public function fetch($viewfile = '', $display = false) { $content = ""; if (!I("view")) { //检查有没有自己设置的主题 if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['theme']) && file_exists($GLOBALS['config']['theme'] . "/" . $viewfile . ".php")) { $viewfile = $GLOBAL['config']['theme'] . "/" . $viewfile . ".php"; } elseif (file_exists(P("webprojectpath") . "view/" . $viewfile . ".php")) { $viewfile = P("webprojectpath") . "view/" . $viewfile . ".php"; } elseif (file_exists(P("webprojectpath") . "view/" . C("router")->controller . "/" . $viewfile . ".php")) { $viewfile = P("webprojectpath") . "view/" . C("router")->controller . "/" . $viewfile . ".php"; } elseif (file_exists(P("viewpath") . "view/" . $viewfile . ".php")) { $viewfile = P("viewpath") . "view/" . $viewfile . ".php"; } elseif (file_exists(P("viewpath") . "view/" . C("router")->controller . "/" . $viewfile . ".php")) { $viewfile = P("viewpath") . "view/" . C("router")->controller . "/" . $viewfile . ".php"; } ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(0); extract($this->vvar, EXTR_OVERWRITE); include $viewfile; $content = ob_get_clean(); } elseif (I("view") == "Smarty") { $Smarty = C("Smarty"); $Smarty->assign($this->vvar); $content = $Smarty->fetch($viewfile); } return $content; }
function __construct($path = "", $waterfilname = 'site_water.png', $width = 120, $height = 25) { $this->waterpath = $path ? $path : P("frameworkpath") . "config/"; $this->waterfilename = $waterfilname; $this->width = $width; $this->height = $height; $this->bgcolor = '#F0F0F0'; }
function initialize_request() { global $MODULE, $PAGE, $OP, $F, $S; $MODULE = P('m'); $PAGE = P('p'); $OP = P('op'); $F = P('f', array()); $S = P('s', array()); }
public function __construct($message, $code = 0) { // 自定义的代码 // 确保所有变量都被正确赋值 parent::__construct($message, $code); ob_start(); print_r($GLOBALS); $str = "\n-----------------------------------" . $this->getCode() . "----------------------------------------\n"; file_put_contents(P("frameworkpath") . "log/" . date("Y_m_d") . ".txt", $str . ob_get_clean() . $this->__toString() . $str, FILE_APPEND); }
function edit_user(&$msg, &$data) { global $F; $id = P('id'); if (!$id || $id == '1') { return false; } // just for demo of file upload unset($F['avatar']); db_update('qwp_user')->fields($F)->condition('id', $id)->execute(); $msg = L('Save user info successfully'); }
protected function search($e) { $q = $this->post->textVal('txtQuery'); // load remote html page $url = $this->url . urlencode($q); $searchPage = new RaxanWebPage($url); // find the search titles (h3) $titles = $searchPage->find('h3'); $html = ''; foreach ($titles->get() as $node) { $html .= '<div class="bmm">' . P($node)->html() . "</div>\n"; // } $this->result->html($html); }
function list_users(&$msg, &$data) { $r = intval(S('r', 0)); $page = intval(P('page', 1)); $page_size = intval(P('psize', 30)); $page *= $page_size; $data['total'] = 5 * $page_size; $data['data'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $page_size; ++$i) { if ($i < $r) { continue; } $data['data'][] = array('id' => $i, 'name' => 'Test ' . ($i + $page - $page_size + 1), 'age' => rand(10, 30), 'phone' => random_string()); usleep(30000); } }
function Main() { $now = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); P($now . "==============================\n"); global $tbl_gm_db, $tbl_serv_db, $tbl_game_server; $str = "("; $qs = "select * from tbl_channel_word"; $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "GMS"); $words = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { array_push($words, "lcc.lcc_sMsg like '%" . $row[0] . "%'"); } $str .= implode(" or ", $words); $str .= ")"; P("Number of Check Word: " . count($words) . "\n"); $qs = "select gv_value from tbl_gm_variable where gv_name = 'ChannelChatStemp'"; $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "GMS"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { P("Last updated at: " . $row[0] . "\n"); $str .= " and lcc.lcc_dtChatTime > '" . $row[0] . "' and lcc.lcc_dtChatTime <= '" . $now . "'"; } $qs = "update tbl_gm_variable set gv_value = '" . $now . "' where gv_name = 'ChannelChatStemp'"; MySQLQuery($qs, "GMS"); foreach ($tbl_serv_db as $key => $dbinfo) { P("Server: " . $key . "\t"); $insert = array(); $qs = "select lcc.cs_uId,lcc.lcc_dtChatTime,{$key} as serv_id,lcc.lcc_sMsg,lcc.lcc_sChannelName from tbl_log_channel_chat lcc where " . $str; $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "GameLog", $key); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $qs = "select c.c_sName, us.us_sName from tbl_char c, tbl_char_static cs, tbl_user_static us where c.cs_uId = cs.cs_uId and cs.us_uId = us.us_uId and cs.cs_uId = " . $row[0]; $rs = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $key); if ($r = mysql_fetch_row($rs)) { $row[0] = $r[0]; $user_name = $r[1]; } else { $row[0] = "[" . $row[0] . "]"; } array_push($insert, "insert into tbl_channel_chat values('" . $row[0] . "','" . $row[3] . "','" . $row[1] . "','" . Local2UTF8($row[4]) . "'," . $row[2] . ",'" . $user_name . "')"); } P("Number of Chat: " . count($insert) . "\n"); foreach ($insert as $query) { MySQLQuery($query, "GMS"); } } }
function list_users(&$msg, &$data) { get_user_data_modal($user_modal); $user_id = P('id'); $options = array('data modal' => $user_modal, 'left join' => array(array('qwp_role', 'r', '')), 'where' => '<>1 and role<>1'); if ($user_id) { $data = array(); if ($user_id != '1' && is_digits($user_id)) { $options['where'] .= ' and' . $user_id; qwp_db_get_data(array('qwp_user', 'u'), $data, null, $options); } } else { $options['default order'] = array('role', array('id', 'desc')); $options['search condition'] = array('condition' => array('fields' => array('' => 'like', 'avatar' => 'set_avatar_condition', 'gender' => array('s' => array('<>', 'x'))), 'condition' => array('op' => 'or', 'fields' => array('phone' => 'like', 'account' => 'like', 'email' => 'like', 'name' => 'like')))); $options['search converter'] = 'convert_search_data'; qwp_db_retrieve_data(array('qwp_user', 'u'), $data, $options); } }
public function encode() { Header("Content-type: image/PNG"); $str = array(0 => 'A', 1 => 'B', 2 => 'C', 3 => 'D', 4 => 'E', 5 => 'F', 6 => 'G', 7 => 'H', 8 => 'K', 9 => 'N', 10 => 'M', 11 => 'P', 12 => 'R', 13 => 'S', 14 => 'T', 15 => 'U', 16 => 'V', 17 => 'W', 18 => 'X', 19 => '2', 20 => '3', 21 => '4', 22 => '5', 23 => '6', 24 => '7', 25 => '8', 26 => '9'); $image_x = 140; $image_y = 80; $im = imagecreate($image_x, $image_y); $fnt = P("frameworkpath") . "config/mask.TTF"; //显示的字体样式 $white = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(100, 160), rand(100, 160), rand(100, 160)); imagearc($im, 150, 8, 20, 20, 75, 170, $white); imagearc($im, 180, 7, 50, 30, 75, 175, $white); imageline($im, 20, 20, 180, 30, $white); imageline($im, 20, 18, 170, 50, $white); imageline($im, 25, 50, 80, 50, $white); $noise_num = 50; $line_num = 80; $font_color[0] = imagecolorallocate($im, 0xa5, 0x20, 0xb5); $font_color[1] = imagecolorallocate($im, 0x60, 0xb0, 0xc5); $font_color[2] = imagecolorallocate($im, 0x0, 0xe0, 0x70); $font_color[3] = imagecolorallocate($im, 0x90, 0x0, 0x70); $rectangle_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); $noise_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0); $line_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0x80, 0x80, 0x40); $n = rand(0, 3); for ($i = 0; $i < $noise_num; $i++) { imagefilledellipse($im, mt_rand(0, $image_x), mt_rand(0, $image_y), rand(3, 8), rand(3, 8), $font_color[$n]); imageline($im, mt_rand(0, $image_x), mt_rand(0, $image_y), mt_rand(0, $image_x), mt_rand(0, $image_y), $line_color); } $s = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $n = rand(0, 26); $str3 = $str[intval($n)]; $s .= $str3; $fix = rand(0, 1) ? '-' : ''; imagettftext($im, rand(24, 32), $fix . rand(10, 30), 25 * $i + 10, rand(30, 50), $font_color[rand(0, 2)], $fnt, $str3); } $_SESSION['verifier'] = $s; ImagePNG($im); ImageDestroy($im); }
function O() { $e = P($b['Q']); $f = R($e); $g = "S{$eT}{$eU}{$eV}"; $h = W($g); if (!$h) { X(Y()); return $this->E(); } if (!AA($h)) { AB('AC'); return $this->E(); } else { $i = <<<AE AF{$b['Q']}AH AE; while ($j = AI($h)) { $g = "AJ{$j['AK']}AL"; $k = W($g); $l = AI($k); $i .= <<<AO AP AO; if ($j['AQ']) { $i .= "AR{$j['AQ']}AU"; } if ($j['AQ'] == 0) { if ($j['AW'] != 0) { $i .= "AX{$l['AY']}AZ{$j['BA']}BB{$j['BC']}BD"; } else { $i .= "AX{$l['AY']}AZ{$j['BA']}BB{$j['BJ']}BK{$j['BL']}BM{$j['BN']}BD"; } } $i .= 'BP'; } return $i . $this->E(); } }
$bank = P("bank"); $txtWithdraw = P("txtDeposit"); $txtDTWithdraw = P("txtDTWithdraw"); $trans = Trans::getInstance(); $ret = $trans->saveWithdraw($txtWithdraw, $txtDTWithdraw, $bank); if ($ret == -1) { array_push($errmsg, "รายการนี้ได้มีการแจ้งเข้ามาแล้ว กรุณารอผู้ดูแลยืนยันข้อมูลสักครู่ค่ะ"); } elseif ($ret == -2) { array_push($errmsg, "จำนวนเงินที่ถอนมีมากกว่าเงินในระบบ"); } elseif ($ret == -3) { array_push($errmsg, "รายการที่เรียกขอเข้ามา มีจำนวนมากกว่าเงินในระบบ ท่านต้องยกเลิกรายการเก่าเสียก่อน"); } else { array_push($sucmsg, "ได้รับการแจ้งถอนเงินเข้ามาแล้ว กรุณารอสักครู่ ระบบกำลังดำเนินการ"); } } elseif ($submit == "frmBankWithdrawCancel") { $tid = P("tid"); $ret = Trans::getInstance()->setWithdrawCancelByOwn($tid); if ($ret == 1) { array_push($sucmsg, "ยกเลิกรายการเสร็จสมบูรณ์"); } elseif ($ret == -1) { array_push($errmsg, "ทำรายการไม่สมบูรณ์"); } } } elseif (REQUEST_METHOD == "GET" && isset($_SESSION["FB_TOKEN"])) { $data = file_get_contents(",email,picture&access_token=" . $_SESSION["FB_TOKEN"]); $data = json_decode($data, true); $fbid = $data["id"]; $fbtoken = $_SESSION["FB_TOKEN"]; $user = (new Users())->getCurrentUser(); $ret = $user->fbConnect($fbid, $fbtoken); if ($ret == 1) {
<?php $errmsg = array(); $sucmsg = array(); $complete_flag = false; $token = G("token"); if (empty($token)) { array_push($errmsg, "การทำรายการไม่ถูกต้อง"); } if (REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { $retoken = P("retoken"); $txtPassword1 = P("txtPassword1"); $txtPassword2 = P("txtPassword2"); if (empty($retoken)) { array_push($errmsg, "การทำรายการไม่ถูกต้อง กรุณาเริ่มทำรายการใหม่"); } if (strlen($txtPassword1) == 0) { array_push($errmsg, "กรุณาใส่รหัสผ่าน"); } if ($txtPassword1 !== $txtPassword2) { array_push($errmsg, "รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน"); } // no error then reset email if (count($errmsg) == 0) { $user = new Users(); $user->resetPassword($txtPassword1, $retoken); array_push($sucmsg, "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านเสร็จสมบูรณ์"); logout(); $complete_flag = true; } }
/** * Returns all relevant library directories of the current gateway module * * - The lib folder of th current module * - The application lib folder * - The project lib folder * - All lib folders of the installed plugins * * @return array The array with absolute paths of all lib-folders */ protected function getProjectLibDirectories() { // get the application lib directories $lib_dirs = array(); $lib_dirs[] = P("frameworkpath") . "lib"; // get the cross application lib dir (i.e. apps/frontend/lib) $lib_dirs[] = P("webprojectpath") . "lib"; // get the project lib dir $lib_dirs[] = P("webprojectpath") . "class"; $lib_dirs[] = P("frameworkpath") . "class"; $lib_dirs[] = P("webprojectpath") . "lib/services"; $lib_dirs[] = P("frameworkpath") . "lib/services"; // get the plugin lib dirs if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['frameworklib']) && is_array($GLOBALS['config']['frameworklib'])) { $lib_dirs = array_merge($lib_dirs, $GLOBALS['config']['frameworklib']); } return $lib_dirs; }
function qwp_db_retrieve_data($table_name, &$data, &$options) { if (isset($options['data modal'])) { qwp_db_get_fields_from_modal($options['data modal'], $fields); if (isset($options['data modal']['alias'])) { if (isset($options['alias'])) { copy_from($options['alias'], $options['data modal']['alias']); } else { $options['alias'] = $options['data modal']['alias']; } } } else { $fields = $options['fields']; } qwp_db_init_order_by($options); qwp_db_init_search_params($options); qwp_create_query($query, $table_name, $fields, $options); $enable_pager = P('enable_pager', true, $options); $total = 0; if ($enable_pager) { $total = qwp_db_calc_data_count($query); } if (!is_array($data)) { $data = array(); } if (isset($data["data"])) { $data["total"] = $total + count($data["data"]); } else { $data["total"] = $total; $data["data"] = array(); } if (!$enable_pager || $enable_pager && $total > 0) { if ($enable_pager) { $data['page'] = qwp_db_set_pager($query, $total); } $result = $query->execute(); if (isset($options['data converter'])) { $data_converter = $options['data converter']; while ($r = $result->fetchAssoc()) { $data_converter($r); $data["data"][] = $r; } } else { while ($r = $result->fetchAssoc()) { $data["data"][] = $r; } } if (!$enable_pager) { $data["total"] = count($data["data"]); } } }
<?php if (!B('C')) { exit('D'); } E('F', G); @(list($a['H'], $b['I'], $c['J'], $d['K'], $e['L']) = M(N('O', P($f['Q']))));
<?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/__header.php"; $bgcolor1 = P("bgcolor1", "#fcd903"); $bgcolor2 = P("bgcolor2", "#faa401"); ?> <div id="nav" class="container-fluid"> <i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> Code Snippets <i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> Category Top banner </div> <br> <div class="container wrapper"> <div class="row"> <div class="wrapper flashsale" data-countdown='true' data-title="ดีลเด็ด 24 ชั่วโมง"></div> </div> </div> <br><br> <div class="container pull-left"> <div class="row"> <form method="post"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-3">
<?php include "__header.php"; include "__nav.php"; ?> <?php $topimg = P("topimg", ""); $toplink = P("toplink", ""); $menu = P("menu", ""); $menumo = P("menumo", ""); $links = trim(P("links", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")); list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($menu); $lines_arr = preg_split('/\\n/', $links); $num_newlines = count($lines_arr); ?> <form method="post"> <div class="panel panel-default container menu"> <div class="panel-body row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="txtTopImage">Top Image</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="txtTopImage" name="topimg" placeholder="Top Image" value="<?php echo $topimg; ?> "> </div>
<?php header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); include "conn.php"; include "phpQuery.php"; login(); $vocher = req(URL_VOCHER . P("code")); $data = array(); $doc = phpQuery::newDocument($vocher); $tr = $doc['".grid tbody tr"']; foreach ($tr as $o) { $td = pq($o)->find("td"); array_push($data, array('id' => array_pop(explode("/", $td->eq(0)->find("a")->attr("href"))), 'status' => explode(".", array_pop(explode("_", array_pop(explode("/", $td->eq(1)->find("a img")->attr("src"))))))[0], 'code' => $td->eq(2)->text(), 'valid_from' => $td->eq(3)->text(), 'valid_until' => $td->eq(4)->text(), 'created_at' => $td->eq(5)->text(), 'created_by' => $td->eq(6)->text(), 'discount' => $td->eq(7)->text(), 'times' => $td->eq(8)->text(), 'amount' => $td->eq(9)->text(), 'template' => $td->eq(10)->find("a")->text())); } echo json_encode($data);
$this->C = 'N' . O(P($this->C, R($b->C)), 'D'); break; default: $c = 'U'; while ($this->V($b)) { $c .= 'W'; $b = $b->X(); } $this->C = static::Z($c) . 'D' . O(P($this->C, R($b->C)), 'D'); } switch (B2) { case $this->C === 'D': $this->C = 'F' . $this->C; break; case $this->C === $b->C: $this->C = 'F'; break; case $this->L($b): $this->C = 'N' . O(P($this->C, R($b->C)), 'D'); break; case $this->C === 'D': $this->C = 'F' . $this->C; break; default: $c = 'U'; while ($this->V($b)) { $c .= 'W'; $b = $b->X(); } $this->C = static::Z($c) . 'D' . O(P($this->C, R($b->C)), 'D'); }
public function adduserimport() { if (strtolower(substr($_FILES['userfile']['name'], -4)) == '.xls') { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], P("webprojectpath") . "temp/tempuser.xls")) { if (file_exists(P("webprojectpath") . "temp/tempuser.xls")) { $m = M("r.user"); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai'); import('@plugin.Classes.PHPExcel.IOFactory'); $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load(P("webprojectpath") . "temp/tempuser.xls"); $objWorksheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet(); $highestRow = $objWorksheet->getHighestRow(); // e.g. 10 $highestColumn = $objWorksheet->getHighestColumn(); // e.g 'F' $highestColumnIndex = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($highestColumn); // e.g. 5 $row = 1; $user = array(); for ($col = 0; $col < $highestColumnIndex; ++$col) { $user[$col] = $objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue(); } $tmkey = array(); //映射字段 if (is_array($user)) { foreach ($user as $key => $value) { $value = str_replace(" ", "", trim($value)); switch ($value) { case '姓名': $tmkey['realname'] = $key; break; case '职务': $tmkey['job'] = $key; break; case '性别': $tmkey['sex'] = $key; break; case '用户名': $tmkey['username'] = $key; break; case '密码': $tmkey['password'] = $key; break; case 'email': $tmkey['email'] = $key; break; case '电子邮件': $tmkey['email'] = $key; break; } } if (empty($tmkey)) { $tmkey['realname'] = 0; $tmkey['job'] = 1; $tmkey['sex'] = 2; $tmkey['username'] = 3; $tmkey['password'] = 4; } } $projectid = $_SESSION['cid'] != '' ? $_SESSION['cid'] : intval($_POST['projectid']); $utable = ''; $utable .= '<table width="720" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="forumline">' . "\n"; $utable .= '<tr>' . "\n"; for ($col = 0; $col <= $highestColumnIndex; ++$col) { $utable .= '<td class="row1">' . $user[$col] . '</td>' . "\n"; } $utable .= '</tr>' . "\n"; for ($row = 2; $row <= $highestRow; ++$row) { $utable .= '<tr>' . "\n"; $user = array(); for ($col = 0; $col <= $highestColumnIndex; ++$col) { $user[$col] = $objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue(); } $m->clearEdit(); $username = trim($user[$tmkey['username']]); if ($username != '') { $u = $m->where("username='******'")->limit(1)->fetch()->getData(); if (isset($u['username']) && $u['username'] == $username) { $username = $username . rand(1000, 9999); $user[$tmkey['username']] = $username; } $m->clearEdit(); $m->username = $username; $m->password = md5(trim($user[$tmkey['password']])); $m->realname = trim($user[$tmkey['realname']]); $m->setprojectid($projectid); if (isset($tmkey['email'])) { $m->email = trim($user[$tmkey['email']]); } $m->job = trim($user[$tmkey['job']]); $m->sex = trim($user[$tmkey['sex']]) == '男' ? 1 : 0; $m->save(); } for ($col = 0; $col <= $highestColumnIndex; ++$col) { $utable .= '<td>' . $user[$col] . '</td>' . "\n"; } $utable .= '</tr>' . "\n"; } $utable .= '</table>' . "\n"; unlink(P("webprojectpath") . "temp/tempuser.xls"); } else { redirect(url_for("rbac/userimport"), "读取用户名单出错!", 3); } } else { redirect(url_for("rbac/userimport"), "用户名单文件出错!", 3); } } else { redirect(url_for("rbac/userimport"), "提交用户名单文件有误!", 3); } $this->utable = $utable; }
$fbid = $data['id']; $user = new Users(); $res = $user->fbAuth($fbid, $_SESSION["FB_TOKEN"]); if ($res) { header("Location: /"); } else { array_push($errmsg, "ยืนยันตัวตนด้วย Facebook ไม่สมบูรณ์ ไม่พบผู้ใช้ในระบบ"); } } else { array_push($errmsg, "ยืนยันตัวตนด้วย Facebook ไม่สมบูรณ์"); } } unset($_SESSION["FB_TOKEN"]); } elseif (REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { $txtEmail = P("txtEmail"); $txtPassword = P("txtPassword"); $rememberMe = isset($_POST["rememberme"]); if (!validateEmail($txtEmail)) { array_push($errmsg, "รูปแบบ email ไม่ถูกต้อง"); } if (strlen($txtPassword) == 0) { array_push($errmsg, "กรุณาใส่รหัสผ่าน"); } if (count($errmsg) == 0) { $user = new Users(); $res = $user->Auth($txtEmail, $txtPassword, $rememberMe); if ($res) { header("Location: /"); } else { array_push($errmsg, "Email หรือ รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง"); }
public function delete() { $id = P('id'); $where = "id={$id}"; $this->model->delete($where); }
echo P($data['firstname']); ?> <?php echo P($data['lastname']); ?> </li> <li>email: <?php echo P($data['email']); ?> </li> <li>access key: <b><?php echo P($data['accessKey']); ?> </b></li> <li>number of persons total: <?php echo P($data['nPersons']); ?> </li> <li>need WiFi access: <?php echo B($data['needInet']); ?> </li> <li>is veggie: <?php echo B($data['isVeggie']); ?> </li> <li>is walking impaired: <?php echo B($data['isImpaired']); ?> </li> <li>looks for room mates: <?php
} if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 1) { //Apache return true; } elseif ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on') { //IIS return true; } elseif ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) { //其他 return true; } return false; } define('WEB_ROOT', $web_root); define('HOST', (is_HTTPS() ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/'); define('BASIC_PATH', P(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/'); define('APPHOST', HOST . str_replace(WEB_ROOT, '', BASIC_PATH)); //程序根目录 define('TEMPLATE', BASIC_PATH . 'template/'); //模版文件路径 define('CONTROLLER_DIR', BASIC_PATH . 'controller/'); //控制器目录 define('MODEL_DIR', BASIC_PATH . 'model/'); //模型目录 define('LIB_DIR', BASIC_PATH . 'lib/'); //库目录 define('FUNCTION_DIR', LIB_DIR . 'function/'); //函数库目录 define('CLASS_DIR', LIB_DIR . 'class/'); //内目录 define('CORER_DIR', LIB_DIR . 'core/');
<?php if (!defined('QWP_ROOT')) { exit('Invalid Request'); } ?> <div class="container"> <form class="form-signin" method="post" action="<?php echo qwp_uri_current_ops('login'); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="dsturl" value="<?php echo P('dsturl'); ?> "> <h2>Please sign in ...</h2> <label for="inputEmail" class="sr-only">Email address</label> <input type="text" name="f[user]" id="inputEmail" class="form-control" placeholder="Email address" value="*****@*****.**"> <label for="inputPassword" class="sr-only">Password</label> <input type="password" name="f[pwd]" id="inputPassword" class="form-control" placeholder="Password" value="123Qwe"> <div class="checkbox"> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="remember-me"> Remember me </label> </div> <button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" type="submit">Sign in</button> </form> </div> <!-- /container -->
<?php include "../conf/conn.php"; $_SESSION['verify'] = array(); $_SESSION['verify']["error"] = array(); if (REQUEST_METHOD != "POST") { header("Location: /verify"); } $txtPassword = trim(P("txtPassword")); $txtPassword2 = trim(P("txtPassword2")); $v = trim(P("v")); if (empty($txtPassword)) { $_SESSION['verify']["error"]["txtPassword"] = "******"; } if (empty($txtPassword2)) { $_SESSION['verify']["error"]["txtPassword2"] = "กรุณายืนยันรหัสผ่าน"; } if (!empty($txtPassword) && !empty($txtPassword2)) { if ($txtPassword != $txtPassword2) { $_SESSION['verify']["error"]["txtPassword2"] = "รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน"; } } $_SESSION['verify']["txtPassword"] = $txtPassword; if (count($_SESSION['verify']["error"]) > 0) { header("Location: /verify?v={$v}"); exit; } //////////////////////// PASS unset($_SESSION['verify']); $sql = "select *, md5(concat(' ', email)) ver FROM `usr` having ver = '{$v}'"; $res = mysql_query($sql);
function PD($string) { P($string); die; }
<?php include "../conf/conn.php"; $_SESSION['login'] = array(); $_SESSION['login']["error"] = array(); if (REQUEST_METHOD != "POST") { header("Location: /login"); } $txtEmail = trim(P("txtEmail")); $txtPwd = trim(P("txtPwd")); $rememberMe = P("rememberMe"); if (empty($txtEmail)) { $_SESSION['login']["error"]["txtEmail"] = "กรุณากรอก Email"; } else { if (filter_var($txtEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) { $_SESSION['login']["error"]["txtEmail"] = "Email ไม่ถูกต้อง"; } } if (empty($txtPwd)) { $_SESSION['login']["error"]["txtPwd"] = "กรุณากรอกรหัสผ่าน"; } if (!empty($txtEmail) && !empty($txtPwd)) { $pwd = md5("{$txtEmail} {$txtPwd}"); $pww = base64_encode($pwd); } exit; $_SESSION['login']["txtEmail"] = $txtEmail; if (count($_SESSION['login']["error"]) > 0) { header("Location: /login"); exit; }
<h2>Payment Instructions</h2> <p> Please transfer the registration fee of <b>CHF <?php echo P($data["price"]); ?> .—</b> with bank transfer. </p> <p> To:<br> Rechnungswesen der Universitat Zurich<br> LISA Symposium<br> 8057 Zurich <br> IBAN-Nr.: CH12 0900 0000 3109 1810 4<br> Swift/BIC: POFICHBEXXX </p> <p> From / Message: <?php echo sprintf('%03d', intval($data["id"])); ?> <?php echo P($data["lastname"]); ?> </p>