コード例 #1
 function add()
     $this->datecrea = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $this->id = parent::add();
     $this->ref = date("ymdHi") . genid($this->id, 6);
     return $this->id;
コード例 #2
 function add()
     $this->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $this->id = parent::add();
     $this->ref = "C" . date("ymdHi") . genid($this->id, 6);
     $this->livraison = "L" . date("ymdHi") . genid($this->id, 6);
     return $this->id;
コード例 #3
 public function createOrder($facturation_raison, $facturation_entreprise, $facturation_nom, $facturation_prenom, $facturation_adresse1, $facturation_adresse2, $facturation_adresse3, $facturation_cpostal, $facturation_ville, $facturation_tel, $facturation_pays, $livraison_raison, $livraison_entreprise, $livraison_nom, $livraison_prenom, $livraison_adresse1, $livraison_adresse2, $livraison_adresse3, $livraison_cpostal, $livraison_ville, $livraison_tel, $livraison_pays, $type_paiement, $type_transport, $fraisport, $remise, $client_selected, $ref_client, $email, \Panier $panier, $applyClientDiscount, $callMail, $callPayment)
     $client = new Client();
     if ($client_selected == 1) {
         $clientOK = $client->charger_ref($ref_client);
     } else {
         if ($email != '' && $client->charger_mail($email)) {
             $existeDeja = 1;
         } elseif ($email != '' && !filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
             $badFormat = 1;
         } else {
             $client->email = $email;
             $client->raison = $facturation_raison;
             $client->entreprise = $facturation_entreprise;
             $client->prenom = $facturation_prenom;
             $client->nom = $facturation_nom;
             $client->adresse1 = $facturation_adresse1;
             $client->adresse2 = $facturation_adresse2;
             $client->adresse3 = $facturation_adresse3;
             $client->cpostal = $facturation_cpostal;
             $client->ville = $facturation_ville;
             $client->tel = $facturation_tel;
             $client->pays = $facturation_pays;
             $pass = genpass(8);
             $client->motdepasse = $pass;
     $facturationAddress = new Venteadr();
     $facturationAddress->raison = $facturation_raison;
     $facturationAddress->entreprise = $facturation_entreprise;
     $facturationAddress->prenom = $facturation_prenom;
     $facturationAddress->nom = $facturation_nom;
     $facturationAddress->adresse1 = $facturation_adresse1;
     $facturationAddress->adresse2 = $facturation_adresse2;
     $facturationAddress->adresse3 = $facturation_adresse3;
     $facturationAddress->cpostal = $facturation_cpostal;
     $facturationAddress->ville = $facturation_ville;
     $facturationAddress->tel = $facturation_tel;
     $facturationAddress->pays = $facturation_pays;
     $livraisonAddress = new Venteadr();
     $livraisonAddress->raison = $livraison_raison;
     $livraisonAddress->entreprise = $livraison_entreprise;
     $livraisonAddress->prenom = $livraison_prenom;
     $livraisonAddress->nom = $livraison_nom;
     $livraisonAddress->adresse1 = $livraison_adresse1;
     $livraisonAddress->adresse2 = $livraison_adresse2;
     $livraisonAddress->adresse3 = $livraison_adresse3;
     $livraisonAddress->cpostal = $livraison_cpostal;
     $livraisonAddress->ville = $livraison_ville;
     $livraisonAddress->tel = $livraison_tel;
     $livraisonAddress->pays = $livraison_pays;
     $order = new Commande();
     $order->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $order->livraison = "L" . date("ymdHis") . strtoupper(ereg_caracspec(substr($client->prenom, 0, 3)));
     $order->transport = $type_transport;
     $order->paiement = $type_paiement;
     $order->statut = Commande::NONPAYE;
     $order->transaction = genid($order->id, 6);
     $module_paiement = new Modules();
     if ($facturationAddress->raison != "" && $facturationAddress->prenom != "" && $facturationAddress->nom != "" && $facturationAddress->adresse1 != "" && $facturationAddress->cpostal != "" && $facturationAddress->ville != "" && $facturationAddress->pays != "" && $livraisonAddress->raison != "" && $livraisonAddress->prenom != "" && $livraisonAddress->nom != "" && $livraisonAddress->adresse1 != "" && $livraisonAddress->cpostal != "" && $livraisonAddress->ville != "" && $livraisonAddress->pays != "" && $order->transport != "" && is_numeric($fraisport) && $fraisport >= 0 && is_numeric($remise) && $remise >= 0 && $module_paiement->actif && $order->paiement != "" && $panier->nbart > 0 && ($clientOK || $client_selected != 1 && !$existeDeja && !$badFormat) && $email != '') {
         $facturationAddress->id = $facturationAddress->add();
         $livraisonAddress->id = $livraisonAddress->add();
         if (!$client->id) {
             $client->id = $client->add();
             $client->ref = date("ymdHi") . genid($client->id, 6);
             ClientAdmin::getInstance()->sendMailCreation($client, $pass);
         $devise = ActionsDevises::instance()->get_devise_courante();
         $order->adrfact = $facturationAddress->id;
         $order->adrlivr = $livraisonAddress->id;
         $order->client = $client->id;
         $order->devise = $devise->id;
         $order->taux = $devise->taux;
         $order->lang = ActionsLang::instance()->get_id_langue_courante();
         $order->id = $order->add();
         $order->ref = "C" . date("ymdHi") . genid($order->id, 6);
         $total = 0;
         foreach ($panier->tabarticle as $pos => $article) {
             $venteprod = new Venteprod();
             $dectexte = "\n";
             $stock = new Stock();
             foreach ($article->perso as $perso) {
                 $declinaison = new Declinaison();
                 $declinaisondesc = new Declinaisondesc();
                 if (is_numeric($perso->valeur) && ActionsModules::instance()->instancier($module_paiement->nom)->defalqcmd) {
                     // diminution des stocks de déclinaison si on est sur un module de paiement qui défalque de suite
                     $stock->charger($perso->valeur, $article->produit->id);
                     $stock->valeur -= $article->quantite;
                 // recup valeur declidisp ou string
                 if ($declinaison->isDeclidisp($perso->declinaison)) {
                     $declidisp = new Declidisp();
                     $declidispdesc = new Declidispdesc();
                     $dectexte .= "- " . $declinaisondesc->titre . " : " . $declidispdesc->titre . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $dectexte .= "- " . $declinaisondesc->titre . " : " . $perso->valeur . "\n";
             // diminution des stocks classiques si on est sur un module de paiement qui défalque de suite
             $produit = new Produit($article->produit->ref);
             if (ActionsModules::instance()->instancier($module_paiement->nom)->defalqcmd) {
                 $produit->stock -= $article->quantite;
             $venteprod->quantite = $article->quantite;
             $venteprod->prixu = $article->produit->prix;
             $venteprod->ref = $article->produit->ref;
             $venteprod->titre = $article->produitdesc->titre . " " . $dectexte;
             $venteprod->chapo = $article->produitdesc->chapo;
             $venteprod->description = $article->produitdesc->description;
             $venteprod->tva = $article->produit->tva;
             $venteprod->commande = $order->id;
             $venteprod->id = $venteprod->add();
             $correspondanceParent[] = $venteprod->id;
             // ajout dans ventedeclisp des declidisp associées au venteprod
             foreach ($article->perso as $perso) {
                 $declinaison = new Declinaison();
                 // si declidisp (pas un champs libre)
                 if ($declinaison->isDeclidisp($perso->declinaison)) {
                     $vdec = new Ventedeclidisp();
                     $vdec->venteprod = $venteprod->id;
                     $vdec->declidisp = $perso->valeur;
             ActionsModules::instance()->appel_module("apresVenteprodAdmin", $venteprod, $pos);
             $total += $venteprod->prixu * $venteprod->quantite;
         foreach ($correspondanceParent as $id_panier => $id_venteprod) {
             if ($panier->tabarticle[$id_panier]->parent >= 0) {
                 $venteprod->parent = $correspondanceParent[$panier->tabarticle[$id_panier]->parent];
         if ($client->pourcentage > 0 && $applyClientDiscount) {
             $order->remise = $total * $client->pourcentage / 100;
         $order->remise += $remise;
         if ($order->remise > $total) {
             $order->remise = $total;
         $order->port = $fraisport;
         ActionsModules::instance()->appel_module("aprescommandeadmin", $order);
         if ($callMail) {
         if ($callPayment) {
         } else {
     } else {
         if ($existeDeja) {
             throw new TheliaAdminException("error creating order", TheliaAdminException::EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS);
         if ($badFormat) {
             throw new TheliaAdminException("error creating order", TheliaAdminException::EMAIL_FORMAT_ERROR);
         } else {
             throw new TheliaAdminException("error creating order", TheliaAdminException::ORDER_ADD_ERROR);
コード例 #4
ファイル: core.php プロジェクト: Ghifari160/urlShortener
function shorten($url, $title = NULL, $custom = false, $deeplink = false, $itunes = NULL, $googlePlay = NULL)
    global $_e;
    if (!($url === NULL || $url == "" || $url == " " || ($deeplink and $itunes === NULL || $itunes == "" || $itunes == " " || ($googlePlay === NULL || googlePlay == "" || ($googlePlay = " "))))) {
        // Connect to local database
        $lcon = new mysqli(L_DBHOST, IL_DBUSER, IL_DBPASS, L_DBNAME);
        // Connect to external database
        $econ = new mysqli(E_DBHOST, IE_DBUSER, IE_DBPASS, E_DBNAME);
        // Check connection status
        if ($lcon->connect_errno) {
            die("Fatal error: Unable to connect to local database");
        if ($econ->connect_errno) {
            die("Fatal error: Unable to connect to external database");
        // Generate unique ID
        $id = genid();
        // Check if custom URL is provided, otherwise generate one.
        // Exit if URL generation fails.
        if ($short = genshort($id, $custom)) {
            // Check for custom title, otherwise get the title from the
            // provided URL
            if ($title == NULL || $title == "" || $title == " ") {
                $title = getTitle($url);
            // Prepare statement for SQL query based on deeplinks config
            if ($deeplink) {
                $query = "INSERT INTO sites (id, title, url, i_url, a_url,\n    \t\t\t\tshort) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)";
            } else {
                $query = "INSERT INTO sites (id, title, url, short) VALUES\n    \t\t\t\t(?,?,?,?)";
            if ($lsql = $lcon->prepare($query) and $esql = $econ->prepare($query)) {
                // Bind the  user input to the prepare statement
                // and execute the query
                if ($deeplink) {
                    $lsql->bind_param("isssss", $id, $title, $url, $itunes, $googlePlay, $short);
                    $esql->bind_param("isssss", $id, $title, $url, $itunes, $googlePlay, $short);
                } else {
                    $lsql->bind_param("isss", $id, $title, $url, $short);
                    $esql->bind_param("isss", $id, $title, $url, $short);
                if ($lsql->execute() and $esql->execute()) {
                    // Return the short URL
                    return $short;
                } else {
                    array_push($_e, ErrorType::InternalError);
                    return false;
            } else {
                array_push($_e, ErrorType::InternalError);
                return false;
        } else {
            array_push($_e, ErrorType::InternalError);
            return false;
    } else {
        array_push($_e, ErrorType::EmptyURL);
        return false;
コード例 #5
        $venteprod->titre = $sessionventeprod[$i]->titre;
        $venteprod->quantite = $sessionventeprod[$i]->quantite;
        $venteprod->tva = $sessionventeprod[$i]->tva;
        $venteprod->prixu = $sessionventeprod[$i]->prixu;
        $venteprod->commande = $idcmd;
        $total += $venteprod->prixu * $venteprod->quantite;
    $commande->remise = 0;
    if ($client->pourcentage > 0) {
        $commande->remise = $total * $client->pourcentage / 100;
    if ($remise != "") {
        $commande->remise += $remise;
    $commande->transaction = genid($commande->id, 6);
    $commande->port = $fraisport;
    ActionsModules::instance()->appel_module("aprescommande", $commande);
    // Appeler la fonction mail() du module
    try {
        $module = ActionsModules::instance()->instancier($modules->nom);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    redirige("commande_details.php?ref=" . $commande->ref);
$_SESSION["commande"] = "";
$_SESSION["commande"]->nbart = 0;
$_SESSION["commande"]->venteprod = array();
//$_SESSION["commande"]->commande = new Commande();
コード例 #6
ファイル: action.php プロジェクト: anti-conformiste/thelia1
function paiement($type_paiement)
    if (!$_SESSION['navig']->client->id || $_SESSION['navig']->panier->nbart < 1) {
    $total = 0;
    $nbart = 0;
    $poids = 0;
    $unitetr = 0;
    $modules = new Modules();
    if (!$modules->actif) {
        return 0;
    try {
        $modpaiement = ActionsModules::instance()->instancier($modules->nom);
        $commande = new Commande();
        $commande->transport = $_SESSION['navig']->commande->transport;
        $commande->client = $_SESSION['navig']->client->id;
        $commande->remise = 0;
        $devise = ActionsDevises::instance()->get_devise_courante();
        $commande->devise = $devise->id;
        $commande->taux = $devise->taux;
        $client = new Client();
        $adr = new Venteadr();
        $adr->raison = $client->raison;
        $adr->entreprise = $client->entreprise;
        $adr->nom = $client->nom;
        $adr->prenom = $client->prenom;
        $adr->adresse1 = $client->adresse1;
        $adr->adresse2 = $client->adresse2;
        $adr->adresse3 = $client->adresse3;
        $adr->cpostal = $client->cpostal;
        $adr->ville = $client->ville;
        $adr->tel = $client->telfixe . "  " . $client->telport;
        $adr->pays = $client->pays;
        $adrcli = $adr->add();
        $commande->adrfact = $adrcli;
        $adr = new Venteadr();
        $livraison = new Adresse();
        if ($livraison->charger($_SESSION['navig']->adresse)) {
            $adr->raison = $livraison->raison;
            $adr->entreprise = $livraison->entreprise;
            $adr->nom = $livraison->nom;
            $adr->prenom = $livraison->prenom;
            $adr->adresse1 = $livraison->adresse1;
            $adr->adresse2 = $livraison->adresse2;
            $adr->adresse3 = $livraison->adresse3;
            $adr->cpostal = $livraison->cpostal;
            $adr->ville = $livraison->ville;
            $adr->tel = $livraison->tel;
            $adr->pays = $livraison->pays;
        } else {
            $adr->raison = $client->raison;
            $adr->entreprise = $client->entreprise;
            $adr->nom = $client->nom;
            $adr->prenom = $client->prenom;
            $adr->adresse1 = $client->adresse1;
            $adr->adresse2 = $client->adresse2;
            $adr->adresse3 = $client->adresse3;
            $adr->cpostal = $client->cpostal;
            $adr->ville = $client->ville;
            $adr->tel = $client->telfixe . "  " . $client->telport;
            $adr->pays = $client->pays;
        $adrlivr = $adr->add();
        $commande->adrlivr = $adrlivr;
        $commande->facture = 0;
        $commande->statut = Commande::NONPAYE;
        $commande->paiement = $type_paiement;
        $commande->lang = ActionsLang::instance()->get_id_langue_courante();
        $commande->id = $commande->add();
        $pays = new Pays();
        $correspondanceParent = array(null);
        foreach ($_SESSION['navig']->panier->tabarticle as $pos => &$article) {
            $venteprod = new Venteprod();
            $dectexte = "\n";
            $produit = new Produit();
            $stock = new Stock();
            foreach ($article->perso as $perso) {
                $declinaison = new Declinaison();
                $declinaisondesc = new Declinaisondesc();
                if (is_numeric($perso->valeur) && $modpaiement->defalqcmd) {
                    // diminution des stocks de déclinaison si on est sur un module de paiement qui défalque de suite
                    $stock->charger($perso->valeur, $article->produit->id);
                    $stock->valeur -= $article->quantite;
                // recup valeur declidisp ou string
                if ($declinaison->isDeclidisp($perso->declinaison)) {
                    $declidisp = new Declidisp();
                    $declidispdesc = new Declidispdesc();
                    $dectexte .= "- " . $declinaisondesc->titre . " : " . $declidispdesc->titre . "\n";
                } else {
                    $dectexte .= "- " . $declinaisondesc->titre . " : " . $perso->valeur . "\n";
            // diminution des stocks classiques si on est sur un module de paiement qui défalque de suite
            $produit = new Produit($article->produit->ref);
            if ($modpaiement->defalqcmd) {
                $produit->stock -= $article->quantite;
            /* Gestion TVA */
            $prix = $article->produit->prix;
            $prix2 = $article->produit->prix2;
            $tva = $article->produit->tva;
            if ($pays->tva != "" && (!$pays->tva || $pays->tva && $_SESSION['navig']->client->intracom != "" && !$pays->boutique)) {
                $prix = round($prix / (1 + $tva / 100), 2);
                $prix2 = round($prix2 / (1 + $tva / 100), 2);
                $tva = 0;
            $venteprod->quantite = $article->quantite;
            if (!$article->produit->promo) {
                $venteprod->prixu = $prix;
            } else {
                $venteprod->prixu = $prix2;
            $venteprod->ref = $article->produit->ref;
            $venteprod->titre = $article->produitdesc->titre . " " . $dectexte;
            $venteprod->chapo = $article->produitdesc->chapo;
            $venteprod->description = $article->produitdesc->description;
            $venteprod->tva = $tva;
            $venteprod->commande = $commande->id;
            $venteprod->id = $venteprod->add();
            $correspondanceParent[] = $venteprod->id;
            // ajout dans ventedeclisp des declidisp associées au venteprod
            foreach ($article->perso as $perso) {
                $declinaison = new Declinaison();
                // si declidisp (pas un champs libre)
                if ($declinaison->isDeclidisp($perso->declinaison)) {
                    $vdec = new Ventedeclidisp();
                    $vdec->venteprod = $venteprod->id;
                    $vdec->declidisp = $perso->valeur;
            ActionsModules::instance()->appel_module("apresVenteprod", $venteprod, $pos);
            $total += $venteprod->prixu * $venteprod->quantite;
            $poids += $article->produit->poids;
        foreach ($correspondanceParent as $id_panier => $id_venteprod) {
            if ($_SESSION['navig']->panier->tabarticle[$id_panier]->parent >= 0) {
                $venteprod->parent = $correspondanceParent[$_SESSION['navig']->panier->tabarticle[$id_panier]->parent];
        $pays = new Pays($_SESSION['navig']->client->pays);
        if ($_SESSION['navig']->client->pourcentage > 0) {
            $commande->remise = $total * $_SESSION['navig']->client->pourcentage / 100;
        $total -= $commande->remise;
        if ($_SESSION['navig']->promo->id != "") {
            $commande->remise += calc_remise($total);
            $_SESSION['navig']->promo->utilise = 1;
            if (!empty($commande->remise)) {
                $commande->remise = round($commande->remise, 2);
            $temppromo = new Promo();
            $promoutil = new Promoutil();
            $promoutil->commande = $commande->id;
            $promoutil->promo = $temppromo->id;
            $promoutil->code = $temppromo->code;
            $promoutil->type = $temppromo->type;
            $promoutil->valeur = $temppromo->valeur;
        if ($commande->remise > $total) {
            $commande->remise = $total;
        $commande->port = port();
        if (intval($commande->port) <= 0) {
            $commande->port = 0;
        $_SESSION['navig']->promo = new Promo();
        $_SESSION['navig']->commande = $commande;
        $commande->transaction = genid($commande->id, 6);
        $total = $_SESSION['navig']->panier->total(1, $_SESSION['navig']->commande->remise) + $_SESSION['navig']->commande->port;
        if ($total < $_SESSION['navig']->commande->port) {
            $total = $_SESSION['navig']->commande->port;
        $_SESSION['navig']->commande->total = $total;
        ActionsModules::instance()->appel_module("aprescommande", $commande);
        // Appeler la méthode mail du plugin de paiement...
        // ... et la méthode paiement
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // FIXME: Echec de commande -> cas à traiter ?
コード例 #7
ファイル: client.php プロジェクト: anti-conformiste/thelia1
            $clientToAdd->ville = strip_tags($ville);
            $clientToAdd->siret = strip_tags($siret);
            $clientToAdd->intracom = strip_tags($intracom);
            $clientToAdd->pays = strip_tags($pays);
            $clientToAdd->type = $type == 'on' ? 1 : 0;
            $clientToAdd->lang = ActionsLang::instance()->get_id_langue_courante();
            $clientMentor = new Client();
            if ($clientMentor->charger_mail($parrain)) {
                $clientToAdd->parrain = $clientMentor->id;
            $pass = genpass(8);
            $clientToAdd->motdepasse = $pass;
            if ($clientToAdd->raison != "" && $clientToAdd->prenom != "" && $clientToAdd->nom != "" && $clientToAdd->email != "" && $clientToAdd->motdepasse != "" && $clientToAdd->email && !$clientToAdd->existe($email) && $clientToAdd->adresse1 != "" && $clientToAdd->cpostal != "" && $clientToAdd->ville != "" && $clientToAdd->pays != "" && $clientMentor->email == $parrain) {
                $clientToAdd->id = $clientToAdd->add();
                $clientToAdd->ref = date("ymdHi") . genid($clientToAdd->id, 6);
                ClientAdmin::getInstance()->sendMailCreation($clientToAdd, $pass);
                ActionsModules::instance()->appel_module("ajoutclient", $clientToAdd);
                redirige('client_visualiser.php?ref=' . $clientToAdd->ref);
            } else {
                $adderror = 1;
if (!isset($page)) {
    $page = 0;
if ($page == "") {
    $page = 1;
コード例 #8
ファイル: gen.php プロジェクト: Bambusa6226/ftclist
    $o->minor = (int) $off[$pre . "Minor Penalty Incurred"][$i];
    $o->major = (int) $off[$pre . "Major Penalty Incurred"][$i];
    $pen += (int) $off[$pre . "Minor Penalty Awarded"][$i] * $POS->MINOR;
    $pen += (int) $off[$pre . "Major Penalty Awarded"][$i] * $POS->MAJOR;
    $pts += (int) $pen;
    $o->score = $pts;
    $o->penalty = $pen;
    return $o;
$comps = array();
$prevcomp = "";
$match = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($off["Date"]); $i++) {
    if ($prevcomp != $off["Event Name"][$i]) {
        if ($prevcomp != "") {
            $handle = genid();
            file_put_contents("./cmp/" . $handle . ".json", json_encode($comps[$prevcomp]));
        $prevcomp = $off["Event Name"][$i];
        $comps[$prevcomp] = new STDClass();
        $comps[$prevcomp]->date = $off["Date"][$i];
        $comps[$prevcomp]->type = $off["Event Type"][$i];
        $comps[$prevcomp]->name = $prevcomp;
        $comps[$prevcomp]->division = $off["Division"][$i];
        $comps[$prevcomp]->rows = array();
        echo ".";
        $match = 0;
    if ($off["Match Type"][$i] != 1) {