function extractFormElementsGroup($sqlQuery, $showLinks, $userID, $displayType, $originalDisplayType) { global $tableRefs, $tableUserData; // defined in '' $groupSearchSelector = $_REQUEST['groupSearchSelector']; // extract the user group chosen by the user $groupSearchSelector = preg_quote($groupSearchSelector, "/"); // escape possible meta characters within group names (otherwise the RLIKE SQL query that's generated below might fail) if (!empty($originalDisplayType)) { // NOTE: if the user submits the 'groupSearch' form from Browse view, we currently don't display // the group's entries in Browse view but switch to the user's default view instead if ($originalDisplayType == "Browse") { // note that, as long as the 'groupSearch' form doesn't transmit a 'submit' parameter, the next line // isn't strictly necessary (since then '$displayType' will already contain the user's default view) $displayType = $_SESSION['userDefaultView']; } else { // re-assign the correct display type (i.e. the view that was active when the user clicked the 'Show' button of the 'groupSearch' form): $displayType = $originalDisplayType; } } if (preg_match("/^(Cite|Display)\$/i", $displayType)) { if (preg_match("/^Display\$/i", $displayType) and isset($_SESSION['lastDetailsViewQuery'])) { $previousSelectClause = extractSELECTclause($_SESSION['lastDetailsViewQuery']); // function 'extractSELECTclause()' is defined in '' $query = buildSELECTclause($displayType, $showLinks, "", false, true, $previousSelectClause); // function 'buildSELECTclause()' is defined in '' } else { // generate a new SELECT clause that's appropriate for Citation view (or Details view): $query = buildSELECTclause($displayType, $showLinks); } } elseif ($originalDisplayType != "Browse" and !empty($sqlQuery)) { // use the custom set of colums chosen by the user: $previousSelectClause = extractSELECTclause($sqlQuery); $query = buildSELECTclause("", $showLinks, "", false, true, $previousSelectClause); } else { // use the default SELECT statement: $query = buildSELECTclause("", $showLinks, "user_groups", false, true); } if ($originalDisplayType != "Browse" and !empty($sqlQuery)) { // use the custom ORDER BY clause chosen by the user: $queryOrderBy = extractORDERBYclause($sqlQuery); } else { // add the default ORDER BY clause: $queryOrderBy = "author, year DESC, publication"; } $query .= " FROM {$tableRefs} LEFT JOIN {$tableUserData} ON serial = record_id AND user_id = " . $userID; // add FROM clause $query .= " WHERE user_groups RLIKE " . quote_smart("(^|.*;) *" . $groupSearchSelector . " *(;.*|\$)"); // add WHERE clause $query .= " ORDER BY " . $queryOrderBy; // add ORDER BY clause return array($query, $displayType); }
// Since the latter is of minor importance we'll require $citeStyle == "Text Citation" here: if (!empty($userID)) { // if the 'userID' parameter was specified... $additionalFields = "cite_key"; } // add user-specific fields which are required in Citation view } elseif (!preg_match("/^Display\$/i", $displayType)) { if (!empty($recordIDSelector)) { // if a record identifier (either 'serial', 'call_number' or 'cite_key') was entered via the 'show.php' web form $additionalFields = escapeSQL($recordIDSelector); } // display the appropriate column } if (preg_match("/^Display\$/i", $displayType) and isset($_SESSION['lastDetailsViewQuery'])) { // get SELECT clause from any previous Details view query: $query = "SELECT " . extractSELECTclause($_SESSION['lastDetailsViewQuery']); } else { // generate new SELECT clause: $query = buildSELECTclause($displayType, $showLinks, $additionalFields, false, false, "", $browseByField); } // function 'buildSELECTclause()' is defined in '' // Build FROM clause: // We'll explicitly add the 'LEFT JOIN...' part to the 'FROM' clause of the SQL query if '$userID' isn't empty. This is done since the 'verifySQLQuery()' function // (mentioned above) excludes the 'selected' field from its magic. By that we allow the 'selected' field to be queried by any user (using 'show.php') // (e.g., by URLs of the form: 'show.php?author=...&userID=...&selected=yes'). if (!empty($userID)) { // the 'userID' parameter was specified -> we include user specific fields $query .= " FROM {$tableRefs} LEFT JOIN {$tableUserData} ON serial = record_id AND user_id = " . quote_smart($userID); } else { $query .= " FROM {$tableRefs}"; }
function extractFormElementsGroup($sqlQuery) { global $tableUsers; // defined in '' if (!empty($sqlQuery)) { // use the custom set of colums chosen by the user: $query = "SELECT " . extractSELECTclause($sqlQuery); // function 'extractSELECTclause()' is defined in '' // user the custom ORDER BY clause chosen by the user: $queryOrderBy = extractORDERBYclause($sqlQuery); // function 'extractORDERBYclause()' is defined in '' } else { $query = "SELECT first_name, last_name, abbrev_institution, email, last_login, logins, user_id"; // use the default SELECT statement $queryOrderBy = "last_login DESC, last_name, first_name"; // add the default ORDER BY clause } $groupSearchSelector = $_REQUEST['groupSearchSelector']; // extract the user group chosen by the user $query .= ", user_id"; // add 'user_id' column (although it won't be visible the 'user_id' column gets included in every search query) // (which is required in order to obtain unique checkbox names as well as for use in the 'getUserID()' function) $query .= " FROM {$tableUsers}"; // add FROM clause $query .= " WHERE user_groups RLIKE " . quote_smart("(^|.*;) *" . $groupSearchSelector . " *(;.*|\$)"); // add WHERE clause $query .= " ORDER BY " . $queryOrderBy; // add ORDER BY clause return $query; }
function extractFormElementsRefineDisplay($queryTable, $displayType, $originalDisplayType, $query, $showLinks, $citeOrder, $userID) { global $tableRefs, $tableUserData, $tableUsers; // defined in '' global $loc; // '$loc' is made globally available in 'core.php' $encodedDisplayType = encodeHTML($displayType); // note that we need to HTML encode '$displayType' for comparison with the HTML encoded locales // extract form variables: if ($encodedDisplayType == $loc["ButtonTitle_Search"]) { $fieldSelector = $_REQUEST['refineSearchSelector']; // extract field name chosen by the user $refineSearchName = $_REQUEST['refineSearchName']; // extract search text entered by the user if (isset($_REQUEST['refineSearchExclude'])) { // extract user option whether matched records should be included or excluded $refineSearchActionCheckbox = $_REQUEST['refineSearchExclude']; } else { $refineSearchActionCheckbox = "0"; } // the user did NOT mark the checkbox next to "Exclude matches" } elseif (preg_match("/^(" . $loc["ButtonTitle_Show"] . "|" . $loc["ButtonTitle_Hide"] . "|" . $loc["ButtonTitle_Browse"] . ")\$/", $encodedDisplayType)) { if (isset($_REQUEST['displayOptionsSelector'])) { $fieldSelector = $_REQUEST['displayOptionsSelector']; } else { $fieldSelector = ""; } } else { $fieldSelector = ""; } // this avoids 'Undefined variable...' messages when a user has changed the language setting on the options page, and then reloads an existing page (whose URL still has a 'submit' value in the previously used language) // extract the fields of the SELECT clause from the current SQL query: $previousSelectClause = extractSELECTclause($query); // ensure to add any required fields to the SELECT clause: if ($queryTable == $tableRefs) { // 'search.php': $addRequiredFields = true; } elseif ($queryTable == $tableUsers) { // 'users.php': $addRequiredFields = false; } // we'll add any required fields to the 'users.php' SELECT clause below // TODO: this wouldn't be necessary if function 'buildSELECTclause()' would handle the requirements of 'users.php' $additionalFields = ""; if ($encodedDisplayType == $loc["ButtonTitle_Search"]) { // rebuild the current SELECT clause: $newSelectClause = buildSELECTclause($originalDisplayType, $showLinks, $additionalFields, false, $addRequiredFields, $previousSelectClause); // replace current SELECT clause: $query = newSELECTclause($newSelectClause, $query, false); if ($refineSearchName != "") { // Depending on the chosen output action, construct an appropriate SQL query: if ($refineSearchActionCheckbox == "0") { // for the fields 'marked=no', 'copy=false' and 'selected=no', force NULL values to be matched: if ($fieldSelector == "marked" and $refineSearchName == "no" or $fieldSelector == "copy" and $refineSearchName == "false" or $fieldSelector == "selected" and $refineSearchName == "no") { $query = preg_replace("/ WHERE /i", " WHERE ({$fieldSelector} RLIKE " . quote_smart($refineSearchName) . " OR {$fieldSelector} IS NULL) AND ", $query); } else { // add default 'WHERE' clause: $query = preg_replace("/ WHERE /i", " WHERE {$fieldSelector} RLIKE " . quote_smart($refineSearchName) . " AND ", $query); } // ...add search field name & value to the SQL query } else { $query = preg_replace("/ WHERE /i", " WHERE ({$fieldSelector} NOT RLIKE " . quote_smart($refineSearchName) . " OR {$fieldSelector} IS NULL) AND ", $query); // ...add search field name & value to the SQL query } $query = preg_replace('/ AND serial RLIKE "\\.\\+"/i', '', $query); // remove any 'AND serial RLIKE ".+"' which isn't required anymore } // else, if the user did NOT type a search string into the text entry field, we simply keep the old WHERE clause... } elseif (preg_match("/^(" . $loc["ButtonTitle_Show"] . "|" . $loc["ButtonTitle_Hide"] . ")\$/", $encodedDisplayType)) { if (preg_match("/^Cite\$/i", $originalDisplayType)) { // generate a SELECT clause that's appropriate for Citation view (or Details view): $newSelectClause = buildSELECTclause($originalDisplayType, $showLinks, $additionalFields, false, $addRequiredFields); // rebuild the current ORDER clause: if (preg_match("/^(author|year|type|type-year|creation-date)\$/i", $citeOrder)) { if ($citeOrder == "year") { // sort records first by year (descending): $newORDER = "ORDER BY year DESC, first_author, author_count, author, title"; } elseif ($citeOrder == "type") { // sort records first by record type and thesis type (descending): $newORDER = "ORDER BY type DESC, thesis DESC, first_author, author_count, author, year, title"; } elseif ($citeOrder == "type-year") { // sort records first by record type and thesis type (descending), then by year (descending): $newORDER = "ORDER BY type DESC, thesis DESC, year DESC, first_author, author_count, author, title"; } elseif ($citeOrder == "creation-date") { // sort records such that newly added/edited records get listed top of the list: $newORDER = "ORDER BY created_date DESC, created_time DESC, modified_date DESC, modified_time DESC, serial DESC"; } elseif ($citeOrder == "author") { // supply the default ORDER BY pattern (which is suitable for citation in a journal etc.): $newORDER = "ORDER BY first_author, author_count, author, year, title"; } // replace current ORDER clause: $query = newORDERclause($newORDER, $query, false); } // else if any other or no '$citeOrder' parameter is specified, we keep the current ORDER BY clause // NOTE: this behaviour is different from functions 'extractFormElementsQueryResults()' and 'extractFormElementsExtract()' // where we always use 'ORDER BY first_author, author_count, author, year, title' as default ORDER BY clause // (to ensure correct sorting for output to bibliographic reference lists) } elseif (preg_match("/^Display\$/i", $originalDisplayType)) { // NOTE: the below code for displaying & hiding of fields in Details view must be adopted if either layout or field names are changed! $fieldsList = ""; if ($fieldSelector == "all fields") { // generate a SELECT clause that shows all fields in Details view: $newSelectClause = buildSELECTclause($originalDisplayType, $showLinks, $additionalFields, true, $addRequiredFields); } else { if ($encodedDisplayType == $loc["ButtonTitle_Show"]) { $matchField = "pages"; if ($fieldSelector == "keywords, abstract") { $fieldsList = ", keywords, abstract"; } elseif ($fieldSelector == "additional fields") { $fieldsList = ", address, corporate_author, thesis, publisher, place, editor, language, summary_language, orig_title, series_editor, series_title, abbrev_series_title, series_volume, series_issue, edition, issn, isbn, medium, area, expedition, conference, notes, approved"; if (isset($_SESSION['loginEmail'])) { $fieldsList .= ", location"; } // we only add the 'location' field if the user is logged in if (preg_match("/\\babstract\\b/i", $previousSelectClause)) { $matchField = "abstract"; } } elseif ($fieldSelector == "my fields") { $fieldsList = ", marked, copy, selected, user_keys, user_notes, user_file, user_groups, cite_key"; if (preg_match("/\\bserial\\b/i", $previousSelectClause)) { $matchField = "serial"; } elseif (preg_match("/\\babstract\\b/i", $previousSelectClause)) { $matchField = "abstract"; } } if (!empty($fieldsList) and !preg_match("/\\b" . $fieldsList . "\\b/i", $previousSelectClause)) { // if none of the chosen fields are currently displayed... $previousSelectClause = preg_replace("/(?<=\\b" . $matchField . "\\b)/i", $fieldsList, $previousSelectClause); } // ...add the chosen fields to the current SELECT clause: } if ($encodedDisplayType == $loc["ButtonTitle_Hide"]) { if ($fieldSelector == "keywords, abstract") { $fieldsList = "\\b(keywords|abstract)\\b"; } elseif ($fieldSelector == "additional fields") { $fieldsList = "\\b(corporate_author|thesis|address|publisher|place|editor|language|summary_language|orig_title|series_editor|series_title|abbrev_series_title|series_volume|series_issue|edition|issn|isbn|medium|area|expedition|conference|notes|approved|location)\\b"; } elseif ($fieldSelector == "my fields") { $fieldsList = "\\b(marked|copy|selected|user_keys|user_notes|user_file|user_groups|cite_key)\\b"; } if (!empty($fieldsList) and preg_match("/\\b" . $fieldsList . "\\b/i", $previousSelectClause)) { // ...remove the chosen fields from the fields given in the current SELECT clause: $previousSelectClause = preg_replace("/ *, *" . $fieldsList . " */i", "", $previousSelectClause); // all columns except the first $previousSelectClause = preg_replace("/ *" . $fieldsList . " *, */i", "", $previousSelectClause); // all columns except the last } } // rebuild the current SELECT clause, but include (or exclude) the chosen fields: $newSelectClause = buildSELECTclause($originalDisplayType, $showLinks, $additionalFields, false, $addRequiredFields, $previousSelectClause); } } else { if ($encodedDisplayType == $loc["ButtonTitle_Show"]) { if (!preg_match("/\\b" . $fieldSelector . "\\b/i", $previousSelectClause)) { // ...and the chosen field is *not* already displayed... $additionalFields = $fieldSelector; } // ...add the chosen field to the current SELECT clause } elseif ($encodedDisplayType == $loc["ButtonTitle_Hide"]) { if (preg_match("/\\b" . $fieldSelector . "\\b/i", $previousSelectClause)) { // ...remove the chosen field from the fields given in the current SELECT clause: $previousSelectClause = preg_replace("/ *, *\\b" . $fieldSelector . "\\b */i", "", $previousSelectClause); // all columns except the first $previousSelectClause = preg_replace("/ *\\b" . $fieldSelector . "\\b *, */i", "", $previousSelectClause); // all columns except the last } } // rebuild the current SELECT clause, but include (or exclude) the chosen field: $newSelectClause = buildSELECTclause("", $showLinks, $additionalFields, false, $addRequiredFields, $previousSelectClause); } // replace current SELECT clause: $query = newSELECTclause($newSelectClause, $query, false); } elseif ($encodedDisplayType == $loc["ButtonTitle_Browse"]) { $previousField = preg_replace("/^SELECT (\\w+).+/i", "\\1", $query); // extract the field that was previously used in Browse view if (!preg_match("/^" . $fieldSelector . "\$/i", $previousField)) { // ...modify the SQL query to show a summary for the new field that was chosen by the user: // (NOTE: these replace patterns aren't 100% safe and may fail if the user has modified the query using 'sql_search.php'!) $query = preg_replace("/^SELECT {$previousField}/i", "SELECT {$fieldSelector}", $query); // use the field that was chosen by the user for Browse view $query = preg_replace("/GROUP BY {$previousField}/i", "GROUP BY {$fieldSelector}", $query); // group data by the field that was chosen by the user $query = preg_replace("/ORDER BY( records( DESC)?,)? {$previousField}/i", "ORDER BY\\1 {$fieldSelector}", $query); // order data by the field that was chosen by the user } } // re-establish the original display type: // (resetting '$displayType' to its original value is required for Browse view; for List view, it does also correct incorrect // display types such as 'Search' or 'Show'/'Hide' which stem from the submit buttons in the forms of the results header) $displayType = $originalDisplayType; // the following changes to the SQL query are performed for both forms ("Search within Results" and "Display Options"): if ($queryTable == $tableRefs) { // if the chosen field is one of the user-specific fields from table 'user_data': 'marked', 'copy', 'selected', 'user_keys', 'user_notes', 'user_file', 'user_groups', 'cite_key' or 'related' if (preg_match("/^(marked|copy|selected|user_keys|user_notes|user_file|user_groups|cite_key|related|my fields)\$/i", $fieldSelector)) { // 'my fields' is used in Details view as an alias for all user-specific fields if (!preg_match("/LEFT JOIN {$tableUserData}/i", $query)) { // ...and if the 'LEFT JOIN...' statement isn't already part of the 'FROM' clause... $query = preg_replace("/ FROM {$tableRefs}/i", " FROM {$tableRefs} LEFT JOIN {$tableUserData} ON serial = record_id AND user_id = {$userID}", $query); } } // ...add the 'LEFT JOIN...' part to the 'FROM' clause } elseif ($queryTable == $tableUsers) { // TODO: this wouldn't be necessary if function 'buildSELECTclause()' would handle the requirements of 'users.php' (see also above) $query = preg_replace("/ FROM {$tableUsers}/i", ", user_id FROM {$tableUsers}", $query); // add 'user_id' column (although it won't be visible the 'user_id' column gets included in every search query) // (which is required in order to obtain unique checkbox names as well as for use in the 'getUserID()' function) } return array($query, $displayType); }