function flickr_api_call($method, $args = array()) { $args['api_key'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['flickr_apikey']; $args['method'] = $method; $args['format'] = 'json'; $args['nojsoncallback'] = 1; if (isset($args['auth_token'])) { $api_sig = _flickr_api_sign_args($args); $args['api_sig'] = $api_sig; } $url = ""; $url = $url . "?" . http_build_query($args); #dumper($url); # The Flickr API is being slow (20110429/straup) $headers = array(); $more = array('http_timeout' => 5); $rsp = http_get($url, $headers, $more); # At some point we may need to do POSTs but for # now it's not really an issue # $rsp = http_post($url, $args); if (!$rsp['ok']) { return $rsp; } $json = json_decode($rsp['body'], 'as a hash'); if (!$json) { return array('ok' => 0, 'error' => 'failed to parse response'); } if ($json['stat'] != 'ok') { return array('ok' => 0, 'error' => $json['message']); } unset($json['stat']); return array('ok' => 1, 'rsp' => $json); }
function flickr_api_call_build($method, $args = array(), $more = array()) { $args['api_key'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['flickr_api_key']; $args['method'] = $method; $args['format'] = 'json'; $args['nojsoncallback'] = 1; if (isset($args['auth_token']) || isset($more['sign'])) { $api_sig = _flickr_api_sign_args($args); $args['api_sig'] = $api_sig; } $url = $GLOBALS['cfg']['flickr_api_endpoint']; return array($url, $args); }