } else { echo "Could not find any information for language: " . $lang_name; } ?> <script> // Get the context of the canvas element we want to select var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d"); var data = { labels: ["Before 2010", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014"], datasets: [ { label: "Language", fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)", strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.8)", highlightFill: "rgba(220,220,220,0.75)", highlightStroke: "rgba(220,220,220,1)", data: [<?php echo getBytes($lang, 'bytes_pre_2010') . ',' . getBytes($lang, 'bytes_2010') . ',' . getBytes($lang, 'bytes_2011') . ',' . getBytes($lang, 'bytes_2012') . ',' . getBytes($lang, 'bytes_2013') . ',' . getBytes($lang, 'bytes_2014'); ?> ] } ] }; var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx).Bar(data); </script> </div> </body> </html>
$l_Result .= '<div class="note_warn">' . AI_STR_052 . ' (' . count($g_HeuristicDetected) . ')</div><div class="warn">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($g_HeuristicDetected); $i++) { $l_Result .= '<li>' . makeSafeFn($g_Structure['n'][$g_HeuristicDetected[$i]], true) . ' (' . get_descr_heur($g_HeuristicType[$i]) . ')</li>'; } $l_Result .= '</ul></div><div class=\\"spacer\\"></div>' . PHP_EOL; } stdOut("Building list of hidden files " . count($g_HiddenFiles)); if (count($g_HiddenFiles) > 0) { $l_Result .= '<div class="note_warn">' . AI_STR_023 . ' (' . count($g_HiddenFiles) . ')</div><div class="warn">'; $l_Result .= nl2br(makeSafeFn(implode("\n", $g_HiddenFiles), true)); $l_Result .= "</div><div class=\"spacer\"></div>" . PHP_EOL; $l_PlainResult .= '[HIDDEN]' . "\n" . implode("\n", replacePathArray($g_HiddenFiles)) . "\n\n"; } stdOut("Building list of bigfiles " . count($g_BigFiles)); $max_size_to_scan = getBytes(MAX_SIZE_TO_SCAN); $max_size_to_scan = $max_size_to_scan > 0 ? $max_size_to_scan : getBytes('1m'); if (count($g_BigFiles) > 0) { $l_Result .= "<div class=\"note_warn\">" . sprintf(AI_STR_038, bytes2Human($max_size_to_scan)) . '</div><div class="warn">'; $l_Result .= printList($g_BigFiles); $l_Result .= "</div>"; $l_PlainResult .= '[BIG FILES / SKIPPED]' . "\n" . printPlainList($g_BigFiles) . "\n\n"; } stdOut("Building list of php inj " . count($g_PHPCodeInside)); if (count($g_PHPCodeInside) > 0 && ($defaults['report_mask'] & REPORT_MASK_PHPSIGN) == REPORT_MASK_PHPSIGN) { $l_Result .= '<div class="note_warn">' . AI_STR_028 . '</div><div class="warn">'; $l_Result .= printList($g_PHPCodeInside, $g_PHPCodeInsideFragment, true); $l_Result .= "</div>" . PHP_EOL; } stdOut("Building list of empty links " . count($g_EmptyLink)); if (count($g_EmptyLink) > 0) { $l_Result .= '<div class="note_warn">' . AI_STR_031 . '</div><div class="warn">';
public function FanweService() { if (phpversion() < '5.3.0') { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } if (!defined('FANWE_ROOT')) { define('FANWE_ROOT', str_replace('\\', '/', substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, -12))); } if (!file_exists(FANWE_ROOT . './public/install.lock')) { header('Location: install/index.php'); exit; } define('MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC', function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()); define('ICONV_ENABLE', function_exists('iconv')); define('MB_ENABLE', function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')); define('EXT_OBGZIP', function_exists('ob_gzhandler')); define('TIMESTAMP', time()); if (!(include FANWE_ROOT . './core/function/global.func.php')) { exit('not found global.func.php'); } @(require FANWE_ROOT . './public/'); require fimport("function/time"); define('IS_ROBOT', checkRobot()); if (function_exists('ini_get')) { $memory_limit = @ini_get('memory_limit'); if ($memory_limit && getBytes($memory_limit) < 33554432 && function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); } } if (!$this->is_admin) { foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) { if (!isset($this->allow_global[$key])) { $GLOBALS[$key] = NULL; unset($GLOBALS[$key]); } } } global $_FANWE; $_FANWE = array(); $_FANWE['uid'] = 0; $_FANWE['user_name'] = ''; $_FANWE['gid'] = 0; $_FANWE['sid'] = ''; $_FANWE['form_hash'] = ''; $_FANWE['client_ip'] = getFClientIp(); $_FANWE['referer'] = ''; $_FANWE['php_self'] = htmlspecialchars(getPhpSelf()); if ($_FANWE['php_self'] === false) { systemError('request_tainting'); } $_FANWE['module_name'] = MODULE_NAME; $_FANWE['module_filename'] = basename($_FANWE['php_self']); $_FANWE['site_url'] = ''; $_FANWE['site_root'] = ''; $_FANWE['site_port'] = ''; $_FANWE['config'] = array(); $_FANWE['setting'] = array(); $_FANWE['user'] = array(); $_FANWE['group'] = array(); $_FANWE['cookie'] = array(); $_FANWE['cache'] = array(); $_FANWE['session'] = array(); $_FANWE['lang'] = array(); $_FANWE['tpl_user_formats'] = array(); $site_path = substr($_FANWE['php_self'], 0, strrpos($_FANWE['php_self'], '/')); $_FANWE['site_url'] = htmlspecialchars('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $site_path . '/'); $_FANWE['domain'] = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $site_path . '/'); $url = parse_url($_FANWE['site_url']); $_FANWE['site_root'] = isset($url['path']) ? $url['path'] : ''; $_FANWE['site_port'] = empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '80' ? '' : ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; if (defined('SUB_DIR')) { $_FANWE['site_url'] = str_replace(SUB_DIR, '', $_FANWE['site_url']); $_FANWE['site_root'] = str_replace(SUB_DIR, '', $_FANWE['site_root']); } define('PUBLIC_ROOT', FANWE_ROOT . './public/'); define('PUBLIC_PATH', $_FANWE['site_root'] . 'public/'); define('SITE_URL', $_FANWE['site_root']); require fimport("class/cache"); $this->cache = Cache::getInstance(); $this->var =& $_FANWE; $this->buildConfig(); $this->buildInput(); $this->buildOutput(); }
function image_manipulate($config = array()) { global $phpwcms; // Merge config values with default $config = array_merge(array("max_width" => $phpwcms["img_list_width"], "max_height" => $phpwcms["img_list_height"], "error" => '', "image_name" => '', "thumb_name" => '', "target_ext" => 'jpg', "image_dir" => PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/' . PHPWCMS_FILES, "thumb_dir" => PHPWCMS_THUMB, 'jpg_quality' => 85, 'sharpen_level' => 0, 'density' => 72, 'add_command' => '', 'crop_image' => false, 'crop_pos' => '', 'master_dim' => 'auto'), $config); // Test width and height and set correct dimensions if (!intval($config["max_width"]) && !intval($config["max_height"])) { // Should not happen, but better have a fallback $config["max_width"] = $phpwcms["img_list_width"]; $config["max_height"] = $phpwcms["img_list_height"]; $config['master_dim'] = 'auto'; } elseif (!intval($config["max_width"])) { // No width given, recalculate final image size based on height $config["max_width"] = $phpwcms["img_prev_width"]; $config['crop_image'] = false; $config['master_dim'] = 'height'; } elseif (!intval($config["max_height"])) { // No height given, recalculate final image size based on width $config["max_height"] = $phpwcms["img_prev_height"]; $config['crop_image'] = false; $config['master_dim'] = 'width'; } // Check if source image is accessible // otherwise use placeholder image "filestorage/image_placeholder.png" if (!is_file($config["image_dir"] . $config["image_name"])) { $config["image_name"] = 'image_placeholder.png'; $config["thumb_name"] = 'temp_' . $config["thumb_name"]; } // Doubled config setting but especially for Image manipulation class $image_config = array('image_library' => $phpwcms['image_library'], 'library_path' => $phpwcms['library_path'], 'source_image' => $config["image_dir"] . $config["image_name"], 'new_image' => $config["thumb_dir"] . $config["thumb_name"] . '.' . $config["target_ext"], 'maintain_ratio' => true, 'width' => $config['max_width'], 'height' => $config['max_height'], 'master_dim' => $config['master_dim'], 'sharpen' => $config['sharpen_level'], 'quality' => $config['jpg_quality'], 'create_thumb' => false, 'target_ext' => $config["target_ext"], 'colorspace' => $phpwcms['colorspace']); $IMG = new Phpwcms_Image_lib($image_config); // try to handle limited PHP memory if (empty($GLOBALS['phpwcms']['gd_memcheck_off']) && ($phpwcms['image_library'] == 'gd2' || $phpwcms['image_library'] == 'gd')) { $php_memory = getBytes(@ini_get('memory_limit')); $img_memory = getRealImageSize($IMG->image_current_vals); // do memory checks only when PHP's memory limit // and "real" image size is known if ($php_memory && $img_memory) { // test if we have enough PHP memory for this image and test to set it up if ($php_memory / 3 < $img_memory) { @ini_set('memory_limit', $img_memory * 3); } $php_memory = getBytes(@ini_get('memory_limit')); // still not enough, use fallback memory warning image if ($php_memory / 3 < $img_memory) { $config["image_name"] = 'image_memoryinfo.png'; $config["thumb_name"] = 'mem_' . $config["thumb_name"]; $image_config['source_image'] = $config["image_dir"] . $config["image_name"]; $image_config['new_image'] = $config["thumb_dir"] . $config["thumb_name"] . '.' . $config["target_ext"]; $IMG->initialize($image_config); } } } // do not resize if image is smaller than target sizes if (!$config['crop_image'] && substr($phpwcms['image_library'], 0, 2) == 'gd' && !empty($IMG->orig_width) && !empty($IMG->orig_height) && $image_config['width'] > $IMG->orig_width && $image_config['height'] > $IMG->orig_height) { $config['max_width'] = $IMG->orig_width; $config['max_height'] = $IMG->orig_height; $image_config['width'] = $IMG->orig_width; $image_config['height'] = $IMG->orig_height; $IMG->width = $IMG->orig_width; $IMG->height = $IMG->orig_height; } if ($config['crop_image']) { $image_config = set_cropped_imagesize($image_config, $IMG->orig_width, $IMG->orig_height, $config['crop_pos']); if ($image_config['do_cropping']) { // first resize width recalculated height/width $IMG->width = $image_config['resize_width']; $IMG->height = $image_config['resize_height']; $IMG->quality = 100; $IMG->resize(); $image_config['sharpen'] = 0; $image_config['maintain_ratio'] = FALSE; $image_config['create_thumb'] = FALSE; $image_config['source_image'] = $image_config['new_image']; $IMG->initialize($image_config); $IMG->crop(); } else { $IMG->resize(); } } else { $IMG->resize(); } $config["thumb_name"] = $IMG->dest_image; $config['error'] = $IMG->display_errors('<li>', '</li>', '<ul class="error">', '</ul>'); return $config; }
function highlightText($text, $phrase, $searchType) { $text = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', ' ', $text)); $text1 = strtolower_rus($text); $phrase = str_replace('$', '$', $phrase); $GLOBALS['bytes'] = array(); /* Array containing list of begin and end bytes, between them "bold" selection will be inserted. List if formed basing on search phrase(s) when analyzing text by getBytes() */ if ($phrase != '' and $searchType != 2) { $words = explode(' ', $phrase); foreach ($words as $w) { $w = trim(strtolower_rus($w)); if ($w != '' and strlen($w) > 2) { getBytes($text1, $w); } //$text1=str_replace($w, '<strong>'.$w.'</strong>', $text1); } } elseif ($phrase != '' and $searchType == 2) { getBytes($text1, trim(strtolower_rus($phrase))); } $text = boldText($text, $GLOBALS['bytes']); return cutText($text, $GLOBALS['bytes']); }
<?php if ($argc <= 1) { die('please input the string!' . PHP_EOL); } $word = $argv['1']; /** * 1.转化为ASCII * 2.将ASCII码作为字符串连接 * 3.每10位拆分字符串 * 4.将拆分的10位十进制数字转换为36进制,默认是7位,余位补"." */ $result = getBytes($word); $result = join($result); for ($i = 0; $i <= strlen($result) / 10; $i++) { $tmp[] = substr($result, $i * 10, 10); $num = base_convert(substr($result, $i * 10, 10), 10, 36); $num = str_pad($num, 7, '.'); $str[] = $num; } $str = join($str); echo $str; echo PHP_EOL; function getBytes($string) { $bytes = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { $bytes[] = ord($string[$i]); } return $bytes; }