コード例 #1
 function saveGift()
     $id_gift = intval($this->input->post('id_gift', 0));
     $giftdata = $this->mod_io_m->init('id_gift', $id_gift, TBL_GIFT);
     if ($giftdata) {
         $image = $giftdata->image;
     } else {
         $image = '';
     $uploadDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_orig'] . 'gift/';
     $thumbnailDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_thumb'] . 'gift/';
     $thumb_height = 60;
     $thumb_width = 60;
     if (isset($_FILES["image"]) and !empty($_FILES["image"]['name'])) {
         if ($_FILES["image"]['size'] / 1000000 > allowMaxFileSize()) {
             $image = '';
         } else {
             $image = $this->module_helper->uploadFile($_FILES["image"]['tmp_name'], $_FILES["image"]['name'], $uploadDir, allowExtensionPictureUpload());
     if (!$image) {
         echo 'Image must not empty';
     } else {
         copy($uploadDir . $image, $thumbnailDir . $image);
         makeThumb($image, $thumbnailDir, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
         $data['image'] = $image;
     if (!$this->phpvalidator->is_numeric($this->input->post('price'))) {
         echo 'Price must be numeric.';
     } else {
         $data['price'] = $this->input->post('price');
     if ($this->input->post('name_gift')) {
         $data['name_gift'] = $this->input->post('name_gift');
         $data['code_gift'] = slugify($this->input->post('name_gift'));
     $data['ip'] = $this->geo_lib->getIpAddress();
     $data['description'] = $this->input->post('description');
     $data['id_category'] = $this->input->post('category');
     $data['status'] = $this->input->post('status');
     if ($giftdata) {
         $data['last_update'] = mysqlDate();
         $this->mod_io_m->update_map($data, array('id_gift' => $id_gift), TBL_GIFT);
     } else {
         $data['add_date'] = mysqlDate();
         $this->mod_io_m->insert_map($data, TBL_GIFT);
     echo 'ok';
     $this->session->set_flashdata('success', lang('templates.tmpl_save_success'));
コード例 #2
 function saveSeries()
     $id_series = $this->input->post('id_series');
     $seriesdata = $this->mod_io_m->init('id_series', $id_series, TBL_SERIES);
     $data['id_hentai_category'] = $this->input->post('id_hentai_category');
     if ($data['id_hentai_category'] == 1) {
         $data['img_url'] = $this->input->post('img_url');
     } else {
         $uploadDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_orig'] . 'hentai/';
         $thumbnailDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_thumb'] . 'hentai/dailymotion/';
         $thumb_height = 160;
         $thumb_width = 120;
         if ($seriesdata) {
             $image = $seriesdata->image . '.jpg';
         } else {
             $image = '';
         if (isset($_FILES["image"]) and !empty($_FILES["image"]['name'])) {
             if ($_FILES["image"]['size'] / 1000000 > allowMaxFileSize()) {
                 $image = '';
             } else {
                 $image = $this->module_helper->uploadFile($_FILES["image"]['tmp_name'], $_FILES["image"]['name'], $uploadDir, array('jpg'));
         if ($image) {
             copy($uploadDir . $image, $thumbnailDir . $image);
             makeThumb($image, $thumbnailDir, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
             $data['image'] = substr($image, 0, strrpos($image, '.'));
     $data['name'] = $this->input->post('name');
     if ($seriesdata) {
         $this->mod_io_m->update_map($data, array('id_series' => $id_series), TBL_SERIES);
     } else {
         $this->mod_io_m->insert_map($data, TBL_SERIES);
     echo 'ok';
     $this->session->set_flashdata('success', lang('templates.tmpl_save_success'));
コード例 #3
function pictureHandling($id, $picture)
    if ($picture == NULL) {
        return "";
    // No file uploaded
    //echo 'valid picture <br />';
    if ($picture['size'] == 0) {
        echo "Problem: uploaded file is zero length";
        return "";
    if ($picture['type'] != "image/jpeg" && $picture['type'] != "image/jpg" && $picture['type'] != "image/png" && $picture['type'] != "image/gif") {
        echo "Problem: file is not a proper png, gif, jpg, or jpeg";
        return "";
    if (!is_uploaded_file($picture['tmp_name'])) {
        echo "Problem: possible file upload attack";
        return "";
    $upfile = picName($id, $picture['name']);
    $thumb = thumbName($id);
    if (USING_AWS) {
        $client = S3Client::factory(array('key' => AWS_ACCESS_KEY, 'secret' => AWS_SECRET_KEY));
    if (!move_uploaded_file($picture['tmp_name'], $upfile)) {
        echo "Problem: Could not move picture into pictures directory";
        return "";
    } else {
        if (USING_AWS) {
            $key = $upfile;
            $result = $client->putObject(array('Bucket' => AWS_BUCKET, 'Key' => $key, 'Body' => file_get_contents($upfile), 'ContentDisposition' => 'inline'));
    makeThumb($upfile, $thumb);
    if (USING_AWS) {
        $key = $thumb;
        $result = $client->putObject(array('Bucket' => AWS_BUCKET, 'Key' => $key, 'Body' => file_get_contents($key), 'ContentDisposition' => 'inline'));
    return $upfile;
コード例 #4
 function submitSnapshotWebcam()
     $title = $this->input->post('title');
     $myPhoto = $this->input->post('image_name');
     $price = round($this->input->post('price'), 2);
     if (!$price or $price <= 0) {
         echo json_encode(array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'Price must greater than 0.'));
     $webcamDir = APP_ROOT . "webcamtemp/";
     $uploadDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_orig'] . "photos/";
     $thumbnailDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_thumb'] . "photos/";
     $thumb_height = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['thumb_height'];
     $thumb_width = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['thumb_width'];
     $orig_width = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['orig_width'];
     $orig_height = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['orig_height'];
     if (!$myPhoto) {
         echo json_encode(array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'Upload picture failure.'));
     } else {
         copy($webcamDir . $myPhoto, $thumbnailDir . $myPhoto);
         copy($webcamDir . $myPhoto, $uploadDir . $myPhoto);
         //chmod( $thumbnailDir.$myPhoto, 0777 );
         //chmod( $uploadDir.$myPhoto, 0777 );
         makeThumb($myPhoto, $uploadDir, $orig_width, $orig_height);
         makeThumb($myPhoto, $thumbnailDir, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
         $data['image'] = $myPhoto;
         $data['id_user'] = getAccountUserId();
         $data['image_type'] = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE_STATUS']['private'];
         $data['price'] = $price;
         $data['comment'] = $title;
         $data['prof_flag'] = 0;
         $data['v_count'] = 0;
         $data['rate_num'] = 0;
         $data['rating'] = 0;
         $data['added_date'] = mysqlDate();
         $id_photo = $this->gallery_io_m->insert_map($data);
         $array['id_parent'] = 0;
         $array['id_user'] = getAccountUserId();
         $array['description'] = "priced at {$price}J\$";
         $array['add_date_post'] = mysqlDate();
         $array['post_name'] = getAccountUserId() . '_' . filterCharacter($title);
         $array['post_id'] = $id_photo;
         $array['post_code'] = $GLOBALS['global']['CHATTER_CODE']['backstage_photo'];
         $id_wall = $this->mod_io_m->insert_map($array, TBL_WALL);
         $this->user_io_m->postItemOnFbTt($id_wall, TIMELINE_BACKSTAGE_PHOTO);
         $_SESSION['BACKSTAGE_PRICE'] = $price;
         echo json_encode(array('result' => 'ok', 'message' => 'Upload your backstage photo successfully.'));
     echo 'Unknown error';
コード例 #5
ファイル: goodsimg_get.php プロジェクト: dalinhuang/c2my
    $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1;
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;
    $dataarray = $Table->getdata("{$offset},{$pagesize}", $wheresql, '', 'oid,goodsimg,orderimg');
    $msg = "总共需要抓取图片:{$total}个<br/>";
    if (!empty($dataarray)) {
        foreach ($dataarray as $val) {
            if (!empty($val['goodsimg'])) {
                $tempimg = GetRemoteImage($val['goodsimg']);
                $thumbname = "../" . $tempimg['savepath'] . "_thumb_" . $tempimg['filename'];
                makeThumb("../" . $tempimg['filepath'], $thumbname);
                editstate($Table->table, "orderimg", "oid=" . $val['oid'], $tempimg['filepath']);
                $msg .= "更新订单ID:{$val['oid']} 图片地址成功<br/>";
        $url = geturl();
        $goto = url::replace($url, "page=" . ($page + 1), 0, 1);
        showmsg($msg, $goto);
    } else {
        showmsg("抓取完成!", "goodsimg_get.php");
} else {
    include "tpl/goodsimg_get.htm";
コード例 #6
 function thumb()
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_einsatzkomponente');
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $cid = $input->post->get('cid', array(), 'array');
     // Sanitize the input
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('Thumbs erstellen'), 'weblinks.png');
     $option = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('option');
     // Check for request forgeries
     JRequest::checkToken() or jexit('Invalid Token');
     $total = count($cid);
     if ($total > '15') {
         echo 'erforderliche PHP-Einstellungen wurden vorgenommen:<br/><br/>';
         echo 'PHP memory_limit ' . ini_get("memory_limit") . ' geändert in ';
         @ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
         echo ini_get("memory_limit") . '<br/>';
         echo 'PHP max_execution_time ' . ini_get("max_execution_time") . ' geändert in ';
         @ini_set('max_execution_time', 600);
         echo ini_get("max_execution_time") . '<br/>';
     $uploadPath_thumb = $params->get('uploadpath', 'images/com_einsatzkomponente/einsatzbilder') . '/thumbs/';
     $thumbwidth = $params->get('thumbwidth', '100');
     $thumbhigh = $params->get('thumbhigh', '100');
     $quadratisch = $params->get('quadratisch', 'true');
     // make thumbs
     $n = '0';
     $i = '0';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
         $einsatzbild = einsatzbild($cid[$i]);
         // Funktion: zu bearbeitendes Einsatzbild laden
         $rImageFileName = $einsatzbild[0]->image;
         $source = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $rImageFileName;
         $sourcename = basename($source);
         $sourcepath = str_replace($sourcename, "", $source);
         //$sourcepath = str_replace(JPATH_ROOT.'/', "", $sourcepath);
         $rThumbFileName = $uploadPath_thumb . $sourcename;
         $target = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $rThumbFileName;
         if (file_exists($source)) {
             makeThumb($source, $thumbwidth, $thumbhigh, $quadratisch, 80, $target);
             // Funktion makeThumb aufrufen
             $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
             $query = 'UPDATE `#__eiko_images` SET `thumb`="' . $rThumbFileName . '" WHERE id = "' . $cid[$i] . '"';
             $msg = $n . JText::_('Thumb(s) erstellt');
         } else {
             JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('Das Einsatzbild "' . $source . '" existiert nicht !'), 'error');
     $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_einsatzkomponente&view=einsatzbildmanager', $msg);
     // ### 110421 -
コード例 #7
 function _resizePhoto()
     //comment_thumb 40x40
     //post_thumb 50x50
     //profile_thumb 60x60
     //thumb/photos 60x60
     $arrayMIME = array('.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg');
     $dirPath = "./image/comment_thumb/";
     $i = 0;
     foreach (filesInDir($dirPath) as $file) {
         $ext_name_array = explode_name($file);
         if (in_array($ext_name_array['ext'], $arrayMIME)) {
             $size = getimagesize($dirPath . $file);
             if ($size[0] > 40 or $size[1] > 40) {
                 makeThumb($file, $dirPath, 40, 40);
     echo "resize comment_thumb:{$i} items<br/>";
     $dirPath = "./image/post_thumb/";
     $i = 0;
     foreach (filesInDir($dirPath) as $file) {
         $ext_name_array = explode_name($file);
         if (in_array($ext_name_array['ext'], $arrayMIME)) {
             $size = getimagesize($dirPath . $file);
             if ($size[0] > 50 or $size[1] > 50) {
                 makeThumb($file, $dirPath, 50, 50);
     echo "resize post_thumb:{$i} items<br/>";
     $dirPath = "./image/profile_thumb/";
     $i = 0;
     foreach (filesInDir($dirPath) as $file) {
         $ext_name_array = explode_name($file);
         if (in_array($ext_name_array['ext'], $arrayMIME)) {
             $size = getimagesize($dirPath . $file);
             if ($size[0] > 60 or $size[1] > 60) {
                 makeThumb($file, $dirPath, 60, 60);
     echo "resize profile_thumb:{$i} items<br/>";
     $dirPath = "./image/thumb/photos/";
     $i = 0;
     foreach (filesInDir($dirPath) as $file) {
         $ext_name_array = explode_name($file);
         if (in_array($ext_name_array['ext'], $arrayMIME)) {
             $size = getimagesize($dirPath . $file);
             if ($size[0] > 60 or $size[1] > 60) {
                 makeThumb($file, $dirPath, 60, 60);
     echo "resize thumb/photos:{$i} items<br/>";
コード例 #8
function thumbnailParse($parseDir = "./", $recurse = TRUE)
    global $scriptPath, $dir;
    # Add trailing slash.
    $parseDir = fixDir($parseDir);
    # Remove the script path from the directory.
    # If the script is called as ./ and the $parseDir is ./, it leaves $scriptPath as ./ and $parseDir as ""
    # If the script is called as /home/<user>/host.com/ and $parseDir is /home/<user>/host.com/pictures/ $parseDir is pictures/ so that /home/<user>/host.com/cache/pictures can be created.
    $parseDir = str_replace($scriptPath, "", $parseDir);
    # Get list of folders & images
    $dir = $parseDir;
    $folder_scan_results = folder_scan();
    $images = $folder_scan_results['images'];
    $movies = $folder_scan_results['movies'];
    $directories = $folder_scan_results['directories'];
    foreach ($images as $image) {
        if (!is_file($scriptPath . 'cache/' . $dir . 'preview/' . $image)) {
            echo "Creating: {$dir}{$image} preview\n";
            makeThumb($dir, $image, 1);
        if (!is_file($scriptPath . 'cache/' . $dir . 'gallery/' . $image)) {
            echo "Creating: {$dir}{$image} gallery\n";
            makeThumb($dir, $image, 2);
    foreach ($movies as $movie) {
    if (count($directories) > 0 && $recurse === TRUE) {
        foreach ($directories as $file) {
            thumbnailParse($parseDir . $file);
コード例 #9
 function submitSnapshotWebcam()
     $title = $this->input->post('title');
     $myPhoto = $this->input->post('image_name');
     $webcamDir = APP_ROOT . "webcamtemp/";
     $uploadDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_orig'] . "photos/";
     $thumbnailDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_thumb'] . "photos/";
     $thumb_height = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['thumb_height'];
     $thumb_width = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['thumb_width'];
     $orig_width = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['orig_width'];
     $orig_height = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['orig_height'];
     if (!$myPhoto) {
         echo "Upload picture failure.";
     } else {
         copy($webcamDir . $myPhoto, $thumbnailDir . $myPhoto);
         copy($webcamDir . $myPhoto, $uploadDir . $myPhoto);
         //chmod( $thumbnailDir.$myPhoto, 0777 );
         //chmod( $uploadDir.$myPhoto, 0777 );
         makeThumb($myPhoto, $uploadDir, $orig_width, $orig_height);
         makeThumb($myPhoto, $thumbnailDir, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
         $data['image'] = $myPhoto;
         $data['id_user'] = getAccountUserId();
         $data['image_type'] = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE_STATUS']['public'];
         $data['price'] = 0;
         $data['comment'] = $title;
         $data['prof_flag'] = 0;
         $data['v_count'] = 0;
         $data['rate_num'] = 0;
         $data['rating'] = 0;
         $data['added_date'] = mysqlDate();
         echo json_encode(array('result' => 'ok', 'message' => 'Upload your snapshot successfully.'));
     echo 'Unknown error';
コード例 #10
function pippin_related_posts($taxonomy = '')
    //affichage d'autres post en rapport en fonction de la taxo
    global $post;
    if ($taxonomy == '') {
        $taxonomy = 'post_tag';
    $tags = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy);
    if ($tags) {
        $first_tag = $tags[0]->term_id;
        $second_tag = $tags[1]->term_id;
        $third_tag = $tags[2]->term_id;
        $args = array('post_type' => get_post_type($post->ID), 'posts_per_page' => 4, 'post__not_in' => array($post->ID), 'tax_query' => array('relation' => 'OR', array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'terms' => $second_tag, 'field' => 'id', 'operator' => 'IN'), array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'terms' => $first_tag, 'field' => 'id', 'operator' => 'IN'), array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'terms' => $third_tag, 'field' => 'id', 'operator' => 'IN')));
        $related = get_posts($args);
        if ($related) {
            $temp_post = $post;
            $content .= '<div class="relatedItems pippin">';
            foreach ($related as $post) {
                echo '<div class="row ">';
                makeThumb($post->ID, "moyen", 12);
                echo '</div>';
            $post = $temp_post;
コード例 #11
ファイル: uploadDB.php プロジェクト: ismailmare/Photoshare
$descriptive_info = array($subject, $place, $date, $description, $groupID);
$valid_formats = array("jpeg", "jpg", "gif");
// Code based from http://techstream.org/Web-Development/PHP/Multiple-File-Upload-with-PHP-and-MySQL
if (isset($_FILES['images'])) {
    foreach ($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'] as $key => $tmp_name) {
        $file_name = $key . $_FILES['images']['name'][$key];
        $file_size = $_FILES['images']['size'][$key];
        $file_ext = strtolower(end(explode('.', $_FILES['image']['name'][$key])));
        if (in_array($file_ext, $valid_formats) == false) {
            $errors[] = "Invalid Image Format";
        // Get a unique photo ID
        $uniq_photo_id = genUniqId($newDB);
        // Get the resized thumbnail of the image
        $thumbnail_blob = makeThumb($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'][$key], $_FILES['images']['type'][$key]);
        // Insert the image into the database
        insertImage($newDB->getConnection(), $uniq_photo_id, $username, $descriptive_info, file_get_contents($thumbnail_blob), file_get_contents($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'][$key]));
// Close this connection
// Jump to upload page and report success
$_SESSION["success"] = 'successuploaded';
header("Location: uploadForm.php");
// This function inserts the image and it's descriptive information into the database
function insertImage($conn, $photo_id, $owner_name, $descriptive_info, $thumbnail, $photo)
    $photo_blob = oci_new_descriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB);
    $thumbnail_blob = oci_new_descriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB);
    $subject = $descriptive_info[0];
コード例 #12
 function submitShareStatusSnapshotWC()
     $photo = $this->input->post('image_name');
     $desc = $this->input->post('status');
     $webcamDir = APP_ROOT . "webcamtemp/";
     $uploadDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_orig'] . "photos/";
     $thumbnailDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_thumb'] . "photos/";
     $thumb_height = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['thumb_height'];
     $thumb_width = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['thumb_width'];
     $orig_width = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['orig_width'];
     $orig_height = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['orig_height'];
     copy($webcamDir . $photo, $thumbnailDir . $photo);
     copy($webcamDir . $photo, $uploadDir . $photo);
     //chmod( $thumbnailDir.$photo, 0777 );
     //chmod( $uploadDir.$myPhoto, 0777 );
     makeThumb($photo, $uploadDir, $orig_width, $orig_height);
     makeThumb($photo, $thumbnailDir, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
     $data['image'] = $photo;
     $data['id_user'] = getAccountUserId();
     $data['image_type'] = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE_STATUS']['public'];
     $data['price'] = 0;
     $data['comment'] = $desc;
     $data['prof_flag'] = 0;
     $data['v_count'] = 0;
     $data['rate_num'] = 0;
     $data['rating'] = 0;
     $data['added_date'] = mysqlDate();
     $id_photo = $this->gallery_io_m->insert_map($data);
     $array['id_parent'] = 0;
     $array['id_user'] = getAccountUserId();
     $array['description'] = substr($desc, 0, $GLOBALS['global']['INPUT_LIMIT']['wall_status']);
     $array['add_date_post'] = mysqlDate();
     $array['post_id'] = $id_photo;
     $array['image'] = $photo;
     $this->mod_io_m->insert_map($array, TBL_WALL);
     echo json_encode(array('result' => 'ok', 'message' => 'Share your snapshot successfully.'));
コード例 #13
 function transferPicturesFromFaceBookToJuzon($id_user)
     $picturelist = $this->getPicturesInSequence();
     $x = 0;
     while ($picturelist[$x] != NULL) {
         echo $picturelist[$x];
         $picture = @file_get_contents($picturelist[$x]);
         $temp_image_name = $this->savePicture($picture);
         $data['id_user'] = $id_user;
         $data['image_type'] = '0';
         $data['price'] = '';
         $data['comment'] = 'from Facebook';
         $randomnumber = rand(1, 999999999);
         $imagename = 'facebook_' . $randomnumber . '.jpg';
         $image = $id_user . '_' . $img_id . '_' . $imagename;
         $uploadDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_orig'] . "photos/";
         $thumbnailDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_thumb'] . "photos/";
         $thumb_height = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['thumb_height'];
         $thumb_width = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['thumb_width'];
         $orig_width = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['orig_width'];
         $orig_height = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['orig_height'];
         //change the url format of picture
         $modified_cam_url = $temp_image_name;
         if (PHP_OS == 'Windows') {
             $modified_cam_url = str_replace("/", "\\", $modified_cam_url);
         } else {
             //for linux
             $modified_cam_url = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $modified_cam_url);
         $file_tmp = $modified_cam_url;
         chmod($file_tmp, 0777);
         $is_copied = copy($file_tmp, $uploadDir . $image);
         //delete temp file
         if ($is_copied) {
             // unlink($file_tmp);
         chmod($uploadDir . $image, 0777);
         makeThumb($image, $uploadDir, $orig_width, $orig_height);
         makeThumb($image, $thumbnailDir, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
         if ($is_copied) {
             $data['image'] = $image;
             //return  $img_id;
コード例 #14
ファイル: misc.php プロジェクト: Satan1301/phpoopcms
function imageUpload($source, $destination, $thumb_destination)
    if (checkSize($source)) {
        makeThumb($source, $thumb_destination);
    if (move_uploaded_file($source, $destination)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
コード例 #15
if (!empty($_GET)) {
    if (count($_GET) == 1 && '' == reset($_GET) && !isset($_GET['ext'])) {
        $fileName = urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
        $file = fileFactory($fileName, $content);
        if (!in_array($fileName, $content) || !$file->isDimensional) {
            header('Location: ?');
    } elseif (isset($_GET['thumb'])) {
        if (!in_array($_GET['thumb'], $content)) {
            header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
        $fullPath = DIRNAME . $_GET['thumb'];
        $thumbPath = DIRNAME . 'thumbs/' . getThumbName($_GET['thumb']);
        if (!file_exists($thumbPath)) {
            makeThumb($fullPath, $thumbPath);
        header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
        if (file_exists($thumbPath)) {
            header('Location: thumbs/' . getThumbName($_GET['thumb']));
            // header('Expires: ' . date('r', time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)); // 1 year cache
            // $handle = fopen($thumbPath, 'rb');
            // echo fread($handle, filesize($thumbPath));
            // fclose($handle);
        } else {
            $string = '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';
            echo base64_decode($string);
コード例 #16
 function changeProfileImage($id_user, $img_id)
     $thumbDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['PROF_IMAGE']['profile_thumb'];
     $chatterDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['PROF_IMAGE']['profile_chatter'];
     $commDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['PROF_IMAGE']['profile_comm'];
     $thumb_height = $GLOBALS['global']['PROF_IMAGE']['thumb_height'];
     $thumb_width = $GLOBALS['global']['PROF_IMAGE']['thumb_width'];
     $chatter_height = $GLOBALS['global']['PROF_IMAGE']['chatter_height'];
     $chatter_width = $GLOBALS['global']['PROF_IMAGE']['chatter_width'];
     $comm_height = $GLOBALS['global']['PROF_IMAGE']['comm_height'];
     $comm_width = $GLOBALS['global']['PROF_IMAGE']['comm_width'];
     $userobjdata = $this->CI->user_io_m->init('id_user', $id_user);
     $prev_img = $userobjdata->photo;
     if ($prev_img) {
     $imgtype = $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE_STATUS']['public'];
     $this->CI->db->query(" UPDATE " . TBL_GALLERY . " SET prof_flag=2 WHERE prof_flag=1 AND id_user={$id_user} AND image_type={$imgtype}");
     $res = $this->CI->db->query(" SELECT * FROM " . TBL_GALLERY . " WHERE id_image={$img_id} AND image_type={$imgtype} LIMIT 1")->result();
     if ($res and $res[0]->id_wall) {
         $galleryDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['wall_image_orig'];
         $file_name = explode('_', $res[0]->image, 2);
         $filename = $id_user . "_" . $img_id . "_" . $file_name[1];
     } else {
         $galleryDir = APP_ROOT . $GLOBALS['global']['IMAGE']['image_orig'] . "photos/";
         $filename = $res[0]->image;
     $photo['photo'] = $filename;
     $this->CI->user_io_m->update_map($photo, $id_user);
     $this->CI->db->query(" UPDATE " . TBL_GALLERY . " SET prof_flag=1 WHERE id_image={$img_id} AND image_type={$imgtype}");
     copy($galleryDir . $res[0]->image, $thumbDir . $filename);
     makeThumb($filename, $thumbDir, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
     copy($galleryDir . $res[0]->image, $chatterDir . $filename);
     makeThumb($filename, $chatterDir, $chatter_width, $chatter_height);
     copy($galleryDir . $res[0]->image, $commDir . $filename);
     makeThumb($filename, $commDir, $comm_width, $comm_height);
コード例 #17
ファイル: core.php プロジェクト: balooval/git_galerie
function importImage($_path, $_fileName, $_folderId)
    $coords = extractGps($_path . '/' . $_fileName);
    $exifDatas = readExifFromFile($_path . '/' . $_fileName);
    $date_crea = '';
    $iso = 0;
    $aperture = '';
    $exposure = '';
    if (isset($exifDatas['DateTimeOriginal'])) {
        $date_crea = $exifDatas['DateTimeOriginal'];
        $date_crea = explode(' ', $date_crea);
        $date_crea[0] = str_replace(':', '-', $date_crea[0]);
        $date_crea = $date_crea[0] . ' ' . $date_crea[1];
    if (isset($exifDatas['ISOSpeedRatings'])) {
        $iso = $exifDatas['ISOSpeedRatings'];
    if (isset($exifDatas['ApertureValue'])) {
        $aperture = $exifDatas['ApertureValue'];
    if (isset($exifDatas['ExposureTime'])) {
        $exposure = $exifDatas['ExposureTime'];
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO files (folder_id, path, filename, lat, lon, exif_date_crea, exif_iso, exif_aperture, exif_exposure_time) VALUES(' . $_folderId . ', "' . clean_champ($_path) . '", "' . clean_champ($_fileName) . '", ' . $coords['lat'] . ', ' . $coords['lon'] . ', "' . $date_crea . '", ' . $iso . ', "' . $aperture . '", "' . $exposure . '")';
    $imageId = mysql_insert_id();
    makeThumb($imageId, $_path . '/' . $_fileName, 'h', 200, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../thumbs/' . $_folderId);
    importImageTags($_path . '/' . $_fileName);
    return $imageId;
コード例 #18
ファイル: upload.php プロジェクト: stephaniekmendoza/College
function drUpload()
    // Allow access to the global (scope) variables.
    global $drNotice, $error, $truTarget, $druTarget, $uFileName;
    // Generate the 40-bit SHA1 file hash for simple dup lookup.
    $shaHash = sha1_file($truTarget . $uFileName);
    // Retrieve the MD5 fingerprint for storage in the database.
    $md5Fingerprint = createFingerprint($truTarget . $uFileName);
    // Make sure we aren't accidentally overwriting anything this time.
    if (file_exists($druTarget . $uFileName)) {
        // Upload will cause more than one file with the same name in the directory? Error.
        $error = '<p><strong>ERROR:</strong> Filename uniqueness not preserved.<br />Please try again or contact the webmaster if this problem persists.</p>';
    } else {
        // Uniqueness check...
        $dupResponse = simpleDupCheck($truTarget . $uFileName, $shaHash, $druTarget, $md5Fingerprint);
        if ($dupResponse !== null) {
            // Every image gets a new handle, even if it's in the reduced folder. (For consistency)
            $newiHandle = createImageHandle(6);
            try {
                // Exact dup found, add to DB and respond appropriately.
                $stmt = $GLOBALS["conn"]->prepare('INSERT INTO share_tracker (ILookup, IName, directory, uMethod) VALUES (:imageHandle,:imageName,:directory,:uMethod)');
                $stmt->execute(array(':imageHandle' => $newiHandle, ':imageName' => $dupResponse, ':directory' => 'uploads_reduced', ':uMethod' => '1'));
                // Report back a success!
                $drNotice = "<p><strong>NOTICE:</strong> Image was not added to duplicate reduced directory, file already exists.</p>" . "<br />" . "<p>To share your image, use the following link: " . "<a href=\"http://skynetgds.no-ip.biz/srthesis/irc.php?view={$newiHandle}\">http://skynetgds.no-ip.biz/srthesis/irc.php?view={$newiHandle}</a></p>";
            } catch (PDOException $e) {
                // Or a failure...
                $error = '<p><strong>ERROR:</strong> ' . $e->getMessage() . '</p>';
            // Unique so actually upload the file!
        } else {
            // Create an image handle for the duplicate reduced link.
            $drImageHandle = createImageHandle(6);
            // Globally rename the file using this original filename.
            $relinkFileName = renameFile($uFileName, $drImageHandle);
            // Copy image to dup reduced and see if success.
            if (copy($truTarget . $uFileName, $druTarget . $relinkFileName)) {
                // Create a thumbnail for lightweight public viewing.
                makeThumb($druTarget, $GLOBALS["publicThumbTarget"], $relinkFileName, $GLOBALS["publicThumbSize"]);
                try {
                    // Add the image to the database!
                    $stmt = $GLOBALS["conn"]->prepare('INSERT INTO share_tracker (ILookup, IName, directory, uMethod, hash, fingerprint) VALUES (:imageHandle,:imageName,:directory,:uMethod, :shaHash, :fingerprint)');
                    $stmt->execute(array(':imageHandle' => $drImageHandle, ':imageName' => $relinkFileName, ':directory' => 'uploads_reduced', ':uMethod' => '1', ':shaHash' => $shaHash, ':fingerprint' => $md5Fingerprint));
                    // Report a success!
                    $drNotice = "<p><strong>NOTICE:</strong> The image was unique and added to duplicate reduced directory!</p>" . "<br />" . "<p>To share your image, use the following link: " . "<br />" . "<a href=\"http://skynetgds.no-ip.biz/srthesis/irc.php?view={$drImageHandle}\">http://skynetgds.no-ip.biz/srthesis/irc.php?view={$drImageHandle}</a></p>";
                } catch (PDOException $e) {
                    // Or a failure...
                    $error = '<p><strong>ERROR:</strong> ' . $e->getMessage() . '</p>';
            } else {
                $error = '<p><strong>ERROR!</strong> File could not be saved to the server.<br />Please retry or contact the webmaster if this problem persists.</p>';
コード例 #19
ファイル: fileSave.php プロジェクト: debruine/webmorph
function addExif($filename, $exifdata)
    try {
        $jpeg = new PelJpeg($filename);
        if (!($exif = $jpeg->getExif())) {
            // Create and add empty Exif data to the image (this throws away any old Exif data in the image).
            $exif = new PelExif();
        if (!($tiff = $exif->getTiff())) {
            // Create and add TIFF data to the Exif data (Exif data is actually stored in a TIFF format).
            $tiff = new PelTiff();
        if (!($ifd0 = $tiff->getIfd())) {
            // Create first Image File Directory and associate it with the TIFF data.
            $ifd0 = new PelIfd(PelIfd::IFD0);
        if (!($exif_ifd = $ifd0->getSubIfd(PelIfd::EXIF))) {
            // Create first Image File Directory and associate it with the TIFF data.
            $exif_ifd = new PelIfd(PelIfd::EXIF);
        if (!($ifd1 = $ifd0->getNextIfd())) {
            // thumbnail does not exist
            $ifd1 = new PelIfd(1);
            $original = ImageCreateFromString($jpeg->getBytes());
            # create image resource of original
            $thumb = makeThumb($original);
            // start writing output to buffer
            // outputs thumb resource contents to buffer
            // create PelDataWindow from buffer thumb contents (and end output to buffer)
            $window = new PelDataWindow(ob_get_clean());
            if ($window) {
                # set window data as thumbnail in ifd1
        foreach ($exifdata as $PelTag => $val) {
            if ($PelTag == PelTag::USER_COMMENT) {
                if (!($entry = $exif_ifd->getEntry($PelTag))) {
                    $exif_ifd->addEntry(new PelEntryUserComment($val));
                } else {
            } else {
                if (!($entry = $ifd0->getEntry($PelTag))) {
                    $ifd0->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii($PelTag, $val));
                } else {
        return true;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // Handle exception
        echo $e;