function form_search_incident($return = false, $filter = false) { include_once "functions_user.php"; global $config; $output = ''; if (!$filter) { $search_string = (string) get_parameter('search_string'); $status = (int) get_parameter('search_status', -10); $priority = (int) get_parameter('search_priority', -1); $resolution = (int) get_parameter('search_resolution', -1); $id_group = (int) get_parameter('search_id_group'); $id_inventory = (int) get_parameter('search_id_inventory'); $id_company = (int) get_parameter('search_id_company'); $search_id_user = (string) get_parameter('search_id_user'); $search_id_incident_type = (int) get_parameter('search_id_incident_type'); $date_from = (int) get_parameter("search_from_date"); $date_start = (string) get_parameter("search_first_date"); $date_end = (string) get_parameter("search_last_date"); $search_creator = (string) get_parameter('search_id_creator'); $search_editor = (string) get_parameter('search_editor'); $search_closed_by = (string) get_parameter('search_id_creator'); $group_by_project = (bool) get_parameter('search_group_by_project'); $sla_state = (int) get_parameter('search_sla_state', 0); $id_task = (int) get_parameter('search_id_task', 0); $left_sla = (int) get_parameter('search_left_sla', 0); $right_sla = (int) get_parameter('search_right_sla', 0); $show_hierarchy = (bool) get_parameter('show_hierarchy'); $type_fields = incidents_get_type_fields($search_id_incident_type); $search_type_field = array(); foreach ($type_fields as $key => $type_field) { $search_type_field[$type_field['id']] = (string) get_parameter('search_type_field_' . $type_field['id']); } } else { $search_string = (string) $filter['string']; $priority = (int) $filter['priority']; $id_group = (int) $filter['id_group']; $status = (int) $filter['status']; $resolution = (int) $filter['resolution']; $id_company = (int) $filter['id_company']; $id_inventory = (int) $filter['id_inventory']; $search_id_incident_type = (int) $filter['id_incident_type']; $search_id_user = (string) $filter['id_user']; $date_from = (int) $filter['from_date']; $date_start = (string) $filter['first_date']; $date_end = (string) $filter['last_date']; $search_creator = (string) $filter['id_creator']; $search_editor = (string) $filter['editor']; $search_closed_by = (string) $filter['closed_by']; $group_by_project = (bool) $filter['group_by_project']; $sla_state = (int) $filter['sla_state']; $id_task = (int) $filter['id_task']; $left_sla = (int) $filter['left_sla']; $right_sla = (int) $filter['right_sla']; $show_hierarchy = (bool) $filter['show_hierarchy']; $type_fields = incidents_get_type_fields($search_id_incident_type); $search_type_field = array(); if ($type_fields) { foreach ($type_fields as $key => $type_field) { $search_type_field[$type_field['id']] = (string) $filter['type_field_' . $type_field['id']]; } } } /* No action is set, so the form will be sent to the current page */ $table = new stdclass(); $table->width = "99%"; $table->class = "search-table-button"; $table->cellspacing = 2; $table->cellpadding = 2; $table->data = array(); $table->size = array(); $table->style = array(); $table->style[0] = 'width: 25%'; $table->style[1] = 'width: 25%'; $table->style[2] = 'width: 25%; vertical-align:text-top;'; $table->style[3] = 'width: 25%'; $table->rowstyle = array(); $table->rowstyle[1] = 'display: none'; $table->rowstyle[2] = 'display: none'; $table->rowstyle[3] = 'display: none'; $table->rowstyle[4] = 'display: none'; $table->rowstyle[5] = 'display: none'; $table->rowstyle[6] = 'text-align: right'; $table->colspan = array(); $table->colspan[0][0] = 2; $table->colspan[6][0] = 4; $table->colspan[7][1] = 3; $table->rowspan = array(); $table->rowspan[2][2] = 2; $table->data[0][0] = print_input_text('search_string', $search_string, '', 50, 100, true, __('Search string')); $available_status = get_indicent_status(); $available_status[-10] = __("Not closed"); $table->data[0][1] = print_select($available_status, 'search_status', $status, '', __('Any'), 0, true, false, true, __('Status')); $groups = users_get_groups_for_select($config['id_user'], "IW", true, true); $table->data[0][2] = print_select($groups, 'search_id_group', $id_group, '', '', '', true, false, false, __('Group')); $table->data[0][3] = print_checkbox_extended('search_show_hierarchy', 1, $show_hierarchy, false, '', '', true, __('Show hierarchy')); $params_owner = array(); $params_owner['input_id'] = 'text-search_id_user'; $params_owner['input_name'] = 'search_id_user'; $params_owner['input_value'] = $search_id_user; $params_owner['title'] = __('Owner'); $params_owner['return'] = true; $table->data[1][0] = user_print_autocomplete_input($params_owner); $params_editor = array(); $params_editor['input_id'] = 'text-search_editor'; $params_editor['input_name'] = 'search_editor'; $params_editor['input_value'] = $search_editor; $params_editor['title'] = __('Editor'); $params_editor['return'] = true; $table->data[1][1] = user_print_autocomplete_input($params_editor); $params_closed_by = array(); $params_closed_by['input_id'] = 'text-search_closed_by'; $params_closed_by['input_name'] = 'search_closed_by'; $params_closed_by['input_value'] = $search_closed_by; $params_closed_by['title'] = __('Closed by'); $params_closed_by['return'] = true; $table->data[1][2] = user_print_autocomplete_input($params_closed_by); $params_creator = array(); $params_creator['input_id'] = 'text-search_id_creator'; $params_creator['input_name'] = 'search_id_creator'; $params_creator['input_value'] = $search_creator; $params_creator['title'] = __('Creator'); $params_creator['return'] = true; $table->data[1][3] = user_print_autocomplete_input($params_creator); $table->data[2][0] = print_select(get_priorities(), 'search_priority', $priority, '', __('Any'), -1, true, false, false, __('Priority'), false); $table->data[2][1] = print_select(get_incident_resolutions(), 'search_resolution', $resolution, '', __('Any'), -1, true, false, false, __('Resolution'), false); $table->data[2][2] = get_last_date_control($date_from, 'search_from_date', __('Date'), $date_start, 'search_first_date', __('Created from'), $date_end, 'search_last_date', __('Created to')); $name = $id_inventory ? get_inventory_name($id_inventory) : ''; $table->data[2][3] = print_input_text('inventory_name', $name, '', 7, 0, true, __('Inventory'), false); $table->data[2][3] .= " <a href='javascript: show_search_inventory(\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\");'>" . print_image('images/zoom.png', true, array('title' => __('Search inventory'))) . "</a>"; $table->data[2][3] .= print_input_hidden('id_inventory', $id_inventory, true); if (!get_external_user($config["id_user"])) { $table->data[4][0] = print_select(get_companies(), 'search_id_company', $id_company, '', __('All'), 0, true, false, false, __('Company')); } $table->data[4][1] = print_select(get_incident_types(), 'search_id_incident_type', $search_id_incident_type, 'javascript:change_type_fields_table();', __('All'), 0, true, false, false, __('Ticket type')); $table->data[4][3] = print_checkbox_extended('search_group_by_project', 1, $group_by_project, false, '', '', true, __('Group by project/task')); $sla_states = array(); $sla_states[1] = __('SLA is fired'); $sla_states[2] = __('SLA is not fired'); $table->data[5][0] = print_select($sla_states, 'search_sla_state', $sla_state, '', __('All'), 0, true, false, false, __('SLA')); $table->data[5][1] = combo_task_user_participant($config["id_user"], 0, $id_task, true, __("Task"), 'search_id_task'); $table->data[5][2] = print_input_text('search_left_sla', $left_sla, '', 7, 0, true, __('SLA > (%)'), false); $table->data[5][3] = print_input_text('search_right_sla', $right_sla, '', 7, 0, true, __('SLA < (%)'), false); $table_type_fields = new stdclass(); $table_type_fields->width = "100%"; $table_type_fields->class = "search-table"; $table_type_fields->data = array(); //Print custom field data $column = 0; $row = 0; if ($type_fields) { foreach ($type_fields as $key => $type_field) { $data = $search_type_field[$type_field['id']]; if ($type_field['type'] == "text" || $type_field['type'] == "textarea") { $input = print_input_text('search_type_field_' . $type_field['id'], $data, '', 30, 30, true, $type_field['label']); } else { if ($type_field['type'] == "combo") { $combo_values = explode(",", $type_field['combo_value']); $values = array(); foreach ($combo_values as $value) { $values[$value] = $value; } $input = print_select($values, 'search_type_field_' . $type_field['id'], $data, '', __('Any'), '', true, false, false, $type_field['label']); } else { if ($type_field['type'] == "linked") { $linked_values = explode(",", $type_field['linked_value']); $values = array(); foreach ($linked_values as $value) { $value_without_parent = preg_replace("/^.*\\|/", "", $value); $values[$value_without_parent] = $value_without_parent; $has_childs = get_db_all_rows_sql("SELECT * FROM tincident_type_field WHERE parent=" . $type_field['id']); if ($has_childs) { $i = 0; foreach ($has_childs as $child) { if ($i == 0) { $childs = $child['id']; } else { $childs .= ',' . $child['id']; } $i++; } $childs = "'" . $childs . "'"; $script = 'javascript:change_linked_type_fields_table(' . $childs . ',' . $type_field['id'] . ');'; } else { $script = ''; } } $input = print_select($values, 'search_type_field_' . $type_field['id'], $data, $script, __('Any'), '', true, false, false, $type_field['label']); } } } $table_type_fields->data[$row][$column] = $input; if ($column >= 3) { $column = 0; $row++; } else { $column++; } } } if ($table_type_fields->data) { $table_type_fields_html = print_table($table_type_fields, true); } $table->data[6][0] = "<div id='table_type_fields'>" . $table_type_fields_html . "</div>"; $table->data[7][0] = '<div style="width: 100%; text-align: left; height: 20px;"><a class="show_advanced_search" id="show_advanced_search" href="javascript:show_ad_search();">' . __('Advanced search') . '></a></div>'; //Store serialize filter serialize_in_temp($filter, $config["id_user"]); $table->data[7][2] = print_submit_button(__('Search'), 'search', false, 'class="sub search"', true); $table->data[7][2] .= print_button(__('Export to CSV'), '', false, '\'' . 'include/export_csv.php?export_csv_tickets=1' . '\')', 'class="sub csv"', true); $table->colspan[7][2] = 4; $output .= '<form id="search_incident_form" method="post" action="index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_search">'; $output .= print_table($table, true); $output .= '</form>'; echo "<div class= 'dialog ui-dialog-content' id='search_inventory_window'></div>"; if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; }
function form_search_incident($return = false, $filter = false, $ajax = 0) { include_once "functions_user.php"; global $config; $output = ''; if (!$filter) { $inverse_filter = (bool) get_parameter('search_inverse_filter'); $search_string = (string) get_parameter('search_string'); $status = (int) get_parameter('search_status', -10); $priority = (int) get_parameter('search_priority', -1); $resolution = (int) get_parameter('search_resolution', -1); $id_group = (int) get_parameter('search_id_group'); $id_inventory = (int) get_parameter('search_id_inventory'); $id_company = (int) get_parameter('search_id_company'); $search_id_user = (string) get_parameter('search_id_user'); $search_id_incident_type = (int) get_parameter('search_id_incident_type'); $date_from = (int) get_parameter("search_from_date"); $date_start = (string) get_parameter("search_first_date"); $date_end = (string) get_parameter("search_last_date"); $search_creator = (string) get_parameter('search_id_creator'); $search_editor = (string) get_parameter('search_editor'); $search_closed_by = (string) get_parameter('search_closed_by'); $group_by_project = (bool) get_parameter('search_group_by_project'); $sla_state = (int) get_parameter('search_sla_state', 0); $id_task = (int) get_parameter('search_id_task', 0); $left_sla = (int) get_parameter('search_left_sla', 0); $right_sla = (int) get_parameter('search_right_sla', 0); $show_hierarchy = (bool) get_parameter('search_show_hierarchy'); $search_medal = get_parameter('search_medals'); $name = get_parameter('parent_name'); $type_fields = incidents_get_type_fields($search_id_incident_type); $search_type_field = array(); foreach ($type_fields as $key => $type_field) { $search_type_field[$type_field['id']] = (string) get_parameter('search_type_field_' . $type_field['id']); } } else { $inverse_filter = (bool) $filter['inverse_filter']; $search_string = (string) $filter['string']; $priority = (int) $filter['priority']; $id_group = (int) $filter['id_group']; $status = (int) $filter['status']; $resolution = (int) $filter['resolution']; $id_company = (int) $filter['id_company']; $id_inventory = (int) $filter['id_inventory']; $search_id_incident_type = (int) $filter['id_incident_type']; $search_id_user = (string) $filter['id_user']; $date_from = (int) $filter['from_date']; $date_start = (string) $filter['first_date']; $date_end = (string) $filter['last_date']; $search_creator = (string) $filter['id_creator']; $search_editor = (string) $filter['editor']; $search_closed_by = (string) $filter['closed_by']; $group_by_project = (bool) $filter['group_by_project']; $sla_state = (int) $filter['sla_state']; $id_task = (int) $filter['id_task']; $left_sla = (int) $filter['left_sla']; $right_sla = (int) $filter['right_sla']; $show_hierarchy = (bool) $filter['show_hierarchy']; $search_medal = (int) $filter['medals']; $name = (string) $filter['parent_name']; //This is inventory obj name value !!! $type_fields = incidents_get_type_fields($search_id_incident_type); $search_type_field = array(); if ($type_fields) { foreach ($type_fields as $key => $type_field) { $search_type_field[$type_field['id']] = (string) $filter['type_field_' . $type_field['id']]; } } } /* No action is set, so the form will be sent to the current page */ $table = new stdclass(); $table->width = "100%"; $table->class = "search-table-button"; $table->data = array(); // Filter text $table->data[0][0] = print_input_text('search_string', $search_string, '', 30, 100, true, __('Text filter')); // Status $available_status = get_indicent_status(); $available_status[-10] = __("Not closed"); $table->data[0][1] = print_select($available_status, 'search_status', $status, '', __('Any'), 0, true, false, true, __('Status')); // Groups $groups = users_get_groups_for_select($config['id_user'], "IW", true, true); $table->data[0][2] = print_select($groups, 'search_id_group', $id_group, '', '', '', true, false, false, __('Group')); // Check Box $table->data[0][3] = print_checkbox_extended('search_show_hierarchy', 1, $show_hierarchy, false, '', '', true, __('Show hierarchy')); $table_advanced = new stdclass(); $table_advanced->width = "100%"; $table_advanced->class = "search-table-button"; $params_owner = array(); $params_owner['input_id'] = 'text-search_id_user'; $params_owner['input_name'] = 'search_id_user'; $params_owner['input_value'] = $search_id_user; $params_owner['title'] = __('Owner'); $params_owner['attributes'] = 'style="width: 210px;"'; $params_owner['return'] = true; $table_advanced->data[1][0] = user_print_autocomplete_input($params_owner); $params_editor = array(); $params_editor['input_id'] = 'text-search_editor'; $params_editor['input_name'] = 'search_editor'; $params_editor['input_value'] = $search_editor; $params_editor['title'] = __('Editor'); $params_editor['attributes'] = 'style="width: 210px;"'; $params_editor['return'] = true; $table_advanced->data[1][1] = user_print_autocomplete_input($params_editor); $params_closed_by = array(); $params_closed_by['input_id'] = 'text-search_closed_by'; $params_closed_by['input_name'] = 'search_closed_by'; $params_closed_by['input_value'] = $search_closed_by; $params_closed_by['title'] = __('Closed by'); $params_closed_by['attributes'] = 'style="width: 210px;"'; $params_closed_by['return'] = true; $table_advanced->data[1][2] = user_print_autocomplete_input($params_closed_by); $params_creator = array(); $params_creator['input_id'] = 'text-search_id_creator'; $params_creator['input_name'] = 'search_id_creator'; $params_creator['input_value'] = $search_creator; $params_creator['title'] = __('Creator'); $params_creator['attributes'] = 'style="width: 210px;"'; $params_creator['return'] = true; $table_advanced->data[1][3] = user_print_autocomplete_input($params_creator); $table_advanced->data[2][0] = print_select(get_priorities(), 'search_priority', $priority, '', __('Any'), -1, true, false, false, __('Priority'), false); $table_advanced->data[2][1] = print_select(get_incident_resolutions(), 'search_resolution', $resolution, '', __('Any'), -1, true, false, false, __('Resolution'), false); //$name = $id_inventory ? get_inventory_name ($id_inventory) : ''; //Parent name $table_advanced->data[2][2] = print_input_text_extended("parent_name", $name, "text-parent_name", '', 20, 0, false, "", "class='inventory_obj_search' style='width:165px !important;'", true, false, __('Inventory object'), false, true); $table_advanced->data[2][2] .= " " . print_image("images/add.png", true, array("onclick" => "show_inventory_search('','','','','','','','','','', '', '')", "style" => "cursor: pointer")); $table_advanced->data[2][2] .= " " . print_image("images/cross.png", true, array("onclick" => "cleanParentInventory()", "style" => "cursor: pointer")); $table_advanced->data[2][2] .= print_input_hidden('id_parent', $id_inventory, true); $table_advanced->data[2][3] = get_last_date_control($date_from, 'search_from_date', __('Date'), $date_start, 'search_first_date', __('Created from'), $date_end, 'search_last_date', __('Created to')); $table_advanced->rowspan[2][3] = 2; $table_advanced->cellstyle[2][3] = "vertical-align:top;"; if (!get_standalone_user($config["id_user"])) { $table_advanced->data[4][0] = print_select(get_companies(), 'search_id_company', $id_company, '', __('Any'), 0, true, false, false, __('Company')); } $table_advanced->data[4][1] = print_select(get_incident_types(), 'search_id_incident_type', $search_id_incident_type, 'javascript:change_type_fields_table(\'' . __('Custom field') . '\');', __('Any'), 0, true, false, false, __('Ticket type')); $table_advanced->data[4][3] = print_checkbox_extended('search_group_by_project', 1, $group_by_project, false, '', '', true, __('Group by project/task')); $sla_states = array(); $sla_states[1] = __('SLA is fired'); $sla_states[2] = __('SLA is not fired'); $table_advanced->data[5][0] = print_select($sla_states, 'search_sla_state', $sla_state, '', __('Any'), 0, true, false, false, __('SLA')); $table_advanced->data[5][1] = combo_task_user_participant($config["id_user"], 0, $id_task, true, __("Task"), 'search_id_task'); $table_advanced->data[5][2] = "<div>"; $table_advanced->data[5][2] .= "<div style='display: inline-block;'>" . print_input_text('search_left_sla', $left_sla, '', 8, 0, true, __('SLA > (%)'), false) . "</div>"; $table_advanced->data[5][2] .= " <div style='display: inline-block;'>" . print_input_text('search_right_sla', $right_sla, '', 8, 0, true, __('SLA < (%)'), false) . "</div>"; $table_advanced->data[5][2] .= "</div>"; $medals = array(); $medals[1] = __('Gold medals'); $medals[2] = __('Black medals'); $table_advanced->data[5][3] = print_select($medals, 'search_medals', $search_medal, '', __('Any'), 0, true, false, false, __('Medals')); $table_type_fields = new StdClass(); $table_type_fields->width = "100%"; $table_type_fields->class = "search-table"; $table_type_fields->data = array(); $table_type_fields->align[0] = 'left'; //Print custom field data $column = 0; $row = 0; if ($type_fields) { foreach ($type_fields as $key => $type_field) { $data = $search_type_field[$type_field['id']]; switch ($type_field['type']) { case "text": $input = print_input_text('search_type_field_' . $type_field['id'], $data, '', 30, 30, true, $type_field['label']); break; case "combo": $combo_values = explode(",", $type_field['combo_value']); $values = array(); foreach ($combo_values as $value) { $values[$value] = $value; } $input = print_select($values, 'search_type_field_' . $type_field['id'], $data, '', __('Any'), '', true, false, false, $type_field['label']); break; case "linked": $linked_values = explode(",", $type_field['linked_value']); $values = array(); foreach ($linked_values as $value) { $value_without_parent = preg_replace("/^.*\\|/", "", $value); $values[$value_without_parent] = $value_without_parent; $has_childs = get_db_all_rows_sql("SELECT * FROM tincident_type_field WHERE parent=" . $type_field['id']); if ($has_childs) { $i = 0; foreach ($has_childs as $child) { if ($i == 0) { $childs = $child['id']; } else { $childs .= ',' . $child['id']; } $i++; } $childs = "'" . $childs . "'"; $script = 'javascript:change_linked_type_fields_table(' . $childs . ',' . $type_field['id'] . ');'; } else { $script = ''; } } $input = print_select($values, 'search_type_field_' . $type_field['id'], $data, $script, __('Any'), '', true, false, false, $type_field['label']); break; case "numeric": $input = print_input_number('search_type_field_' . $type_field['id'], $data, 1, 1000000, '', true, $type_field['label']); break; case "date": $input = print_input_date('search_type_field_' . $type_field['id'], $data, '', '', '', true, $type_field['label']); break; case "textarea": $input = print_input_text('search_type_field_' . $type_field['id'], $data, '', 30, 30, true, $type_field['label']); break; } $table_type_fields->data[$row][$column] = $input; if ($column >= 3) { $column = 0; $row++; } else { $column++; } } } $table_advanced->colspan[6][0] = 4; if ($table_type_fields->data) { $table_type_fields_html = print_table($table_type_fields, true); } if (!isset($table_type_fields_html)) { $table_type_fields_html = ''; } $table_advanced->data[6][0] = "<div id='table_type_fields'>" . $table_type_fields_html . "</div>"; $table->colspan['row_advanced'][0] = 5; $table->data['row_advanced'][0] = print_container_div('advanced_parameters_incidents_search', __('Advanced filter'), print_table($table_advanced, true), 'closed', true, true); //Store serialize filter serialize_in_temp($filter, $config["id_user"]); $table->colspan['button'][0] = 2; $table->colspan['button'][2] = 2; $table->data['button'][0] = '</br>'; $table->data['button'][2] = print_submit_button(__('Filter'), 'search', false, 'class="sub search"', true); $table->data['button'][2] .= print_input_hidden('search_inverse_filter', (int) $inverse_filter, true); $table->data['button'][2] .= print_submit_button(__('Inverse filter'), 'submit_inverse_filter', false, 'class="sub search"', true); $table->data['button'][2] .= print_button(__('Export to CSV'), '', false, '\'' . 'include/export_csv.php?export_csv_tickets=1' . '\')', 'class="sub"', true); // Inverse filter info $output .= '<div id="inverse_filter_info" style="display: ' . ($inverse_filter ? 'block' : 'none') . ';">'; $output .= ui_print_message(__('Inverse filter enabled'), 'suc', 'style="display:inline;padding-top: 15px;padding-bottom: 15px;"', true, 'h3', false); $output .= print_help_tip(__('The result will be the items which doesn\'t match the filters') . '. ' . __('The select controls with \'Any\' or \'All\' selected will be ignored'), true); $output .= '<br /><br />'; $output .= '</div>'; if ($ajax) { $output .= '<form id="search_incident_form" method="post">'; } else { $output .= '<form id="search_incident_form" method="post" onsubmit="incidents_gift();return false">'; } //~ $output .= '<form id="search_incident_form" method="post">'; $output .= '<div class="divresult_incidents">' . print_table($table, true) . '</div>'; $output .= '</form>'; echo "<div class= 'dialog ui-dialog-content' id='search_inventory_window'></div>"; // WARNING: Important for the inverse filter feature // Change the search_inverse_filter value when the form is submitted using the submit_inverse_filter or the search buttons // Show or hide the inverse filter info $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">'; $output .= '$(document).ready(function () {'; $output .= 'var inverseFilterInfo = document.getElementById("inverse_filter_info");'; $output .= 'var filterForm = document.getElementById("search_incident_form");'; $output .= 'var filterBtn = filterForm.elements["search"];'; $output .= 'var inverseFilterBtn = filterForm.elements["submit_inverse_filter"];'; $output .= 'var inverseFilter = filterForm.elements["search_inverse_filter"];'; $output .= '$(filterBtn).click(function (e) {'; $output .= 'inverseFilter.value = 0;'; $output .= '$(inverseFilterInfo).hide();'; $output .= '});'; $output .= '$(inverseFilterBtn).click(function (e) {'; $output .= 'inverseFilter.value = 1;'; $output .= '$(inverseFilterInfo).show();'; $output .= '});'; $output .= '});'; $output .= '</script>'; if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; }
//~ $table_advanced->width = "99%"; //~ $table_advanced->colspan = array(); //~ $table_advanced->colspan[1][1] = 2; $table_advanced = '<tr>'; $params = array(); $params['input_id'] = 'id_company_search'; $params['input_name'] = 'id_company_search'; $params['input_value'] = $id_company; $params['title'] = __('Managed by'); $params['return'] = true; $table_advanced .= '<td>'; $table_advanced .= print_company_autocomplete_input($params); $table_advanced .= '</td><td>'; $table_advanced .= combo_kb_products ($id_category, true, 'Product type', true); $table_advanced .= '</td>'; $table_advanced .= "<td rowspan=2 valign=top>".get_last_date_control ($last_date, 'last_date_search', __('Date'), $start_date, 'start_date_search', __('Start date'), $end_date, 'end_date_search', __('End date')); $table_advanced .= '</td>'; $table_advanced .= '<tr><td>'; $progress_values = lead_progress_array (); $table_advanced .= print_select ($progress_values, 'progress_search', $progress, '', __('Any'), 0, true, 0, false, __('Lead progress') ); $table_advanced .= '</td><td>'; $table_advanced .= print_select_from_sql ('SELECT id_language, name FROM tlanguage ORDER BY name', 'id_language', $id_language, '', __('Any'), '', true, false, false, __('Language')); $table_advanced .= '<tr>'; $table->data['advanced'][2] = print_container('lead_search_advanced', __('Advanced search'), $table_advanced, 'closed', true, false,'','no_border',3); $table->colspan['advanced'][2] = 4; // Delete new lines from the string $where_clause = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $where_clause); $form .= "<div class='divresult_left'>";
$form = '<form method="post">'; $table = new stdClass(); $table->id = 'invoices_table'; $table->width = '100%'; $table->class = 'search-table'; $table->size = array(); $table->style = array(); $table->style[1] = 'vertical-align:top;'; $table->colspan[2][0] = 4; $table->rowspan[0][1] = 2; $table->data = array(); $table->data[0][0] = print_input_text ("search_text", $search_text, "", 30, 100, true, __('Search')); $table->data[1][0] = get_last_date_control ($search_last_date, 'search_last_date', __('Date'), $search_date_begin, 'search_date_begin', __('From'), $search_date_end, 'search_date_end', __('To')); $sql = 'SELECT id, name FROM tcompany_role ORDER BY name'; $table->data[2][0] = print_select_from_sql ($sql, 'search_company_role', $search_company_role, '', __('Any'), 0, true, false, false, __('Company Role')); $invoice_types = array('All'=>__('All'), 'Submitted'=>__('Submitted'), 'Received'=>__('Received')); $table->data[3][0] = print_select ($invoice_types, 'search_invoice_type', $search_invoice_type, '','', 0, true, 0, false, __('Invoice type'), false, 'width:150px;'); $table->data[4][0] = print_input_text_extended ('search_company_manager', $search_company_manager, 'text-search_company_manager', '', 20, 50, false, '', array(), true, '', __("Manager"). print_help_tip (__("Type at least two characters to search"), true) ); $table->data[5][0] = print_input_text ("search_contract_number", $search_contract_number, "", 20, 100, true, __('Contract number')); $invoice_status_ar = array(); $invoice_status_ar['active'] = __("Active"); $invoice_status_ar['pending'] = __("Pending"); $invoice_status_ar['paid'] = __("Paid"); $invoice_status_ar['canceled'] = __("Canceled");
$table_advanced->data = array(); $table_advanced->width = "99%"; $table_advanced->colspan = array(); $table_advanced->colspan[1][1] = 2; $params = array(); $params['input_id'] = 'id_company_search'; $params['input_name'] = 'id_company_search'; $params['input_value'] = $id_company; $params['title'] = __('Managed by'); $params['return'] = true; $table_advanced->data[0][0] = print_company_autocomplete_input($params); $table_advanced->data[0][1] = combo_kb_products($id_category, true, 'Product type', true); $table_advanced->data[0][2] = print_select_from_sql('SELECT id_language, name FROM tlanguage ORDER BY name', 'id_language', $id_language, '', __('Any'), '', true, false, false, __('Language')); $progress_values = lead_progress_array(); $table_advanced->data[1][0] = print_select($progress_values, 'progress_search', $progress, '', __('Any'), 0, true, 0, false, __('Lead progress')); $table_advanced->data[1][1] = get_last_date_control($last_date, 'last_date_search', __('Date'), $start_date, 'start_date_search', __('Start date'), $end_date, 'end_date_search', __('End date')); $table->data['advanced'][2] = print_container('lead_search_advanced', __('Advanced search'), print_table($table_advanced, true), 'closed', true, false); $table->colspan['advanced'][2] = 4; // Delete new lines from the string $where_clause = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $where_clause); $table->data[3][0] = print_button(__('Export to CSV'), '', false, '\'include/export_csv.php?export_csv_leads=1&where_clause=' . str_replace('"', "\\'", $where_clause) . '\')', 'class="sub csv" style="float:right;"', true); $table->data[3][0] .= print_submit_button(__('Search'), "search_btn", false, 'class="sub search" style="float:right;"', true); $table->align[3] = "right"; $table->align[3][0] = "right"; $table->colspan[3][0] = "3"; $table->size[3][0] = "100%"; print_table($table); $table->data = array(); echo '</form>'; $leads = crm_get_all_leads($where_clause); if ($leads == false) {