コード例 #1
function button_to_modal_box_preview($name, $id_formulario, $informe)
    $js = "\n  function preview_informe()\n  {\n    Modalbox.show('" . url_for('informes/preview?id_informe=' . $informe->getPrimaryKey()) . "', {title: '" . __('Vista preliminar del informe') . "', width: 700});\n  }";
    $html = content_tag('script', $js, array('type' => 'text/javascript'));
    $html .= button_to_function($name, 'preview_informe();', array('class' => 'sf_action_show', 'submit' => $id_formulario));
    $html .= "\n";
    return $html;
コード例 #2
ファイル: sfSimpleCMSHelper.php プロジェクト: net7/Talia-CMS
function sf_simple_cms_slot($page, $slot, $default_text = null, $default_type = 'Text')
    $context = sfContext::getInstance();
    $request = $context->getRequest();
    $culture = $request->getAttribute('culture');
    $slot_object = $page->getSlot($slot, constant(sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_escaping_strategy', 'ESC_RAW')));
    if (!$slot_object) {
        $slot_object = new sfSimpleCMSSlot();
    $slot_value = $slot_object->getValue();
    $slot_type_name = $slot_object->getType();
    $slot_type_class = 'sfSimpleCMSSlot' . $slot_type_name;
    $slot_type = new $slot_type_class();
    if ($request->getParameter('edit') == 'true' && !$request->getParameter('preview')) {
        echo '<div class="editable_slot" title="' . __('Double-click to edit') . '" id="slot_' . $slot . '" onDblClick="Element.show(\'edit_' . $slot . '\');Element.hide(\'slot_' . $slot . '\');">';
        if ($slot_value) {
            // Get slot value from the slot type object
            echo $slot_type->getSlotValue($slot_object);
        } else {
            // default text
            echo $default_text ? $default_text : sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_default_text', __('[add text here]'));
        echo '</div>';
        echo form_remote_tag(array('url' => 'sfSimpleCMS/updateSlot', 'script' => 'true', 'update' => 'slot_' . $slot, 'success' => 'Element.show(\'slot_' . $slot . '\');
                        Element.hide(\'edit_' . $slot . '\');
                       ' . visual_effect('highlight', 'slot_' . $slot)), array('class' => 'edit_slot', 'id' => 'edit_' . $slot, 'style' => 'display:none'));
        echo input_hidden_tag('slug', $page->getSlug(), 'id=edit_path' . $slot);
        echo input_hidden_tag('slot', $slot);
        if (sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_use_l10n', false)) {
            echo input_hidden_tag('sf_culture', $slot_object->getCulture());
        // Get slot editor from the slot type object
        echo $slot_type->getSlotEditor($slot_object);
        echo label_for('slot_type', __('Type: '));
        echo select_tag('slot_type', options_for_select(sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_slot_types', array('Text' => __('Simple Text'), 'RichText' => __('Rich text'), 'Php' => __('PHP code'), 'Image' => __('Image'), 'Modular' => __('List of partials/components'))), $slot_type_name));
        if ($rich = sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleCMS_rich_editing', false)) {
            // activate rich text if global rich_editing is true and is the current slot is RichText
            $rich = $slot_type_name == 'RichText';
        echo submit_tag('update', array('onclick' => $rich ? 'tinymceDeactivate()' . ';submitForm(\'edit_' . $slot . '\'); return false' : '', 'class' => 'submit_tag'));
        echo button_to_function('cancel', 'Element.hide(\'edit_' . $slot . '\');Element.show(\'slot_' . $slot . '\');', 'class=submit_tag');
        echo '</form>';
    } else {
        echo $slot_type->getSlotValue($slot_object);
コード例 #3
ファイル: _basicInfo.php プロジェクト: adatta02/comp190-code
  <tr><th>End Time</th>
    echo $basicInfoForm["end_time"]->render(array("size" => 7, "nojs" => true));
    echo $basicInfoForm["due_date"]->renderRow();
    echo $basicInfoForm["contact_name"]->renderRow();
    echo $basicInfoForm["contact_email"]->renderRow();
    echo $basicInfoForm["contact_phone"]->renderRow();
    echo button_to_function("Save", "saveBasicInfo()");
    echo $basicInfoForm->renderHiddenFields();

コード例 #4
ファイル: _Info.php プロジェクト: adatta02/comp190-code
echo url_for("client_edit", array("form" => 'info', "client_id" => $client->getId()));
<table id="info-edit" style="display: none">
echo $InfoForm["name"]->renderRow();
echo $InfoForm["department"]->renderRow();
echo $InfoForm["address"]->renderRow();
echo $InfoForm["email"]->renderRow();
echo $InfoForm["phone"]->renderRow();
echo button_to_function("Save", "saveClientInfo()");
echo $InfoForm->renderHiddenFields();
コード例 #5
    echo "<h3>";
    echo __("Se generará un archivo con la información de la base de datos");
    echo "<br/>";
    echo __('¿Desea continuar?');
    echo "</h3>";
    echo form_remote_tag(array('url' => 'backups/generar', 'update' => 'actualizable', 'loading' => "Element.hide('capa_generar');" . visual_effect("toggle_appear", "indicador"), 'complete' => "Element.hide('indicador')", 'success' => "this.document.location.reload(true);"), 'id=formulario_generar');
    echo submit_tag('Aceptar');
    echo button_to_function(__('Cancelar'), visual_effect('toggle_appear', 'capa_generar'));


<div style="display:none" id="resultado_backup"> Espere un momento, por favor ...</div>
<div class="indicador" style="display:none" id="indicador">
    <p style="text-align:center;top:700%"><br />
echo image_tag('/images/ajax-loader.gif', array('alt' => __('cargando'), 'title' => __('cargando'), 'align' => 'center'));
    <br /><br />La operación se esta realizando, espero por favor...<br />                                                          
コード例 #6
ファイル: viewSuccess.php プロジェクト: broschb/cyclebrain
    $avgSpeed = $sf_params->get('avg_speed');
echo $avgSpeed;

    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="model">Calories Burned:</label>
if ($calories) {
    $cal = $calories;
} else {
    $cal = $sf_params->get('cal_burned');
echo $cal;

<div class="submit-row">
echo input_hidden_tag('statid', $statid);
$editUrl = "Modalbox.show('userstats/edit?statid=" . $statid . "', {title:' Edit Ride', width: 600});return false;";
$cancelUrl = "Modalbox.hide();return false;";
$deleteUrl = "Modalbox.show('userstats/delete?statid=" . $statid . "', {title:' Delete Ride', width: 600});return false;";
echo button_to_function('Edit', $editUrl);
echo button_to_function('Cancel', $cancelUrl);
echo button_to_function('Delete', $deleteUrl);
コード例 #7
ファイル: _shootInfo.php プロジェクト: adatta02/comp190-code
	<table id="shoot-edit-table" style="display: none">
    echo $form["street"]->renderRow();
    echo $form["city"]->renderRow();
    echo $form["state"]->renderRow();
    echo $form["zip"]->renderRow();
    echo button_to_function("Save", "saveShootInfo()");

<script type="text/javascript">
  var map;

  $(document).ready( function(){
  function initialize() {
コード例 #8
ファイル: _slot.php プロジェクト: verenate/gri
    include_component($editModule, "editView", array("name" => $name, "type" => $type, "permid" => $permid, "options" => $options, "updating" => $updating, "validationData" => $validationData));

	<ul class="a-controls a-slot-save-cancel-controls">  
			<input type="submit" name="Save" value="<?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars(__('Save', null, 'apostrophe'));
" class="submit a-submit" id="<?php 
    echo 'a-slot-form-submit-' . $id;
" />
    echo button_to_function(__("Cancel", null, 'apostrophe'), "", array("class" => "a-cancel", 'id' => 'a-slot-form-cancel-' . $id));


	<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    echo $id;
').submit(function() {
    // These fields are the context, not something the user gets to edit. So rather than
コード例 #9
echo $job->getNumberRevisions();
echo $job->getNotes();

<div id="internal-notes-edit" style="display: none">
  <form name="internal-notes-form" id="internal-notes-form" 
echo url_for("job_edit", array("form" => 'internal', "job_id" => $job->getId()));
echo input_hidden_tag("job_id", $job->getId());
echo textarea_tag("internal-edit", $job->getNotes(), array("rows" => 20, "cols" => 50));
echo button_to_function("Update", "saveInternalNotes()");
コード例 #10
ファイル: mapSuccess.php プロジェクト: broschb/cyclebrain
echo button_to_function('Undo', "undoPoint()") . "Undo the last point on the map.";
//php echo button_to_function('Done', "done()")
echo button_to_function('Cancel', "editDone()") . "Cancel editing.";
echo checkbox_tag('mapMileage') . "Use map mileage - Check this if you want to use the mileage from the map for the ride.";
           <div class="submit-row">
echo submit_tag('Save Map') . "Save the map as it currently is.";
       <div id="control">
echo button_to_function('Edit', "doEdit()") . "Edit existing map.";
コード例 #11
echo asset_image_tag($sf_asset, 'large', array('class' => 'thumb'));

    <div class="form-row">
echo __('Filename', null, 'sfAsset');
      <div class=""><?php 
echo $sf_asset->getUrl();

echo $form;


    <ul class="sf_admin_actions">
echo button_to_function(__('Insert', null, 'sfAsset'), "insertAction(\r\n           '" . $sf_asset->getUrl() . "',\r\n           \$('alt" . $sf_asset->getId() . "').value,\r\n           \$('border" . $sf_asset->getId() . "').checked,\r\n           \$('legend" . $sf_asset->getId() . "').checked,\r\n           \$('description" . $sf_asset->getId() . "').value,\r\n           \$('align" . $sf_asset->getId() . "').value,\r\n           \$('thumbnails" . $sf_asset->getId() . "').selectedIndex,\r\n           \$('width" . $sf_asset->getId() . "').value\r\n          )", 'class=sf_admin_action_save');
コード例 #12

<form id="billing-info-form"
    echo url_for("job_edit", array("form" => 'billing', "job_id" => $job->getId()));
	<table id="billing-edit-table" style="display: none">
    echo $form["estimate"]->renderRow();
    echo $form["processing"]->renderRow();
    echo button_to_function("Save", "saveBillingInfo()");

    echo link_to("Print Invoice", "job_invoice", array("slug" => $job->getSlug()), array("target" => "_blank"));


<div id="invoice"></div>
コード例 #13

   <div id="hiddenAddPhotographer" style="display:none">
     <h3>Add Photographer:</h3>
     <label for="add-photographer-name">
       Photographer Name <br/>
echo input_tag("add-photographer-name", "", array("size" => 30));
echo input_hidden_tag("add-photographer-id");
echo button_to_function("Add", "addPhotographerToJob()");

	<div id="job-photographer-list">
include_partial("photographerList", array("job" => $job));


<hr />

<div class="info-header">Billing and Delivery <a href="#"
	onclick="javascript:$('#job-billing-info').toggle(); return false;">[tg]</a>
コード例 #14
ファイル: _topmenu.php プロジェクト: adatta02/comp190-code
echo input_tag("project-name", "", array("size" => 40));
 <br />
  <label for="project-create-new">Create new project</label>
echo checkbox_tag("project-create-new", 1, false);
 <br />

  <label for="project-create-remove">Remove from project</label>
echo checkbox_tag("project-create-remove", 1, false);
 <br />
echo input_hidden_tag("add-project-id");
echo button_to_function("Add", "addToProject()");

<div id="hiddenSearchByTag" style="display:none">
  <h3>Search By Tag</h3>
echo input_tag("search-tag", "", array("size" => 25));
コード例 #15
ファイル: _welcome.php プロジェクト: auphau/joyreactor
echo radiobutton_tag('mood', 'good', $sf_request->getParameter('mood') == 'good', array('class' => 'styled_good', 'onclick' => "onMoodSelect('good')"));
echo radiobutton_tag('mood', 'normal', $sf_request->getParameter('mood') == 'normal', array('class' => 'styled_normal', 'onclick' => "onMoodSelect('normal')"));
echo radiobutton_tag('mood', 'bad', $sf_request->getParameter('mood') == 'bad', array('class' => 'styled_bad', 'onclick' => "onMoodSelect('bad')"));
<div id="main_question" style="display:none; font-weight:bold;"></div>
echo textarea_tag('text', $sf_request->getParameter('text'), array('rows' => 2, 'cols' => 50, 'style' => 'display:none'));
echo button_to_function(__('Написать'), 'onSubmitWriteClick()', array('id' => 'submit_write', 'style' => 'display:none; margin-bottom: 10px;'));

<div id='registration_promt' style="display:none">
echo __('Теперь надо бы зарегистрироваться ;)');
echo $form;
echo __("*Для того, чтобы общаться, надо указать свою настоящую почту.");
コード例 #16
ファイル: nuevaCuentaSuccess.php プロジェクト: mediasadc/alba
<div id="item_provincia">
echo object_select_tag($cuenta, 'getFkProvinciaId', array('related_class' => 'Provincia', 'peer_method' => 'getEnOrden', 'control_name' => 'cuenta[fk_provincia_id]'));
</div>            </td> 
            <td></td> -->
if ($sf_request->hasError('cuenta{codigo_postal}')) {
    echo form_error('cuenta{codigo_postal}', array('class' => 'form-error-msg'));
echo object_input_tag($cuenta, 'getCodigoPostal', array('size' => 16, 'control_name' => 'cuenta[codigo_postal]'));

echo submit_to_remote('ajax_submit', 'Grabar', array('update' => 'nueva_cuenta', 'url' => 'alumno/grabarCuenta?vista=noMuestraMenu', 'script' => true));
echo button_to_function('Cerrar', update_element_function('nueva_cuenta', array('content' => '')));

コード例 #17

<form id="photography-info-form"
    echo url_for("job_edit", array("form" => 'photography', "job_id" => $job->getId()));
	<table id="photography-edit-table" style="display: none">
    echo $form["photo_type"]->renderRow();
    if ($job->getOther()) {
        echo $form['other']->renderRow();
    } else {
        echo $form["ques1"]->renderRow();
        echo $form["ques2"]->renderRow();
        echo $form["ques3"]->renderRow();
    echo button_to_function("Save", "savePhotographyInfo()");

コード例 #18
ファイル: jQueryHelper.php プロジェクト: slemoigne/sympal
function jq_button_to_function($name, $function, $html_options = array())
    return button_to_function($name, $function, $html_options);
コード例 #19
ファイル: listSuccess.php プロジェクト: adatta02/comp190-code
  <div class="box" id="list-container">
	<div id="now-viewing"> 
	  Viewing all projects <?php 
echo image_tag("loading.gif", array("id" => "ajax-loading"));
	<div id="create-project">
	 <a href="#" onclick="showProjectCreate()">Create Project</a>
	 <div id="create-project-form" style="display:none">
	   <label for="project-name">Name:</label>
echo input_tag("project-name", "", array("MAXLENGTH" => 44, "size" => 50));
echo button_to_function("Create", "createProject(); return false;");
	<div id="project-list">
include_partial("renderList", array("pager" => $pager));

コード例 #20
 * Returns an html button to a remote action defined by 'url' (using the
 * 'url_for()' format) that's called in the background using XMLHttpRequest.
 * See link_to_remote() for details.
function button_to_remote($name, $options = array(), $html_options = array())
    return button_to_function($name, remote_function($options), $html_options);
コード例 #21
ファイル: _jsupload.php プロジェクト: snouhaud/camptocamp.org
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo button_to_function(__('save'), "\$('.images_submit').hide(); \$('#images_validate_form').submit()", array('disabled' => 'disabled', 'class' => 'images_submit'));
echo input_hidden_tag('action', 'addtempimages');
echo input_hidden_tag('image_number', 0);
<span id="image_add_str" style="display:none">
echo __('add an other image');
echo form_tag('images/jsupload?mod=' . $mod . '&document_id=' . $document_id, array('id' => 'images_validate_form'));
<ul id="files_to_upload" class="legacy">
echo button_to_function(__('save'), "\$('.images_submit').hide(); \$('#images_validate_form').submit()", array('disabled' => 'disabled', 'class' => 'images_submit'));
$image_upload_js = minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/image_upload.js');
echo javascript_queue("\$.ajax({ url: '{$image_upload_js}', dataType: 'script', cache: true }).done(function() {\n  window.setTimeout(C2C.ImageUpload.init, 1000)});");
コード例 #22
  )) ?>
    <?php echo input_hidden_tag('task', 'clear-cache') ?>
    <select name="arg[1]">
      <option value="">all cache</option>
      <option value="config">only configuration cache</option>
      <option value="template">only template cache</option>
    for application
    <select name="arg[0]">
      <?php foreach($apps as $app): ?>
      <option><?php echo $app ?></option>
      <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php echo submit_tag('execute') ?>
    <?php echo button_to_function('cancel', visual_effect('blind_up', 'clear_selective_cache')) ?>

<div id="add_new_module" style="display: none;">
  <?php echo form_remote_tag(array(
    'url'    => 'sfControlPanel/taskExecute',
    'update' => 'feedback',
    'loading' => "Element.addClassName(document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0], 'waiting');",
    'success' => "Element.removeClassName(document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0], 'waiting');".visual_effect('blind_up', 'clear_selective_cache'),
  )) ?>
    create new module
    of type
    <select name="task" onChange="if (String(this.value).indexOf('propel') == 0) divdisplay ='block'; else divdisplay ='none'; $('propel_module_models').style.display = divdisplay;">
コード例 #23
   echo input_hidden_tag('name', $name);
   echo input_hidden_tag('type', $type);
   echo input_hidden_tag('count', $count);
   echo input_tag('new_name', $name);
   echo submit_to_remote('rename', __('Rename', array(), 'sfMediaLibrary'), array('url' => 'sfMediaLibrary/rename', 'update' => 'block_' . $count, 'script' => true, 'before' => visual_effect('opacity', 'block_' . $count, array('duration' => '0.5', 'from' => '1.0', 'to' => '0.3')), 'complete' => visual_effect('opacity', 'block_' . $count, array('duration' => '0.5', 'from' => '0.3', 'to' => '1.0'))), 'class=sf_asset_action_rename');
   echo button_to_function(__('Cancel', array(), 'sfMediaLibrary'), "Element.hide('edit_" . $count . "');Element.show('view_" . $count . "')");
   echo javascript_tag("Element.hide('edit_" . $count . "');");
   <div style="text-align:right">
   echo $size;
   echo link_to(image_tag('/sfMediaLibraryPlugin/images/delete.png', array('alt' => __('Delete', array(), 'sfMediaLibrary'), 'title' => __('Delete', array(), 'sfMediaLibrary'), 'align' => 'absmiddle')), 'sfMediaLibrary/' . $delete . '?name=' . $name . '&current_path=' . $current_path, array('confirm' => __('Are you sure to want to delete this ' . $type . '?', array(), 'sfMediaLibrary')));
コード例 #24
ファイル: configSuccess.php プロジェクト: navid045/maxlaptop
        <!-- Image section end --> 
    <div class="config-fields">
echo button_to_function('Save', 'save()');
echo input_hidden_tag('save_and_new', 'false');
echo button_to_function('Save and New', 'saveAndNew()');
if (!$isNew) {
    echo button_to('Delete', 'config/delete?id=' . $config->getId(), array('confirm' => 'Are you sure?'));
コード例 #25
ファイル: _List.php プロジェクト: nainit-virtueinfo/visymfony
echo input_hidden_tag('page', $sf_params->get('page'));
include_partial($oAppCommon->ssRenderListFileName, array('oAppCommon' => $oAppCommon, 'snCount' => $snCount));
<br />
<div class="menu"><?php 
if ($oAppCommon->ssShowDeleteButton && $snCount > 0) {
    echo button_to_function(__('Delete'), "if(deleteAll(document.frmList,'" . $oAppCommon->ssTitle . "','','" . __("Are you sure, you want to delete selected %sstitle%?", array('%sstitle%' => $oAppCommon->ssTitle)) . "','" . __("Select Atleast One Item") . "'))" . jq_remote_function(array('url' => $oAppCommon->ssLink . (strstr($oAppCommon->ssLink, '?') ? "&" : "?") . "ssAction=delete", 'update' => $oAppCommon->ssDivId, 'with' => 'jQuery(this.form.elements).serialize()')), array('id' => 'delete', 'name' => __("Delete"), 'title' => __('Delete')));
<div class="menu"><?php 
if ($oAppCommon->ssShowCreateButton) {
    echo link_to_function(__('Create'), 'document.frmList.action = "' . url_for($oAppCommon->ssModuleName . "/addEdit") . '";document.frmList.submit();', array('title' => __('Create')));

<!--Shows send Button at bootom  -->
<div class="menu"><?php 
if ($oAppCommon->ssShowSendButton) {
    echo button_to_function(__('Send'), "if(deleteAll(document.frmList,'" . $oAppCommon->ssTitle . "','','" . __("Are you sure, you want to Send Newsletter %sstitle%?", array('%sstitle%' => $oAppCommon->ssTitle)) . "','" . __("Select Atleast One Item") . "'))" . jq_remote_function(array('url' => $oAppCommon->ssLink . (strstr($oAppCommon->ssLink, '?') ? "&" : "?") . "ssAction=send", 'update' => $oAppCommon->ssDivId, 'with' => 'jQuery(this.form.elements).serialize()')), array('id' => 'send', 'name' => __("Send"), 'title' => __('Send')));
<!--End Shows -->
if ($oAppCommon->ssButtonMenu && $snCount > 0 || $oAppCommon->ssButtonMenu && $sf_params->get('module') == 'accounthistory' && $sf_params->get('money') == 'In') {
コード例 #26
  <div id="content-container" class="box">
  	<div id="now-viewing">
  	    Viewing job #<?php 
echo $job->getId();
echo image_tag("loading.gif", array("id" => "ajax-loading"));
  	<div id="revision-list">
echo button_to_function("View old revision", "diffNotes(" . $job->getId() . ")");
  	 <table class="job-table" width="100%">
foreach ($pager->getResults() as $jn) {
    echo radiobutton_tag("diff-select", $jn->getId(), false);
    echo $jn->getRevision();