require_once './'; require_once './'; require_once './config.php'; require_once './'; function datetimeToTimestamp($dateTime) { $ts = strtotime($dateTime); if ($ts < 0 || $ts === FALSE || strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $ts) != $dateTime) { die("Failed to parse from datettime: " . $dateTime); } return $ts; } $url = $url = 'http://' . $config['gametool_host'] . ':' . $config['gametool_port'] . '/gametool'; // gametool is protected by username/pwd $options = array('username' => $config['gametool_user'], 'password' => $config['gametool_pwd']); $version = 2; $serverVer = new ServerVersion($url, 'hessian/account.api', $options); $path = $serverVer->getVersionPath($version); if (empty($path)) { die("Failed to determine path to account api version {$version}"); } $proxy = new HessianClient($url . $path, $options); registerGametoolMethods($url); $fromTs = datetimeToTimestamp($timelineCfg['from']); $tillTs = datetimeToTimestamp($timelineCfg['till']); $result = $proxy->getShardCCUTimeline($timelineCfg['shard_name'], $fromTs, $tillTs, $timelineCfg['step_seconds']); $csv = fopen($timelineCfg['csv_file_name'], "w"); foreach ($result as $sample) { fputs($csv, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $sample->timeSeconds) . $timelineCfg['separator'] . ' ' . $sample->ccu . "\n"); } fclose($csv);
//Submit Step 3.. if (isset($_POST['goback'])) { $step = 2; } else { //preserve the upload id if ($uploadmanager->validUploadId($_POST['upload_id'])) { $smarty->assign('upload_id', $_POST['upload_id']); $uploadmanager->setUploadId($_POST['upload_id']); } $ok = true; //preserve the meta info $smarty->reassignPostedDate('imagetaken'); if ($smarty->get_template_vars('imagetaken') == '0000-00-00') { $ok = false; $error['imagetaken'] = "Please specify a date for when the photo was taken (even approximate)"; } elseif (datetimeToTimestamp($smarty->get_template_vars('imagetaken')) > datetimeToTimestamp(date("Y-m-d"))) { $ok = false; $error['imagetaken'] = "Time machines are not allowed on Planet Geograph"; } if (($_POST['imageclass'] == 'Other' || empty($_POST['imageclass'])) && !empty($_POST['imageclassother'])) { $imageclass = stripslashes($_POST['imageclassother']); } else { if ($_POST['imageclass'] != 'Other') { $imageclass = stripslashes($_POST['imageclass']); } } if (strlen($imageclass) == 0) { $ok = false; $error['imageclass'] = "Please choose a geographical feature"; } else { $smarty->assign_by_ref('imageclass', $imageclass);
$verlegtdatum = $parts[4]; $zusatzinfo = ""; $schiri = ""; } elseif ($parts[0] != "" && $parts[1] == "") { if (strpos($parts[0], "//") === false) { // schiri $schiri = $parts[0]; $printOne = true; } else { // zusatzinfos $zusatzinfo = $parts[0]; $printOne = true; } } } echo "VALUES ('{$spielnummer}', '{$heim_team}', '{$gast_team}', '{$zusatzinfo}', '{$schiri}', '" . dateToTimestamp($spieldatum_plan, $anfiff_plan) . "', '" . getSpieltag($spielnummer) . "', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '" . isFree($gast_team) . "', '" . datetimeToTimestamp($verlegtdatum) . "');\n"; fclose($hfile); function isFree($gast) { if ($gast === "SPIELFREI") { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function dateToTimestamp($date, $time) { if ($time === "") { $time = "00:00"; } $datePart = explode(" ", $date);