コード例 #1
 function gdlrs_register_room_item($page_builder = array())
     global $gdlr_spaces;
     $page_builder['content-item']['options']['hostel-room'] = array('title' => __('Hostel Room', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'item', 'options' => array_merge(gdlr_page_builder_title_option(__('View all rooms', 'gdlr-hotel')), array('category' => array('title' => __('Category', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'multi-combobox', 'options' => gdlr_get_term_list('hostel_room_category'), 'description' => __('You can use Ctrl/Command button to select multiple categories or remove the selected category. <br><br> Leave this field blank to select all categories.', 'gdlr-hotel')), 'tag' => array('title' => __('Tag', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'multi-combobox', 'options' => gdlr_get_term_list('hostel_room_tag'), 'description' => __('Will be ignored when the room filter option is enabled.', 'gdlr-hotel')), 'room-style' => array('title' => __('Room Style', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => array('classic' => __('Classic', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'classic-no-space' => __('Classic No Space', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'modern' => __('Modern', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'modern-no-space' => __('Modern No Space', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'medium' => __('Medium Thumbnail', 'gdlr-hotel'))), 'enable-carousel' => array('title' => __('Room Carousel', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'wrapper-class' => 'room-style-wrapper modern-wrapper modern-no-space-wrapper classic-wrapper classic-no-space-wrapper'), 'room-size' => array('title' => __('Room Column Size', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => array('1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4'), 'default' => 3, 'wrapper-class' => 'room-style-wrapper classic-wrapper classic-no-space-wrapper modern-wrapper modern-no-space-wrapper'), 'num-fetch' => array('title' => __('Num Fetch', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '8', 'description' => __('Specify the number of rooms you want to pull out.', 'gdlr-hotel')), 'num-excerpt' => array('title' => __('Num Excerpt', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '20', 'wrapper-class' => 'room-style-wrapper medium-wrapper'), 'thumbnail-size' => array('title' => __('Thumbnail Size', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => gdlr_get_thumbnail_list(), 'description' => __('Only effects to <strong>standard and gallery post format</strong>', 'gdlr-hotel')), 'orderby' => array('title' => __('Order By', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => array('date' => __('Publish Date', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'title' => __('Title', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'rand' => __('Random', 'gdlr-hotel'))), 'order' => array('title' => __('Order', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => array('desc' => __('Descending Order', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'asc' => __('Ascending Order', 'gdlr-hotel'))), 'pagination' => array('title' => __('Enable Pagination', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'checkbox'), 'margin-bottom' => array('title' => __('Margin Bottom', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $gdlr_spaces['bottom-blog-item'], 'description' => __('Spaces after ending of this item', 'gdlr-hotel')))));
     $page_builder['content-item']['options']['hostel-room-category'] = array('title' => __('Hostel Room Category / Branches', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'item', 'options' => array_merge(gdlr_page_builder_title_option(__('View All Branches', 'gdlr-hotel')), array('category' => array('title' => __('Select Category to Display', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'multi-combobox', 'options' => gdlr_get_term_id_list('hostel_room_category'), 'description' => __('Will be ignored when the room filter option is enabled.', 'gdlr-hotel')), 'item-size' => array('title' => __('Item Column Size', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => array('1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4'), 'default' => 3, 'wrapper-class' => 'room-style-wrapper classic-wrapper modern-wrapper'), 'thumbnail-size' => array('title' => __('Thumbnail Size', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => gdlr_get_thumbnail_list(), 'description' => __('Only effects to <strong>standard and gallery post format</strong>', 'gdlr-hotel')), 'margin-bottom' => array('title' => __('Margin Bottom', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $gdlr_spaces['bottom-blog-item'], 'description' => __('Spaces after ending of this item', 'gdlr-hotel')))));
     return $page_builder;
コード例 #2
 function gdlr_create_service_options()
     if (!class_exists('gdlr_page_options')) {
     $branches = array();
     global $hotel_option;
     if (!empty($hotel_option['enable-hotel-branch']) && $hotel_option['enable-hotel-branch'] == 'enable') {
         $branches = array_merge($branches, array('branches' => array('title' => __('Assign to Hotel Branches', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'multi-combobox', 'options' => gdlr_get_term_id_list('room_category'), 'custom_field' => 'gdlr-branches')));
     global $hostel_option;
     if (!empty($hostel_option['enable-hotel-branch']) && $hostel_option['enable-hotel-branch'] == 'enable') {
         $branches = array_merge($branches, array('hostel-branches' => array('title' => __('Assign to Hostel Branches', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'multi-combobox', 'options' => gdlr_get_term_id_list('hostel_room_category'), 'custom_field' => 'gdlr-hostel-branches')));
     new gdlr_page_options(array('post_type' => array('service'), 'meta_title' => __('Goodlayers Service Option', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'meta_slug' => 'goodlayers-page-option', 'option_name' => 'post-option', 'position' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high'), array('page-layout' => array('title' => __('Option', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'options' => array_merge(array('service-type' => array('title' => __('Service Type', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => array('regular-service' => __('Regular Service', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'parking-service' => __('Parking Service', 'gdlr-hotel'))), 'price' => array('title' => __('Price (*Only Number)', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'text', 'wrapper-class' => 'four columns'), 'per' => array('title' => __('Per', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => array('guest' => __('Guest', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'room' => __('Room', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'group' => __('Group', 'gdlr-hotel')), 'wrapper-class' => 'service-type-wrapper regular-service-wrapper four columns no-action'), 'car' => array('title' => __('Per', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => array('car' => __('Car', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'group' => __('Group', 'gdlr-hotel')), 'wrapper-class' => 'service-type-wrapper parking-service-wrapper four columns no-action'), 'unit' => array('title' => __('Per', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'type' => 'combobox', 'options' => array('night' => __('Night', 'gdlr-hotel'), 'trip' => __('Trip', 'gdlr-hotel')), 'wrapper-class' => 'four columns'), 'clear-1' => array('type' => 'clear')), $branches))));
コード例 #3
 function gdlrs_get_reservation_branch_combobox($option, $min_num = 0, $max_num = 10)
     $branches = gdlr_get_term_id_list('hostel_room_category');
     $ret = '<div class="gdlr-reservation-field gdlr-resv-branches-combobox">';
     $ret .= '<span class="gdlr-reservation-field-title">' . $option['title'] . '</span>';
     $ret .= '<div class="gdlr-combobox-wrapper">';
     $ret .= '<select name="' . $option['slug'] . '" ';
     $ret .= !empty($option['id']) ? 'id="' . $option['id'] . '" >' : '>';
     $ret .= '<option value="" >' . __('Please select hotel branch', 'gdlr-hotel') . '</option>';
     foreach ($branches as $slug => $branch) {
         $ret .= '<option value="' . $slug . '" ' . (!empty($option['value']) && $slug == $option['value'] ? 'selected' : '') . ' >' . $branch . '</option>';
     $ret .= '</select>';
     $ret .= '</div>';
     // gdlr-combobox-wrapper
     $ret .= '<div id="please-select-branches" >' . __('* Please select branch', 'gdlr-hotel') . '</div>';
     $ret .= '</div>';
     return $ret;
コード例 #4
function gdlr_hotel_transaction_option()
    global $hotel_option;
    $keyword = empty($_GET['keyword']) ? '' : $_GET['keyword'];
    $search_by = empty($_GET['search-by']) ? '' : $_GET['search-by'];
    $sel_branch = empty($_GET['hotel-branches']) ? '' : $_GET['hotel-branches'];
    $status = empty($_GET['type']) ? 'new' : $_GET['type'];
<div class="gdlr-transaction-wrapper">
    _e('Booking List : Deposit Paid', 'gdlr-hotel');
	<form class="gdlr-transaction-form" method="GET" action="">
		<div class="gdlr-transaction-row">
			<span class="gdlr-transaction-head"><?php 
    _e('Search Transaction By :', 'gdlr-lms');
			<div class="gdlr-combobox-wrapper">
				<select name="search-by" >
					<option value="contact" <?php 
    echo $search_by == 'contact' ? 'selected' : '';
    _e('Contact', 'gdlr-hotel');
					<option value="room" <?php 
    echo $search_by == 'room' ? 'selected' : '';
    _e('Room ID', 'gdlr-hotel');
					<option value="code" <?php 
    echo $search_by == 'code' ? 'selected' : '';
    _e('Code', 'gdlr-hotel');
    if (!empty($hotel_option['enable-hotel-branch']) && $hotel_option['enable-hotel-branch'] == 'enable') {
		<div class="gdlr-transaction-row">
			<span class="gdlr-transaction-head"><?php 
        _e('Hotel Branches :', 'gdlr-lms');
			<div class="gdlr-combobox-wrapper">
				<select name="hotel-branches" >
					<option value=""><?php 
        _e('All', 'gdlr-hotel');
        $branches = gdlr_get_term_id_list('room_category');
        foreach ($branches as $slug => $branch) {
            echo '<option value="' . $slug . '" ' . ($slug == $sel_branch ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $branch . '</option>';
		<div class="gdlr-transaction-row">
			<input type="hidden" name="page" value="hotel-transaction" />
			<span class="gdlr-transaction-head"><?php 
    _e('Keywords :', 'gdlr-hotel');
			<input class="gdlr-transaction-keyword" type="text" name="keyword" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($keyword);
" />
			<input type="submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Search!', 'gdlr-hotel');
" />
    $query_arg = $_GET;
	<div class="gdlr-transaction-type">
		<a class="gdlr-button <?php 
    echo $status == 'new' ? 'gdlr-active' : '';
" href="<?php 
    $query_arg['type'] = 'new';
    echo esc_url(add_query_arg($query_arg));
" ><?php 
    _e('Show new booking', 'gdlr-hotel');
		<a class="gdlr-button <?php 
    echo $status == 'read' ? 'gdlr-active' : '';
" href="<?php 
    $query_arg['type'] = 'read';
    echo esc_url(add_query_arg($query_arg));
" ><?php 
    _e('Show read booking', 'gdlr-hotel');

	<form class="gdlr-transaction-table" method="post" >
		<input type="hidden" name="transaction-type" value="" />

		<div class="transaction-bulk">
			<span class="transaction-bulk-title"><?php 
    _e('Bulk Action :', 'gdlr-hotel');
    if ($status == 'new') {
        echo '<span class="transaction-bulk-read">' . __('Mark as read') . '</span>';
    } else {
        echo '<span class="transaction-bulk-unread">' . __('Mark as unread') . '</span>';
			<span class="transaction-bulk-cancel"><?php 
    _e('Cancel Booking', 'gdlr-hotel');
				<th><input id="bulk-select" type="checkbox" /><?php 
    _e('id', 'gdlr-hotel');
    _e('Name', 'gdlr-hotel');
    _e('Contact', 'gdlr-hotel');
    _e('Room', 'gdlr-hotel');
    _e('Payment', 'gdlr-hotel');
    _e('Type', 'gdlr-hotel');
    _e('Code', 'gdlr-hotel');
    _e('Action', 'gdlr-hotel');
    global $wpdb;
    $temp_sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gdlr_hotel_payment ";
    $temp_sql .= "WHERE payment_status != 'pending' ";
    if (!empty($keyword)) {
        if ($search_by == 'contact') {
            $temp_sql .= 'AND contact_info LIKE \'%' . $keyword . '%\' ';
        } else {
            if ($search_by == 'room') {
                $temp_sql .= 'AND booking_data LIKE \'%' . $keyword . '%\' ';
            } else {
                if ($search_by == 'code') {
                    $temp_sql .= 'AND customer_code LIKE \'%' . $keyword . '%\' ';
    if ($status == 'read') {
        $temp_sql .= 'AND read_status = \'read\' ';
    } else {
        $temp_sql .= 'AND (read_status = \'\' OR read_status IS NULL) ';
    $temp_sql .= "ORDER BY id desc";
    $results = $wpdb->get_results($temp_sql);
    // filter result for hotel branches
    if (!empty($sel_branch)) {
        foreach ($results as $slug => $result) {
            $data = unserialize($result->booking_data);
            if (empty($data['gdlr-hotel-branches']) || $data['gdlr-hotel-branches'] != $sel_branch) {
    global $hotel_option;
    $record_num = count($results);
    $current_page = empty($_GET['paged']) ? 1 : intval($_GET['paged']);
    $record_per_page = empty($hotel_option['transaction-per-page']) ? 30 : intval($hotel_option['transaction-per-page']);
    $max_num_page = ceil($record_num / $record_per_page);
    for ($i = $record_per_page * ($current_page - 1); $i < $record_num && $i < $record_per_page * $current_page; $i++) {
        $result = $results[$i];
        $data = unserialize($result->booking_data);
        $contact = unserialize($result->contact_info);
        echo '<tr>';
        // col 12
        echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="tid[]" value="' . $result->id . '" >' . $result->id . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . esc_html($contact['first_name']) . ' ' . esc_html($contact['last_name']) . '</td>';
        // col 345
        echo '<td><a href="#" class="transaction-open-detail">' . __('Detail', 'gdlr-hotel') . '</a>' . get_transaction_contact($contact) . '</td>';
        echo '<td><a href="#" class="transaction-open-detail">' . __('Detail', 'gdlr-hotel') . '</a>' . get_transaction_room($data) . '</td>';
        echo '<td><a href="#" class="transaction-open-detail">' . __('Detail', 'gdlr-hotel') . '</a>' . get_transaction_payment($result, $contact) . '</td>';
        // col 6
        echo '<td>';
        if ($result->payment_status == 'booking') {
            _e('Booking', 'gdlr-hotel');
        } else {
            if ($result->payment_status == 'paid') {
                if ($result->total_price == $result->pay_amount) {
                    _e('Full Amount', 'gdlr-hotel');
                } else {
                    _e('Deposit', 'gdlr-hotel');
            } else {
                echo $result->payment_status;
        echo '</td>';
        // col 7
        echo '<td>' . $result->customer_code . '</td>';
        // col 8
        echo '<td>';
        if ($status == 'new') {
            echo '<a href="#" class="gdlr-mark-as-read">' . __('Mark as read', 'gdlr-hotel') . '</a>';
        } else {
            echo '<a href="#" class="gdlr-mark-as-unread">' . __('Mark as unread', 'gdlr-hotel') . '</a>';
        if ($result->payment_status == 'booking') {
            echo ' / <a href="#" class="gdlr-mark-as-paid">' . __('Mark as paid', 'gdlr-hotel') . '</a>';
        } else {
            echo ' / <a href="#" class="gdlr-mark-as-booking">' . __('Mark as booking', 'gdlr-hotel') . '</a>';
        echo '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    // print pagination
    if ($max_num_page > 1) {
        $page_var = $_GET;
        echo '<div class="gdlr-transaction-pagination">';
        if ($current_page > 1) {
            $page_var['paged'] = intval($current_page) - 1;
            echo '<a class="prev page-numbers" href="' . esc_url(add_query_arg($page_var)) . '" >';
            echo __('&lsaquo; Previous', 'gdlr-lms') . '</a>';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_num_page; $i++) {
            $page_var['paged'] = $i;
            if ($i == $current_page) {
                echo '<span class="page-numbers current" href="' . esc_url(add_query_arg($page_var)) . '" >' . $i . '</span>';
            } else {
                echo '<a class="page-numbers" href="' . esc_url(add_query_arg($page_var)) . '" >' . $i . '</a>';
        if ($current_page < $max_num_page) {
            $page_var['paged'] = intval($current_page) + 1;
            echo '<a class="next page-numbers" href="' . esc_url(add_query_arg($page_var)) . '" >';
            echo __('Next &rsaquo;', 'gdlr-lms') . '</a>';
        echo '</div>';