function cmtx_notify_admin_new_comment_okay($poster, $comment, $comment_id) { //notify admin of new comment global $cmtx_mysql_table_prefix, $cmtx_is_admin, $cmtx_path; //globalise variables if (file_exists($cmtx_path . 'includes/emails/' . cmtx_setting('language_frontend') . '/admin/custom/new_comment_okay.txt')) { $admin_new_comment_okay_email_file = $cmtx_path . 'includes/emails/' . cmtx_setting('language_frontend') . '/admin/custom/new_comment_okay.txt'; //build path to custom admin new comment okay email file } else { $admin_new_comment_okay_email_file = $cmtx_path . 'includes/emails/' . cmtx_setting('language_frontend') . '/admin/new_comment_okay.txt'; //build path to admin new comment okay email file } $body = file_get_contents($admin_new_comment_okay_email_file); //get the file's contents $page_reference = cmtx_decode(cmtx_get_page_reference()); //get the reference of the current page $page_url = cmtx_decode(cmtx_get_page_url()); //get the URL of the current page $comment_url = cmtx_decode(cmtx_get_permalink($comment_id, cmtx_get_page_url())); //get the permalink of the comment $poster = cmtx_prepare_name_for_email($poster); //prepare name for email $comment = cmtx_prepare_comment_for_email($comment); //prepare comment for email $admin_link = cmtx_url_encode_spaces(cmtx_setting('commentics_url') . cmtx_setting('admin_folder')) . '/'; //build admin panel link //convert email variables with actual variables $body = str_ireplace('[page reference]', $page_reference, $body); $body = str_ireplace('[page url]', $page_url, $body); $body = str_ireplace('[comment url]', $comment_url, $body); $body = str_ireplace('[poster]', $poster, $body); $body = str_ireplace('[comment]', $comment, $body); $body = str_ireplace('[admin link]', $admin_link, $body); $body = str_ireplace('[signature]', cmtx_setting('signature'), $body); //select administrators from database $admins = cmtx_db_query("SELECT `email` FROM `" . $cmtx_mysql_table_prefix . "admins` WHERE `receive_email_new_comment_okay` = '1' AND `is_enabled` = '1'"); while ($admin = cmtx_db_fetch_assoc($admins)) { //while there are administrators $email = $admin['email']; //get administrator email address if ($cmtx_is_admin && cmtx_is_admin_email($email)) { } else { //if not detected admin who submitted cmtx_email($email, null, cmtx_setting('admin_new_comment_okay_subject'), $body, cmtx_setting('admin_new_comment_okay_from_email'), cmtx_setting('admin_new_comment_okay_from_name'), cmtx_setting('admin_new_comment_okay_reply_to')); } } }
} else { echo $cmtx_average_rating . '/5 (' . cmtx_number_of_ratings() . ')</span>'; } } echo '</div>'; /* *** Pagination (Top) *** */ echo '<div class="cmtx_pagination_block_top">'; if (cmtx_setting('enabled_pagination') && cmtx_setting('show_pagination_top') && $cmtx_total_pages > 1) { cmtx_paginate($cmtx_current_page, cmtx_setting('range_of_pages'), $cmtx_total_pages); } echo '</div>'; /* *** Social *** */ echo '<div class="cmtx_social_block">'; if (cmtx_setting('show_social')) { $cmtx_social_url = cmtx_url_encode_spaces(cmtx_get_page_url()); $cmtx_social_title = cmtx_url_encode_spaces(cmtx_get_page_reference()); $cmtx_social_url = str_ireplace('&', '%26', $cmtx_social_url); //convert & to %26 $cmtx_social_title = str_ireplace('&', '%26', $cmtx_social_title); //convert & to %26 $cmtx_social_attribute = ''; //initialize variable if (cmtx_setting('social_new_window')) { $cmtx_social_attribute = ' target="_blank"'; } echo '<div class="cmtx_social_images">'; if (cmtx_setting('show_social_facebook')) { echo '<a href="' . $cmtx_social_url . '&t=' . $cmtx_social_title . '" rel="nofollow"' . $cmtx_social_attribute . '><img src="' . cmtx_commentics_url() . 'images/social/facebook.png" class="cmtx_social_image" title="Facebook" alt="Facebook"/></a>'; } if (cmtx_setting('show_social_delicious')) { echo '<a href="' . $cmtx_social_url . '&title=' . $cmtx_social_title . '" rel="nofollow"' . $cmtx_social_attribute . '><img src="' . cmtx_commentics_url() . 'images/social/delicious.png" class="cmtx_social_image" title="" alt=""/></a>';